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Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 [ENG] [ED] 2010 TRiViUM




Games PC


Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 [ENG] [ED] 2010 TRiViUM




2010-07-23 (by Ex_Exist )


Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 2 [ENG][ED] 2010 TRiViUM LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 (c) ED *PROPER* RELEASE DATE .................. : 07/2010 RELEASE SiZE .................... : 1 rar PROTECTiON ........ : StarForce 5.70 + OA RELEASE NOTES Proper notes: SKiDROW release contains plane control bug, making game non-playable. Enjoy this fully working release! LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 is a further evolution of LockOn: Flaming Cliffs. In Flaming Cliffs 2, all of the player-controlled aircraft available in Flaming Cliffs have been transferred to the virtual environment created for the Digital Combat Simulator series, started with DCS: Black Shark. Flaming Cliffs 2 is a PC-based combat flight simulation of the following modern combat aircraft: Su-27, Su-33, Su-25, Su-25T, MiG-29, MiG-29S, F-15C, A-10A. The geographical territory modeled encompasses the region of the western Caucasus mountains from Kuban to Georgia. Flaming Cliffs 2 features a new graphical user interface, new mission editor, which includes a trigger system for scripting actions and events, updated graphics engine, new player campaigns, and many other improvements. Features: - Three military campaigns and more than thirty diverse military tasks - New airports in the territory of Russia and Georgia, including mineral waters, Nalchik, Tskhakaya, Kutaisi, Kobuleti, Batumi - New types of aircraft weapons, ground and naval combat equipment - Easy mission editor to trigger the system. - Compatibility with the helicopter simulator "Ka-50: Black Shark" for network games - Improved texture of land, as well as more detailed mesh terrain - A refined model of the atmosphere and the mechanism of the probabilistic calculation of collisions with birds at low altitude - The improved artificial intelligence - Significantly improved graphics engine, as well as a new audio engine, allowing maximum correctly reproduce various sounds and simulate the propagation velocity of sound effects iNSTALL NOTES - Unpack - Install the game - Update the game to version 1.2.1 (optional) - Use our keygen to activate game in offline mode - Feel the power of TRiViUM :> Special note: This keygen will work with all future game updates Enjoy! GROUP NOTES Greetz to Protection Technology ------------------------------------------------------------------- all the useful information in the file trivium.nfo and -------------------------------------------------------------------

Files count:



3061.15 Mb




bolle321 (2010-07-23)

Hi and THANKS!
does this work in multiplayer with the keygen?

 Ex_Exist (2010-07-23)

check the possibility to leave comments

AJaromir (2010-07-24)

Finnaly, thx TRiViUM!
I think yes, it will work in multiplayer game.

AJaromir (2010-07-24)

Finnaly, thx TRiViUM!
I think yes, it will work in multiplayer game.
Vhat about to make the same activator for DCS:BS and future DCS:A10??

Abbot1 (2010-07-25)

Got it installed alright but can't get it started. It asks for me to press pause/break to fly the plane but nothing happens. Even tried changing the key in options but still nothing. I don't have a pause/break button on my laptop. Any ideas..........

Hokum6 (2010-07-25)

Buy PC ;)

jmbmtl (2010-07-26)

Thank you very much; now I can test it, and if I like it, I WILL BUY IT!!!

udidwht (2010-07-26)

Please seed everyone. Talking about you leachers.

AJaromir (2010-07-26)

Abbot1 It's the ussual error. You must redefine key for pause game

AJaromir (2010-07-27)

Abbot1: You have to set pause key for each aircraft idividually. For free camera and other key mapping too

4NDRESP (2010-07-28)


4NDRESP (2010-07-28)


udidwht (2010-07-29)

Anyone else wanna confirm whether this is working???

AJaromir (2010-07-29)

4NDRESP: That's not true. I used it and all works fine.

AJaromir (2010-07-29)

Yes. I have it and all works fine.

wxccxw (2010-07-30)

It ran but i can only see a white screen with music ! Please help me.

udidwht (2010-07-30)

Regarding the install. I noticed the instructions in the link above differ from the install instructions printed above. The link states to install then run the Keygen whereas above it says install, update game then use Keygen. Which is correct? It also says that installing Lock-On is optional. ED's site says Lock-On must be installed.

 Ex_Exist (2010-07-30)

1) Install LockOn: Modern Air Combat (LOMAC folder on DVD) 2) Install the game 3) Update the game to version 1.2.1 (optional) 4) Run Game and Use LockOn_KeyGen.exe (TRiViUM folder on DVD) Instructions for using keygen in Pictures

udidwht (2010-07-30)

^^^Thanks Ex_Exist. I've got Lock-on Modern Air Combat (Purchased). I suppose this will do??? Keep up the great work/uploads.

4NDRESP (2010-07-31)

i tried to use the serial that the key generator generated when the campaign start.
Nothings happened! Said that the key is invalid!!!
It works for me this.

4NDRESP (2010-07-31)

Sorry Guys maybe i didn?t use correctly the key generator.

4NDRESP (2010-07-31)

sORRY GUYS, I MADE agein the installation and now it works perfect. Sorry

aviationexplorer (2010-08-15)

Guys I'm struggling a bit about the Hardware code where can we find it?

man-of-the-job (2010-08-16)

Where can we find the Hardware code

man-of-the-job (2010-08-18)


man-of-the-job (2010-08-18)

OK I'm uninstalling this torrent.

congoharrison (2010-10-14)

I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do with the keygen. I get no hardware code show up in the middle box, so can't generate a key in the bottom box.
If I enter the keygen's code into the game when prompted (when I try "Quick Fly" it prompts for the key), the game checks the database of serials online and gives me an invalid key error.
Is this a bug when using on Win7?
Am I just using the keygen wrong?
Am I supposed to submit the keygen's key to the game site so they can issue me a hardware code?
Please help guys, I'm not a noob, I just don't get it at all why some people get this to work and I can't :P

congoharrison (2010-10-14)

nevermind, got it to work finally :p
If I get time I'll come back and tell how, must sleep now.

congoharrison (2010-10-15)

1) Unpack the download to a folder of choice
2) Install LockOn from the included LockOn install folder - you'll find it if you look.
3) Install Flaming Cliffs 2 - Don't run it
4) Install patch to Flaming Cliffs installation
5) Start Single Player Flaming Cliffs 2 game
6) Select "Quick Start"
7) Activation applet appears - leave it open
8) Use included keygen to generate key
9) Choose "Other" link in Activation Applet
10) Enter Key from Keygen into Activation Applet, this should generate a hardware key
11) Enter Hardware key into Keygen, this will generate a final key
12) Enter final key into Activation applet
Play Flaming Cliffs 2. (Works online no issues)
Other cracks on TPB didn't work, they simply added pre-1.2.1 patch files and either screwed the game or screwed up MP mode.

congoharrison (2010-10-15)

After successfully installing Flaming Cliffs 2, LockOn is no longer
required and it can be uninstalled if you wish to save disk space.

Danoob92 (2010-10-17)

Wow, i thought i never would see the day where someone would crack these types of games...
TRiViUM = epic sauce!

Danoob92 (2010-10-18)

WARNING: DO not do what congoharrison did and uninstall the main lock on modern air combat, this will cause the su25 and 25T to not work properly...

Danoob92 (2010-10-18)

Scratch that... i has to hit SHIFT L to get the electric on before starting engines.... kinda weird....
I guess you can uninstall the old lomac from comptuer

MareZinjo (2010-10-20)

This works like a charm thank you so much i am going to seed the hell out of this ! Even on line multiplayer works !

impa1or (2010-10-20)

hi guys, please help. I installed this release no problem, but in all missions on all planes I cannot launch missiles! cannon works fine, lauch is authorised - but neither Space nor my joystick button (set in Options) works! why is that??? (((

Danoob92 (2010-10-24)

What plane you using? Russian planes use the gun trigger to fire missiles, and gun is space bar... US aircraft use alt space bar to fire missiles and space bar for gun.
I think your using a Russian plane cause you said launch authorized, so change space bar back to gun...

drsteiny (2010-12-08)

It would be great if trivium could make a keygen for DCS: Warthog beta. I'm sure codes will remain same after the release, btw it uses same protection Starforce 5.70 + OA. Come on trivium :D please please please :D

stinjin (2010-12-21)

When i try to install it read i do not have lock on 1.1 installed, so intallation will be interrupted (cancelled). Ai missing something?

trolcia3 (2011-01-26)

keygen working but cant sort it out.all the time I got "flaming cliff 2 has stoped working,windows will close the program....." info ,bloody hell its madness,any idea guys????

trolcia3 (2011-01-26)

got it sorted bloody xonar d2x crashing soud card.

heli3 (2011-02-07)

Perfectly working following the congoharrison's installation procedures.
Thanks for it!

Fulcrum-smt (2011-02-26)

Can you make cars playable?

silvesterenik (2011-03-05)

bloody hell, mine worked two days, great game, but now he gives me a error, that my key isnt valid. but it worked two days, very weird, can somebody help me? email:

R3ll1K (2011-03-10)

I have the weirdest thing, game installs fine. Update doesn't give me any trouble. But when I get to the activation menu it gets rather interesting.
No matter where I click, I always get the popup saying "Please enter a Serial Number of the product". Only the Buy link and the Help link seem to work. I tried blocking internet access via the firewall, disabling the network adapter and just simply pulling out the cable.
Any help would be appreciated as I'm dying to play this game.

daveslow (2011-03-24)

hey everyone, i´ve got a problem...
game seems to work fine but i can´t access any training missions!!! anyone know anything? there is a "download" button, when i click that i get directed to their site but can´t download the vids and certainly no training missions :( are are there only training vids!?
thx so much for this release....AWESOME!!!!

tbo1000000 (2011-04-25)

ONLY AT 130Kb/s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once done i will be seeding for a long time PLLLEEEEEAAASE SEEEEED SEEEDERS SEED!@!!!!!!!!!!

tbo1000000 (2011-04-25)


tbo1000000 (2011-04-25)


udidwht (2011-07-08)

Anyone having issues with reactivation after first initial flight? Mine was working great at it requires me to run the Keygen prior to every flight after starting the sim.

fighterbomber0 (2011-10-21)

Great torrent. I was a fan of old Lock On (LOMAC), which I consider the very best modern sim at the time.
Do no forget to install Lock On before FC2. Lock On 1.1 setup is included inside the Lockon folder. Once done install FC2 and once finished the patch 1.2.1. Then fire it up and register with the "manual" method (non-Internet) by using Trivium Keygen. I suggest disconnecting Internet while you register. No virus of any type was detected during process.
I am now seeding the file in a dedicated computer. And I believe I will be purchasing the game before Christmas if it is as good as it seems to be.

Micky009 (2011-10-31)

Trivium, first of all thanks for the great game upload..However I am encountering two problem..
1. I installed the game everything went fine but when I opened the game for the second time it said key is invalid..any help there ???
2. None of my planes can fire missiles only cannons can be gives me "Launch authorized" but when I press space bar nothing happens (I am flying SU 27)..does anyone have this problem??? Please help if u were able to solve it thanks in advance.....

PPirateS (2011-12-21)

Can Anyone Say - If I'll Download This, Will The Game Run Or Is This Just Update Or Addon Of Another Lock on? Do I Need Another Flaming Cliffs 1 Or .......()()< Or This Is Full Game??? PLZ ANYONE ANSWER.....

Alex-Mig (2012-01-05)

I can't fire. I pressing space or the Num1 on my joystick and its dosen't work its not fire! But it says that i can fire ''the woman''. When am going to lock the target its lock automatically. WTF! Whats the problem with this? I can only use my gun!"

Alex-Mig (2012-01-05)

I can't fire. I pressing space or the Num1 on my joystick and its dosen't work its not fire! But it says that i can fire ''the woman''. When am going to lock the target its lock automatically. WTF! Whats the problem with this? I can only use my gun!"

Megaballs (2012-01-14)

I cant get this to run at all.
I installed LOMAC, which worked fine.
Then I installed Flaming Cliffs 2, and patched it.
When I try to open the game, the console window appears for a split second, then it gives up again. I've tried running everything as admin, I've tried uninstalling FC2 AND LOMAC and reinstalling both, but I keep getting the same issue. Any Ideas?

henjiberg (2012-02-06)

to shoot the missiles you just need to press right ctrl and space... ...and HOLD (leave you finger on space for 1-2 sec)

Alex-Mig (2012-02-21)

Damn! I must do that always? Until I'am do it they will kill me much faster. -.- . . . no point to download it again . . .

BlueWoofy (2012-08-17)

you guys just get the working puP_E bundle it includes all you need & it works for sp/mp
there are seeders even though it says 0
pirate search for lockon

Nycticoracs (2013-02-10)

For all those who can't fire missiles: just hold for 0.5/1 sec the control assigned to FIRE WEAPON. This is how it works in a simulation.

Mutant_Gu (2013-03-23)

Will this work on windows 8?

Du_RocK_UchihA (2013-03-26)

@congoharrison... A really thanks man! I hope to see you on a battle on the sky someday. Thanks again :)

ViPERFTWGR (2013-12-15)

request: Flaming Cliffs 3 PLEase!


1. TVM_LNFC2_ENG/TVM_LNFC2_ENG.iso 2961.02 Mb
2. TVM_LNFC2_ENG/LockOn_FC2_Patch_1.2.1_EN.exe 100.12 Mb
3. TVM_LNFC2_ENG/trivium.nfo 9.68 Kb