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Wise Registry Cleaner Professional v4 1 1 Build 172 WinALL Crack










2009-02-25 (by FlyingNaked )


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It generates executable packages that contain all the information and logic required to deploy the database to the clients’ environments regardless of whether it is a first time deployment or an upgrade from a previous version. The self-contained database deployment package can be incorporated into a setup and deployment solution or it can be shipped to clients as a separate application. Supports SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2000 Requirements xSQL Builder runs on Windows operating systems, client and server, that have the .NET framework 2.0 installed. Version Information Major Version Current Build Version Number 2.0 Version Number Version Date October 03, 2008 Version Date October 03, 2008 Features Ready-to-deploy executable – a simple wizard based interface allows the user to make a few choices such as the master database, the deployment scenario, and then generate a self-contained executable that is ready for deployment. When the package is executed on the client, depending on the deployment scenario, it will either create the database on the client environment as a new database or if it exists it will synchronize it with the embedded master database (schema only without touching the data). Finally, it will execute any post synchronization scripts that may have been specified and send a notification to a designated, configurable, email address. Deploy to multiple clients – the same executable package can be deployed to multiple clients. The destination database and credentials for each client can either be set on the xml configuration file included in the deployment package or can be passed as parameters to the executable at run-time. Self-contained package – the user can choose to either embed the master database in the executable or leave it as an external resource - the later may make sense if you expect the master database to change after the executable package has been generated. Depending on the chosen deployment scenario, xSQL Builder will compress and embed a snapshot of the master database schema, or the complete backup of the database, or the T-SQL scripts. Customizable C# code templates – xSQL Builder uses a set of template files to generate the executable package. The template files are C# classes that contain the compare and synchronize code that runs on the client machine. xSQL Builder ships with a VS.NET 2005 C# project that you can run or modify as needed. Custom pre and post-synchronization scripts – xSQL Builder allows the user to specify a single file or a whole folder containing T-SQL Scripts as the script(s) that should be executed before the target database is synchronized to the master. The same way the user can specify a set of scripts that will be executed after the target database has been synchronized to the master. Extensive logging – xSQL Builder maintains a detailed log of all the events and operations performed on the client’s environment during the execution of the deployment package. There are 3 log files that xSQL Builder generates – the operational log, the synchronization log and the error log. Built in notification – xSQL Builder provides the option to notify a designated operator when the package execution status meets a certain criteria. The email notification relies on Microsoft .NET 2.0 framework and requires a SMTP server along with the necessary credentials. In case of failure the notification email will also contain the error log that allows the recipient to determine the cause of failure. ÜÜ ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ²  RELEASE INFOS  ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß ß   1. extract 2. install 3. use the keygen to get your license , load .lic file from your pc and activate 4. Gamma Ray Burst is Shining. ÜÜ ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ²  GROUP INFO  ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß ß   Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous electromagnetic events occurring in the universe since the Big Bang. Since GRBs in metal-rich galaxies like the Milky Way are rare, mass extinctions due to GRBs may only happen once per billion years. GRB is Dedicated To Bring You The Quality And Not The Quantity.  G R E E T I N G S  NONE  J O I N - W A N T E D  We Are Looking for:  Suppliers for iso or unreleased 0day softs  Testers  Experienced keygenners  Experienced unpackers  Experienced crackers and AFFIL SITES NOT RENTED - NO US NO DE  C O N T A C T  Take a look at the Milky Way email: [email protected] /* */ www : Sure irc : Sure  We Do NOT eMail Our Releases, Or Parts Of Them.   BUY The Softs After TESTING Them  __________________ _________________ _________________ __________________  ascii !DZr   01.01.2K9! 

Files count:



2.92 Mb

