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Microsoft Office System 2003 Professional Edition All-In-One




Software PC


Microsoft Office System 2003 Professional Edition All-In-One




2005-05-07 (by WriSt)


Microsoft Office System 2003 Professional Edition All-In-One by Kemosabe Version 1.0 This CD contains the original version of Microsoft Office 2003 Professional, FrontPage 2003, Visio 2003 Professional, Project 2003 Professional, and OneNote 2003. No messy administrative installation points. Install from the CD, and do any future updates as easily as applying a Service Release patch. Included on this CD are the following: 1. Office 2003 Professional a. Microsoft Access b. Microsoft Excel c. Microsoft InfoPath d. Microsoft Outlook e. Microsoft PowerPoint f. Microsoft Publisher g. Microsoft Word 2. FrontPage 2003 3. Visio 2003 Professional 4. Project 2003 Professional 5. OneNote 2003 A number of other extras are included as well, such as: 1. Office 2003 Editions Resource Kit Toolbox 2. Office Visio 2003 Resource Kit Tools 3. Office Converter Pack 5.0.2920.0.a 4. Power Utility Pak 5 (with VBA Source Code) 5. Kemosabe Version of Power Utility Pack 5 (2003-08-30) 6. Kemosabe Version of Edwin's Power Tools 3.51 for Excel 7. ASAP Utilities 3.05 8. XY Chart Labeler 6.23 9. Excel Code Cleaner 4.4 10. Excel Utilities 1.5 11. Excel Code Documentor 4.0 12. Word Code Cleaner 4.4w 13. MathType 5.1 14. DisableWebToolbar 1.0.0 15. Passware Password Recovery Kit 5.7 16. FaceID images in pdf format 17. Microsoft Press, First Look Microsoft Office 2003 eBook An AutoRun menu has been included for easy accessibility to the above items. Microsoft Office System 2003 products require Windows 2000 or successor. They will not work on Windows 9X or Windows NT 4.0. Version 1.0 by Kemosabe 2003-09-13 Volume License Product ID Keys: 1. Office 2003 Professional: GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDY 2. Others: WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHM The Setup.ini files in the "FilesSetup" directories have been modified to automatically enter the Product ID Keys. The original Setup.ini files have been saved under the "Original Files" subdirectories. A 700 mb CDR will be required. Applications Used The ISO was created with CDImageGUI beta 3 by CyBerian ( A minimum of 10% pars were generated using SmartPar 0.13d1. To extract and write the image you will need: SmartPar 0.13d1 - (web address now defunct) WinRar 3.20 - CDRWin 4.0A - These utilities are included in the accompanying support zip file. You do not need to download the support zip file if you already have these utilities. If you prefer, other utilities (not included in the support zip file) are also capable of writing .iso files. Posted to the Following Newsgroups alt.binaries.warez.win2000 alt.binaries.warez alt.binaries.comp Number of rars: 66 Number of pars: 10

Files count:



674.29 Mb




BearDoz (2005-05-09)

Er det mulig å få Norsk språk?

bigbri (2005-05-09)

Fantastic! I love this torrent, thank you very much! :-D

BearDoz (2005-05-10)

Is it possible to patch this version or somthing from english into norwegian?

commandergc (2005-05-11)

It doesn't install it says the install is corrupted?

Lieuwe_Stek (2005-05-21)

Fantastic!! This is the best MS Office TORRENT there is!!
It works and because there are soooooo many people uploading, you have it in no time!! Thnx guys!!

mama (2005-06-05)

Is something wrong with my azureus? It says no seeders and no leechers and the connection keeps timing out.

Knudsn (2005-06-06)

bare 2kb/s :( har eksamen om 2 dager, så jeg trenger power point fort... men det ser nok ut at det tar sin tid, kan ikke flest mulige seeda?

Knudsn (2005-06-06)

Takk for filene, det gikk jo veldig fort :D
men trenger jeg noen spesielle programmer for å åpne ISO filen? jeg står litt fast der...
noen som kan hjelpe?

nvision (2005-06-13)

w00t! Thx :-)

ssseba (2005-06-16)

i understand it's english version. Correct me if i'm wrong :)

jt2 (2005-06-17)

Where do I find the support zip file please?
Ever so thankful to find this torrent!!

morten311075 (2005-06-21)

Please SEED 5kb/s

Delight20000 (2005-07-01)


DarkRainbows (2005-07-04)

Can everyone who dll'ed this torrent plz seed? TY!

Tzar (2005-07-07)

Can I configure it so the langue is swedish?

prettyfingers (2005-07-11)

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Where do I find the support zip file, I've been going crazy looking for it?

burgerpardis (2005-07-13)

he has already done everything needed with the support zip file. Just burn the .iso and install!

bla13 (2005-07-15)

Dette er en perfekt torrent. Den blev hentet ned på små 5 timer, og ved hjælp af dæmon tools var det intet problem at installere den. Med andre ord fungerede det hele perfekt, og den kan klart anbefales...! Desuden indenholder den en masse Officeprogrammer der ikke er en "normale" office-torrents....det er ren luksus ;o)

enwar3 (2005-07-18)


Exhumed (2005-07-19)

I don't know. I just downloaded and installed this morning. Can anyone confirm the 30 day thing?

afn49482 (2005-07-30)

If only there was a great open-source alternative to MS Access... Sorry, Mr. Gates; This software's on the house today!
Thx to WriSt... Awesome .iso, although I only needed 1 or 2 applications from it.

flyerfan (2005-08-02)

im just looking for powerpoint, can someone tell me where there is a site without all the other programs, or can you jsut install the one program without the others....

Jesus^DK (2005-08-03)

how do i seed????

rifad (2005-08-05)

wtf man i dowload 130kb off 50 peers and I UPLOAD 650KB to 30 peers WTF ¤#"#%"%#¤&%#&

sabarblatoe (2005-08-06)

This is the best iso file I have gotten. Everything is setup perfect. All you gota do is download it, open up nero burning rom and burn the image to disk and your ready to go.
10 ninja points to WriSt

naddylou (2005-08-07)

Please somebody seed :-)

 NorseGuy (2006-01-09)

For Scandinavial users: The spell checking for nordic langauges don't work (well, I only checked Swdish and Norwegian).

Jupmasterg (2006-02-01)

Some one plz Seed

smooth_pirate (2006-02-02)

Where can i download the support zip file

christ1 (2006-02-04)

Question, need spellcheck in both english and norwegian (both bm and nn), are they included in the torrent? or do I have do get them somewhere else? -if so, anyone know where?
feel like a dumbass for asking, but there ya have it....

Nokayu (2006-02-09)

Works Great! Thanks :-)

atwa (2006-02-09)

OMG.... 600kb/sek .. .. 20 min 2 download... and f-cking good iso file...... 47/10 points to wrist...

shzd (2006-02-12)

niscey uppload

TD0607 (2006-02-16)

Thanks!!!! This is a great release! If all torrents were like this one, the world would be a beautiful place ;)
PS! If anyone finds the norwegian spellcheck for office, please pm me or post a msg here?

Fibble (2006-02-18)

Office 2003 PROOFING TOOLS has dictionaries for over 50 languages (choose during install)
I THINK this is the one I downloaded.

If it is, it's awesome, even thesaurus.
( . )( . )

scorpion2420 (2006-02-23)

the product id's are invalid

Nachtworst (2006-02-24)

WOW! Awesome d/l speed folks! Thanx a lot!

steve3502 (2006-03-06)

great program, thanks

fenris6840 (2006-03-09)

Thanx - good program, nicely packed, you R A GOD!

Majka.Lillemor (2006-04-10)

Please seed :-)

boorag (2006-04-12)

ive happy with time it took 2 download buy not installed jus yet ... few things i want 2 change first. . wen i do install i will give you my most honest opinion. However ... FANX so far

frekjem (2006-04-23)


100mb (2006-05-04)


TROOLYEMET (2006-05-20)


Gunvald89 (2006-05-20)

Det finns jö ingen svenska!!! Har letat men hittar ingen som jag kan få ner svenska på! Hjälp

tagxm (2006-05-25)

that is ok

playxchange (2006-05-25)

Perfect!. Downloaded (and seeded, of course). Works like a charm.
¡Funciona perfecto! =)

juudu (2006-06-07)

Is this working only 30 days????

jefbak (2006-06-11)

I get an error "This patch package cannot be opened...verify that this is a valid windows installer package."

JujitsuFreak (2006-06-13)

Trying to download torrent gives me an server error message - not found..... I take it this torrent is no longer active? :( I really need Access.

flem363636 (2006-06-20)

everything went fine, right up until i tried to install Office. It give me an error that the installation file IU561401.CAB could not be found.
PLEASE someone help me, ive tried everything I know a 1000x.
TIA everyone who cares!!!! ;)

steverossero (2006-06-23)

help me plz i tried write it to a disc usin roxio easy creator
do i have too use nero burning rom

SimpsonsFana (2006-06-23)

More seeders please.

fuero (2006-06-23)

Help!!! I download this file and when I try to install it appears ERROR: a required installation file A2561405.CAB could not be found ...
Unfortunatelly even if I try some things I couldn't install the office..please can someone help me?

flem363636 (2006-06-23)

yep same problem as me, just a diff. file. Seems no one can help us :(

LazyD (2006-06-25)

Problems with this one, never finishes, gets up to 99.9% then drops back to 99.7% and back up forever. Fails hashchecks on 3 or 4 of the last few pieces, keeps trying to download them.

LazyD (2006-06-25)

Surely this is why others are experiencing the cab file errors on installation and burning. I tried to uncompress the iso to check if the missing files were irrelevant, but no, won't uncompress properly.
I wonder why some users clients are letting them finish when it's incomplete while mine (uTorrent bty) never finishes?
Can anyone help with this? Or point those of us with problems to an Office torrent that is known to finish properly recently.
Thanks, sorry bout the longness!

LazyD (2006-06-25)

Ok, it worked eventually. I think it was something to do with my client. I deleted the torrent file and redownloaded it, forced a re-check, it finished, burned and installed fine, lovely jubly.
I think the others are having the same problem, ie, it's not fully downloaded when it says it is, try what I did, and a different client if that don't work, force re-check.

eMarkM (2006-07-20)

Superb! Downloaded within 24 hours thanks to the many seeders and installed without a hitch.

paytonen (2006-08-07)

Nice! Best Office torrent in age's, hehe! ;D
Thanks to all you seeders out there!
I'm gonna seed this till I got a sharing ration on about 10 or so^^hehe ;D

digitalstruggle (2006-08-08)

Does anyone know how to install Office 2003 SP2 after installing this program?

SilverWombat (2006-08-25)

Works very good!
Seeding :)
- But, theres no danish language pack - doesnt work, anyhow!

SuspiciousFreak (2006-09-02)

This is PERFECT!
But.. what happens after 30days? I've had it just today.. Hope that shit about registering isn't showing up then..
Anyway.. Thx a lot WriST!

MichMoll (2006-10-21)

Thanks, great program and no problems when updating.

NinjaManiac1515 (2007-04-04)

2oo3 office ROCKS....the 2007 office package has nothing on this...yell yeh

Sazs (2007-04-21)


dragals (2007-05-22)

I downloaded, it installed fine, but the password key doesn't work. Anyone have a working key?

killar912 (2007-06-06)

Can i recover computer with this?

techmester (2007-06-10)


gnohiew (2007-07-19)

Can this version pass validation ?

tweakerblow (2007-08-01)

I can make it pass validation, but first, does anyone know if it is an SP2 office version or the SP1?

wakening (2007-11-07)

Great Download. Install from the CD, and do any future updates as easily as applying a
Service Release patch. maybe???

NoOneImportant (2007-12-17)

this is great! fast download and easy to burn and use thnx mate!!!
I am seeder ;)

Turkish-Kid (2007-12-22)

hi, I need help wrist please or anyone else PLEASE! i downloaded it and for some reson everything comes out in RAR files thats all 1.4mb or so each? am i suppose to extract everysingle one or what theres like 50 of them, i really need to no what to do please help thanks!

kcage82 (2008-08-05)

Hello I'm new to this site and the whole thing, i've dl'd stuff like this before so i'm not new to that. heres my prob though...i already had office...just not Access, which is what i was thats pretty much the only thing that was installed. everything works great and so on...i created a database/etc...BUT when i go to open it and edit it at anytime i get an error in Access "Opening C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\mydatabase.mdb" then below that "This file may not be safe if it contains code that was intended to harm your computer. Do you want to open this file or cancel operation?" and it gives the choices as to what you want to do. When you go ahead and open works just fine like any other file. I get same type of errors when tryin to email the file about how it can be unsafe...and the person im sending it to may not be able to open it if using Outlook..and i sent it and the person couldnt open it cuz it was deemed unsafe...i've scanned the file and the program with McAfee and it says its clean...please help?!!??!?!?!

alansokal (2008-08-07)

A scan by BitDefender AV (2008) virus Win32.Freetrip.C@mm in the file mtype_v5_1_keygen.exe
Is that a false alarm?

Thlump (2008-08-13)

alansokal, BitDefender is shit. Most AVs report keygens as viruses but they aren't.

yetti13 (2008-09-05)

Thank you thank you thank you. took me a minute 2 get the stuff i needed to set it up. but its freakin awwwsome. good lookin out man

cellularmobile (2008-10-18)

OK, I was recently doing a clean up of my pc and apparantly I deleted something I shouldn't have and now when ever I do anything MS related it tries to run the install and such. I fuggured i could use the start up disk to repair it but the disk is no where to be found...
So I torented this and have mounted the .iso to DEAMON tools and ran "Install Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003" and chose to do a repair. It starts fine but when it gets to where the Current Action reads:
"Copying new files
Copying file: STOCKS.DAT"
It stops and asks me to "please insert the disk: Microsoft Professional Edition 2003" and I thought having the disk image mounted on DEAMON would have that covered...
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any help in advance.

P´Da (2008-11-07)

Thanks From Sweden 2008

topio (2009-04-05)


pinkturbokitty (2009-06-09)

Hi. It all works okay. Though I was just wondering, how do I seed torrents? The torrents download okay, but then it says seeding, and it does that forever, it doesnt seem to be done seeding. So ussually I remove those from the list (Though I'm not sure if people are able to download from me). If anyone could clear this up for me, Id appreciate it because Id like other people to be able to download stuff too.

Elzigzag (2009-06-30)

Thanks a lot WriSt. And let me to tell to all those nOObs (like me myself). This was very helpful to me. No problems. No waste of time. Very easy. Intuitive.
Definitely a must-recommend.
I'd suggest you stop wasting time and money searching the whole wide web. This is the one.

HankeT (2009-09-10)

is there anyone that can seed this? I need it desperately!! thx for uploading this =)

daburakk (2009-10-13)

Could i use Daemon tool to install this??

daburakk (2009-10-13)

dont wrryi found my dont have to install on a cd, if you download a program called Daemon tool (pro or lite, doesnt matter), you can use that to open it the same way a cd will.
btw, 10/10 thanks for the upload brother. defininately the best torrent for microsoft office 2003

coldz (2009-10-16)

Awesome, this is perfect...

hellonewman (2009-10-20)

Thank you.

colastefan (2009-12-02)

Is it working in windows 7?

snorri24 (2009-12-15)

fucking excellent download speed.. 5min !!!
thanks alot guys/girls

AAB26 (2009-12-22)

guys, can any1 provide language packs for this.
only MS office 07 is here on TPB

AAB26 (2009-12-22)

@ hj.7z, Are you kidding?!
you come to TPB looking for 30-day trail software.
so no , this is a PIRATED version

lambys (2010-01-15)

Thanks!! Great upload!!
Works windows7.

Dawood01 (2010-01-21)

Thanks this is a bonzer job!

byrona (2010-01-21)

Great stuff thanks WriSt - I`ll seed this on 5:1 ratio at least - as I have done with Office 2007 +Enterprise.
Remember, if you make a copy of the completed disc close all applications including internet connection and burn it at 4x

hlt223 (2010-01-30)

how does this fit on a 700mb cdr? when i copy the files over to the hd it says 1.03gb. i am trying to slipstream updates and change the cdkey as it no longer passes oga.

pxxlee (2010-02-01)

This torrent works perfectly. I only installed Office Professional (I don't need any of the other things (I may install FrontPage at a later date)) and it works as if I bought it. No activation was required. I used the serial provided with the torrent and was very pleased with the results. Thanks a bunch, WriSt.

marcineczek0 (2010-03-03)

Thanks a lot! Works great!
All you gota do is download it, open up nero and burn the .rar file as an image to disk and your ready to go. The key worked for me!
Thanks... will try to seed this one!

negativethree (2010-05-11)


sera75 (2010-06-06)

I'm concerned that I receive this message from my anti-virus program, Avira Antivir Personal:
"Extras\MathType 5.1\mtype_v5_1_keygen.exe'
contained a virus or unwanted program 'TR/Agent.7168.O' [trojan]"
Is this a false positive or something that is serious?
Also once I have the image file can I extract it and setup from there? I would like to run it from a usb drive as my netbook doesn't have a flash drive.

Dorkside (2010-06-11)

almost every keygen comes up as a trojan don't mind it just use it

DreamWeaver13 (2010-07-27)

this worked great!!! fast download and perfect running! thank you

grn2010 (2010-08-22)

Do NOT use the autorun.exe file. I have firsthand confirmation it includes malware embedded into it. Simply go through the folders and run the respective setup.exe files instead.

cp_admin (2010-09-01)

Radi li ovo???

seriespro (2011-05-11)

I downloaded this torrent and opened the iso file onto a CD disk. I scanned the disk with 3 software prorams for any malware. I scanned it with Spybot, Malwarebytes, and Microsoft Essentials and found no malware. Unless the programmer is that good to hide it, I would say its clean. Loaded as described and ran fine.

JM783 (2011-08-01)

Thank you WriSt! It actually works!

DianaLuntenSweden (2011-09-04)

Is it true about the 30 day trial thing? Cause all I wanted is OneNote and I hope this isn't a trial or anything.
Also, installation went fine, works perfectly. DLoaded in about 6 minutes and the key was already input, so, no probs with that :)

JM783 (2011-09-06)

Yeah buddy! It downloaded less than 4 minutes.
Thanks for the good working torrent WriSt. Keep up the good work!

black126 (2012-06-15)

Any seeders still around?


1. ms office 2k3/info.nfo 6.00 Kb
2. ms office 2k3/Microsoft Office System 2003 Professional Edition All-In-One.nfo 4.85 Kb
3. ms office 2k3/Office2003.iso 674.28 Mb