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TTC Video - Thinking like an Economist
Video Other
TTC Video - Thinking like an Economist
2011-01-15 (by dohduhdah )
TTC Video - Thinking like an Economist: A Guide to Rational Decision Making
Files count:
2604.05 Mb
dohduhdah (2011-01-16)
Likewise I'm equally grateful that others shared all these goodies, allowing me to pass them on..youssef0eddoumali (2011-01-16)
first of all thx, great job2ndly judging from the title am i going to earn some billions if i watch those videos xd (0 o)
Oromia (2011-01-26)
this is awesomeLetsRockit01234 (2011-03-06)
why did I get a copy right infrigment on this torrent? I thought is regular tv stuff. I got it from comcast. not even sure how they got my email address...juzzakly (2011-03-24)
Simply said, you sir, are the bomb.indiaman (2011-06-06)
Thank you.I am not a student of commerce yet I found these lectures quite interesting and helpful.I realize from your comments dohduhdah that you are also a modest person and I am grateful for that too.Thanks.As I have said before,you'll always be in our prayers.I.Told.U (2011-07-24)
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mishhh (2011-10-24)
compressed version (0.8gb) here:
1. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/00. Professor Bio.avi 4.76 Mb
2. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/01. The Economist's Tool Kit—6 Principles.avi 216.55 Mb
3. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/02. The Economist's Tool Kit—3 Core Concepts.avi 216.47 Mb
4. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/03. The Myth of ''True Value''.avi 216.54 Mb
5. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/04. Incentives and Optimal Choice.avi 216.47 Mb
6. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/05. False Incentives, Real Harm.avi 216.46 Mb
7. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/06. The Economics of Ignorance.avi 216.55 Mb
8. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/07. Playing the Odds—Reason in a Risky World.avi 216.61 Mb
9. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/08. The Economics of Information.avi 216.50 Mb
10. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/09. A Matter of Time—Predicting Future Values.avi 216.49 Mb
11. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/10. Think Again—Evaluating Risk in Purchasing.avi 216.55 Mb
12. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/11. Behavioral Economics—What Are We Thinking.avi 216.53 Mb
13. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/12. Acting like an Economist.avi 216.53 Mb
14. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/Thinking like an Economist (description).pdf 201.86 Kb
15. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/Thinking like an Economist (guidebook).pdf 805.06 Kb
16. TTC - Thinking Like an Economist/Thinking like an Economist (starter).pdf 50.66 Kb