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Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith






Jesus Christ vs Joseph Smith




2010-06-09 (by lordzinx)


Movie describing the differences between Jesus Christ's teachings, and Joseph Smith's teachings. For more information go to My heart goes out to my Mormon family and friends, this video is meant for you, and anyone else who's interested. May the truth set you free. Check out my other torrent on the pirate bay, just search for Bible vs Book of Mormon.


  1. Jesus
  2. Christ
  3. Joseph
  4. Smith
  5. LDS
  6. Mormon
  7. Religion
  8. God
  9. Lord
  10. Bible
  11. Book of Mormon

Files count:



813.21 Mb




bubba1991 (2010-06-09)

The Mormon Church is a Fucking Cult and should suck my fucking cock. Infact any one on the ones passing sacrament can.

marcoscu (2010-06-09)

bubb1991 has got it right...

lordzinx (2010-06-09)

Hey bubba, is this downloading for you? this is the first torrent i've ever made so i don't know how to get it to work...

ronibob (2010-06-09)

Hey bubba1991 at least mormons are nice people and dont come out with filthy language like you.Did your parents bring you up to speak like that or did you go to collage The Osmands are mormons and they are quite nice people not filthy mouthed yobos like you.

lordzinx (2010-06-09)

ronibob is right, Mormons are very nice people and I respect them for their dedication to their faith. I was mormon for 20 years of my life. There is nothing wrong with them, they're just being deceived by their leaders and need someone to show them the real Jesus Christ.

HyperKane (2012-02-28)

Jim Jones?, Charles Manson? or what about the Third Reich. The word cult should not be used to describe the Mormon faith. Sacrament is used in many Religions.... No? When using the word "cult" and its definition (
Lets look at the word, Rite also.
(Ritus romanus)
The Roman Rite is the manner of celebrating the Holy Sacrifice, administering Sacraments, reciting the Divine Office, and performing other ecclesiastical functions (blessings, all kinds of Sacramentals, etc.)
I like that your not shy about your opinion and your language is just the way you express yourself.
I challenge you to watch this before you write your comment back to me.

HyperKane (2012-02-28)

Please watch Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration on Youtube. Then comment!

Jutmart (2012-03-12)

Not surprising a dimwit named bubba would make such an ignorant comment. Were you born in 1991? That makes, 21 - 22. I guess you know everything at 21. Technically it is not a cult, but you are an embarrassment to every who is not Mormon. Great choice of words, they should suck your fucking cock? Is that because your cock fucks a lot, or like in the previous sentence "fucking cult" which means you don't like your cock much? Most likely because it is very small and if a girl ever saw it, she would laugh. "In fact" is two words, but you should know that since you know everything. You tried to show how smart you are by dropping the word sacrament, but did you realize that the young boys passing the sacrament are 12? So, you are looking for a 12 year old boy to suck your little cock? You are sick! Same goes for you Marcos Cu. Stick to commenting on video games and stay away from religion and politics if you are a 21 year old high school drop out without an ounce of smarts. I am going to download and watch this video. I don't care how bad it is, if they are a cult, I won't join their church, but I sure as hell am not going to make an ignorant comment like you did. If you respond to this, Bubba, please do tell what religion your parents raised you in. You are a disgrace!

leo4710 (2012-06-29)

Are the 3 uploads you have different, or are they the same video with different features?