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64bit version of AutoCAD 2009






64bit version of AutoCAD 2009




2008-11-09 (by urdoomd)


I downloaded the trial version straight from the website but the keygen works and I've updated this without any problems so far. Just make sure you use the correct keygen. If you need another version I've included all the keys from the file I found on another torrent so all you need to do is go and search for the version you want on the website and download it from there which would be faster anyway. . I have not burned this to dvd so I would not know if it would autorun and work or not.


  1. AutoCAD
  2. 2009
  3. 64bit
  4. x64

Files count:



1203.63 Mb




19114 (2008-11-10)

do u have the soft or key gen or both inside the torrent u ve uploaded

urdoomd (2008-11-11)

I've included both AutoCAD 2009 x64 and keygens for all versions of AutoCAD if anyone wants to download any other version they need or want.

bab63238 (2008-11-11)

One of the keygens (the one for ACAD CIVIL 3D2009) contains a troyan, but you don't need this one. The rest is clean.

urdoomd (2008-11-11)

Kaspersky did not detect a virus in any of these files. They are all clean.

iP00D (2008-11-12)

Thanks for a great d/l, Installed OK on XP 64 bit.

iP00D (2008-11-14)

Also installed on Vista 64 bit machine without problems. Thanks for d/l.
BTW use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste

sskss (2008-11-15)

Can you please tell me how to install this and what tool should I use?

urdoomd (2008-11-16)

no tools needed, self extracting exe for autocad which extracts the installation files to a directory on your main drive by default unless otherwise specified, but you do need winrar to extract the keygen

Mikoli (2008-11-20)

Does it have the french version (multi-language installer) ?

ceez0076 (2008-12-04)

urdoomd-so does this torrent run as if it was the full version

fabianor (2008-12-10)

fake! trojan horse inside! donĀ“t download that shi*

MonthOLDpickle (2008-12-17)

The trojan is on the CIVIL keygen. You only need the regular AUTOCAD 2009 Keygen. Not AUTOCAD CIVIL 2009 (or something)

bikerjon77 (2008-12-17)

help! install went smooth, when i try to start it, i get license error-license status[1.1.96], what's up with that?

bikerjon77 (2008-12-19)

is there anybody out there? need an answer on license error before i try install again.

bikerjon77 (2009-01-06)

need to get shit together with this one, i've dl'ed twice now and get the same lecense error every time regardless of which serial number used.

bbriskey (2009-01-07)

I have been trying this thing for days and still get f**king error 2 message. I have tried all the codes I found no luck I tried to find ssseriaal number in register cant find it. can someone please give me something that will work?

drkron (2009-01-08)

tried using the 64bit for civil 3d 2009 since i cant find it anywhere....did not work!!! can someone please help with keygen

urdoomd (2009-01-17)

This is the full version 64bit autocad 2009 ONLY. There is no trojan in any of the keygens as kaspersky does not detect anything in these files so they ARE CLEAN! Your antivirus is reporting false positives... you're probly using AVG which is crap at best, if not, try finding a good antivirus. The keygens supplied are for ALL versions of autocad but i have not included ALL versions of autocad in this torrent. If you want a specific version go download the trial and the keygen should work. The trials are full versions limited to 30 or 90 days or something so the keygens just unlock it so you can use it without a limited time. When you use the keygens make sure you are using the one for 64bit, other than that i haven't seen this error and you might want to google it... formatting might also help ;)

somi7 (2009-11-12)

Works lie a charm, thanks for up!

cptfunkypants (2009-11-24)

Thanks, this works great on Win 7 x64 RC.

dmc1214 (2009-11-26)

Yo how long does it take for the keygen to work?

cassypeterson (2009-11-28)

i really needed autocad 2009 64bit for school and finally found a site where i got it from: just delete the "_"
works ggreat, just what i needed :) just sharing maybe some1 else is looking

iyes (2009-12-03)

how to download?

chapter1 (2011-02-06)

thanks a lot dear urdoomd,
its workin great, great work dude.............

duka84 (2011-12-16)

I just want to say thank you urdoomd!
This is the only one installation of autocad that i could install on W7 64-bit with working crack.
Thanks a lot!
I'm buying you a beer if you ever come to Bosnia.

fethryn (2012-02-08)

Why is it at the activation screen the window is white and all I can see are two dot points? I've copied the text into one note and can read it there, but can not see where to put in the CODE.
This has happened on both 2009, 2010 and 2011 copies of AutoCAD x64.
Need help!!! Please email me: [email protected]

arrow57 (2014-08-20)

Thanks so much!!! :P


1. AutoCAD 2009 x64/All.Autodesk.2009.Keygens.rar 1.18 Mb
2. AutoCAD 2009 x64/AutoCAD_2009_English_Win_64bit.exe 1202.45 Mb