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Games PC






2009-01-30 (by darth_ozomatli)


take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Files count:



2167.02 Mb




Hobzie987 (2010-07-03)

Any virus? Gotta be sure since no1 else have written any comments :P

iLuShn (2010-09-27)

Nope. nothing wrong with it when I downloaded it. Thanks Great Torrent!

tommi700 (2010-10-14)

i love this game

xtdoog (2010-11-07)

I am brasilian and I'm playing american football the first time! the game looks good

LiveWire612 (2010-11-15)

Not a Hater, but this is bull, I have done everything, and used every program to install this, and no matter what Ive done. it still says install original game disk.

LiveWire612 (2010-11-17)

Yup, everything Fails, Probably Just Vista, piece of shit waste of time OS...I need XP

what_ryan (2010-11-17)

it always freezes when i try to play a game

azikblaze (2010-12-05)

Well it "works" but crashes all the time so it's unplayable.

turski09 (2010-12-25)

I installed the game and everything, now i click on the game and then i clik "play" after i click on that this pops up " No disk insterted. Please insert the original "Madden NFL 08" CD/DVD. " Can someone please help me and tell me what to do?

crazydude62 (2010-12-27)

For those who are getting the Insert Disk Error You have to copy the min-app from the keygen folder and copy it to the madden folder to overwrite the original

turski09 (2010-12-30)

Ok i got it, thanks so much

Armenia1994 (2011-01-19)

Great Game!! Thank you

tessseract (2011-01-23)

Great Game. Too bad 2009-2011 aren't available on the PC. :(

monadfk (2011-01-29)

i try to copy and paste the 6.6 mb main-app and overwrite the10.3 mb original in the Madden folder. It finishes copying and overwriting, but the original 10.3 mb main application is still there!

temporarynachos (2011-02-08)

what is the 'original madden folder'? i have a folder with the keygen & crack that has the main-app in it but where do i replace it exactly?

bdawg20 (2011-03-27)

this game keeps crashing at the loading screen before a football game or practice. help?

nixmehta (2011-04-29)

This is the first time I am doing this... Downloaded and mounted replaced the crack but the serial is still being asked. What am I doing wrong?

orange7 (2011-05-02)

Some instructions would have been useful, some people are just immature.

orange7 (2011-05-02)

PROPER instructions
1. Download, via Dameon tools or Power ISO
2.When Prompted to insert a key run the keygen in the folder you downloaded
3.Move the crack into the install directory.
4. Play, currently working out how to play online.

nidzaaa (2011-07-07)

Common ppl plzzz seed im stuck at 50.somthinh% plzz seed!!!

pedrovca (2011-07-25)

I can't play it cuz when I open, appears a box who talks I need to put the CD, and it close the game. I downloaded the keygen, but I don't know how to put the crack on the game to it run. any help pls?

smknjoker (2011-07-27)

works great for me but my fucking ISP disabled my internet until I deleted the disc file from my comp. Thank god for external harddrives.

needseeders (2011-08-06)

game freezes after i select coin toss, it worked before, now it just freezes before games, no error report, any fixes??

devmar8 (2011-08-26)

I downloaded it but all i got were a bunch of files. Can someone please show me how to get the game to play. PLEASE. My email is:

eventguru1 (2011-09-03)

stuck at 92% help someone

torrentftw (2011-10-07)

Thanks for seeding everyone!! I can now download this in 40 mins

tbraybrook (2011-10-30)

Okay this was a fast download for me about a week ago. No viruses and works great. Burned with Power ISO. Runs on Windows 7 Ultimate just fine. Instructions by orange7 are good. Thanks orange7 and thanks darth_ozomatli for the torrent.

tbraybrook (2011-10-30)

Did you burn it as an image file or did you just try to extract the files from the image file?
I always burn the file then install. Try that. If you have problems I will try and remember to check this thread and help.

jasonkarl (2011-11-11)

Help downloaded everything and then it said i have to insert the original CD. Someone above in the comments said to copy the min-app from the keygen folder to the madden folder, but i don't know how to do that, someone please help and tell me how to do that?

Venganza24 (2011-12-30)

This has happened to me with both 07 and 08. I do everything in the proper order, keys work, mainapp.exe moved over, copied and replaced, and then it runs, but its loading and it freezes up. Any suggestions?

extracube (2012-01-21)

downloading now (in 2012)

extracube (2012-01-26)

seems to be working well, but have only tried the 'play now' option (not league).

justintrah (2012-01-27)

in the madden 08 folder i dont have the original madden app. its just the folders nothing else. So i cant replace the original with the one with the crack. Someone please help.

extracube (2012-01-27)

I went to C: -> program files -> EA Sports -> Madden NFL 08
and inside that folder is a list of files and other folders in the game. I just replaced "mainapp". If you can't see them, perhaps your windows is hiding it?

1t1s1t (2012-03-22)

If anyone can help, game works, great standard and simple install, however im trying out the superstar mode but everytime im in coin toss i have no idea what button to press to advance into a game! Animations in the background is fine as well as sound so i know its not frozen (or at least i dont think it is) so it has to be my end! any help is greatly appreciated! thx!

tripriplol (2012-04-18)

it always says it doesnt have space for the crack... help me out

qojids (2012-04-18)

I download it without any problem, but it's the first time i download a game and i don't know what to do at all !!
I tried to launch the mainapp.exe but it makes me a black screen and it opens a Fatal Error window. I also tried the keygen.exe and it openened a window with keys for the game, so i think this works.
Could somebody help me please !! :-)

Jesse420bitch (2012-04-27)

hope this works

KENHACKER (2012-09-19)


loisti (2012-09-22)

seed people seed pleas !!!

M4CZ1LL4 (2012-09-23)

game finished downloading in 26 minutes.. 1 mb/s

mihkel91 (2012-09-27)

Something is wrong , when I try to install the game(by using Daemon Tools) it recommends me to shut down all active programs. Evan if i do that , it wount start instalation. Only some black flashes.
Can somebody help me ?

mihkel91 (2012-09-27)

"Before continuing with the installation process,please close all running programs.
Click OK to continue, or Cancel to quit the installation and exit running applications."
Thats the text.

SrDimas (2012-10-05)

it says that i need to insert original disk, i have mounted and installed properly

cdr861532 (2012-10-25)

Game crashes before the coin toss......Any ideas?

Lentend (2012-11-14)

I'm on windows 7. I have done this three times. Same problem every time. everything loads, but then once I try to "play now" the game crashes and a window pops up say "Madden 08 has stopped working, windows is checking for a solution to problem". The system never finds a problem it just chooses to crash for no absolute reason. First I thought that I might have done something wrong myself, but nope. After 3 freakin tries I still can't play. Atleast it downloaded pretty quickly, but it was worthless.

Capn_20 (2012-11-25)

For anyone curious........ This torrent includes Keygen and Crack.

Hidonut123 (2012-12-18)

Awesome torrent, I got this downloaded in like 30 min. Too bad they didnt release madden 13 for pc.

kdemon17 (2012-12-21)

Thank you to all the seeders, will follow and seed when done. Currently at %20 in only 5 mins. Amazing.

ad2016 (2012-12-30)

hey for some reason when i am about to play i select my team and everything but when i start the game it shuts down and says Madden 08 has stopped working. plzzz help me just send me a email at

jvillneff (2013-03-06)

just downloaded this and got it all working - my problem lies withing trying to get my Logitech Controller to work - the game tells me i can not change - somebody pls help me

mr80 (2013-06-18)

Works great! thanks!

qpr123 (2013-06-20)


Jet-Five- (2013-09-20)

gpr123 cos your a fucking newb?

sopabad (2013-10-10)

@Jet-Five- And you're a faggot? Yes.

boberts (2013-12-30)

FYI, Malwarebytes identified a trojan in this. Of course there can always be misidentifications, but I removed it just in case.

pirutluva (2014-01-09)

Thanx for this!
I purchased this from amazon and i tried to install it but got error (you have used up all your installs please purchase it again) What FN CRAP! Screw ea By The Way Works On windows 7 X64 Just fine.

Markuss1998 (2014-02-01)

I install Game but i can't open the game WHY ?

Drakon_ (2014-02-26)

The "mainapp.exe" IS a virus.
I tested it in a VM, Netstat confirmed outgoing connections that weren't there on boot.
Double checked on WireShark, same thing.
Also Virus Total'd it.
"Win32 EXE Yoda's Crypter (75.7%)"
Crypter: Program designed to hide the real contents of a file, mainly used for viruses.

nignug (2014-09-30)

^Haha it's a crack you retard. Learn what false positives are.


1. Madden.NFL.08/Keygen & Crack/keygen.exe 53.00 Kb
2. Madden.NFL.08/Keygen & Crack/mainapp.exe 6.47 Mb
3. Madden.NFL.08/vty-0100.iso 2160.50 Mb