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Red Dead Redemption [RF] [X360]
Games X-Box
Red Dead Redemption [RF] [X360]
2010-05-14 (by Morck22 )
Files count:
7475.56 Mb
joeboo1972 (2010-05-15)
dude dude !!iLSkate (2010-05-15)
fake, for sureReaL_BadMaN (2010-05-15)
no fake bro this is the real deal.Morck22 (2010-05-15)
@ when i upload a fake....???¬¬ sure you are a noob here!
ReaL_BadMaN (2010-05-15)
According to RLSLOG this is also verified. Is that correct Morck22?darkyx124 (2010-05-15)
say morock whats the diffrenece bewtween this one and the other one u uploded?Morck22 (2010-05-15)
Thers no different only to share it faster!darkyx124 (2010-05-15)
i see tnxmattipoeka (2010-05-15)
Hello. Is this english version? Thanks :)mabarian (2010-05-15)
Please, which languages are avaible? (subtitles I mean)NCRivEN (2010-05-15)
thx manapplecore2 (2010-05-15)
@ Morck22How does 2 torrents share it faster? Won't two individual torrents split the seeds/peers?
i'm confused, sorry.
evox121 (2010-05-15)
Thanks UP been waiting for this one.If the hype is real I'll buy it...
BartVLD (2010-05-15)
I waited so long for this!Thanks
dragongfx (2010-05-15)
It,s working like charm. just tryed it, But i downloadet it from easynews.Naverone (2010-05-15)
cheers morck22. its gonna take weeks to download but ill post if its real once its completedSpitvenoM (2010-05-15)
Of course its real look at morck22's other torrents hes a trusted uploader you guys are idiots. Thanks for this upload man.Morck22 (2010-05-15)
@ applecore2Seeding by 2 different points.
n!tr0z (2010-05-15)
thank you i guess, but so far it is going between 1.4 and 2kb/s. that was a real bummer, i hoped to play this tonight!dwayne305 (2010-05-15)
SEED PEOPLE! SEEEEEEEED!!!n!tr0z (2010-05-15)
doesnt mean i'm not thankful though! people like you are worth gold! :)mabarian (2010-05-15)
Subtitles Languages PLEASE!?!?!mabarian (2010-05-15)
@spygatin your xbox360 there's a "secret" register with all your activity. If you do what you're saying, Microsoft DO WILL KNOW and they do will ban you sooner or later.
bjs123 (2010-05-16)
what wave is this game, and i have some problems patching new games to wave 3, nebody who can help?mabarian (2010-05-16)
I still need to know which languages are avaible!!les907 (2010-05-16)
So far, with this recent firmware, I have had no problems burning RF iso files vs. back in the day where I could only burn NTSC only files. And, from what other pirates have told me, DVD Decrypter (which I use) is pretty basic, so maybe your issue is your firmware?Seser (2010-05-16)
Alright. Lets clarify some things about banning on XBL or not.Everything you do will be uploaded to microsoft. Is this a bad thing? No. It cannot get you banned.
What got people banned is the firmwares before would trigger one of the microsoft security checks that would flag a system to be banned. Lite touch firmware automatically passes those firmware checks for the most part.
If your on Lite touch your one step ahead of microsoft at the moment. This could change later.
What also got people banned is playing games on Xbox live before there release date and not checking there games using abgx. You want your backups to be as close to the original disk as possible. Some people burn them without verifying the disk which will show on what gets uploaded to microsoft and you will be flagged and banned.
Now on this torrent, the games street date has been broken, so It might be safe to play online. I walked into a wal-mart, target, and bestbuy and the game is being sold already (in the USA at least). It generally can be considered safe to play however there still is a risk right now. Its best to wait till 12:01 am on the release date to play any game that has been leaked.
If you modded take no chances:
-Keep your firmware up to date
-Check all your backups
-Dont play the games early
-Dont be a retard
There ALWAYS will be a chance to be banned. Being as safe as possible will only lessen the chances later on.
pekerhed (2010-05-16)
Tested it out today. Works perfectly. Don't listen to the idiots who call it fake, as they obviously haven't tested it out before commenting. Thanks, Morck22!!!pekerhed (2010-05-16)
If you don't want the chance of be banned, the only way to be sure is to not play these burned games on the console you use to connect to XBL. I got banned over a year ago. So I bought another console. Since then, I only play my "backups" on my banned console. ...and I play my legit copies on my un-modded console. It's the only safe way. If I like a game enough to wanna play online multiplayer, then I buy it and play on my unmodded/unbanned console. Sure you can "stealth" your games, but eventually Microsoft will catch up and ban you. It happened to me, and it sucked.lololulu74 (2010-05-16)
J'ai encore besoin de savoir quelles langues sont disponibles français ??StrontiumCZ (2010-05-16)
XDVDMullter says the video file is broken, when burned the console can't load it, disc unreadable.StrontiumCZ (2010-05-16)
Sorry, my a retard and i accidentaly burned in on DVD-R DL instead of DVD+R DL...but still mulleter screams broken video file, so anyone who can actualy confirm it works?funkst2002 (2010-05-16)
I burnt 2 discs at lowest speed and it still doesnt work... Just says either Open Tray or Disc Unreadable, any confirmations on authenticity?Seser (2010-05-16)
funkst2002Its real. Im playing it right now. Burned using ImgBurn and Verbatim disks.
StrontiumCZ (2010-05-16)
Lucky guy. I ran out of dvds so I have to wait till morning (4.Am right now) to buy new ones.Skymap (2010-05-16)
HELLO ALL ! THE GAMES IS IN FRENCH TOO? ONLY UK? PLEASE ANSWER ! Enjoy the game.Skymap (2010-05-16)
LANGUAGEEEEE ??? UK, MULTI 5 ????????funkst2002 (2010-05-16)
I seem to be the only one having problems. Gone through 6 discs now :(Ran through dvd mulleter and everything is working (except video but previous posts say this is normal). Any ideas what it could be? Im downloading a different torrent but i think they are all the same files.
PJARSAN2 (2010-05-16)
i have the same problem funkst2002 ...cant get the burning to work...have wasted 3 disc now.... i have tried clone cd and imgburn both wih verbatim dvd+r dl disc...and all failed....going crazy...anyone got any tips? never had this problem beforeReaL_BadMaN (2010-05-16)
I don't think this is the complete version... i cant unlock all of the weapons and shit.ReaL_BadMaN (2010-05-16)
No bro i cant buy the buffalo rifle from the store nor can i unlock the bandana and i have completed the game.funkst2002 (2010-05-16)
Really wish i could get this to work. All other Wave 4 games run fine, this is the only one ive ever had an issue with. Anyone else found a fix yet?ZaaX (2010-05-16)
I got a problem, Since my xbox is banned from Xbox live i got worried i shoudlt be able to download and rip anymore games, but my old games seems to work so i tought this would do too. After i downloaded it and burned it with imgburn ( The DVD file ), But it doesnt seem to work. Is this because im banned from XBL or might i done something wrong, someone said something about clone dvd, dont think ive done that.Sennek (2010-05-17)
MORCK22, YOU ARE GOD!ZaaX (2010-05-17)
@Dimmis80 I don't get any message at all. Its just like i put in a completetly empty disc. The xbox 360 intro just loops around. Like im playing a normal DVD video.StrontiumCZ (2010-05-17)
You dont unlock bandana, you buy it at the tailor (cant remember which town, first zone, bad guys everywhere).Im just halfway through the first zone and works like a charm, this game is awesome.
Morck22 (2010-05-17)
Full VersionJohaN^ (2010-05-17)
seed people!!!! 0.3 kb/s!!!!!!!funkst2002 (2010-05-17)
learn to burn a 360 game.use the active iso disk,
six12 (2010-05-17)
Another happy customer here. Works like a charm, even on old firmware. Thanks to the uploader!!Daworox (2010-05-17)
This works like a charm!Thanks Morck22 ;)
Btw, if this game ever lounches for PC I'm definitely buying it! (decided to fully support the PC version) :D
JohaN^ (2010-05-17)
dont hit ´n run! seed wtf :Sfunkst2002 (2010-05-17)
I have burnt loads of 360 games with no problems :( thats whats so fustrating, Ive tried everything, changing dvd writers, using different types of disks (sticking with vert now though), used activate iso, tried different xbox, nothing works :(Demonicflair (2010-05-17)
Can everyone please seed? Ive been downloading this for days & I seem to be uploading twice as much as Im downloading :/ZaaX (2010-05-17)
Whats activate iso disc?Demonicflair (2010-05-17)
Please? lol I hear you continue to talk so much awesomeness about this & I'm getting impatient :[[[[[My kb/s stops at around 20 :[ I could get way faster if people would fricken SEED :o
condim (2010-05-17)
LOL @ amount of noobs complaining about game not working or DVD message... LOL - Get a freakin brain!hookyouup (2010-05-17)
Can you play this on a non modded 360? Do you have to have iextreme installed ? If so what iextreme version you recommend?technics12341 (2010-05-17)
seeeed please my eta is 2 years and its been like that for a whileSennek (2010-05-17)
SEED! 1kb/s is no gooddramacore (2010-05-17)
too bad this isn't releasing on pc, fuck you rockstar.we brought you up from nowhere and you thank us with console games?
if we are lucky, we will get it a year or two later.
warcow (2010-05-17)
@dermal: Complaining you can´t also download a pc-version for free? LOL!Anyway, This is a great game and the release works fine, Now that I have tested it and it lives up to the hype I will buy it for PS3.
tolgay007 (2010-05-18)
Seed please!!!ladiesman321 (2010-05-18)
To all the people who have downloaded this torrent, decided to close down the torrent downloading program due to the excitement and horniness of playing this very shagable game, please remember their are people like my self who would also like to play the game, currently i have 6 seeders out of the potential 600. NOT GOOD. you know its bad enough your downloading the game for free, the least you bastards can do is seed. I once knew this man called james he used to take take take but never give, i saw him get sandwiched by two lories simultaneously crushing him to a mere pulp. The moral of the story is that you should seed.And to the uploader, nice one dude..thanks for the time and effort you put into ripping and all that malarky. And for the fact that YOU payed for the game and gave all of us dudes the chance to play this game.
PEACE, and dont forget to seed bitches.
HenkieBenkie (2010-05-18)
is it region free?CivicScootin (2010-05-18)
Yep its region free..@Morch22 ~ Why is it that my other comments on this torrent where taken down?..
Once again I can confirm that this game DOES work..
Great upload and still seeding on my end..
Not happy my other comments were deleted though!..
johndabomb44 (2010-05-18)
@Morck22Ive ran this game through abgx twice on level 2 and level 3 and the iso doesnt pass stealth check at all; are you or anyone else having this problem?
johndabomb44 (2010-05-18)
@Morck22The iso will not pass stealth, splitvid, or anything in ABGX.
Is there a reason for this?
If ran the iso through both level 2 and 3 of abgx and it cannnot find the XeX file.
forsaken65 (2010-05-19)
Is it German too? my english is bad :[or just English?
trulsp0r (2010-05-19)
Okey, i cant understand this!I have mod my x360. I have a dvd burner that i know working and i have burn many hundred games before. i use DVD+DL (dual layer) x8 verbatim dvd`s to burn the game. I have downloaded many games, before its working 100% prosent and now i do the same and it will not working!:( i unpack the rar file and burn the dvd.file with img.burn or clone cd in wrigth speed 2.4x. the layer breaker number is 1913760, and after i have burn a game and i put it in my x360 it just like a empty dvd. can somebody PLEASE tell me what its wrong? it is the cd`s or what? I will be so thankful if somebody help!!! please write
Morck22 (2010-05-19)
The stealth is OK!But the official release date is 21 so before abgx360 dont have it on its verified online database you will get the yellow stealth uncertain message.
But the iso is ok.
If you worry about it, means tha you're afraid of the ban. DONT play it yet.
Un consejo: Play it a few days AFTER release date, no before, no de same day, no de next day, be patient and you can play 99% safe of getting a ban.
Samy134 (2010-05-19)
Hey, im a noob at pirate bay and i really want to play red dead redemption. What do i do so can play it with this torrent?technics12341 (2010-05-19)
SEEED PLEASE ive been downloading for 5 days non stop without shutting down my computerIrenicus38 (2010-05-19)
Yay, this game is awesome! You can read a cool review, and also win the original game for PS3, an authentic Colt, a PS3 console, and the Magnificent Seven movie here:
trulsp0r (2010-05-19)
How can i update my firmware in the xbox 360 DVD drive? is this a easy job? how can i do it?HenkieBenkie (2010-05-19)
please seeed.. only have 25kb/sjohn.way1 (2010-05-20)
great torrent :) just lacking seeders. please seed peopleepidemico616 (2010-05-20)
hola boys and girls- google isn't being my friend right now... can anyone point me to somewhere that will tell me how to transfer xbla games to a 360 formatted usb via PC? thanks.gamesforfree (2010-05-20)
Stupid rockstarNo version of the PC because of piracy .
I hate you rockstar ,
gamesforfree (2010-05-20)
kill rockstar!!!!!!We are human beings,'ll be crying.
ladiesman321 (2010-05-20)
yo, the official release date is tomorrow, ive got the disk here, but im a little hesitant to play it one day before reckon it should be okay?.Fraggeh (2010-05-20)
@ladiesman321I think it should be ok, even some stores sell it already, illegally yes but whatever(guess you live in Europe, in the USA it is already released). Don't think you would be banned.
oliwar1 (2010-05-20)
hi trulsp0ryes, remodding ur 360 is actually very easy! i did it myself (and if i can do it, anyone can do it!!).
but u need some opening equipment, so that u can open ur xbox.. do you have this?
also, u need a ''big computer'' (sry, don't know what the english name 4 ''stasjoner datamaskin'' er, lol), with a sata card and a sata cable.
(i had sata ports on my ''main card'' (sry again) so i only used that one...
thats it, thats all u actually need of harware, but to make the process easier, u can buy some other modding devices (u'll figure).
then the software is not too hard getting ur hands on, try searching 4 ''xbins'' google. there u'll find everything u need...
hope this helped =)
gamesforfree (2010-05-20)
for everyone need Red Dead Redemption for pc
I told Rockstar to please release this on PC using their "mouthoff" feature on their homepage on the bottom right. I suggest everyone give it a go.
Raqueem (2010-05-20)
what i dont understand is why people aren't sharing?I mean, are you guys still on data-limits in terms of amount of traffic per month or something? or what's the reason people are reluctant to upload? i'm just not getting it.
I've uploaded 1,5 gig and downloaded 300 mb.. very nice.
Daaahl (2010-05-21)
Do it have to be DVD+R DL? or can you do it burn it whit DVD-R DL?lom7 (2010-05-21)
The game works perfect for a while but it freezes and the 360 crash.Its anything i can do to fix this problem?
GK2000 (2010-05-21)
ladiesman321 its fine, just dont go on live with it. I gotta say what a great game.Naverone (2010-05-21)
please seed guys, pleasesunnyp_343 (2010-05-22)
seed u mother fuckers.Naverone (2010-05-22)
seed ffs, this is a jokeMr_Kjellman (2010-05-24)
nån som har fått de o funka??filmmakr (2010-05-24)
game burns fine, game loads and starts and right when it says to walk to the saloon, the game crashes and goes back to the dashboard. anyone else have this problemDaaahl (2010-05-24)
Video partition foundChecking Video padding... Video is zero padded
Video CRC = AA7E9ADB (V0 = 4BDB877E, V1 = EAE76B94)
Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not
seen before)
Stealth status is uncertain
Starting Verification
Looking for 9D80E7931BA10340.ini in the online verified database
Server file 9D80E7931BA10340.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
Using 9D80E7931BA10340.ini (340 bytes)
Video CRC does not match!
V0 CRC does not match!
V1 CRC matches
PFI CRC matches
DMI CRC matches
SS CRC matches
Xex CRC matches
Daaahl (2010-05-24)
Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total
Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries
69% 3:08 4:35 1:27 25.5 MB/s 0.0 MB/s 0 20
ERROR: Unrecoverable read error while checking the Game CRC!
Verification failed
Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_1BA10340.ini in the online verified database
Server file Xex_1BA10340.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
'Xex_1BA10340.ini' contains 2 SS CRCs, randomly picked #1
Looking for 9D80E7931BA10340.ini in the online verified database
Server file 9D80E7931BA10340.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
Using 9D80E7931BA10340.ini (340 bytes)
Verifying Video_E2FA3A26.iso is valid before using it for AutoFix
Daaahl (2010-05-24)
Video partition found
Video CRC = E2FA3A26 (V0 = E0363F4E, V1 = EAE76B94)
Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not
seen before)
ERROR: Video_E2FA3A26.iso appears to be invalid! AutoFix was aborted!
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still uncertain
Justwf (2010-05-24)
ABGX says :"Video partition found
Video CRC = E2FA3A26 (V0 = E0363F4E, V1 = EAE76B94)
Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave notseen before)
Stealth status is uncertain"
And after the CRC verification :
"All CRCs match
Verification was successful, Stealth passed!"
So, is it really stealth ?
gpot (2010-05-25)
When i run it through XDVDMulleter, it says"Video file is broken, invalid, or not present. Would you like to fix?" Should i fix it or leave it how it is?
freshtorrents (2010-05-25)
Red Dead RedemptionRegion Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!
Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2010/4/22 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2010/4/29 17:10:23
SS Version: 2 (trusted)
SS CRC= 9d80e793 (rarSS=3ae12274)
SS Media Id: 92F13B089F4CCCE622394972-2AAB34E2 (matches game)
Checking DMI
Timestamp of authoring: 2010/04/22 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC= cd80dcd8
DMI Media Id: 92F13B089F4CCCE622394972-2AAB34E2 (matches game)
DMI looks valid
Checking PFI
PFU CRC= 05c6c409
PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme V1.51 [hitachi only] V1.6 [using activation disc] v1.61 or later
Video partition found
Checking Video Padding (Video is zero padded)
Video CRC= E2FA3A26 (V0=E0363F4E, V1=EAE76B94)
Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave not seen before)
Stealth status is uncertain
Starting Verification
Looking for 9D80E7931ba10340.ini in the online verified database
Server file 9D80E7931ba10340.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
Using 9D80E7931BA10340.ini (340 bytes)
Video CRC Matches
V0 CRC Matches
V1 CRC Matches
PFI CRC Matches
DMI CRC Matches
SS CRC Matches
Xex CRC Matches
Checking Game CRC
AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
Game CRC = 830E4200 (matches)
All CRC match
Verification was successful, Stealth Passed!
freshtorrents (2010-05-25)
Even though Video partition does not match known data (could be corrupt or a new wave notseen before), I burned it and it works great
freshtorrents (2010-05-25)
100%! great torrentgpot (2010-05-25)
So FreshTorrents, your saying that even though it doesnt run through XDVDMulleter, it is still fine? Because i dont want to "Fix" it using mulleter and screw up the .iso file and have to re-download.Sorry, im kind of new at this.
Assassin8 (2010-05-25)
It's only downloading between 8 to 12kbps, can i make it faster by any tweak or something? it will take a long ass time to download. help.Assassin8 (2010-05-25)
@gpot xmulleter says this for almost every game, so you don't need to worry, game will work fine :)freshtorrents (2010-05-25)
@gpot always use abgx to check games it's way better. If you get the same log that I posted above then the game should burn perfectly. I use verbatim discs dl +r. Burn it at 2x speed with clone cdfreshtorrents (2010-05-25)
@assassin8 depending on your connection the speed may stay at that. If you are using utorrent (I highly recommend to every torrent user) u can right click on the torrent select bandwidth allocation and select high, this may speed up the process a tad bitmarisdark (2010-05-25)
Guys can u connect everyone so i can dowload this game fast? thank you all for the helpgpot (2010-05-25)
@Freshtorrents, I use verbatim 2.4x DVD + R DL butn at 2x speed using ImgBurn, is this okay too? and when it is done burning, it popped open the drive and asked me to close it ( Im on a laptop ) and then is continuing to burn? is this regular?marisdark (2010-05-25)
mannnnnnnnnnn seeeeeeed please, i m getting to low dowload, can u some ppl put your upload more than 0? lol cmon think in everyonefreshtorrents (2010-05-25)
@gpot yes that is normal you should be able to burn the game perfectly well.thesuperman1984 (2010-05-25)
Ok there is 850 seeders and only 18-25 people are actually seeding. At the moment I'm getting steady 153kB/s speeds with a download time of 13-14 hours. However after a few months it drops back down to 20-30kB/s with a download time of 3 days.If people learned to seed properly downloads would always be fast and hours instead of days.
thixty (2010-05-25)
awsome dude iv racked up nearly 3 days play and its brilliant no flaws at all good uploadcage17 (2010-05-25)
seeeed please! im crawlin at 25 kb/s. Thanks guys!!!!!Assassin8 (2010-05-25)
Time elapsed: 17hrsDownloaded: 538mb
call_me_nobody (2010-05-26)
i dont download this cause i got the collectors editon but to all you that havent played it yet, u should be very exited to play this game, ist is the biggest, best graphically, best historical, most expencive produced(over 100.000.000$ was used to create) game of rockstarmavisak (2010-05-26)
@Daahi : I have the same problem as you. what's wrong?? did you find any solution to this?superztar (2010-05-27)
omg ive uploaded 12.5gb, upload speed is 8x faster than dl spdI_like_downloding_shit (2010-05-28)
do you have to flash your xbox 360 ?Beffie2000 (2010-05-29)
thanks for the uploadi've burned this and checked it.
abxg360 says its stealth.
i'm playing this online now with lt1.1
jbrad100 (2010-05-29)
does anybody know if theres a torrent for the golden guns or war horse for this ?zippo19 (2010-05-30)
does any one know if i can burn this to a disc and play it off my xbox?????latino1226 (2010-05-30)
im new to this i have an xbox how do i burn it to a disc with what software and do i really need to get dvd doulble layer discs to burn it off to and do i need to get the backwards compatablity or should i just not mess with that well whatever imput would be helpful or a step by step process to make this a game on a discc06659284 (2010-05-30)
Thanks Morck22.Any chance you could get a copy of Backbreaker up. It's out in the US a couple of days now.
c06659284 (2010-05-30)
@latinoIs your console flashed? If not it won't work.
You need a program called imgburn(it's free) and DL discs and a burner capable of burning DL. If you play online there is alot more you need to do to not get banned.
Morck22 please upload a copy of Backbreaker. It's the game of the year!
newfie_pride (2010-05-31)
works perfect!! thanks uploader, all the best from Newfoundland.cheers!
jogfsovt (2010-06-01)
This game works 100%. Not to mention, the game itself is awesome. Thanks, Morck22. Your downloads are always good.-- Note to new downloaders --
Just run it through abgx360 for SSv2 and DMI like any other game. YES, you need to flash your Xbox before you can play this or ANY backup game. If you don't know how to mod your Xbox, search Google or read the Jungleflasher tutorials. It's a bit more complicated than someone could tell you in a comment box.
DjIpalo (2010-06-01)
works perfect! thxUSCP_Cp (2010-06-01)
Abg tells me that this game a "4th wave" have. But this has to be the 6th wave?. Is this for the banned consoles?Gornax (2010-06-02)
Imgburn lags when loading the img file. Label, Imp Id and File sys is unknown, all other games has info there, this gives open tray status, not to diss ur upload Morck22 but this doesnt work for me:)x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-02)
how to flash:x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-02)
http://x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-02)
youx4u2sm0ke (2010-06-02) (2010-06-02)
but yeah my speed maxed out at 169kb/s.conncected to 15 seeds out of 741.
x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-03)
seeding.manuel88 (2010-06-06)
in the end of the game, he dies and gets shot by the government and than you have to play with his son to get revenge ... spoiler alertmshggh (2010-06-07)
1. abgx2. ppf o matic
3. imgburn
every game works this way! (i dont use live)
GODDAMN this game is good!! sooo good!!
mshggh (2010-06-07)
..and my firmware is old like hell, 1.4 or 1.5 i thinkZoting (2010-06-08)
Anyone know where i can download this game for PC? I would be very happy if some1 could give me a URLThx!
DethBed (2010-06-10)
manuel88 is an enormous faggot. at least have the decency to put the spoiler alert before the sopiler you asshatx4u2sm0ke (2010-06-10)
do you guys know how i can burn this ive wasted 2 discs already.Derbyking73 (2010-06-10)
I need some to burning. Downloaded torrent, have tried imgburn, and abg360..have no errors , yet i load the disc into xbox and only get the xbox360 logo it required for me to flash my box in order to play it??x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-10)
yes you need to flash the drive, its pretty easy.just look at the link i posted uptop
x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-10)
@Zotingi dont think there going to release on pc because pirating kinda ironic right? lol but if they do it will most likely in 2011
rosalynda (2010-06-11)
Morck22 Languages subtitles plzzzzz???Is there french????
rosalynda (2010-06-11)
Morck22 Languages subtitles plzzzzz???Is there french????
x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-11)
ive burned 2 rdr discs on fujifilm+r dl's and when ever i put em my xbox i just get stuck at a white xbox 360 screen and it says im watching a dvd, and it have like play and fast forward options. i burned at 2.4x can anyone help?eArtrash (2010-06-11)
x4u2sm0ke: You DO have a flashed xbox, right?SEED people! Have you got no fucking balls or what?! Fuckin leeching cunts.
x4u2sm0ke (2010-06-11)
yeah i have the most recent ixtreamrosalynda (2010-06-11)
can anyone answer me?????rosalynda (2010-06-11)
IS THERE FRENCH SUBTITLE?????harshawii (2010-06-11)
I use uTorrent, rdr say its 100% complete but its still downloading??? The actually file says 7.29gb is this correct or is there something wrong with uTorrent?Zoting (2010-06-11)
Hi!Anyone know where i can download this game for PS3? Then i should be very happy if someone could help me. Thx!
Zoting (2010-06-11)
Sorry for doubble post!. But if someone got URL for the PS3 torrent for this game i should be very happy if some1 post it.darkness0613 (2010-06-14)
Great Torrent!Worked on NTSC Xbox 360 using memorex DVD+R DL 8x No Problems!!
johnflea (2010-06-15)
i've downloaded this, but the iso.rar file has audio and video_ts, and when i extract them they weight 87MBsWTF!? is this fake? where is iso?
yakuzza47 (2010-06-16)
Sry but how do i seed ??thx
ideas_none (2010-06-16)
i use to burn ps2 games, is this similar with x-box360? do i need to do something to the console first for it to work?cherwilco (2010-06-21)
just got a warning from my isp for this torrent.The copyrighted works that have been infringe=
d include but are not limited to:
Red Dead Redemption=20
The unauthorized copies of game product are listed and/or identified the=
reon by their titles or variations thereof, game-related listings/refere=
nces/descriptions, or depictions of game-related artwork.
fuckin private trackers ftw
bzzzzzo (2010-06-22)
johnflea: Winrar just picks up iso-files as compressed files and shows the rar icon for it. It's not a rar-file. Just burn it with imgburn.bell7235 (2010-06-23)
okay very very new to the xbox 360 realm right now and i was wondering is it possible to take this game or any other game iso and place it on a flash drive/ hard drive and plug it into the xbox and play without modding the xbox itself?TLG160 (2010-06-23)
can someone please explain how u wud play this on a console because i've never tried downloading a xbox game.bzzzzzo (2010-06-24)
not really, you also need a flashed dvd-drive...bzzzzzo (2010-06-24)
bell7235: No, you need to flash your drive with iextreme and burn it on to a dual layer dvd. To run games off a usb hard drive you ned a jtag box.Metalprofi (2010-06-25)
@bzzzzzosince im a rookie either, can u be more specific pls//example should the files be copied with from iso os inside,within iso,
ffaulkner (2010-06-26)
NTSC, iextreme 1.5.1., modded hitachi 59dj, using ABGX stealth patch, Imgburn, verbatim DVD+R DL 8x on a Buffalo DL DVD rom. SUCCESS!! Great upload Morck22! Much appreciated. :-)dj_fabio (2010-06-27)
Why doesn't this work for me? I have ixtreme LT and burned it with imgburn (2,4x, verbatim)dj_fabio (2010-06-27)
Why doesn't this work for me? I have Ixtreme LT and burned it with imgburn (2,4x, verbatim)dj_fabio (2010-06-27)
Hi there,i just updated my xbox to ixtreme LT.
I burned red dead redemption and splinter cell conviction but when Iput it in my xbox, nothing happened, it didn't recognize it and just said "Open tray" like nothing is on the disc.
Then I have put the DVD to my PC to check if there are actually any files - everything was fine, there was even the system update folder.
After that happened I found out about abgx and patched it with the correct patches from abgx.
Still not working, i used verbatim discs and burned 2,4x.
Battlefield bad company 2, and all other non wave 6 games work fine.
Could someone help me? I have no idea what is the problem.
deuce0928 (2010-06-29) here if you want a free ps3
ParkerEw (2010-07-02)
GREAT DOWNLOAD! Thank you Morc22!Popeben (2010-07-03)
Does anyone know if it's ok to play a game online, if it stealth passed using ABGX but when checking the ABGX database on their website it has a question mark under 'Stealth for Ixtreme'. Just Cause 2 is a good example. Can anyone help?93keja (2010-07-04)
somebody tell me does this game work?ntfcAndy (2010-07-05)
can someone link me to a tut to play backup gamesfield33 (2010-07-06)
@johnflea: just burn the iso to a disk using imgburn - what you just found is the video partition@PS3 people: go buy a modded 360, the PS3 can't be hacked.
TorrentChecker (2010-07-10)
Hey Does Anyones know how to burn Xbox360 games To work on your 360, Im new and would like to know how, Please Pm Me link or how to do it, Thanks Tonsmanuel88 (2010-07-12)
@mark2033rnrnthe ps3 is not hackable, if it were, then everyone would have been doing that instead of xbox360. geohotz was trying to get something where u could play the iso off the hard drive but he still hasn\'t found anything yet. the updates sony puts on their ps3 blocks anything that might be an exploit found to hack a ps3 and those torrents of ps3 games, i believe they are fake but even if they were real, they make no difference. they is dvd blue ray burners and disk and they not that much as you think, but sony\'s system is crazy smart. you can\'t play blank disc with out having the ps3 be able to believe the disk is real, just like the 360 and the WiirnrnFor dvd\'s you rip the iso but not for games, the datJayMoney5 (2010-07-12)
how do i use Xbox 360 games on my computer??? someone please tell meUnknowndemon (2010-07-14)
If someone can Help me i will forever be in your debt and i will share with other people.nPlease show me how to use these torrents and play them on my xbox with buying mods and all that stuff. I\'ve tryed many ways and nothing works. Can you people here share how you got it to work?imunchontoes (2010-07-17)
Doesn\'t work, my horse keeps on flying everywhere, and I get froze on when I try to activate missions. When I try to install to harddrive, every time it gets to 48% it cannot read disk.TheExG (2010-07-18)
jaymoney u cant use xbox360 games this is only for xboxes that people hacked so they can burn the game on a dvd and play it on the xboxArch_N3m3ziz (2010-07-19)
Hi 4u that doesnt understand how to burn with imgburn.1. Download
2. When u have installed= press TOOLS
3. then press settings
4. go to the topic (WRITE)
5. at the top right there is Layer break (for DL media) press user specified.
6. in the sectors LO: u must type 1913760
7. press ok
8. load image.dvd the img burn will then tell you that the program will change file by it self press ok.
9 change write speed to 2,4x
10. Then write.
Good luck ;)
xcivicx (2010-07-22)
can you install ixtreme 1.6 with iprepSamuDeAur (2010-07-22)
i cant believe first time works perfect well for my can be locked in closet!!!!labi_68 (2010-07-23)
hello everybody.I have downloadet this game and i burnd it in the dvd with 2.4 speed but it doesnt start.
i have the new xbox360 250gb if somebody know which program to download what to do please send me an e-mail i would be very thankfull.
my english is not so good
crackgodhackmaster (2010-07-24)
how can I run this on Wii? can it be hacked for Nintendo?ginginiho909 (2010-07-25)
what so your xbox has to be hacked to play these games? how do u hack it if so ? wb pleasetil-henger96 (2010-07-26)
could you guys please seed?Erox1337 (2010-07-27)
Hello, is this a "REGION FREE" ? :)33wwf (2010-07-30)
should i bur it to a blue rayNAHOM1974 (2010-08-04)
GOOD GAMEsalazar_g92 (2010-08-09)
samdmig48 (2010-08-15)
where do you get the 9gb dvds from ????? helpsamdmig48 (2010-08-15)
where do you get the 9gb dvds from ????? help and do you have to chip the xbox ?TRIIB4L (2010-08-19)
yes your xbox360 must be modded i am practicing the download and transfer to imgburn till i get mine chipped can't seem to get abgx working very well but any clues just says it doesnt reckonize file as a xbox360 iso i have no idea:(TRIIB4L (2010-08-20)
abgx said this file is a okGuilugop23 (2010-08-20)
i download it and when im trying to burn it with wxripper doesnt work ( invalid or unsupported image ) help??? suggest??Guilugop23 (2010-08-20)
@ morck22 i download it and when im trying to burn it with wxripper doesnt work ( invalid or unsupported image ) help??? suggest??juniormang (2010-08-22)
Morck22Checked this game with abgx360
and i got the following things:
**Video partition does not match known data.
**Stealth status uncertain.
acr250rider (2010-08-24)
Thanks Morck22,your the greatest!devilwright (2010-08-26)
hello i am new to doing this xbox 360 download..and i was wondering if someone can pls tell me how to do it step by step or somthing bec i saw like 9 movies about this and all of them says u have to do somthing to your xbox 360 like open it for somthing and do somthing in it .the they say downlode poweriso and burn the img to it and u are down well i did that all if it right it didnt work at all so can somebody pls help me my yahoo is becca_boy2009@yahoo.comsanssz (2010-08-29)
guys i have problem here,when i run the iso through agbx it says stealth uncertain but patches the stealth after matching the crc and stuff...
but when again i check the iso it says stealth uncertain and goes on doing the ptaching process and this happens with every game for me.
thanx in advance
sanssz (2010-08-29)
guys i have problem here,when i run the iso through agbx it says stealth uncertain but patches the stealth after matching the crc and stuff...
but when again i check the iso it says stealth uncertain and goes on doing the ptaching process and this happens with every game for me.
thanx in advance
danilo89 (2010-09-03)
sorry to ask such a dumb question but has this been stealth patched so it can be played online without being banned??thank you for the upload tho, great torrent.
Da-Banga (2010-09-06)
it works flawless...Thank you10/10
suck22 (2010-09-10)
Is there anyone have Limbo game from XBLA? Be great if someone could upload it.xnajkn (2010-09-18)
Will the torrent work on any xbox 360?westsideslaughterhouse (2010-09-19)
@xnajkn, no you will need a modded xbox 360.thanks for the upload btw nigga
freshboy (2010-09-24)
can some one help me , can you play any of them games from a external hard drive onto your xbox , my xbox is modd , sooo yeaDarkman-xxx (2010-09-24)
Castlevania: LORDS Of SHADOW PlsMaDdoz (2010-09-26)
For those who get "Play DVD" and cannot run the game, I had the same problem and already wasted 4 DVDs. All you have to do is configure abgx360 for splitvid (check youtube), update the dashboard thru xbox live and set the writing speed in imgburn on 2x. Enjoy the game!MaDdoz (2010-10-01)
Your xbox must be flashed to be able to play copied games.MaDdoz (2010-10-01)
Have your xbox flashed.PhexDrage (2010-10-08)
Great Job man!It doesn't matter what abgx360 says
I tested it
Will Work!!
alhamwy (2010-11-01)
I downloaded this yesterday very nice seeding and tested with abgx360 all green not 1 yellow and then i burned it and its workin flawlessssthnx
blink14 (2010-11-04)
it works perfect, nice gamethanks
brokensilence (2010-11-19)
Being tracked....brokensilence (2010-11-19)
Being tracked.....Ogion13 (2010-12-23)
guy I have a problem ... i have burn it on CloneCD and everything gone fine ... but when i put it in my xbox it says only play game but it dont recognize the game ... and when i tap to play it says that the disk is unreadable and that i must clean it ... i spend 2 of my dvds .... any ideas pls ???R.A.A.M (2010-12-29)
to Ogion13:USE THE PROGRAM CALLED IMGBURN!!! much better and havent made a bad disc to me ever never!!
PS the program is free, FREE!!!
and read this:
galexwong95 (2010-12-31)
Recently, i upgraded my xbox from the original to the kinect dashboard. Now whenever i burn disc and put it in. it says "OPEN TRAY" it cannot detect the disc and does anyone know how can i fix this? Thanksaldebaran91 (2011-01-24)
why cant u mofos write some info about thislikeis it region free
SimStim (2011-01-24)
@aldebaran, ever looked at the TOP line, in BOLD? It says region free, doesn't it?aldebaran91 (2011-01-29)
thhis game was working on my xbox with firmware 1.6 until i do the horse race with bonnie then the game hacking and stop workingi changed the iso shit to wave 3 maybe thats why its not workign
atl55 (2011-02-02)
im lostatl55 (2011-02-02)
i dont get this siteLFC8TDW995 (2011-02-21)
im a newbie, just want someone to tell me how to be able to play this on my xbox 360 :) cheersshiftysmith45 (2011-03-04)
Works perfectly.Please use google to search. This is a torrent sharing sire not a fourm dedicated to hacking. There is more than enough info available for this all over the web.
FucHollywood (2011-03-13)
@Morck22 great work any chance on crysis 2 next week?ernier76 (2011-04-09)
abgx it, imgburn it, and it'll work like dream, thanks for the upload, your a legend.meatheadrhino (2011-04-10)
Top upload, works perfectly, thanks!!!kingqman (2011-06-03)
ok so i bought red dead but my disk dose not workso when i download it just run it in abgx360 then burn it and hot swap it am i right if i am that is easy
at 63% so seed people and if it works i will
let everybody know
fanste1985 (2011-07-02)
does it work on pc with xbox emulator?!?!!?thanks
konicus (2011-07-02)
seeeed pls ;/csscomment1890 (2011-08-15)
how can i get this game on my ps3??HELP
csscomment1890 (2011-08-15)
and please seed!Samuelu (2011-10-02)
Works on my x360 keyVegasTK (2011-10-18)
This ain`t work on pc?Dibbus (2011-10-18)
@vegastk: Maybe.. JUST maybe because it's an xbox game...soubhikmullick (2011-11-28)
i confirm this game working as all the discs are in superb content quality! feel free to download and run it! its ofcourse region free! i had it run on lt2.0+ without any problem! awesome release!pommiesteve (2012-01-05)
works fine with rgh.thanks
boleplissken (2012-03-20)
Thank you very much friend, the game is AWESOME!atorrte82 (2012-06-27)
Works great! Thanks!yllibi (2012-09-08)
Works perfect on lt 2.0. Many thanks to Morck22nearbrute (2012-09-15)
does this work for pc?????NirDafnai (2012-10-16)
This Game Works Perfectlyits working on all of the regions
5 stars
P_Greezy (2012-11-09)
Works great on lt 3.0! Thanks Morck22!jalont10 (2012-12-09)
does anyone know if this is xgd2 or 3?and also when i run through abgx can someone give me the proper settings. and when i get to imgburn i also need help 2?
can anyone confirm if these type of verbatims work just like the clear ones.
iastroboi (2013-04-14)
I got a question guys I've seeded this and the problem is the iso file, when I'm trying to burn it in my Iso burner it says it's missing audio data. Please someone help me out with this.KevLeo (2013-10-13)
Help me please, seed the torrent so that I can download it. I want the game so bad. I will seed it and keep it on my list FOREVER if I get to download this successfully.AjselZ (2014-07-12)
Is it possible to run with an emulator for xbox360?Files:
1. Red Dead Redemption [RF] [X360] []/rdr.iso 7475.56 Mb
2. Red Dead Redemption [RF] [X360] []/rdr.dvd 31 bytes