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Red Dwarf seasons 1 to 8 [DivX] [576x432] [DVD rip]
Video TV
Red Dwarf seasons 1 to 8 [DivX] [576x432] [DVD rip]
Video/TV shows
2008-06-06 (by circlensess)
If you have sound issues with DirectShow filters use VLC.
Its the original BBC version.
Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf - s01e01 - The End.avi (286.47 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s01e02 - Future Echoes.avi (275.86 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s01e03 - Balance of Power.avi (284.79 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s01e04 - Waiting for God.avi (272.32 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s01e05 - Confidence & Paranoia.avi (283.03 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s01e06 - Me2.avi (281.09 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e01 - Kryten.avi (269.83 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e02 - Better than Life.avi (281.61 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e03 - Thanks for the Memory.avi (271.16 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e04 - Stasis Leak.avi (284.88 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e05 - Queeg.avi (282.98 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s02e06 - Parallel Universe.avi (270.92 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e01 - Backwards.avi (260.92 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e02 - Marooned.avi (275.74 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e03 - Polymorph.avi (253.31 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e04 - Body Swap.avi (255.31 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e05 - Timeslides.avi (264.47 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s03e06 - The Last Day.avi (260.92 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e01 - Camille.avi (255.19 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e02 - DNA.avi (265.65 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e03 - Justice.avi (269.79 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e04 - White Hole.avi (262.62 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e05 - Dimension Jump.avi (273.92 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s04e06 - Meltdown.avi (252.1 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e01 - Holoship.avi (266.46 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e02 - The Inquisitor.avi (269.77 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e03 - Terrorform.avi (259.58 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e04 - Quarantine.avi (270.84 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e05 - Demons and Angels.avi (257.01 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s05e06 - Back to Reality.avi (261.31 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e01 - Psirens.avi (277 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e02 - Legion.avi (271.45 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e03 - Gunmen of the Apocalypse.avi (275.72 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e04 - Polymorph II.avi (271.09 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e05 - Rimmerworld.avi (272.25 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s06e06 - Out of Time.avi (273.14 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e01 - Tikka to Ride.avi (272.04 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e02 - Stoke Me a Clipper.avi (277.96 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e03 - Ouroboros.avi (280.52 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e04 - Duct Soup.avi (278.9 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e05 - Blue.avi (259.32 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e06 - Beyond a Joke.avi (273.65 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e07 - Epideme.avi (274.98 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s07e08 - Nanarchy.avi (274.07 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e01 - Back in the Red 1.avi (269.98 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e02 - Back in the Red 2.avi (268.2 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e03 - Back in the Red 3.avi (270.91 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e04 - Cassandra.avi (274.31 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e05 - Krytie TV.avi (277.62 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e06 - Pete 1.avi (267.42 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e07 - Pete 2.avi (258.03 megabyte)
Red Dwarf - s08e08 - Only the Good.avi (285.36 megabyte)
Files count:
14083.78 Mb
thomo69 (2008-06-08)
cheerslaplatypus (2008-06-15)
oh my doom! You are a genius. Thank you so much!!![B_thura] (2008-06-28)
Smeggin fantastic!2bcgeek (2008-06-28)
please seed this... at this rate it will take a year to download.2bcgeek (2008-06-30)
196 leechers; please for the love of red dwarf seed!tamp (2008-07-15)
Cheers :-)TranceMan007 (2008-08-01)
Where are all the seeds? I've been stuck at 96% for days!?!Phloss (2008-08-17)
need more seeds!Galtar0420 (2008-09-04)
Circlensessyou rock!
MaxPeck (2008-09-15)
Password!?RufusThorne (2008-09-17)
I just stumbled across this completely by accident. Absolute class! thank you!Downloading at 2 meg, then will seed at 2 meg at least until my electric meter runs out.
SpunkJiVE (2008-10-01)
Bl**dy Hell.....many thanks.richieG (2008-10-02)
Got 8 meg upload reserved for this bad boy, once downloaded I'll seed until about 10:1 ratiorichieG (2008-10-02)
PS don't be tight with the upload people, this one's big and it's friggin important!richieG (2008-10-02)
PPS thanks very much!c0pypaste (2008-11-11)
This is smegging great!jonxjquee (2008-11-12)
this torrent[url][/url]
has bonus features as well
rsnekr (2008-11-16)
:Dbilogicsmeg (2008-11-18)
is it possible to get this series on swedish subtittlesparhawke (2008-11-21)
It is the original version, it is fantastic, will seed for ages!I find it really speeds things up if you select high priority on each episode, one series at a time.
72% and counting!
Thank you!
Orasai (2008-12-14)
is this the claymation or digital remastered version, i know it says full/complete/original but i want to know, ill download it anyway. but the digital remaster is sacrilege in my opinion.CaptainKryd (2008-12-18)
Thanks. Great show...pdoodle (2008-12-23)
Is there anywhere that I can get series eight on its own?Luoma (2008-12-25)
pdoodle; download the torrent then choose to onlydownload series 8 in your torrent app.
qawze (2009-01-02)
These are the original versions, meaning model shots NOT crappy CGI remastery.Need more seeds!
pumba-kung (2009-01-22)
just what i was in the mood forthx circle :D
griggsden (2009-01-23)
Thanks for all the series. But do you happen to have just the tongue tied video?23h (2009-01-23)
Been DL'ing since 16/1 (now 23/1) and only have 3.37GB but have already UL'd 3.75. Gonna have a good ratio on this one by the time I finally get it. Looking forward to it anywayperson979 (2009-01-31)
Please help. I downloaded this entirely, each episode says it's the right size (286mb, or whatever) but each episode only plays for 7 seconds. I've put all the files into toast, hoping it was a quicktime issue and all 8 seasons come to 5 min 13 seconds! Do I need to decode it somehow, or are my files just fucked?0Marxism (2009-02-14)
now bring forth the new episode from season 9!0Marxism (2009-02-14)
hopefully none of these are horrid VHS copies..........
0Marxism (2009-02-14)
if you have codec issues on Windoze: (fuck klite)VLC is a little lame. use mplayer. it, too, is multiplatform
0Marxism (2009-02-14)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^RGS42 (2009-04-12)
whats going 181 seeders and none connected is somebody going to seed this or what!!ajhp (2009-04-16)
i love you for this, my favorite show, will seed long time!topdogdk (2009-04-16)
Why des this torrent download as Hells Kitchen????????????????????????topdogdk (2009-04-16)
Sorry, something went wrong in my Firefox.highlanddj (2009-05-13)
THIS IS A JOKE!3 weeks and I have 8% - All take and no give!
Seed dam it! Also, give us some bandwith instead of this bloody dribble.
darthnade (2009-05-31)
I'm torn, while this is a complete collection, the quality of the movies is...blah at best. These are also not DVD rips at all (even though files are claimed to be), not 1 video in this collection is.The vids are from TV and are edited and scenes are cut out of them entirely. I will release seasons 3 and 4 as I actually own the DVD versions of both. I'm in the process of encoding them so they can be truly enjoyed as DVD rips.
I give this torrent a 2.5/5.0. Happy it's here, but sucks it isn't correct.
darthnade (2009-05-31)
And you greedy pricks that hit and run, you suck. I was downloading this at 40KBps and uploading at 1200KBps. After I hit 5:1 over the complete torrent with only 1/3 completed, I shut my bandwidth down on this torrent. I may re-up eventually, but 65+ GB of upload is a bit much for a while.HawkElite (2009-06-25)
thxkennyboy45 (2009-11-13)
can you tell me when i try to durn on a disc r- x16 it doesnt work but it works on a x8 or x 4 disc?r3tr0 (2010-04-08)
I am relatively new to the torrent scene and was just trying to come up with a list of things to look for and this popped into my head as in Alabama the only place it used to come on was LATE at night on PBS. I had to go change my shorts after finding this. Maybe someone has "Are you being served?" Cheers bud!krispin (2010-06-29)
really don't understand it. downloading daily about 100MB, but uploading daily about 5GB. how is this possible? within about three weeks i have upped already about 50GB of this and still have not downloaded even 20%. what a shit!wardouk (2011-01-28)
Thank you! Good quality. Love this show!!alaea812 (2011-03-16)
I'm at 99.2%. 4 episodes in season 6 almost done, and no one's transferring. Please seed!Znibro (2011-06-01)
THANKS!ingles666 (2011-06-04)
Fantastic! Thank you!Hallowlibra (2011-10-08)
SEEEEEED FUCKERS!womoma (2011-10-17)
I will seed this mother fucker for a couple of months. People need to stop hit-n-running on this mother fucking website. FEEL ME? ... YEAHHHHHMarcMrNice (2011-10-19)
Thank you kind sir!chilloutdude (2011-12-16)
Thanks , i would like to put this on1337x too , so i hope you dont mind :) i wont change any descriptions or tagsKOBKED-X (2012-02-28)
Thank you kind fellow Pirate !!! I will seed as long as I cAN AFTER :) BUT i NEED To get more HD space first lol...and a Notew to TPB admins...[sar] Thanx for all the extra pop up ads, boy do I feel like playin online scam poker now..NOT.. I am soon switching from TPB to another site that has no evil spam ads... and it saddens me to no end, the once great site TPB lowered to the same place as why we made TPB so huge.. I guess its a cash in whilst ya can..still, its sad to see....
darthjon (2012-06-09)
I will seed for 1 year if people seed now pleaseKenvarus (2012-07-26)
I cant seed right now sadly, but as soon as i can i will! this is a great download thanks.Gila_82_ (2013-10-14)
Cant Wait to watch....... Thanks for SeedingFiles:
1. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e01 - The End.avi 286.47 Mb
2. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e02 - Future Echoes.avi 275.86 Mb
3. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e03 - Balance of Power.avi 284.79 Mb
4. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e04 - Waiting for God.avi 272.32 Mb
5. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e05 - Confidence & Paranoia.avi 283.03 Mb
6. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s01e06 - Me2.avi 281.09 Mb
7. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e01 - Kryten.avi 269.83 Mb
8. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e02 - Better than Life.avi 281.61 Mb
9. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e03 - Thanks for the Memory.avi 271.16 Mb
10. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e04 - Stasis Leak.avi 284.88 Mb
11. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e05 - Queeg.avi 282.98 Mb
12. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s02e06 - Parallel Universe.avi 270.92 Mb
13. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e01 - Backwards.avi 260.92 Mb
14. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e02 - Marooned.avi 275.74 Mb
15. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e03 - Polymorph.avi 253.31 Mb
16. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e04 - Body Swap.avi 255.31 Mb
17. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e05 - Timeslides.avi 264.47 Mb
18. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s03e06 - The Last Day.avi 260.92 Mb
19. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e01 - Camille.avi 255.19 Mb
20. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e02 - DNA.avi 265.65 Mb
21. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e03 - Justice.avi 269.79 Mb
22. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e04 - White Hole.avi 262.62 Mb
23. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e05 - Dimension Jump.avi 273.92 Mb
24. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s04e06 - Meltdown.avi 252.10 Mb
25. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e01 - Holoship.avi 266.46 Mb
26. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e02 - The Inquisitor.avi 269.77 Mb
27. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e03 - Terrorform.avi 259.58 Mb
28. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e04 - Quarantine.avi 270.84 Mb
29. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e05 - Demons and Angels.avi 257.01 Mb
30. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s05e06 - Back to Reality.avi 261.31 Mb
31. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e01 - Psirens.avi 277.00 Mb
32. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e02 - Legion.avi 271.45 Mb
33. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e03 - Gunmen of the Apocalypse.avi 275.72 Mb
34. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e04 - Polymorph II.avi 271.09 Mb
35. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e05 - Rimmerworld.avi 272.25 Mb
36. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s06e06 - Out of Time.avi 273.14 Mb
37. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e01 - Tikka to Ride.avi 272.04 Mb
38. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e02 - Stoke Me a Clipper.avi 277.96 Mb
39. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e03 - Ouroboros.avi 280.52 Mb
40. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e04 - Duct Soup.avi 278.90 Mb
41. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e05 - Blue.avi 259.32 Mb
42. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e06 - Beyond a Joke.avi 273.65 Mb
43. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e07 - Epideme.avi 274.98 Mb
44. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s07e08 - Nanarchy.avi 274.07 Mb
45. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e01 - Back in the Red 1.avi 269.98 Mb
46. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e02 - Back in the Red 2.avi 268.20 Mb
47. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e03 - Back in the Red 3.avi 270.91 Mb
48. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e04 - Cassandra.avi 274.31 Mb
49. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e05 - Krytie TV.avi 277.62 Mb
50. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e06 - Pete 1.avi 267.42 Mb
51. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e07 - Pete 2.avi 258.03 Mb
52. Red Dwarf/Red Dwarf - s08e08 - Only the Good.avi 285.36 Mb