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Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor






Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor




2007-04-15 (by Sarre)


Might & Magic 7: For Blood and Honor 3DO CRPG, Sold-Out re-issue, untouched bin/cue CD-images. Includes map, manual, patch. Note: CD2 also contains red book audio tracks. Screenshots: Related downloads: Might & Magic 6: Might & Magic 8:

Files count:



1199.46 Mb




mindiss (2007-04-16)

Thank you a lot, nice game:)

soppen43 (2007-04-21)

plz seed
i will seed for a couple of days when i am finished

martinlol (2007-05-02)

how do you make the game run properly on XP? mine crashes on start. Could anybody be so nice to give a explanation on how to make the game work on a XP?

martinlol (2007-05-02)

Nvm, found out... Sarre, could you please explain (with more details) how im gonna do the thing with the no-cd use?

goligogo (2007-05-07)

Hey guys!Need some help please!I installed the game and everything but when i click the game icon it says right away that "windows have encountered a problem".I really dont know what to do.i have a good pc and everything so i dont think specs can be a problem.Can u please help?thanks in forward

Quiksilver_One (2007-05-14)

Jag har samma problem, har XP Pro och kan inte ens starta spelet. "Windows har stött på ett problem". Hur får jag det att fungera?? Tacksam för svar... har stor lust att spela detta ju! Nån som kan vara snäll att hjälpa??

zzzxxxyyy (2007-08-25)

Help Help...i cant get the game to run. I have XP and continually get an windows error report. I changed the autorun file to run in windows98. When the game launches i get a grey screen and then the error comes up.

Garfielder (2007-09-30)

Thanks alot, I've been wanting to play this game for so long, ever since I smashed the play CD in my old computer after installing it....
And ofc. even moreafter I just finished M&M2 on my Mobile :P

Dxan (2007-12-09)

thanks for uploading this Sarre :)
But i also stumble across the same problems as the others here and your tips are hard to understand. Could you please post a detailed walk through on how to fix it?

du_reject (2008-01-20)

DOWNLOAD UNOFFICIAL PATCH to 1.2 (check sarre's posts)
on mm7-rel.exe, right click it then go under the compatibility tab. Click the box for "run this program in compatibility mode" and select Windows 98/ME under it.
Should work then, even if you select hardware accel and whatnot.

du_reject (2008-01-20)

thx for the upload to Sarre, btw

Luum (2008-05-03)

I was hoping to get my nostalgia on with this torrent, unzipped the RAR and got two bin files that my computer did not know what to do with, am I really stoopid? what did I miss? can't play...must get nostalgia please

Thaurunas (2008-05-03)

Love, love, love, thanks!!

rodgman (2008-06-01)

works great.........thanks

Brodan155 (2008-06-02)

How do I install this? I am not the best with this stuff help?

celardweller (2008-06-08)

Luum, you need to download and install the latest version of Daemon tools. Once thats done mount the image of the CD1 to install the game. Then unmount CD1 and mount CD2 to play the game.

celardweller (2008-06-08)

My game freezes after I make my party and click begin. Does anyone know a solution for this?

SevenSinsXxX (2008-06-30)

Hey yeah i have the same problem as the guy above me. i got the patch working and i got in running in windows 98 comp. but everytime i try to make a party it says Direct Draw Error...anyone has an answer for this?

Rijzerlo (2008-07-04)

Hey I got the same problem as zzzxxxyyy, as soon as I try to start te game i get a windows error report, and also the grey screen...

My brother also downloaded MM7 and he gets it to run, mostly because at some point in the installation program, it asks to insert CD2, mine installs entirly on CD1, in the windows error it claims that i have lost files, which maybe is logical for some reason.
Has anyone encountered this problem does somebody have a solution???

szro (2008-07-12)

sorry, but i need help.. im kinda noob at everything. ilove this game and also DLed the files but somehow i dont know how to install it. coz in disk1&2 has only *.bin files.
need help pls.. anyone?

Ayrios (2008-07-14)

downloads daemon tools an mount the image an it installs but the only problem im having is when im playin and i set a spell sometimes it will be fine an cast then when im playin for few hours it will just keep goin to the book which i dont get is i already set the spell an it was workin for hours before

Lyrazel (2008-07-24)

Ok, I actually have the disks, and the detailed info on making it run in Win98 was VERY helpful. Only problem now, is that everything is shifted to the right once the game comes up. I'm sure there is a way to make it centered on the screen properly, but I don't know it. Can I possibly get some more detailed help? Thanks! :D

Vashxux (2008-08-12)

I have the game Dled and it works fine accept for a rather annoying white flash ever second or so and it gives me a headach. Anyone know how to fix it or what to change to fix it cause it makes game kinda unplayable.
Thanks Sarre :P

cypherdtraitor (2008-08-13)

Ok, I guess I'm kinda new at this.
I downloaded the files, and I have Daemon Tools, but I still can't figure out how to load up the game. I have tried mounting the .RAR files, and even the .BIN files, but I can't get the thing to run. I click on the virtual disk and all I get is that the file is not in a readable format.

astropheonix (2008-08-13)

i'm getting the same exact problem as cypherdtraitor
is there any way to fix it? please help if there is!

zorrask (2008-09-23)

Vashxux ive noticed that if u turn off/disble the accelerated 3D audio in the configuration utility it should solve the flashing problem. as for you others getting the .bin file to show whats inside of it and then creating an image of all those items should allow you to mount the data itself to a vdrive. then u just have to go in and find the setup in the setup folder to get it to install. the unofficial patch mentioned earlier is a good way to get it to play without needing to have the things mounted still.

cefacialtfel (2008-09-30)

thanks for uploading this,but i just can't manage to run the installer. i tried running it in compatibility mode for win95 and win98, but it simply does nothing (it stays open under Processes, but it does nothing)

iRockNOT (2008-10-15)

This is a really great game!

FIREHEAT (2008-10-28)

is there eny 1 who has number 8 in this series have compleated both 7 and 8 but a long time ago so will realy like to plat both again so if eny 1 have number 8 in series plz set it up

FIREHEAT (2008-10-28)

i have don all the advise there is and still i can't get pas the gray mes. abort a errow in windows and the program wil shot dawn i even get that mess aftyer d/l the unofficial 1.2 patch so i can get to option to make it a windows 98 so what can i do ??? eny1 plz help me i realy like to play the game again it have been around 10 years since i play and compleated trhis game realy like to do it again

FIREHEAT (2008-11-10)

have got the game working and apply the pat's but i have a prob in game dos eny1 have prob in compleating the quest to become a liche i know the cheast is in wall of mist and i have all 3 keys to open dor i have the quest but when i open the cheast the traps go off but nothing is inside of the cheast

igetmyshitforfree (2009-04-06)

ok, when i try to install the game nothing happens:S

Zolm3533 (2009-08-04)

hay i got prob i got it mounted but when i try to install it tells me that my font size is to large i have it set as small as i can any ideas?

hovgaard (2009-09-03)

One of the best games ever. And surely, best RPG :) Thanks a lot!

Nihogz (2010-06-04)

Downloaded this today, and I am sorry to say, it seems very hard to install with Vista 64bit. Not sure it can be done. I got to the Macromedia install menu, but the rest will not launch. And I only got that far, as I used over 2 hours trying different combinations of compatibility, colors and such. If anyone should be succsessful installing it on Vista (64b) Please comment. (Seeing as most of the comments are old and about XP problems, I thought I would let you know it's even harder with Vista....) :( A truly great game this though. Considering making a partition with Windows 95 or 98 solely for this game! :P

hypnotoadtrance (2010-06-21)

Thank you for uploading this! I have been looking everywhere for an image of the discs, because my original discs are too damaged to copy. (odd enough though, i can still play from disc just fine)

eventide (2010-10-25)

I can't install this on XP SP3 :(

arnhem81 (2011-01-21)

Try the latest fan made patch for this game to get this game to work. Link:

zib3ntins (2011-02-19)

Patch by GrayFace solved the problem. Now i can launch it. Spent like 2-3 hours serfing net for solution:P

psycoguy5 (2011-04-07)

I must be stupid, I can't figure out to get the images to load into Deamon tools. Any help?

shane4u200 (2011-10-13)

a good link to the patches if anyone needs them
also u may want to download WinRAR do decompress the files. and then use daemon to mount it
thank you so much for this download i really appreciate it and brings back some good memories!!!

letteralex (2012-01-31)

Can someone comment on the "cant install problem" cause ppl (aswell as myself) have this problem and cant seem to find an answer not by googling nor in the comment section.
What happens is i run the autorun ans select install; nothing happens. When i manually open the disc and select setup; nothing happens.

FlameKoRn (2012-02-07)

My installs goes like this: Installshield gets to 99% and then it closes and no install.. does that to all types of compability. any help pls?

Fyffetimesbetter (2012-02-15)

Oh my, I finally made it work!
I'm using Windows 7 and had a hard time making it work, but now all of a sudden it works without any problems. Weird.
Anyway, so here's what I did to make it work:
1. Unzipped both rar-files that came along with the torrent.
2. Mounted CD1 (not the .bin file) with Daemon tools, and it told me to install macromedia flash. So I did. After that, a new program installed and in this, I could choose if I wanted to install MM7. I clicked on the install button.
3. The installation seemed to work pretty well, but it pointed out that I don't have directX6, Win 98/ME or something else I don't remember. When i pressed on the shortcut to open the game, the little box where you choose how to play it (with which graphic card and so on) came up, and after choosing to play the game, a gray screen came up, and then the game ended and it says that Windows found and error and couldn't figure out how to solve the problem. Plan B!
4. After trying many ways to open, like editing how to open the program by choosing "open with compability with windows XP" and so on, I came here to look out for a solution.
5. I found some guys talking about that one patch, and that it would solve my problem:

I downloaded the patch for the english version, and then I tried the program again. And it works! Why? No idea, but it works!

J_Dragon (2012-08-30)

My sincere request...please please continue seeding, my Friends...please... :)

J_Dragon (2012-09-04)

Excellent, Fantastic & Gorgeous Masterpiece!!! My heartfelt thanks for providing such a charming Nostalgic work of wonder... 10/10 :)


1. mightandmagic7/MightAndMagic7-disc1of2.rar 705.80 Mb
2. mightandmagic7/MightAndMagic7-disc2of2.rar 493.66 Mb
3. mightandmagic7/Torrent downloaded from 47 bytes
4. mightandmagic7/checksums.sha1 140 bytes