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2009-06-19 (by Anonymous)


OSX 10.5.6 Leopard PPC G3/G4 Restore Image --------------------------------------- OSX 10.5.6 Restore image [dmg] for G3/G4 PowerPC's less than 867Mhz Created from a clean install OSX 10.5.6 Leopard Made this for people who don't have the time or want to figure out how to install OSX Leopard 10.5 on a G3/G4 themselves Use SuperDuper, or Apple Disk Utility to restore HD to OSX 10.5.6 Leopard on a G3/G4 Power PC -- Partition: Apple Partition map [GUID won't boot PPC boots intel only] Runs on PowerPC's below 867Mhz (see screenshot) Please read the enclosed inf file Please seed


  1. osx
  2. 10.5.6
  3. ppc
  4. leopard

Files count:



12363.72 Mb




malutemol (2009-06-19)

wow 12 gb ¡¡¡

erroneus (2009-06-19)

What could be in there that isn't just MacOSX? Are there other applications/software installed?

chrisdedlong (2009-06-20)

It is a clean install of OS X Leopard it claims on the pre-installation screen The installation requires 11.4 GB -- But, it turns out after you create an account etc. It is 12 GB. Yes it is a large file. But, it is a complete image of the clean install. Restore from this image and there is nothing else to do. No Ex-PostFacto, No firmware alterations. This is by far the easiest method. Download Super Duper or use Disk Utility: Restore from image to a clean hard drive on your target machine.

chrisdedlong (2009-06-20)

The G3 was the previous computer to the G4 & G5 Power PC models. ie: Beige G3, Wallstreet, etc.

MRGADGE (2009-07-17)

Can this be updated to 10.5.7 or higher with future updates or will it require another update of the kexts and permissions fix????????

MacsTeriX (2009-09-06)

Snow Leopard??? When?

Matt_Sullins1986 (2009-11-04)

So how Do i Install it because it is going to be way to big for a dvd-r-DL?

levon82 (2009-12-04)

i try it on g4 400mhz
but i'm facing kernel panics on start up
anyone had a luck ?

jokerssmile85 (2009-12-27)

So does anyone know if this work cause I am thinking about trying this on my emac.

inputmalfunction (2010-02-25)

This will work on any computer having issues installing from an img or from the retail disk. I installed this on my eMac (1.25 ghz, 768 ram, 80gb hd) and it works perfectly. I made sure to change the computer name, create a new admin user and delete the previous one. I was able to update to 10.5.8, but Im sure this will only work on macs which already meet the system requirements and not below 800mhz or less than 256mb of RAM.
So, just use the 10.5.6, it works just as great.
I will be seeding this as much as I can. Great upload Annon.

ben4528 (2010-04-05)

this one works, I downloaded and used disk utility to restore one of my firewire external disk, boot from it.
Login with 87654321 password.
works great! I'll be checking out other stuff tonight, and try restore to my internal hard drive

billclntn (2010-05-13)

would somebody please seed this.
I'll seed it indefinitely in return!

He1vis (2010-07-31)

I have an emac 1ghz, 768mb with 80gb hard drive.
I booted from a OSX Tiger 10.4 installation disc and used disk utility to restore the 12gb dmg file to the hard drive. It took awhile sind I was using a external USB hard drive as my source.
After booting up in Leopard I removed the password, changed the computer name/sharing name, created a new account and deleted the old one but there is a problem. The hard drive is just an 80gb but since the source dmg file came from a system that has a 250gb hard drive, the drive parameters seem to be messed up.
When browsing the hard drive in finder it shows that I have 200+gb of free space instead of 60+. I tried to repair the disk using disk utility but it couldn't do anything. It just failed immediately. The disk repair problem could be isolated to just my machine but I bet if you guys look at your drives that were less then 250gb you will see that it is reporting the incorrect amount of free space.

mistafeesh (2010-10-02)

Hi could really do with someone seeding this for me if possible - my mac osx install is full of sludge and my CD is knackered... It's either this or go back to Tiger! can't find any other dl's that'd work for me

mistafeesh (2010-10-09)

thank you!

tropinone (2010-10-24)

I'm in the same boat. could anyone open up some bw for me please?

tropinone (2010-10-27)

Okay, So I've got the file down, Using my mac book pro I booted my G4 dual processor into target disk mode. From my pro I opened super duper and used the disk image from this to restore the disk in my g4. Super duper finished and made the disk bootable. Now when the G4 Starts up i get the finder/? screen and it can't find a boot disk. any suggestions?

tropinone (2010-10-27)

also If I go to disk select on startup I do not see any disk items.

JUaNiT0 (2011-03-31)

Thanks alot.. for the better part of a month I've been searching and been in and out of forums trying to get help on how to get leopard to install correctly on my imac usb 2.0 and this d/l turned out to be all i needed. Also, not only only was able to install 10.5.6, but i WAS ABLE to upgrade to 10.5.8 with no problems at all. By far, the easiest method I've come across.

zoneosx (2011-05-25)

work great on me. I'm used Powerbook G4 1,5 Ghz, 2GB RAM, 64 VRAM. upgrade are fine too. thank man.

thachef (2011-07-01)

Many thanks! This worked well on my iMac G4 800Mhz flowerpot design (the one with the neck flat screen) via FireWire target mode (turned on iMac while holding 'T') hooked up to my MacBook Pro.
It does exactly what it says on the tin and beautifully skips all the tech hurdle that is associated with installing OS X on a non supported machine.
Software Update is also possible.
Follow He1vis' advice and change username and password after initial install.
Then I loaded up DiskWarrior and fixed the 250Gb HDD issue since my HDD is only 160Gb.

Joe7dust (2011-10-22)

I used a 10.4 disc and had trouble mounting the drive I put this on since I used a Windows machine.
The way I fixed it was by downloading MacDrive here:
and formatting the disc to OSX-Journaled first then copying the .dmg to it with MacDrive.
Good luck!

annonymos (2011-10-30)

Am I the only person missing something here? I've tried booting from the 10.4 disc. opening disk utility, restoring the HD to the 10.5.6 dmg file using the home folder as the destination. It gives me an error everytime. has anyone made a walk through for this? thanks. ooh yeah, I'm installing onto an ibook g4 pre 867Mhz

cbaggley (2011-11-27)

Hi. I'm running a 1.6 GHz PowerPC G5 with 1.25 GB DDR SDRAM. Please can someone tell me if this will run on my system. Thanks.

cbaggley (2011-11-27)

If this software will not run, can someone point me in the direction of one that will. Thanks.

cbaggley (2011-12-04)

It works, I was able to update to 10.5.8 with no problems. Many thanks to the uploader, you're a Diamond!

b_peasley (2011-12-16)

hey im new to this can i get some help im runnin osx 10-4-11 and cant do anything i installed transmission

j1s1 (2011-12-31)

It does not work for me.
I tested with both super duper and disk utility.
With super duper it runs to 9.4 gb then it says something about a file missing.
Im trying to send it to a usb stick, but won't work.
Im trying to reboot the target machine a firewire disk, but same there, problems after 9.4 gb.

j1s1 (2011-12-31)

This is the errror report i get:
| 08:33:28 PM | Error | SDCopy: Error creating symbolic link /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1/Library/Updates/AirPort Client Update 2009-001/AirPort Client Update 2009-001.dist->, error: Invalid argument
| 08:33:29 PM | Error | : Invalid argument

j1s1 (2012-01-01)

Works great now with my IMac G5..
Took some time to get the right boot disk, but after that i got it working.
All the updates worked fine aswell.
Good luck..

JimmyHat408 (2012-04-27)

I just need to know if it is mandatory to burn this baby to a disc. everything else I can figure on my own. a reply would hasten this process and possibly save a trip to get discs i don't need. thanks in advance. always seed my share :)

dietrichzumwald (2013-03-24)

Works like a charm. Download 12GB image file to an external HDD, boot to OS X 10.4 Tiger disk, or hold T to use target mode, then restore from image in the file menu to your G4/G5 HDD. If you're not using a 250GB HDD use DiskWarrior to correct it to your HDD's proper size. It updates to 10.5.8 with no problems. No tech BS to filter through. By far the easiest install method I have found, especially for machines pre 867MHz. This works flawlessly!
Thank you!
Thanks to haans gruber for these detailed install instructions/
Also fairly well seeded since it is June of 2009!

dietrichzumwald (2013-03-25)

We have restored several machines now, the only problem we ran into was we tried to use GUID partition for the HDD, it has to be Apple Partition, and it is best if you use an OS X 10.4 Tiger CD/DVD Disc to partition the HDD before you restore from the image.
Otherwise, we have 700MHz, 800MHz machines working from this restore method. Be sure to use Apple Partition on the target HDD prior to restoring using the Tiger Disk Utility. SuperDuper restore works similarly but you have to find/download it if you don't already have a copy.
Thanks again haans gruber!

basstich (2013-04-19)

What the heck is the username??? I know the password is 87654321 but I don't know the user account name!

junzmyfav (2014-07-17)

If you compress this, it goes from 12.96GB to 5.21GB.
I cannot shake my head enough.
And to point out.. this isn't the first time this EXACT torrent has been uploaded. So the person who uploaded it should be ashamed for their lack of oversight. You should've definitely looked at how to clean this torrent up before putting it back on.
Still shaking my head.

lasiodora (2014-09-18)

So will this work on >857mhz processors?