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2009-04-13 (by Team_TIw)


MapID: 449

Files count:



3286.22 Mb




renecdk (2009-04-13)

thanx mate :-)

jurijvm (2009-04-13)

Works great, thank you!

djdexter1 (2009-04-13)

Thank you uploader !!!

fox25 (2009-04-13)


logi82 (2009-04-13)

When you have downloaded all files. How do we map as it works to its GPS? Can files be transferred to an SD card?

logi82 (2009-04-13)

I have previously only worked with the img files. The way this is new for me

FrasseDaMan (2009-04-14)

Use MapSource to choose map elements from all different maps installed to Garmin MapSource. It's like a jigsaw puzzle where you mark the pieces you want to create your own "gmapsupp.img" file.
The file would first be created and then transfered to the Garmin GPS unit or direct to a memory card.
Maps could be unlocked from MapSource or with UNL-file(s).
MapSource Tutorial for PC

MapSource Tutorial for Mac

logi82 (2009-04-14)

super I will test me with. thanks for help :-)

rbxxx (2009-04-14)

sorry which password to open the rar file ???

jammeke (2009-04-14)

Could anyone confirm this is pasword-free ????

jammeke (2009-04-14)

No password in the rar-files
100% working

tallviking (2009-04-14)

How do you open these in Mapsource ?
The files included under "additions" is oly ASR-files which i have no idea how to use in Mapsource

fefe13 (2009-04-14)

People, seed please!

logi82 (2009-04-14)

what product key?

Shazam_777 (2009-04-15)

Team_TIw, please explain to me why you felt it was necessary to add "." to the title?

Shazam_777 (2009-04-15)

I had a hard time finding this torrent cuz you ddint add tags and you decided to add .'s to the title. Next time, pls do without the .'s. Thank you.

Shazam_777 (2009-04-15)

And Add tags to your torrents!

emisaki (2009-04-15)

how does one get JCV (CNE2010_10.JCV) and 3D Buildings(gmap3d.img)?must unlock the well?We have nĂ¼vi 765T.Thanks!

suzuki62 (2009-04-16)

I am locking for

(NOT the NT version) Please post it if you have it!!!!!

kjedwards (2009-04-19)

Sorry if I am asking something obvious but after downloading WinRar won't extract the files - it says 'either unknown format or damaged' for every file.
Does anyone know how to extract these files?

hafina (2009-04-22)

Darko_J is right, thanks. Just one more thing: I could not unlock the map until I had opened Mapsource and updated. That gave me the UnlockWizard. Otherwise the only other option is to activate online, and for that you need a serial.

keisman (2009-04-28)

Does anybody know something about the following:
1) Bought a Garmin Nuvi 760 from USA, is this 3.21gb update needed for it to work in Europe or is the smaller one on PB called "GarminCNEU2010.1NT_IMG-FULLY_UNLOCKED" of 1.28 gb enough?
2) Using a Mac, does it work on Mac OS or do i need to convert something?
Thx in adv and keep up the good work everybody......n Buy it if you like it.

y0k00n0 (2009-04-28)

Works perfectly on the latest MapSource (6.15.6), but make sure to use the keygen. Uploads fine in a Zumo 550.

cyrus2050 (2009-05-17)

Tested and working on Kenwood DNX 7200 using Jetmouse 1.5 keygen. Cheers for sharing!

weissnix (2009-06-01)

Download, keygen, map installed, key unlocked, MapSource uploaded,
Typ: Garmin Street Pilot C510

axx1m (2009-06-01)

How did you guys unlock this? I followed the instructions from Darko_J. Where do you do the actual "unloking"? Did you all use MapSource?
In MapSource I only have the "Unlock Online.." option. Please help.
Thanx for the upload Team_TIw.

axx1m (2009-06-01)

Found it myself. If anyone else wonders its under Utilities->Manage Map Products->Unlock Regions->Add..

crumbnumber1 (2009-06-03)

When I try to install the deal from the IMG folder like Darko said, it says something else is already installing. when nothing is. how do i fix this?

crumbnumber1 (2009-06-05)

nvm. just Vista being a dick

jgc372 (2009-06-10)

Does anyone know if i can use this torrent from a mac? Thanks for your help

el_gordo123 (2009-06-10)

works fine....thanks

Roligafilmer (2009-06-10)

Funkar perfekt, tack.

leann (2009-06-10)

When installating it asks for a Product Code.
Where do I get that?

jecepede (2009-06-11)

Aloha !
Thanxxxx it totally works on my Nokia 5800...

leann (2009-06-15)

Works fully OK when installing from the .msi-file.

kevakib (2009-06-21)

Hey, thanks alot for the post. I generated the key, put into a Garmin directory etc. but I can't extract the rar files in the computer. The winrar says "unexpected end in the files" and do not open them. It says the archive is either in unknown format or damaged. How do you extract the folders, do you use some program other than winrar? Size of my files are not 190mb, do you have the same size files?

kevakib (2009-06-21)

Please disregard my previous message! I was looking at the wrong files from a previous download...

Hal00 (2009-07-21)

Do ineed anything else than symbian to get this working on my phone? or do i need that i have some garmin softwares allready in my phone?
anyway ty Team TIw

negage (2009-07-22)

Thank you for uploading. What is the pass for rar file?
Thank you.

Judas2611 (2009-07-29)

Thanks for this! Works perfectly!!!

budesude2 (2009-08-19)

Does this work in garmin nuvi 200?

znapp3 (2009-10-08)

i also wonder how i can install this on Kenwood dnx 7200, please answer someone?!

Pompey1991 (2009-12-19)

I'm trying to do what Darko_J wrote in his comment, however when I run to set up the CNEUNT2010Update it stops and tells me that a source file called
cannot be found. Anybody else have this problem? Anybody have any ideas how I could fix this?

Bianko (2009-12-20)

Great! It Works perfectly on my Nokia 6680 ;)
To Unlock maps use the Unlock maps tool from Garmin under programs menu ;)) (update mapsource first!)
Bye and thanks a thousand!

aboxy (2009-12-22)

Thanks but can't unlock v2010 map with jetmouse put id and 449 in custom mapset message in mapsource producted not installed

evilmagics (2009-12-29)

I need some serious help!
I have tried to install CNEUNT2010 from IMG subdirectory, by running installer in my preffered language, eg. CNEUNT2010Update_NLD.
but then i have tried to open mapsource.exe which didn't open.
I get an error message which says that i have to instal FAMILY_929.
thanks in advance

coleng (2010-01-05)

Does this work ok on a Zumo ?

Boxey (2010-02-17)

I have a Garmin c510.
I've unlocked the maps with MapSource, chosen the maps I want but my SD card in the Garmin isn't big enough to write the new maps onto. So would I be able to delete gmapprom.img and gmapbmap.img from the Garmin and save the maps to it then? Or would this mess everything up?
Many thanks.

brzi82 (2010-02-18)

i downloaded this map,but is this mapsource version?cose when i want to install it says conect your gps device,i cant install this map to mapsource,someone tell me is this mapsource or unlocked .img version ?Thanks

brzi82 (2010-02-18)

ok,my mistake i install map in mapsource it works greath :)

hewar (2010-02-21)

Can any one give us the product key? Please

nnylyrag (2010-02-21)

Hi, I have downloaded this fine. When I try to install however I'm being asked for an unlock key.
Can anyone please help me with this?
Thank You.

rdinic (2010-03-16)

How unlocks maps in MapSource.
I downloaded JetMouse, but still do not know how the procedure goes
Can someone help me a little?

sodiumora (2010-03-17)

for al the people ho have problems i downloaded version 2010.3c update and i have the same problems then i unpackt the exe file whit winrar en it works locate de maps on subfolder img copy them to a safe location on you're hardrive use the mapconverter on it en the unlock generator also all of the programs you can find on the piratebay wen you use a converter he also instal mapsource works fine

Staak01 (2010-03-28)

Everythings works fine under mapsource, thanks to all the tips.
But I have a Quest (1) and that product doesn't receive support anymore from Garmin. How can a City Navigator NT map be installed on a Quest?
Is is possible, is there a 'tweak'. Or is the hardware and software simply not compatible anymore?