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The Loco Roco soundtrack ripped
The Loco Roco soundtrack ripped
2006-08-23 (by larswad)
What: The ripped soundtrack from the PSP game Loco Roco.
Format: MP3 256 kbps 44100 Stereo, INSANE quality preset (converted with lame frontend aumpel).
Size: 162MB, 54 songs.
When: 2006-09-13
Why: I wanted this cool game music in my car stereo without dragging around the PSP.
Where: who cares?
Who: Who cares?
So, after going through a jungle of weird audio tools and codec's I finally
managed to rip the songs and convert them from Sony's AT3 format into WAV and then
finally into MP3. I tried to keep as low compression ratio as possible in order not to loose to much quality. Remember the songs were compressed once already.
If anyone want the AT3 converted wav files instead, let me know and maybe I'll put them up. They will fill up somewhere around one complete CD.
They are listed in the order they appear in the DATA.BIN file on the UMD disc.
I was surprised to see that there were so many variations of the same songs, because you don't notice that when you play the game.
Of course it's impossible for me to know the original names of the songs in the game, so I just used my imagination to give them some meaningful names instead of file1, file2 and soforth. I wasn't able to find fitting names for all of the files though.
We will probably find out about the song names if they later on decide to release an official soundtrack of Loco Roco.
You can of course use your own song names if you find something that fits better, in that case you simply rename the files.
I hope you will enjoy this just as much as I do, game music more cute and enjoyable than this is hard to find.
My personal favourite is the last one in order, number 54.
Thanks goes to:
"-Loco001" for the "Loco Roco DATA.BIN BGM File Extractor For PSP"
The creator of "MarC's HiMdRenderer".
The creator of "aumpel".
Sony for Sonicstage.
Files count:
162.23 Mb
JCBDK (2006-08-23)
Seed pls!larswad (2006-08-23)
Jag seedar så länge jag kan.Min uprate är väl inte den bästa för stunden.
Jag lovar att jag hänger kvar.
Manhax (2006-08-26)
Jeg får omtrent ikke lastet ned noen ting av denne torrenten, jeg.Tannhauser (2006-09-29)
Tackar så mycket för det här! Löjligt glatt och bra soundtrack till ett riktigt bra spel.HelgeBelt (2006-10-18)
Official soundtrack has been made, follow the link and see for yourself. Couldn't find anything on the net though.Officiellt soundtrack har släppts, följ länken och se själv. Kunde tyvärr inte hitta någonting på nätet tyvärr.
HelgeBelt (2006-10-18)
Tack för rippen förresten ;-)larswad (2006-10-24)
Tack för infon Helgebelt!bitterinn (2006-11-01)
Thx for the upload man, really love this music, better than prozac, plz keep seeding this...fredum (2007-01-02)
aww.... I wanted the one with all the singing and.. stuff ....olmokram (2007-05-27)
nice rip!Nightfang (2007-12-12)
Cheers alot mate, have been searching for theese songs a long time now.Cheers again!