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Starcraft.2 Beta.PLUS.LazyLaunch.PLUS.MAP.PLUS.AI.MAP






Starcraft.2 Beta.PLUS.LazyLaunch.PLUS.MAP.PLUS.AI.MAP




2010-03-01 (by .BONE. )


Here’s a better one that also gives you maps and the AI. Enjoy! Make sure you read the nfo for install instructions! Description: The long-awaited return of StarCraft has been rumored for years, and now is finally official — Blizzard officially announced on May 19, 2007 the sequel to its incredible strategy title Starcraft. Designed to be the ultimate competitive real-time strategy game, StarCraft II features the return of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg races, overhauled and re-imagined with Blizzard’s signature approach to game balance. Each race will be further distinguished from the others, with several new units and new gameplay mechanics, as well as new abilities for some of the classic StarCraft units that will be making a reappearance in the game. StarCraft II also featurse a custom 3D-graphics engine with realistic physics and the ability to render several large, highly detailed units and massive armies on-screen simultaneously. Each chapter of Starcraft II focuses on a specific faction of the Starcraft war. By splitting the game, players will access more story content, more characters, and more customization as the explore each side of the conflict. Features: * Each chapter of StarCraft II includes a unique single-player campaign * Custom-designed, fast-paced online play through an upgraded version of Blizzard’s renowned online gaming service, * Includes a powerful, full-featured map editor that will put the same tools used by Blizzard’s designers into the hands of players Install SC2 beta. Update SC2 beta (via blizzard, can do this without login) Run loader (FROM ANY LOCATION) Choose map (FROM ANY LOCATION) Enjoy SC2 sandbox style. You can edit your settings and all that business once you start it up, just choose resume game. # Have fun

Files count:



1645.54 Mb




BROTHYAM (2010-03-01)

Thank You!

hpack2010 (2010-03-01)

Hi , just to let you know i've uploaded my ULTIMATE pack which now contains :
+hackpacks ai settings tool v2(now contains
also advanced triggerlib scripts and STARCRACK V5.0)
+Lazy launch v2
+Replay support
+8x 2x2 ai maps
+10x 4x4 ai maps
+2x 6x6 ai maps
+2x custom maps ( +1 1vs3 cpu!! )
+14x NON AI maps
All in a single archive & its damn easy to install it!.
If you think that its a joke ,just watch my video on YT:

NoktDAZ (2010-03-01)

AVG just found a trojan in this

hvm (2010-03-01)

@NoktDAZ, although my download is not done yet I doubt a green skull would upload a virus game. And even if it has a trojan, it's still worth it if it works :D
so thanks uploader

yaqwsx666 (2010-03-02)

Starcraft.2 Beta System Requirements:

tar1212 (2010-03-02)


DumDud (2010-03-02)

This torrent is trash. it doesn't have have AI...even tho it says "AI"........yaaaa. and i found a trojan, bitch.

jonferoe (2010-03-02)

Whenever I try to run LazyLaunch, I get this error message: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."
Can anyone help me with this?

MeYouBasted (2010-03-02)

You guys are idiots, you should read the .nfo ! Thanks to the Up loader.

Gottern (2010-03-02)


Undesired (2010-03-02)

That is a very good question Gottern.
Anyway, this torrent works perfectly, and is easily installed. Great job .BONE.!
Btw, i had no virus warnings with MS security essentials and i scanned after everything was installed. Not that i dobted a green skull...

poljda (2010-03-02)


superseederguy (2010-03-02)

Im not trying to take a knock at the almighty skull or trash the uploader, but i think it needs to be addressed that this torrent has 477 seeders and 608 leechers with only like 10 comments or so. This crack is like the most anticipated ever and yet not many people r commenting on quality except for people i have seen on other torrents being called "fake". I just wanted people to start commenting more on the quality of this before i download it is all, cuz i really want it, but id rather not have my computer get fucked up from a virus or what-not since i need it for school. (Once again, no disrespect intended, just trying to be cautious)

TheLama (2010-03-03)

Nice torrent, works just fine :)
gtfo spammer/scammer

-Diesel- (2010-03-03)

Trading a completely new battlefield bad company 2 for a starcraft 2 beta key.
Key swap. Email me at [email protected]!!

Gottern (2010-03-03)

Everything works fine, but you have to restart the map many times for it to randomly load the race you want to play with, and you can't choose against which race you want to play.

Mr.Orangeman (2010-03-04)

If you want to choice a race you need to restart the loader. However i found a site which has the newest loader and they say that in the next version you will be able to pick a race. It also had some instructions if you need em

ps. why is begging for beta keys? This works fine :)

Robot23456 (2010-03-04)

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and the mouse pointer doesn't move on the screen. I can highlight units, but its impossible to tell where the mouse cursor is at.
Anyone else share my problem?

scorilo1988 (2010-03-05)

please,if anyone have a cd-key...

Falonefal (2010-03-05)

I have 3 Beta Keys for StarCraft 2 beta, willing to give one for an EA or Steam game key.
Don't scam me, because that wont work.
Contact me at [email protected]

lamelune (2010-03-06)

Would you please remove the fucking backdoor/trojan of this LazyLaunch ? Thank you !!!

_dekao_ (2010-03-06)

installer works fine, patches nicely but every time I run the lazylaunch it says I don't have the appropriate permissions to run this.
Running on Windows 7 and yes I have tried to run as admin. and still doesn't work, and i've also re-installed and still nothing. Any ideas?

minaau (2010-03-06)

Could someone explain to be what the "TriggerLibs" folder does?

phantomzombie (2010-03-07)

thanks for the upload, will comment when install successfully

phantomzombie (2010-03-07)

i have the same problem as _dekao_: when i run loader, it says i don't have permissions to run this program, even if i run as admin.
Help!!! plz

phantomzombie (2010-03-07)

I unzipped the loader into SC root directory and ran it a few times until it finally did NOT display the restriction message and the loader started.
Easy enough!!!

OneDownloadNImOut (2010-03-07)

I dont know what a SC root directory is. after i unzipped to my external and to my desktop i still get the permission problem as well...

OneDownloadNImOut (2010-03-07)

I dont know what a sc root directory is. I saved it to my desktop and to an external and i still get the permission message.

EvanLividicus (2010-03-08)

Fucking LAZYLAUNCH IS A TROJAN VIRUS. Every dam one i try to download its a virus

Damien74 (2010-03-08)

For the 1000 000 000 000 000 time! All these will get you a warning but it is NOT a trojan! Its a program that has similar code to trojans. And it is COMMON!
An uploader with a skull is trustworthy. Stop being such pain in the butt babys.

SnowKid32 (2010-03-08)

Okay shitheads, since you're all fucking retarded and love to trash people for the way they reward you let me dumb it down for you. This is NOT a trojan. The programs code has a source code that works similarly to a backdoor worm/trojan but it will NOT harm your computer in ANY way. If you need AI maps, go to here for the ultimate mappack that includes a lazylaunch that will NOT mess up with the errors you keep getting about not having permissions. That happens because that version is old and wasn't rid of the kinks.
Hopefully that works. Moreover, you open the packhack lazylaunch and browse to a map (I recommend always selecting Insane difficulty as they are never harder.) and launch it. Be sure to browse to one that says AI map! Then, if you see the race you like, either play or click "return to game" if it says "VICTORY!" If, for example, you are not the race you want, just click restart until you eventually do get it. That is all.
For maps that contain AI and for a good LazyLaunch go and download this:

foote1 (2010-03-08) has a direct download link that is faster.
That same site also explains that lazylauncher is a false-positive, it's not a virus.

za1no (2010-03-08)

wow .BONE.
prolly the fastest game i've ever gotten from a public tracker....
got a nice 8 MB/s
will seed 15.0 Ratio. :D

xSn1perSaMx (2010-03-08)

the lazy launcher is a trojan -.-

GeorgeZmith (2010-03-09)

Hey, I am trading a starcraft 2 beta key.
For details you can find me here [email protected].

GeorgeZmith (2010-03-09)

The correct email is [email protected] !

GeorgeZmith (2010-03-10)

Hey I am trading a starcraft 2 beta key, if you are interested you can contact me at this email!
[email protected]

zmin (2010-03-18)

virus. doesnt matter which one.

Locco666 (2010-03-18)

Iam selling the StarCraft II Beta official key! Make offers at [email protected]
You can pay via paypal, which is 100% safe!

Mr.Orangeman (2010-03-21)

installtion guide is here if you need it:

Very useful, and keeps updated w. latest loader (version 0.22)

ShadowBoss (2010-03-30), i hardly comment on torrents, because i just dont...however i love starcraft, and i want more people to get involved with the 2nd one... i can PROUDLY say this is a 100% working upload.
As the instructions already state in the nfo file. All you gotta do is
1: go into the lazy folder and extract the lazy launcher (this is a faster extract so do this first)
2: go back into main folder and extract the SC 2 BETA INSTALLER
3: once extracted...install the beta, and just LET IT PATCH UP, it'll do it on its own no login stuff required.
4: once its done patching up (it'll patch a few times), dont click play, exit the installer (click the x at the top right). Go into the lazy folder, and start up the lazy launcher, go back to the main folder and load the "AITest.s2ma"
5: once the game loads, click restart and bam you'll get to play, keep pressing restart till you get the desired race that you want. All upgrades and units are fully functional....Also you can go into the options and adjust the settings to what you want.....Impressive game.
Easy more complaining peoples, it works.

cazeract (2010-03-30)

i don't know about anyone else but i found that if i let it patch past .3.0 something lazylaunch would just shut down on load. so as i saw it working on patch 4.0 something i exited and all worked great. though i should post something cause if it was a problem for me i probably will be for some else too.

GoliathMuza (2010-04-13)

Lazytown Error. Could not find Starcraft II Beta v0.30.014093

Shalinar (2010-10-04)

I am on a macbook, running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, I downloaded the mac beta, and Im wondering if there is a lazylaunch package such as this for mac. Anyone know of one? If not, mac beta is useless to me...