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Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection
Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection
2009-11-20 (by moman73 )
Jesus in the Talmud – A Collection:
The last 3 uploads examined the defamations of God's prophet and messengers and their immediate family members in the Bible. The previous statement should be qualified however; the part of the Bible that contains these defamations is actually the Hebrew part; i.e. the Old Testament.
The Talmud is another holy Hebrew book that is considered the main source of religious teachings of mainstream Judaism. The Talmud continues the same practice of the Old Testament in defaming God's prophets and messengers. In the Talmud we find the most vicious accusations laid against Jesus and his mother Mary.
The Talmud accuses Mary of adultery, and that Jesus was an illegitimate son of an affair between Mary and her lover; a Roman soldier. It describes Jesus as: "a bastard", "deceiver of Israel", "a fool", "the leper", "a magician", the one with "false teachings", etc.
In contrast, the Qur'an contains nothing but high praise to Mary and Jesus. Sura #4 (Al-Nisa') describes over several verses the punishments that the Jews have received and will receive in the hereafter because of their transgressions. One of these transgressions is identified in Verse #156:
".. and because they disbelieved and uttered a terrible slander against Mary,"
There is one Sura (Sure #19) that is named after Mary (Maryam). She is mentioned 34 times in the Qur'an; 11 times by herself alone, and 23 times in conjunction with Jesus in the form: "Isa ibn Maryam", i.e. Jesus son of Mary.
There is one verse in the Qur'an (Verse #42 in Sura #3 Al-Imran) that describes Mary as a pure woman who is above all women:
"The angels said to Mary: ‘Mary, God has chosen you and made you pure: He has truly chosen you above all women."
Also, there are several sayings of Prophet Mohammad that put Mary at the top of a short list of women who are regarded as the noblest women of all mankind.
This upload contains 7 titles:
1- Jesus in the Talmud. By: Peter Schafer (2007).
2- Jesus in the Talmud: His Personality, His Disciples, and His Sayings. By: Bernhard Pick (1913).
3- Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar and the Liturgy of the Synagogue. By: Gustav Dalman (1893).
4- The Secret Rabbincial Teaching Regarding Christians. By: I.B. Pranaitis (1892).
5- The Talmud & Jesus Christ.
6- Christianity in Talmud and Midrash. By: R. Travers Herford (1903).
7- The Talmudic Effect on Judeo-Christianity. By: Gordon Mohr.
Files count:
61.79 Mb
0qubit1 (2012-05-29)
thats ok thanks to the internet people are waking up and the ovens are being built even as we speak.asma272727 (2012-12-27)
This is utter bull crap, jesus is not mentioned in the bible or talmud at all. just a bunch of nazi lies.if you want to believe, thats your problem.
ovens? you can blog away to your pathetic hearts content nazi, but jews have the guns nazi, come closer, we will show you the working end
1. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/1- Schafer - Jesus in the Talmud.pdf 1.21 Mb
2. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/2- Pick - Jesus in the Talmud.pdf 4.28 Mb
3. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/3- Dalman - Jesus Christ in the Talmud, Midrash, Zohar.pdf 4.05 Mb
4. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/4- Pranaitis - The Secret Rabbincial Teaching Regarding Christians.pdf 713.69 Kb
5. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/5- The Talmud & Jesus Christ.pdf 164.50 Kb
6. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/6- Herford - Christianity in Talmud and Midrash.pdf 49.37 Mb
7. Jesus in the Talmud - A Collection/7- Mohr - The Talmudic Effect on Judeo-Christianity.pdf 2.02 Mb