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Empire Total War Special Forces Edition-Razor1911




Games PC






2009-03-03 (by AiTB )



Files count:



12122.63 Mb




IceDeathBoy (2009-03-04)


slamakos (2009-03-04)

you are the best!!! thanks !!!

RDCMrT (2009-03-04)

BIGGGG game.
Almost the same size as GTA IV, happy i just upgraded my internet speed.
Tx !!!

combatmedic (2009-03-04)

Was waiting for this to come out, looking forward to playing. Thanks for posting!

Wainsten (2009-03-04)

THANKS!!! Man ur my hero Ill seed forever when Ive downloaded this xD

theluser39 (2009-03-04)


dingedavid (2009-03-04)

What we all been waiting for, finally!!!
But where's a distributor???

Supaking (2009-03-04)

does it hav virus or nething does it works

Nexforever (2009-03-04)

It's Multi?
Please respond....

skyman299 (2009-03-04)

lmao, 4 seeds and 2015 leeches. i think i'll wait a few days

yulatheterror (2009-03-04)

you are the best

Kirjah (2009-03-04)

Just saying. It's pretty evil to put an 11GB game in 177 multi-part rar, considering that takes well over 30GB to install in that case and significantly lengthens the amount of time to install, and BitTorrent itself hashes and verifies integrity.

-jr- (2009-03-04)

Dont download! Missing gun and cannon sounds.
Wait for proper release.

CHAOS100 (2009-03-04)

Someone needs to post a torrent for just the special units, so ppl who got the legit game but didnt want to fish out $20 for 6 units get to use em :)

herniator (2009-03-04)

Damn right, this isn't a newsgroup, it's 2009 and BitTorrent. UnRAR before uploading torrents you luddites.
Not to say I'm not grateful... thx AiTB

boulala92 (2009-03-04)

dude i must tell you... I think I love you !!!
thx for the up, i havve been pressing F5 for 3 days to see it coming !

Juggernawt (2009-03-04)

No, this release is confirmed with messed up gun, cannons and other war sounds. Avoid, especially if you're on Vista64.

ak2b (2009-03-04)

Hi guys, can anyone seed ? I'm only at 18,5 % :( I want this game!!! lol
Thanks in advance and good game to all ^^

RDCMrT (2009-03-04)

Well im dumping this one, what fun is a game without proper sounds.
Then the other thing is, that im downloading with 17 till 25 KB/s, i just upgraded my internetspeed so whats whit that :S !!!

StefanGavrila (2009-03-04)

I have no sound for for guns, cannons hand-to-hand combat etc. All I can hear is some environmental and unit voices and nothing else.
I read on some forum that there is a problem with the game and not the audio cards or drivers so i guess that a fix for this will be released soon.

yulatheterror (2009-03-04)

8.8% 140kb ETA 24hours.
thanks you everyone, i cant wiat to play it. hopefully tomorrow after school

StefanGavrila (2009-03-04)

Has anyone got passed the first mission of the "Road to Independence" campaign? After i win and the loading screen appears, it just goes for 10-15% and the after i waited for almost 5 min the game stops working.

Rhaza (2009-03-04)

It seems like it should be done soon, and you've helped upload heaps, is there a problem with that?

Alex_killer (2009-03-04)

Downloading 50 kb :(
2Days waiting !!!!

ak2b (2009-03-04)

Please fo god's love, seeeed!!! LoL I wannnt this game!!
PS: does it mounts with daemon tools ?

fdfilip (2009-03-04)

I have the game but havnt tryed out jet.. and i have xp..

Elesti (2009-03-04)

Can other teams please work on a more harddrive-friendly release? I don't want to have to free 30GB for this..

shaddarr (2009-03-04)

I also have problems with sound and game crashes after 1st missions of road to independence campaign, otherwise everything seems to be working fine.
Vista 32, i7-920, HD4870, gigabyte EX58-DS4 onboard audio

iheartcunt (2009-03-04)

Should i download?
Why doesn't the sound work for some of you?

fdfilip (2009-03-04)

they maybe have it like gta4 protection haha

UglyPilot (2009-03-04)

For those having sound issues, what is your spec?
For those NOT having sound issues, what is your spec?

guczy (2009-03-04)

Does anyone elses game freeze after the first battle of the road to independence campaign?

Jummesdfrf (2009-03-04)

Yes, mine freezes too. And is it just me or is this one very weird installation? It wants me to locate some files manually maybe 5 times during the installation and it never really says when it's done, it just closes and there is no exe. in the folder, not until I apply the crack?
Is this normal?

Janika1967 (2009-03-04)

Thanks for the uploader(I hope for it works :)).
So thank you! :D

TOTTITORKY (2009-03-04)

why the number of the seede very small

fire711 (2009-03-04)

Seed people dont be selfish, after you're done downloading keep seeding for a few days more people want this game.

fdfilip (2009-03-04)

do I have to copy from folder to folder or just take it al and copy in installation folder?

randydandy8221 (2009-03-04)

CarCar I had a similiar issue with the Demo. I have a Geforce 8600 GTS DX10 card, Core Duo, and 2g's or ram. I was assuming it's the Ram and have purchase 2 more gigs. 2 gigs is the minimum for Vista users.

randydandy8221 (2009-03-04)

So what's the verdict? Does it work? I understand we have to download and install the crack, and download and install the patch?

fdfilip (2009-03-04)

where do I put the sound fix file?

johansjg (2009-03-04)

I have the same problem as Jummesdfrf, anyone know how to fix this?

randydandy8221 (2009-03-05)

No worries. I'm going to buy the game this afternoon. I would have bought this game to support CA anyways. They make an awesome game. I am dissapointed in the choice of Steam as a DRM. Steam takes up too much system resources. Add that to a game this graphics intensive and that's a recipe for disaster.

fdfilip (2009-03-05)

after first episode 1 in road to independence i get error. do someone know why?

Alaron251 (2009-03-05)

Downloading this would probably be faster than buying this shit, Steam servers say they are 'down' when I install the legit version, fucking niggers.

fdfilip (2009-03-05)

hm why do i ctd,get crash to desktop

KokosNutt (2009-03-05)

Why is it only ONE that seeds??? :S
Seed ffs, i really want this game!! :D

hockeyfrillan (2009-03-05)

freezes at Take_cover0007.cur every time. does it exist any fixes or am i just stupid and doing it all wrong

noekk (2009-03-05)

Wopatoolie, you should disable Flash in your browser (manage add-ons), that's what I do to kill that shit, plus it makes pages load much faster.
By the way, does this mother fucker work ? I've been hearing bad things.

Rileyluck07 (2009-03-05)

why is DHT, peer discovery, and peer exhange all not allowed for this torrent, the other torrent i have downloading right now works fine :(

reefermadness1 (2009-03-05)

hmm.. ok YOU ASSHOLE why the fuck did you pack a fucking trojan with it. you corrupted my whole fucking windows install so now i only have my laptop left to warn people not to torrent this

yulatheterror (2009-03-05)

reefermadness1 is a nooooob

krisha (2009-03-05)

my dl is so sloooow :(

eulebln (2009-03-05)

reefermadness1 better don´t smoke so much shit...

oggy007 (2009-03-05)

Sorry but the setup.dat file is missing?
What tha fuck!?

fdfilip (2009-03-05)

any solution for the crash at the first mission yet?

oggy007 (2009-03-05)

This is awesome.. I cant get the fucking game innstalled, setup.dat file missing? WTF

oggy007 (2009-03-05)

Forgett the shit, im buying it.. Then i at least know thats it virus free, and ready to play when its innstalled..!;)

fdfilip (2009-03-05)

yeah its playble like this one haha..
got crashes to and sound problem. so go ahead.

jk289 (2009-03-05)

I installed the game, copied crack to the program file- empire total war folder.
but when i tried to run the game, a pop up says
"...failed to run...d3dx9_40.dll missing"
I reinstalled a few times but still no use, PLEASE HELP! thanks.

StefanGavrila (2009-03-05)

@jk289 you need to install Direct X or just download that dll from the internet and copy it in the game folder.

fisher0065 (2009-03-05)

everything seems to work fine for me after getting the sound fix, except of course the road to independence campaign. Grand campaign is fine except you can't play as the U.S. Is this another bug or is that just because I can't finish the tutorial?

Sharpy99 (2009-03-05)

keeps crashing maybe its the crack maybe its the game maybe it the release guess we will have to wait and c
looks good the 5 mins i get to play thou
p5n-e / q6600 quad
2 gig ddr 2 1066
bfg 260 ocx
soundblaster xfi

kekn06ab (2009-03-06)

I can't install the game... somehow the installation comes to a stop when it reaches the file "take_cover0007.cur". Any suggestions? Also, why does it keep asking me for the "Empire Total War_disk1_0.sid"? :/

psir1 (2009-03-06)

once you've extracted the iso files and run them this is what's going to happen:
1. The installer is going to ask you for: "sid" files, such as this: War_disk1_0.sid .
You'll find these sid files in your iso file (mounted with daemon tools).
Altough I'm having troubles with running the "disk2_1.sid" file, it won't run! I dunno why it doesn't run, anyone?

bobafett23 (2009-03-06)

Clearly a fake. All sorts of buggs and 18831 leechers, right!

Roeben (2009-03-06)

Opening disk 1 with 7zip gives an ''unspecified error''
In short: I cannot extract disk 1, is there a corrupt part? can someone diagnose or tell me how to diagnose the parts? if someone finds the part, can he/she upload that part separately?

psir1 (2009-03-06)

I also have problems with the installer stopping when it installs the: take_cover0007.cur file. This upload is broken. I wouldn't suggesting downloading it, wait for a better upload or buy the game

KEVORK89 (2009-03-06)

I've also a problem with the installation of can I resolve this problem?? tnx

Chaoticfist (2009-03-06)

Hi my fellow pirates, i know this is sort of pointless to ask here, since pretty much most of us are pirating this game. But please buy it, i pirated the last to total war games, and decided it was about time i bought the game.
When you have played this, please do CA a favor and buy it.

aeroplane22 (2009-03-06)

I'll more than likely buy this game in the future. I only buy quality games, and this is a quality game.
I have also thrown out my old value of buying a sequel because the previous game was better. These days, the sequel always seems to be mediocre at best. At least with Total War, I know they'll bring their tried and true presentation and quality, and just tweak a little. Not overhaul everything like many games where the Dev Team is a bunch of noobies with something to prove.
I save my money for those that deserve it that sell a quality product. This will most likely be one of those sellers.

viper2588 (2009-03-06)

Installed the game with no trouble, applied the sound fix as well. All seemed well until I tried out the campaign. The road to independence crashes crashes at the loading screen to the second level, and the grand campaign crashes at the loading screen before it even starts.
Any ideas?

dziban303 (2009-03-06)

Why the fuck am I only downloading at 20KB/s? I've been downloading since it came out and I'm only 35% done.
I wish I had the money to buy the fucking game. Torrents are ass.

bigbilll (2009-03-06)

I wish i could buy it also . wen i got the money il buy it for sure to support maybe the best game franchise ever (total war) .
Ive been downloading those files 42h non stop and im at 73% on 8 mbit connection .

yulatheterror (2009-03-06)

48hours straight, 93%

druidmv (2009-03-06)

Hey since this is the special forces edition. Has some1 found the special forces in the game? No luck for me yet :-(

sweaker (2009-03-06)

seed plz!!! im going nowhere, dowloading speed 8 k/bs :O

Tishar (2009-03-06)

Ok when i try to install with deamon, that simpack comes up, and i cant move any further ..

InterloopingJoe (2009-03-06)

Well said Aeroplane, I'm looking to buy this game too. I can''t seem to find it where I live though. But I can see where your coming from, games like this deserve a proper space in your shelf for over-achieving honored games. My brother goes crazy for the total wars series and I'm looking to make a comeback with this one.
Also, DL is so damn slow, 10kb/s and only 12% so far. :(

krisha (2009-03-06)

darn - i get 29kbs average dl speed - what up?

jubilee82 (2009-03-06)

fuck you man

Night79 (2009-03-06)

Dose it work with Vista 64bit??

vlindsio (2009-03-06)

I feel guilty for downloading this as without the support CA may not be able to release further titles, although I will be buying this in the future (when I can afford it) I will download it and promote it to my friends, I find that when I download, play and tell my friends about it, alot of them purchase the game itself, same goes for films aswell.... see ... piracy is not the problem... its the high price tags.

Manga69 (2009-03-06)

can somebody post a trainer with unlimited movement? thanks in advance!

viper2588 (2009-03-06)

How about you READ my fucking post, rather then the first sentence before you flame me and wind up with egg on your face?
The grand campaign doesn't work AT. ALL.
Having found nothing noted about it I was asking for help.

zzztgu (2009-03-06)

OK here goes:
to fix the campaign DO NOT overwrite any of the original files with the razor1911 files. Just copy them over but say no every time it asks if you want to overwrite.

Manga69 (2009-03-06)

zzztgu you're the greatest hacker of them all!

iT-RemeN (2009-03-06)

The game crashing or any sound issues are common problems and is problems of the game not torrent.
Some crash and sound issues will be fixed in future patches.

JJehan (2009-03-06)

thanx for seeding

ciroxyz (2009-03-07)

OMG, I'm putting this into my signature on every fucking forum out there!!!
"OK here goes:
to fix the campaign DO NOT overwrite any of the original files with the razor1911 files. Just copy them over but say no every time it asks if you want to overwrite."
This guy is proof that God does not exist. Cos if he did this guy wouldn't!!

iT-RemeN (2009-03-07)

ciroxyz is right.
and also any crashes you have is not because of torrent. This is how the retail version of the game is.
Full of bugs and hardware problems.

yulatheterror (2009-03-07)

ok everything works 100% except the second compain which is boring anyway. im got like 20 years in the world domination. fun game but it gets old fast.
what i did was put all he files in the razor folder in the right folders. however there are performance issues because of fucking steam

bigbilll (2009-03-07)

61h download non stop and im at 91% any advice on how too speed the shit up ...
I tested my connection and im getting between 8 and 9 mbits ...
Tryed getting the tracker from other torrent but it dont go any faster .
Any advice ??

painful..rectal..itch (2009-03-07)

okay fuckers I bought the retail at Wal-Mart; you douchebags saying the retail is fucked up are talking out of your assholes. It works fine out of the box. So go buy it or go pull your pud to your sister's friend's pic some more.

quebecois22 (2009-03-07)

So is the fix provided by ciroxyz for the crash due to the RTI campaign or crashes due to the grand campaign?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-07)

Can't wait to get my hands on it.
Thanks to the 6 people who are seeding, though i'm only getting about 25kb/s.
Any chance i could ask for a seeder?
Many thanks

theseus1234 (2009-03-07)

i downloaded this but i can't find the file to unrar. i just get a bunch of .001, .002, etc. files and an .sfv file
i can't find the file!!

theseus1234 (2009-03-07)

7-zip, but i use winrar , just open with winrar as ordinary files. (open with, choose winrar). Hope it would help. I use winrar 3.20
thanks for the help, but what file do i open with 7-zip, as i don't really know what to do.
i'm no stranger to torrents, but i'm confused with the lack of a .rar file

fire711 (2009-03-07)

Needs more seeds!! please seed people, i've been downloading 22 hours and i am still at 20 percent.

Zipkelly (2009-03-07)

Worst seed ever, !

Tishar (2009-03-07)

Ok when i try to install with deamon, that simpack comes up, and i cant move any further ..

yieldmanager (2009-03-07)

My version didn´t work either, my solution was simple, took the car to the local gameshop and bought the damn thing.

Yobo1987 (2009-03-07)

Isnt this version suppose to include codes to unlock a special unit? Or is it only in Sweden. Anyway i cant find that option. Help.

tinsterhk (2009-03-07)

guys, during installation it looks for CD Drive.Ink. Do you guys know where it is? It doesn't seems to be in DVD1 or DVD2.
Do I need to install STEAM before installing this game? THX

BigSniff (2009-03-07)

Last 10GB+ game I downloaded was the biggest POS around. I'll pass on this one until I read otherwise

alexsucio (2009-03-07)

!!!!!!!!seed please!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!seed please!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!seed please!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!seed please!!!!!!

Hogar313 (2009-03-08)


Elithrion (2009-03-08)

After I install and extract crack, and run empire.exe, literally nothing happens. The process for the game starts for like 2s and then disappears with no comment. Using Vista and a laptop a little over the min requirements.

tinsterhk (2009-03-08)

it works for me. Grand or RTI work fine.
I downloaded the sound fix but no sure if it really fixed the problem. During the battle, there are hundreds of men fighting but I only heard a few sword crossing sounds. I shouldn't be this quiet in a major battle.
Anyone can compare this crack version w/sound fix to a legal copy and let me know if there is any different?
I am willing to buy the game but just want to make sure it is worth it.

spazfreak (2009-03-08)

yes tinster i had the same problem the battle field was soooo quite no marching sounds at all but thats because it is the demo sounds here is the full sounds from the real retail game
remember to seed!

spazfreak (2009-03-08)

Super detailed install instructions: I hope it is clear enough to help out!
What you need:
The game files or course.
The real sound_fx files found on the internet or anywhere convenient.
The repacked Crack from Razor.
The episodic1.rar to fix a mission bug in the game
Now you should be good to go.
You should get 2 ISO images when all your stuff is extracted called DVD 1 and DVD 2.
What you have to do is to extract the files inside those ISO?s, use ISObuster or any other iso image program and extract all the files from these 2 iso images in a unique folder somewhere on your hard drive. Do not mount them with alcohol or deamon tools it is a waste of time.
Once the extraction of both dvd?s is done inside the same folder on the hard drive, copy the content of this folder into the Temp directory of your Hard drive which is normally this path.
C:\Documents and Settings\-\Local Settings\Temp
For your knowledge, the minus bar in the path represents your account name on your pc, as you can see the bar is my account name yours could be anything as example below.
C:\Documents and Settings\Elvis\Local Settings\Temp
If you want to go to the temp folder by clicking and navigating to it, you may have to enable show hidden folders options to get to the folder without typing the path.
To do this, you go on tool then folder options a new window will pop up then you click on the view tab. You scroll down just a bit and you are gonna see hidden files and folder and you are just gonna turn on show hidden files and folders. You will now be able to see all the hidden folders on your hard drive and get to that temp folder.
The reason why you are doing all of this is that you will not get the stop error message that the Razor installer will give you if you do not have the game files in all the same folder. It just saves aggravation on the install.
Once the files are all copied to that folder you can get back to the original folder you extracted all those files too and click and the setup.exe ( the pirate icon)
The razor installer will open, it may take some time as it has to install over 15 gb of stuff on your hard drive?it is time to go take a beer, have sex, listen to music, do drugs or surf for more pirate crap.
Once the install is over, the razor window will simply go away.
Delete the games files in the temp folder they are now worthless?
Game is installed, time to fix and crack!
Take the real sound_fx file you have downloaded it should be close or just a little bit over 819 mb, copy and paste into the Data folder where you have installed the game on your hard drive which should be this folder C:\Program Files\Empire Total War if you are using windows xp that is?
That part is done. You have fixed the sound issue in the game.
Now to crack the game.
You have to put in the razor crack which is the tricky part of the deal?but it ends up being real simple when you finally understand how it is done.
Unrar or unzip Razor?s crack on your hard drive somewhere. Do not unzip/unrar where you have installed your game, it will probably confuse you when you move the files around. Extract the razor crack in your documents folder instead?
You should now get a Razor1911 folder after extraction
Inside that folder you should have the following:
A folder named: config
A folder named : Data
An executable named: Empire.exe
What you need to do is this.
First you need to take the Empire.exe executable and put it in the install folder which should be this C:\Program Files\Empire Total War on your hard drive.
Then you put the config folder also in that C:\Program Files\Empire Total War folder.
Then you go inside the Data folder, copy all those files in there and put them in the Data folder which is located at C:\Program Files\Empire Total War\data. It is going to ask you to overwrite stuff?just say yes.
Game is cracked! You should not get those steamapi.dll error message?
Now to fix a mission bug in the game:
Unzip/Unrar the episodic file somewhere on your hard drive.
You wil

Manga69 (2009-03-08)

GRAND CAMPAIGN ALSO CRASHES! This happened when i(France) attacked Austria.

Orkem (2009-03-08)

Hey Awesome Upload works perfect
but is there away to get around the steam problem to view battle replays in the multiplayer location ?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-08)

Can i just ask, if i already own Steam and have a number of purchased games on there, is it worth the risk installing it on my account? And if not, how do i create a new account to install it on?
Many thanks all

bigbilll (2009-03-08)

U dont need steam account at all , i finished my download yesterday and installed like razor said and everything work like a charm exept the road to independance wich is a small quest bugged but the main campaign work sound work whit the fix ...
im even playing on high graphics shader 3 (4x 16x)
1280x1024 and my computer is 3 years old .
AMD athlon 4200+ 2gigram ddr 800 nvidia 7950gt 512m windows sp3 .

supertobis (2009-03-08)

omg this game is awesome but i can barely play it cus my pc aint that good but the game runs perfectly fine cept for the few sound things really simple installation too

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-08)

Thanks BigBill
Still in the 20% download region though :[

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-08)

@ BlackOrc
Just because you can't get it to fucking work, doesn't make it a "fucked up" release.
And what's with all the rage? Calm the fuck down. It's not our fault you fail at life is it?

Hellman109 (2009-03-08)

Actually fully working is pretty messed up...
1. You need hte episode 1 fix to play the road to independence or it crashes.
2. Still no full sound release

Zipkelly (2009-03-08)

Worst seed ever, Im downloading last 2 days 20 kB/s , Seed gosh

Silimaure (2009-03-08)

Everyone try to seed this game once you get it please! I will continue to seed for a couple weeks once mine is complete. I am only getting 20kbs-50kbs on avg... Normaly I am at 200kbs.

Olsein (2009-03-08)

NUKED as hell!, dont download, wait for proper

microbi (2009-03-08)

"Funny" - why ppl dl game that wont work?
Well ppl can do w/e they wont but still weird if you ask me.....

fire711 (2009-03-08)

It aint possible that there are 1392 seeders
& 21722 leechers and only nine people are seeding. Thats fucking selfish, please seed people.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-08)

@ BlackOrc
The fact you can't even fucking spell and that you're trying to call ME a moron is so moronic you bring a tear to my eye.
Now, back to the game.
You CAN get it working, read the large post from spazfreak.
And i already have the original sound file from the retail game, sent from a friend of mine.
So there's the sound fix. -check
The mission 1 fix? Google it retard. -check
And finally, the people who "CANT MOUNT IT WAH WAH WAH" are just either newbs or retards.
Now shut the fuck up and get back to actiang hard on the internetz.
And never insult a fucking release because you can't get it to work. 99% of the time, it's YOU, the downloader's fault, not the releaser's.

gregdigger (2009-03-08)

The grand campaign works for me, but im kinda noobish in strategy games, so please can someone upload unlocked version of this trainer?

The promo only sets your gold to 333, so its useless.
Or please post any other that works

gregdigger (2009-03-08)

Just found the razor trainer on gamecopyworld, so not needed any more

yowdog2 (2009-03-09)

wow ive been downloading this for days... still at like 20% wtf = ="

krisha (2009-03-09)

spend 5 days downloading only to find that it stops responding during install - bummer, guess i'll wait for a proper release.

blah6 (2009-03-09)

can this torrent be played ONLINE???

bigbilll (2009-03-09)

1: you need patience during install
2: u need a new computer
3:while installing the razor installer will stuck somewere but the install is still working look in your program folder your empire total war folder (while installing) youll see if u pass your mouse on the folder from time to time that the game is still installing and the folder is keep getting bigger .
Road to independance FIX
1.Install game
2.Grab the sound fix (proper) thats around
3.Copy over all contents of Razor folder, EXCEPT "episodic_1 folder".
Now everything is working road to independance.
Have Fun tested and working

bigbilll (2009-03-09)

too all the hater go to hell or trow your computer in garbage you dont have the QI to use it .
This release is fully working only minor bug not by the release go read on empire forum there is full of bug even on the original game .
1 mystake sound fix some people dont even have sound problem i had no canon sound installed the fix now its working .
2 mystake dont know why but the file episodic 1 is bugged just dont copy the episodic_1 files from razor and the road to independance will be fully working .
U get the game for free an have a little work to make it working and most of you keep crying for a fucking free game ...
I hate you whit passion you dont deserve to have the right to download free game fucking crying basterd .

Coltego (2009-03-09)

I have installed all the fixes, but still i get a message that says "The procedure entry point SteamFindServersNumServers can't be located in Steam_api.dll" when I try to start the game...
Any solutions?

mattfca (2009-03-09)

this torrent is slowwwwww... averaging about 8kb/s, sometimes more but only at 13% so far.

krisha (2009-03-09)

Thaks, i'll give it a shoot :) and I do not need a new pc, i have a monster that will run this game quite nice thank You.

bigbilll (2009-03-09)

u made a mystake while installing i never seem anything about steam while installing the game or atfter .
im 3/4 of the road to independance done
im 60 turn in grand campaign as the brits an not a single CTD yet ...

painful..rectal..itch (2009-03-09)

@bigbill you dickcheese fuck off you cunt face. go fuck your grandmother you skanky bitch.

bigbilll (2009-03-09)

Did u got your name from the last 12 inches black dick you got in your ass ?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-09)

Thanks zildjianrulez ;)
The only problem with the release is the lack of seeders. Average speed of 20kb/s.
Please, if you get the game, can you try to give something back and seed the game to others? Maybe leave Utorrent (or whatever you use) running and seed the game while you play this awesome game?

blah6 (2009-03-09)

can this torrent be played ONLINE/MULTIPLAYER??

bigbilll (2009-03-09)

blah6 nope if u want to play a game online u got to buy it ...
So u should go buy empire and support them :)

Wayne94 (2009-03-09)

should I really download this torrent? I guess I rather go buy it..

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-09)

Sorry...but yeah, THANKS! 500kb/s right now. 4 more hours! :O
I am totally seeding this until i reach my usage allowance. So that's about 30GB ;)

StarchaserX (2009-03-09)

can some1 tell me how to install? cause i thought there'd be like an .iso file or something, but all i got were a whole bunch of files i don't know what to do with.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-09)

Damnit, back to 1 seeder...
Anyway, Starchaser, you have to extract with winRAR

krisha (2009-03-09)

That proper soundfix - anyone have a link?

anaryl (2009-03-09)

This torrent was a bitch to install and get running. This can be attributed to the fact it's a monster of a game. I can confirm this release does work. I did have to run the razor installer three times, and I ended up downloading the repacked razor crack found here on TPB. Besides if it was easy to install it wouldn't be half as much fun :P

anaryl (2009-03-09)

Also, my game doesnt run from the games window in vista, I use the razor shortcut in the start menu, hope this helps

Goofan (2009-03-09)

am I the only one who doesn't get the setup.exe thing in? Or the crack... The only things I have in the Dvd's are rzr-etw1.001 - 092.. What's wrong?
Please help!

Gloax (2009-03-09)

pLease seed it, i have ratio 3:1 and i'm not finished downloading!

fire711 (2009-03-09)

I have been downloading 2 days & 7 hours and i am still 45%. please SEED. thanks.

Icarus1234 (2009-03-10)

Congrats, you have motivated my to NOT pirate since your torrent is so fucking broken.
This is a black mark on razor1911. If you have a shyte steam copy don't fucking upload it in the future.

Icarus1234 (2009-03-10)

And I want to make it clear, yes I did just read all 9 pages of bullshit. Razor1911s fault for using a steam copy, not Total Wars fault for having some bugs when shipped. (In other words I'm bitching about the unplayability of road to independence and NO FUCKING SOUND, HOW DO YOU RELEASE SOMETHING WITH HALF THE SOUND FILES NOT WORKING AND THINK PEOPLE WOULD JUST SHRUG)

Silimaure (2009-03-10)

I see where people is completing the download but not seeding for a hour even, seed the game so the rest of us can get it downloaded! I am stuck at 51% and 30kbs speed... blah help me out by seeding! I'll seed when I'am done.

thompa555 (2009-03-10)

woot! 20613 leechers for a crashed game?

daithi128 (2009-03-10)

i don't know why you guys are bitching so much. this torrent had only 2 problems. sound, and the RTI crash.
the sound was an easy fix, and once the RTI fix is out, then you'll be fine.
the install was easy, and it WORKS.
god, for a fucking FREE copy of empire total war, you guys sure do bitch a lot.

thompa555 (2009-03-10)

And btw, how the fuck do i install this shit with those rzr-etw2.2... ??? what extracter shall i use?

Icemate (2009-03-10)

Works fine for me.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-10)

I love the way that no one seeds it, yet they still have the cheek to come here and ask
Fucking retards.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-10)

And BlackOrc, have fun with the russian version. I hope you come to gamestorrentsfromrussia's problem.
Fight the french, and your game crashes completely, and only a hard restart works.
Dude, if it were that simple, we would have gone for it.

anakletor (2009-03-10)

I will wait and buy the real game. This one is just not working for me.

TheZ1123 (2009-03-10)

........ 7-17 hours of download...... i know it got 9.5 on IGN but is it 4 real that good?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-10)

Where the hell have the comments gone? o.O

Icarus1234 (2009-03-10)

I've got a third problem actually. I finally finished my first grand campaign turn.
After all the bullshit of downloading this torrent for 3 days, the sound not working the RTI crashing the game being choppy, I finally hit enter to go to the winter of 1700 and the mother fucking game freezes.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-10)

datupuki are you a cockmuncher or something?
Or is 10kb/s a fantastic speed?

sultanselim (2009-03-10)

Anyone tried this? Also tells you how to install correctly. Trying it as we speak...

Zibbbit (2009-03-10)

hope u fuckin fuckers ho download this exelent game get killed by youre own family.

eotrampage (2009-03-10)

max 5 seeders on at a time, dl goes 50kb/s max SEEEEEEED
To all whiners: RtI sucks, grand campaign is where the funs at.

Ghyros (2009-03-10)

Seed please. And download the fix ^^,

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

hello ,
I have a bit of a problem ,
I can't open the filles ( i now i am a noobie at this )
can someone help me step by step?
If it help i have a vista computer .
thanks !

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

i just downloaded : WinRAR .
Is that a good program ?
if not , Can you give link or somethink jackalbruce61 ?

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

ok , i have it , i am making 'archief'(in my langue ) is that good ? sorry that i am asking so much questions but i just want it to work :s

Ascarona (2009-03-10)

Second, these Razor torrents of Empire: TW are all poor quality, tried 3 of em and all of them would not even play a battle on poor quality (and yes I am sure that my computer can live up to it). Also the Road to Independence campaign does NOT work.
I reconmend to wait for a reloaded torrent of the game or from vitality, either its Razor or the game itself is loaded with bugs because I've been hearing that as well.
And yes, i am posting this in alot of torrents, how good of you to notice ;)

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

belgium , so , if it is finisht making archief i mount it with deamontools ( CD 1 )
and then i begin with CD2 ?
thanks for help btw

filipvitez (2009-03-10)

seed please im doin 40 kb/s

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

ah oké , ik heb al 1 map ( temp 1 ) met de WINrar-archief documenten in gedaan .
Nu bezig met CD2 omzetten naar WINrar-archief . maar dat duurt even :s nog 1uur 31 min wachten .
Klopt het tot hier ?

grqm (2009-03-10)

downloaded in 8hours and 29 minutes, great seeding, is the game working with the fix does anyone know that

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

wat ik heb gedaan is : alles geselecteerd en dan op rechtermuisknop gedrukt , vervolgens heb ik op : toevoegen aan archief . gedrukt :s

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

Bij mij is er een ganse reek files die niet geopened kunnen worden .(rzr-etw1.001)
zo volgen alle files , en ik kan ze niet uitpakken in iso :s

mattfca (2009-03-10)

wow, it's going a whole 10% a day now!

michiel1210 (2009-03-10)

Ik heb een heel veel files zoals :rzr-etw1.001
maar deze kan ik NIET openen . Ik heb ook geen iso functie :(

EnterBoy852 (2009-03-10)

seed plz

mello06 (2009-03-11)

I can't get it to work. The game is missing steamapi.dll file, among 2 other steam files. I tried to take them from the steam folder (the demo files) and the game would start, but then abruptly crash
Kind of surprising, I've never had any problems with Razors releases. Hope to see a proper release soon.

fermatrey (2009-03-11)

I have a problem . I install the game but when I want to play it I can´t find empire.exe into the empire total war foulder
somebody know what I am doing wrong?

fermatrey (2009-03-11)

yes.... i do copy the empire.exe that i found in the razon 1911 foulder and the rest of the files, to the empire total war foulder but when i run the .exe an error come up saying that d3dx9_40.dll file is missing...
I reinstall the game thousand times but everytime ocurred the same. what i am doing wrong?

furrya (2009-03-11)

get a close match name of your .dll and rename it after the one that is mising.... sometimes works (works on nfsmw for shore)

furrya (2009-03-11)

get a close match name of your .dll (another .dll with a close name- search on'sure find)and rename it after the one that is mising....

falle2 (2009-03-11)

seriously people this is going to take a month to download!!!
to those ego sob that just remove the download when there done... FUCK YOU!!! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO USE TPB!!!!

Mario890 (2009-03-11)

I got 40 kbs im being pactaint(spelling ahg) im at 70% with 12 hours left been dling for 3 days lol

lg1991 (2009-03-11)

wow, 5 day long dl and when i try to extract, i get an error saying i/o device error. i got owned lol

Pfmohr1 (2009-03-11)

You know this is really odd... I actually bought this game. I haven't paid for a game in years. Literally like 4 or 5 years. I think the last game I bought was HL2. I couldn't deal with the shit speeds of this though, especially knowing that everybody's having some serious issues with it. I'm ashamed to say... I bought this through steam. I know, I know, you don't have to tell me what a dumbass move it was. I fucking hate steam. But it only took me 2 hours to DL it, and I was able to patch right away. With that said, there are still some minor annoyances (needs more patching yet) but its amazing.

thebeav111 (2009-03-11)

lol lg1991, if you are using utorrent (which you should be, unless someone can tell me a better downloader), just force a check ont he download, you probably don't have to re-download, or is it a hardware issue?

Spitzmaulnashorn (2009-03-11)

Anyone else get to like the 13 or 14th turn on the grand campaign and whenever u try and load you save file your screen goes completely white, then crashes?

vascoa (2009-03-11)

fermatrey you need to install Direct X 3d, that's whaht D3D stands for, don't worry it comes included in the download... go to the folder "redist"..
Downloaded quite fast (seeding now) installled the game ok, no problems, woks fine..
But on mission to of road to freedoom, I can't get to the quebec and montreal cities, and so I can't procced to the next chapter... what's wrong?
I've installed and I've overwritten the chapter 1, with the RAZOOR edited files..:| It wasn't working before that either...
the top part of the map, that is canada, is inacessible.... the rest of the game works fine,,, and battles at sea are quite amasing:)..

vascoa (2009-03-11)

PS, try this site for more info on how to overcome crashes and bugs... game works fine for me... no crashes... and maybe one bug, or demo sort of thing...
as I sayed can't pass episode 2 of the road to indepence.. but maybe its just me... the rest works like a charm

vascoa (2009-03-11)

found the solution on mininova for the quebec/montrael issue here it is:
For map problem on Montreal and Quebec, here is the solution:
1. open the scripting.lua file in datacampaignsepisodic_3 with Notepad
search for "shroud_3_hud_gone" (ctrl + f)
there are some extra brackets and dashes around here that mess up the coding, all we need to do is remove them, they look like this:
--[[ ]]--
The script encased between these brackets is not executed by the game, and often used to disable faulty code in order to debug it. Obviously a scripter forgot to re-activate the code and left the brackets in.
After you're done the script should look like this:
elseif event_message == 2 then


save the file after doing this, and redo the last objective that should trigger Montreal and Quebec coming available.

Einhanderkiller (2009-03-11)

Pfmohr1, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Steam is a fantastic service.

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

I've got some problem with the installation of the game. When I install it i get a note that says "c:\users\-\appdata\local\temp\empire total war_disk1_0.sid" And my question is why? The file is in the folder and all.
I hope someone can help me!

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

Someone please help me!

fire711 (2009-03-11)

3 days 9 hours and i am still at 65%. Thats fucking pathetic, i am gonna go buy the fucking thing and never download a razor torrent again. And to all of you fucking selfish scum who download it and remove it immediatelly i have to say fuck yourselves and go die. You dont deserve to get anything for free.

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

@ bigpin
The game still doesn't work!

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

It's a problem with steam!
What should I do?

vascoa (2009-03-11)

This is a step-by-step walktrough how to get Empire Total War working properly with the Razor1911
release. So the Razor1911 release isn't the best release out there and a bunch of you cheap bastards
is having trouble get it running :)

Below I will go through the installation and well known issues regarding this release.



1. Download the

2. Mount or burn the img files.

3. Install the game by running setup.exe located in the disc1

A) If you recieve an error message about file missing (empire total war_disk1_0.sid) it is located
on the disc. Just press the browse button and navigate to the disc1 and the
empire total war_disk1_0.sid will be there. The same with the Empire Total War_disk2_1.sid
file but this is located at disc2.

4. When the installation is done, DO NOT APPLY THE RAZOR1911 CRACK FROM DISC1.

A) If you already have applied the the Razor1911 crack from before you can download the original
files from


B) Unpack it directly to main folder of Empire Total War directory - the files will be unpacked to
it's correct destinations by itself. Make sure you overwrite the old files.

5. Download the edited crack from


6. Unpack the file and copy the contents in the Razor1911 directory directly to your Empire Total War
directory - Overwrite the files.

7. Now download the file


8. Unrar the file and put sounds_sfx.pack into the data folder located in the Empire Total War folder.

9. Finally, play the game with the Empire.exe located in the Empire Total War folder. Shortcuts to
start the game has been reported not working. Only start the game with Empire.exe



Below i will go through some issues people's having with the game. I will also update this with
time with new fixes and problems.

Q: I get CTD (crash to desktop) when playing the Road to Independence Campaign

A: This has been confirmed is the orignal Razo1911 crack which is the bandit.
Fix it by downloading the the edited crack at:




Q: I've applied the edited crack but I still get CTD.

A: If you have applied the original Razo1911 crack the edited crack won't work.
You need to re-apply the orignial files from the game. Original files can be downloaded at:




Q: In combats I can't hear any sound from the musket and cannons.

A: Download the orignial sound files from:


Unrar the file and put sounds_sfx.pack into the data folder located in the Empire Total War folder


filipvitez (2009-03-11)

how do u get all does weird rzr-etw too one single ultra iso file?

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

My problem is that when i start the program it says:
C:\Program Files\Empire Total War\mss21.dll
Is not working and stuff. Why?

Crispy123 (2009-03-11)

Hi, I have downloaded the torrent and when trying to install, the installer runs for about 2 seconds and leaves me with a blank shortcut for the start menu and nothing else.
I have seen this posted many times but i have not yet found anyone who can help. If you havent downloaded the torrent yet i would advise against as there is a high probablility it will not work and no can help
Please post if you know anything.

MrHurricane (2009-03-11)

Here's a picture of the problem:

Owca052 (2009-03-11)

I have a problem after copy mss32.

DirectX - Installed
Any solution?

MrHurricane (2009-03-12)

@ jackalbruce61
It still doesn't work. :(
I really want to play this game too.

Owca052 (2009-03-12)

I reinstall game, and now work perfectly. Thx jackalbruce61.
@MrHurricane: Maybe you download his file

Owca052 (2009-03-12)

... and copy to main folder.

StenSture88 (2009-03-12)

Ye I got CTD right after launch. The game have worked since I downloaded it 4 days ago. But today I get this. I suspect that steam got something to do with this or something.

grunvei (2009-03-12)

wow, you guys are addicts.
17000 leechers for a nuked release.

MrHurricane (2009-03-12)

Im going to reinstall every thing now so I hope it works! :)

Terrial (2009-03-12)

Try to have a ratio of @least .500, this is p2p file sharing ppl ~ seriously 3213 leechers & only 640 seeders - that's very bad

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-12)

Cheap bastards decide not to seed yet come back here to ask for help. Well learn to set up the game yourself you fucking retards.

lg1991 (2009-03-12)

this may be a stupid question, but how do you uninstall the game/ i havent got an unins for this game and it doesnt show up in control panel for this game

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-12)

0n1n3 that's an extremely selfish thing to do. Not seeding it because YOU can't get it to work. Look on the internet, using your fave search engine. There's RTI fixes, sound fixes, and every other thing you need. And then as for everything else, it's more likely to be down to your computer.
But you wasted everyone elses bandwidth to download this, and then because you can't get it to work, you just don't decide to seed and try to blame the Raz0r 1911 guys.
It's amazing how they release so much great stuff, but the moment people can't easily install it or get it working, you guys turn your backs on them and cuss them/their realease out.

lg1991 (2009-03-12)

jesus this is a nightmare. i got an error saying steam app.dll could not be found, so i copied it there from my steam folder, then i got mss322.dll could not be found, so i dl tht dll file and copy into my etw folder. then, when i run the game, i get an error message saying tht the entry point could not be located in the dynamic library mss32.dll. any1 know where i went wrong or what the fucks goin on?

hitman122967 (2009-03-12)

need more seeds!!!!

alarm1978 (2009-03-12)

Crack from Razora not to put!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alarm1978 (2009-03-12)

Crack RAZOR For MANY CAUSES FLIGHTS And not CORRECT work.install crack indicated hardly higher
P.S.I am sorry for bad English

alarm1978 (2009-03-12)

Crack RAZOR For MANY CAUSES FLIGHTS And not CORRECT work.install crack indicated hardly higher
P.S.I am sorry for bad English

alarm1978 (2009-03-12)

who needs a worker, tested kryak write on,readers link.In a comment reference why that is not put

alarm1978 (2009-03-12)

who needs a worker, tested crack write on,readers link.In a comment reference why that is not put

eotrampage (2009-03-12)

been downloading for a WEEK now, SEED DAMMIT

Valhalla1759 (2009-03-12)

Quit your goddamn bitching and learn to read. And if you're too stupid to figure this shit it out go buy the fucking game and quit littering the board with your useless tripe.
And for those of you complaining about seeders, I downloaded last night in under 7 hours and have already seeded 100%. Maybe it's time you moved out of the basement and got a better ISP?
Thanks for the upload
Thanks for all the helpful comments
Rest of you scrubs can go fuck yourself.

Carlito111 (2009-03-12)

seeeeed!!!! :D:D:D

LaWey (2009-03-12)

If you download 11.8 GB you seed 11.8 GB back!

theweez16 (2009-03-12)

Has anyone gotten Multiplayer to work? I have installed Steam and have it running and still get an Error that the game "Cannot start networked games without Steam running and to start Steam and restart the game"
Anyone help me? I just want to play networked with my roomates?

Silimaure (2009-03-13)

I agree with LSD I am not giving out any tips or help on this file because people aren't seeding it, I bet the only ones that are really seeding is the ones that know how to install it.
So if you people want to be jackasses and download, install, deleters. Don't come on here looking for help because you aren't getting any help from me unless I see more seed/leech!

eotrampage (2009-03-13)

Its finally finished, still sharing but I need some help. Im playing the netherlands and select the first fleet and attack the closests pirates and the game crashes to windows.
At first I though that it was my PC but then I tried seabattle tutorial and it worked. Anybody got a fix?

sterimar (2009-03-13)

Hey guys. When we are gonna have a proper release?

Mario890 (2009-03-13)

y is the sound for the combat not there

lg1991 (2009-03-13)

could some1 have a look in there install folder and tell me if they have these files and of so, whta versions of them they have?

LaWey (2009-03-13)

I have a weird problem that I can't find an answer to. This is what I do / what happens:
-I use WinAce to extract the files, first DVD1, then DVD2.
-It looks like the program's not responding, nothing's moving and the wheel keeps spinning.
-After a while there's a loud "beep"-sound and extracting stops.
-The same happens for both DVD's, but the full-size .iso-files (7,74 & 4,14 GB) appears in sub-folders, so I believe extraction is succesfull.
-I mount the .iso-file using daemon tools, I open the "disk" and run setup.exe.
-Setup creates C:\Program Files\Empire Total War.....but nothing's in it. It also creates another Start menu folder: Razor 1911\Empire Total War....this folder now contains a shortcut file called Empire Total War, size: 697 bytes. Then nothing happens....
I've checked if something's still running, it's not.
I've tried running setup.exe several times.
I've deleted the .iso-files and extracted the .rar-files again, same result.
I've restarted, closed all other programs (so I'm not seeding at the moment).........
Yet NOTHING'S happening.......nothing........
A little bit of help from someone way smarter than me please......?!
I'll seed to 3.0 at 1mb/s when done.

spazfreak (2009-03-13)

la wey did u try using another program? i used power iso and mine works perfectly

LaWey (2009-03-13)

I installed Power ISO, and unlike daemon tools (which have never given me problems before) it gave me an indication on my problem.....
Power ISO said it couldn't find I'm extracting the files from the "disk" to hard disk, hopefulle then files can be found and things will work out;) Thanks man, may use power iso from now on:p

LaWey (2009-03-13)

Turns out the mounting tool is not the problem...
But at least I'm getting some kind of error messages now... Will try other programs for extracting "tomorrow"....almost time to go to work now.....

thedude29 (2009-03-13)

LaWey this will solve:

InterloopingJoe (2009-03-13)

Why can't the PC or game section for that matter be like the movie and TV section, they really treat each other right. Seed dammit.
This is gonna be like the Witcher when I DL'd it last summer, took exactly 29 days and 15 hours which was like a whole month. >=(

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-13)

Too right Silimaure!
And what's fantastic is that i left it running yesterday, got in and found it on 91.9% but the speed had cut off. Turns out the internet had gone down in the area, and i'm only just now back online.
Bringing my total DL time to 8 days :|

zerpakovskas (2009-03-13)

what is the password of the rar archive ?????

cevaso (2009-03-13)

thanks!! great game!!
everything is working
greetz combarcrea

zerpakovskas (2009-03-13)

plz :( ... can't extract DVD1.rar and DVD2.rar it's protected by a password >_< ........ ~

kvalheim (2009-03-13)

What should i do???
The DVD1 and DVD2 folders only has som files like this: 001-file and a SFV-file

kvalheim (2009-03-13)

sorry for my bad english....

LaWey (2009-03-13)

Even though the files ends on .001, .002 , and so on,they are .rar files. You have WinAce/Winrar, or something like that?
If you right-click on one of them and "extract" is not an option, then you need to open the program yourself.
-Open your program and find the directory you downloaded to.
-Mark rzr-etw1.001 and click extract.
-All files in that directory will now extract to given location, and an image file (.iso) will appear in a sub-directory......

kvalheim (2009-03-13)

oh...think i've done that before, but it's a long thime ago. Thanks anyaway

doomjack6 (2009-03-13)

well, I downloaded the new crack, sound fix, and episodic_1. So on everything worked but ... when i tried sub armies( 10+22 soldiers) then the game crashes. it says something " windows has stopped working.." and goes to desktop.
If someone knows a solution then plz let me know.

Dino1540 (2009-03-13)

I got a problem when i start the Empire total war
when i start the program it comes to the Information script in the beging of the Game and maybe 30 seconds after that it says Empire total war has stop working
I got Vista i had same problem with CoD 4 on steam
somebody know this problem?
Sorry for my bad english

BigBling (2009-03-13)

Been playing for a week now and im bored of the game. Bought the special edition on the release date. Cost me 600 Swedish krona. (~60 euro). Should have dl it insted....

kvalheim (2009-03-13)

Need some help over here!
I trie to download th Razor1911edited.rar but i always get this message:
User downloading session limit is reached. Please try again in few minutes.

Dino1540 (2009-03-13)

Khal i got the same problem
i need to follow vascoa intrucitions for its not says Empire total war has stop to working

LaWey (2009-03-13)

I'm VERY close to giving up installing this version, HELP please. This is what I do / what happens:
-I use WinRar to extract the files, first DVD1, then DVD2. Unlike WinAce WinRar works perfect.
-The full-size .iso-files (7,74 & 4,14 GB) appears in sub-folders.
-When I mount the .iso-file using daemon tools, I open the "disk" and run setup.exe.
-Setup creates C:\Program Files\Empire Total War.....but nothing's in it. It also creates another Start menu folder: Razor 1911\Empire Total War....this folder now contains a shortcut file called Empire Total War, size: 697 bytes. Then nothing happens....
-When I run setup.exe through Power ISO it says "can't find setup.dat", and I can't browse to "show it" where it's at.
I've checked if something's still running, it's not.
I've tried running setup.exe several times.
I've deleted the .iso-files and extracted the .rar-files again, same result.
I've restarted, closed all other programs and so on.....
I've even copied all files from .iso-"disk" to the harddisk and tried running setup.exe, it still just stops, and nothing happens.
If ANY of you have a suggestion on what to do/try; please respond!!
I'm seeding 1mb/s and ratio is now past 2.....but soon I'll go for another version and delete this one.

hermodtuft (2009-03-13)

got tired off whaiting for propper release.. so i went down to the store and bought it.. That make it the first computer game i have bought in approx 5-6 years :D:D:D:D

mustangboy101 (2009-03-13)

Does anyone have a working Serial that i can have?

LaWey (2009-03-13)

I have another general question as well, and there are many guys bitchin' about slow DL:
I have fiber optics at home and a really fast line.
Yet, when downloading this torrent speed was bouncing between just 20-60 kb/s.
I realized I had put Maximum Upload Rate to just 10 kb/s for some reason.
I changed this to 500 kb/s and also seeded a couple of Metallica albums.
After that DL was between 200-600 kb/s, about 10 times faster. I GOT more by GIVING more.
Anyone know the "formula" for how this works?
I guessing it's a relationship between what you're giving and the you know?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-13) cheeky bastard...
You want to play online? GO BUY THE GAME!

Dino1540 (2009-03-13)

i have put in the Empire crack from razor in the Empire folder and when i start the game it comes to INFORMATION WINDOW WITH SEGA AND BLA BLA BLA YOU KNOW

doomjack6 (2009-03-13)

ahh, im giving up.!!
its game starts now to crash in every way. By playing the grand campain and the way to independence the game always finds a new way to crash and stop working.
But i still not so rich to buy it.. :D

eotrampage (2009-03-13)

Ok i tried EVERYTHING.
Got it to work at like 75%, couldn't do any battles in grand campaign :( (while I can do both tutorials)
Also trade values are 10 times as high as they should be.

LaWey (2009-03-14)

I'm out on this one......
Seeded back twice, but couldn't even get install.exe to run......hours well spent......
Hope for a better release soon.....

Xrick (2009-03-14)

when I start the game via the Empire.exe it says:
This progrem could not start cause d3dx9_40.dll could not be found. This problem might fix if u reinstall the program.
I got windows xp in swedish so I don't know if the translation was correct. WTF SHOULD I DO?!

Plutark (2009-03-14)

waiting for RELOADED!! please come soon:) This game costs around 100$. Yes, it's true. I am not kidding.

Plutark (2009-03-14) my country that is

AbilSala (2009-03-14)

Works great. The Missions "Road to Independence" dind't work. And in normal mode after some time some units are buggy and crash the game.
But the rest runs Great.

alarm1978 (2009-03-14)

At whom game takes off, lags and brakes download this crack.... Game reinstall. From crack razor use only simpack.This crack corrects problems with game and a start after the first mission "for independence"

alarm1978 (2009-03-14)

Remove superfluous points from the above-stated reference

PlaidCactus (2009-03-14)

I cant seem to get this one to run at all. I can open both the dvd 1 folder and dvd2 folder but all there is in each folder is a bunch of .001/other numbers and an .sfv file. Im assuming the .sfv file is not supposed to show up as such, does anyone know how to fix this. I currently cant open or run anything.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-14)

Got the game, finally after over a week.
Woorks perfectly, including Road To Independence. Sounds are fine, after the sound fix of course.
What the fuck was all the fuss about? The game works FINE!
Prblem is, i don't have an awesome computer so i have to run in average settings.

Falkkon (2009-03-14)

Agreed. With proper fixes this release works fine. Thanks for the up, AiTB. Installing it kind of reminds me of the steam release of Fear 2 though, just with a neat installer.

Falkkon (2009-03-14)

Plaid Cactus: .001-060 are .Rar files, open with WinRAR, extract and you'll have a pair of ISOs. Even better, associate .001, .002, .003 with WinRAR in the first place and you won't have to worry about it.

0nurato (2009-03-14)

bij mij doet hij het niet als ik hem download

Tris21 (2009-03-14)

Works fine. Some of you are over complicating it and others are just mongoloids who have apparently never installed a game before.

Movies155 (2009-03-14)

Here guys, this torrent is still working and it explains how too fix your episode 1 crash

xebz (2009-03-14)

Downloaded in less than a day, game works perfectly. Thanks.

Silimaure (2009-03-14)

This torrent works fine for me, downloaded the sound and patch fix and applied after intalling, no crashes & no bugs period, I have my graphic settings set to ultra and aa is x16 runs smooth. Thanks for the upload!

richard45364 (2009-03-14)

Xricks. I just gooled the name of that dx9 thing and downloaded it put it in the game directory and it worked.
here's the link

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-15)

Yeah, Richard....OR you could have just used to one provided, and installed the new DX9 update...

ikilleduku (2009-03-15)

I have a question, I'm from Engalnd and I wanted to know if torrent I download count towards the download limit set by my provider. Thanks in advance.

asa12985 (2009-03-15)

I have a problem with the text in the game. I am able to play and do everything except I cant read as the text doesn't display in the menu and I don't know what I am clicking on. Can anyone help pls!!

fermatrey (2009-03-15)

how can i run the game with better gaphics options than medium?

Silimaure (2009-03-15)

Go into options and set graphics up or buy a better video card.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-15)

To answer peoplees questions.
Yes, it will count towards your download limit, and make sure you're with a GOOD ISP because the "bad" ones, like BT, TalkTalk etc, WILL actually block/slow down your speeds drastically.
And @ that other guy who can't see the writing, you need to download the patch. Raz0r Dox released their own, but you will need a FRESH install of the game. So if you've already applied sound fixes etc, you can't use it until you re-install.
And finally, the special forces are crap anyway, but i would also like to know where they are. If you go to the official website, there's a FAQ about it, saying you have to enter your serial that steam provided.
If anyone finds how to get them, please post here.
So have fun you lot.

Tactical__ (2009-03-15)

Very slow dl for some reason, max 30 kb/s most of the time.

assholesandelbows (2009-03-15)

download bounced around 100kb/s but after tweaking some options got it up to 1.2mb
which cut what was 3-4hours left to 15 minutes
with the install the only hiccup i had was it saying a disk0_1 or what have you, was missing. its not, youll find it under your emulated drive, or the iso you have mounted if you will
afterwards i downloaded and installed the edited crack, game works so far, played the first part of road to independence and the two tutorials
as for sound, there is no cannon or musket shot noise, so im currently downloading that fix and will post my results
if the sound issue is fixed with this file im downloading now, then its safe to say this game overall works perfect
im running windows vista 64 btw

RawThang (2009-03-15)

Save yourself the trouble and wait for a proper release.
Once you get this one to work you can play it for a couple of days, but you'll surely reach a point where the game will constantly crash, and you can try all the fixes out there without success.

assholesandelbows (2009-03-15)

game crashed...sort of
after playing a few hours on the grand campaign i was preparing to siege a city, the loading screen came up for the battle, but never went away, i could hear my units talk as i clicked on them or moved my cursor around, but the load screen would not go away
and as for the sound fix ive downloaded the files, havent tested them, will do so tomorrow

Angantyr86 (2009-03-15)

I just stole my copy from Wal-Mart. I recommend it to everyone. ;) Don't forget the registration code.
Make sure you aren't a dumbass, too.

krisha (2009-03-15)

wait for a fix - i've been playing the grand campaign for like 12 hours - but now the game crashes when ever i try to start the campaign - the saved one and a fresh no matter :(

frifrau (2009-03-16)

sorry for my bad english. Works fine for me.
I install with razor and, when stock in cursor007.cur( something like this) I close simpack.exe in task manager. after this I copy all in directory razor1911 for empire war. works fine at now.

culhao99 (2009-03-16)

This Does Not Work...

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-16)

Fucking hell, how can you retards say "this does not work" when it works PERFECTLY!
Just because YOU are unable to work it, it does not mean it wont work.

regis888 (2009-03-17)


noxion (2009-03-17)

and that is appropriate to write here because?

regis888 (2009-03-17)

@noxion are u tarded man?
how to install it in another language or translate the txt in french,german,polish,italian?

mariano123456 (2009-03-17)

amazing speed thx seed and aitb

minisemi (2009-03-17)

Can any kind soul explain to me why I only get a bunch of rar. files and no exe. att all :) do I need to download it again or..?

assholesandelbows (2009-03-17)

game crashes everytime i try to play now, good advice to not download

yulatheterror (2009-03-17)

the game itself is not that good as i thught it would be

kotz (2009-03-17)

i just love it.. it says with LARGE TEXT NUKED, and still there are over 10000 leechers....... hahahahahahahahahahaah

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-17)

For those of you who can't get it to work, i found the perfect fix. There's quite a lot of seeders too. I got around 300kb/s average.
Anyway, go to and search for "empire total war".

hilikusturbo (2009-03-17)

ddaaaaaamn..! it's getting harder to play ripped games every day..! i'm having a lot of bugs with this and with others new ripped games, n i have a mountrous pc..!

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-17)

Ive been at this for ours now, and i cant get it to work. First it asks for steam_api.dll and when i get that file the game says it cant find my steamclient-something in the dll-file, and then crashes.
Also, what does the Razor-installer do? After I install with it what am I suposed to do??
And for all you retards:
1. No I cant spell in english, Im from the land of honor and heroes.
2. Yes Im a noob at this, everyone are when they begin. And if you cant explaine how to get it to work, and only says its easy I will asume your a noob to.

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-17)

"Det går inte att hitta procedurstartadressen SteamUserStats i DLL-filen steam_api.dll. "
Wafan gör jag??
"The procedurestartadress SteamUserStats in the DLL-file steam_api.dll cant be found"
WTF am I to do??

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-17)

hilikusturbo this isn't a rip. It's just the original game. And here's something for you lazy bastards who can't install it can't be arsed to go through previous comments, and just sit there and complain over a FREE game.
This was made by JO, and posted first hand by spazfreak. Thanks to both of you for it, helped me out a lot.
" spazfreak at 2009-03-08 00:18 CET:
Super detailed install instructions: I hope it is clear enough to help out!
What you need:
The game files or course.
The real sound_fx files found on the internet or anywhere convenient.
The repacked Crack from Razor.
The episodic1.rar to fix a mission bug in the game

Now you should be good to go.
You should get 2 ISO images when all your stuff is extracted called DVD 1 and DVD 2.
What you have to do is to extract the files inside those ISO?s, use ISObuster or any other iso image program and extract all the files from these 2 iso images in a unique folder somewhere on your hard drive. Do not mount them with alcohol or deamon tools it is a waste of time.
Once the extraction of both dvd?s is done inside the same folder on the hard drive, copy the content of this folder into the Temp directory of your Hard drive which is normally this path.
C:\Documents and Settings\Lysander\Local Settings\Temp
For your knowledge, the minus bar in the path represents your account name on your pc, as you can see the bar is my account name yours could be anything as example below.
C:\Documents and Settings\Elvis\Local Settings\Temp
If you want to go to the temp folder by clicking and navigating to it, you may have to enable show hidden folders options to get to the folder without typing the path.
To do this, you go on tool then folder options a new window will pop up then you click on the view tab. You scroll down just a bit and you are gonna see hidden files and folder and you are just gonna turn on show hidden files and folders. You will now be able to see all the hidden folders on your hard drive and get to that temp folder.
The reason why you are doing all of this is that you will not get the stop error message that the Razor installer will give you if you do not have the game files in all the same folder. It just saves aggravation on the install.
Once the files are all copied to that folder you can get back to the original folder you extracted all those files too and click and the setup.exe ( the pirate icon)
The razor installer will open, it may take some time as it has to install over 15 gb of stuff on your hard drive?it is time to go take a beer, have sex, listen to music, do drugs or surf for more pirate crap.
Once the install is over, the razor window will simply go away.
Delete the games files in the temp folder they are now worthless?
Game is installed, time to fix and crack!
Take the real sound_fx file you have downloaded it should be close or just a little bit over 819 mb, copy and paste into the Data folder where you have installed the game on your hard drive which should be this folder C:\Program Files\Empire Total War if you are using windows xp that is?
That part is done. You have fixed the sound issue in the game.
Now to crack the game.
You have to put in the razor crack which is the tricky part of the deal?but it ends up being real simple when you finally understand how it is done.
Unrar or unzip Razor?s crack on your hard drive somewhere. Do not unzip/unrar where you have installed your game, it will probably confuse you when you move the files around. Extract the razor crack in your documents folder instead?
You should now get a Razor1911 folder after extraction
Inside that folder you should have the following:
A folder named: config
A folder named : Data
An executable named: Empire.exe
What you need to do is this.
First you need to take the Empire.exe executable and put it in the install folde

thefrozen999 (2009-03-17)

Crashes back to desktop when I run the exe.Does not work.Updated with razor update, sound fix....but nope.

thefrozen999 (2009-03-17)

My apologies, first I have manually replaced every file and not all once.Now works.

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-17)

WTF? Do you think Im retarded? I have followed that walkthrow before, and I have tried the other long one. I did it once again now to make sure I hadnt missed any misstakes.

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-18)

I see loads of people have the same problem, at least 10 people on flashback had the same problem as me (first steam_api.dll and then steamuserstats)
Has anyone got a FIX for this?

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-18)

Funny so many x-treme haxor fuckers making fun of people that cant make this shit work, and no-fucking-one of them have a solution to the major prob people are having.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-18)

Who the fuck mentioned "x-treme haxing"
It's just common sense.
If you're getting that problem you're doing domething wrong. Did you extract the files to the temporary folder properly?
Did you get the other folders from the crack directory?
"no-fucking-one of them have a solution to the major prob people are having"
I don't see much other people with that problem. So stop trying to pass the blame, and actually do your own work hunting for a fix.

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-18)

Yes I did every step, twice now.
I see lots of people with this problem.
No, im tired of this now, I will buy the game instead. If I had been working instead of trying to make this shit work I could have bought 10 copies. Stupid sod it seems.

profanum_vulgus (2009-03-18)

Yes Im very interested of seing you put yor litle cheesdoodle in that fat fucking whore.

Mario890 (2009-03-18)

this works fine despite the sound and episodes but its still free
Sound fix:

mattfca (2009-03-18)

I've done all the fixes, now the game plays for 10 minutes and crashes.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-18)

Sorry to add to the shitstorm of problems, but I cant even get the files extracted into .iso format.
I have torrented several games before, and every time, using 7zip to extract all of the dvd.001 fileshas worked fine. Now, whenever I start to extract them, with or without the .sfv, it says "CRC failed in 'rzr-etw1.001' File is broken"
What should I do? Thanks in advance.

andy72184 (2009-03-18)

@Alkaios11211, GIVE UP because this game is fucking boring, why the fuck are you all still getting this pile of shit? NERDS!

armada100 (2009-03-18)

Anyone Please help!!! Everything works fine after sound patch, episode 1 fix, but on the grand campaign the game freezes on the loading screen when moving into realtime. This only happens on the land, naval battles work fine. This is a real downer! NEED HELP!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-18)

Does anyome else have a solution to my problem? I've enjoyed the rest of the total war series and this one really looks promising, but I wont be able to buy it for some time. Any helpful comments are appreciated.

mattfca (2009-03-18)

i just defragged and it works perfectly! :))))))

thefrozen999 (2009-03-18)

Well, it is only a ,,ship and wreck''game.Good for nerds.For me, it is a completely waste of bandwith.Please download Warhammer Dawn of War 2-that's the real deal and the real RTS/RTT action title.This Empire is as boring as an economical simulator.

jiixo (2009-03-18)

not workin on me. unknown files i can't do nothing to them, i can't extract.
i need help... =(

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-18)

Alkaios, try using WinRAR instead of 7Zip.
Good luck.
andy72184 come up with a better insult just because you're in a pissy over your inability to do anything right.
thefrozen999, that piece of shit warhammer is for nerds, this gam eis just fun. I've seen all the little nerds around my school carrying their little warhammer box sets around with them. How sad can you get?
And armada, i've had this a few times, are you still able to move the mouse? Is the game still actually running? Because i've found that a way to get past it is to FORCE a group of your men into battle, and then just auto resolve it, and whatever the outcome, the game will then be able to continue.
Good luck.

Xomus (2009-03-18)

Just for your info, to use this you need to unarchive the files 3 times, once to get the isos taking up 11+12 gb and then again cause they made the installer need them out of the iso files, so basicly 30+ gb space on your harddrive.
Im just gonna wait till someone releases a proper version.
Someone should make a version where you mount the images and install, preferably not in a archive as I fail to see the point.

nikos2008sss (2009-03-18)

i have a FIX ... fix for all problems[Special_Forces_Edition]_CRACK-FIX

thefrozen999 (2009-03-18)

You ain't even funny.Warhammer is much fun, much more action.In this Empire you have just to control 3 ships sailling on the same sea, doing some commands that even Admiral Horatio Nelson never heard of.The most boring game ever made for PC.I declare war:)))!!!!

culhao99 (2009-03-18)

The Only way I found for installation to complete was, extracting the ISO, files for two different folders... and then using the SETUP.EXE, i runned it twice, and then i copied the files in the razor1911 folder to their respective places, and place it over the older ones, then i copied the icon for lauching the game to the desktop, and guess what...
Lets wait for an expansion pack, who bring us the second one, as the first is already in the game but unplayable :'(

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-18)

You ain't even funny.Warhammer is much fun, much more action.In this Empire you have just to control 3 ships sailling on the same sea, doing some commands that even Admiral Horatio Nelson never heard of.The most boring game ever made for PC.I declare war:)))!!!!
Firstly, Horatio Nelson was a big gay. "kiss me hardy" were his last GAY words. And some other gay shit.
And second, NO YOU FUCKING DONT. You control complete empires. You can have battles with like 7000 men...
In warhammer it's fucking robot looking fags doing gay shit...
I saw the trailer. I wouldn't wipe my arse with that game.

seblos1 (2009-03-18)

@ 0-LSD-0
I did exactly what u said but i still get the steam_api.dll error message -.-
I have vista, maybe ur way works on xp...

Highfly76 (2009-03-19)

Unfortunately, the gamemakers seem to have won this time...I bought the game since it seems that no good fix is coming :( First time I have to, this far (I have bought many out of free will though) . Hopefully crackers will cach up soon...

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-19)

What Vista do you have? I have 32 bit.

zhyrul (2009-03-19)

Hi, sorry, it seems I have a problem with the installer. I extracted everything with winrar, than mounted both images on 2 different virtual drives with daemon tools (last version).
I click on setup (tried also with the autorun directly), it gives me all the folders, I click on install and it quickly finishes, but... nothing installed! the folders are created, but they are empty.
Do you have any idea?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-19)

zhyrul...YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO MOUNT. Don't you read instructions? Go back a page or so. READ THEM, PLEASE!

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-19)

I also have seblos1's problem with the steam_api.dll. I used the
crack and followed the instructions to the letter. I still havent fixed the sound or episode 1, and I also am running vista, Any ideas LSD?

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-19)

32 bit vista, that is

thefrozen999 (2009-03-19)

Dude, his last words were : ,,Water, Water, press, press!''' Read more and then laugh of this admiral general.Anyways, I advice you again to play Warhammer, has 10 times more graphics and gameplay then you even seen in the empire series.

Zaturn87 (2009-03-19)

Score update..
Pirates: 9178406
Game Protections: 1
Credit to these guys who set up a defense that even Razor couldn't beat..
I already bought this game thou, not rally something to lose sleep over but it is pretty cool and very amusing..
I would say it's worth your money, thou I really hate Steam.. =(

seblos1 (2009-03-19)

Im running 32-bit too in swedish but i still get the error

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-19)

Alkaios11211 and others with the steam_api.dll error.
Alright, i found a fix for you lot.
Download the file

Then copy the file directly into the Empire Total War folder.
Good luck guys ;)
And a note to thefrozen999
I meant Nelson's last words as in the final few things he said, hence the "and other gay shit"
'fan, fan ... rub, rub ... drink, drink.' were actually the correct words. And if that isn't gay, what is?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-19)

NOTE: You guys have to scroll to the bottom and click "save file to PC" or something along those lines.
I think it worked for me without any errors because i already have Steam, hence me not needing the steam_api.dll
Anyway, hope it works for you :D

TheRinger (2009-03-19)

I've got a problem..
I followed the install guide you've outlined and I've reached the part when you run setup.exe... This opens and appears to be installing fine until it reaches 1139 files and then it stops. I've tried closing it and rerunning the setup several times but it still gets stuck at that point. If i then try to run empire.exe i get the error message: Application has failed to start because d3dx9_40.dll was not found. Any suggestions? Thanks

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-19)

Thanks for the fix LSD, it stopped the steam_api message, but now it's asking for "mss32.dll" in the same way as the steam error. sorry for the constant issues, your help is appreciated.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-19)

After some research of my own I found that this problem is pretty common among other games, as wel las countless downloads. Is this mss32.dll file the same for every game or are each of them specifically tailored?

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-19)

Hooray for multi-posting!
I downloaded mss.dll and put it in the empire directory and got a similar error message stating that some certain cutoff was not found in the proper directory.I am guessing that this means each mss32 is specific. I also discovered that they have something to do with the organization of sound files, and would like to know if the sound fix includes the solution.

seblos1 (2009-03-20)

I too get the mss32.dll error and i downloaded it from a free dll site but then i also got the error that it is missing some 3dsound file in the dll file but thx LSD for ur help ;)

exile1982 (2009-03-20)

gey gys i guess im spamming hear just wanted to tell u all about
hope bb code works hear lol
its an addictive on line game/social network that is very popular and growing fast

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-20)

Just had to type this out again since it messed up for some reason-_-
Anyway, 0n1n3, shut the fuck up you spiteful little bastard, you have no fucking right to be here. Your freedom of speech was revoked when you decided to WASTE everyones bandwidth by downloading it and then GIVING UP by deleting the game from your system. And now here you are to spite others over your FAILURE.
Your last comment was so fucking retarded. Just because YOU don't have the nads to keep trying with this, let alone the mental abilities.
Now then, for those of you with balls to carry on, i will do my best to help you.
I will look into that mss32.dll issue, and if i don't have any luck, i might try and upload it myself from my game folder.
And The Ringer, NEVER force exit an installer =P
You might have corrupted it, and may need a re-install =[
Good news is, i know how to fix that d3dx9_40.dll issue. You should have done a quick google mate :P
Direct X issue.
You go into the first .ISO and there's a folder in there.
Resources-->redist-->DirectX-->Scroll down to DXSetup.EXE
And make sure to have opened it with PowerISO, so you can double click it and let it extract to a temporary folder, and then run it and it'll update your files.
See, Razor provide you with everything ya need :P
Good luck all, and i'll look into that mss32.dll issue, don't worry :P

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-20)

That thread contains the download for the proper mss32, worked for me.
After the mss fix, i got a dx39blah_40 error, which was fixed by updating my directx.
Now, however, i get an error with the "binkw32.dll" that is already in the empire folder, as the computer thinks it is incapable of being run on windows.
Question- does the directory of the files used by the install after unraring them and ripping them off of the iso absolutely have to be in the temp folder? I simply extracted them to a subdivision of my download directory and then entered the alternate filepath into the installer when prompted. Seblos, did you do something similar? If so, that is probably the source of our problems, unless LSD and everyone else went through them as well.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-20)

?!? I had to type this up again too. server problems i guess.
Read that thread, last post contains download for a fix.
LSD, is copying the data files to the temp folder absolutely necessary? I had a hard time gettinginto it on my computer, su i simply unpacked everything to a subfolder of my download directory. I gave the installer the alternate path and everything came out looking all right, but if Seblos also did this then that could be our problem.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-20)

eh, 19th page wouldnt show i guess

SeedTo (2009-03-20)

is there any chance they might crack it so you can play network(LAN) games?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-20)

Yeah, i thought i could get away with doing that, but it just got too complicated so i just went with the flow and extracted to a temp folder.
And SeedTo, if you want to play online, then you need to BUY IT.

SeedTo (2009-03-20)

not Online,, I want to play over my router(LAN)

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-20)

Pretty sure you still need a gamespy account, in which case pirated wont work

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-20)

I found a download for a rar that contains all of the necessary .dlls, and now I can run the .exe without getting any errors like the dll ones. Now however, I get an unspecified error (standard windows vista "Empire: Total War has stopped working"
The question I have is, how would the game react to the minimum requirements not being met? It requires a 256 mb graphics card, but I only have a 128 mb one. inb4 "THEN WHY WOULD YOU GO THROUGH THAT TROUBLE?", know that the upgrade is set to arrive tommorow.
So, Would the game react to insufficient resources by not starting up without any prompt or explanation?

SeedTo (2009-03-20)

maybe the RELOADED release will support LAN games?

thefrozen999 (2009-03-20)

Dammit, the fuck cannot you install it using the instruction given to you(this is for ,,0n1n3'' and other loosers like him)????This fully works, but it's just a boring game.
He wasn't gay, his love for lady Ema Hamilton is well known.Stop calling others gay because they are/were different from you.

buula1 (2009-03-20)

The leechers are over 9000!

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-21)

Well, i got my new graphics card and installed it and everything, but I still get the "Empire: Total War has stopped working" error.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-21)

Congrats on the new card Alkaios. But shame to see you still can't get it working.
Try starting a fresh and uninstalling the game. Then re-install with razors installer again, and this time, extract to the temporary folder. I'm sure that's where you guys are going wrong. I think the fact that you're using all these differnt .dll's is turning your install into Frankenstine. If you catch my drift.
So do that, and tell me how it goes. Good luck.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-21)

hey, what Crack should i use for the .exe? I used one that was different from the previously included one, but that might have been the problem.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-21)

Oh, and i already tried the temp thing. I think that the problem was that once the installer called for disc 2, i answered the prompt and gave it disk2_1.sid(the one it asked for) immediately. while reinstalling i noticed that the prompt showed up while files were still being written. so, i finished that install, undid it (is the only way to uninstall supposed to be to delete the folder in program files?) and then tried again, this time giving ample time after the prompts showed up to finish copying files from the previous .sid, and also giving them in proper sequence(prompt1=disc2_0.sid, prompt2=disc2_1.sid, etc.
I have the sound fix (~450 mb?)
I have the Episodic1 folder(~1.7mb?)
I installed neither on all previous tries, as the directions say to crack before fixing, but the crack i have might be faulty.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-21)

Also, last two reinstalls, the mss32 and steamapi showed up on their own, but were still unreadable.

RAs86 (2009-03-21)

Is anyone else getting a really slow download rate? I'm going at 50kpbs at max...around 20-30 avg.

mattfca (2009-03-21)

This game works good but when I click "exit to windows" the game just freezes and i have to close it in task manager.

Crazy420Ace (2009-03-21)

Yeah I'm being topped at a rate of around 50kb/s download and around 150 to 300 kb/s upload... Please people increase the upload. Here is a tip, unlimited up/download speed when the internet is not in use, like when you sleep.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-22)

It's not badly coded. It'll be down to your hardware. Just because your video card is worthy, it don't make your PC compatable.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-22)

Hey LSD, what version of the crack did you use?

JosipS (2009-03-22)

I just spent more than 4 hours doing everything in my power to get this working, and by all wonders it should, still guess what it doesnt !
If theres anyone out there that could help me, I actually got the game to work, I saw the intro trailer, I got so pumped up I couldnt belive what I was seeing, then when pressed any of the campaign buttons the loading screen appeared, and when the loading reached a half I heared some talking but the screen wouldnt change, It stood on the same place although the game was working, I dont exatcly know how to describe it, does anyone know what to do now cause I think this is a uniqe shit....

Tactical__ (2009-03-22)

You said in your instructions that I need these:
"The repacked Crack from Razor.
The episodic1.rar to fix a mission bug in the game"
Where can I get them? You included a link for episodic1.rar, however that link has the whole game, I don't want to dl many gigas just to get this one thing :( Can I get that, and the repacked Razor crack, from somewhere?

Kaasnoob (2009-03-22)

does any1 know have the same problem that when i m installing the game it stucks when its installing ''Empire Total

sorry for the bad english

Tactical__ (2009-03-22)

I used the crack supplied with this torrent. I went through your instructions - expect for the episodic1 part as I don't have it - using the crack supplied with this torrent, and the game works! I just played both of the tutorials with no probs. However I guess I should still fix that episodic1 thing right? I wish someone would release a torrent containing that, so that I would't have to dl 8 gigabytes just to get that one thing! :(

davecumas0 (2009-03-22)

WARNING being tracked by ESA i just got an e-mail from my service provider WARNING

Tactical__ (2009-03-22)

Well, I started the grand campaign with Sweden and so far it seems to work great. So maybe I don't need this episodic1 fix at all? Or when is it supposed to have effect?

JosipS (2009-03-22)

Just be patient, its a comong thing, wait for a while and it will move on

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-22)

Tactlical. If you look a little more closelyt at the massive instructions, i found a link for the episodic one mate ;)

Go there, and there should be a link for the episodic rar in the description.
Good luck.
Alkaios i used the crack issued with this torrent. Works fine ;)
Kaasnoob, just wait, surf the internetz or something while it installs mate ;)
And jossipS, let me look into that mate.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-22)

Alright, josipS, this is gonna sound stupid, but are you sure your computer meets the specs?
If so, then are you sure you followed the instructions to the letter?

Tactical__ (2009-03-22)

Ah, it was in the description, cheers mate :)

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-22)

sammywammy, i didn't understand most of that shit because i'm not one of them people who like putting their dick inside their computers.
And so what if your computer's good? DOES NOT MAKE IT COMPATIBLE DOES IT?!
Fucktard. IF you want to fix the memory leaks, then USE THE FUCKING PATCH!
"How do i do that?"
Download razors patch, or buy the fucking game and use that patch.
Christ you whine SO fucking much over a FREE game.
And no problem Tactical_

Basseban (2009-03-22)

I have had all the problems u have had, done the same things as u, and has the same crashe when I start the game!
We seems to be the only one with the same problem! :/
My computer
AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual 5200
2gb ram
If u get ur game working, plz post what u did to fix the crash!

basjepoliti (2009-03-23)

Ok, I have a huge problem. I have never encountered something like this before. I cannot mount nor extract the files. There are just two folders, containing 83 files, each with a individual filetype, whereas the first one is called rzr-etw1.001 and is registered as a "001"-file, while the last file is rzr-etw1.083 and is set as a "083"-file.
I've tried to mount it with UltraISO, PowerISO and Daemon Tools, and I have tried to extract it with WinRAR and ISOBuster. When I try the DVD1 and -2 behave as folders, not extractable units or images. What the fuck is wrong here?!

Kyo250 (2009-03-23)

So.. I've been downloading this game for a long period of time, didn't surprise me that I would run in to some trouble with it. But to be honest I got really disappointed when I could not even extract the files using WinRar, as described earlier i only have, in the "DVD1" folder, the files
rzr-etw1 type 001-file
and rzr-etw1 002-file.
So I'd tried to pack them up and then extract them, but obviously i only got the same files as from the folders... Right now I have no idea what to do and before deleting the whole thing i figured i should ask for some help, so please, help. I'm hardly the only pirate here with this problem.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-23)

sammywammy, you can't even spell hedgehog, let alone sort your own problems out. So get the fuck out of here.
And for you 2 guys having trouble with extracting the .RAR files, i remember having that problem back when i was new to all this :P
You have to associate the files in that folder with WinRAR, and then extract the first file (.001)
The rest will extract automatically with that file.

basjepoliti (2009-03-23)

LSD you are my hero and I am for ever grateful!

Kyo250 (2009-03-23)

LSD, thanks, I'll hope it will help haven't tried yet.
Sverige äger allt förresten! ;)

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-23)

basjepoliti, no problem mate :P
And sammy-fucktard, if you're too lazy to do it the long way, as mentioned in your link, then google search for another method, you lazy cunt.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-23)

And good luck with it Kyo250.

Kyo250 (2009-03-23)

Man.. more problems... So I get some sort of ISO, not the normal one, It's still named rzr-etw1 but i can atleast mount it with deamon tools anyway, when i start the "Razor1911" Installer a sign comes up called SimPack wich says:
"To continue unpacking, file 'empire total war_disk1_0.sid' is required from disc 1" So i press Ok, and then it tells me that the file does not exist.
Serioulsy, i really want this game, but is it worth all of this damn trouble? :(

Morphined (2009-03-23)

The leechers are over 9000!

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-23)

I Have Absolutely no idea what is going on now. I finished installing it in the proper sequence, then added the crack. The good news is, I dont get a single error having to do with steam or mss32, nor even the standard vista error. The bad news is that nothing happens when i run the .exe. The mouse turns into the "working" sign for a few seconds, then returns to normal. Any ideas at all?

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-23)

Basseban, I have a pretty similar computer to you.
-Intel core 2 6400@2.14 ghz
-9600 GT
-2gb ram
-vista 32 bit?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-23)

Kyo mate, don't mount, you have to then extract the ISO. Re-read the instructions i posted a few pages back.
Good luck, and post back here if you run into any more trouble.
mobi2u, you're absoluetly right, and they start blaming everything for their own problems. Like the uploader, the group who cracked, and even the torrent itself.
And alkaios, nice specs there mate, you should be able to run it AWESOMELY, but i can't figure out what the hell is going on. As sammywammy pointed out, i know nothing about computers, but i'm just trying to help out from what i've learned from this torrent, and others before it.
Good luck, and keep posting back any other errors. See if someone can help you mate.
But try running Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) after you double click the icon to run the game. Have a look in the processes part for something similar to Empire Total War.
That way we can determine if the game actually starts up in anyway or not.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-23)

Would every one whose game works post their CPU Ghz? All of the minimum requirements i can find for the game put it at 2.4 ghz, while I have 2.13.
Oh, and LSD, There are no new processes after launching the exe.

JosipS (2009-03-23)

You were right LSD, on paper my computer does have the right configuration, but it is 3 or 4 years old so I guess it must have to do something with it, time to buy a machine
thx for your time man, I really apreciate it, youre like the st. patron of the empire total war :D

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-23)

Alkaios, i've got a 2.2GHz dual core.Runs it ok, in 1024x*something*
And ah. That's weird, no new processes? as administrator? xD
Try right clicking the shortcut and clicking properties. Then click the "shortcut" tab, and check the target. Should be somethingalong the lines of where you installed the game.
josipS, don't worry about it mate :P
And good luck with the new computer.

icefire1 (2009-03-23)

I'm having some troubles with the installer... It's like it stuck at file 938 (Cursors\take_over0007.cur) I've tried to let is install for about 2 hours but nothing happens. It does respond and I am chosing the right CDs. I've also tried to re-extract it.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-23)

I'm running the .exe directly from the empire total war folder, not the shortcut.
Ive already tried running as administrator, as well as xp compatability.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-23)

does running steam have anything to do with it?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

Nope no need to run steam mate. Can't figure out why it's not working for you guys =[
And icefire, look back through other comments, so many others have said that, and it's all the exact same answer. -->Just be patient

NYSin (2009-03-24)

Sorry if this has already been answered, but I don't have time to read through 21 pages of people bitching and complaining, so has there been a fix released yet for whichever of the campaigns it is that doesn't work, the Road to Independence I think it was? The rest of the game works fine, except for the fact that the game freezes up when I click on some people, and freezes entirely when I try to board a boat during a naval battle. Thanks.

Alkaios11211 (2009-03-24)

LSD, does your install show up on the "add or remove programs" list? Mine doesn't,and whenever I want to uninstall i have to delete the folder in the program files directory.
Also, now that i think about it, whenever i delete them, they never show up in the recycle bin. Any ideas what could be causing this?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

Alkaios, nope, it doesn't show up there for me either. And i have no idea about the issue with the folders not turning up in the recycling bin.
And NYSin, just do some creative googleing. Don't just be lazy and get others to do your work man.
Here's a hint. Episodic_1...

NYSin (2009-03-24)

Sorry, but if it was already readily available, I don't see why it wouldn't just be posted, know what I mean? I found one thing earlier, but it only had 14 replies, only two of which actually said it worked, and one which said it screwed up their game entirely.... I get sketched out by things unless they're in like the top 100 things posted on here, or have like 50 confirmation posts.... Thanks anyway.

The_Blood_Raven (2009-03-24)

Is anyone getting terrible download speed? I'm getting .5-10 KB/s for some reason. It should not be this bad.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

Go there NYSin, and look in the description, there should be the epesodic 1 rar.
Then paste it into the directory, and click replace.

mecate (2009-03-24)

dont worry ppl, RELOADED or ViTALiTY will soon come and save us all with a proper version with its proper installer =]

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

mecate, are you mentally retarded, or just inbred?
Firstly, this version works completely fine.
And secondly, if you want the proper installer, you're going to have to cope with Steam error messages, most likely to do with the fact that you haven't legally bought the game.
The Razor Dox guys (or at least i think it's them who handle this kind of stuff) must have spent quite a while sorting out a way to bypass the need for Steam to run the game.
And i wouldn't trust dimitriadis as far as i could throw him. Especially since the picture isn't even Empire Total War...

Sharpy99 (2009-03-24)

iso dvd 1 wouldnt work for me just frezze's i have tried alchoal 120 power iso magic iso and demon tools
even tried to just unpack the rars and was saying 20 hours lol
i would say that every thing else i have ever had from Aitb has worked np
also there IS NOT A PASSWORD

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-24)

Sharpy, cmon man, how many times does it have to be said?
Extract them, and send them to the $Temp folder.
Few pages back, i posted a list of instructions.
And 20 hours? How fast is your CPU? The extraction time also depends largely on your disk transfer rate, CPU, and, most probably, your RAM.
Good luck

zuperman123 (2009-03-25)

Hi guys!
I have downloaded it, and i got a rar file which i finally unpacked. Now i got a dvd 1 and dvd 2 file, with many files and a sfv file. i dont know what to do. i cant burn the sfv files. please help me, and youre welcome to send me a mail.

aapb (2009-03-25)

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-25)

Well, it would be good if Razor released a new version, which would include the seperate fixes, but then that means they'd have to put together another, and then realease it to us, which needs seeding etc, and i don't think they have the time, let alone the patience, to deal with us all. I mean, we've all seen how impatient and retarded everyone gets when something doesn't go right. So with everyone being so ungrateful, maybe the guys at Razor don't feel the need to release a perfected version, to all us ungrateful dudes.
But if they just put together some instructions on the description, that'd be sweet, and would help out all these other guys.
And sammy, what's up with yours anyways? You said you got to play for a few mins? What happened? xD
Zuperman, you need something called WinRAR. You can get it free off their site (just gogole it mate)
Or get it right here from the pirate bay.
Once you've done that, post back here, and i'll try and guide you through the rest, as you'll need to associate all the .RAR's wth WinRAR.
And what d'ya mean mail you? There's no way to mail on TPB is there? xD
But remember
A lot of people seem to do that, and it's a seriously stupid thing to do. Not only can there be threats from Spammers, etc, but since we're here pirating a £40 game, it could be possible that anti piracy companies would get ahold of your email, and maybe personal info etc.
Be safe, and just use the comments page :P

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

The game keeps freezing for me during the Grand Campaign on turn 37 Summer of 1718. Does anyone else have this problem and if so, how can I fix it?

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

The freeze happens during Inuit Nations' turn.

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

Is there a version out there that does not have glitches?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-25)

BigThing7, it's a normal game glitch, even if you went out and bought it, you'd get the same thing. You need to download the patch from Razor Dox, and then patch the game.

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

Oh my god, I'm glad you just told me. I was just about to spend a whopping 50 bucks on Steam. Where is this update and patch you speak of?

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

I applied the patch and the same problem still occurs... Are you sure that it would do the same thing with an official copy of the game?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-25)

Yup, keeps happening with my mate Xen's.
But the new patch via steam seems to have fixed it.
That's why i assumed the Rzor version would have fixed it too =|
Anyways, the game's worth every penny, so if you get a chance, buy it :P
And that'll fix the problem as you can download the official patch via Steam.
Good luck ;)

BigThing7 (2009-03-25)

Good to hear. I bought the game and its downloading right now. I really appreciate the work of the pirates though. The demo SEGA provides sucks and doesn't show the grand campaign, which is the best part. Razor911 convinced me to buy this! So thanks! :D

zuperman123 (2009-03-25)

Thanks for your patience and help! I have already WinRAR, what am I supposed to do now?

battac (2009-03-25)


1. Download the

2. Mount or burn the img files.

3. Install the game by running setup.exe located in the disc1

A) If you recieve an error message about file missing (empire total war_disk1_0.sid) it is located
on the disc. Just press the browse button and navigate to the disc1 and the
empire total war_disk1_0.sid will be there. The same with the Empire Total War_disk2_x.sid
files but these is located at disc2.

4. When the installation is done, DO NOT APPLY THE RAZOR1911 CRACK FROM DISC1.

A) If you already have applied the the Razor1911 crack from before you can download the original
files from


B) Unpack it directly to main folder of Empire Total War directory - the files will be unpacked to
it's correct destinations by itself. Make sure you overwrite the old files.

5. Download the edited crack from


6. Unpack the file and copy the contents in the Razor1911 directory directly to your Empire Total War
directory - Overwrite the files.

7. Now download the file


8. Unrar the file and put sounds_sfx.pack into the data folder located in the Empire Total War folder.

9. Finally, play the game with the Empire.exe located in the Empire Total War folder. Shortcuts to
start the game has been reported not working. Only start the game with Empire.exe

koyot23 (2009-03-25)

Do i need to install steam to play this game ???

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-25)

No need for steam guys, razor cracked it in a way that gets rid of the need for steam.
Just like with Saints Row 2.
BigThing7, good luck with your game, and congrats on buying it.
zuperman123, you now need to go to your folder where the game is downloaded. You see all the folders? Do they now have a little purple coloured icon next to them? If so, go back to your desktop, create a folder called "Empire Total War disk 1" and then another called "Empire Total War disk 2". Then go back to your download folder, and right click the downloaded empire total war file. Click disk 1, and then right click the first .RAR file. There should be some new options. Click "extract to..." and choose extract to desktop, into the folder you just created, preferably into "Empire Total War disk 1". This WILL take some time, so wait for it to complete.
Once it's done, open the downloaded disk 2 folder, and extract that to "Empire Total War disk 2"
Good luck with it, and tell me how it goes ;)

Sharpy99 (2009-03-25)

posted in wrong torrent was ment to the last remnant this torrent worked fine for me the install crashed on level 2
@lsd i allways mount iso or img
with out fail
vista 64
1tb hdd
q6600 @ 3ghz
4gig ocz reapers
bfg 260 ocx max

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-26)

Ah, fucking spam bots. Get the fuck outta here.
Anyway, Sharpy99, i know what you mean, and yes, you should always mount ISO's, BIN's, CUE's...whatever. But just not this time mate. You end up running into problems, and it's a lot harder. Much easier to just extract the ISO's, and then run the installer.

proxywall99 (2009-03-26)

Mine isn't working, keeps saying it's missing steam_api.dll. Not sure if this is a problem anyone else is having, but if any one could help it'd be greatly appreciated.

Breaz (2009-03-26)

Works great!! But took me a while to repack, download all missing shit and install this but after a while it really works. Played like 20 hours now and works great.
But sometimes the game freezes so u have to save your game alot :))
Wish there were some cheat but trainer works fine to get some cash =)

painful..rectal..itch (2009-03-26)

not enough darkies to kill :(

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-26)

Rectal itch, get the fuck out of here.
And proxywall99, just check back through the comments, everything is answered there. Not too far back though.

Sucks2BU (2009-03-26)

Check this out - Valve Declare DRM Dead.

Pichon9 (2009-03-26)

Is it possible to change the language into French ??

Pezonn (2009-03-26)

can someone share models for empire totral war?

MADBONE89 (2009-03-27)

WHEN ITS BEEN NUKED.. it dont work at all for 100,000 years lol of radiation :P
wate for Razor1911 to FIX it .. quick!

anycolouryou (2009-03-27)

Gjort typ som man ska göra med temp mappen osv.. Men när jag kör igång .exe så får jag upp fönstret "Det här programmet kunde inte startas eftersom d3dx9_40.dll inte kunde hittas. Det här problemet kanske kan rättas till genom att du installerar om programmet."
Nån aning vad som är felet?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-27)

MADBONE89, if you checked back through other comments, you'd see exactly how to fix yours. If it dodn't work, how come so many of us have it working?
Och anycolouryou, jag är inte alltför bra med andra språk mate, men d3dx9_40.dll är ett Direct X fel. Den senaste Direct X medföljer Disk 1, Du gå in på den första. ISO och det finns en mapp där.
Resurser -> Redist -> DirectX -> Bläddra ned till DXSetup.EXE
Och se till att ha öppnat den med PowerISO, så kan du dubbelklicka på den och låt den utdraget till en tillfällig mapp och sedan köra det och det ska uppdatera dina filer.
Jag använde Google Translator för detta :D

tottx (2009-03-27)

seed plz!!!!

tottx (2009-03-27)

seed plz!!!!

Anarith (2009-03-27)

want to remove the razor1911 splash? download this torrent:

njenje (2009-03-27)

"Och anycolouryou, jag är inte alltför bra med andra språk mate, men d3dx9_40.dll är ett Direct X fel. Den senaste Direct X medföljer Disk 1, Du gå in på den första. ISO och det finns en mapp där.
Resurser -> Redist -> DirectX -> Bläddra ned till DXSetup.EXE
Och se till att ha öppnat den med PowerISO, så kan du dubbelklicka på den och låt den utdraget till en tillfällig mapp och sedan köra det och det ska uppdatera dina filer."
I have folovd your instructions. but i still get the error message d3dx9_40.dll not found!!

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-27)

njenje, are you sure man? I mean, that fixed it for me, and for everyone else who had that problem...

samuraias (2009-03-27)

jag har ett problem med trade routesen för jag har spelat med sverige ett tag och tänkte få nga trade routes på ivory cost och så åkte jag dirt med ett trading ship men inget hände har testat alla 4 olika kusterna och nästan alla routes (är i krig med nästan alla stater) och inget händer vad är fel och vad ska jag göra ?

samuraias (2009-03-27)

de hade fixat problemet i den första patchen:
* Fixed Alt-Tab issue which prevents players from switching away from a fullscreen window
* Fixed text rendering for certain resolutions
* Fixed localized font overrun issues
* Fixed a variety of crash and memory leak issues
* Fixed a variety of multiplayer client lock
* Fixed trade nodes for those nations with resource in home region which caused unprofitable trade theatre routes eg: Sweden and Marathas
ngn som vet om man kan ladda ned patchen och om det finns ett crack till den ?
Tacksam för all hjälp.

tottx (2009-03-28)

det kommer fan att ta dagar att få ner spelet om det går i 17KB/s

tottx (2009-03-28)

kan inte några vara bussiga att seeda så att jag kanske får ner spelet någon gång i helgen

anycolouryou (2009-03-28)

Hey! Sorry about me swedish, I was talking on the phone, could only write with one of me hands. I'm lazy I know =P
Anyway, I did what you explained, updated me directx, and now it seems to work properly! Cheers mate!

dotnfo (2009-03-28)


0-LSD-0 (2009-03-28)

No problem andy :P

zoheb81 (2009-03-28)

C:\Program Files\Empire Total War\Empire.exe
This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem
Please Help me to solve this problem..

skooma714 (2009-03-28)

So, with all the fixes is this rip good enough to burn and keep?

icefire1 (2009-03-28)

Hey, I'm trying to get the game installed.. It's stuck at file number 955 - ...\Data\UI\Cursors\take_cover0007.cur I've tryed re-extracting and reinstalling but nothing works.. Still stuck at the same file. I've tryed to let it install for about 2 hours.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-29)

Ice fire, been said so many times before. Patience man. Just wait for it...

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-29)

You mean...out...there?

mattfca (2009-03-29)

this game only crashes after I've won a battle, and I try to combine 2 units of infatry together. I also hate it when you try to move an agent out of a city and the game moves your army instead! Happens every time!

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-29)

mattfca, i know exactly what you mean. Pisses the hell outta me!

nkoi (2009-03-29)

hey LSD, looks like your the local expert, followed your instructions on page 17 or w/e and im still having problems on road to independence. i captured some fort town but i was given a mission to attack quebec and montreal, the game didnt expand my map however so im just stuck here on the east USA :(

samuraias (2009-03-29)

I think we all need the newest patch so we can just sit down here and compelain until the patch can be downloaded outside steam...
sorry about my english

griffin87 (2009-03-29)

these patches will never be relished outside steam this will encourage pirates to buy game

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-29)

Nkoi...hmm...never come accross anything like that mate.
Good on you for actually bothering to go through the other pages ;)
Anyway...erm...i have no idea...
If you try restarting the Road To independence, and see if it happens again. Other wise, sorry, i have no idea.
I'll try and see if anyone else has had that problem. A lot of my steam friends have the game...
Anyway, good luck mate!

otisb (2009-03-29)

Propper realese[PC]-Empire.Total.War.MULTi8-

chronicbudlust (2009-03-30)

Summary of how to make this game work.
This is a step-by-step walktrough how to get Empire Total War working
properly with the Razor1911
release. So the Razor1911 release isn't the best release out there and
a bunch of you cheap bastards
is having trouble get it running :)
Below I will go through the installation and well known issues
regarding this release.
1. Download the

2. Mount or burn the img files.
3. Install the game by running setup.exe located in the disc1
A) If you recieve an error message about file missing (empire total
war_disk1_0.sid) it is located on the disc. Just press the browse
button and navigate to the disc1 and theempire total war_disk1_0.sid
will be there. The same with the Empire Total War_disk2_1.sid file but
this is located at disc2.
4. When the installation is done, DO NOT APPLY THE RAZOR1911 CRACK
5. Download the edited crack from

6. Unpack the file and copy the contents in the Razor1911 directory
directly to your Empire Total War directory - Overwrite the files.
7. Now download the file

8. Unrar the file and put sounds_sfx.pack into the data folder located
in the Empire Total War folder.
9. Run Shroud fix:
Shroud fix:
1. open the scripting.lua file in datacampaignsepisodic_3 with Notepad
search for "shroud_3_hud_gone" (ctrl + f)
there are some extra brackets and dashes around here that mess up the
coding, all we need to do is remove them, they look like this:
--[[ ]]--
The script encased between these brackets is not executed by the game,
and often used to disable faulty code in order to debug it. Obviously
a scripter forgot to re-activate the code and left the brackets in.
After you're done the script should look like this:
elseif event_message == 2 then


save the file after doing this, and redo the last objective that
should trigger Montreal and Quebec coming available.
Credit for orignal posts goes too: Vascoa.

leprechaun91 (2009-03-30)

What the fuck is wrong with the damn installer?! Omfg! Thx chronicbudlust but I have to give it the... eh.. file coordinates (?) for every single fucking file... it took me 10 minutes to install 2 gigs of the game so I gave up. Why hasn't anyone else had this problem?! :/ Help? Please? What the fuck am I doing wrong?!

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-30)

What you're doing wrong is, you're mounting the ISO. You're supposed to extract it to the temporary folder like in the instructions.
That way, there's no need to browse to where the files are.

nkoi (2009-03-30)

works now, thanks

WalhallaWalhalla (2009-03-30)

Pls i need help. I installed the game but without the the crack (only with the sound crack). It worked perfectly till turn 23. Then the game went well too, i saved and quit. But now i am not able to load any of the saved games after turn 23, the last i can load is turn 23, after that if i try to load any other it crushes.. Pls can u help me ??????

WalhallaWalhalla (2009-03-30)

oh another thing. Should i download the new crack and sobstitute the old one ? and should i download the patch file
and install it ?

maleghost (2009-03-31)

..:: Hi Guys, Patch 2 is available on Steam since 25/26.03 - but i cannot find this on TPB. around 30-50 MB. ::..

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-31)

WalhallaWalhalla, tis is a normal thing with the retail version of the game. It was fixed with one of the new patches. But no, you can't get those patches on TPB or anywhere like that, or at least, from what i know...
And srpski1sin, since you DEMAND an explanation, let me be the first to ignore you.
maleghost, sorry mate, you can't get a hold of it here, or anywhere else for that matter. =[

WalhallaWalhalla (2009-03-31)

0-LSD-0 ty very much. I reinstalled the game, put the new release of crack and files from razor,

I noe u cant see the future ( :D ), but u thing i´ll have the same problem ? were u able to play also after turn 23 ? ty very much in advance

 Tanauser (2009-03-31)

Special Forces still unavailable ; in the game as well in the Quick battles . Any suggestion ?

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-31)

kungfuserge, the special untis are unavailable in Quick Mode anyways :P
You can only play as them once you've done enough researching in the campaign mode.

0-LSD-0 (2009-03-31)

"Guys listen to me got damn carefully and ANSWER AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE"
Sounds like more of a demand than a request...

maleghost (2009-04-01)

0-LSD-0: do you know sb working on this latest patch?

thompa555 (2009-04-01)

How to use those files???

Hx01 (2009-04-01)

Mine works fine until I try to enter battle from the campaign map - it always crashes. I can't find a way around it. I have the razor 1911 edited crack placed over the old crack, could that be the reason?

Psychoul1 (2009-04-01)

For some reason, when unpacking athe iso AND mounting it, The installer just exits after i press install and a window pops up with one shortcut leading to nowhere. Can some one solve this issue please. I have been trying to figure this one out for 7 days or so, this is a toughy. I think it has to do something with steam though, but i dont know. Ideas??

0-LSD-0 (2009-04-01)

WalhallaWalhalla i don't know about turn 23, but there are a number of different freeze ups i had dude.
Like i had one on turn 2 with the british campaign.
Just a buggy game :P
srpski1sin i have no idea what you mean by playing as unlocked factions. Care to explain? you mean you're using 2 cracks at once? o.O
Psychoul1 i'm really not sure about that man. Sounds like the files are incomplete, meaning they weren't extracted procoperly. Did you make sure to associate all the .RARs with WinRAR before extracting?

mattfca (2009-04-01)

it also crashes when i'm looking at a garrisoned army and another unit moves into the city.

Psychoul1 (2009-04-01)

0-LSD-0: I dont know if i associated them or not, i just unzipped each dvds worth of rars into 2 isos.
I hope it is not uncomplete, because i already deleted all the rars and dont want to redownload it.
Other than that, i tryed to install by starting the "setup.exe", made by razor, and pressing install. Then what i stated happens. (a window opens with a broken link)

mattfca (2009-04-01)

now it crashes when i capture brandenburg >_

0-LSD-0 (2009-04-01)

Psychoul1, i'm sorry dude, i have no idea about it =[

scopie (2009-04-02)

steam_api.dll was not found..... what do i do?

scopie (2009-04-03)

steam_api.dll was not found..... what do i do?

SpartaDarkwind (2009-04-03)

gonna put it bluntly the dude said he has no clue and if he dont know why even bother dling it ...... dont work peoperly and its all buggy , just seems like a massive waist of time

truthy (2009-04-03)

thx very much for your detailed instructions - worked perfectly for me so far (BEYOND EPISODE 1 btw) without 1 single crash ... can't say anything about crashs in free-mode still playing campaign
here they are again (shortened) for anyone having trouble getting this to work, credit goes to Vascoa, thx:
1. Mount the images & install the game. autorun= the same as setup.exe
note: If you recieve an error message during install about various files missing (empire total war_disk1_0.sid etc.) you have to browse the installer to your virtually mounted drive (where you mounted the image) to continue the setup.
2. When the installation is done, DO NOT APPLY THE INCLUDED RAZOR1911 CRACK FROM DISC1.
3. Download & apply the edited crack

extract it & copy/move it to your game directory
4. Apply the Sound Fix

extract it the replace sounds_sfx.pack with the one in your Empire Total War\data folder
5. Edit/Delete Faulty Code (Shroud Fix)
go to Empire Total War\data\campaigns\episodic_3\ folder & open scripting.lua in wordpad/notepad
now you have to find & remove some brackets/dashes that look like this --[[ ]]--
to do that search (strg + f) for 'shroud_3_hud_gone'
After you're done the script should look like this:
elseif event_message == 2 then


6. save the file & run the Game

Mcready08 (2009-04-03)

stuck on 15kb/ more people mind seeding?

v3trae (2009-04-04)

I've been a torrenter for a while but i've never had a torrent that the entire download was .001 .002 etc. I don't know how to extract this. Any ideas?

v3trae (2009-04-04)

Just kidding, i guess i'm used to having one .rar file that controls the others.
Note for the slow: just unzip the .001 .002 etc files.

hissukka111 (2009-04-04)

My bittorrent shows, that this torrent is downloaded 100% still, the files do not show that they are rar or packed, and the bittorrent downloads still small bits now and then. What is wrong?

caseyfw (2009-04-04)

How come this release has been nuked, but it's still the most popular AND there's no FIXED?
Will someone post a FIXED already?

ravnakungen (2009-04-05)

Hey guys, I need some help, please...
I've downloaded the game, installed, fixed the sound, installed the fixes, and played with success for weeks, but there's been a really annoying problem...
The game crashes a lot, not just in the America Campaign, but in the Great Campaign two... sometimes it doesn't, but most of the times, the crash happens every 3-5 turns...
Anyone have the same problem or know what can I do to solve it?
Thank you

ravnakungen (2009-04-05)

Hey guys, I need some help, please...
I've downloaded the game, installed, fixed the sound, installed the fixes, and played with success for weeks, but there's been a really annoying problem...
The game crashes a lot, not just in the America Campaign, but in the Great Campaign too... sometimes it doesn't, but most of the times, the crash happens every 3-5 turns...
Anyone have the same problem or know what can I do to solve it?
Thank you

Archimag (2009-04-05)

Anyone of you having dxd9... files missing after following all the steps written here: install the latest update for direct X 9.0c from original site

mare1389 (2009-04-06)

when I click on navy in america, screen becomes white and I must press -don't send-
What should I do to fix this?????
P L S HELP ! !

kroysemaj (2009-04-06)

I got it to install and run fairly well (my computer can't really handle it). However, it doesn't seem to show up in my program registry. How I cleanly uninstall other than just by deleting the whole directory?

truthy (2009-04-06)

will update 2 & 4 work with the edited razor crack, sound fix & corrected scripting.lua - meaning with all the steps I/chronicbudlust/Vascoa wrote on page 25?
and if not what exactly do you mean by a 'clean install' just the setup + original crack?
don't wanna mess up the game - not one single crash so far (right now at US 1777 Independece War) playing at 1680x1050 Ultra High Settings 16AF 8AA :-)
also will the savegames still work after the update?

weustmaster (2009-04-06)

Downloaded all but I don't see any img or iso file that I can mount.
What's the prob here?

Leoz2569 (2009-04-06)

it is Working Now???

UnknownMonsta (2009-04-06)

Does it matter if its a DVD + or a DVD - that I burn this too?

UnknownMonsta (2009-04-06)

nvm about my last question. Anyhow, is there any way to separate this into 3 disks? Cause my blank DVD's only have 4.7gb of space, and one iso is 8.4gb and the other is 4.3gb.I really want to burn this to disk.

culhao99 (2009-04-07)

This Realise is crap... i run it first time with original crack, then came a new one, more over i re-installed it and new crack, and then a fix for the new crack, then unistall and install again, and for the first time seemed that it would run great, then i was playing grand campaign with UK, and in the round 54 the game was impossible to load... what did i done? everything... AGAIN!!! started playing Prussia this time, and conquered all europe and half-india this time i played until round 102... i had more that 70 divisions, i gone to the main menu where it said that i won campaign with 40 faction conquered... but no new factions to select, so what i resume is this, it impossible to complete this game... i don´t know if it is from the crack or not... people just buy it... i mean the regular version... 50 ? in my country... and you get an extra... you can play ONLINE... so enjoy it... now i am really playing this... AH! don´t forget this... i am playing normally with prussia... from the save_file that i had... the are some stuff that doesn´t worth the work of the pirates this is one case... sorry Razor1911 but this is your worst work EVER!

0-LSD-0 (2009-04-07)

culhao99 go suck a dick. Firstly, it's marked as nuked you fuck wit.
And second, if you flick back a few pages you can find some easy solutions.
It's much easier when you take your head out of your arse.

truthy (2009-04-07)

okay gonna try installing the updates/patches

and check if they work ...

brian71 (2009-04-07)

anyone know how to extract the files inside those ISO?i just got it and i dont know how to do?i use isobuster .

truthy (2009-04-07)

if you mean the *.sid files you can do that using SimPack.exe
open a command prompt (cmd) cd to the copied files from the mounted image and type in SimPack.exe - you'll get the help
Use: SimPack
v - View
x - Unpack
Option -g### - only handle files from a GCF with a specified number
Option -k### - enter a decryption key for specific GCF (use with -g###)

truthy (2009-04-07)

forget that, you'll need the decryption keys for that (which are actually stored inside the setup.dat)
but you can still extract all the files manually (if you need the original ones for an update eg)
use this code
copy it into a txt-file edit it, rename it to *.bat & run it.
in my example the source (where you copied all the content from the 2 mounted images) is E:\_TEST and the destination is E:\_TEST2

truthy (2009-04-07)

mhm okay I installed the 2 patches - game seems more stable/faster, I recommend it to everyone - you need the original install + original crack
unfortunately my old savegames won't work anymore - but I can start again at episode 3 so it's okay

nkdmansam (2009-04-07)

Any of you pirates know how to unlock special forces units in the standard version of this game??

Graylorde (2009-04-09)

The installer didn't work for shit, it kept looking for the .sid files in the TMP folder. And i had to point it for the second disc2 sid 3 times. When it was done the game didn't even have an exe.

marcusn (2009-04-10)

did you know that stuttering craig has never heard acid jazz?

Bluebunz (2009-04-10)

Hey i just downloaded this torrent a couple days ago and have been trying to get it to work when i look at the torrent it has 2 folder(dvd1 and dvd2) and a nfo file rzr-etwa and when i open up the dvd folders they have a whole list of .001, .002 etc... thr problem is i dont know what to do with these files

 Tanauser (2009-04-10)

Does anyone know How to extract Razor's Patches 2 & 4
in order to add the files manually.
I don't need to Re_Install the whole F.... game

karamanuca92 (2009-04-11)

Has somebody System requirements???

qzcvb (2009-04-12)

Road to Independence does crash after epsiode 1.
The campaign map is laggy(8800 GTX lag?) and the RTS battles can be boring.
Pretty much means everyone get in a line, shoot and reload.
The melee isn't even interesting and the soundtrack couldn't match those in the previous total war games.
This is the first time I got bored with a game from the total war series.
Anyways, thanks for the torrent Razor.

Joso2304 (2009-04-13)

Ok I cant find any ISO. files!
Ehhhhh can someone tell me what to do plz?!!!?
Answear quick maybe?!!?

Joso2304 (2009-04-13)

never mind found the iso! file but i needed to volume a r00 file so i took file .001!
Is it going to work or?

Joso2304 (2009-04-13)

Lovly site, but i have no rar. files just .001 .002 and all to number to .083!

Nered (2009-04-13)

..i have no rars.. just theo ther file typed

Nered (2009-04-13)

Here are 2 screenshots of what i have... no rars :/

Joso2304 (2009-04-13)


Joso2304 (2009-04-13)

noooooooooooooo can't find empire.exe!

Nered (2009-04-13)

Goddamn it, how do i install this ? There are no fucking rar files...

Joso2304 (2009-04-13)

This is a newbie telling you how to do!!!
1.First download z-zip!
2.then right click on file .001 and exract here.
THEN mount the iso file that you exstrakted from the .001 file(see step 2)
This YOU need to do in both dvd 1 and dvd 2 folder!
When you installing SimPack will apper, asking for disk1_01.sid or somthing, go to my computer dubbel klikk on the mounted daemon tool (for me) it will open and ther is that file. After selecting that file press ok! after a while it will ask for disk2_01 sid. or somthing mount dvd 2 and do the same as you did to dvd 1!
THEN DOWNLOAD NEW CRACK THE EDITED ONE! thanks for your attention! sorry for bad english im from NORWAY!
Ja, vi elsker dette landet som det stiger frem!

caseyfw (2009-04-13)

It seems there are a lot of people who have the problem of the installer crashing half-way through, and showing a broken shortcut to empire.exe
This is the problem I'm having - I've tried a bunch of things, but nothing is working so far. Has anyone managed to get the installer to work after having this issue?

oisil (2009-04-14)

in the game i cant read the messages and descriptions... they just appear in a wrong way is there some fix for that ?

Nered (2009-04-14)

z-zip DID THE JOB ! weee
Thank you Varg !

GoryFranco (2009-04-14)

ok this working or not?

Bluebunz (2009-04-14)

thanks for the help joso it helped me get a little further but now when i mount it and run the installer it just installs an empty shortcut asking for the setup.dat file if anyone know whats to do your advise would be appreciated.

knged (2009-04-14)

emm? what is it with people downloading and seeding nukes?

sebbedeknop (2009-04-14)

is there a fix already or is it still nuked ????

Robson89 (2009-04-14)

to fix the problem with the installer not working by just giving empty folders and a shortcut.
1. extract dvd1 to own folder (I used winrar)
2. change setup.dat file in the notepad to the following:
Empire Total War
Empire Total War
SimPack.exe x -g10501 -k6143EE9F1CFDF68B0C2A34DB27A0CD6C "Empire Total War_disk1.sim" "%dest%"
SimPack.exe x -g10502 -k71C5FB913C50FD952C1DA96E864A66DF "Empire Total War_disk1.sim" "%dest%"
SimPack.exe x -g10503 -k7EE90DE0D74AAFE400727B6C090FB2FC "Empire Total War_disk1.sim" "%dest%"
SimPack.exe x -g10504 -k287B940DC26A6357B5460A9305D2733E "Empire Total War_disk1.sim" "%dest%
Game is installing now for me

magicl (2009-04-14)

I have a problem, when I play and when I load a saving the game beug , a white page displays and finally I return on the office of Windows with an error message , everytime , and I don't know what I must doing , please help me.
Sorry for my bad english, I am French

culhao99 (2009-04-15)

Magicl, i advise tou to buy the original game, no one in this forum is helping, i brought my copy last mounth, and i don´t regret, really buy the original game, and as a bonus will will be able to install it in french, good luck dude!
Magicl, je vous conseille d'acheter le jeu original, aucun membre de ce forum est d'aider, j'ai fait ma copie, le mois dernier, et je ne regrette pas, vraiment acheter le jeu original, et en prime vous pourrez l'installer dans français, bonne chance mec!

Leoz2569 (2009-04-15)

Can i run it???
Dual Core 2.8hz, 2 Bb RAM, Geforce 9800 Gt .
Plss answer!!!
Because im running it low at medium graph level.

sebbedeknop (2009-04-15)

is this game working or is it still nuked ?
answer plz

yann92 (2009-04-17)

can't find steam_api.dll anyone know what to do?
i've installed the game but when i try to start it i get this

yann92 (2009-04-17)

now it finds steam_api but it can't find SteamUserStats

 Askeen (2009-04-18)

yann92 -
i think that steam dosent work with this version. you should buy it if you want to play over steam.

Wayne94 (2009-04-18)

wth, this torrent has been nuked for quite some time.. and yet there are still fags downloading this?

SweetBabyJesus (2009-04-18)

long live piratebay

culhao99 (2009-04-20)

HazenGraze G-H-O-R P-F-Z-U-L-C-V-K Y-L-O-K-U-R-G-J-S-H-E-N-L-M-F!

CoRTeXTheSkidMark (2009-04-20)

I got this fucking "steam_api.dll" is missing error, I have steam istalled and the game is properly installed too, what to do? please answer...

svadilfari (2009-04-20)

Is there a way to play multiplayer? are there server or whatever for cracked etwß

empzzr (2009-04-21)

thx very much for your detailed instructions - worked perfectly for me so far (BEYOND EPISODE 1 btw) without 1 single crash ... can't say anything about crashs in free-mode still playing campaign
here they are again (shortened) for anyone having trouble getting this to work, credit goes to Vascoa, thx:
1. Mount the images & install the game. autorun= the same as setup.exe
note: If you recieve an error message during install about various files missing (empire total war_disk1_0.sid etc.) you have to browse the installer to your virtually mounted drive (where you mounted the image) to continue the setup.
2. When the installation is done, DO NOT APPLY THE INCLUDED RAZOR1911 CRACK FROM DISC1.
3. Download & apply the edited crack

extract it & copy/move it to your game directory
4. Apply the Sound Fix

extract it the replace sounds_sfx.pack with the one in your Empire Total War\data folder
5. Edit/Delete Faulty Code (Shroud Fix)
go to Empire Total War\data\campaigns\episodic_3\ folder & open scripting.lua in wordpad/notepad
now you have to find & remove some brackets/dashes that look like this --[[ ]]--
to do that search (strg + f) for 'shroud_3_hud_gone'
After you're done the script should look like this:
elseif event_message == 2 then


6. save the file & run the Game

SOADFreak1989 (2009-04-21)

Can someone post a screenshot of how the files should look in the install folder?

aapb (2009-04-24)

long live the pirate bay
i found the install easy
thanks for this torrent and rip

yaqwsx666 (2009-04-24)

System Requirement link:

Einhanderkiller (2009-04-24)

Yeah, just buy the damn game. It's like $40. You'll be supporting a major PC developer and will encourage them to continue developing PC exclusive games. (Stormrise doesn't count as it was made by CA's Australia branch and was total shit.)

S3MM7 (2009-04-24)

so many seeders... and soooo many leechers.... :
| this will take for ever!
I'm downloading with 5 kb/s....
plz seed?

Kilo1 (2009-04-25)

I downloaded this at 500 KB/s because the more you upload the more you download. stop capping your upload stream or you will download slow. it is karma. so fucking stop asking too seed more when you are not seeding back fuckhead

S3MM7 (2009-04-25)

Kilo1 stfu :P
I'm seeding over 50 torrents! every torrent I've downloaded I've been seeding for many days, weeks and months!
So fuck you? :)
Don't say anything stupid, think before you say something! :P

langeroshea (2009-04-26)

Fuck you! Suck my balls.

Troublsom (2009-04-26)

To all my gratefull Seeders and Uploaders
If your not registered with Demonoid then exactly right now is a good time to jump on board.
Registrations are currently open again so be fast!
Oh and to all you non seeders, spammers and bitching non grateful naggers..
Just stay the FUCK away!!!

raizcan (2009-04-26)

Hi Guys,
I have done everything you said.
When I click on the Empire.exe nothing happens.
Can you help me with that,

kidaware (2009-04-26)


3261dan (2009-04-27)

S3MM7: "Don't say anything stupid, think before you say something! "
Maybe you should follow your own advice you fucking fool.
Fucking Whiners. If you can't download the torrent at a decent speed, it is YOUR OWN FUCKING FAULT. Not anyone else's.
S3MM7:"I'm seeding over 50 torrents!"
There's your answer you fucking inbred.
And on a slightly more polite note.... Thankyou AiTB for this upload, as usual blistering download speeds ;)

Ceejzor (2009-04-28)

it will only take 2 weeks to download! but so what it's going to be worth it anyway! I will make sure to seed for 2 days.

jere0926 (2009-04-29)

guys.. i got this fucking
"steam_api.dll" error i installed the game.. can someone help me????

aluculef (2009-04-30)

Hi every one
[DHT] = Not Allowed
[Local Peer Discovery] = Not Allowed
[Peer Exchange] = Not Allowed
Plz help how fix this?

culhao99 (2009-05-01)

Download / Upload Ratio 0.066
Total Downloaded - 66 GB (Since March)
Always downloading something.
Total Uploaded - 4.37 GB (Since March)
I only SEED While Downloading something!
Average Speed for Downloading - 256 Kb/s

.noname. (2009-05-01)

error message d3dx9_40.dll is missing can be fixed by updating directx to latest version.

Creds2neds (2009-05-04)

got the "steam_api.dll" error too.. can someone answer how to fix it?

prodrifter (2009-05-04)

please seed, dont be so freaking selfish! 4500 leachers and 800 seeders, like OMG!

Joso2304 (2009-05-04)

ok this error should be fixed, if you install steam on your computer. I had Steam on my computer and i did'nt get that error NOTICE: an error will acour when trying to play online!

3261dan (2009-05-05)

This has been working perfectly. Only one crash in 4 days of play.
Make sure you get the Razordox updates, they fix ALL the problems.

yaqwsx666 (2009-05-07)

System Requirement link:

agathecosta (2009-05-07)

I'm not expecting this one in a hurry but what started at 1k/s the first hour (almost deleted torrent) is up to 35k/s or so now...
thx for those who are seeding

Torgaloukos (2009-05-09)

I know that it's a lot to ask, but could someone post all we need to have before we begin the Install and where can we get them from??
And maybe even a walkthrough on the installing and patching and updating...?
Thanks! :)

Bonehead98 (2009-05-10)

For all people!

-Clean Razor1911 installation (incl. content from Crack dir!)
-Razor 1911 Update #2

Install Notes
1. Extract RARs
2. Copy the update file to your install dir
3. Run the update
4. Copy crack to install folder
5. Have Fun!

jules_420 (2009-05-13)

can somebody help me?
i want to unRAR all the files into one .ISO - file but there is only a .SFV file and a lot of .001 - .002 - files. Isn't there supposed to be a .RAR file wich you can select to unpack the files into one image?

jules_420 (2009-05-14)

I already found a solution, you just have to open winRAR first and then select all the numbered files to extract. Fucking vista

seedhan (2009-05-14)

The installation is'nt working for me. I just get a empty empire: tw directory and a shortcut that leads nowhere. Anyone got a solution?

borisbarowski (2009-05-18)

I need this version to run the updates on, but I can't seem to get connected to any seeder or leecher ?
i don't think it's due to any settings issues as I have maybe 50 other torrents downloading and seeding
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks for the release :)

culhao99 (2009-05-19)

I got this stupid realise to work on my cousin's computer and my own laptop! well i installed it.. as it is... applied the first fix... only! because with the second the games does not start! and applied a file i searched for in google... for the possibility to play with minor nations in the game... 'til now the game have been working fine.. so... don´t be stupid.. TRY and RETRY

jeanjouall (2009-05-20)

Works perfectly fine! Thx to the uploader.

mcgm51 (2009-05-25)

Hey guys!
I have the same problem as seedhan, the installation went well, but when i go to the game directory, there are only few files (far from what is necessary)... What did I do wrong or how to correct this?

dreamzor (2009-05-26)

Hmm the download speed really isnt that good....please dont limit your upload speed :(

bky (2009-05-27)

Unless I am doing something wrong, this version isn't working with the new razor update #5. When I run that update, it complains about files not matching. Then, when I run the came, it just shows the copyright screen and crashes out.
Has anyone gotten this release to work with updates (3-)4 or 5?

bassanian (2009-05-31)

Hay all pirates!
I got a problem, i dont know if this problem has been solved, i dont have time to read all the comments beacuse im tired as hell. Well to the point!
I installed and everything i think it went good:P
When i copy the crack from razor 1911 into my installed directory, and then press it, the start screen cames up but then i get back to the desktop... i have NO idea what the problem could be.
Some help would be thanksful!

Docktor_Worm (2009-06-03)

Hey, I installed the game correctly and got the updated crack and sound pack like everyone said, but whenever i start the game, it goes to the titlescreen that just says "empire total war" and has the trademarks and credits, and then nothing happens. I can still move my mouse, and task manager says its functioning, but nothing happens and I cant seem to progress to the game. I would really appreciate help on this

Docktor_Worm (2009-06-03)

Hey, I installed the game correctly and got the updated crack and sound pack like everyone said, but whenever i start the game, it goes to the titlescreen that just says "empire total war" and has the trademarks and credits, and then nothing happens. I can still move my mouse, and task manager says its functioning, but nothing happens and I cant seem to progress to the game. I would really appreciate help on this

BHT88 (2009-06-04)

needs to be reset on steam

Brianl96 (2009-06-04)

my computer cant take it, it lags like hell :o

Leoz2569 (2009-06-07)

Hey!!! Docktor_Worm relax, happens same for me, wait a few minutes moie and done, the game starts, i think its because game instalation stream, it makes game loading slow, but the game runs perfect on campaing and battles.

snookydman (2009-06-10)

hey can people seed, my max is only 30kb/s, seed seed seed

Zypen (2009-06-10)


IALCOOKIEUK (2009-06-12)

slow downlode speed, not sure why.

luigi.f (2009-06-17)

I installed it on xp and it runs with no errors. Then I installed it on vista and it says it doesn't find steam_api.dll. After reinstall, it finds it but it doesn't finds some file dx3_...
Anyone knows why?

Xx2Dum2LivxX (2009-06-19)

What I did to install it was highlight all the files in DVD1 and DVD2 extract them all using 7zip then mounted it with PowerISO and ran the setup....not that hard really

bigbadbluething (2009-06-20)

ok im having little trouble with the installation. should i have 2 isos at the end of of extraction or one? atm i have 2 (one for dvd 1 and another for dvd 2) my problem is that halfway thorught installation of the the first cd it asks where a file is. i find it but it appears to freeze my installation after i click ok like no more pgroggress

FieryAkuseru (2009-06-20)

I downloaded this torrent a long time ago, thought the game itself was kind of buggy,seeded for awhile, then deleted it.
Downloading it again, and I'm wondering, do we still need the sound fix?
Or does that update fix it?

IALCOOKIEUK (2009-06-20)

i found that when i downloded the game it had alot of files that i could not mount with deamon tools, but i created them all as a winraw file and then i was able to mount the files.

TrueShad (2009-06-21)

For those who are having trouble getting the installer to work on their stubborn PCs (like I am), this game is half off right now on Steam, so for some of you buying it might be easier if you can spare the $25. I got it to work in Vista, but now im trying to get it to go on a Windows 7 64-bit & im not having any luck, so I'll go with steam.
Happy torrenting

TrueShad (2009-06-24)

Its not that it never worked, its just the installer was a really poorly written piece of shit, & I have my doubts on the quality of the rars that he uploaded too.
I got it to work once, in vista, but I had to extract the .ISOs four times before one of them worked right. Then I install Windows 7 & couldn't get it to work at all, just partially finishes the install leaving out shit like Empire.exe & the config dir.
Agreed that its a lot less of a pain just to buy it on Steam.

swamp33 (2009-06-30)

Has SEGA always had a hand in the "Total War" series?
There's a heightened level of "suck" I sense in the game that reminds me of other games SEGA puts their name on.
It still crashes a good amount of times, unlike the Rome:TW series I stole and played for years.
Oh and a special shout out to whoever is responsible for the pathing in the game while in a "defend the fort" type scenario, you need to be shot in the knees and shown the door from your job.

Highfly76 (2009-07-08)

This game was fucked up when released, not so much the cracked wersion. After the resently released update 3 it's working good and as soon as a crackfix comes should work fine.

patrol_man (2009-07-11)

is there now a fix or something?? i wait and wait but i just want play a time... het duurt wel erg lang voordat die fout is verbeterd...

djbaaz (2009-07-14)

any krak out there yet????

andino (2009-07-17)

Don't go and buy this game. It is a total POS! I made the mistake of buying it off of Steam. All the thing does is crash to the desktop. I haven't gotten out of episode 1 yet and I have been screwing around with the damn game all day long! There aren't just a few errors, there are a FUCKLOAD off bugs!
Just skip this whole damn release and game. It's total shit.

andino (2009-07-18)

The game was so bad that Steam gave me a refund. Now that's saying something when a company renowned for not giving refunds gives one on a game.

jfmojaco (2009-08-03)

this file is corrupted... "rzr-etw1.083" from DVD1, it is being distributed..I redownloaded this file twice and I still get a corrupted file...

bergkees (2009-08-12)

It works great on windows 7 32-bit, vista should also work if you exactly follow the link from spazfreak on page 6, tut by jo. there seemed to be only on problem left, i often get a CTD when playing campaign, i think its because of the virutal addressing from to memory with this game. is there already a patch for this? or is there a workaround.
tx for the upload

Sunakujira1 (2009-08-14)

sad only getting 10kb/s,
This game is really big, so people finished downloading please seed if can?
it would really help us. Thanks

lucas_kelly (2009-08-22)

Ok I really need some help with a problem. I'm playing this game on Windows 7 and when I quit the game the empire.exe process doesn't end. That may not sound like a such a big problem but because the process doesn't end properly my graphics settings aren't saved, so I have to change them every time I play.
Anyone else having this problem?

johnnatnight (2009-08-25)

Just a note to anyone worried that this download wont work. I installed from this package, applied the official patch (latest) then used the razor 1911 crack from I have since played through the whole game and finished with only 1 or 2 crashes to desktop. Works great!!! Thanks!!!!

czo79 (2009-09-07)

Why is this version so much larger than the kaos version of ETW? They look like the same special forces edition, etc.

 Mincan (2009-09-22)

What is the difference between the 11.89 and 11.84GB versions of Razor1911's torrent in like 6 different torrents? What is this 40MB for?

 Mincan (2009-09-24)

Along with the updates works great for me thanks.

amine2610 (2009-11-05)

I downloaded this torrent, but when I finished installing, and I try to lunch the game, I get the first TOTAL WAR screen and then my windows vista tells me that EMPIRE: Total War has stopped working.
please any help will be very appreciated
thank you

Troyx (2009-11-08)

Do I still need to download the "sound-fix", if I'm going to install v1.5 (update 8) patch for this?

amine2610 (2009-11-08)

I downloaded this torrent, when I finished installing I applied the crack, but when I try to lunch the game, I get the first TOTAL WAR screen and then my windows vista tells me that EMPIRE: Total War has stopped working.
please any help will be very appreciated
thank you

milu1228 (2010-01-14)

sorry guys ... im just a noob ... i just download the file but dont know how to use it. after i use ffsj to join them and got rzr-etw1 and rzr-etw2 and really dont know what program to use next ????? please help with these .... thanks a lot

Chrismos (2010-03-03)

Work it?When i have got FIX ?

Alzitar (2010-03-06)

Dear pirates, yar!
Ive noticed some people have alot of trouble with the installation.. I myself was quite worried when I saw all the different files and comments. However I've installed the game in 1 try and no problem with anything so far (been playing for about 5 hours now). Ive actually created this little account to explain in few simple steps so everyone can enjoy!
Step 1

Step 2

Comment: Let me be clear; you absolutly dont need anything else then these 2 downloads! no hotfixes, no bugfixes no other vague rars.. nothing! These files together will give you a working version of the game ver 1.5!
Step 3
Load the iso's with Daemon tools (or any other image mounting software). Note however that the instalastion will ask you a few times to locate the mounted disk, do this every time and it will continue installing. After a while it will obviously ask for disk 2, if so mount disk 2 with deamon tools and again locate it when the installer ask for it.
Step 4
This is the one most people seem to forget.
On the first iso (empire_disc1) there is a folder named razor1911. Copy the content of this folder to your install path.
To clerify: copy not the folder razor1911 but all the folders and files inside it to the folder where you installed empire total war (example: c:\Empite Total war).
You will be prompted if you want to overwrite the files, press "yes to all".
Step 5
Now open the update folder (from the second torrent I stated here) and copy the rzr-etw8.exe file to your empire total war installation folder. Then execute it. It will now start to update your empire total war files.
Step 6
Now that you have updated, run the file install.redist.cmd this file will be in your installation folder.
Step 7
Final step! Now put the Empire.exe file from the update in the installation folder and overwrite the existing one.
(you can find this exe file in the second torrent I linked)
Step 8
Thank all the uploaders and creaters of this upload
Cheers! & Enjoy :)
Side note: I installed on a clean install of windows xp pro SP3, so if this isnt working for you and you really want to play.. get a fresh install of wxp sp3 :P

dinos99 (2010-05-11)

Seed if u can pls!

onewho (2010-07-12)

Ok, I need a little help getting this thing running.nnI followed Alzitar walkthrough word for word. And got all the way to step 6 without any problems.nnI started step 6, \"running install.redist.cmd\" it went though an appeared to install all the direct x updates and addons needed... But once it finishes I get the message redist\\vcredist_x86-sp1.exe is not a valid win32 application.nnNot thinking much of it, I continued to copy over the Empire.exe file from the 2nd torrent.nnAnd then attempted to run the program: I get the message Empire.exe - Unable to locate component. This application failed because steam_api.dll was not found. Re-installing may fix this problem.nnSo I need to know how to fix this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

onewho (2010-07-12)

^^Ignore the extra \"nn\'s\" and the extra \\\'s... it seems firefox has some formatting issues with the comments box.

Jackxon (2010-07-18)

Hi guys!nnI followed Alzitar\'s instructions and I managed to install this game without any single problem! Thx for the uploaders!nnOh..and I\'m running Windows 7 64bit Ultimate ^^

pohnahd (2011-01-29)

Everything works like charm but there's this annoying bug that causes my elite guards on any factions to shoot from row to row. They just keep screaming FIRE AND FIRE. ILL SHOW YOU A VIDEO

pohnahd (2011-01-29)

Everything works like charm!!!...but there's this annoying bug that causes my elite guards on any factions to shoot from row to row. They just keep screaming FIRE AND FIRE. ILL SHOW YOU A VIDEO

pohnahd (2011-01-29)

at youtube /watch?v=gD29HHFpzQE

pohnahd (2011-01-29)

/watch?v=gD29HHFpzQE youtube

quizzo123 (2011-02-06)

Thank you:))

quizzo123 (2011-02-07)

The installation is very slow, been 1h right now!

rafaelpicc (2011-02-09)

How do you UNINSTALL THIS?????????????????

manpret_tea (2011-06-14)

steam_api.dll i cant play it how to fix this plz help :)