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Dead Space 2 PS3 EUR JB-NextLevel
Games Playstation
2011-01-21 (by aoloffline )
Dead Space 2
RELEASE DATE .... : ...... 21.01.2011
STREET DATE ..... : ...... 26.01.2011
PLATFORM ........ : ............. PS3
Genre ........... : .......... Action
Published by .... : .............. EA
REGiON .......... : ............. EUR
ID .......... : ...... BLES-01040
FiLENAME ........ : ... nl-ds2ps3.rar
SiZE ............ : ..... 53 x 250 MB
Language ........ : .......... Multi5
Includes Dead Space Extraction
as PKG installation
Tested on kmeaw 3.55 CFW
with OpenManager 2.1
NextLevel @ 2011
Files count:
12624.68 Mb
unit56 (2011-01-21)
when does pc version come out and will it be online tooHeroMaster (2011-01-21)
@aoloffline please give the dead space 2 for xbox360 dude.njking25 (2011-01-22)
how did you get this it hasnt been released yet?sumeetp (2011-01-22)
woohoo...thx alooffline...awesome upload fr0m u...downloading at 1mb per :Delturbo9077 (2011-01-22)
i want the pc verson-spook- (2011-01-22)
Does this work on NTSC consoles?monkeyking2000 (2011-01-22)
can this work on Jail Brake FW 3.41???monkeyking2000 (2011-01-22)
can this work on JB FW 3.41???SpitvenoM (2011-01-22)
@monkeyking its been confirmed working on 3.41 with a modified eboot.sasflyingtoasty (2011-01-22)
hi do u know wer i can get a pkg file for this??SamuDeAur (2011-01-22)
seed guys, its fucking slow-spook- (2011-01-22)
I'm new to this. I'll be very grateful if someone could tell me the steps I should follow to play this. I have a 3.55 Kmeaw CFW with Gaia manager installed.Thanks. :)
SpitvenoM (2011-01-23)
This is working great for me thank you for the upload, this is probably the earliest i have seen a ps3 game leaked and working.haakon91 (2011-01-23)
How do i install the game i got 3.55 Kmeaw CFW with Gaia manager installed?bajeezus (2011-01-23)
Since a lot of people are still new to this, can someone explain how your could go about playing this?Morphined (2011-01-23)
1) Unpack rar somewhere.2) Transfer the folder to the directory your backup manager uses (either Games, Gamez or some other)
2.a) PS3 doesn't digest NTFS, so you better use FTP transfer (install FileZilla on your PC and BlackBox FTP on the PS3)
2.b) If you have a nice and large external memory device with FAT32 file system, just copy it there, plug into your PS3 and use some kind of a file manager (MultiMan will do) to copy the game from usb to the folder your backup manager uses.
3) Launch your backup manager on PS3
4) Find your game in the list
5) Press LOAD.
5.1)Note that you sometimes need to have a legitimate blu ray inside the PS3
6) Exit to XMB
7) Launch the game that should be loaded by now and look like it's on the bluray you have inserted earlier.
8) Have fun!
8.1) If you have some crashes and hangups - don't panic. Pull of the cord from your PS3 and reinsert it. It happens every now and then, but it's totally fine.
-spook- (2011-01-23)
Thanks for the instructions Morphined. I'll try it out and let you guys know if it works.sumeetp (2011-01-25)
CONFIRMED WORKING!!..thx aoloffline..downloaded the game..extracted the game..copied the game to external disk..used modified eboot (3.41)..used gaia manger to load game..put disk an original disc in drive..and loaded worked!!sumeetp (2011-01-25)
load more new ps3 games as dy come out br0..ur uploads are awes0me!!alithegamer (2011-01-25)
i am on 3.41 using, backup manager, open manager, gaia, i can transfer game through my pc, but i dont know what exactly i should do to run these 3.55 games, please guide me to it, give me particular names of the softwares which i should use and where to get them, i will most obliged to those will help me out, thanking you guys,,,,,, PLEASE HELPjoolet88 (2011-01-25)
Works great on 3.55 Kmeaw CFW with Lv2 patch and Multiman! Thanksjamariob (2011-01-25)
could you upload ps3 borderlands game of the year edition plzPlaystation95user (2011-01-26)
im on Wutangrza+geohot 3.55 cfw and i have gaia manager. if i jus un rar everything and put it in a folder and use FTP BLACKBOX and the put it on the GAMEZ folder on hdd0 will it work? answer plz?mylifesux (2011-01-26)
Can anyone please tell me where I can find a the modified eboot.bin file for this. not the pkg file but the actual modified eboot.bin i can't seem to find it where I have been lookin :( or a like would be nice :)mylifesux (2011-01-26)
Where can I find the modified eboot for this? Please help :(Playstation95user (2011-01-26)
someone plz answer my on Wutangrza+geohot 3.55 cfw and i have gaia manager. if i jus un rar everything and put it in a folder and use FTP BLACKBOX and the put it on the GAMEZ folder on hdd0 will it work? answer plz?
leoesp (2011-01-26)
how i split this to the hard drive, i have tried the open manager tools but it fails .-spook- (2011-01-26)
@Playstation95userYes that should work. If Gaia manager doesn't read it try using other backup managers such as Rogero manager or Multiman.
erish30 (2011-01-27)
Dead Space 2 works great with modified Eboot file and Extraction also works, using 3.41 with open manger.Great and early upload!!!
sxyblkgl (2011-01-27)
I love this release group!!!! Working perfectly (kmeaw+multiman 1.14.00). And each fill is under the 4GB limit making it able to be put directly on external usb flash drive. Also it works on internal!!! THANKS A BUNCHPlaystation95user (2011-01-28)
wut do i do with the nl-ds2ps3.r33-51 files do i put it in the USRDIR folder inside the PS3_GAME folder?m0rd1 (2011-01-28)
Thanks a bunch, it worked perfect!!!xoxox
DS_Maol (2011-01-28)
Open the game with the latest gaia manager for 3.55 and it will modify the eboot file so it should work with alla managers then... btw bad seed on this torrent, i've downloaded for about 4 days now and i'm on 43% :(Ebay42 (2011-01-28)
Dead Space 2 Redeem Code??-spook- (2011-01-30)
Thanks for the torrent aoloffline. Could you please upload the PS3 version of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011?cib9xx (2011-02-01)
TY IT WORK 100%jccdeo (2011-02-01)
could someone help me please?im on 3.14 fw
im trying backup manager, open manager, multiMAN...
but it just dont work
people down here said that you have to use "modified eboot". What is it? where do i download? And how do i install it?
R0m3o92 (2011-02-01)
How do i get past the loading screen man everytime im trying to play this awesom game i cant becasue it wont get past the loading screen uugh please help...thangngocsuper (2011-02-02)
Working perfectly, just replace with the modified EBOOT. Thanksea1532 (2011-02-02)
ea1532 (2011-02-02)
EASy INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS FIRMWARE 3.41Working from external Hard Drive
extract file and copy and replace eboot from
inside deadspace/PS3_game/USR dir
Gala mgr choose game then accept changes to SFO
ea1532 (2011-02-02)
iatethem (2011-02-04)
Is anyone else recieving a CRC error on"Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r51"?
Extraction is leaving me with 7gigs out of 13 gigs. Some problems here, anyone have the proper file?Killerko (2011-02-06)
Ok guys, here is the detailed installation on this one... as I had a hard time to get it to work and there is NO explanation anywhere on the interwebs..... I almost went to buy the game >.>this worked for me:
(i have 60GB ps3 the first model sold in UK)
1. you need to run Kmeaw (3.55) CFW... so if you are still on geohot get kmeaw by first installing sonys official firmware (3.55 for me) and then Kmeaw one on top of the official one... (It said a few times to me that the file was corrupted so I redownloaded it a few times, that sorted the cfw)
2. when you are running kmeaw you need a backup managment program... as the description here says OpenManager 2.1 (more exactly version "2.1 J-2" aka "OM 2.1J-2 OMAN01234.rar" is the one that worked for me) just google it, there are more versions... just copy the pkg file to any USB stick and install it from Install packages menu
3. now you need some LV2 patcher.. again as there is no instruction anywhere which one should I use I had to try all I could find... and the one that worked for me is Kmeaw-Lv2Patcher-v9.pkg Copy it to usb stick and install from install packages menu on your ps3.
4. now get a EXTERNAL hdd or some sort of storage that you must have formated to FAT32... win7 will not help you and you need some sort of external fat32formater utility.. there is a few of them hiding on the interwebs (with gui as well as console ones).. just google one and format it, create GAMEZ (or GAMES) directory (I just created both since I didnt know which one will the backup manager pick and copied the game twice) and copy the whole BLES-01040 folder inside. NOTE that you dont need any external EBOOT file, the one included in this torrent is just fine!
5. now you are almost ready to go... but there is some kind of "bug" that the lv2 patch + backup manager sometimes doesnt work as it should. this can be fixed by reseting your video settings of your ps3. so switch your ps3 off and start it by holding your ps3 button for a short while untill you hear ONE BEEP. your ps3 will start in low resolution mode. set everything back to normal, set your sound and disable INTERNET under network settings.
(continue in the next post)
Killerko (2011-02-06)
(continue from the previous post)6. Start the LV2 patcher and select the first option of the 3 available. the one that says 3.55 and press X twice to cofirm.. it should return you back to XMB.. now start the OpenManager and you should see your BLU-RAY disc game that you have inserted in your ps3 and a Dead Space 2 right below it if you copied everything correctly.. on the right side there are different options, just leave everything OFF and start the selected game by pressing X. It will once again return you to the XMB but you should see 2 discs instead of your BLU-RAY title inserted... one for DEAD SPACE 2 and the second for EXTRACTION. So go and install DEAD SPACE EXTRACTION (its the second disc icon) it will take some time, after install it will ask you if you want to play right away and when I said yes extraction started without any problem.
6. again since there is this strange bug repeat step 4. to reset your ps3 and video settings. start lv2 patcher, select the first option saying something about 3.55, press X twice and you are back in XMB.. start OpenManager and select DEAD SPACE 2, leave everything OFF on the right side and press X to start.. it will return you to XMB where you can start the game with the first disc icon "DEAD SPACE 2"
hopefully this will help somebody! just google the versions mentioned.. it should not be a problem to find them somewhere.... or try different versions
Killerko (2011-02-06)
(continue from the previous post)6. Start the LV2 patcher and select the first option of the 3 available. the one that says 3.55 and press X twice to cofirm.. it should return you back to XMB.. now start the OpenManager and you should see your BLU-RAY disc game that you have inserted in your ps3 and a Dead Space 2 right below it if you copied everything correctly.. on the right side there are different options, just leave everything OFF and start the selected game by pressing X. It will once again return you to the XMB but you should see 2 discs instead of your BLU-RAY title inserted... one for DEAD SPACE 2 and the second for EXTRACTION. So go and install DEAD SPACE EXTRACTION (its the second disc icon) it will take some time, after install it will ask you if you want to play right away and when I said yes extraction started without any problem.
6. again since there is this strange bug repeat step 4. to reset your ps3 and video settings. start lv2 patcher, select the first option saying something about 3.55, press X twice and you are back in XMB.. start OpenManager and select DEAD SPACE 2, leave everything OFF on the right side and press X to start.. it will return you to XMB where you can start the game with the first disc icon "DEAD SPACE 2"
hopefully this will help somebody! just google the versions mentioned.. it should not be a problem to find them somewhere.... or try different versions
nox234558 (2011-02-10)
does it works with 3.41 ps3 breakmanager78 (2011-02-11)
works like a charm on gaia manager 3.55 cfw , bonus level works as well, good job!nox234558 (2011-02-20)
where i can find modified eboot bin please answer and please seed stuck on 43.2%saddlers2 (2011-02-20)
ok im a little new at this, do i un rar everything then ftp over to my ps3?zair055 (2011-02-22)
HI,this is the first time ive downloaded a ps3 game, i have a Gaia manager installed on my ps3 60gb, i downloaded Deep Space 2 and have extracted the right file on my external hard drive everything went fine i can see the game in my Gaia manager however when i try to open it the game doesnt start and shows an error 8001009 and it goes back to the ps3 main screen. please help me! am i doing something wrong?shahwill (2011-02-24)
@ zair055
btw this game is one scary ass game
do not play if ur easily scared!
jarisaizprua (2011-03-02)
It works perfectly on KNEW 3.55 and ROGER MANAGER 8.1. If you need help, please contact to me jarisaizprua@hotmail.comscalaru (2011-03-05)
how the fuck you put a 12 gb game on 8 gb dvd???ELDREAMBOY13 (2011-03-09)
50 cent:blood on the sand
ac brotherhood
aliens vs predator
army of two:the 40th day
assassin's creed 11
battlefield:bad company 2
bionic commando
call of duty:black ops
call of juarez:bound in blood
dante's inferno
dead space 2
semon's souls
devil may cry 4
dragon ball:raging blast
god of war 3
hellboy:the science of evil
lost planet 2
madagascar kartz
mafia 2
majin and the forsaken kingdom
marvel v.s capcom 3
medal of honor
mini ninjas
monopoly streets
mortal combat v.s dc universe
naughty bear
saw 2
soul calibur IV
viking:battle for asgard,
wanted:weapons of fate
lonewolf2k2 (2011-03-10)
you cant you have to split it or just FTP it easy. scalarupotten1337 (2011-03-16)
Works with Kmeaw 3.55 and Multiman from EXT! Thanks!! :Dzyryx165 (2011-04-03)
This might help. Here are some ps3 error codes and the reason and how to fix it
karanpatil95 (2011-04-18)
Amazing... works like a charm but din noe abt d extarction ! Thumbs up..Gokulr1 (2011-05-05)
someone HELP!i downloaded this and assasins creed ATAX and NFS Shift 2. none of them work. the closest i got was the extraction* part of this game.
i'm kinda new to this.
running cfw 3.55-kmeaw :(
megatron17 (2011-05-22)
thax a lot working on 3.41jb with modified eboot......vgvgvg7412 (2011-06-04)
@ olio666 & every1... please advise on how to modify eboot.Please provide action steps and what is exactly is. It would be great help to me and many readers who r at my stage.
So appreciate ur help big time.
vgvgvg7412 (2011-06-04)
btw.. m on 3.41 ..Also if sum1 can advise if it worth to cfw 3.55
Gouravy41 (2012-07-11)
plz seed im stuck at 96.3%Gouravy41 (2012-07-11)
plz seedGouravy41 (2012-07-11)
plz seed brotherFiles:
1. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.nfo 7.17 Kb
2. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r00 238.42 Mb
3. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r01 238.42 Mb
4. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r02 238.42 Mb
5. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r03 238.42 Mb
6. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r04 238.42 Mb
7. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r05 238.42 Mb
8. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r06 238.42 Mb
9. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r07 238.42 Mb
10. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r08 238.42 Mb
11. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r09 238.42 Mb
12. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r10 238.42 Mb
13. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r11 238.42 Mb
14. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r12 238.42 Mb
15. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r13 238.42 Mb
16. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r14 238.42 Mb
17. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r15 238.42 Mb
18. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r16 238.42 Mb
19. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r17 238.42 Mb
20. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r18 238.42 Mb
21. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r19 238.42 Mb
22. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r20 238.42 Mb
23. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r21 238.42 Mb
24. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r22 238.42 Mb
25. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r23 238.42 Mb
26. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r24 238.42 Mb
27. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r25 238.42 Mb
28. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r26 238.42 Mb
29. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r27 238.42 Mb
30. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r28 238.42 Mb
31. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r29 238.42 Mb
32. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r30 238.42 Mb
33. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r31 238.42 Mb
34. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r32 238.42 Mb
35. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r33 238.42 Mb
36. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r34 238.42 Mb
37. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r35 238.42 Mb
38. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r36 238.42 Mb
39. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r37 238.42 Mb
40. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r38 238.42 Mb
41. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r39 238.42 Mb
42. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r40 238.42 Mb
43. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r41 238.42 Mb
44. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r42 238.42 Mb
45. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r43 238.42 Mb
46. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r44 238.42 Mb
47. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r45 238.42 Mb
48. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r46 238.42 Mb
49. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r47 238.42 Mb
50. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r48 238.42 Mb
51. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r49 238.42 Mb
52. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r50 238.42 Mb
53. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.r51 226.90 Mb
54. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.rar 238.42 Mb
55. Dead.Space.2.PS3.EUR.JB-NextLevel/nl-ds2ps3.sfv 1.24 Kb