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VirtuaGirlHD VgHD 271 Cards (DVD 16 of 16) (updated 09-06-20).is
Captain's VgHD DVD 16 updated 09-06-20.iso
2010-02-01 (by Captain_Cook )
VirtuaGirlHD software Full cracked by Ftsm is now in:
_Captain's VgHD full program + Update (900) a722-b090-c082-d006 2010-11-07.rar
(910) a0726-b090-c085-d009 2010-11-14
Infos & Comments:
Tanks to Ftsm, M-X & his team, Bolle & Paul for help to get 100% & seed to others...
Tanks to all seeders
To install update or new model:
Close VgHD.exe,
delete from Data folder,Models.lst
Overwrite all files from Upgrade
Copy Models folders
and start Softwares, wait optimisation, (Icons turning)...
When done, close again softs and restart
Files count:
1374.16 Mb
pmk98 (2010-02-22)
i need crack...but i can't find it.. somebody help me plz.pmk98 (2010-02-22)
plz e-mail me...i need crack.. [email protected]Dhaiwon (2010-04-05)
This looks really nice, too bad the link to the software that can show it is broken :SHere's to hoping it can be made whole, since it'd be a shame otherwise :)
deskbabesvghd (2010-05-28)
Captain,some days ago, i saw this message in the software (with your cracked version) with my *REAL* IP address:
"You are using an unauthorized version of this software. Your IP has been logged... blablabla .. ... Try to continue to use the pirated version and be contacted shortly by your local police department."
trust me or no, today i received a letter from my ISP, warning me about illegal activity coming from my IP address. if i continue, they will suspend my internet access.
i do believe i have really been logged by them, i won't use your crack anymore and i advice people to do so... i guess Captain forgot a MAJOR thing in is crack, it is very unsafe :(
yes, forum is blocked for me too... that's what make me think that totem is really fighting against all of us :((
gamdog (2010-06-09)
hai captain, do u have nicca and bianca 's shows ,if u do plz upload themtrancemix07 (2010-07-22)
I am Back, and feeling great. I will seed forever because this is the best godamn software ive ever seen. Trancemix07 is here to save the day. Im sure a few of my inventions could help serve this to the public. Just give me a few days.trancemix07 (2010-07-22)
But 1st can anyone honestly tell me that is is finally cracked. If so, i have Optimum Online speeds, and a brand new dual core technology with 3 TB 's to save the data. Oh, and by the way, if anyone wants 253 DVD's of Girls Gone Wild, i have that collection already, 253 GB'strancemix07 (2010-07-27)
i thought there were 120 comments fucking wankersyoure commenting too fast, but yet none uses their pirate chat
anyway, im battling a six month old bug in one of microsoft windows automatic updates, which makes your computer restart continuously. The solutions are to repair the startup, which effectively erased 132 GB's of my last 4 months work ripping websites with a lously escuse of a program, called metaproducts offline explorer, which serves only one real purpose, count as many webpage files you can untgil the $500 program crashes just so you have to start over again. Who knows what else was erased, countless hours of help documents bugs and solutions to the unquenchable thirst of a dump that is windows. Ive had it, even this backup comter is no match for evil sisters and terrorist plots.
Fuck the whole game, lets seed 40 dvd's at under 1KB's speeds so that i can gain popularity on the internet as nothing much more than an asshole.
what a big waste of time, im been at it 4 5 years, that shows you that most people probably just bought the fucking porogram, just to get5 on with their lifes. for 16 hours now ive been fighting to recover any traces of anything salvage, that not even $3000 in hard drives, and slim line hp invent technology could save. Ive got the 64 torn apart and fuck it im tearing the processor out of it and putting it in my newest board with all the right connectors so i dont have to fuck around with cheap chinese electronics that bget frighed in 15 minutes of sun exposure out doors. There is no doubt evil surrounding me, i knew this lousy VirtuaGirl Project was going to lure me in, just to rip my soul out.
If i find out that this doesnt work, and it is a virus, or there are people out their lurking and preying on these connections, i swear to god i will put an end to all you muthafuckers for good. Shouldnt their at least be someway to protect the downloaders this day in age. Proxify and randomise every connection through a maze of dummy networks, so that hollywood, and the rest of the scumbags wont be able to destroy the only thing that keeps them in business, or maybe thats what they want, they dont want to have a job at all, because they have so much money it doesnt matter anymore
Fuck MiCrOsoft 4 Life
Now is the time to port everything to linux
fuck you and have a nice day!
trancemix07 (2010-07-27)
i thought there were 120 comments fucking wankersyoure commenting too fast, but yet none uses their pirate chat
anyway, im battling a six month old bug in one of microsoft windows automatic updates, which makes your computer restart continuously. The solutions are to repair the startup, which effectively erased 132 GB's of my last 4 months work ripping websites with a lously escuse of a program, called metaproducts offline explorer, which serves only one real purpose, count as many webpage files you can untgil the $500 program crashes just so you have to start over again. Who knows what else was erased, countless hours of help documents bugs and solutions to the unquenchable thirst of a dump that is windows. Ive had it, even this backup comter is no match for evil sisters and terrorist plots.
Fuck the whole game, lets seed 40 dvd's at under 1KB's speeds so that i can gain popularity on the internet as nothing much more than an asshole.
what a big waste of time, im been at it 4 5 years, that shows you that most people probably just bought the fucking porogram, just to get5 on with their lifes. for 16 hours now ive been fighting to recover any traces of anything salvage, that not even $3000 in hard drives, and slim line hp invent technology could save. Ive got the 64 torn apart and fuck it im tearing the processor out of it and putting it in my newest board with all the right connectors so i dont have to fuck around with cheap chinese electronics that bget frighed in 15 minutes of sun exposure out doors. There is no doubt evil surrounding me, i knew this lousy VirtuaGirl Project was going to lure me in, just to rip my soul out.
If i find out that this doesnt work, and it is a virus, or there are people out their lurking and preying on these connections, i swear to god i will put an end to all you muthafuckers for good. Shouldnt their at least be someway to protect the downloaders this day in age. Proxify and randomise every connection through a maze of dummy networks, so that hollywood, and the rest of the scumbags wont be able to destroy the only thing that keeps them in business, or maybe thats what they want, they dont want to have a job at all, because they have so much money it doesnt matter anymore
Fuck MiCrOsoft 4 Life
Now is the time to port everything to linux
fuck you and have a nice day!
Yeah i survived the attack, but now im back and thirsty for more muthafuCKA
TumiC (2010-07-31)
Cards in this pack:a0509
a0519 - Demo
a0528 - Demo
a0536 - Demo
a0539 - Demo
a0564 - Demo
Captain_Cook (2011-03-04)
NOW all is here:_Captain's VgHD Full Ftsm's craked Program + Update (1017) a783-b091-c127-d016 2011-02-18
Update (1024) a787-b091-c130-d016 2011-02-25
Next update:
Update (1031) a791-b091-c133-d016 2011-03-04
Captain's Torrents... Infos & Comments:
Captain_Cook (2011-03-16)
Forget all others... Now are:
_Captain's VgHD Full Ftsm's craked Program + Update (1088) a799-b093-c136-d060.rar
Next update will be:
Update (1098) a803-b093-c139-d063 2011-03-18
Captain's Torrents... Infos & Comments:
scoutfu (2011-04-07)
How come this DVD doesn't have Ariel on it !? Well it has one with Ariel and someone else, but not Ariel on her own :(Captain_Cook (2011-05-09)
¦;¬) The crack play 1168 cards Fullshows (421 GO). Enjoy...
Forget all others programs & updates... Now are full here:
_Captain's VgHD Full Ftsm's craked Program +Update (1158) a827-b093-c157-d081 2011-04-29
Update (1168) a831-b093-c160-d084 2011-05-06
Next update would be:
Update (1178) a835-b093-c163-d087 2011-05-13
Captain's Infos & Comments:
Captain's all Torrents...
Order DVDs by names...
treyteodor (2011-07-24)
thx all seeders :)Files:
1. VirtuaGirlHD VgHD 271 Cards (DVD 16 of 16) (updated 09-06-20).iso 1374.16 Mb