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American Dad - All Season 1 2 3 4 5




Video TV


American Dad - All Season 1 2 3 4 5


Video/TV shows


2010-04-06 (by kiande)


This Is American dad with all episodes from season 1 to 5. enjoy...


  1. American dad
  2. all seasons
  3. season
  4. season 1
  5. season 2
  6. season 3
  7. season 4
  8. season 5
  9. All episodes

Files count:



15752.18 Mb




kiande (2010-04-06)

Please help to seed when you are done. I only have 1mbit upload.. tnx :)

efxr (2010-04-06)

I am going to help you seed.
And so need other people.

corvidus (2010-04-19)

Noone is seeding so this load is pretty much crap

YuMaNuMa (2010-05-13)

Please Seed.
Im only getting 0.5kb/s speeds

Padde111 (2010-05-26)

comon seed

SparkySnarky (2010-06-06)

I'll seed if/when I get it :)

scouta (2010-06-16)

Come on folks, P L E A S E SEED!!! Some people would like to download this torrent, but they can only do that if people seed! Current torrent download rate is 0 to 1kb/s because no one is seeding!!!

hammy420 (2010-06-22)


hammy420 (2010-06-24)

pls helpevryone plz help seed. ive been at it for 2 days now and im still at 34%

ydobp (2010-07-05)

thank you

carlosinfabula (2010-09-06)

Guys you might want to know, that Season 5 has 19 episodes and not 13 as in this torrent. The last five were aired after this torrent was made...

ydobp (2010-09-19)

recently found this is missing about half of se5.

ydobp (2010-09-19)

lol maybe i should've read the comment(s) b4 mine. ehh >.

king3d (2010-10-21)

some guys are just amazing thank you kiande!!

tpbcritic (2010-10-25)

Upload speed was not so good, peaked at 2.2mbps which lasted a grand total of 15 seconds, then averaged at 218kbps at 105 seeds, sadly. 3/5
The quality seems to be just fine. 4/5
Overall I give this a 3.5/5
This show is definitely worth the wait.
PLEASE SEED for future downloads! I know I am!

Wu_Tang_Ninja (2010-11-08)

great torrent i will seed as long as i can

AlexfromRO93 (2011-01-04)

Lol even if it had 10 seeds, i'll download with minimum 500 kb/s, now it's with 700 kb/s, and what's with the seeding thing? i won't seed ever for others LOL, after i download BYE BYE, that's with all the downloads lOL

whazzup3929 (2011-01-06)

AlexfromRO93 that just means your another useless leecher prick and you need to be shot

AlexfromRO93 (2011-01-06)

whazzup fella, fuck face, hehe, you gotta be FUCKIN STUPID to seed for people you don't know, FUCKIN STUPID, help other people? No NO no...people need to die fuck face..that's the spirit...

kissofd3th (2011-01-20)

You are a stupid fuck. The only reason you get to download shit for free is because people upload it, and others seed it. It isn't about who knows who.
Are we supposed to be impressed by your download speed? LMAO. Honestly, nobody really cares.
In the end, it's all about getting the shit for free.
WE, and that means everyone who torrents instead of buying, are cheap bastards. The fact that you don't seed your downloads just means you are a leech. TPB, should catch up with all the other torrent sites, and keep a ratio. All the leechers who download and never upload should be barred from the site.

AlexfromRO93 (2011-01-23)

It's 'BANNED' fuck face, hehehe, you licked it , ALL OF YOU, nobody gets banned so...that's the spirit fuck face, we're gonna download,never upload, and you fuck face and others who are against this, LICK THE FUCKIN BALLZ, YEAH
you don't have to be impressed by my download speed, just stay, download with you shitty speed, seed and lick the ballz, BYE BALL LICKER.

AlexfromRO93 (2011-01-23)

By the way, i don't see you uploaded anything, so you should be banned as well. HAHAHA IDIOT.

institutions (2011-01-26)

Hilarious insults. What are you, 12? First of all, who cares if he doesn't upload anything? He seeds so that other people can enjoy and keep downloading others' uploads. Second, i'll assume you don't know that barred is a real word, and that kissofd3th did in fact use it correctly. Honestly, if you don't know how to use the word barred in place of banned, I believe you ARE 12. Your overuse of foul language where it is not needed is also a characteristic of a young child who has just learned "potty words" and uses them as much as possible.
I honestly can't stop LOLing at your retarded fucking posts.

DisOrder08 (2011-02-21)

I've got 32 DLs active and I'm seeding 162.
I seed for at least 2 months so FUCK OFF AlexfromRO93 and leechers like you!

toxifan (2011-02-25)

@AlexfromR903 I FUCKING REGISTERED juST to fucking tell you how worthless you are, you fucking trash. I FUCKING SEED 4 TIMES THE AMOUNT I GET. You are a FAGGOT i hope you ffucking rot! i cant believe you you stupid worthless piece of fucking shit. Are you fucking daft? what is wrong with you? you don't seed? YOU FUCKING DICK. you're an asshole and honestly if i fucking knew where you were id fucking gun you down you faggot. UGH YOU FUCKING DISGUST ME!

a44e (2011-03-02)

I will seed for a month when downloaded

damnken (2011-03-05)

1kb a sec...
I will seed I will seed for as long as possible.

cartman19987 (2011-03-05)

Thanks so much for this!

GeneralCraze (2011-03-11)


Honestly, I can understand why you're angry but, please, for the love of god, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL! It's incredibly annoying. You see, the only reason why people like him post things like that on sites like this is because they get satisfaction out of your negative reactions.
Other than that, Thnx for the torrent kiande, I'll seed for a bit but my interwebs are not so strong so Idk how much it will help.

Daevotion (2011-03-27)

i just want to say that i think its way to aggressive saying "leechers need to be shot"
Im a leecher but that only cuz i havent got anything worth uploading or found anything worth seeding. do i deserve to be shot?
do i deserve to be shot?
Alexfrom is a fuck head though

TY4DL (2011-03-29)

Hey i just want to say to say iv watched you people complain time and time again im getting between 100kb's and 300. dont complain if your whole series takes 3 days stfu the shits free.

TY4DL (2011-03-29)

@ Daevotion
your a fucking idiot. i have found alot of files worth seeding 100's of episodes 100's of movies. sounds like you just leech. im gald to be able to seed all the time, cheap laptop and i leave it at my moms downloading a huge list of shit and while doing that i seed.

LOLiverPB (2011-05-11)

lol drama!!!!!!!!

TheProven (2011-05-18)

DL at around 500 kbp/s which is good, cheers guys
uploading at 100kbp/s (maximum my internet will allow) will continue to seed once done :D

Xtra-x (2011-05-27)

I just thought I should say that who ever is seeding, thank you. For those who are not or keep there upload speed to below 5kb/s... "we are watching you."
Besides that, who needs someone who brings in only negative feedback... @AlexfromRO93 you sir deserve to be barred and banned from any torrent site.

.bLah (2011-06-08)

trollface YAAAAAY!!11!1
4 Thumbs up!

e5frog (2011-06-11)

Sound is a bit distorted, try a different package if you find one.

NLN2406 (2011-06-20)


Sprout (2011-06-27)

Im seeding but getting almost nothing. thanx all!(sarcasm).

_subzer0_ (2011-07-03)

many thanks

holyshiticrapedmyself (2011-07-22)

cheers for the upload when i'm done i will seed for a few days

734Ch3r4u (2011-08-03)

Thank you uploader. Fantastic job.
Because of AlexfromRO93's comments I will seed to at least a ratio of 5. I hope AlexfromRO93's parents take his internet privileges away so we never have to see his juvenile ass on PB again.

izabelahollywood (2011-08-06)

Thank you to all who are seeding...unfortunatly i can't seed from here....if i could I would though
:-D so again thank you seeders!

ferrabra (2011-08-08)

Great job!

Nappis22 (2011-08-24)

season 5 is missing like 7 episodes!

kdon27 (2011-08-25)

**NEED SEEDER ???** -

XWinderI (2011-08-27)

AlexfromRO93 is a retarded son of an ugly bitch and really needs to be shot. so if anyone's going in for the kill, count me in. i wanna look at the motherfucker in the eyes and kick him in the balls.
Thank you very much kiande for this awesome upload. I really love American dad. and i hate AlexfromRO93. fucking moron

edzi07 (2011-08-28)

it's funny how he boasts about his download speed when i know about 100 people that use this and donwload at such faster speeds :P haha
and thanks ever so much for this download kiande!

chatters (2011-08-28)

fuck face and licking balls....
AlexfromRO93; you need to find a new hobby!
Cheers for the upload Kiande
I will definately seed when i'm done, because, after all, thats what keeps the world spinning :D

smhjoc (2011-09-05)

It's funny because while you call him an idiot, your embarrassing grammatical and spelling errors don't seem to imply you're so smart yourself.

W3NDiS (2011-09-15)

I would like to Give Thanks To you Kiande. THis is one hell of a torrent, Bravo. I will seed This as long as I have Net :P
& FUCK YOU AlexfromRO93. You just bitter because you can't get laid & have to download porn from everyone else in the world WHO CAN.

xstaticxturtlex (2011-09-17)

Season 4 Episode 18 is bugged, can't fast-foward, and it stops showing video when Rodger is a chick by the pinball machine x.x Other than that, it's all A - Oh Kay

kelv1969 (2011-09-22)

seem to be lots missing. epsisode 'cops and roger' for instance is labeled as season 6 in Bit of confusion over season naming I think.

jettom (2011-09-23)

I love how that retard AlexfromRO93 is "bragging" about his shit download speed..
I'll seed it till I get a 20-45 ratio

wlqing (2011-10-07)

hmmm, missing ep from season5
Cops and Roger
Merlot Down Dirty Shame
Bully for Steve
An Incident at Owl Creek
Great Space Roaster
AlexfromRO93 is a bad person.

triggeretfc (2011-10-27)

yes the seasons are buggered up season 1 only had 7 episodes

adighraiz (2011-11-26)

i see no reason for complaining about seed speed
if you got 100/200kb its enough for you
cause even if you download all the series in couple of hours that's not mean you can watch it in two hours..right!
i`ve downloaded a lot of file and takes me week or month to complete it nothing wrong with that
maybe if you wait enough and watch what you leech then you find out that these file contain 30 hours of watch and that's mean if you watch 10 episode in day (200 minutes) you need 9 day to complete the all thing
please people think about what you say and don`t just throw worthless words like "AlexfromRO93" its useless,thanks seeders and uploader

parcore720 (2011-12-12)

im woundring what is the point of haveing the trusted and vip skulls next to the up load if every one downloads it any way my bro toold me not to download any thing with out a skull

tpb_4_ever (2011-12-29)

Loads of episodes missing and they are replaced by random episodes

tpb_4_ever (2011-12-29)

Office spaceman missing replaced by An Apocalypse to remember
Dope and faith missing replaced by The american dad after school special
There are more but I am too angry to write anymore

tommy131188 (2012-02-18)

AlexfromRO93 may be (yet another) moron from my country that just likes to talk useless crap on the internet (AlexfromRO93 = Alex from Romania, born in 1993, probably).
And don't worry, Romania is seeding big time...
Thanks for the upload, kiande.. Will seed for a long time...

mklacroix (2012-03-20)

I like how people have been harassing "AlexfromRO93" for over a year. Shut the fuck up people. This isn't YouTube or Facebook. Lets leave the arguing and bickering to those sites and let Pirate Bay be the peaceful civilized site that it deserves to be.

UnDeAdKiD00 (2012-03-26)

missing last 4 eps of season 3 :/

necronomikid (2012-04-16)

please seed people and when it finishes downloading ill be seeding for atleast a month

deza2221 (2012-07-27)

this why i hate AUS internet you guys all get 1mb's i am lucky if mine hits 400kbs

androiddream (2012-08-06)

thanke you

CaptPugwash (2013-01-16)

Thankyou for the upload Kiande it's much appreciated.
I must say that there is some awfully bad language going on amongst the comments here. I don't think your Mummy's would be at all impressed if they were to read it. You'd probably all be sent to bed early with no tea & no television.... I know I would be. In fact, I'd send myself off to my hammock early if I ever caught myself using that kind of language.
It's NOT big
It's NOT clever
And my Mum would certainly NOT be laughing!!
Just be fucking grateful for fucking free stuff. Damn it, now I have to go to my cabin & it's only 6:30pm.... BOLLOCKS!!!

edgardotcum (2013-01-30)

thank you

dillhouse (2013-02-03)

300 seeds and no one on ? wtf

atrs92 (2013-04-28)

This is downloading painfully slow. .1 kb a second!!!!! PLEASEEEE SEED!

dacheese (2013-07-22)

@AlexfromRO93 hahahaha what a troll u r... hahaha just a worthless piece of troll, hey I got an idea for you, a new hobby if u will, clone and fuck yourself u already wrecked your mothers vagina lol ;)

lilke10 (2013-08-05)

Thank You :)

Boris.72 (2013-12-22)

Thanks for the upload, I know I'm complaining about something free but the episodes are often out of order/missing. It took me quite some time to rearrange it all and find the missing ones - just a warning to anybody using XBMC or the like where scraping order matters that you might be better off with another source if you don't want the mucking around.

Conchaga (2014-10-28)

Here are the links to the missing episodes from season 5.
S05E14 - Cops and Roger

S05E15 - Merlot Down Dirty Shame

S05E16 - Bully for Steve

S05E17 - An Incident at Owl Creek

S05E18 - Great Space Roaster


1. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E19 - It's Good To Be The Queen.avi 175.63 Mb
2. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E23 - Tears of a Clooney.avi 175.26 Mb
3. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E09 - A Smith In The Hand.avi 175.18 Mb
4. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E16 - Not Particularly Desperate Housewife.avi 175.14 Mb
5. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E05 - Roger Codger.avi 174.87 Mb
6. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E15 - Star Trek.avi 174.87 Mb
7. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E01 - Pilot.avi 174.78 Mb
8. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E12 - Stan of Arabia - Part 1-2.avi 174.77 Mb
9. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E10 - All About Steve.avi 174.67 Mb
10. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E04 - Francine's Flashback.avi 174.67 Mb
11. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E13 - Stan of Arabia - Part 2-2.avi 174.66 Mb
12. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E08 - Bullocks to Stan.avi 174.66 Mb
13. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E21 - Helping Handis.avi 174.66 Mb
14. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E06 - Homeland Insecurity.avi 174.66 Mb
15. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E22 - With Friends Like Steve's.avi 174.66 Mb
16. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E20 - Roger N' Me.avi 174.66 Mb
17. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E18 - Finance with Wolves.avi 174.66 Mb
18. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E07 - Deacon Stan, Jesus man.avi 174.65 Mb
19. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E02 - Threat Levels.avi 174.63 Mb
20. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E03 - Stan Knows Best.avi 174.26 Mb
21. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E14 - Stannie Get Your Gun.avi 173.39 Mb
22. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E17 - Rough Trade.avi 140.68 Mb
23. American Dad/American Dad - Season 1 - (2005-2006)/American Dad - S01E11 - Con Heir.avi 140.53 Mb
24. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E19 - Joint Custody.avi 176.38 Mb
25. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E13 - Black Mystery Month.avi 176.24 Mb
26. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E01 - Camp Refoogee.avi 176.22 Mb
27. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E16 - When a Stan Loves a Woman.avi 175.91 Mb
28. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E10 - Bush Comes to Dinner.avi 175.76 Mb
29. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E12 - A.T. Abused Terestrial.avi 175.75 Mb
30. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E08 - Irregarding Steve.avi 175.54 Mb
31. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E17 - I Can't Stan You.avi 175.16 Mb
32. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E18 - The Magnificent Steven.avi 175.01 Mb
33. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E04 - Lincoln Lover.avi 175.00 Mb
34. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E14 - An Apocalypse to Remember.avi 175.00 Mb
35. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E09 - The Best Christmas Story Never.avi 174.97 Mb
36. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E07 - Of Ice and Men.avi 174.93 Mb
37. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E06 - Iced, Iced Babies.avi 174.66 Mb
38. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E05 - Dungeons and Wagons.avi 174.66 Mb
39. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E11 - American Dream Factory.avi 174.66 Mb
40. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E03 - Failure Is Not a Factory-installed Option.avi 143.55 Mb
41. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E02 - The American Dad After School Special.avi 140.51 Mb
42. American Dad/American Dad - Season 2 - (2006-2007)/American Dad - S02E15 - Four Little Words.avi 140.15 Mb
43. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E15 - Stanny Slickers II, The Legend of OllieĀ“s Gold.avi 175.51 Mb
44. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E02 - Meter Made.avi 175.10 Mb
45. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E05 - Haylias.avi 175.06 Mb
46. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E01 - The Vacation Goo.avi 175.05 Mb
47. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E16 - Spring Break-Up.avi 175.05 Mb
48. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E03 - Dope & Faith.avi 175.04 Mb
49. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E10 - Tearjerker.avi 175.01 Mb
50. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E09 - Frannie 911.avi 175.00 Mb
51. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E06 - The 42-Year-Old Virgin.avi 175.00 Mb
52. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E11 - Oedipal Panties.avi 174.99 Mb
53. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E14 - Office Spaceman.avi 174.99 Mb
54. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E13 - Red October Sky.avi 174.92 Mb
55. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E08 - The Most Adequate Christmas Ever.avi 174.88 Mb
56. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E07 - Surro-Gate.avi 174.76 Mb
57. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E12 - Widowmaker.avi 174.69 Mb
58. American Dad/American Dad - Season 3 - (2007-2008)/American Dad - S03E04 - Big Trouble in Little Langley.avi 174.66 Mb
59. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E15 - Wife Insurance.avi 175.78 Mb
60. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E07 - Phantom of the Telethon.avi 175.18 Mb
61. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E19 - Daddy Queerest.avi 175.07 Mb
62. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E01 - 1600 Candles.avi 175.06 Mb
63. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E05 - Escape From Pearl Bailey.avi 175.06 Mb
64. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E14 - Bar Mitzvah Shuffle.avi 175.06 Mb
65. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E03 - One Little Word.avi 175.06 Mb
66. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E20 - Stan's Night Out.avi 175.05 Mb
67. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E17 - Every Which Way But Lose.avi 175.04 Mb
68. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E04 - Choosey Wives Choose Smith.avi 175.04 Mb
69. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E12 - Roy Rogers McFreely.avi 175.04 Mb
70. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E13 - Jack's Back.avi 175.04 Mb
71. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E11 - Live and Let Fry.avi 175.01 Mb
72. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E16 - DeLorean Story-An.avi 175.00 Mb
73. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E10 - Family Affair.avi 174.92 Mb
74. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E06 - Pulling Double Booty.avi 174.82 Mb
75. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E18 - Weiner of Our Discontent .avi 174.81 Mb
76. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E09 - Stan Time.avi 174.40 Mb
77. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E08 - Chimdale.avi 173.70 Mb
78. American Dad/American Dad - Season 4 - (2008-2009)/American Dad - S04E02 - The One That Got Away.avi 173.09 Mb
79. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E05 - Man in the Moonbounce.avi 175.34 Mb
80. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E13 - Return of the Bling.avi 175.15 Mb
81. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E03 - Home Adrone.avi 175.13 Mb
82. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E07 - My Morning Straitjacket.avi 175.11 Mb
83. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E02 - Moon Over Isla Island.avi 175.09 Mb
84. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E09 - Rapture's Delight.avi 175.08 Mb
85. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E06 - Shallow Vows.avi 175.05 Mb
86. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E01 - In Country Club.avi 175.02 Mb
87. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E12 - May the Best Stan Win.avi 175.01 Mb
88. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E08 - G-String Circus.avi 175.00 Mb
89. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E04 - Brains Brains and Automobiles.avi 175.00 Mb
90. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E11 - A Jones for a Smith.avi 174.52 Mb
91. American Dad/American Dad - Season 5 - (2009-2010)/American Dad - S05E10 - Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth.avi 174.07 Mb