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Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated April 2011 + SATA Drivers By Maher
Software PC
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated April 2011
2011-04-16 (by Maherz)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated April 2011 + SATA Drivers By Maher
This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO (Volume License) including Microsoft updates til April 2011 + SATA Drivers and Internet Explorer 8.
There's no serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were removed (Internet Explorer 8 added).
- Screenshots:
Files count:
608.00 Mb
cool61 (2011-04-16)
64 eller 32 bitsMaherz (2011-04-16)
@cool61sorry, always forget to mention it :)
It's 32-bit.
Pantonio2 (2011-04-16)
could you release non-sata version of XP next month in addition?primahadi (2011-04-16)
work flawlessthx maherz
Maherz (2011-04-16)
@primahadiYou're welcome.
I stopped releasing none SATA versions since November. This is the last one which does not have SATA:
But why do you need it?
The SATA one works fine on IDE drives!
strangeheavy (2011-04-17)
best xp ever...clean and're the best...thanks
strangeheavy (2011-04-17)
best xp ever...clean and're the best man...thanks
vbuffs (2011-04-17)
maher is great!!! IDOL! this is clean and fastvbuffs (2011-04-17)
nice one maher your the bestnext month i hope 7-zip included only that software
marflo (2011-04-17)
Can be installed on OEM laptop or OEM desktop?Pantonio2 (2011-04-18)
ok. i will try to use this, in case of some problems."But why do you need it?
The SATA one works fine on IDE drives! "
I have Sata PCI card, but when i install driver to it, windows is not start becouse of conflicts with video card driver. I removed Sata card and the driver, but computer sometimes crashes in blue screen.
Maherz (2011-04-18)
@strangeheavyYou're welcome.
You're welcome.
I try to keep it clean, I don't add any extra programs, sorry!
Ofcourse you can.
I see. Anyhow, use it and let me know if it works or not.
Good luck.
Golden-Boy10 (2011-04-18)
hey manthanks alot for uploading and seeding.
actually i'm not sure what SATA means but i think it is the device hard disk and i think mine is IDE.
is it ok to install this version??
if not, can you please provide me with the appropriate version.
thanks again man.
Maherz (2011-04-18)
@Golden-Boy10This version will work fine for you.
Good luck.
lukiecool123 (2011-04-18)
hello i have got windowns 7 currently and how do i get windows xp on this compter any helpdeepsagar (2011-04-19)
@maher- hey... this windows xp is asking for the serial key... what should i do..?? plz help..deepsagar (2011-04-19)
@maherz- hey,this windows xp is asking for the serial key... what should i do..?? plz help...
Golden-Boy10 (2011-04-19)
thanks Maher for the response.i will install it tomorrow.
try this key::
i got it from a topic posted by maher on this link:
hope i helped .
marflo (2011-04-19)
To: MaherThanks I will try it soon on my laptop; I have a hdd for tests.
sebbi1234 (2011-04-19)
The installation from DOS fails with "Cannot copy the file setupORG.exe". :(And I tried to nLite this, but got a lot of missing files, like cmd.exe etc.
xerox20001 (2011-04-19)
is it genuine or not? can it pass wga activation?bbgirl88 (2011-04-19)
Hi Maherz, Thanks for your sharing!Can anyone upload the md5sum for this iso? Torrent download is blocked by my ISP. So I get iso file from my friend's brother. I would like to check if the md5sum is the same or not.
Thank you very very very much. I appreciate if someone can let me know the md5sum of this file. :-)
marflo (2011-04-20)
Tested on my OEM laptop on hdd for testing; all got ok; installed microsoft security essential, no issues.Maherz (2011-04-20)
@lukiecool123Burn the ISO image you downloaded on a CD.
Insert it into your CD/DVD ROM drive, and restart your PC.
Setup will start.
For more help, search Google.
Good luck.
Use this key:
Good luck.
Thank you :)
Happy for you man :)
Try burning the CD again with minimal speed, this will propably help.
Don't nLite it, it wonill make problems.
I'll try next time..
It's genuine, and it passes Windows Validation test.
For more info and screenshots:
I don't understand you!
This is a unique release made by me, you will only find it here.
Let your brother's friend download it and give it to you.
Or do you mean you want to make sure that the file given to you is the same as this one?
bbgirl88 (2011-04-20)
Hi Maherz,Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I meant to check if the file I get is the one you are sharing here. The file that he gave me is with the same filename
But I just want to confirm it is the same file as you are sharing here.I am very sorry that I couldn't download the file here. Anyway, I check the md5sum for the file I got is "5af005780b19d3965059534421f432d7". I am so scared of trojan/malware. :(
raymond10242 (2011-04-20)
Echt een aanrader! (Really worth it is!)Dank je Maher! (thanks Maher)
Ga zo door! (keep on going!)
PS, geen activatie nodig!
PS, Doesn't need activation!
Robo88 (2011-04-20)
installed fine in VirtualBox but FREEZ on real inastallation on PC.... so ... not workingMaherz (2011-04-20)
@bbgirl88You're welcome.
Sorry to tell you, but I think this guy is an evil!
The MD5 checksum is incorrect!!
Here's the right one:
Thank you :)
Funny conclusion :)
It works fine, the problem is with the PC for sure.
glambro1 (2011-04-20)
Are windows update safe?Maherz (2011-04-21)
@glambro1Yes, turn it on without any fears.
glambro1 (2011-04-21)
Thank you Maherz!tunu (2011-04-21)
fouk you man and you windowshei gays dont downlad ,may computer ith crash
tunu (2011-04-21)
MATAtunu (2011-04-21)
MATAtunu (2011-04-21)
Downloaded flawlessly. Easy install on virtual machine. Thanks Maherz.I did try to install on an old computer with a blank hard drive. I got an error:
BOOTMGR missing:
Ctrl+Alt+Del to Restart
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
bjkmemo8 (2011-04-21)
Dear Maherz, Which language does this version supports? Turkish, Dutch and Germany?Greetzz from all of these countries :D
Maherz (2011-04-21)
@glambro1You're welcome.
Try formatting the hard drive first.
You can use hiren's bootcd.
It's English. But it supports any other language you might think of :)
bjkmemo8 (2011-04-22)
Dear Maherz, Thank you very much! I was wondering why you make every month another WINXP upload? What has this version that the version from february doesn't has? But masallah, keep up the good work! I will seed at least to 100 people ;)Maherz (2011-04-22)
@bjkmemo8The difference between every release is the monthly updates from Microsoft.
This is the only difference.
fhaffar (2011-04-23)
Jazak Allah Kheiran Ya Maher Basha, I am FawziMaherz (2011-04-24)
@fhaffarwa iyyaka akhy Fawzi :)
terabithia (2011-04-25)
maherz... u r a life brother came to me because his netbook crashes and ask me to reinstall the OS, i try to install an old xpsp3 the i had but the SATA HD it wasn't recognized, at first i thought it was the HD so i borrow another one and try it but get the same result.... then i did a little search and found your awesome release, i installed it and works perfect with the netbook's 1.6Ghz atom/1GB ram, i also install the spanish MUI with excellent results
now thanks 99.9% to you and 0.01% to me, my nephew can make his homework, with no excuses. u made me a hero.
keep the great work man. thanks again.
greetings from Mexico
PD: excuse my awful english.
cdx873v (2011-04-25)
tunu: get a computer from this century you poor peice of crapMaherz (2011-04-25)
@terabithiaHappy for you man :)
fhaffar (2011-04-25)
@ cdx873v, Why do you bother to reply to these idiots, let them bark till the dogs come home, at least we all know it works and we are happy, ye ?Long Live PB
mattera (2011-04-27)
Hi Maherz!Right now i have Windows XP Professional SP2 on my PC do i have to clear the hdd before i install this update? or can i just install it?
Maherz (2011-04-28)
@matteraIt's better to do a clean install.
Good luck.
xathanael (2011-04-28)
how to fix my problem when the press any key to boot from cd showed up and i press a key its still stuck or should i say freeze how can i fix thisMaherz (2011-04-28)
@xathanaelDon't use a USB keyboard.
Use PS2 one.
Dannieloco (2011-04-29)
Hey Maherz,Thanks for a great upload! just to confirm with tpb community, this torrent is fully functional/bootable iso of windows xp sp3. It installed in no time and works well.
I used Roxio Cd Creator to burn this iso to a cd and tried the original Windows burning software on my roomates windows 7 vaio which also worked fine.
If my requests matter any, maybe you can incorporate some basic features that I believe most windows xp users require..
dx 9
Net Framework 2.0 sp2
Aside from that, this torrent is awesome! great job removing MSN explorer and windows messenger and IE6.
Los Angeles, CA
danuker (2011-04-29)
dannieloco: try ninite.comMaherz (2011-04-30)
@DannielocoYou're welcome.
I always try to keep it simple, everyone installs what he likes ;)
Try the April release :)
chirssayscool (2011-04-30)
i had dl this b4but der was a problem
pci drivers were missing
i am using intel i3
lawrencese (2011-04-30)
Should I disable updates so that I will not run into a Windows is not Genuine error?xathanael (2011-04-30)
@maherz im using a ps2 keyboard not usb... is there any other way to make this work?Dannieloco (2011-05-01)
danuker: ninite doesnt allow you to add/remove apps and then make a bootable windows 7 iso, does it?Maherz (2011-05-01)
@chirssayscoolThis release has the latest drivers, try it.
No, don't disable updates!
Keep them, and you won't get the Genuine error! This stuff is Genuine itself ;)
Try burning the CD again on another empty CD with minimal writing speed.
I will be working on Windows 7 soon..
nLite does not support Windows 7.
To customize Windows 7 use RT Se7ven Lite:
chefjermz (2011-05-02)
seed seed seed seed plz1389Ni (2011-05-02)
Thanks!Maherz (2011-05-02)
@1389NiYou're welcome.
Dannieloco (2011-05-02)
Maherz : thanks for the reply.. but I actually made a typo, meant to say Windows XP. I want to add/remove apps that I use and make them part of the windows installation iso.vuca89 (2011-05-03)
thank Maherzi current use yours 4.2011
and no problem
platonios (2011-05-03)
thanks Maherzdownloaded on a mac , mount the iso and burned it with toast (ROXIO).
Installed it successfully on an AMD64bit , (I know this is a x86BITver), it recognizes 3,25 GB of ram (I have 4) -> THIS IS VERY GOOD FOR 32 BIT OPSYS , did the drivers , internet and automatic updates working too.
I will install a 64bit winSYS so that I can have a dualBOOT system.
Again thanks a lot.
@people who are intrested
3. THIS IS X86 (32bit and not 64)
4. Automatic updates are working , NO NEED TO DISABLE THEM
P.S I am a comp tech. and do this job for a living
primahadi (2011-05-03)
still using it (from the day it uploaded-1 mounth)till now, no error found and it's work perfect. :]
after installing this os, i install MSE and update the database everyday.
too bad only "thank" i could offer to you.
thank you thank you maherz.
mehedi2 (2011-05-03)
Hi, MaherzI have a issue with my ASUS Eee PC Netbook 1215P
when i try to install Windows XP SP3, Setup Stops Responding with 34 Minutes Remaining.
Please give me a solution. Please.
Note- I am installing by External USB Rom.
Processor: Atom Dual Core N550 1.50Ghz
RAR427 (2011-05-03)
ClamAV found some Trojan .exes and .dll files. ;(Maherz (2011-05-03)
@DannieloconLite will do the job.
Anytime guys ;)
Format the USB, and set it up again using whichever tools you used.
If it didn't work, try using another USB flash.
Good luck.
1 antivirus claim is not taken into consideration ;)
They call it flase positive!
Scarba (2011-05-03)
@RAR427: Not familiar with that antivirus but I have the Win installed right now and it works flawlessly, I scanned it with Kaspersky, McAfee, avast and Malwarebytes - I found nothing.It may just be a false positive or it's because that AV is shit, who knows really..
I would like Maherz to comment on this though; see what he has to say. Also if you can give more info as to what .dlls and what trojan you found..otherwise I will consider this to be a troll. :)
Dannieloco (2011-05-04)
@ Maherzbro, sorry for being a nuissance but Ive managed to google my answer but can find it.
if, for example, I want to add VLC player to the windows xp iso, what screen is that under on nliteos? Ive built like 3-4 iso's already and havent been able to figure out how to add programs to the windows installation iso.
Also, if I add a program, is there a way to also remove it using nliteos?.. I cant find that screen either..
again, thanks for all your replies
ansabhi (2011-05-04)
Working Perfectly..Keep It Up.
mykz17 (2011-05-04)
sir maherz... pano i activate ng local area conection di nya kasi ma detect ung akin..... auto matic po b n meron local area caonection to ask lng po noob lng po kasi ako,,,, thnxMaherz (2011-05-04)
@DannielocoTo add programs using nLite you have to search for the same program as an add-on file specially designed for nLite.
I might do a tutorial in the future for how to use this program.
You're welcome.
English please!
mykz17 (2011-05-05)
sir maherz.. why is it that when i installed d feb. release may computer cannot detect my connection and i cant installed d ethernet drivers etc... is it better this april than feb.?Dannieloco (2011-05-05)
Thanks Maherz Ill make sure to check back for your tutorial. Ideally it can show how to install apps like ccleaner, VLC, or whatevrr id like to add.. thanks :)Maherz (2011-05-05)
@mykz17You have to download your network card driver alone.
Or you should have backed up your drivers before installing new Windows.
Use driver genuis or any other software for locating drivers.
You're welcome.
Yes, it has.
RAR427 (2011-05-05)
Makes sense it would do that."Clam to be the best" LOL
mykz17 (2011-05-05)
@sir maherz,,,,thank you very much sir,,, any how to update d net frame work sir because it appears in eset nod32 and other security updates sir,,,
Goku12c (2011-05-06)
Hi guysHI. i am new at installing software and i want to know if this windows will enable me to windows update safely .and second the writing speed to write the iso in a dvd or cd.
thx for the help
Maherz (2011-05-06)
Go to
You will find everything you want ;)
Write the CD at minimal speed (4x or 8x).
You can turn on Windows Updates without any fear ;)
Good luck.
jeeshn (2011-05-07)
Running great on this old Thinkpad. Many thanks.Maherz (2011-05-08)
@jeeshnYou're welcome :)
Dannieloco (2011-05-08)
Hey maherz, Whats are big diff's between nt7lite and vlite?? I want to integrate some apps into my win7.. (not xp this time :) and which do u recommend?Dannieloco (2011-05-08)
Hey Maherz, What are the big diff's between nt7lite and vlite? I want to be add apps to my iso and not sure which to use. Which do u recommend?thanks!
Goku12c (2011-05-08)
thanks for the fast reply mr maherz i want to ask whats is +sata drivers does this mean that it will mess up my hard disk .my hard disk is sata IIIGoku12c (2011-05-08)
also this windows is 32bit or 64bit for my ram because i have 4gb i want to know because if this is 32bit i will enable PAEGoku12c (2011-05-08)
guys for a newbie like me i perfectly installed it in a virtualbox and i check it myself its 100%valid genuine i want to thank mr maherz and to ask him a few questions :) .first i want to know if this is ok to keep this windows for a long period like year without losing it genuine also i want to ask you after install windows what else to install like i said i am new at installing windows like graphics card cd mother board and cpu like i said i never installed windows and i dont know :PMaherz (2011-05-09)
@DannielocoYou have to read on their website and find the difference.
I didn't use any of them yet, so can't really tell which one is better.
You're welcome.
No, no! It doesn't mean that :)
+SATA drivers means that you will be able to install XP on your machine ;)
Regarding what to install after Windows, you have to install drivers forr your hardware at first (video card, network card, etc..).
If you don't have them you should download them from their manufacturers site.
Then you have to install most needed software like flash player, antivirus, java runtime, winrar etc.
You can find lots of these programs on or here at TPB.
Good luck.
Maherz (2011-05-10)
@thebigmbgRight click on Taskbar and choose Properties.
Click on Start Menu tab.
Choose Classic Start menu.
Click OK.
Goku12c (2011-05-10)
thx for your valueble help mr maherz :Pkitto77 (2011-05-10)
help, I got: "The file 'asms' on Windows XP professopnal service pack 3 CD is needed.Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK.
I am stuck with a non working computer right now.
Maherz (2011-05-10)
@Goku12cYou're welcome :)
Try burning the ISO again with minimal speed.
If still didn't work, then you're having a problem with your CD/DVD ROM.
Good luck.
kitto77 (2011-05-11)
I got it to work but now EVERYTHING is gone, programs, drivers. Any suguestions?Dannieloco (2011-05-11)
reinstall windows..Maherz (2011-05-11)
@kitto77If you installed the new Windows over the old one, then yes! Everything will be gone..
mac_GR (2011-05-16)
works fine on 3 computers till now (2 months ago... from the first setup@Maherz : thanks a lot man
@Platonios's comment on page 3 : thanks for the nice ''clean'' comment man
ninjahimself (2011-05-16)
thanks ill have to bookmark this version since the others suck.... ill have to test the sata drivers =Dabhijaynk (2011-05-21)
Where is the .iso file located??wacky72 (2011-05-28)
@maherz when i tried to install it on my compaq cq40 the setup got terminated at "STARTING WINDOWS" with a bsod...... i tried on my friend's pc also but result is same....plz helpwacky72 (2011-05-28)
also let me know that what speed should i burn the cd.....jack123aa (2011-05-29)
!!!! BEWARE OF THIS FILE !!!! VIRUS ALERT !!!!Recently i downloaded Win xp SP3 Integrated February 2011 from Maherz
After installing on my pc i incidently went into my System hdd and i saw a file named 'DPsFnshr' This is a Virus/Spyware i found info about this file from the net.
Also note this file will dissapear if you reboot the computer ,but it is still there...You can search it in windows search box..
I Request everyone not to download this torrent THIS TORRENT MAY ALSO CONTAIN SUCH FILE.
I ASKED Maherz to give me explaination but he never replied...????
I again ask ask Maherz(torrent owner) to provide explaination for why he put the file in this torrent..
flak153 (2011-07-13)
this askes for a product key unlike what Maherz stated. and the key given in the comments doesn't workMrAnchovie (2011-07-13)
Guys I really need some help! I installed this no problem, got all my drivers etc and got it working, but! My interent since is VERY slow!? I haev all my network drivers and It has slowed down my interent on other pcs... Plus, the signs like @, :, ~,# none of them work, they come up with different characters and I have no idea what to do (I'm typing this from another pc)PLEASE HELP!