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Alien vs Predator 2 + Primal Hunt






Alien vs Predator 2 + Primal Hunt Expansion




2005-04-17 (by Freestuff)


Great game, the best game at lan ever. Terrifying enemies, great horror, excellent. Both Alien vs Predator 2 and the expansion Primal Hunt for hours of sweating during gameplay. Cracks included for both Enjoy!

Files count:



1350.93 Mb




Freestuff (2005-04-17)

I can upload some more maps, about 100, for mutiplayer if anyone wants, just tell me ;)

SeasGem85 (2005-04-17)

I want some maps! :D But i wonder...can i play it in multiplayer???

Freestuff (2005-04-18)

You can play in multiplayer, only through the lan though, but i got a program for that, just tell your friends to get it and you're all set. Uploaded it here

Maps is uploaded too, get them here

SevX1 (2005-04-18)

seeda på nu bara :)

fredrik90 (2005-04-19)

how do i get the expansion working??

Freestuff (2005-04-19)

For some reason the autostart doesnt work, but just open the cd you want to use and double click on setup.
- Primal Hunt Install -
1. Mount or burn the image file
2. Install in the same folder as AvP 2
3. Copy the crack from the cd and paste in the install folder. Click Yes in the window about replacing files.
4. Play
Hope you'll enjoy the game/s ;)

Kothoga (2005-04-20)


Freestuff (2005-04-20)

I've problems with my torrent, until I fixed it, it would be great if those who downloaded it could help seeding abit.
2 x 5 votes :D

Bambul (2005-04-21)

Everytime i want to download something from Piratebay i get this message: ERROR (the time) -
Problem connectin to tracker -
what am i doing wrong? :(

Sir_Peevish (2005-04-22)

Seeda om ni är färdig...

Freestuff (2005-04-24)

Jag har AvP 2 brännt så jag har skivan i när jag spelar. ;)

mbndajj (2005-04-24)

Are there any bots for this game??

revanda (2005-04-27)

kan någon fixa en keygen? jag vill kunna spela lan:p

rullegardin (2005-05-07)

"när jag installerat och ska starta spelet så säger den bara please insert disc1,,gör jag för fel??jag har lagt in cracket"
samme her....jeg har kopiert cracken + brent iso`n, men får bare "wrong disc inserted"
*slå løs på datamaskinen med en hammer*

Freestuff (2005-05-08)

I got AvP burnt, the crack i got with it on the cd requires me to have the cd1 in the drive while playing. Since i just made iso files of the game, that meas you'll have to do the same.
As for Primal Hunt, you dont need that burnt, just mount the image in Daemon Tools and you're all set.
Bränn cd1, använd cracken+skivan i din cd/dvd läsare så går det.
-Primal Hunt-
Mount image filen i Daemon Tools, använd cracket på skivan.
This is how i do it and it should probably work for you too if you do it this way. ;)

Big_F (2005-05-08)

Kan någon beskriva steg för steg vad man ska göra för att starta spelet och primal hunt.
Min deamon vill inte öpnna primal hunt och AvP2 vill ha disc 2.

Big_F (2005-05-08)

Det står på primal hunt wrong dics inserted.

Freestuff (2005-05-08)

Keygen? I didnt even need one, i think :P
Use this program and you dont have to play on a lan, just share the program with some friends and you can all sit home in your own houses and still play with eachother.

If you'll play this game on an actual lan party, make sure to bring deodorant, since its easy that you might start sweating while playing. Or else, some might start complaining about that it stinks sweat ;)

Big_F (2005-05-08)

Men ska man unrar cd 1 sen bränna den så funkar det ellr?

Freestuff (2005-05-08)

-Big F-

Big_F (2005-05-08)

VAd behövr man cd 2 Till???

Big_F (2005-05-08)

Men skulle man bränna cd :n efter man unrar eller installerat den?

Big_F (2005-05-08)

OMG vad seg du är. Jag brände skivan som du sa men ändå när jag öppnar Primal hunt så står det wrong disc inserted.
SAmma sak på spelet. Vad ska jag göra? jag har lagt in cracken.

Freestuff (2005-05-08)

-Big F-
Ja, jag sitter och funderar på hur folk tänker om dom har såna problem som du, med att få igång ett kopierat spel. Om du har problem med kopierade spel, köp dem istället.
För det första, iso filerna ska du antingen bränna eller mounta, inte unrar. Sorry om jag fick dig att tro det. Men om du använder kopierade spel mycket så vet du att iso filer inte funkar med winrar/zip.
Du ska mounta image filerna i Daemon Tools, inte winrar eller annat uppackningsprogram. Alternativt, bränn med Nero eller Alcohol 120%. Om du tycker det är krångligt med att mounta, bränn dom istället. Kopiera över cracken, spela.

rullegardin (2005-05-08)

AH...spillet funker som det suser. Takk for hjelp + uploading, Freestuff.

Freestuff (2005-05-08)

Hehe, bara kul att lägga upp och att se att folk vill ha det man lägger upp .Att läsa såna här kommentarer gör det roligt att ladda upp. Tack ;)

Big_F (2005-05-09)

Asså jag har bränt cd 1 och cd 2 men det står iallafall put in disc 1. Jag har kopierat cracket. Till spel mappen. VAd har jag gjort för fel ???

Big_F (2005-05-09)

FAn asså. ska man ha inne cd och mounta samtidigt det hadde jag aldrig tänkt på men detta spelet äger............Nu vet jag för nästa gång....schysst upploading srry för att jag va lite tjatig....

mbndajj (2005-05-09)

Hey you all
Does any one know if there exist bots for AVP2??
Getting tired of playing single player, and aint that good a multiplayer.
So need bots, to improve my Skill
Asking again:
Are there Anybots for AVP2 ?????
Regards :D

ramboboy90 (2005-05-10)

var ligger cd2

Big_F (2005-05-10)

Ni som behöver hjälp så här ska ni göra.
1. Ladda ner filerna.
2. Öppna cd 1 med winrar.
3. Installera cd 1.
4. Kopiera cracket till spelmappen.(Finns i cd1 mappen)
5. Mounta cd 1 (Den som ni öppnade med winrar).
Det kommer stå wrong disc inserted men bry er inte om det.
Starta spelet och njut.
Om primal hunt får ni fråga freestuff eller nån som fixat det.( Fattar inte hur man ska göra.)
Detta skriver jag df jag hadde lite problem sj och skulle va bra att inte fler skulle hacka upp sig för ingenting/som jag gjorde/.

Big_F (2005-05-10)

Jag har kommit på den enla lösningen för primalhunt det är att man ska mounta den sen ska man trycka avbryt när den säge wrong disc inserted sen går man in på den här datorn trycker utforskaren på den så finns setup där......Äntligen.

viktor9103 (2005-05-10)

Kan ni seda mera... snälla vill att det ska bli klart så att jag kan spela...... en kompis sa att det var as kul.... hoppas att han har rätt men man vet aldrig........ Kan någon berätta i detalj hur man får igång det sen??? gör det snälla.....

viktor9103 (2005-05-10)

Jag har en redme till Dessa spel på svenska och engelska.....
Ge mig eran MSN så skickar jag.....

King_UniQe (2005-05-14)

Problemet med primal hunt cd, är att den saknar en .cue fil. Är inte 100% på att det här funkar, men ja tror de gör det. gör en txt fil där ni skriver:
FILE "Filnamnet (Från början AvP 2 Primal Hunt Expansion.bin" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Kanske funkar utan .bin med. sen sparar ni txt filen och ändrar filändelsen till .cue.
Om ni inte ser filändelsen klickar ni på tex "Den här datorn", "Verktyg" (högst upp).
I den lilla "Drop down" menyn som kommer ner trycker ni på "Mappalternativ...". I rutan som kommer upp trycker ni på fliken "Visning". Där i rutan "Avancerade inställningar" finns det nått som heter "Dölj filnamnstillägg för kända filtyper", avmarkera den rutan.

legumes (2005-05-22)

Urfett spill, takk Mr.Uploader

Sho.Orty (2005-06-05)

Hejsan, är det någon snäll nisse som kan seeda spelet? Vill verkligen spela det, har väntar länge =D Tack!

Sho.Orty (2005-06-05)

Tjena, jag behöver hjälp med AvP 2, äre någon som kan ställa upp och ge mej sin msn? Please, hjälp mej..

leviaton (2005-06-06)

i love this game

lemonopoulos (2005-06-13)

hur kör man på lan? kan man hitta andra spelare utan att ha nån ip address??/tacksam för svar

lemonopoulos (2005-06-17)

kan man på nått sett spela på internert?

bloody (2005-06-18)

adda mej på [email protected]
behöver hjääälP

jaffarca (2005-06-26)

seed plz

Skara/ny (2005-07-02)

Vart ligger spelmappen?? hittar inte den att klistra in cracket i.

NisseNoice (2005-07-04)

Tre filer bara? BIN eller? Är det så jävla säkert det? :-(

hAMMERFALL (2005-07-11)

mmmmm har äntligen hittat det zuper skoj på lan måste bara ha det

Crufire (2005-07-15)

Well, how do i start the Expansion?
ive installed it BUT i cant start it... what shall i do?

spetzer (2005-07-18)

jag behöver hjälp, när jag ska starta spelet...( ja, jag ahr lagt in cracken i spelmappen) ... då står det att jag ska stoppa i disc 1 i min rom, men vafan, det finns ju inga cue eller img filer att stoppa i daemon tools, den som kan hjälp mig kan ju mejla eller skriva på msn... [email protected]

Lalas87 (2005-07-19)

Så här gör ni för att installera Alien vs Predator 2. Mounta CD1, det kommer stå "wrong disc" men spelar ingen roll, inne i cd1 mappen finns Setup filen, klicka där och installera, lite senare kommer den att vilja byta till cd2, så byt då via daemontools, när allt är klart mountar du cd1 igen, står också då "wrong disc inserted" men samma sak som förut är det ingen fara, lägg in cracken från cd1 mappen, Spela och njut!

Slippan_KoRn (2005-07-20)

hej hej, jag är ny på det här men vad fan är daemontools å mounta??
MVH / Freddan

MaggotEvil (2005-08-12)

Anyone who have the missing file: dsetup.dll?

p0l4r (2005-08-18)

seed! plzzz!

Stufle (2006-01-05)

Seed!=) PLeace!=)

Stufle (2006-01-07)

Pleace!! Seed! I'm desperate!

adhesive (2006-01-08)

"wrong disc inserted" when i mount cd1..

spawn1987 (2006-01-09)

vet någon hur man installerar expansionet primal hunt?

lillwasa (2006-01-10)

ja vet det är enkelt :P

spawn1987 (2006-01-17)

alltså det är inte svårt att installera spelet men hur öppnar man expansion filen ?

blackrave123 (2006-02-09)

How to open the .bin file in DaemonTools:
When DaemonTools asks you for the file to mount, just click the file type thing under the file name and choose "All files". Then just find the .bin file. Good luck!
Also, I will translate Lalas87's description on how to install it:
Mount CD 1, and it will say "Wrong disc inserted". Just open the CD instead and run Setup.exe and the installation will start. Mount CD 2 when the installation asks you for it, and when it's finished, mount back to CD 1 (it will still say "Wrong disc inserted", but never mind that), apply the crack from the CD and play the game!
Hope you get it to work now.

Micke_The pirate (2006-02-18)

Seed plzzz

Jertsu123 (2006-04-04)

When i install the game. There comes on final cd1 insert. There comes please check is there a specify disk inserted or Specify a new path.

tobbe_19 (2006-04-30)

ja undrar samma sak som Slippan_KoRn va e daemontools å mounta??

PanZerNooB (2006-05-03)

I just can't get it work! And what file is the mountable CD 1 & 2 rly i suck at this thingys so please could ya help me? If someone could mail me the instructions to [email protected] And please send the whole instructions thing to thing like "unRaR that then mount the file from that" and stuff

lollerskat0r (2006-05-13)


S_I_S (2006-05-19)

är det jag som är dum eller finns det ingen cd2 fil i paketet? hittar ingen... plz hjälp... [email protected]

SlaktarTanten (2006-06-13)

Någon som kan lägga ut nya Alien vs predator extraction ??

koernekommer (2006-06-14)

Hmm downloaded 13671 times but only 5 seeders?? Where's the 13666 other seeders??

robocopo (2006-06-18)

when i run setup it say that ikernel.exe could not be launched please help

dISTURBED1 (2006-06-22)

loool ladda ner Deamon Tools för fan.... annars får ni det aldrig att funka...

razor01 (2006-06-30)

Ciekawa gra

Zargot (2006-07-03)

i finnaly got the primal hunt installation. its actually pretty simple :D
after you have installed the game without expansion, go on daemon tools. mount the .BIN file, but dont try to run from the autonrun thingy. right-click on the mounted drive in *My Computer*, and click open not autorun. then you get a directory with all the files. find the Setup-file. click it. and then it installs :)

Stilton (2006-08-03)

Seed this please!

JokerUppTownDown (2006-08-20)

kan man änvända WinRar???

dimetrius (2006-08-20)

I remember I tried to play this game long long time ago! But my pc wasn't up to it Now we will rock it!

JokerUppTownDown (2006-08-20)

plzzz seed the downlod speed is terrible 20-30kB/s :(

disdainpunk (2006-09-06)

Hey: Is anyone else getting:
"ERROR: Unable to find the AVP2.rez file. Make sure that AVP2 is installed properly and that your AVP2 disc 1 CD is in the hard drive."
What's stupid is that I can see the AVP2.rez file sitting in my directory! lol
I am SO lame at this shit and I am so excited that I actually got it installed and copied the crack!!
Now, will someone PLEASE give me some advice.
- Grateful idiot

disdainpunk (2006-09-06)

somebody please answer my last!!

Gaun-Theiw (2006-09-24)

i got the same prob mate and have no clue how to fix it
PS if any one finds out how email me or post plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz [email protected]

ThePornAngel (2006-09-27)

Seed Plz or stop dl it is soo slow

ThePornAngel (2006-09-27)

seed plz im dl in 30 kbs!!!!

Henrik_93 (2006-10-01)

Gah, Seed, I've been downloading for atleast 13 hours, and im on fucking 61!

apinkbunny (2006-10-07)

hey i keep getting that cannot find alien.REZ thingy 2, can some1 go over the directions to install the basic game not expansion? plz :)

mimi007 (2006-10-08)

I will translate description on how to install it:
Mount CD 1, and it will say "Wrong disc inserted". Just open the CD instead and run Setup.exe and the installation will start. Mount CD 2 when the installation asks you for it, and when it's finished, mount back to CD 1 (it will still say "Wrong disc inserted", but never mind that), apply the crack from the CD and play the game!
Hope you get it to work now.

apinkbunny (2006-10-08)

how do i apply the crack :\

zerro-nikro (2006-10-13)

Lol i cant iven start dl ^^
its say page not found,. :P lol

h__aa__swe (2006-10-22)


kjabal (2006-10-23)

SEED PLZ! I want this game more than ever=D

kjabal (2006-10-24)

I have installed the game now, but when i should start it the computer says "Wrong Disc Inserted" HELP!!

JokerUppTownDown (2006-11-25)

seed was up in 300kB/s and now im at 30kB/s
90% of the speed has slowed down..:S?

DaGoN_16 (2007-01-07)

Seed ffs i am not downloading AT ALL

Insoly (2007-01-19)

kan inte nån säga va man ska döpa cd skivorna till...annars står det bara "wrong disk inserted". Orka mounta och så...

dynglorvarna (2007-04-13)

seeda är ni snälla:) jag sitter fast på 99.8% jag lovar att seeda sedan. Plzzz can someone seed I'm stuck at 99.8%. I promise to seed when it is done.

panzerpanzer (2007-04-27)


Dcav (2007-06-04)

The crack no longer works (at least not for me)

myrmé (2007-06-15)

When I use the game, after having selected the detail, "ERROR Unable to find the AVP2.rez file. Please, make sure that AVP2 is installed properly and that your AVP2 disc 1 is in the drive".
What have I to do ??

DuSkaHetaFisk (2007-07-13)

när jag installerar och ska välja var spelet ska hamna i står det "Setup could not find a file on the specified path or disk. Please check that the prober disk is inserted or specify a new path."
lite hjälp någån?

DuSkaHetaFisk (2007-07-13)


DuSkaHetaFisk (2007-07-13)


DCFGS3 (2007-08-28)

Grrrr...When I install the game, the bar gets 2 52% and asks for disc 2, I tell it where disc 2 is, and it says it can't find specified

zather (2007-10-15)

Hjälp mig jag har Windows Vista kommer error Skivan Kan inte andvändas helt mysko.
Help me i got windows Vista But its comes a error it says Disk cant be used.

kartel73 (2007-11-12)

burn both iso files to a cd. Then install. Worked for me. Good luck

gemers (2007-12-01)

I'm having a problem, after I installed it, and put the crack patch in. It says something about the " AUTOEXEC.CFG, and DEFAULT.PRF " are not found, so wtf?

Illian9 (2007-12-06)

go to
and download the all patches file then primal hunt works

Illian9 (2007-12-06)

go to
and download the works for all patches file then primal hunt works

FlipMod3 (2007-12-10)

Seeda är ni snälla!

Cropsgrinder (2007-12-12)

kan någon typ PMa mig hur jag ska lösa detta, "Gå till kontrollpanelen för att installera och konfigurera systemkomponenter", vad är problemet? och hur löser jag det?

NoVsOn (2007-12-28)


NoVsOn (2007-12-28)

good seed :)

ebhnielsen (2008-01-09)

I've just downloaded and installed the game, and when trying to play as Marines I can't even get past the first door?! I find my hacking-device-thingy and start hacking the buttons at the door, but NOTHING HAPPENS?! I mean WTF?!?!
Any solutions?

maxair90 (2008-01-11)

great game.... but how i install the expansion Primal Hunt?

Pio46 (2008-01-24)

is this a new game??? like the new movie ???

Sebastian96 (2008-02-05)

The speed for me is 215,5!!!!:)

squirrel647 (2008-02-10)

Some plz email me at [email protected] explaining with a complete set of instructions on my problem. I have downloaded the game, but when i try to install it it gets to 52% and says plz enter disk two i have the disk 1 winrar file and disk 2 winrar file but i am confused and need much help someone plz plz respond you can also contact me on my youtube profile squirrel648 plz help Thank you

Kennoth (2008-06-02)

OK, game downloaded, with some trouble thought, but I figured it out. I passed the single player very quickly, and so I ask is there ANY way to play this online? Maybe even some cd key IDK.
Thx in advance

ukutamberg (2008-07-01)

if i want do start the game it sais wrong disck inserted WTF!?

Franardo (2008-08-19)

Yarr me heartys, i be needin some advice ere.
Ma damn machine won't burn a match let alone a cd, and xp pro is unsupported by every version of deamon tools to boot.
but i do have VCDcontroll installed and running witch will mount for me, just doesn't work with everything. Is there hope for me to get AVP2 or am I doomed?

jackal951 (2008-08-25)

i instaled the game but when i click on the desktop icon it wont launch the game can someone help me email me @ [email protected]

DjVizor (2008-09-20)



BACTERIA2008 (2008-11-13)

why do people allways leech?SEED

shraliblati (2008-12-09)

ok i can see Primal hunt is some kind of Videoformat what should i do with it when i installed Alien vs Predator 2???? can i mount it??

mrkaboom (2009-03-24)

Hi there! I have a little problem.Avp 2 is correctly installed but when i start the game whith cracked exe, it creates error message :Client MFC application has encountered a problem... and so on. The game does´nt start : ( What should i do?

AmericanJihad (2009-03-27)

I am trying to play the original AVP2, (not primal hunt) I tried to play colonial, alien, and predator, but when I hit start it just crashes back to the main GAME menu, NOT windows desktop. Any help?
I am using Vista.

picken_that_banjo (2009-04-20)

Great torrent man, Nice and simple.
Happy 420 people

dwal11 (2009-05-25)

If it keeps crashing and going back to the main menu install the latest patch update;1435

Nighty9Tnine (2009-06-05)

thx for that great game freestuff

MooMooMeal (2009-08-07)

i don't get it, when i go to mount the image to download it it says wrong disk, im using vista but i have seen other people in the comments have at least downloaded it before they see issues with vista

einzelhaft (2009-08-15)

True! One of the best LANs ever!

stmn (2010-01-23)

wrong disk blah blah guess I have to actually burn the fucker lol

stmn (2010-01-23)

also said certain .cab and .bin etc or something doesnt match the ones in autorun I actually have to burn it wouldnt let me go through with the insert Disk 2 either

lhierckens (2010-01-24)

"why do people allways leech?SEED "
Because, like me, they maybe live in a country where they've got a f ***ing monthly volume for up/downloads (+/-25GB)

Ruski1182 (2010-01-28)

Very good game and very good torrent. Had a download speed of up to 1.1MB/s finished the download in like 45 minutes. I hope i can play some multiplayer somehow.

DarkLoveofGods (2010-02-02)

when i click on the application it says wrong disk inserted amd when i try the crack, it opens the main menu but it won't let me play it it says that its installed wrong or that it cant find AVP2.REZ. i don't know what to do can you please help

DarkLoveofGods (2010-02-02)

I also tried downloading the patch but it still wont work i could use some help

{-TA-}RaNg3r1911 (2010-02-03)

Dude this was done so fast. I to 4 Mb/s on this shizz! Thannks bro!! :{D

Mixu-boy (2010-02-03)

And of course theres the fact that we must be leechers first before we can start seeding

dane223 (2010-02-15)

mine says "setup canceled" i need some help

mcmanus1806 (2010-02-15)

Help. ive installed it and everything but when i click to run it, it says no server configuration file so i click on the sierra update thing and it just cannot ever connect to the servers. is there any way of playing this game without the internet?

mcmanus1806 (2010-02-15)

Also if i try and start the game now it loads then it just does nothing doesnt say error or anything just doest work???? please help!

eventkiller (2010-02-25)

i downloaded it, nice download but the game sucks..
grapichs are so fucking ugly!

sweaker (2010-03-06)

Great download speed, but when i tried to open it in daemon tools it says "Wrong disc" i tried both! Help?

Dumitrescu (2010-04-02)

Thank you very much.
Happy Easter.

Snellv (2010-04-17)

13 from 42 (30.95%) AV:s spotted worm in lithtech.exe, spreads throught P2P. I dont know if i can trust this torrent..

XxNiTrOx (2010-05-08)

evrything works fine just downloaded the game

Unit53374 (2010-05-16)

ok. whenever i open the crack file, it opens the menu, but when i click play, it says "Cannot find AVP2.rez file. please make sure that AVP2 is installed correctly, and that AVP2 disc one CD is in the drive." what do i do?

teens2341 (2010-05-22)

Confirming I also received a virus/worm warning when trying to install this torrent.

Beazlexd (2010-08-03)

where is the crack 4 primal hunt i cant find it

ex_elite (2010-09-09)

1m up to 1.5m download, sweet, will post when I have installed

ex_elite (2010-09-09)

100% works ... what more can I say. :))

mike4ever (2010-09-13)

I have installed avp2 now, and i are on the main menu on avp2 screen. I have press the "singel player" button, and i have choose "Alien" then normal. After i pressed start the game was loading a few secounds before the game was canceling by some strange reason??? and now iam back on the main menu screen????????????? what is this? what is the problem on this game? have i do something wrong here? or have i miss a importent file?
I use windows xp and deamon tools light when i mount the discs, all of this files was greate and easy to install, but i have problems to PLAY the game.

trooper292 (2010-10-07)

does this work online multiplayer ?

roster312 (2010-10-12)

i have a problem with the dsetup.dll any way to solve the problem?

hazmat29 (2011-01-19)

the AvP 2 is running good. but thhe primal hunt cant be played. when i tried to play it the game ask for AVP2X.REZ when i check the folder avpx.rez is there. any one can solve this problem?

strexter (2011-03-14)

i can install with winrar the first cd, but then it asks for the second cd and it doesn't open

Embuix (2011-07-04)

@teens2341 your virus/worm is that crack/cracks