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Cebas ThinkingParticles 3.0 SP2 - 3Ds Max 2011 x32 x64
Software PC
Cebas ThinkingParticles 3.0 SP2 - 3Ds Max 2011 x32 x64
2010-06-28 (by DeGun)
ThinkingParticlesâ„¢ 3.0 is the ultimate rule based particle system for 3ds Max 2008-2011 and 3ds Max Design 2009-2011, offering unparalleled power to the user.
thinkingParticlesâ„¢ 3.0 is a completely new class of rule-based particle systems for 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design.
When this type of particle system is compared to an event-based particle system, (which works on triggers and time dependent events) you’ll find many unique advantages within TP3’s rule-based logic, which is free from normal time-based constraints and instead, applies simple behaviors.
These behaviors govern all aspects of a particle’s motion, life, death, and collisions in a true non-linear fashion. We trust, that you will find, by using thinkingParticles 3.0, that you will be able to create all the incredible effects that you have always wanted to create, but until now, have not been able to, due to very limited existing technologies.
The real power of thinkingParticlesâ„¢ 3.0 comes from its unlimited combination of conditions and operators that define the behavior of each single particle in a particle system. Like C++, thinkingParticles opens up an unlimited world for a software developer. thinkingParticlesâ„¢ offers the same unlimited power to the 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design artist.
What’s the real deal with thinkingParticles 3.0?
ThinkingParticles 3.0 offers its particle system functionality through a kind of programming approach.
However, unlike programming, you won’t have to write a single line of code!
A powerful visual "Wire Setup Interface†enables any 3ds Max artist to define the rules and conditions that control the particle behavior. Because it is a "program†that controls the particles and the behavior, you will find that there is no limit to what you can do! Nearly every particle effect can be created or controlled through a set of operators and conditions.
1. Instal IP-clamp 1.2, *DO NOT REBOOT* and *DO NOT EXECUTE IT*!
2. Fire our keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir.
(only the public crypto key will be patched)
3. Now you can reboot and make sure ipclamp service is running.
4. Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply.
4. Create a request file using your personnal informations
and a licence code generated by our keygen.
5. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir (otherwise you won't
be able to import the it).
6. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.
7. Install every Cebas plug-ins you need.
Enjoy it!
Files count:
45.80 Mb
DeGun (2010-10-04)
Hi there , error on what ? while you execute crack ? if so just ADD IT to EXCEPTIONS MIST of your AntiVirus then try again .Let me know i ll help with new keygen or app.
thx for comments
ThE_DoOmSdAyEr (2010-10-09)
For those who *WILL* get stuck on step 2, the following procedure was accomplished while using Windows XP SP3 32-bit for 3DS Max 2011. It *SHOULD* work for other systems as well...1. Uninstall IPClamp by double-clicking the installer and clicking "Remove".
2. Make a directory in your programs folder called "cebas" and create a folder in there called "ip-clamp".
3. Install 7-Zip
4. Right-click "IP-clamp1.2" and go to "7-Zip > Open archive"
5. Extract the contents into the folder you created called "ip-clamp".
6. Rename "IPClamp.exe" to "IP-Clamp.exe"
7. Rename "ipclamp.exe1" to "ipclamp.exe"
8. Follow the X-Force instructions from step 2.
ThE_DoOmSdAyEr (2010-10-09)
***DISREGARD THE LAST POST***Shows what happens when you give steps without trying them yourself!!
1. Install IPClamp.
2. Start Task manager and end the IPClamp process.
3. Go to the directory in your programs folder called "cebas\ip-clamp"
4. Delete all files from the ip-clamp directory.
5. Install 7-Zip
6. Right-click "IP-clamp1.2" and go to "7-Zip > Open archive"
7. Extract the contents into the folder you created called "ip-clamp".
8. Rename "IPClamp.exe" to "IP-Clamp.exe"
9. Rename "ipclamp.exe1" to "ipclamp.exe"
10. Follow the X-Force instructions from step 2.
Now, I havent tried this yet, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Although the 10-step process mentioned is guaranteed to work... Anyways, instead of using 7-Zip and all that other horse shit, just end the process using task manager. Skip step 3 entirely and just double-click "ipclamp.exe" in the cebas directory. Then continue on step 4...
Mr3DSMaxMaster (2010-11-20)
aha I have found out how to write comments at last! OK here is my difficulty with this one, I follow the instructions but when it comes to installing '7-zip' where would I find it, I have looked and looked, please help.Thanks
Clickey0007 (2010-12-01)
I have a problem with cracking,I used the options above but when I click on crack and select the dir, I get an error "Cannot open files! Please close license manager"
but license manager is not running!, I tried uninstalling then "cracking" but still get the same error. any help?
Clickey0007 (2010-12-01)
btw, using windows 7Clickey0007 (2010-12-01)
FINALY INSTALLEDAfter 2 days of searching on google and forums , I found what the problem was.
1. Instal IP-clamp 1.2, *DO NOT REBOOT* and *DO NOT EXECUTE IT*!
2. Fire our keygen, press Crack and pick Cebas/Ip-clamp dir.
(only the public crypto key will be patched)
******* NOTE******* if you get an error saying to stop the service, press alt+ctrl+del and check if ipclamp is actualy running. If yes, then close it and try Cracking again. If you still get the same error, go to C:\Program Files\Cebas\Ip-clamp , left click on IP-Clamp and select Run as Administrator (or else it wont work correctly). When its open, on the lower right of the window theres a button named "Close" - you want to click that. Then go back and run the Keygen as Administrator and crack it.
4. Launch IP-Clamp.exe and choose 'localhost' as primary network adapter, apply.
4. Create a request file using your personnal informations
and a licence code generated by our keygen.
5. Use keygen to generate a valid licence ipclamp.lic from this request.
Save the lic where except in IPClamp's dir (otherwise you won't
be able to import the it).
6. Import your licence in IP-Clamp.
NYTropix22 (2011-03-04)
Could someone PLEEEEASE post clear, plain instuctions on how to install this plugin!!!! The ones here are too confusing to follow, and not precise enough..thank you!NYTropix22 (2011-03-04)
Nevermind, guys..i figured it out!jdbsnipe (2011-03-04)
I'm Stuck on this one, someone please post clear instructions, cant get the crack to work. Really wanna use this pluginphilipxx (2011-05-24)
The reason that you get an error message when click the crack button is because the license manger is running right after it has installed.To fix the problem, simply go to contol panel and start up the Service Manager tool.
Looking for a service called "IP-Clamp Licensing Service by cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc." and stop the service (Right Click and choose STOP).
Continue with step 2 in the given instructions and everything should work - No other changes required!
philipxx (2011-05-24)
The reason that you get an error message when click the crack button is because the license manger is running right after it has installed.To fix the problem, simply go to contol panel and start up the Service Manager tool.
Looking for a service called "IP-Clamp Licensing Service by cebas VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Inc." and stop the service (Right Click and choose STOP).
Continue with step 2 in the given instructions and everything should work - No other changes required!