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PC Tropico 3 Absolute Power Stand-Alone Full-Rip -TPTB










2010-05-12 (by Shroo )


ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛs ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛu ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛb ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û²²² ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ²²Û Û² T h e P o w e r s T h a t B e Û ÛÛ Û For ÛÛ delivers you with ÛÛ Y ÛÛ ÛÛ o ÛÛ Tropico 3 Absolute Power ÛÛ u ÛÛ ÛÛ r Pleasure ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ² ²ÛÛ Ü²²ÛÛÛÜ ßßÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÛßßß ßßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÜÜßß ÜÛÛÛ²²Ü ßß²²ÛÜßßÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛÛ about the game ÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛÛßßÜÛ²²ßß ß²ÛÜ ÜÛÜ ßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛß ÜÛÜ ÜÛ²ß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß New Features of the Absolute Power expansion include: New campaign featuring 10 all-new missions and islands New buildings - garbage dump, marina, grade school, etc. New edicts - declare an annual festival dedicated to yourself, print your own money or outlaw your most annoying political faction among others New traits and appearances to take El Presidente's power to the next level New huge landmarks - huge decorations and structures as a reward for political and economical success to make your island unique New "loyalist" faction comprised of your die-hard supporters More radio announcements and a new radio station with witty comments on your actions in the game ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ² ²ÛÛ Ü²²ÛÛÛÜ ßßÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÛßßß ßßßÛÜÜ ÜÜÜÜßß ÜÛÛÛ²²Ü ßß²²ÛÜßßÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛÛ how to install ÛÛÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÛÛßßÜÛ²²ßß ß²ÛÜ ÜÛÜ ßÛÜÜ ÜÜÛß ÜÛÜ ÜÛ²ß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß 1...: Unrar with latest 7Zip or equivalent 2...: Run " Setup.bat " 3...: Play Game from Desktop! 4...: Enter Serial number! ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß TPTB - feeding your gaming addictions - TPTB ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß NOTE: The File got corrupt, you wont get past game intro. Unpack this to the game root folder 4shared(.)com/file/DB583FS5


  1. Tropico 3
  2. MFCzero
  3. Synergy
  4. ToeD
  5. Freeman
  6. TPTB
  7. rip
  8. full-rip

Files count:



972.54 Mb




royrudra (2010-05-12)

you are my fevriote TPTB
i m injoying your all uplode games

blachmic (2010-05-12)

Stand Alone?

Ykalon (2010-05-13)

Means you don't need the original game.

lowe11111111111111 (2010-05-13)

shroo ur the man!....

 Shroo (2010-05-13)

NOTE: The File got corrupt, you wont get past game intro. Unpack this to the game root folder 4shared(.)com/file/DB583FS5

 Shroo (2010-05-14)

serial is written below the input box where you have to type in the serial number Starts with RRRRR-

ganjamigo (2010-05-14)

It seems that the random map generator was sadly ripped from this release. If you attempt to play a randomly generated map, the game will crash.
"MissionsEx.hpk" file is missing Missions\RandomMap\realms.xml

 Shroo (2010-05-14)

Remove these () and you will be able to download
This is a stand alone RIP, it does not contain any files from the first version that probably why it give the error

ganjamigo (2010-05-14)

Ahhh, I see...
Do you know if copying the "Missions.hpk" file over from the original version will resolve this?

 Shroo (2010-05-15)

Im sure it will, give it a go :]

ganjamigo (2010-05-15)

Worked like a charm

shimmergl00m (2010-05-15)

btw noticed that secret mission "pop up" events are missing and that "juanito" is completely absent from the game.. also ripped or?

shimmergl00m (2010-05-15)

better yet is it possible to install this on top of original tropico 3?

 Shroo (2010-05-15)

yes you can install it over the top off original this can also work as an expansion, I have tested first mission worked fine fine. I assume it does not require any additional features of the first part, as per usual most of the game that do expansions are stand alone game, all this crap for expansions is marketing wanna play expansion buy original game, that's the way it goes...

jedaprin (2010-05-16)

This Deosnt Work what so ever i even download the file from your retarded link kuz u couldnt even write this in properly
Unpack this to the game root folder
Ok Guess what it still deosnt work
im stuck on problem screen ?

 Shroo (2010-05-16)

never work for lame douches ;]

NoizeSeizure (2010-05-16)

What is the serial number????

lowe11111111111111 (2010-05-17)

hi shroo i got a little problem playing the a box laying around the map a square box with a red F.what that??.do i missing some texture

GrgComlsh (2010-05-23)

The bat file didn't run automatically for me. I had to execute the relevant commands one by one in my command prompt. Then it uncompressed.
Once I got the right file from 4-shared, I was able to play the game through the executable.
Missing music files, missing voice files, missing image files, and I have to re-enter the serial code every single time I want to load the game. Yes it runs, but there are no tunes and the "sky" is just an empty black field. And if you zoom in you see a bunch of boxes marked with "F" instead of grass and bushes.
Jaimito doesn't work, which I could count as a feature, but the package does come with "Betty Boom" an insufferable communist radio DJ who is even worse that Jaimito. (But we can't blame Shroo for that one).
I was able to drop in the .hpk files from my Tropico 3 original and that solved a lot of my missing data problems and improved my graphics. I also got some music in there that way, although we SERIOUSLY need more/better tunes in Tropico 3 and I was really hoping the expansion pack would have them. Fuck: My primary motivation in DL this was not having to listen to the annoying band making the cat sounds, so this is a big disappointment. I hope this is just another one of TPTB's myriad fuck-ups, and not an oversight of Kalypso.

martintussen (2010-06-25)

what exactly is it I have to install in the rootfolder?

martintussen (2010-06-26)

the serial doesnt seem to work for me.. I've tried to use both the OK and RELOADED button - the OK says that its a wrong serial and the RELOADED just removes the serialwindow... I've tried to wait the 10 sec other torrents say yu have to wait, but nothing happens... anyone got an idea?

nameneko (2010-07-02)

same here... i have waited for a long time and nothing happened, it just keeps looping the video and the song... can anyone help please?

gauvi149 (2010-07-06)

plz upload APB

baszsz (2010-07-26)

am downloading it...
hope it works :)
Takes me just 6 hours to download it!

baszsz (2010-07-26)

am downloading it...
hope it works :)
Take me just 6 hours to download it!

baszsz (2010-07-26)

pls help...
Couldn't get trough the intro...damn
Where do I have tho place that thing of 4shared

hiteshbisht16 (2010-08-26)

@baszsz the data folder u got from 4shared inside it u will find a file UIserialnumberdlg.designer copy this file and then got to ur installed game directory tropico3 folder and paste the file in
tropico3 absolute power\data\Game\UI
overwrite the previous file and it will work.

dalus1 (2010-09-26)

heyyyy ,,,, the game crash when i go make campaign or sand box ,wth is that? did you have afix for it???

termite43 (2010-09-28)

What the hell is this? It just plays a demo movie? Over and over and over. Takes about 10 tries crtl+alt+del to finally get task manager to shut the f'ing thing down. There's no game here. Make a copy that works for 64 bit, eh? You know, XP is dead and actually windows 8 (when it comes out) will be the last version that will run 32 bit shit. Ever. Get with the future.

banxii (2011-02-13)

Hey I have a problem, I downloaded succesfully, but when I try to open it, it always keep reapeting the intro for absolute power and never does anything else, it keeps replaying the intro for the expansion. Right now i'm downloading the fix, but please help.

banxii (2011-02-13)

nvm thanks for the 4shared link

banxii (2011-02-13)

what is the serial, i tried RRRRR- but it does'nt work. help

mannyxz (2011-03-05)

Psst! when you put serial make sure you're offline ;)

mannyxz (2011-03-06)

also, the link is dead

banxii (2011-04-16)

hey shroo i got it to work and it works very nice. now my concern is how to fix when i go into sandbox>random map and after that the game crashes. Please anyone help, thank you.

timrath (2011-04-24)

It works for me.
It did crash the first time I tried to play the sandbox mode, but the second time it worked.
My only problem is that there is no sky (the sky is pitch black), and the ground is littered with little white cubes with pink letters "F" on them. Are there some textures missing?