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The Holy Bible narrated by Stephen Johnston (KJV)






The Holy Bible narrated by Stephen Johnston (KJV)


Audio/Audio books


2007-07-17 (by KristGoth)


The entire King James version of the Holy Bible, narrated by Stephen Johnston.


  1. christian
  2. bible
  3. audio
  4. book
  5. mp3
  6. religion
  7. holy

Files count:



928.46 Mb




KristGoth (2007-07-17)

Seeding is most appreciated :) Remember that in some parts of this world the only way one can get hold of the word of God is by downloading it.
God bless you.

KristGoth (2007-07-17)

Try typing in's url and you'll get my point.

KristGoth (2007-07-17)

Piratebay is not the only torrentsite around. And even though most downloaders on this file are american, there are some from china, so they must be getting the torrent from somewhere and that makes it all worth my while. And since this discussion has nothing to do with the actual file, i'll leave it at that.

carolinawolf (2007-12-18)

thanks for this .
like the way it has the books in there own folders.
also the big thing is what ever they are called m3u or something, allows you to go to a certain part instantly by clicking on it.
i have just started and am downloading at over 200 kB/s
will help seed and i can up at 125 kB/s myself.
thanks KristGoth for the thought and the time.

nc08 (2008-03-22)

thanks kristgoth for the up.much appreciated

Xena. (2008-03-28)

OK thanx a lot of sharing this torrent! But I do want to add. Why are non Christians searching for bible torrents?

Xena. (2008-03-28)

Great.... has a trojan.

demuffinman (2008-10-10)

Need the Bible in another language? Try checking this out

bobbobbins666 (2008-11-11)

Good read, good work of fiction

MattDWeed (2008-12-19)

I have this version and it is very good:

MattDWeed (2008-12-19)

"Xena." Non Christians may want to read the Bible because it is an important part of our culture, albeit slightly less than harry potter or any other piece of smut. :P I read it because it helps to remind me of why I should remain "Non Christian." In my experience Christians can be the greatest of sinners (and with the least guilt); I guess that is thanks to forgiveness... Ecclesiastes 3:19-22: "19 For what happens to the children of man and what happens to the beasts is the same; as one dies, so dies the other. They all have the same breath, and man has no advantage over the beasts, for all is vanity. 20 All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return. 21 Who knows whether the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of the beast goes down into the earth? 22 So I saw that there is nothing better than that a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot. Who can bring him to see what will be after him?" ...We both agree that all the other gods don't exist, we only differ on the one called Yahweh.

slob1234 (2008-12-26)

Jesus! The Bible!

cjasonhall (2009-02-11)

Thank You

EmberPhoenix (2009-03-25)

I am a non-christian, and I still read the bible often. I feel it is an amazing piece of literature, and while I don't believe it is all fact, I do believe that it does teach some good lessons.

Dadutta (2009-06-23)

Enzeth - the Bible is Holy is people consider it such - the word Holy simply means "set-apart", in the same way we have regular knives and forks, and we have set-apart fine silverware, we have books and books that we give special credence and reverence.

Mizzshady (2009-07-17)

It is so hard to leave a comment here half the time. I hate logging in. I come here for a fast one thing somethin somethin not to hang out all day. Oh boy but did I have to come back and reply to the dip shit matt da lame ass weed fool. dear God for give me for my sins for I'm about to comment one right now. You are the biggest fool on the face of the earth I hate it when stupid people speak out. Just because you can don't always mean you should ok sweetheart. Christians I have no clue about cause I will not say a certain fact to represent an entire group unless that entire group consisted of me myself and I only.. 1) lames ass thing you said. 2) For myself who tries my hardest and I'm screwing up today to follow the word lives life with the largest amount of guilt. Guilt is felt even before the sin is comment. Just down loading this. I told my friend I'm going to hell Im downloading the bible. Until Krisgoths comment and ok I'm going to pray about it though. Man your an idiot. those who have no rules of sin to avoid feel no guilt.. How can you say its the other way around. We pray and get for given but that dont always mean that we don't live with the fact that we could of done better and should have. Why are you even on the internet dude. See this is why nut houses should have group computers.. Dip shits like this come out to remind us how lucky we really are for being who we are. But this dude is over kill.
Torrent comment section is made to thank the one giving the torrent and to say yes the torrent was great or no this torrent had this issue or that issue or the dame thing is a virus. This is not the place to be mouthing off your stupidity for us all to see. Pirate bay home away from home and then idiots like you show up.. Thanks a lot you freak you just got under my skin. I can handle most slow or not so bright people.. Even offer my help if needed but some times you run into one that blows you away.. I didnt know they came that stupid. Is there no end? KrisGoth thank you very much for this down load. I am sorry for loosing my temper. Pray for me that next time I will be a bit more stronger but plz dont do it for this time cause this dude really needs to keep his mouth shut. Thank You..

Station4 (2009-08-07)

I'm downloading this because I am an atheist. I wish to better understand the motivations of crusaders. It's always a good idea expose yourself to foreign ideas.

jollie1 (2009-12-14)

The guy who narrates this sounds like the producer has told him he can't go to the toilet until hes finnished reading.

Dadutta (2010-08-15)

audio is choppy in my version - anyone else have this problem, or a solution ?

Liquefier (2010-10-26)

#8 - Thou Shalt Not Steal

umarnawazkhan (2011-02-28)

has this got the old testament aswell?
i want to read the OT and NT see what the bible say's then compare it with the Quran...

Torrent_Pimp (2011-04-02)

Does anyone have a Non Dramatized version with stephen johnson???
I love Stephen Johnson but I can only find the dramatized version?

NotSoAnonymous100 (2012-11-06)

@Liquefier Great, now show me a verse that says "Thou shalt not copy".

igoturback (2014-08-03)

@Xena because they are angry morons that know inside its real but dont want to change ,it oisses them off that they cant be the filthy swines they are and do both man .it drives them crazy and i love it

igoturback (2014-08-03)

mattweed u are just another idiot like xena. it drives you crazy ,u must be a libtard

gyminii (2014-09-10)

This dude's reading is way to fast....

gyminii (2014-09-10)

gyminii (2014-09-10)