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2008-09-14 (by Antje14 )


° ° ° ° ÜÜßßß²± °±²ß þÜÜ ° + + ° M A G ± N i ° T U D E + + ° ° °°±± Þ² ²± °²ß°° ° ÜÜܲÜÜÜÜ °° °° ± °°°²±°° °²Ý Þ±° ±Ý °° ° ±° ܲßß °²° °° ÜÜ ° ±°± ²Ü ßÛÜ°° °°²þþþþ²° °² °±° ±° ²±Üß ± ± °°± ß±° ° °°±²² ßܲÜ ß²²ÜÜþ ° ßß²±° °²° ²²Ý ° Ãœ °°²Ý °°° ° °°±±²²Û ßܲÜ ܲß ܱ²²²²ßßß þþ Ãœ ±±° ßß²²± ²²Ý ܲ °±²Û ±°°°°°°°±±±±±²Ý ²Ü ßÛ۲߱°ÜÛ²°²ÛÛ² ܱ²±ÜÜ ܲ ²ÛÝܱ±²Ü ÞÛÝ °±²ÛÜÜ ß²±±±²²²²²²²ß Þ²²Ü ß °²Û²Ý ÞÛÛÛ²²ÜÜ ܲ²²ß° ÞÛÛÜ ß ²ÛÛß²²²ß ²ÛÝ °°±²ßß²²ÜÜ ßßßßßßß Þ²ÛÛÛÜ °²ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ²ÞÛ۲߲²Ûß °±° ²²ÛÛÜ ÛÛÛ²ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²ß °°±° ßÛÛÛÜ Þ²²ÛÛ²±°° ÞÛ۲߲²ÜÛÛ²ÛÛ ÞÛÛ²°ÞÛÛÝÞÛÛÝ ²²± ²Û² ß²ÛÛÛ±ÛÛÜ°²ÛÛ²ÜÛÝ ÜÜ°±²± Þ²ÛÛÝ ß²ÛÝ ÞÛÛ² ß²ß ²²Û ÛÛ²± ÞÛÛ²²Û² Û²² ÛÛ²Ý ÞÛÛÛ°ÛÛ² ±ÛÛÛÛ² ÞÛÛ°²²Ý °ÛÛÛ²ÜÜÜÛÛÜ ÞÛÛ² ²²²±²²²ßß²²Û²²Û² ÛÛ² ÛÛ²Ý ÛÛÛ ÛÛ² °ÛÛÛÛ² ²ÛÝÞ²² ÞÛÛÛÝÛÛÛß ° ÞÛÛ² Þ²±²²²ß± ܲÛÛ²ÞÛ²Ý ÛÛ² ÛÛ²Ý ²ÛÛÝÛÛ² °ÛÛÞ²²Ý Þ²²ÛÛÛÝ °²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ °° ÞÛÛ² ܲ±±²±ß ° ß²²ÜßÛÛÜÜÛÛ²ÜÛ²²ß ±²ÛÛ²²± ±Û² ß²²Üܲ²²²Û² ܲÛÛÛß²ÛÛÛÝ °± ÞÛÛ²° ßßß°±± ßßß ßß²²ÛÝßß± °²²²±²° ²²ß ° ßßßß°±²Ü²²ßß ßß²²ÛÛ °°² ÞÛ²²±° °° ° ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜ ß²ÛÝ ° °±° ±°Üß ܲÜ ܲ²ßß ß²²±°°±² Þ²²±±±° ܲÛÛ²²²ßßßßßßßß²ÛÜÛÛ °°±±° ß Üß±° ° ±±°±±² Þ²±±±° ° °°±²²Ûß ßß²Ü °±±²²±°° ° °²Ý ° ± °°±²² Þ±±° ²² ++S! ++b5! ++Ix ÜßþÜ°±±²²²Ûß °±² ° °°±°±²±°±°°° °±±²Û Þ±° °° ßÜ ÞÝ ßßßß± °±± ± °±²²ÛÝ ±° °±° ß Ãœ Üß ° °° ° ° ܱ²ÛÛß ° °±²±° ° ß þþ ß ° °°²²²²ß ± ± ß ß²Ý ° °°±°°±±±ß ܲ ° INTERNET SECURITY V2009 Û²² ° (c) F-SECURE Û²² ° ß ²± ° SUPPLIER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2008 DATE......: 14/09/2008 ±° ° °° ± CRACKER....: Team MAGNITUDE 2008 SIZE......: 1 CD °± ± ± ²° PACKAGER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2008 PROTECTION: Serial °² ²±° ±±² Ûß²ÜÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ Û ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üßß ÜßßÜ ß 󧧆 Üßß ÜßßÜ ÜܲßÛ ßßßßßßß ßßß ²ßßÜ ²ßßß ²Ü ²ßßß ²ßßÛ ßßß² ²ßßß ßßß ² ² Û ²ßßß ²ÜÜß ßßß ßßßßßßß Û²ßß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ßß²Û ² ° °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°° ° ² ± ± ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Comprehensive Security – Internet Security 2009 ° ° ° ° * Anti-Virus: Protects your computer against viruses, worms, ° ° rootkits and zero-day attacks ° ° * Anti-Spyware: Stops spyware and hackers from entering your ° ° computer ° ° * Anti-Spam: Helps you to stay free from spam eMails ° ° * Anti-Phishing: Ensures that you are untroubled from phishing ° ° attempts ° ° * Anti-Rootkit: Detects and removes hidden security threats ° ° * DeepGuard 2.0: New proactive DeepGuard 2.0 technology protects ° ° you against any unknown threats ° ° * Parental Control: Includes an easy to use web surfing time lock ° ° for children and protects them against unwanted Internet content ° ° * Performance: The complete security package working from behind ° ° the scene ° ° * Easiness: Easy to install and use ° ° ° ° Advanced Technology – Internet Security 2009 ° ° ° ° * Improved detection performance and reduced system overhead ° ° * Enhanced usability through flexible product configuration ° ° * Core technology improvements for malware and spyware detection ° ° and removal ° ° * Real-time virus and spyware protection, and protection against ° ° unknown threats ° ° * Parental Control with protection for different user types ° ° against unwanted web content, including profiles for different types ° ° of web users ° ° * F-Secure DeepGuard 2.0 introduces network based recognition of ° ° suspicious software while improving the accuracy and speed of response ° ° to new outbreaks of malicious code ° ° ° ° New Features – Internet Security 2009 ° ° ° ° * Sidebar gadget (for Google desktop and Vista) for showing the ° ° protection status ° ° * Installation time performance optimization for low-end computers ° ° * Frequent automatic updates that keep both the databases and the ° ° software itself up-to-date against all latest threats ° ° * Easier & faster installation with less user interaction ° ° * Windows Vistaâ„¢ 32-bit and 64-bit compatible ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Thanks DYNAMICS for supply!!! ° ° ° °° °° ±° °± ²±° °±² Û²²±ÜÜ Üܱ²²Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ß 󧧆 Üßß ²ßßÜ ÜßßÜ Û ² ß 󧧆 Üßß ÜßßÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ûܲßß ² ² Û ßßß² ² ²ßßÛ ᚚ ᚚ ² ² Û ²ßßß ²ÜÜß ßß²ÜÛ ²±° ß °±² ²° ° °°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°° ° °² ± ± ± 1) unRAR and burn ° ± 2) check ".txt" from "MAGNiTUDE" dir ° ± 3) enjoy another fine MAGNiTUDE-release! ° ± ° ± ° ± ° ° ° ° 󧧆 ÜßßÜ ²ßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üßß ° ° ° °°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±² Û ²ÜÜß ² ²ßßß ßßß²±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°° ° ° ° ° ° Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient Greek ° ° astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude ° ° stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the ° ° faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era ° ° of MAGNiTUDE has started. ° ° ° ° If you feel like you have the power to face first-magnitude stars ° ° contact us at: ° ° [email protected] /* */ ° ° ° ° ° ° ± °±²²Û²°° ° ± ° ÜÜÛÛÛ Þ²²ÛÛÝ ° ± ÞÛÛÛÛÛÝ ²ÛÛÛÛÜ °± ²° ²²ÛÛÛÛÜ Þ²ÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ °±² ²±± ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ °°±²² Û²±° ÛÛÛÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÛ²² ßßß²²²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜܲ²²²²ß ÜÜÜÜ ÛÛÛÛ² ²ÜÜÜ ßßß ²²²ÜÜÜÜ ßßßßßß²²²²²²²²²²²²²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Ãœ ÛÛÛ²² ° °° Û²²²± Ascii by the Dynamic Trio: S!, b5! and Ix - (c) SAC 2005 °°°°°°°°° ° ²²±±° ±±±° °° °

Files count:



282.86 Mb




 Antje14 (2008-09-14)

Last one was nuked this is the real 2009 version

 Antje14 (2008-09-14)

I am seeding this thing it just takes some time for the torrent to become active

Cracker_Djefn (2008-09-14)

this F-secure is this a really good protection for the computer?

 Antje14 (2008-09-15)

That will mostly depend on the company that made F-secure Internet Security

fuli1 (2008-09-17)

2 trojans in this antivirus. is auto updating this antivirus how to

fuli1 (2008-09-17)

how to instel in english or .................

fuli1 (2008-09-17)

kan sambady help how to donlod updatig for this shit

vangelis41 (2008-09-18)

VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!in registration key.............dont download this shit

 Antje14 (2008-09-18)

Virus my ass
You are the virus

 Antje14 (2008-09-18)

Install Program (Use Keygen To Make Key),
At Install Skip Update Checking,
When Program Asks For Restart Do Not Restart Yet And Do The Following Steps:
1) Copy fsauatnb.dll To C:\Program Files\F-Secure Internet Security\FSAUA\program
2) Copy fstnb.dll To C:\Program Files\F-Secure Internet Security\TNB
Internet.Security keygen for all suite.
If u wanna install just antivirus, use serial from Anti-Virus folder

huanhoho (2008-09-18)

It's working (install and KEY works) but updates need to be made manually with F-Secure Update Tool. It's not good to keep an AV that releases a lot of updates in a day if you need to update manually.
Despite it we thank MAGNITUDE.

fuli1 (2008-09-18)

hi.. it,s 2 trojans my antivirus is detcting mybe is rong i dont no...............

delapaco (2008-10-01)

fuli1: it's because your antivirus software detects hackware ...

E-uphoriaaa (2008-10-03)

Where do I find the magnitude dir and keygen? :S

ZXIONIC (2009-04-05)

@vangelis41 you are a donkey iihhaaa