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PC Saints Row 2 (-multi 11-)- direct play -ToeD




Games PC






2009-01-08 (by Subzero! )


The One Eyed Dude delivers you with => SAINTS ROW 2 -multi.11- by THQ <= ==================================================== =-> ripped: no thing <-=====-> added: experience <-= <->( about )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> <->( Hardware Requirements )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> - Windows XP / Vista - 2.0 GHz Dual-Core Processor (Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon X2) - 1 GB Available System Memory - 15 GB Available Hard Drive Space - 128 MB 3D Video Card w/Shader Model 3.0 Support (Nvidia GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X1300) - DirectX Compatible Display Capable of 640×480 16-bit Color Resolution - DirectX 9.0c Compatible 16-bit Sound Card - Broadband Connection for Internet Multiplayer <->( how to play )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> 1.: Unrar with 7zip or Equivalent. 2.: double click: SaintsRow2.exe ( must be done ) 3.: start game with desktop icon. <->( general hints )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> read twice... <->( Special Info )<-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> Some virus-scanner recognize the header of a packed .exe file , in this case its the file > SaintsRow2.exe < as a lame virus, because its the byte by byte check error of some virustools!. ( h e u r i s t i c s ) but... Its almost certainly a false positive alert from overly protective heuristics, you can read more about in your VirusTool-Manual or VirusTools-WebSite!. (heuristics). <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> Greets to the deserving... -ToeD'o9 -eol-


  1. Saints Row 2
  2. SaintsRow2
  4. ToeD

Files count:



4546.29 Mb




Rick78 (2009-01-09)

Nice one m8 downloading now :)

physixmaster (2009-01-09)


rowyncole (2009-01-09)

Thank you very much Subzero!

klayton88 (2009-01-09)


kimmer80 (2009-01-09)

does it work is there any virus in it

syam64 (2009-01-09)


timuster (2009-01-09)

thanx mate ! cheers ! ;~) I was waiting for this one...

cebe_1 (2009-01-09)

Really good seed and nice speed. But my 7Zip tells the exe is corrupted :(

Rick78 (2009-01-09)

Gawd u guys seed please :)

Dreamerplayer (2009-01-10)

My download has stopped at 99,8 %!!! Please, SEED people! I want this one...

gordontam2005 (2009-01-10)

Stopped at 99.9%

Rick78 (2009-01-11)

Thanks m8 work's a treat 10/10. Happy days :)

WOODMIST (2009-01-11)

works great...!!! :) (again).

cpktnwt (2009-01-11)

C'mon... -.- 0.6kb/s..
Seed people!

cpktnwt (2009-01-11)

kimmer80: There aren't any viruses but it does NOT work

svelle85 (2009-01-12)

it dosent work

Rick78 (2009-01-12)

Well it worked just fine for me and many others if u told us why it dont work for u we might be able to help

ukoa (2009-01-12)

Works great for me. Thanks

cpktnwt (2009-01-12)

Rick78: Hi! When the game was "unzipped" and i started it, it said that there whas a dll-file missing. Then i downloaded the missing dll. The game started, but the game crashed after the "Gamespy-logo-clip" xD
Help? :P

cpktnwt (2009-01-12)

svelle85: What's your problem with the game, is it the same as mine?

Rick78 (2009-01-12)

ok ok first of all what graphix card are you using and are all your drivers up to date.have u got the latest directx installed which is in the toed folder.also did u use the latest version of 7zip to unzip. after you unzipped did u move the files from your download directory to c:program files or some where like that and follow all the ins that toed has left ??

 Subzero! (2009-01-12)

path:\Saints Row 2\DirectX go here and double click onto DXSETUP.EXE... this should fix your GameSpy issue...
HaPpy GamIng

angenoir33 (2009-01-12)

All my specs meet the minimum systme requirements except my graphics car, which is ATI x1200.
Would this run anyways?
Again, my card is ATI x1200.

angenoir33 (2009-01-12)

I'd really apreciate an answer

Rick78 (2009-01-12)

X1300 are the min system requirements all u can do is give it a try but don't hold out much hope :)

angenoir33 (2009-01-13)

Well, it's just that I once had Need For Speed Undercover, which was minimum Ati x1600, and I could run that with the graphics turned all the way down, so I have some hope for this, but I'm not sure.

sylh (2009-01-15)

game runs like crap, i can run gta4 better than this -.-
anyway torrent worked perfectly thx toed

Seton05 (2009-01-15)

help crack this game

Beasthunter (2009-01-15)

What's the matter with your graphics ni the game?? When I start the grapics are transparent, I can se through it is it the game or did you miss something out. Help please I even did what you told "cpknwt" to do.Please help anybody.

tavener (2009-01-15)

seed seed seed :D
Thanks ToeD! :)

angenoir33 (2009-01-15)

No, nevermind, my laptop can't run it.
I'll just wait until I get a desktop with a better graphics card.
Anyways, thanks for the awesome torrent, even though I can't play it... for now ;)

PlzDuntBanMe (2009-01-16)

Wow thanks! I can't believed it actually worked!!! I am very satisfied with your uploads, all of them work.
I look forward to your uploads...

Rick78 (2009-01-17)

@Ahm3dS move the files to c:program files and start again :)

Ryven_Core (2009-01-18)

Great torrent! It has nice speeds and such, but I have run into one problem. It happens right after the three kings mission. Right after the cut scene of your guy giving the people orders it just goes to black and I can't do anything. I can hear his phone ringing but I can't pick it up nor can I move and such. So has anyone else having this problem and if so how can I fix it?

 Subzero! (2009-01-18)

make sure you play it from like c:thq\saints row 2
c: d: or whatsoever, as long as you keep the path name short ;)

 Subzero! (2009-01-18)

PC_Mirrors.Edge (1.1 FIXED) ToeD.torrent
this evening... ;)

Rick78 (2009-01-19)

@EvoxFIN this works great 10/10 no probs so far

jonique (2009-01-19)

well.. this torrent is buggy man.. especially when driving cars.. and yeah at the beginning its like transparent.. damn.. anyway thanks for the upload.. its hard to play when evry seconds bug strikes lol

BamBamSGST (2009-01-19)

can somebody walk me through on what to do after i install

NoFreak90 (2009-01-22)

Hey, Im new to this torrent Kinda stuff, how to put off the Sound of the "2.: double click: SaintsRow2.exe ( must be done )"!
Plz Answer, i rly want to play this game! :D

NoFreak90 (2009-01-22)

Yaya, i found out, just press Esc!
Great game btw!
Like the character making verry much!
Thnx, greedz

lilshawi (2009-01-23)

when i run it the intro runs well but when it starts loading (it says Loading 5%) it just stops. the loading sign keeps fading in and out but it has no progress can someone please help me

Naturalrice (2009-01-23)

It keeps crashing on my computer before it starts T=T

Rick78 (2009-01-23)

@Naturalrice make sure your directx is up to date wich can be found in the toed folder .and all your drivers are also up to date. :)

Yomama567 (2009-01-24)

mines crashes whenever i try to play it i dont even get to the gamespy part. I even put the files in c: Help plz :@

lilshawi (2009-01-24)

i found out that when i combined then extracted the file a sign came up saying audio.vpp_pc ffile is broken and also chunks1.vpp_pc and another thats name i've forgotten im going to check the third one but did anyone else have a similar problem? and can someone please help me.

lilshawi (2009-01-24)

7-Zip: Diagnostic messages
# Message

1 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\audio.vpp_pc'. File is broken
2 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\chunks1.vpp_pc'. File is broken
3 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\music2.vpp_pc'. File is broken

BamBamSGST (2009-01-24)

i downloaded this torrent now i have 2 folders what do i do next

lilshawi (2009-01-24)

open with 7zip and combine files then extract.

lilshawi (2009-01-24)

hey i solved my previous problems but now when i start the game after killing the doctor it comes up with the 'this program has stopped working box' (as soon as i exit the first room) can someone please help me?

Yomama567 (2009-01-24)

SO no-ones gonna answer my question :(

Rick78 (2009-01-24)

@yomama make sure your directx is up to date u can find it in the toed folder and that all your graphix card drivers are also up to date :)

Yomama567 (2009-01-24)

its updated :( help me plz

Rick78 (2009-01-24)

Does your pc meet the min requirements left by toed?.. if it does all you can do is to try unraring the main download file again move all to c:program files and run all the setup again see if that works :)

Behe23 (2009-01-25)

This is the first game I've downloaded that wouldn't run right.
The text in the game, including the loading bar are shown as like a checkerboard...hard to explain. It's like the words are there, but they are covered by blue square-like pixels...
After I guessed which box was start new game, it starts to load and music starts to play, but after about 10 seconds, it crashes...
Any ideas as to what's going on.
I have DX10 with latest drivers..Forget which video card but I know its Nvidia GeForce and its pretty decent. Can run Crysis on minimum and Fallout 3 on on medium..
2gb ram
plenty of memory
help? =)

lilshawi (2009-01-25)

thats the same thing that happens with mine except for the blue squares when i kill the doctor at the start and try exiting the room it crashes

 Subzero! (2009-01-26)

you should check and read the "readme.txt" file coming with the game , can be found in the mainfolder. read there are some things which might help ya freaks.... ;)

Shagohad (2009-01-27)

i unzipped the folder, but when i click on SaintsRow2 i get TOED's flash thing, then when i hit escape nothing happens. also, i tried clicking on SR2_pc.exe and i get an error message. all of my stuff is up to date, any suggestions?

 Subzero! (2009-01-27)

( how to play )
1.: Unrar with 7zip or Equivalent.
2.: double click: SaintsRow2.exe ( must be done )
3.: start game with desktop icon.
you've done everything correctly. except you probably forgot Step >3

DC-rodehond (2009-01-27)

Great job,
works fine

Shagohad (2009-01-28)

actually, i got it playing, but theres heavy lag, even on low.....any chance theres a patch?

TheAkmed (2009-01-28)

i really need help i have extracted the folder and i clicked on saintsrow2.exe and the made a desktop shortcut and when i play it says that some dll's are missing. can some one help?? thnaks

Rick78 (2009-01-28)

@TheAkmed sounds like its your directx that needs updating. u can find it in the game folder :)

TheAkmed (2009-01-28)

ive just realised that and i updated it and it says "SR2_pc.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." send error report or dont send. i need help. thanks

Rick78 (2009-01-28)

@TheAkmed Did u move the files from your download directory to c:program files or somewhere like that then run all the setup and made sure all your drivers ect are up to date

TheAkmed (2009-01-28)

ill try that

TheAkmed (2009-01-28)

what u mean by drivers upto date. safe.

Rick78 (2009-01-28)

graphix card drivers

TheAkmed (2009-01-28)

how do you do that go on the list of website he wrote down yeh??

steepers (2009-01-28)

Goto the ncidea or ati sites there should be downloads then click drivers then if ur running explorer hit do search for drivers

Basse94 (2009-01-29)

Cant wait until its downloaded it should work fine on medium or high i have:
amd phenom triple-core processor 2.1Ghz(clocked to 2.4)
Eah4550 512Mb
2gb RAM DDR2(gonna buy another chip with 2Gb)
xD got this comp like 2 weeks ago

Basse94 (2009-01-29)

oh right forgot clocked graphics card GPU-clock from 500 Mghz to 715 MHz
and Memory-clock from about 700Mhz to 910MHz

vixi2200 (2009-01-29)

Hi guys, i've updated my card drivers(i have a radeon 4870) and did the directx setup included with the torrent, but i'm only getting a "sr2_pc.exe encountered a problem and needs to close" when i try to start the game.
I did not install it on my c: driver(cause i dont have the necessary free space in it), can it be the problem?

zombymario (2009-01-29)

help i have a problem
i can't unrar this
i downloaded 7-zip but i can't unrar this help plz!!!

zombymario (2009-01-29)

o, and i have a another question
what must be unrar????????????

Rick78 (2009-01-30)

@vixi2200 yes it probably is the prob try to make space on your c:drive
@zombymario unrar the main download file then move to c:program files and run the setup

zombymario (2009-01-30)

@ rick78
thank you :P

zombymario (2009-01-30)

@ rick78
can you give me a good instruction how to install this game (becuse I think if I gonna do it by myself it won't work :P) plz can you give me a instruction step by step how to do this
thank you :)

Rick78 (2009-01-30)

@zombymario here is a quick how to. first go to the main download file then right click on it then u will see some options scroll down to 7zip click on extract u will have to wait abit whilst it extracts.if you extract to your download directory u must move the file to c:program files or a short path.then after u have done all that open the file and double click SaintsRow2.exe

Rick78 (2009-01-30)

then click on make destop icon and your more thing make sure your directx is up to date its in the folder..:)

zombymario (2009-01-30)

@ rick78
Oke thanks but i have this files:
Saintsrow2.7z.001 and i have saintsrow2.7z.002 and i have saints2 as a txt file. and i have a folder named:7zip 6.64 and i have a folder named: more.
so what i need to extract??? the saintsrow1.7z.001 and saintsrow2.7z.002 files????

Rick78 (2009-01-30)

just extract 001..002 will be done automatically :)

rayking (2009-01-31)

controller fix

zombymario (2009-01-31)

@ rick78
oke i install the game but the game is very slow
i update my directx to the last version
but is still very slow
can you help me plz???

Zamorak1 (2009-01-31)

Can I put the official patch on this?

Rick78 (2009-02-01)

zombymario try closing all the programs u have running in the background. example.. anti virus firewall stuff like that close them before u play that should speed things up :)

goombagameover (2009-02-01)

when i try to run SR2_pc.exe i get the error "failed to start because binkw32.dll was not found"
Whats up? How can I fix this?

Rick78 (2009-02-01)

@goombagameover Try reinstaling the game. Since the binkw32.dll error involves a video codec that should have been included inside the game installation, reinstalling and running the setup again should solve your prob and make sure u use the latest 7zip to extract :)

Rick78 (2009-02-02)

LoL yes u can just delete the extracted folders and delete registry.but leave the main download file and extract again and install again...

Rick78 (2009-02-02)

Easy as that ^^^^^^

Zamorak1 (2009-02-04)

I want the patch to be cracked. Made compatible with this release I mean.

mates93 (2009-02-04)

ihop this is going to work .

murat1988 (2009-02-11)

dear Subzero i was wondering if you can help me?i have installed the game and i can play it with keyboard and mouse.but when i put my gamepad in the cursor on the main menu is going below all the time like something blocks it.its very wierd.please help me if you can
thanx anyway you are the best thnx for the game i would appriciate if you could help me.
i'm waiting

murat1988 (2009-02-11)

my game pad is a Logitech Precision.could it be that you must use a xbox 360 controller? subzero?

peterthelemon (2009-02-12)

okayy. to the people with the binksomething.dll problem just search the exact filename on google and you will get a site called dll-files... they have nearly every dll file known to man and they have not failed me once.
hopw this helps =D

c0pypaste (2009-02-15)

Thx, Subzero!

jared550 (2009-02-16)

uhmm when i try to unrar saintsrow2.7z.002 7zip says: cannot open file blah blah blah/saintsrow2.7z.002 as archive.
whats wrong?
dont mind the blah part

jared550 (2009-02-16)

wtf is this??? i ran saintsrow2.exe and i got this! sounds like nintendo music.....WTF

murat1988 (2009-02-19)

dear RAYKING.i have a question i do i get rid of the problem controller fix.i have an logitch precision gamepad and when i put it in my computer on the main menu it goes all the way down and it ain't stopping like it blocks something its a great game but it sucks to play with keyboard and mouse can you please help me please write it down or anywone?
when i search it on the internet google i get an update from saints row 2t i can't download it.
do i have really an xbox 360 control2 play it?
pleaas resspond somewone thanx a lot

murat1988 (2009-02-19)

please help me?
can i play this game wwtih a gamepad for pc or do i really have t play it with an xbox 360 controller?help me SUBZERO youre the bast thanx

murat1988 (2009-02-19)

how do you play this game with gamepad?
if i try it the cursor in the main menu goes up and its blocking if i try the gamepad its a logitech presicion, can i play with it.because its weird i have 2 controllers and by all the games it plays fine but i can't play this game.i'm sure my gamepad is not broken can you help me i have to handle that controller fix problem please help me i'm waiting
thanx anyway murat1988

murat1988 (2009-02-19)

Gamers and dear subzero look after murat1988 i have a controller problem i cant' play it with game pad.what must i do?
i'm waiting i know that you guys can help me because this game is the bomb great game it could be greater if i can play it with my gamepad
please anywone help subzero of rayking or someone thanx

 Subzero! (2009-02-20)

get this update to avoid gamepad problems.

 Subzero! (2009-02-23)

please do not post ANY links under my torrents msg.base. ill hate that , and so does the PB staff.
and THIS version does not need any CRACK nor Serial. thx for taking care !.

ben198321 (2009-02-24)

I see like 3 comments of people asking why it wont let them unrar these files and not seen one response on how to fix it. I am having same issue PLEASE HELP!!!!

Rick78 (2009-02-25)

@ben198321 make sure u are using the latest version of 7zip

kramerjk (2009-02-25)

I have a problem! I use 7zip 4.64 for extract SaintsRow2.7z.001. When i open the folder Saints Row 2, and i click on SR2_pc.exe, i have a "d3dx9_39.dll doesn't found"...anyone can help me?

Rick78 (2009-02-25)

@kramerjk u need to install directx 9 wich is in the toed folder then all will work great :)

 Subzero! (2009-02-26)

right click on the .001 file... and choose from context menu "extract to...." followed by a short path like c: d: e: or whatever, once it has finished extracting, you do tis
2.: double click: SaintsRow2.exe ( must be done )
3.: start game with desktop icon.
that'll be all

kramerjk (2009-02-26)

Thank u guys! Now the game start when i click on Saints Row exe, but the game crash after the gamespy logo. Another fuckin problem!!!
I downloaded the last nvidia driver...nothing change!!!

Rick78 (2009-02-26)

@kramerjk did u move the files from your download directory to c:program files and did u update your directx

kramerjk (2009-02-27)

it's ok! i resolved every problems! I can play...but anyone knows if i can change the subtitles??? Because the subtitles i got is in english! i need italian! Thx!

kramerjk (2009-02-27)

if i start the exe without patch, the main menu is in italian, but the i hav the gamepad problems...if i intall the patch, the only language aviable is english!

kramerjk (2009-02-27)

OK! I resolved the last problem! If u have the gamepad problem, after downloaded the patch, extract it in a new folder! Replace only "shaders_pc" and "SR2_pc.exe"; don't replace "patch.vpp_pc"! You resolve the gamepad problem and u can play in your language!!!

Anthony817 (2009-03-01)

All I have to say is this shit is fucking PIMP!Online fucking works also!Sign in wit Gamespy id and all works!

Shade1993 (2009-03-02)


Rick78 (2009-03-07)

@Shade1993 stop typing crap its only you that cant get it to work.. this game works great ..ohh and you need to get a new keyboard your caps lock seems to be stuck.. :)

panops (2009-03-08)

why do i encounter this problem???
7-Zip: Diagnostic messages
# Message

1 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\audio.vpp_pc'. File is broken
2 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\chunks1.vpp_pc'. File is broken
3 Data error in 'Saints Row 2\music2.vpp_pc'. File is broken

someone6 (2009-03-11)

May I ask why this torrent is only 4.44GB whereas most of the other Saints Row 2 torrents are at least 6GB?

Kaptein_Hk (2009-03-14)

I get an error:
This Application has failed to start because X3DAudio1_4.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Kaptein_Hk (2009-03-14)

Problem solved after Reinstalling DirecX.
But when the game starts the screen goes black following by a error popup:
SR2_pc.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
AppName: sr2_pc.exe AppVer: ModName: d3d9.dll
ModVer: 5.3.2600.2180 Offset: 0008831f
Anyone has a idea what cause this error?
Btw. my videocard is ATI X550 256 MB

Anthony817 (2009-03-14)

@Someone,dude,this shit is so compressed!The game explodes to 11GB when you extract it!So the good thing is you can burn the game to a 4gb DVD and install later if you need to uninstall torrent or game!
Trust me guys,just install the 7zip thing,then click on the Saints Row 2 game,unpack it to a new folder,preferably in Programs,then after extraction,click on the rar file that says "makeDesktopIcon"
It really cant be any eaiser than that!
I also downloaded the patch for this and just ran the .exe and browsed for my game folder and all worked perfect!
Now I just have one question for Subzero.....Have you had any luck with cracking the latest patch?I can play GTA IV fine on highest details,but this damn game is just not acceptable considering my specs lol,volition should be ashamed of themselves lalz. We all need a new patch is all!XD
Please work on it for us folks!Thanks for this awesome torrent that is flawless,its just the game makers problem for the frame rate issues.

Davidos3012 (2009-03-16)

Instead of saying stuff like 'ZOMG ITS BROAKEN' and 3 posts later ' ZOMG EET WORKZ' , how about you bunch o twats actually write HOW ya got it to work eh?

Rick78 (2009-03-16)

@Davidos3012 I might of helped u to get it to work but as u called us a bunch of tw*ts not a chance :)

Anthony817 (2009-03-20)

Hey Subzero,is there any chance that we will get another patch for this?I downloaded the first patch and all installed fine.XD

cebe_1 (2009-03-21)

Thanks for this. But i got a prob.
I installed it and did everything with movin it to the c:/ drive and shit. but everytime i want to start the game i can see the upper bar going up with saints row 2 and then crash. sains_row2_pc has encountered a problem and needs to shut down or something. How can i fix this?

theguywithgames (2009-03-22)

Hey guys,
I have downloaded saints row and done everything, but when I open the desktop shortcut to saints row it comes up with a window and then a windows error report thing for saints row two, with 3 options: debug, send error report and dont send, I have tried all of them and it still does not work, HELP!

year1949 (2009-03-22)

hej can u plz rip codename panzers cold war its out but there is no torrent plz i really want to play the game

egodemic1 (2009-03-25)

hey guys, can anyone tell me why i have black stripes through the screen when i play this game? i barely meet specs to play but it does play, how do i get rid of these lines? please help! thnx guys

Anthony817 (2009-03-25)

Sounds like your video card drivers need updating.

Lastly download this patch here Subzero uploaded.

egodemic1 (2009-03-25)

well i did download the patch and install prior as well as update the drivers that came with the torrent. is it possible i am getting this problem because i have a 1.7 ghz cpu? thnx so much for your help, i REALLY want to play this game!

Anthony817 (2009-03-26)

Eh,dude if its a single core with 1.7ghz,you really need to upgrade.Damn,that is not even close to what this game needs to play.I would totally forget ever playing this game with that CPU...I mean mine is like a 2005 Dual core that's got 3ghz,but its nowhere near a core duo.Min is an Intel Pentium 830 D dual core.Its not perfect,but I can play Fear2 maxed out with my 3870x2......Gta IV is also playable with medium GFX.So unless you have some kind of Dual core,albeit an ancient one,this game wont be good to you.Hell I think most people still get a sideshow with this.I can play GTA IV WAY smoother!And in much better gfx.We simply just need an optimized patch bro.They didn't do a good job of porting this POS at all...

egodemic1 (2009-03-27)

actually 1ts a 2008 dual core hp laptop it does play just has lines...

jayden08 (2009-03-28)

Can people please seed, im currently dl at 0.2kb/s
i really want this as i cant find it at any retail stores, and when i order itm they always sell it to someone....

Kaptein_Hk (2009-03-30)

Subzero. It crashed while loading new game. Do you what caused the prob.

F-CKFACE (2009-04-03)

Pleas Seed Im At 30kB and its takin along time thanx for the game

ericeric84 (2009-04-05)

seed plz im at .04kb/s and thanks for game
lol i have no idea wut seed means and how to use it all ik is it makes the dl faster can sum1 please help? thanks

bartalives (2009-04-10)

i updated my driver and ran the DX file. whenever i try to play it crashes rite after the volition inc clip but before the gamespy logo. any help?

bartalives (2009-04-10)

its the same problem kramerjk had i think and he siad he fixed it but doesnt list how

c0in (2009-04-13)

cool game, except the hitchin when driving cars fast...

Ryuuk (2009-04-20)

Please help me guys
I have permanent crash with blue screen (for 1 second) and auto-reset - this happens when I try to start a new game from main menu.
Installed as in the instructions, all right, without problems.
Need help, sorry for my english :)

Elohim83 (2009-04-22)

Hey, thanks for the upload it was easy to use and all... no problems unpacking the files and playing the games except my gamepad doesnt work - when I plug it in the cursor in the menus just scrolls like the up button is stuck or something, ok I can play with the keyboard no prob but how do I zoom the camera??
Options say zoom in and out are "h" and "n" but this doesnt work for me, anybody else got the same problem?

 Subzero! (2009-04-22)

you need the update to get rid of those gamepad problems and more... ;)

Ryuuk (2009-04-23)

I re-installed fucking Windows and now it works :)
Thanks for the game, gta4 sucks

DmnY92 (2009-04-26)

Thanks :).

CrunchEy (2009-05-01)

How do you remove the sound from the saintsrow2.exe?

CrunchEy (2009-05-01)

Also, the program refuses to run. The screen goes black for about a second then crashes.

d0zin0X (2009-05-08)

You rock Subzero, but this game sucks dick

djbergs (2009-05-13)

says it cant find d3dx9_39.dll..
does anyone have a solution ?

 Subzero! (2009-05-13)

you need to install Saints Row 2/directX/dxsetup.exe (this is directx , which comes with the game!)
the other thing you need to do after updating directX you need to grab the update for this release, which you'll find at the above link....
happy gaming...

SnubWay (2009-05-26)

"Can not open file
archive".....Any help?

321thatguy123 (2009-05-27)

does the multiplayer work?

321thatguy123 (2009-06-02)

hay, great torrent, how do i get mutiplayer to work, works great, but no mutiplayer, any help guys pleaseee =3

Halosniper52 (2009-06-08)

You can't play the normal online u need a retail key. What u can do tho is go Google saints row 2 cracked servers u can play online like that.

lakers808 (2009-06-12)

what is te meaninig of direct play? r the online files missing???

skullsy (2009-06-18)

Lol eta 1y 42w

grimsxp (2009-07-11)

is it like this; if you decides to uinstall the game, and continue on later, the saved game file which is saved in the documents file on your comp. will be saved such as you can continue on when you install the game later?
sorry difficult question

grimsxp (2009-07-11)

the game works fine saving and everything, but where is the saved game document located on the computer?

nick2882 (2009-07-20)

omg seed

nick2882 (2009-07-21)

come on guys seed, i am stuck on 98%

geeza_13 (2009-07-29)

everytime i load the game, the screen goes blank! anyone help please? ive installed the directx and everything is up to date.

kb420 (2009-07-30)

play coop with hamachi, u dont need a retail key, u dont need a crack, patch worked amazing, this torrent worked great thanks toed!

Nexgenco (2009-08-01)

Thanks for the Upload Subzero :D
Thanks to the seeders aswell
im hitting 200kb's on avrg :)

Nexgenco (2009-08-01)

well i was,
15 / 102 seeds

mobeer21 (2009-08-05)

Can you please tell me how did you solve the loading screen problem?I've waited for half an hour and it was still at 5%.I've searched the entire internet to find an answer but nothing.I would really appreciate it if you or someone else could help me.Thanks in advance

arthur955 (2009-08-14)

i dont get this i downloaded it and what do i un rar ther is none?

arthur955 (2009-08-15)

ok i did everything and got the desktop icon but when i click the icon the screen turns black and in like 30 seconds it crashed and says error what do i do to fix this?

arthur955 (2009-08-15)

also it sayes this when it crashes SR2_pc Has stoped working can some one please helllp

Fredrikeriksen (2009-08-17)

Nice work . Iam downloded the whole game at Ower 3 MB/s . I was Done Downloading In under 15 Minutes ., Ty Suberzo! I like it . .
And its 110% Virus Free I scaned it with Avg Pro And Iobit 360 Internet Security Program =)
It may be some few Junkfiles but thats Under 10Kb of them

Scooter634 (2009-08-19)

When i start teh game, the pointer or "yellow" text is just rolling and i cant do shit. have to quit game from ctrl+alt+delete

Scooter634 (2009-08-23)


beatlefan156 (2009-08-24)

i installed saints row 2 and went to play the game... only problemo is the fact that i cant move! help!! patch was installed.... created account.... cant movie with w and s keys!

Sir0rion (2009-09-02)

Say... I'm trying to run this game, but when I start it up, I get an error report message and the program shuts down automatically.
The report is like this:
AppName: sr2_pc.exe AppVer: ModName: sr2_pc.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0011bdf7
Does anyone have any idea what's wrong with this?

Sir0rion (2009-09-02)

Oh, and I also tried the patch. That didn't fix it.

Sir0rion (2009-09-09)


Sir0rion (2009-09-18)

...Still looking...

grimsxp (2009-09-18)

thanks Subzero!

xyzgamerxyz (2009-11-19)

im stuck on 94% please seed at least for a while... BTW thanks for ul :D

xyzgamerxyz (2009-11-19)

Thanks for ul but please seed im stuck at 94%

Adrian_Cuyler (2009-11-24)

I can download and play it just fine, but, is there some sort of patch I can apply, because it can get really laggy at times?

Hallenborggg (2009-12-06)

LOL i was downloading in 400-500 kb/s now it is like 3 days left 22 kb/s plz seed

Calavera1 (2009-12-11)

when I extracted the file, it said that I was missing the X3dAudio1_4.dll file

DieHippieDie (2010-01-18)

Can somebody explain, what to do? When i start the game, it crashes when the GameSpy Logo appears?? ;s

 Subzero! (2010-01-19)

all you need to do is installing directx (updating!), and the game should start!

snper1194 (2010-01-24)

can anyone please help me out with the unrar.
i have saintsrow2.7z.001 and saintsrow2.7z.002 but their files not rars and i can't extract the m i can only archive them can someone please give me steps on how to get the game working it wuld be much apreciated.

snper1194 (2010-01-25)

please help me out i really wana play trhe game

snper1194 (2010-01-25)

ok i fixed my earlyer problem now when i start up the game it says X3DAudio_4.dll is missing anyone please help im so close to playing

razzs (2010-02-04)

Works Perfectly:)thanks a lot

SR5499 (2010-02-15)

DOESNT WORK can someone help me
if i click on the game it errors with
send/dont send
ive already downloaded the update
but it still doesnt work can someone help me?

dkrip (2010-03-16)

THANKS! works perfect for me ;) No Problems, No Crashes, No Bullsh*t! Thanks! God bless u (:

TheFot (2010-03-20)

damn that is workk this game is very good

7ebarnet (2010-04-06)

i'm seeding on 850 kB/s :)

kjanfu (2010-04-14)

Works 100% :D thanks to the uploader !:)

kralj299 (2010-04-27)

this game runs toooo fast my char runs like 100km/h how can i slow it down

sizons (2010-04-27)

deesnt work. i try to unran and i get eror! sick

shirazlari (2010-04-28)

i installd d strts...the gamespy logo nd the one afta ft appears...nd thn crashes to "SEND/DONT SEND" error...ny suggestions a nvidia 9400gt updated to the latest drivers...also gt d latest updated like metro 2033 md modern warfare 2 workz like a charm..thx nywyz

TheFot (2010-05-02)


rockreinis (2010-05-03)

pls seed seed seed

Whitewolf16 (2010-05-13)

Please Seed Omg!! :( 0.4KB/s !! Fffs! :(

Whitewolf16 (2010-05-15)

Help me :(..
it doesnt have Any install things or sometihng..
how to install ?? it cant open with Winrar.. ?

L3N (2010-05-25)

it works and its very easy to install...thx subzero nice torent ill seed for a couple of days :)

gustaf42 (2010-07-02)

nice UL and the game works to start and play to, bu my game speed is so fu'king faast, it looks like i got speedhack when i run, everything is fast! the whole world is fast, can someone plss help me to get rid of it?

christina017 (2010-07-05)

Seed pls!!!!

christina017 (2010-07-05)

seeed pls!! thx

christina017 (2010-07-05)

seed,seed pls

metal85 (2010-07-06)

@bibo115 thanks for the help

blurry88 (2010-07-09)

it doesn\'t downloading..where are the seeders?

star995 (2010-08-12)

hi guys SaintsRow1.7z has unzipped successfully but SaintsRow2.7z isn't its giving me this error

star995 (2010-08-12)

and i also got da latest version of 7zip anyone pls help

crackerzbrah (2010-08-26)

can more people seed pleasee

car_krazed1994 (2010-09-28)

WILL SOME1 PLZ SEED. no seeders at all!!! i have had this torrent for like a week and no has seeded at all =[

Sublime570 (2010-12-15)

how am i supposed to unrar is there is no .rar or .zip files. just .001 and.002 ._.

spitfire628 (2010-12-15)

Those are the files you are suppose to unrar. Right click one of then open with winrar/7zip or something of that caliber and unrar it will unrar all the others as well.(meaning you don't have to unzip them one by one)
I hope this works i'm downloading it right now

Sublime570 (2010-12-16)

I'm not sure if it's just me but they aren't .rar files for me. they don't have the RAR icon either. just paper icon.

eazydoezitagain2 (2011-01-12)


 Subzero! (2011-01-15)

it does, and makesure to grab the update!, to make it even working smoother.

ruben7076 (2011-01-30)

when Im in the menu, I cant select what I want, it scroles super fast automaticly, I can only use enter 1 time. and when Im in game, then press esc, then I have to restart the whole game. PLEASE HELP!!!

adildsw (2011-02-16)

for people who have fast scrolling on the main menu, here's the fix -
go to your device manager and expand the human interface devices and disable something like "HID......." This should work!
BTW, dont forget to say thanks to subzero and me!!!

adildsw (2011-02-16)

Anyone any idea, the game runs fine but there are a lot of lagging even after applying the patch! I dont feel it to be a hardware problem as my specs are pretty good!
Here are my specs -
Core 2 Duo E7500 3.0 GHz (2 CPUs)
Nvidia Geforce 9400GT 1GB
2GB Ram.
Plz Help....... I would Appreciate it ;)

atmosphere184 (2011-02-16)

it says i'm missing the file ''X3DAudio1_4.dll'' can someone help me please :(

hansley (2011-02-26)

seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddd plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

OscarAlhoII (2011-03-04)

can't open rar files

DamonXXX (2011-03-07)

C'mon help me i can't run it.I have done everything that says in the ReadMe
.1.: Unrar with 7zip or Equivalent.
2.: double click: SaintsRow2.exe ( must be done )
3.: start game with desktop icon.

HP-NRNS (2011-03-08)

Works fine if installed as instructed.
Although I'd suggest using a pad or joystick to play, cos driving is really goddam hard with a keyboard and mouse

siimftw18 (2011-03-10)

is it really that fucking hard to package it as .rar?

NanoMan1000 (2011-03-11)

To everyone with the unzipping problem:
If you dont get the unzip option with winrar and 7zip only tells you that it cant unrar the archive, try to deactivate your antivirus for 5 minutes. While deactivated you can unzip with 7zip.
You could also put the archive on the antivirus whitelist.
Hope it helped!

[WF]Demon (2011-03-19)

Good torrent got it working but Saints Row 2 has issues itself on the PC so gameplay won't be too good :(

kawnilsen (2011-03-21)

When i extract 001 to D: the exe file isnt in the folder, where is it? please help

Morpheus009 (2011-04-04)

Part 1 unpacks great, but part 2 says it cant open it as an archive

Professional_drive-by (2011-04-10)

its 2 files which one to unrar??

Allu00 (2011-04-16)

Game installed fine, no viruses, and works fine except on the main menu when i select "New game" and choose difficulty, it starts loading the game and then just throws me back to main menu without actually starting anything. What to do? I got Vista 64bit Home Edition

FromWasteland (2011-04-19)

Thanxalot =D

Haluwasa (2011-04-24)

can you play online?

Haluwasa (2011-04-25)

does it work with hamachi? for lan

Haluwasa (2011-04-25)

can anyone here help me? i can get on gamespy and see my friends game but when i join it says unable to connect crap

Greepify (2011-05-05)

7-zip says "Can't dissemble file" when I try to dissemble second file. It is REALLY suspicious that I have to take my firewall down to get that file dissembled. O.o

rochedutoit (2011-05-08)

stops at 5% need help please

Derc (2011-05-18)

Thanks for this ! Have had a few of the rips from you and they have always worked great! =D I wanted to download this to try on LAN for me and my son.... he says ths is way better than the GTA series LOL... am DL'ing now please let me know if this is bad on lan thanks. (all pc's here are up and beyond specs LOL) Thanks again subzero. BTW "GET OVER HERE!"~ Scorpion/MORTAL COMBAT

KnucklesRE (2011-06-15)

hai PB i need help when i do anything with the files its says with 7zip the its an incorrect command line please help

KnucklesRE (2011-06-15)

please help

Nathan. (2011-06-16)

Works perfectly, no viruses, driving is hard in cars but overall it's good.

joordy599 (2011-06-24)

all your torrents are sucks everything is not working no seeds nothing! u sucks

MalFusiOn (2011-06-26)

the game seems to run in super-fast mode, like i get into a car and within 2secs of holding down w im at the end of the road or stuck against a wall. the game works fine other then that but my charactor looks like its full out sprinting when its just running also, from what ive seen of gameplay vids on youtube this is not normal, can someone help?

MalFusiOn (2011-06-26)

game works fine exept for the fact that everything is in like super-fast motion, anyone know how to slow it down? judging from gameplay vids on youtube this is not normal, anyone know how to slow it down?

KAPkiba (2011-06-30)

Yo this works
But do you have one for the DLC's?

HandleMyFail (2011-07-02)

Missing X3Audio1_4.dll for saints row 2 what can i do?

 Subzero! (2011-07-05)

simply update your directX

BBC2OWNER (2011-07-06)

Sub, I have got to say, You are the legend, and the only person i go to for these! :D Thanks Sub!

BM7733 (2011-07-10)

Hell, it works perfectly but when i download after that, the computer send an error report every time

acruzado (2011-07-12)

is it supposed to have this annoyin music? or did i click the wrong thing
and if thats it, how do u kno when its done???

acruzado (2011-07-12)

pls forget my last comment

acruzado (2011-07-13)

i"ve been playin the game for a bit now and is there any way to fix the lag?

lhutchinson (2011-07-15)

whats up with the dropper virus my scanner keeps detecting every time I double click on the saintsrow2.exe file?

ironmoral (2011-07-16)

Is this the lastest version ?

kio241 (2011-07-22)

My saints row runs like its in fast forward or sped up how do i fix this?

kio241 (2011-07-22)

Ok screw my last comment fixed it now i cant get past the first mission cutscene after you go to sloppy seconds it crashes how do i fix this

FlyeThemoon (2011-07-31)

Umm guys, i got lil problem here
I download on Windows XP, works fine, and on Windows 7, i dont know how unpack i install that 7zip and dont help much, when i try open with winrar says the files are corupted, but i got 100% download nada errors

Deimos11 (2011-08-11)

Okay so, I downloaded the game, 7zipped it and all, made the desktop shortcut and at first it played...up until the gamespy thing, then it crashed. Tried it again, and it hit me with the X3Audio1_4.dll. I'm not a total n00b, so I went and got it off of Google. Next thing I know, I'm on a wild goose chase for .dll files that has recently ended with DfEngine.dll. Problem is, now when I try to start it it says, "The procedure entry point CreateDFEngine could not be located in the dynamic link library DfEngine.dll." Help please?

LilJur (2011-08-12)

Works like a charm.
For those experiencing lag, or like its speed up, turn of "Dynamic light" in your visual settings, did the trick for me.
To bad the first game is not for PC, now that i have completed the game i get very eager to know what happend before.
Can't wait for the 3rd either

LilJur (2011-08-12)

Skip the cutscene bij pressing Esc, worked for me.
I had the same problem

i-am-numbre-four (2011-08-15)


Siempie (2011-08-20)

''...? If I had known about this, I'd never have downloaded.
Either make it direct play or just use WinRAR or something. Not a shady, shitty program that no one knows and works crap.
Have yet to test the game. Got so mad at the guy who made this shit up that I don't feel like playing any more.

rigotto (2011-08-21)

SEED, guys!!!

rigotto (2011-08-21)

so, i already had 7zip, there was no need to include it on the download file, it was enough just to give a link that led to the oficial download page and everyone would be damn-old-happy. ~testing and will comment if really works~

rigotto (2011-08-22)

it works great, unfortunately its too great for my machine. :( but if you have a better one, download it!

rigotto (2011-08-22)

my machine is too slow for this game T________T' but the file works great

kbmarin (2011-08-22)

Wow I'm no noob but this shit is confusing. I downloaded it and installed the 7Zip and I dont know wich file to open to get to the .exe file. The only files that came with it were the 7Zip file, ~uTorrentPartFile... which is a DAT file, Saints Row2.7z, and Saints Row2.7z.002. And I'm using Windows 7. I also tried using both WinRar AND 7Zip neither open any of the files. Please Help Me.

kbmarin (2011-08-22)

Found out what I'm suppose to unrar even though they're not rar files but when i unrar them with 7Zip a command screen pops up for a split second then nothing... i try it with Winrar and i get an error code saying ! C:\Users\Kory and
The archive is corrupt

kbmarin (2011-08-22)

NVM got it all unzipped or whatever the 7zip that came with the download was the wrong one had to download the right one

ScrubLife (2011-09-01)

@Siempies Beyond stupid for thinking 7zip is some shady obscure program.

Eg01 (2011-09-09)

The game works but for me its crashes on 2nd using windows 7.....but the game works fine on XP sp2 (confirmed it).....for those who are experiencing the X3Audio1_4.dll error just update the direct x, the setup is available in the game folder..... can any 1 help with the crash problem win7??

Sorgoroth (2011-09-10)

Yo i downloaded your torrrent just fine, it was really quick to(: ... the only problem is whenever i open up the folder there is nothing to install the game, the only thing there is to install is that 7-zip thing ... the only other things there are is a folder with some shit in it that idk wat it is and two other things right below the readme tellin u how install the game... WTF is goin on??? if anyone could help me i would really appreciate it.

 Subzero! (2011-09-14)

download 7zip (its like winrar) at 7zip org
unpack to c:
go into the folder,
see info for the rest

TimeOfZombie (2011-10-02)

Works perfectly ty. Multi player works aswell

g0d11c3 (2011-10-02)

I am going to play this to warm up for The Third. Just a month and 15 days away!

chase1159 (2011-10-03)

I had trouble finding out what the uploader meant by "extract." Here is what you do.
Download 7Zip off the official website. Open it up. Navigate to where you downloaded the files. Highlight "Saintsrow2.7z.001" and "Saintsrow2.7z.002". Then hit "Extract". Then find where you want to extract it to and wait. You're welcome :)

chase1159 (2011-10-03)

And, also, if you have a slow pc, change your settings to the lowest they can go, turn OFF dynamic lighting, and change the aspect ratio to 800x600.
If it is STILL slow, download Game booster. It stops all unnecessary processes.

Sekanich (2011-10-05)

i did everything right but i cant find .exe file we need to open... any way i opened the game and i got stuck at the loading screen... it got stuck at 5% and dont move... i waited for 15 min and it didnt change !! does anyone knows what is the problem ?? im on Windows SP3

acb_966 (2011-10-09)

awsome upload!!!

TyMod (2011-10-10)

The games crap. Good repack/direct play, but the game is crap. FPS issues, and the controls are occured.
Loved the first game on the Xbox. Hopefully the third will be better.

Mini818M (2011-10-10)

I have a problem SaintsRow2.7z.002 , when i'm trying ti extract it its giving me an error (Can not open file SaintsRow2.7z.002 as archive ) . cany you elp me :)

Solopants (2011-10-15)

The chances are that your anti-virus is using a live scanner to block the program. Try looking in your virus chest or just try disabling the live protection whilst you extract the game from the archive.

pidgeon28 (2011-10-15)

Okay I have the latest version of directx my computer can handle running this game and i downloaded the patch and still when i go into the game it loads it goes through the intros and it gets to the powerd by gamespy one then crashes it did this before i patched and now it still dose it please help

Willl923 (2011-10-16)

Help Plz i try to extract using 7zip but it says file borken for like 30 different files and wont extract

Willl923 (2011-10-16)

All of the shaders are broken and 10 files in the videos folder are broken wont let them extract please help

superted70 (2011-10-18)

When i start the game the cursor moves from the bottom to the top of the main menu by itself. How do i fix this?

KanwulfNL (2011-10-23)

worst upload ever.. @subzero U SUCK BALLS

deckra (2011-10-23)

Random issue with the Ronin mission in the airport. As i'm getting into the kart thing, the screen goes black and there is a repeated track of gunshots that never ends. Is this an issue where i can reinstall or is there an fix could do?

UG20 (2011-10-25)

saints row 3 is out on and for the crack goto youtube and type saints row3 skidrow crack!!!

sideburns1911 (2011-10-30)

i've got the same problem
any ideas?

iDaverick (2011-11-05)

great torrent. Everything works great.

bzb113 (2011-11-15)

ummmmm all that comes up is a video with annoying sound and words telling me this is cracked by ToeD..

rickzeeland (2011-11-18)

I have a problem with the game:
When i start the game it's al fine but when i'm in the game is everything 3 times so fast or something
what can i do to fix that problem?

rickzeeland (2011-11-18)

I have a problem with the game:
When i start the game it's al fine but when i'm in the game is everything 3 times so fast or something
what can i do to fix that problem?

fabianjow123 (2011-11-19)

seeeeedddddd plsssss my speed is very low

fabianjow123 (2011-11-19)

seed i am stuck at 36.9

fabianjow123 (2011-11-20)

y i go in they say stop working!!!!
help meee

 Subzero! (2011-11-21)

@all who have problems running the game...
there is also an update floating around, which should be installed, the link can be found under this torrents msg base.
other than that, the game runs smooth!.
and only part 001 needs to be un7zipped, the rest does automatically.

 Subzero! (2011-11-21)

MercuryMay (2011-11-27)

Pointless to download for people with Win 7. The torrent itself is fantastic.. it's just f'd up badly for us with up to date OS. Even guys who actually buy the game cannot play it right, the devs stopped supporting it ages ago and the fix that has been made for the community doesn't work for most of us.
The bug it'self? - The game runs in fast forward.. like, 7 times faster then it should. You can empty and MG of 100 ammo in 2 secs flat!.
Not the uploaders fault, like I said.
Cheers for upload, but beware guys

rhtverma (2011-11-27)

Hey Subzero!Could u seed ur torrent
just need 26mbs 2 finish dwnld,but there r no seeds for that.Srry for postin this here,but I posted in that torrent page and nobody responded.By the way ur games r grt.This game was awesome.

nag1649 (2011-12-12)

Hey guys using i able to extract saintsrow2.7z rar file...but if i try to extract this rar file it showing Daignostic Message Errors......wat do now ? Is there any way to extract this rar file ? pls answer me

SAFIBMWM3 (2011-12-28)

Nothing wrong with the file's, Clean from viruses.
(If there was one my firewall must had removed it.)
Excellent torrent, Quick download speed
Thank's for Uploading.
Seeding Now!! :)

samee.arif (2011-12-31)

does it work

Cold_Audit (2012-01-01)

--> ToeD.exe Generic.dx
AVAST! 4.7.4 -> Win32:Trojan-gen
Panda 9.05.01 -> Trj/Pupack.A
Symantec -> Infostealer.Gampass
F-Prot -> W32/SuspPack.CY.gen!Eldorado
AVG 8.5.850 -> Generic10.USZ
ClamAV -> PUA.Packed.UPack-2
In fact ALL anti-virus proggies mark ToeD.exe as dodgy
And before Subzero says they're all only false positives, why doesn't he release the source code for ToED on SourceForge so we can have a look at what he's been adding to these torrents on TPB?
nup I don''t think he will.
Just how in the hell did he get a green skull ?
TPB must really be going down hill now.

 Subzero! (2012-01-01)

lol... this year just starts as fukkin funny as the last one has been ended!. you want the source-code?... you would like to know why it gets alerted as "false postive"?... would you... iam crunching my .exe files , its because of protecting my code, i dont want to have mongos
like you debugging my stuff, simple like this!.
i can offer you ANYTIME an UN-Crunched version of this toed.exe (nowadays its TPTB.exe btw).
ANYTIME ! you can have a PROOF, but sure no source code lol...

 Subzero! (2012-01-01)

and btw: whats dodgy alert ???... and can you explain, why all yer virus tools are having different alerts, are there 20 in 1 trojans in my toed.exe?
lil hint: load notepad, save empty txt file as...
rename to dumbo.exe
check with all your nice virus tools, now you gonna get much more virus alerts than with my toed.exe lol, so how comes this? you being able to explain? >> NO, so i suggest to shut the fukk up about things you have not the slightest clue about. happy n e w year!.

ogloko (2012-01-05)

@rickzeeland thats a permanent bug, bcoz of windows 7 but you can fix it by using cheat engine or search to youtube for some fix and helps :)

Valorage (2012-01-24)

It keeps crashing after the "powered by gamespy" screen. i followed the instructions, and it just crashes. is there a fix?

simonin5 (2012-02-21)

here I launched the game is black screen windows back on pui
I'm on xp

 Subzero! (2012-02-27)

update your system files, such as DirectX

wdlyte50 (2012-03-17)

Dear Subzero!,
After I followed your instructions exactly as you said and before I did i installed 7zip(64-bit) from the folder included and got a Missing Shortcut error that says Windows is searching for SR2_pc.exe. To locate the file yourself, click Browse. Also I installed to update you had so please respond if you no how to fix it.

hades981 (2012-03-30)

Seed pls !!!!

MrAwesomeLuis (2012-04-16)

i hope this game doesn't have viruses. all this comments say it does. any confirmation? thanks. there is not that many links

phudq90 (2012-04-20)

After intro, it's stop working....

 Subzero! (2012-05-02)

this upload is virus free, if you get a warning, then its sure a false positive alert, you dont believe, then go leech another version!, thx!

D96213 (2012-05-13)

PLZ SEED i've been on this torrent for 2 days and 2 days are ahead ! i'm 81.4 % and download speed is 7 Kb/s !!! i'm dying here ! plz FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR PCs SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED !!!!! i seed every torrent i download so why don't you !!!!

D96213 (2012-05-13)

SEED !!!!! PLZ it's been 2 days straight and still 81.2% download speed is 7Kb/s PLEASEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF YOUR PC JUST SEED AFTER FINISHING !! it's what THEPIRATEBAY's sharing process is ! you download a file from another user's pc and when your done and have that file on your pc seed so that more people could enjoy it as well !!!!!!!!

rezor59 (2012-07-14)


jewjitsu72 (2012-08-04)

hey could someone help? i installed everything as per instructions (including the update) but when i start a new game, i can't see myself at the character creation screen. so i chose the settings anyway, and when the first mission started to kill the doctor, i couldn't see anyone at all, including myself, and i couldn't move my invisible body either. the cutscenes work perfectly, but the gameplay doesn't work at all. anyone know anything about this???

Rfl4222 (2012-08-12)

Thanks for the game Subzero. Don't try any other versions besides this because this one has the most support and isn't a load of ripped shit. Unlike the one with the most seeds currently. Fucking audio doesn't work on that one.

whitekaj (2012-09-15)

i have abug in the menu that makes it like i would allways press up and even if i manage to choose for instance the continue option i cant click on start new game

 Subzero! (2012-10-12)

get the update,and all should be fine.

Jonocar (2012-11-15)

will this work on windows 7

Jonocar (2012-11-15)

When i start the game i get a white screen, any help?

LDDrummer (2012-12-14)

When I launch the game it crashes when the menu would normally show. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.

 Subzero! (2013-02-07)

update your directx, and all is fine!

ilikegmod (2013-03-18)

9.8 kb/s, nothing wrong here..

samthaboss (2013-09-09)

1.2 kb

samthaboss (2013-09-09)


Yan1703 (2013-09-10)

Seed please. 0.8kb/s only. SEED PLS I WILL SEED IF YOU DO.


1. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 4.64/7z464 (32bit).exe 917.67 Kb
2. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 4.64/7z464 (x64).msi 979.50 Kb
3. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 4.64/ReadMe.txt 480 bytes
4. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 1,020 bytes
5. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 4.86 Kb
6. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 345 bytes
7. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 1.31 Kb
8. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 1.67 Kb
9. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 4380.00 Mb
10. PC_Saints.Row.2.(-multi.11-) 164.42 Mb