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[PDF] [2009] Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences,




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[PDF] [2009] Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences,




2011-06-13 (by lyndavilla )


DOWNLOAD MORE EBOOKS, MAGAZINES, & PDFS: BOOK INFO: Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences By D.D. Sarma Publisher: Springer Number Of Pages: 206 Publication Date: 2009-06-18 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1402093799 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781402093791 Product Description: This book has been designed to serve as a text book for post graduate-students and research workers in earth sciences who require a background of and a feel for statistics and the theory of regionalised variables. The book is titled 'Geostatistics with Applications in Earth Sciences". This new edition has been completely revised to reflect the notable concept - and technique-wise in geostatistics. Chapter 1 has been expanded and incorporates more detials on sampling and sampling designs. Chapters 2 and 5 have been extensively revised and a new chapter "Introduction to Advanced Geostatistics" has been added. Also new are the "Review Questions" at the end of each chapter and the computer codes on the CD-Rom. Table of Contents Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the First Edition Table of Contents Some Important Symbols Used in the Text 1 Statistical Methods In Earth Sciences 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 Sampling, Data Collection and Sample Design 1.1.2 Sample Design and the Various Steps 1.1.3 Criteria for SelectinglDrawing a Sample 1.1.4 Characteristics of a Good Sample Design 1.1.5 Different Types of Sample Design 1.1.6 Analysis Aspects 1.2 HYPOTHESIS 1.3 QUANTIFICATION AND PREDICTION IN EARTH SCIENCES 1.4 THE CONCEPT OF RANDOM VARIABLE 1.5 PROBABILITY 1.6 FREQUENCY FUNCTION, JOINT FREQUENCY FUNCTION, CONTINUOUS FREQUENCY FUNCTION AND JOINT CONTINUOUS FREQUENCY FUNCTION Review Questions 2 Univariate Statistical Methods, Frequency Analysis and Simulation 2.1 UNIVARIATE STATISTICAL METHODS 2.2 FREQUENCY ANALYSIS 2.3 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF FREQUENCYDISTRIBUTION 2.4 ARITHMETIC REPRESENTATION OF EMPIRICAL DISTRIBUTIONS 2.4.1 Measure of Central Location 2.4.2 Measures of Dispersion 2.4.3 Skewness and Kurtosis 2.5 CORRELATION AND REGRESSION 2.5.1 Correlation Coefficient 2.5.2 Regression (a) Linear (b) Multiple Linear Regression (c) Polynomial Regression (d) Other Regression Functions 2.6 SIMULATION 2.6.1 Introduction 2.6.2 Advantages of Simulation 2.6.3 Limitations of Simulation Techniques 2.6.4 Generation of Random Numbers 2.6.5 Monte-Carlo Simulation 2.7 SOME APPLICATIONS OF SIMULATION 2.7.1 Applications to Inventory Control 2.7.2 Applications to Gold Mineralisation Review Questions 3 Some Statistical Distributions 3.1 THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION 3.1.1 Salient Features of Normal Distribution and Normal Probability Law 3.1.2 Confidence Limits for the Mean (z) 3.2 THE LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION AND PROPERTIES 3.2.1 Estimates for the Mean 3.2.2 Confidence Limits for the Mean 3.3 THE CHI-SQUARE (X2) TEST 3.4 APPLICATIONS 3.4.1 Bauxite Example: Distribution of Fe203 Element 3.4.2 Gold Ore Distribution 3.4.3 Copper Example 3.5 CASE OF REJECTION OF NORMAL DISTRIBUTION Review Questions 4 Stochastic Modelling (Time Series Analysis) and Forecasting 4.1 INTRODUCTION 4.1.1 Stochastic Processes 4.1.2 The Autocorrelation Function (acf) 4.2 STOCHASTIC MODELLING (TIME SERIES ANALYSIS) 4.2.1 Physical Significance in Relation to Estimation of Blocks of Ore 4.2.2 Estimation of Parameters of A.R Process of Order p [AR(p)] 4.2.3 Moving Average Process [MA(q)] 4.2.4 Auto-regressive and Moving Average Process of Order p, q [ARMA(p, q)] 4.3 APPLICATIONS 4.3.1 Bauxite Example (Fe203) 4.3.2 Gold Mineralisation 4.3.3 Copper Example 4.4 SPECTRAL ANALYSIS (FREQUENCY DOMAIN) 4.4.1 Spectrum, Discrete Fourier Transform (OFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) A. Frequency Average B. Sectioning of Time Series 4.4.2 Maximum Entropy Method 4.4.3 Spectral Density and Entropy Review Questions 5 Concepts of Regionalised Variables and Variogram Modelling 5.1 INTRODUCTION 5.2 STATIONARITY AND INTRINSIC HYPOTHESIS 5.2.1 Stationarity 5.2.2 Intrinsic Hypothesis 5.2.3 Stationarity in Actual Practice 5.3 VARIOGRAM 5.3.1 Properties of Variogram 1. Range 2. Behaviour near the Origin 5.3.2 Anisotropies 1. Geometrical anisotropy (also called 'elliptic' anisotropy) 2. Zonal (or stratified) anisotropy 5.3.3 Some Practical Points on Variograms 5.3.4 Presence of a Drift 5.3.5 Proportional Effect 5.3.6 Other Features 5.4 COMMONLY USED VARIOGRAM MODELS 5.5 CHANGE OF SUPPORT, REGULARISATION AND ESTIMATION VARIANCE 5.6 EXAMPLES OF VARIOGRAM COMPUTATION 5.7 EXAMPLES OF VARIOGRAMS IN OTHER FIELDS OF EARTH SCIENCES 5.8 COMPUTATION OF VARIOGRAM IN THE CASE OF IRREGULAR GRID Review Questions 6 Regularised Models, Volume VarianceRelationships and Economics 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6.2 DIFFERENT SITUATIONS 6.3 STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED FOR THE DECONVOLUTION PROBLEM 6.4 EXAMPLE: Fe203 ELEMENT VALUES FOR CORE LENGTH OF L = 0.5 m 6.5 DISPERSION VS BLOCK SIZE 6.5.1 Example: Lode 0: gold field 1 6.5.2 Example: Lode Z: gold field 2 6.6 THE WITHIN VARIATION IN CORE LENGTH L: DIFFERENT CASES 6.7 DISTRIBUTIONS BASED ON CORE SAMPLE STATISTICS AND DERIVED ONES FOR POINT SAMPLES 6.8 CASE OF LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTION ANDBLOCKS OF SIZE V 6.8.1 Distributions Based on Point Samples and Derived Statistics for Blocks 6.8.2 Grade Tonnage Computations Based on Log-transformed Statistics and Economic Implications Review Questions 7 The Concepts of Dispersion, Extension and Estimation Variances 7.1 VARIANCE OF DISPERSION 7.1.1 Variance of Point Samples within Volume V 7.1.2 Variance of vwithin V 7.2 EXTENSION VARIANCE 7.3 ESTIMATION VARIANCE Review Questions 8 Kriging Variance and Kriging Procedure 8.1 TOWARDS KRIGING VARIANCE 8.2 KRIGING PROCEDURE 8.3 KRIGING SYSTEM AND KRIGING VARIANCE IN TERMS OF YNOTATION 8.4 SIMPLE KRIGING (ALSO KNOWN AS LINEAR KRIGING WITH KNOWN EXPECTATION) 8.5 EXAMPLES 8.5.1 Punctual Kriging 8.5.2 Block Kriging Review Questions 9 Introduction to Advanced Geostatisti cs 9.1 INTRODUCTION 9.2 NON-STATIONARY GEOSTATISTICS 9.2.1 Universal Kriging 9.2.2 Disjunctive Kriging 9.2.3 Disjunctive Kriging Estimator 9.3 ESTIMATION BASED ON CONDITIONAL SIMULATION 9.4 KRIGING NONSTATIONARY DATA-THE MEDIAN POLISH METHOD 9.4.1 Median Polish Kriging 9.4.2 Example Review Questions 10 Computer Software PROGRAM: NORMAL.FOR PROGRAM: LN.FOR PROGRAM: AR.FOR PROGRAM: MA1.FOR PROGRAM: VGRAM.FOR PROGRAM: ORDKRIG.FOR Bibliography Index

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