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The Sims 2




Games PC


The Sims 2




2004-11-24 (by Taanie )


Finfinfungerande.. 4 skivor ca á 700 MB

Files count:



2924.08 Mb




geccoman (2004-11-25)

funkar det att bygga?

smultronet (2004-12-11)

Kan inte flera seeda... det händer ju ingenting nästan... :(

Portrait (2004-12-18)

jag håller med.. fler seeders! ställde på datorn hela natten och blev lite besviken i morses!

r3c (2004-12-26)

seenda nu då !!

borgen_89 (2004-12-29)

alla har fastnat på 17.7 procent..seeda snälla:)

Haugie (2005-01-01)

Seeda snälla det här kommer att ta en evighet

danielpeders (2005-01-01)


itchreliever (2005-01-02)

AHHHHHHhhh 99.9% finished! please seed!

Tangstrom (2005-01-02)

det går så sakta nu

carloss_2002 (2005-01-03)

snälla kan nån seeda...skitmånga som har fastnat på 48,3%

Fredde1991 (2005-01-05)

jag har fassnat på 99!! snälla!! :(
de e inte kul! :(

carloss_2002 (2005-01-05)

ahhh.....fastnat på 99.7...snälla seeda

iippe (2005-01-07)

Seeda då jag har fastnat på 99,7

Aughumblan (2005-01-13)

Tjaa jag har bränt ut det på dvd men jag får inte igång ett drit ska jag bränna på ett specielt sätt eller vad ? ? snälla svara någon =)

denimdemon (2005-01-25)

har alla fastnat eller?

Krall (2005-02-09)

hur installerar man ?? om ni inte kan svara här svara på msn [email protected]

mickekarp (2005-02-17)

Har installerat det men när jag ska försöka spela det kommer det bara upp sims2 har stött på ett problem och måste avslutas.
Någon som vet vad det kan vara för fel?

Larsson1750 (2005-02-18)

Nepp, ingen aning för mig Funkar det utmärkt !

HELVETTE (2005-02-24)

Please seed. and sorry bout my nick, i think its a bad word

HELVETTE (2005-02-25)

seed for the love of god >_< is there any install problems? please answer anyone

anders2513 (2005-02-27)

Varför funkar inte Sims2 på ett användarkonto i Windows XP med begränsad behörighet?

ehlo (2005-03-01)

går det ann å bygge på dette spille??

Boxon (2005-03-03)

vilken crack använder ni och funkar byggläget då?

camponotus (2005-03-03)

Download Rate på 2Kb/ får ju krupp för mindre :(

chibiusa (2005-03-15)

buildmode funkar inte.

Teuchler (2005-03-16)

Kan någon tala om hur man bränner spelet?
Kan man bränna hela rasket på en DVD skiva eller måste man bränna det på CD skivor??
Tacksam för svar...

Dimaspy (2005-03-21)

Använd inte crack till spelet. Öppna spel skivan med Daemon tools eller liknande och spela. Om inte det fungerar så installera om spelet eller ladda ner det igen.

atoza (2005-03-26)

Seed >> 98%

hampa91 (2005-03-28)

Vad less jag blir! Har laddat hem 2 olika sims 2 nu, men efter att jag har installerat det med deamon tools och ska spela så slocknar datorn:S har även prövat med en kompis datorn, den slocknade också! Vad gör jag för fel? Snälla hjälp mig!

Kung_plingan (2005-04-02)

När ja startar spelet kommer dt bara upp en "The Sims 2 har stött på ett problemoch måste avslutas...Vad ska ja göra för att få dt fungera??Snälla hjälp mig..ja har tankat hem 3 olika The sims 2 och inget av dom har ja får att fungera

turkey_ (2005-04-02)

kan man bränna allt på EN dvd skiva, och hur gör man det?

turkey_ (2005-04-02)

jusste.......HUR bränner man?

OziX (2005-04-18)

Umm.. is it just my computer or is it like this for everyone? It freezes randomly and works fine again just 1-4 mins after.. >.<

DirtyBone (2005-04-22)

Asså vad gör man när det hela tiden kommer upp att man har fel cd skiva i. jag har ju mountat alla, blir galen på det. Nån som vet?
Är det nån crack med som jag har missat eller nåt?

Tjocktor (2005-04-27)

prova med att mounta alla sedan gå in på den här datorn sen ÖPPNA en av skivorna...brukar finnas en crack där :-) jag vet inte ja har inte tankat klart än

hullupoika22 (2005-05-20)

För att bränna behövs det ca 4 cd-skivor. Eftersom the sims 2 är så pass stor. För att bygga vet jag inte och undrar hur jag ska göra? Jag extraktar allt med RAR. Det behövs nog inte crack. Men jag är inte expert. Hoppas det går bra för er andra.

Gibbler (2005-06-05)

Är detta en fransk rell?
Tänkte pga att manualen hette
"carte de refreance" nånting.

Sophiie (2005-06-13)

Jag har laddat ner tre olika The Sims 2. Men alla tre hänger sej när jag ska börja spela. Nån som vet varför eller så ? Jag är ju inte direkt så jätte teknisk så ..

JoakimLj (2005-06-26)

Den som har laddat upp denna torrent verkar ha modem eller segt bredband, typ 0,5 mbit/s

The Duck (2005-06-28)

Hallå, jag tror jag har samma problem som många andra här..
Att när man lägger in cracken fungerar inte byggläget, använd daemontools säger någon.. Men då kontrar sims med att det är fel skiva, alltså måste man använda sig av en crack eller?
Eller bör man ge image-filens "titel" något lämpligt namn typ: The Sims 2 play cd" lr liknande?

Selvik (2005-06-30)

I downloaded the file, exstrakted the mdf files with ISOBUSTER. Then writing them into 700mb CD's. Everything worked fine, i instlled and was about to play when it said: "Please insert the right CD". What shal i do to make it work?

E-max (2005-07-04)

Det går bra för mej är på 22%

E-max (2005-07-04)

E detta spelet på franska??

Mr Viper (2005-07-11)

This just does not work. I tried my virtual daemon, tried burning the CDs, nothing. Don't waste your time.

E-max (2005-07-11)

THIS WORKS HE`S A N00B WIth ToRR3NtS this rocks

marianne oboy (2005-07-18)

Hva må gjøres med filene etter at de er lastet ned,for å få spillet til å virke?

 Taanie (2005-07-21)

Hello! It's a hard thing to get The Sims 2 working without the buildcrack. You have to download a DVD-crack and lure the computer that you play the DVD-version. I dont remember everything, sry. It was a long time ago. But I can look on it later. :)

YoungWarrior (2005-07-23)

hmm min vill inte ens börja ladda hem det står att den ansluter men det tar fan 100 år :( nån som kan hjälpa mig och säga hur lång tid det ska ta?

Viking_Mo (2005-08-06)


Mr. Phill (2005-08-15)

Who said you needed to burn the cd's? aye?

nille_1200 (2006-01-13)


G unit (2006-03-09)

now iam downloading whit 1b/s

grack (2006-03-11)

i agree with mr viper this i crap it DOES NOT work...
winxp displays the classic "the sims 2 has encountered an error and must..." error... i have downloaded, mounted in DT and tried to start the installation... and it doesn't work... anyone know a version that does??

Jiimpa_ (2006-03-29)

please seed! :)

killa-b (2006-04-03)

Seed would'ya? :D
thank you (a)

killa-b (2006-04-03)

wtf? what Serial key?

seed_plz (2006-04-12)

when im installing this its asking cd2 .... what should i do?? please help-----

hahakillen (2006-05-16)

does this torrent works ?? !!

floyd2 (2006-05-17)


LillElvis (2006-05-20)

""The Sims 2" : Denna .torrentfil har skapats med ett felaktigt verktyg och innehåller felaktigt kodade filnamn. Några eller alla filnamn kan vara annorlunda från hur skaparen av .torrentfilen tänkt sig att de skulle vara."

pelagius (2006-06-09)

wtf is the cd key!? please help!!

simon_holmberg (2006-06-18)

Seeda då jag har fastnat på 99,7

SigurdJorsalfar (2006-06-21)

What about key to the game??

MrMee (2006-06-22)

I just started to download.. and now when i read comments it seems like all of u know nothing of cracks and so on.. if u have problem with crack try a anti blacklist tool like CureRom or SD4 HIDE.. if they dont work go and buy the game

JohaN^ (2006-07-02)

Snälla seeda!!
Please seed!!

robin 1992 (2006-07-04)

SEED PLZ!!!!! im giving a 1000? to the guy who seeds :P

hejhejhej_hej (2006-07-26)

kan nån seeda det här?
eng: can somebody seed this?
thank you/tack på förhand...alla kan väl åtminstone dela ut 10 kb..!?

themmo (2006-07-27)

I just wondered have you look at the file ''manuel Sims 2'' 'cause you find the sims 2 cd covers from there and the cd-key is on the cover. Just a LITTLE help for you who wants to know the cd-key. USE YOUR BRAINS!

hejhejhej_hej (2006-07-28)

bättre seed nu tack tack thanks

Djkasse (2006-08-01)

Hold da kæft hvad er det for npget lort og ligge ud når det kun virker halvt!

Djkasse (2006-08-01)


VaderHader (2006-08-01)

i spent a few days dl-ing this for my fiance and she says it doesnt work. should I even bother trying to fix? does it even play in english? I didnt notice that it was french until 3/4 of the way through.

mohallak (2006-08-02)

seeda please

Blamz (2006-08-02)

please i reallt nee this game im gonna give it to my brother on his birthday

mohallak (2006-08-03)

Är de här spelet på franska snälla svara?
Is this game in franch please answer me ?

Djkasse (2006-08-05)

lad være med at download det for man kan ikke bygge huse eller gemme i spillet!

Ryssen88 (2006-08-15)

800 kb/s :O . Nice väldigt nice..

Ryssen88 (2006-08-15)

All thanks to one single person . Cheers for that :)

beach_boy_5 (2006-08-15)

det är i svenska å många andra språk

beach_boy_5 (2006-08-15)

Jag har lite problem med att bränna ut dem i 4 st vanliga cd skivor efter som att filerna i alla dem dcna är större än 700 mb :/

IntelligensReserven (2006-08-16)


san0dra (2006-08-18)

Snälla seeda!

Simon94 (2006-09-22)

HALLÅ VF ska man inte ladda ner denna torrent IntelligensReserven??

Linda_Mjum (2006-09-25)

Funkar jättebra :D

Jazzman99 (2006-10-27)

Har installert, men får ikke startet spillet. Får kun splash screen i ca. 3 sekunder og så ingenting mer.
Bruker Daemon tools med safedisc slått på.

Jojboynn (2006-11-02)

asså ja fattar ej hur man använder demon tools e ny med detta att lada hem skulle nån kunna adda [email protected] / skulle va tacksam av hjälp tack på förhand

jjoslin82 (2008-02-17)

I just downloaded this, and my image mounting prgram will not let me mount the first cd file. It says the file is bad. Can someone help me with this please?

Avenget (2008-02-27)

Funkade perfekt för mej.
1. mounta ccd eller cue filerna i daemon tools (ställ in daemon tools att simulera 4 enheter och mounta alla skivorna samtidigt)
2. installera (tryck bara OK när the Sims 2 ber dej sätta in nästa skiva)
3. öppna omslagsbilden som finns med i torrenten (där finns registreringnumret)
4. Spela - Cracka inte! det behövs inte.
om the Sims 2 kraschar, checka att du har ett kompatibelt grafikkort (kolla systemkraven) med DirectX 9. Prova att installera om. Vissa grafikkort har kanske inte rätt stöd för spelet även om de fysiskt sätt klarar det.
Inget dataprofs kanske men kolla det iaf.
BTW tack för torrenten!

RavenSign (2008-02-29)

kan nån snälla seeda lite till??? d står att d ska ta 5h >.<
tack i förväg //RavenSign

pirathaham (2008-03-08)

fungerar det?

pirathaham (2008-03-09)

ladda inte ner den här torrenten, den är cp det går inte och installera :S

eslachance (2008-03-18)

I don't know what everyone has against this torrent. I loaded the cds with PowerISO (Daemon Toolz will also do the job), used the CD Key provided in sims2.nfo , installed in English (This is a MULTILINGUAL setup). I did get an error on installing in regards to the registration thing but who cares.
Once installed I got a "Please insert the correct CD", but that was fixed pretty quickly by getting a noCD from .

Sw3suB (2008-04-12)

how fast did it go for u eslachance??
slo in beginning fast in the end?? or only fast??

Sw3suB (2008-04-13)

seed plz i'm stuck at 67.8%

Sw3suB (2008-04-13)

works perfectly if u want the sims 2 download here!!!!!!!! i mean it!!!

A-Plickity (2008-04-14)

i get a "please insert the correct cd" error when i try and run the game after i installed it. i went to like eslachance, but i dont know what noCD to get. can someone help me?

MogensOG (2008-04-15)

Okay installed the torrent.
Mounted the first CD with Daemon Tools.
I click next to install it in danish and then
it asks me for cd key and thats when the progress stop so got one question, answer me this wheres the cd key ?

MogensOG (2008-04-15)

elsachance writes about that sims2.nfo thing. where is that file or folder located in the torrent eslachance ?

dousch (2008-04-22)

Why do everyone have so many problems, solve them yourself.. It's not hard to mount an ISO in DAEMON TOOLS and install and mount the next cd's in the same way.. Gosh Google it or just stop your Torrent-Buisness.

elleez (2008-05-04)

when i move the angle, or anything else, the sounds starts to lagg, have anyone else got that problem?

Dest1 (2008-05-05)

I didn't have to do anything...all I did was mount all the CDs at once in Daemon Tools Lite and was playing in about 5 minutes. Build mode works, but I still have to test out saving.

Tzukimono (2008-05-08)

guys!! i have a problem... in the game i can't build anything (in build mode) i mean what ever i choose i can not put it on the lot... can anybody help me?? please!!

Tzukimono (2008-05-08)

hey guys i have resolved the problem..and for anyone who have it...

gjtuhy (2008-05-12)

I am new on this downloading-game-thing. So I wonder, how do I get the game to work? It's only a bunch of files at the moment. What program do I need?

SpookyNL (2008-06-02)

Some CD Keys:

Snurrebassen92 (2008-06-09)

The instalation was easy, but I have a problem ingame, I cant build Walls, Doors, Windows or anything like that.
Anyone knows what to do? Already tried to re install it.

fridaljung (2008-06-17)

Ok i gonna istall this thing and i am pretty sure its not gonna work for me cuz nothing does, ever. really. so, could someone please describe exactly how to do it. i have downloaded deamon tools cus i read some of you used that but i dont get any of it! thaanx

Youngbxballer (2008-06-18)

dude how u work the files man?!?!?

Youngbxballer (2008-06-19)

finshed in installation i get a "Please Put Cd 2 In" problem so i went to gamecopyworld and Now I dont know what to do with sims2.mir what do i do?

Youngbxballer (2008-06-20)

now instead i went to download this cracked exe @

and now i dont know what to do with the Exe ,
People what do i do HELP PLEASE!!

Youngbxballer (2008-06-20)

To Intall:
Mount Image 1 (sims 1 .ccd )
Continusly when it conutes Asking For Cds
use The Ccd or w/e to Mount using Damon Tools

DaFukker (2008-06-23)

how i´m seed?

dinsnoppluktarfisk (2008-06-27)

how to install? :S

skullking3 (2008-06-29)

plz seed 2 me plz it would be greatly apreciated

steel-load (2008-06-29)

seed! plz :,(

_Dennis_93_ (2008-07-01)

det funkar ju inte det e bara en massa mappar och skit man kan ju inte mounta med deamon. det e ju typ det färdiga spelet med ts bin allt det nu måste jag välja en annan torrent som funkar :@

livetobox226 (2008-07-02)

theres no cd key

Nooben123 (2008-07-09)


miguel_loves_jesus (2008-07-24)

i downloaded this successfully
and installed it successfully
but when i play it it load up the first 3 neighborhoods. But once i click on one of them itll load then i click for a little bit then it crashed
anyone know how to fix this?!

terje112 (2008-08-01)

downloading now, hope it works.. been looking for this game for a while now. :)

carcar1 (2008-08-06)

here is how you fix the build. Just use 7-zip [installed on vista] or winrar and copy this .exe to the place where you did before.

here virus scan for the .exe
2 months ago
Antivirus Version Last Update Result
AhnLab-V3 2008.7.17.0 2008.07.18 -
AntiVir 2008.07.17 -
Authentium 2008.07.18 -
Avast 4.8.1195.0 2008.07.17 -
AVG 2008.07.17 -
BitDefender 7.2 2008.07.18 -
CAT-QuickHeal 9.50 2008.07.17 -
ClamAV 0.93.1 2008.07.18 -
DrWeb 2008.07.17 -
eSafe 2008.07.17 -
eTrust-Vet 31.6.5962 2008.07.17 -
Ewido 4.0 2008.07.17 -
F-Prot 2008.07.18 -
F-Secure 7.60.13501.0 2008.07.18 Suspicious:W32/Malware!Gemini
Fortinet 2008.07.18 -
GData 2.0.7306.1023 2008.07.18 -
Ikarus T3. 2008.07.18 -
Kaspersky 2008.07.18 -
McAfee 5341 2008.07.18 -
Microsoft 1.3704 2008.07.18 -
NOD32v2 3277 2008.07.18 -
Norman 5.80.02 2008.07.17 -
Panda 2008.07.17 -
Prevx1 V2 2008.07.18 -
Rising 2008.07.17 -
Sophos 4.31.0 2008.07.18 -
Sunbelt 3.1.1536.1 2008.07.17 -
Symantec 10 2008.07.18 -
TheHacker 2008.07.16 -
TrendMicro 8.700.0.1004 2008.07.18 -
VBA32 2008.07.17 -
VirusBuster 2008.07.17 -
Webwasher-Gateway 6.6.2 2008.07.18 Virus.Win32.FileInfector.gen (suspicious)
carcar1 at 2008-08-05 23:39 CET:
file injector cause you replace the exe with this one so that's why that happens
yes it works on vista

dior89 (2008-08-13)

hopefully someone can help...
I succesfully downloaded the torrent and installed the program by mounting all the disks and everything seemed to be great until I tried to run the program and it says Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart. I have all 4 CDs mounted on 4 seperate virtual drives so I'm not sure why this is happening... PLZ HELP

Speedyrocket (2008-09-24)

here are some serial codes for nothing:

Achmed900 (2008-09-28)


Mowgli98 (2008-10-16)

Seed please, will return the favorr

frize_11 (2008-12-03)

how do i install this?

h4l0t (2008-12-28)

Haha, you idiots. This works perfectly. Simply mount image 1 on Daemon Tools, and begin the install. When asks, mount the following images. It doesn't need extracted or anything. And if you're too lazy to find a crack, simply keep the first image mounted. Oh, and by the way, the images have a little orange cone (VLC) icon next to them. Hope i helped. However, the game lags when i place certain things ( floors, walls ), so any help with regards to what's wrong? I don't think it's my PC, as nothing else seems to lag on it. Hey ho.

Wicked_sin (2009-03-23)

fucking perfect
works great

Stonez88 (2009-04-04)

Works perfectly, just mounted with daemon. No lag in-game.

Acrom (2009-06-11)

Det är ju 20 filer och de går inte hantera i winrar eller deamontools! Är det något spec. pogram förutom dessa men behöver??

newguy69 (2009-06-18)

yep, works like a dream. just mount it whenever you want to play. :O

jex666 (2009-06-19)

Uhm.. pls help! Where is the crack?! Pls HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newguy69 (2009-06-21)

There is no crack, just mount the first sims image file, using alcohol 120% or Daemon tools (Google them if you dont know what they are) and install. After that, you will be prompted to "insert the next CD" so just mount the next image file. simple as that! :O

jex666 (2009-06-21)

@Newguy69. Thank you. but still it doesnt work! BTW, Im using POWER ISO. still :insert corect cd, press ok and restart application"

newguy69 (2009-06-22)

i'm not an expert but try using Alcohol 120% or daemon tools. some games that i mount with Alcohol dont work, but they work fine with daemon tools. Also, When exactly do you get the "insert corect cd, press ok and restart application" message?

jex666 (2009-06-24)

When i try to play the game the "insert corect cd, press ok and restart application" message appear. Sorry for the late reply. Im so busy. I think I really need a crack. I already mounted all the disc, still "insert corect cd, press ok and restart application" I really dont think that somethings wrong with POWER ISO but I think Im gonna try using alcohol or Daemon tools

newguy69 (2009-06-25)

@ jexx666
Ok, i think i know what the problem is. you are NOT mounting it. when i dont mount it, i get exactly the same message. Go ahead and try alcohol 120%, it might be easier to use. Remember after you install it, you allways need to mount the first sims image file called 'sims2_1' to play it. Also with alcohol, unless you un-mount it, it should allways stay mounted.
Hope this finally sorts it out ;)

richym1986 (2009-06-29)

im sort of new to all this but can i use power iso to mount the cds for this game?

richym1986 (2009-06-29)

i hav deamon tools lite and power iso on my laptop, which would be best to use to mount this game?

newguy69 (2009-07-02)

it dosent matter, as long as it works. Read through the previous posts if you are stuck.

poopmaster0008 (2009-07-24)

how do you download it

homeboyblack (2009-08-06)

hey there is a code that comes up it asks me for the regestration code wat did yall put

homeboyblack (2009-08-06)

@ every1
wats the registration its asking for a code

TiFFerzZehNiNjA (2009-11-14)

no lag or anything like the place doesnt look weird? can cheats be used?

ricke95 (2009-11-18)

hur får man bort felet "stoppa i rätt cd-skiva, välj OK och starta om programmet, vill verkligen att detta ska funka, men tack för up

wildcat_2716 (2009-11-22)

Great Torrent! Thanks for seeding everyone it was a quick download

sammiscreamhorror (2009-11-30)

Hey anyoneeee,
I clicked OFF the Readme (Manual)
And Now I dont have the key. someone
give it to me please?

vAG001111 (2009-12-03)

downloading at 663kB/s avg.
peaking around 900kB/s

joey32411 (2009-12-07)

Please seed! I've lost all my data(and I do mean EVERYTHING) since my hard drive crashed. :( I did pay for this game the first time around, btw.

istillgottalove (2009-12-21)

ugh ... 0.0 % is like 5 minutes ?? whyyy ?

apos115 (2009-12-24)

jex666 is talking about the crack newguy69, not about mounting the image. Its been repeated many times on the comments that the crack is on the first page of the sims 2 manual.
However after ive installed it perfectly, when i try to play it, it says: "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application". So i mounted the first CD: sims2_1 and i still get the error! Any1 know how to fix this? ive tried mounting all 4 files and it still doesn't work. >=(

apos115 (2009-12-24)

i tried mounting disc 1 (first file) with daemon tools this time, instead of power iso, and it finally worked! Thx alot tannie!

Failseeders (2009-12-26)

People PLEASE seed. The people that upload these .torrent files do NOT need to, but they do to help people like us that cannot go out and buy the things we're downloading ourselves.
In return to their kind patronage, and for the sake of our downloads to download at a fast speed; SEED!

bluemaster03 (2009-12-26)

This Torrent ROCKS! works perfect! EXCELLENT! all you need to do is to mount first the first image file using Alcohol 120% "sims2_1" then when it ask the disk number 2 you need to mount the "sims2_2", then "sims2_3" & the last is "sims2_4. Sorry for my bad english. ;b hope i help a LOT! Cheers for that! Ü

marcin1009 (2009-12-27)

do u need any crack or summet like that

marcin1009 (2009-12-27)

this is multilanggggg etp

bluemaster03 (2009-12-28)

@marcin1009 There is no crack, just mount the first sims image file, using alcohol 120% and install. After that, you will be prompted to "insert the next CD" so just mount the next image file. simple as that! :O

11western (2009-12-29)

had no problem with this, looks like it's working fine.
thx uploader

JigabooJones (2009-12-30)

@ everyone needing a crack for CD key
the code is on the back page of the manual, which is included in the torrent. :D

petey290 (2010-01-01)

ok I need help I have the sims 2 torrent downloaded need help on the use of the daemon tools like how i mount the sims 2 disc and etc i don't understand any of it so could someone please explain or email me at [email protected] and tell me and I love this site btw

colby1212 (2010-01-05)

Just keep it downloading over night guys,,I know it takes a while without ALOT of seeds,,But by the time you wake up it will be done (:.

Coentje80 (2010-01-07)

guys, i downd this on utorrent and when i click open containing folder it has no appliction file in it with al the oher games i downd it does. and do i need empty discs to play the game??? and i look at some comments and thy say mount with alcohol or power iso but can u use win rar??? couse it says compress to sims_1 IMG and i click it. am i doing it right??

skadeskutt (2010-01-07)

cant open it. when i was done mounting, i tried to open the game but it just says that the program crashed and will be closed. whats wrong?

goober4life (2010-01-20)

just wondering for someone not that great with computers is this easy to install?

goober4life (2010-01-25)

Worls great I can save game and all. Just have to mount it everytime to play it. The serial I got it to install on is as follows:

Just in case anyone was wondering.

goober4life (2010-01-25)


goober4life (2010-01-25)

*works* Is what I meant to type

2sweet4ya (2010-02-06)

please seed :)

grandfinale25 (2010-02-07)

what is 120% alcohol

grandfinale25 (2010-02-07)

will it work if i use daemon tools

kongbook10 (2010-02-08)


rastagouy (2010-02-09)

where's the searial number? i think one of the files is corrupted, so if someone can just tell it to me, it would be great!

kongbook10 (2010-02-10)

fuck you all offfff

Sofie90dk (2010-02-13)

Virker perfekt indtil videre. Har bygget en familie og et hus, som er gemt på min computer. TAK!
Works fine so far. I've build a family and a house, which is saved on my computer. Thanks!

Lord_Seele (2010-02-18)

Have installed on two computers thus far and on both computers after downloading a nocd from to run from virtual disk have been unable to build new houses. Can buy furniture and create familyies but can presently not build new houses. Please if anyone knows how to fix this and can respond in english please email your tip or trick to [email protected] thank you.

smithandpitman (2010-04-04)


TH3-H00K (2010-05-01)

Intalled it with Deamon 4.10 working
no need for crack mount the first disk and playing
Thanks Taanie.

lurifaxen_ (2010-05-04)

Jag har laddat hem och installerat programmet i Deamon Tools. Allt fungerade utmärkt fram till dess att jag skulle starta...
jag får felmeddelandet "stoppa i rätt cd-skiva, välj ok och starta om programmet".
Hur löser man detta?
I have downloaded and installed the program with Deamon Tools. Everything worked great until I could start the game...
I get the error "stop in the right CD-ROM, select OK and restart the program".
How do I solve this?

MenOrNicer (2010-05-20)

It wont work ,its crap

19jimbo88 (2010-05-26)

1. Mount desk 1 using Power ISO (or Daemon Tools)
2. Use serial from the file "Manuel Sims 2" its a pdf file
3. Change disks when it tells you
4. Get the no cd crack from here

5. Copy and paste the "Sim2" exe file to C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSBin or where ever you installed the game to and agree to replace the file
6. Double click the exe or the desktop short cut

youcallthatawezome (2010-05-29)

nOT WORKING ;( Installs properly. but after installation and you try to run the Program, Nothing happens.

19jimbo88 (2010-06-01)

you need the no cd crack and disc 1 mounted to ur image drive (or burned on a dvd and in the dvd drive)

angelfayce (2010-06-23)


paraskevas1996 (2010-06-27)


Vicccy (2010-07-06)

Does the building mode work?

Vicccy (2010-07-06)

Nevermind my last comment.
I downloaded this torrent and installed it without any problems. The building mode works also unlike other torrents. Thank you so much Taanie for this wonderful the sims 2 torrent without crack.
It was so easy, all you had to do was mount the images and voila! :D xoxo

bjaern_89 (2010-07-08)



You need to mount the 1'st image and run the game as ADMINISTRATOR for start properly!

leviminator94 (2010-07-10)

wooooooow 40 seeder 300 kb/s great seed n

Oakland95 (2010-07-14)

HELP! Nothing\'s happening when I\'m clicking the Manuel Sims 2 PDF. There\'s only a box popping up saying \"The previously selected language could not be loaded because it is out of date\" ! What am I supposed to do? To say it short, NOTHING\'S WORKING! -.-

Naethyn (2010-07-31)

I haven't begun to install the torrent yet. But my Download speed was 1.7 MB/s and I am uploading it at 657 kb/s so....Ill be seeding till I am done installing and testing it out

Naethyn (2010-07-31)

Okay. Installation for what I did goes as follows: FOR WINDOWS 7 USERS (windows vista may work the same way)
Install Torrent (I used uTorrent) depending on your ISP this is will take anywhere from 30 mins to a few hours... (I reached 1.7 MB/s Download Rate)
Then you want to use any ISO Mounting tool to mount disk 1 which is a CUE file. when the popup that says run setup.exe, cancel out and go to My Computer and open up the mounted drive and right click on setup.exe and run as administrator.
The serial number is in the folder that all the disk images are in. Its called Manuel Sims 2. Input the serial as follows.
Mount the following disks 2 3 and 4 when prompted.
After setup is finish. DO NOT LAUNCH SIMS 2
Go and Mount Disk 1 again and do not run the set up and then run Sims 2.
Answer any pop up becasue other computers may vary.

krymzon01 (2010-08-03)

is this torrent works? i really need the original file for the sims 2 so i can play with the nightlife. il try it later. i hope it works

krymzon01 (2010-08-04)

"please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart the program" what should i do?

krymzon01 (2010-08-04)

ah nevermind, i just figured out. great download. 100% works. thanks Taanie :)

krymzon01 (2010-08-10)

i figured something :D
here's the serial i use, im using winXP.
then after uve done installing..
mount the disc 1. then u can play sims 2 :D
dont use the NO-CD thing..

hannakh (2010-08-11)

hejsan när jag startar the sims så säger det att jag ska sätta i rätt skiva :O någon som kan berätta tydligt hur man gör? jag är ganska ny med detta :)
hello wen im trying to start the sims 2 it says that i need to put in the right cd for the game how do i solve this? i need a easy explenation beacuse im kind of new with this :) please help :)

Hammicman (2010-09-13)

Does the build mode work for it in the game or no ?

ronaron (2010-11-01)

Is this compatible with other expansions?

KATUSHKA1991 (2011-01-09)

What should I do? percent in the first I have a bug with file loading Sims08.patskage. please help

Kasha302 (2011-01-31)

Didn't work for me. I'm on vista. Did what Naethyn said and everything but when I tried to run Sims 2 (as admin and with image 1 mounted) it crashes before anything even happens. Keeps saying "The Sims 2 has stopped working" Even tried it on both Power Iso and Daemon Tools lite...

MistrT (2011-04-12)

Downloading !

indonesalman (2011-04-23)

i finished the download overnight. but i don't know how to install this! i have magiciso and daemon tools. but i can't open install files! PLEASE HELP!

indonesalman (2011-04-23)


The404Lil (2011-05-24)

I have install game, Why I can't play game now?

flarnot (2011-05-25)

is this the 18+ one or the 12+ one

dannyboom (2011-06-01)

Is English language available?

FZiJB (2011-06-05)

Just a little note for anyone having a similar problem to what I was having. If you have CloneCD installed and running The Sims 2 leads to an error message about CD/DVD emulation software being detected, here is what to do:
1. Run CloneCDTray.exe,
2. Right click CloneCD Tray icon in system tray,
3. Check/tick the "Hide CDR Media" option.
You should now be able to use CD/DVD emulation software to mount CD1 and play The Sims 2 without problem. I use Virtual CloneDrive v5.4.5.0 with success.

DW1994 (2011-07-02)

Does this actually workk??

oneawesome (2011-08-01)

is this in english ese'?

Durantula (2011-08-08)


PandaKiim (2011-08-15)

Works great,
so this is how i'm doing it, i use windows xp, i downloaded ' DAEMON tools Lite ' i put the images inside, then i close it, right click on the shortcut icon where your time is standing in the cornor, then i click 'image catalogus' sims_1ccd and it starts installing, when he asks cd 2 you just go again to image catalogus and click cd 2, then it starts mounting and you can click ok .. now i'm waiting if i can play it, but i have a cd from sims 2 pets, maybe i can play it like that ^^ PandaKiim.

jkki11er (2011-08-19)

Very good torrent.

jkki11er (2011-08-19)

I'm having a problem i can enter the game all i get is the program had known capability issues.Can someone please tell me why I'm getting this ?

Persona_Alio (2011-08-20)

Installs fine, just load up the first cue file in Daemon Tools and load the rest as it installs. Plays fine on Windows 7 x64 despite the Program Compatibility Assistant giving you a warning (and trying to give you a dead link to update on EA games), and game is in English.

bomber9299 (2011-08-27)

Need help before i flip out and go on a ment!
I've installed it fine, all installed properly, mounted all disks using powerISO. Then unmounted all drives - remounted Sims2_1 and everytime i click to run it it keeps asking me to insert a cd even tho the image is mounted properly?

StankyLefthand (2011-09-05)

Often times I wonder if the comments section is for anything else besides asking the same questions over, and over and over. Here's a helpful hint from my experience as a n00b: Since downloads like this will take awhile, use that time to BROWSE THE COMMENTS SECTION. Perhaps you will find a solution to a problem you may encounter, yeah? If you come across a problem where there is no solution for it in the comments, THEN post your problem and ask for a solution. Or, in modern day Earth, we have this thing called "a search engine". I only use Google, but I know there's more like Yahoo, Bing and, Lycos still around? I know for a fact Google multilingual. If you don't speak English and have no idea what I'm saying WELLLLLLLLLLLL Google has a translator! WEEEEEEEEEEE!

Arvind007 (2011-09-19)

where is the crack???

xJDxMUSHx (2011-09-20)

Downloading now its going fast just hope it works

xxheatherunnie (2011-12-13)

When I try to download any of the extensions, it says so insert Disc 4 of the Sims and I do, and then it says an error has occurred and uninstalls the extension. What do I do to prevent this from happening?

biotheimpaler (2011-12-14)

Whenever i scroll on the town map it freezes.. any ideas? im using windows 7 if that helps

biotheimpaler (2011-12-14)

oh and i used to have the store copy but i lost it and it ran fine but ive reset my hard drive would that have messed up my graphics?

jgy_negocios (2012-01-04)

works 100%...use daemon tools to install all 4 cds and next e use the first cd to play

flamango (2012-01-28)

PLEASE HELP! I managed to install everything perfectly but i'm having compatibility issues. I have Windows Vista and I know i'm suppose to run the game as an admin but I don't know how??? I'm currently on an admin account so idk.
I should also let you know that i'm running the game on Daemon Tools Lite. Any help is much appreciated.

rezabrando (2012-02-08)

Don't use the crack inside. It has a bug in it. Put CD #1 in your virtual drive and run the game in order to play it.

o0dan0o (2012-02-12)

doesn't work on win7 64-bit. i already installed it, mount the first image and run the game through desktop and it still pops up the correct cd-rom thing.. any suggestion?

o0dan0o (2012-02-12)

doesn't work on win7 64-bit. i already installed it, mount the first image and run the game through desktop and it still pops up the correct cd-rom thing.. any suggestion

Myst420 (2012-03-13)

when i try to start up the game after install i get a box with no writing and a red X. anyone know why? ive played this game before on this pc

Myst420 (2012-03-14)

ok when i use the no cd the game runs but i cant build anything but if i dont use the nocd the game wont even work now? and yes i am mounting the first disk. please help

Marick58 (2012-03-28)

WTF did i just downloaded? I can't build anything, change stuff on the house...

iruleall15 (2012-04-10)

This doesnt work. I have downloaded dozens on games and this is the first time I cant figure one out. Something about this is messed up. DONT USE THIS TORRENT!!

BadJuceBx (2012-04-19)

So i installed it correctly. So I mount it and when I try to play it, it says "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application."
Do I need to burn it to a CD and run it that way?

Gieoh (2012-04-26)

1) Acquire DAEMON Tools.
2) Add or Drag and drop Sims 2 folder into DAEMON Tools.
3) Mount 'Sims2_1'.
4) It begins installing, It then asks for disk 2.
5) Ignore 'Sims2_1(2)' and mount 'Sims2_2'.
6) Click 'OK' to continue downloading.
7) Do this with the other Images/files.
Hope this helped, enjoy the game.

caymiamh007 (2012-05-21)

this torrent is great

arhips (2012-06-05)

it requires key, i used this:

Travelmater (2012-06-25)

Okay this torrent is not good .. At the beginning, which works SUPER! but if you have saved the game and your computer have been closed and the next day sims 2 does not want to play. There is then an unspecified error .. So if you want to play sims2 for 1 hour .. I will take this as roof racks you always want to play sims 2 I will take this Absolutely not, unless of course to me is someone else also? and if it were up to me how can I fix it?

MasterOfNotAlot (2012-08-08)

Torrent downloaded and installed fine. Obviously mount in order:
Sims2_1 > Sims2_2 > Sims2_3 > Sims2_4.
Upon completion of installation, prior to running the game, go back and re-mount Sims2_1. Also be sure you are mounting each image to the same drive.
Also, by downloading the previously posted NoCD Hack and mounting the first image, load times are cut down severely.
However, upon loading in to the game and in to the neighborhood, the game and audio freezes for several seconds then resumes, only to freeze again several seconds later. I've tested my computer and it is well above the recommended requirements, and I am running on XP.
Even turning down the graphics to their lowest settings results in the same thing.
When loading in to a house, the game is unplayable. It freezes so much I have to do a hard reset.
Any help here would be nice. I've tried everything I can think of.

carolineljc (2012-08-17)


Splinter7 (2012-08-23)

For all the people who clearly can't read or write in English properly. Slowly, but surely listen to the given instructions and carry out the actions accordingly. Stop complaining about perfectly regular torrents that have nothing wrong with them. The up-loader is "trusted", and is so for a fucking reason!

thiagguim (2012-09-08)

Use the program Virtual Clone Drive 5.4 , mount the image "sims2_1" and play.
For Win 7 click the file properties / compatibility and select "windows xp sp3"

Deanospield123 (2012-10-16)

good torrent, except build mode does not work, running on windows 7, does anybody know how to fix the build mode problem?

ArcticWFox (2013-02-23)

Okay kids; after installation of this, has anyone run an antivirus program on the game's folder? I found a program installed there called UNINSTLL.EXE - which shows up as a "Trojan.Bho-5926" virus on my systems when scanned with ClamAV antivirus program (version 0.97.6).
Anyone else see this?

ArcticWFox (2013-02-23)

For those of you having problems running this game, have you tried to uninstall it using UNINSTLL.EXE?

o5b0rn3b (2013-07-07)

to anyone who has compatibility problems or the little box with the x. the cracks bad. find a new one or just mount disk 1.

treelamphug (2013-07-29)

The program is not compatible with Windows 8.

KVelevere (2013-09-15)

If anybody is having trouble with the machine and running a x64 OS (either Vista or 7), the game will not work. I've read that if you install a DVD copy of the game, it works just fine after you apply the EXE crack.

kronos88 (2013-10-01)

General Info:
Most if not all cracked games are known as false positives, meaning anti-virus programs will detect them as viruses. In order for a game to be 'cracked' it has to be modified; this modification is detected as an infected file. While you shouldn't download everything without checking, this particular torrent is clean of any REAL issues.
1) Mount the first .CCD file (2_1) and run the setup. The key is found in the .nfo file (open it in notepad) For ease of installation, don't change the default directory.
2) When the game asks for the next disk REPLACE the 2_1 file with 2_2. Don't fill four virtual drives with each image like some sort of queue, you must utilize ONE drive and replace each when asked.
3) Repeat until installation completes. Do not run the game, just quit
4) Remount the first file, 2_1
5) Launch the game
This game needs that file mounted in order to run properly. If you were confused on terms like 'mounting' and '.CCD', do some research before asking on here.
As a side note, it runs just fine on my Win7 x64 Ultimate rig (I ignored the compatibility warning). Also, the settings will only show 800x600 for a possible resolution, you'll have to modify the config file in order to use anything higher.
Use this link:

Aeon_Blaque (2013-11-24)

Ok, I don't get it, I have installed the game correctly, and before lunching it, i have remounted CD1 .. but it is still asking for the right CD. What to do????

kristian122 (2014-03-14)


Stabalce (2014-05-02)

For anyone wondering why they can't build, it's because of the crack. I completely forgot about this over the years, oh the nostalgia.
Proper crack for Sims 2 was never made. However, if you get an expansion pack, you'll be able to build. Of course, you need to crack the expansion pack with the appropriate crack. I don't remember if Sims 2 base game needs to be cracked in that case, probably not. From what I remember, you only need to crack the latest expansion pack you have installed (latest in terms of when it came out, not the order of installation).


1. The Sims 2/Manuel Sims 2.pdf 16.52 Mb
2. The Sims 2/Sims 2 Carte de r�f�rence.pdf 593.13 Kb
3. The Sims 2/Sims 2 Cover.jpg 808.35 Kb
4. The Sims 2/sims2.NFO 3.97 Kb
5. The Sims 2/sims2_1.CCD 771 bytes
6. The Sims 2/sims2_1.cue 71 bytes
7. The Sims 2/sims2_1.img 747.35 Mb
8. The Sims 2/sims2_1.sub 30.50 Mb
9. The Sims 2/sims2_2.CCD 771 bytes
10. The Sims 2/sims2_2.cue 71 bytes
11. The Sims 2/sims2_2.img 746.96 Mb
12. The Sims 2/sims2_2.sub 30.49 Mb
13. The Sims 2/sims2_3.CCD 771 bytes
14. The Sims 2/sims2_3.cue 71 bytes
15. The Sims 2/sims2_3.img 746.96 Mb
16. The Sims 2/sims2_3.sub 30.49 Mb
17. The Sims 2/sims2_4.CCD 772 bytes
18. The Sims 2/sims2_4.cue 71 bytes
19. The Sims 2/sims2_4.img 550.94 Mb
20. The Sims 2/sims2_4.sub 22.49 Mb