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400 Adolf Hitler Photos (Stunning Collection) [Up to 1300 Px]
400 Adolf Hitler Photos (Stunning Collection) [Up to 1300 Px]
2010-05-25 (by nico1899)
"those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it"
400 Adolf Hitler Photos (Stunning Collection) [Up to 1300 Px]
400 JPG | Up to 1300 Px | 29.5 Mb
Files count:
29.49 Mb
8inches (2010-05-25)
photoshoppedDiverDan12 (2010-05-25)
Hhiiimmmm - As well they should. Some idiots continue to believe his atrocities never happened, while others minimalize them or even idolize him. I am not Jewish, but I lost family in WWII fighting this bastard. A bullet to his own head was too good for him.troncaso2 (2010-05-25)
Es necesario esto ? We don't need this.Bartolllo (2010-05-25)
Excellent !!!!! My G.Bush picture on my dart board is worn right through.easton29 (2010-05-26)
Takes a real fucking cunt to blame the Jews for his and the Germans atrocities.Thank goodness his crimes were so fucking heinous, only sick fucking denialists like the leaders of Iran denounce reality as it occurred.
bigdipper32 (2010-05-26)
Bush and Hitler? i see no difference.vandergraaf100 (2010-05-26)
Really bigdipper you cant tell the difference? One is a megalomaniac monster who picked on small weak nations to satisfy his own......oh wait a minute.........uzielvb (2010-05-26)
gay stuff...death0100 (2010-05-26)
>>gay stuff...Well, he was practically an outspoken homossexual, so yeah.
F_C45TL3 (2010-05-26)
He is hardly as bad as the US government. Most of the people that live in the US are blind or dumb as fuck. I would know I live here. I have became embarrassed of my country. The entire country has given up its rights and turn this land into a police state AKA: a Nazi state.nico1899 (2010-05-26)
You are welcome.MikeR56 (2010-06-05)
@BartollaExcellent !!!!! My G.Bush picture on my dart board is worn right through.
Replace it with Barack Obama. He's the real Asshole!
jumpjose (2010-08-15)
If you read the WW1 and WW2 history completely, you would know that A. Hitler was the greatest patriot Germany has ever had who protected his country from getting occupied and ruled from the people who just happened to be Jews...And that's the bottom line....Adam42069gc (2010-08-24)
Jews have been HATED throughout history! Hitler wasn't the first person & isn't the last that have problems with the jews! I my self can't stand them. They are evil, selfish & corrupt money grubbing assholes that think they are better then everyone especially non jews, so as far as I'm concerned they got what they deserved! They act like they were the only ones killed by Hitler & want everyone else to think that when really Hitler actually killed more then just jews & jews weren't the to ones that were killed the most but you'll never hear that being said by a jew! Just look at Israel today, Germany of WW2 is the same as Israel of 2010! The only differences is Germany went after the Jews while Israel is going after the Palestinians. Just like Hitler did, the jews are STEALING the Palestinians land, giving them no rights, making them live in Ghettos & killing them & getting away with it by hiding behind "self defense"! What the jews are trying to do is force the Palestinians to leave so the jews can have all their land! They are trying to ethnically cleanse "Israel" & the West Bank of all Palestinians, the same thing that Hitler tried to do in Germany with the jews! The jews say that they HATE Hitler & what he did to their people yet they are doing the exact same thing that Hitler did to them to the Palestinians! It's pretty damn hypocritical & pathetic! They actually have the guts to act like they don't know why 98% of all Arabs & Arab countries hate the jews & won't recognize Israels "right to exist" when really the answer is pretty simple: Israel DOES NOT have a right to exist because 1. They STOLE that land, it was called Palatine 2. They mistreat the Arabs, not just the ones in "Israel" but all of their neighboring countries under the guise of "Self Defense" when in all honesty they wouldn't have to "defend" themselves if they would just start treating the non jews in & around them like people & recognize that it's not the Arab countries in the region that are the problem, it's Israel that is the problem & there will NEVER be peace in the Middle East as long as Israel keeps up it's land theft(Which is ILLEGAL under International Law), mistreatment of all non-jews that live in Israel, keep breaking International Law on a daily basis(ex. the act of PIRACY & MURDER that Israel committed while it tried to stop the boats from Turkey that were thrying to bust the blockade on Gaza & boarded the in INTERNATIONAL WATERS which is considered an act of PIRACY according to INTERNATIONAL LAW, & MURDERED 9 ACTIVIST & as usual claimed "Self Defense" even though on of the activist they murdered had 4 yes 4 BULLETS IN HIS HEAD!), stop complaining about Iran trying to make a nuclear weapon even though Israel has NO PROOF, Quit trying to stop other countries in the area from getting nuclear weapons while at the same time you have a secret nuclear weapons programme & a stock pile of nukes. The way that Israel has been "acting" for these past 2 years is like a country that is no going to make it & they're doing everything, legal & illegal to try an hold on. If Israel truly wants peace, which is doubtful, then as far as I can tell it's pretty damn simple & can be done in not that many steps! 1. STOP STEALING LAND! 2. Dismantle ALL settlements in the West Bank & East Jerusalem & give back the Golan Heights & any other occupied/STOLEN land 3. Go back to the PRE 1967 Boarders 4. Allow the Palestinians that left during the creation of Israel & the 1967 war the right to return & Compensate the families/people that left for their properity & trouble. Also Compensate all the families of the victims of your "self defense" & ethnic cleansing 5. Stop calling yourself a "Jewish Democracy" because that's IMPOSSIBLE! 6. Give all non-jew residents the SAME rights as all jew residents! 7. STop making CRAZY demands about how a future Palestinian state will be "demilitarized". LOL! Who in their right mind would agree that a country next to Israel, on of the most violent countries & the biggest threat to WORLD PEACE, wobergerking (2010-10-19)
you guys pissed off Adamseedplease2010 (2010-10-26)
Well you wouldn't forget 6 million of your people being killed for no valid reason...fucko31243 (2010-10-27)
Why would anyone even want this shit?.BTW ADAM , you are a fucking screwed up piece of shit, good luck with that dumb brain of yours hahaha, chump!.
omegaeko (2010-10-31)
ADAM420, do you have any idea what the Bible says about people who hate the Jews? Look it up. I would be worried if I were you. Hitler is burning in hell for sure. He was ONE of the most evil men in history. And I love how some people like to blame Bush for everything that happened. Of course he wasn't the best pres we've had though. but what's going on with Obama (sick muslim bastard) is just wrong and an embarrassment to our country. This world is falling apart fast and we need to be ready for the end. I know where I'm going when it's all done and over with. Do you?omegaeko (2010-10-31)
ADAM420, do you have any idea what the Bible says about people who hate the Jews? I would be worried if I were you. Hitler is burning in hell for sure. He was ONE of the most evil men in history. And I love how some people like to blame Bush for everything that happened. Of course he wasn't the best pres we've had though. but what's going on with Obama (sick muslim bastard) is just wrong and an embarrassment to our country. This world is falling apart fast and we need to be ready for the end. I know where I'm going when it's all done and over with. Do you?omegaeko (2010-10-31)
heheheh sorry for posting twice :)Pappo666 (2010-11-01)
This is Defenently The greatest man who ever lived! Thank you for upload!WADDYMELONS (2010-11-05)
anyone who does not agree with Adam is 1) a jew 2)on the jewish payroll 3)a simpleton who won't believe anything other than what he was toldsparesomeseed (2010-11-09)
ok so most of these images are small and black and white, not high res and not "stunning". The ones that are higher resolution are watermarked. these are all easily found via Google images so there's nothing particularly interesting about this torrent.On the other hand, anything that keeps the jews in fear is a big win.
MeTaL33TcA (2010-11-09)
Oh great here we go in the comments with the racism, religion, nazism, etc.ufleo (2010-11-15)
thanx....nicobolso1899thumbs up!
he is one of my favourite personalities....
ufleo (2010-11-15)
thanx....nicobolso1899thumbs up!
he is one of my favourite personalities....!
g1imdb0 (2010-11-26)
@omegaeko Your a fucking retard, go take your Catholic shit someplace else.SWEfriggeMS92 (2011-01-20)
Greatest man in history! If he would have won the war maybe mankind would have conquered the space by now.Thanks for the up!
VishalPriyadarshi (2011-08-11)
Thank you very much for this brilliant upload.LiquidGenius (2012-08-29)
Read "The Culture Of Critique" by Kevin B. MacDonald professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach.TheCritics (2012-09-17)
This guy was resposible for over 55 million deaths. Those who compare Hitler to the U.S. Government are pretty fucking dumb.leon317 (2014-02-19)
Anybody who calls Hitler the greatest man in history must be seriously brain damaged. Must be from the USAFiles:
1. 400 Adolf Hitler Photos (Stunning Collection) [Up to 1300 Px].rar 29.49 Mb