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Windows XP SP2 Pro & Home Activation Crack
Software PC
Windows XP SP2 Pro & Home Activation Crack
2005-04-06 (by DBplaYer)
Excellent activation crack for Windows XP Pro and Home, SP2 included.
Should work on any Win XP language version.
Files count:
69.05 Kb
wojz (2005-04-06)
Funkar det?tmltknt (2005-04-06)
seed!!kelpie (2005-04-10)
Någon som testat? Är den virus fri?V.Xstream.SW (2005-06-16)
men men den fortsätter ju räkna ner ...greenlight03 (2005-06-30)
Can i download updates after this?DylPickle (2005-07-01)
good question, greenlight03. can anyone answer us?basscan (2005-07-12)
doesn't work for meb.burns (2005-07-27)
Funkade alldeles utmärkt med en polares köpta xp sp2 swe. När jag körde exe filen i felsäkert så stod det att den inte gick att aktivera men när jag startade upp som vanligt så var det aktiverat,tada!citizen420 (2006-01-17)
just use xp corp, these activation crax are fucked upRush_1234 (2006-03-28)
Fungerade Perfekt för mig! Klart på två sekunder!Skönt att något fungerar felfritt för en gångs skull!
kingcoil1 (2006-04-09)
This program sucks. I installed according to directions, and ended up having to reinstall Windows XP because it randomly decided to make me activate. I tried to log in and it asked me to activate windows so I tried to, but it said it was already activated. So I clicked okay and it logged me out and that continued...I tried various "fixes", but nothing worked. The only thing I could do was reinstall.kt_haddock (2006-06-09)
Vilket språk stöder detta ?PatriciaSE (2006-10-15)
Funkade klockrent !!Turboql (2006-11-15)
Funkade att installera ja, MEN efter ett tag ber datorn om aktivering och när man försöker säger den att det redan är gjort. Sedan låser sig windows och det problemet har jag EJ löst än... SUCK(S)...remy666 (2006-12-12)
This works 100% ;DI Have Windows XP Home edition.
After a few clicks and a reboot and its active!
Thanks for uploading this :)
mayafied (2006-12-28)
DONT DOWNLOAD THIS! Same thing happened to me as kingcoil1. I had to modify OOBE Timer in the registry through safe mode to even get the option to activate!SAnsX (2007-01-15)
THIS one is the real Deal. A-LoT of these cracks don't work on sp2 and especially home. I am ashamed to admit i sponsored 2 corporate demons by buying the xp home sp2 from walmart, but i needed it at three in the morning. I only reset my system 4 times (new drives, one board) and it wouldn't let me activate on the last. WORKS GREAT! ( so far, i haven't actually rebooted, its my last day to activate, and i'm scared to turn it off, so first i'll grab a quick iso of xp corp, just in case....)SAnsX (2007-01-15)
besides, if it didn't work no one would seed...right?SAnsX (2007-01-17)
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS!!! WHY are you people seeding this? it does not WORK!!! it will appear as if it works, shows official looking screen: already activated! but when the 30 days is up. your locked out FOR GOOD and you have to reinstall windows. Microsoft put this up more than likely. I SWEAR I used it, and no nag screens , but then WHAMMO can't log on. grab a chinese serial and a xp corporate, and just reintall without formating.FUCK !!!metaphant (2007-03-24)
Mina antivirusprogram blinkade röda direkt vid nedladdning. Så VARNING!dudew8 (2007-09-14)
det funka drit bra!!!!!!!når jeg brukte den sto det: windows er allerede aktivert! =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=) THX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sk1llmaster (2008-02-28)
Sure thing this one yea... havent come to the 30 day limit yet but still it stands activatet in for windows. So.. If you compl. buy it,.... YEA YEA YEA YEaYLOSCO (2008-03-20)
It works!!!!.... until your 30 days run out. So it disactivate the Activation Screen only. It just doesn't appear during the trial period. After that you won't be able to run Windows... try another crack.nick-napster (2008-04-02)
Dont downloade this it will note work, it will just say windows is genuine and after 30 days it will note work,IF you want a GOOD one you betther trye ANTIwpa and InGeN activator!!
teastfive (2008-04-13)
best activation ever.Zarrkorov (2008-07-26)
wow, didn't even read the readme until afterwards. worked instantly. thanks!Zarrkorov (2008-07-26)
ok, found how this one this one and then another torrent:Windows_WGA_Patcher_Permanent_Kit.3557054.TPB
this one deletes the validation control, but doesn't validate it. the other one validates it...
chrobakos (2008-09-05)
It works ... I used it on new installed windows XP home , SP2 and it works .blond_pies (2008-09-16)
my mac says it containes a virus.i do not recomend to download this.
Bacontits (2008-10-10)
Blond_pies, your mac is a piece of shit. And of course it's defined as a virus, it fucks with OS settings. Idiot.pwn247 (2008-10-27)
Flawless with a new Windows XP Home (SP3). This is- by far- the best activator ever. Hands down. Installed this on my Mac with BootCamp. :)Osirus3737 (2008-10-30)
blond_pies, 1st you're a noob, 2nd your mac makes me want to shit. Do us all a favor and go touch his dick. This crack gets me so pumped up I could punch an infant! Awesome!cadmatic (2008-11-29)
seeedholykake (2009-03-02)
thanks ! worked just fine:)oslinux23 (2009-04-11)
Thank for the activator !It works even on Longhorn XP Professional", Build 3683, "Windows XP Longhorn", Build 4008 and Windows Longhorn build 4074.
oslinux23 (2009-04-11)
It is not a virus. The antivirus says "you must delete it because it is a vurus". The antivirus software promts you this message because this program activates windows.miked351 (2009-11-30)
wow excellent it works great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bmxer4130 (2009-12-05)
PLEASE HELP!!!Hi I installed this and it worked fine until a couple of days ago. When I logged in it said that I have to activate it in 7 days, so I clicked activate now and it said it was already activated. Also the number of days I have go down each day like normal, but once I have no more days to activate it, I don't think it will work. PLEASE HELP!!!
bmxer4130 (2009-12-11)
this is non-working! do not download! it only makes activation worse!! I recommend antiwpa!rik67 (2010-01-08)
Activation YESValidation NO
dude85741 (2010-01-20)
damn this is a good crack i love it i have two xp keys laying around home but the computer said that they where invalid but this worked thanks uploaderkurawa19 (2010-02-04)
GREATits Work
You are the Best DBPlaYer
Thankyu ... Terima kasih banyak
Weezy010 (2010-02-10)
can i now download the windows update?Focus88 (2010-05-30)
Works for me. It goes straight into my archive. Thank you!sksm (2010-06-27)
works just fine... tnx!Preia (2011-02-23)
Thank you!!! Easiest activation ever.Preia (2011-02-24)
I lied. It doesn't work. Windows tells me I still need to activate windows before I log on and takes me to the acivation wizard window and there it says Windows is already activated. So I click OK to exit and then it takes me back to the welcome screen to log on. So I try log on and then Windows tells me I still need to activate windows before I log on and takes me to the acivation wizard window and there it says Windows is already activated. So I click OK to exit and then it takes me back to the welcome screen to log on. So I try log on and then...rinse and repeat. Useless.-Distance (2012-07-10)
For once one that works thanks alot! :DDDarthmufin (2013-05-21)
ohhhh you are a funny man. this is some sort of virus and i feel for it. after clicking on it, it disapears. well done asshole, well done. oh and you can move it, copy it, or delete it either, gives "make sure the file isnt in use" error. fuckerFiles:
1. Windows XP SP2 Pro & Home Activation Crack/Win XP SP2 Activator.exe 68.83 Kb
2. Windows XP SP2 Pro & Home Activation Crack/readme.txt 224 bytes