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Ultimate Yoga. The Technology of the 2012 Transformation.pdf
Ultimate Yoga. The Technology of the 2012 Transformation.pdf
2011-07-21 (by OutOfBodyExperience)
Ultimate Yoga
The Technology of the 2012 Transformation
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For those through with empty talk and incessant theorizing
For those ready to take the step and become a member of the coming new civilization
Extremely important advice for succesfull pratice
10 OBEs of Michael Raduga as examples for all cases
12 OBEs of other practitioners
Practical Applications in 60 pages
- The one way to meet with the deceased
- Obtaining Information
- Healing Oneself and Others
The lines of this book will close out the life you have led thus far. You have in front of you a gap-closing, cutting-edge and conscious-awareness raising technology that will allow you to complete your transformation into the new era. Its modernized, secular approach to these ancient technologies brings conscious awareness outside of the physical world within everyone’s reach.
The difficultly of the task ahead consists of nothing more than performing specific actions that will show you the existence of another world, one more lucid and realistic than the one you experience while in your physical body. This task is made difficult by the fact that many would never have come to believe in this phenomenon, one that turns upside down our understanding of conscious awareness and our plane of existence, had they not first experienced it for themselves.
Thanks to the development of simple technical instruments, the practice of freeing one’s conscious awareness from the body opens up the widest-possible horizons and is the most promising personal development technology in existence. I say this for the simple reason there is nothing more useful and provocative out there. This is the long-awaited next step in human evolutionary development. The explosive propagation of this practice will also be the trigger for the 2012 transformation.
Experiencing this phenomenon can be compared only with being born into another body, into another life. And that’s exactly how it is. So if this world has dealt you a life situation beyond your control, you can be born again there and live only through willful acts and the power of your conscious awareness.
After just one visit there in the new world, you’ll understand how gray your former life was, how pale were its hues, and meager its possibilities. And you’ll feel how that low, invisible glass-ceiling you’ve been living under all your life disappears, that one you’ve always prayed didn’t exist and tried to wish away. But now it will truly be broken and you’ll feel an incredible lightness of being from knowing that your world has become thousands of times richer and wider, and that you’ve left the confines of that little cubbyhole that you used to call existence. It’s quite possible that you’ll be one of the first in your circle of friends to have made this transformation into the new era. However, the world will gradually catch up with you, and life will become far easier and more interesting for all.
Friend, I have good news for you: abstractions of the above kind will make no further appearance in this book. I’ll be giving you just a bit of introductory background information, and then nothing but specific techniques that you can take action with. It only remains for you to perform them several times in order to once and for all break the chains of that slave-like perception of the world – a captivity you are in but can’t recognize as such, as you have nothing to compare it to. Who has never tasted sweet, knows not what is bitter. Just give it several tries, and your conscious awareness will obtain true sensory experience in a world that is new and has been thus far concealed from you. And that’s just the beginning. Let’s get to it.
Michael Raduga
Founder of the School of Out-of-Body Travel
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Table of Contents:
(the phase = lucid dreaming + out-of-body experience (OOBE, OBE) + astral projection)
In Closing
Chapter 1
Superpowers Made Accessible
Ultimate Yoga and the 2012 Transformation
The Yoga of Conscious Awareness
The 2012 Evolution. Entering the Epoch of a New Civilization
The Terms “Phase†and “Phase Stateâ€
The Character of the Experience
The Nature of the Phenomenon
Accessibility and Types of Techniques
Case Studies
A Common Story
My Scientific Research and Books
The School and Its Courses
Case Studies
Extremely Important Advice
Order of Actions to Take
The Biggest Mistake
Incomplete Performance of the Techniques
Time and Effectiveness
Finding a Happy Medium between the Practice and Everyday Life
Case Studies
Chapter 2
Entering the Out-of-Body State
Indirect Techniques
Direct Techniques
Becoming Conscious While Dreaming
Chapter 3
Managing the Out-of-Body Experience
Deepening and Maintaining
Translocation and Finding Objects
Primary skills
Chapter 4
Practical Applications
Encounters & Travel
EncountersCreative Development
A New Life for Persons with Disabilities
Those Boring Computer Games
The One and Only Way to Meet with the Deceased
The Behavior of the Deceased in the Phase
Case Studies
Obtaining Information
Methods for Obtaining Information
Verifying Information
The Main Difficulty
Case Studies
Healing Oneself and Others
Obtaining Information
Taking Medicines
Direct Influence
Psychological Impact
Healing Others
Theoretical Ways to Heal Others
Case Studies
Chapter 5
The Experiences of Beginners
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Files count:
1.72 Mb