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The Sims 2 + All Expansions [WORKING] - Rebuild - Khaos Industri
The.Sims.2 + All.Expansions[WORKING]-Rebuild-Khaos Industries
2009-03-28 (by khaosindu)
This has the full set. Original and all expansions! All working CD keys!
This is just a rebuild off of two different torrents, and credit is given to both parties in the ReadMe file. If there is anything that isn't working, please leave a comment and let me know.
The entire thing has been scanned and there are no viruses and/or trojans.
Thank you for choosing Khaos Industries for your Gaming and App needs! =D
Sims2: Deluxe
Sims2: University
Sims2: Christmas Party Pack (aka Holiday Party Pack for UK version of Sims2)
Sims2: Open For Business
Sims2: Family Fun Stuff
Sims2: Glamour Life Stuff
Sims2: Pets
Sims2: Happy Holiday Stuff
Sims2: Seasons
Sims2: Celebration Stuff
Sims2: H&M Stuff
Sims2: Bon Voyage
Sims2: Teen Style Stuff
Sims2: Free Time
Sims2: Kitchen And Bath Interior Design Stuff
Sims2: IKEA Home Stuff
Sims2: Free Time patch
Sims2: Apartment Life
Sims2: Apartment Life Patch
Sims2: Mansion And Garden Stuff
All expansions!
Deluxe has Sims 2 and Nightlife all in one!
- sims2
- sims 2
- the sims 2
- the sims
- sims
- ikea
- mansion
- pets
- holiday
- apartment life
- game
- games
- khaos
- industries
- Khaos Industries
- Khaos
- Induestries
- khaos industries
- glamour
- family fun
- open for business
- univ
Files count:
14186.62 Mb
dylanreid14 (2009-03-28)
do it work for vista, cause i've downloaded once and it said that it would not work on vistakhaosindu (2009-03-28)
I know it works on Vista 32x but when I tried on my other laptop with Vista 64x it didnt work. I would install fine, and when the beginning video played and you pushed any button to skip it, it froze and went off. Said some type of graphical error.khaosindu (2009-03-28)
Any other questions, be sure to ask. I will be monitoring this torrent for a while, at least 10-15 times a day! =D Enjoy and make sure you seed!!queenofblades (2009-03-29)
It can work on xp 32? Oh please say yes...khaosindu (2009-03-29)
As for as I know, it works on all systems except Vista 64x. Happy Gaming! =Dqueenofblades (2009-03-29)
Ok I was wondering because I OWN sims (grrr) but I have to have like a certain awesome videocard that I dont have. Should still work though for this? (Please say yes because I just deleted 15gB so I could download this).khaosindu (2009-03-29)
Before I got my vid card [Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 1GB] I had just the onboard graphics card which was a ATI Xpress 200. Ran the game just fine! =D I shouldn't see a problem though for your computer.ben10945 (2009-03-30)
SEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!queenofblades (2009-03-30)
Sweet! and for FUCKS sake people seed this thing it's taking me forever to download!khaosindu (2009-03-30)
Currently I am the only one seeding because I don't think anyone has fully downloaded it yet, and I got my upload rate at max. Sorry its taking so long guys!queenofblades (2009-03-30)
Oh, and could you list exactly which exapnsions are part of this? Like, do you have All the way up to free time and whatnot?khaosindu (2009-03-30)
Updated list in the info area. All the way up to the latest one! Please enjoy and have fun!queenofblades (2009-03-30)
One last question (sorry!) what mounting tools would I need to use? Or would I need to use any? Sorry, I'm still a bit new to this.Thanks!
khaosindu (2009-03-30)
You can get daemon tools or alcohol 120. What ever you choose. All you do it mount, follow instructions for install, and play!AerisDies (2009-04-03)
Come on people... Seed, this is taking freaking forever man...I'll seed this forver if it works, great torrent! Thanks!
khaosindu (2009-04-03)
Currently it is still saying that I am the only one still uploading. So until people are done there is only one seed and thats me, lol. I have mine running 24/7 at the highest speed possible. Thanks for everyone's patience!khaosindu (2009-04-05)
I do know there are a few other seeders that are done downloading this. Please make sure you see this. Kinda hard when I'm the only one!canonboy25 (2009-04-05)
i don't have the full game of sims 2 yet.please tell me if do i need to download first the full installed copy of sims 2..?
i want to play this game..
canonboy25 (2009-04-05)
please seed..i dont have much time..
i really have to download it as soon as possible please
canonboy25 (2009-04-05)
gosh,,i only got 3 kbps !!!!!
if you want to help, SEED..
sily_king (2009-04-05)
i'm at 64 percent, once its done i'll seed.khaosindu (2009-04-05)
@cannonboy25Ok just download the full thing, then just follow the install instructions.
vashshadow (2009-04-06)
plz seed no one is seedingkhaosindu (2009-04-06)
Ok if you read the comments before you will see that I have commented on this before as well. I am the only one that is apparently seeding. Its kinda hard to seed 13.8GiB by yourself! I'm just waiting for people to seed. Sorry if this comment sounds a bit rude, but telling other users to seed isn't really going to do anything!epilare (2009-04-06)
how do you play these files? sorry. i'm a real rookie when it comes to computers...khaosindu (2009-04-07)
Download Alcohol 120, or Daemon tools lite. Mount, install, play!khaosindu (2009-04-07)
Once again, I noticed that we had 2 seeders at some point yesterday, and now there is just one again, and that is me. This game won't get anywhere unless people seed the darn torrent.khaosindu (2009-04-07)
Retract last comment, there must be an update error with the page on tpb. Because in uTorrent, there is 5 seeders! Which is awesome! Thanks for all who is seeding!ukprncs (2009-04-07)
hey.i just finished this download.
however i'm clueless when it comes to working this things. i do not understand what 'mount' is and such.
i'm sorry but is anyone able to explain in complete detail to me what to do after i have downloaded this. pretty please!
thank you! with very much appreciate it! =)
limejelloisyummy (2009-04-07)
When i tried to execute the crack in the Mansion & Garden Stuff folder i got this message "Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest manufacturer provided driver. The application will now terminate..." HELPlimejelloisyummy (2009-04-07)
Sorry to bother again, i tried to play the game without doing the crack thing, and i get this error "No disc inserted. Please insert the original "The Sims tm Mansion and Garden Stuff" CD/DVD" when i mount it, nothing happenslovelyhappyness (2009-04-07)
I have a question.In the read me it says to unrar.
Im still learning.
How do you do that?
khaosindu (2009-04-08)
@ ukprncs -- ok. heres what you do.1. Download Daemon Tools Lite, just google that, install.
2. When you "Mount" a .iso you open it with Daemon tool and install, just like you would any other normal CD.
3. Follow the install instructions and put the cd keys provided in where they belong, and follow the step by step instructions on the readme that came with it.
4. Copy the crack over from the Mansion & Garden Stuff folder to the directory where it needs to go.
5. Play and Enjoy!
@ limejelloisyummy -- The problem you could be having is with your video card. and not having the updated directx that you need. What are the specs of your computer. And as for mounting the cd, you need to do the crack, unless your going to burn the cd for Mansion and Garden Stuff.
@ lovelyhappyness -- There is some files that will probably need to be unrared. .rar files are like .zip files. So just google, winrar, download and install. Then follow the instructions from above in this comment that I wrote to another user. Hopefully everything will work just fine!
Any other questions please feel free to ask. I will help to the best of my ability!
limejelloisyummy (2009-04-08)
Okay, how do i update the directx? I do not know how to find the specs, or what they are.sily_king (2009-04-08)
i finished downloading, and will be seeding soon..i downloaded the first one sims2 delux or whatever and when i try to run it it says "please insert the original disk instead of backup(1000)" I'm using the Daemonm Tools LIte, what do i do?sily_king (2009-04-08)
installed, not downloaded..i installed the sims2 deluxkhaosindu (2009-04-08)
@ limejelloisyummy - google directx for the latest version, and install.@ sily_king - I do not have the crack just for that one, you'd have to download the whole thing to get it working properly.
go to www[dot]gameworldburn[dot]com and search Sims 2 Deluxe no cd. and download and copy over. Should work just fine!
That link has the no cd patch.
Let me know if there is anything else!
sily_king (2009-04-08)
oh, ok thank you. I'm gonna download it all was just making sure it would run, thanks.sily_king (2009-04-08)
i downloaded directx 9 or whatever, but the crack will still not there another one i can use?khaosindu (2009-04-08)
@ sily_king -- Which game you installing? Did you install all of them, or did you just get the one game?ukprncs (2009-04-08)
thank you so much.but now i'm having the same problem as silly_king.
i've downloaded everything. (though i already had sims 2 uni and nightlife already installed on my PC so i don't know if that's any issue) and now i have that issue with the "Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest manufacturer provided driver. The application will now terminate..." =(
and i never did this "Copy the crack over from the Mansion & Garden Stuff folder to the directory where it needs to go" because i was unsure of what you meant.
khaosindu (2009-04-08)
@ ukprncs -- Copying the crack means you go to your harddrive/program files->ea games->garden and mansion stuff->tsbin. Once you get to that directory then copy the crack from the crack folder over to the Mansion and garden stuff and it should work.Like I said about the issue with the directx9 you probably need to update your direct x or go to the sims 2 forums on their site and trouble shoot that issue. The troubleshoot on the sims 2 site has fixes for all of these problems!
epilare (2009-04-08)
mine is at 72.2 % will seed when its done.khaosindu (2009-04-08)
I do have to wonder if tpb is having an update issue, because it says 25 here at the site then in my uTorrent it says 46. Who knows though. Thanks all for seeding!ukprncs (2009-04-09)
thank you for all your help, but it may just be me or my PC but it's not working.great download though. will continue to seed.
khaosindu (2009-04-09)
I do apologize ukprncs that it did not work. Keep ahold of it and try on an updated computer or something.Spazzu (2009-04-09)
I'm a bit confused. I've been following the instructions you've given, but when I mount the the things to Daemon Tools(or even the other), nothing happens. It isn't running.Wh-what am I doing wrong? D:
hegel5000 (2009-04-09)
Oh, this looks wonderful. I mean, it'll take several weeks if I only download this while online, but like, it's great with the included crack and the install order list. I love touches like that so that I know what to do :DWith something this big, you don't _have_ to have seeders. For me, when I download, I set the upload rate to half of what it would be if I was purely seeding, and that's probably what ends up happening with everyone else. With something this big, just be patient. The best part about a torrent is that it's just set it and forget it. And also make sure you've done all the necessary port forwarding steps. It can potentially really increase your speed on smaller torrents (I only barely figured out port forwarding just this year :P), and it probably also helps with seeding to more people.
Jayflip (2009-04-09)
I keep getting "Please insert the original disc instead of a backup (1000)."I downloaded _ONLY_ The sims 2 Deluxe (w/ NightLife) and also Daemon Tools. I mounted the extracted the folder to my desktop, mounted the MDS file and opened the MDF file with virtual drive, and it tells me "Please insert the original disc instead of a backup (1000)."
I have no idea where i went wrong, but please respond ASAP.
(This is the first time i've ever tried to mount something, maybe i've done it wrong?)
I'll be checking back daily.
Thankyou again for the download.
khaosindu (2009-04-09)
@ Jayflip -- Ok, because you downloaded just the first one, here is what you need to do. Go to gamecopyworld[dot]com and look for The Sims 2 Deluxe NO CD crack. Download, copy to installed directory and play n' enjoy!@ Spazzu -- ok, I personally dont use daemon tools. Try this, go to google and type in Alcohol 120% and download the trial and install, it will automatically make a virtual drive, so when you "mount" the .iso or what ever format there in, it will auto-load just like you were have to put a cd in the cd tray on your computer. Then follow the install instructions and you should be good to go!
Jayflip (2009-04-09)
Oh, I didn't realise I was soposed to download them all. THANKYOU MANTried and works PERFECTLY
I'll download just to seed for you. Thanks a MILLION (:
Thanks for the quick responce too!
Spazzu (2009-04-09)
...Hnnngh. I feel like such a bother, but I've honestly never used these programs before. Ever.I installed the program, but now its just sitting here and...I'm confused.
A-Any chance you could email me or something to walk me through this? Sorry for being such a loser. :'c
Mcdrew223 (2009-04-09)
Im with spazzu, Im new to these type of programs and Im lost as well. You said to "mount" but I have not idea how to do this sorry. I did deamon tools lite it install correctly I have the drive now but I cant open these files with it nor anything else. I tried to copy and paste to the drive, I tried to drag it. I noticed that files 1 is not a rar file so I didnt try to use a winrar yet either. Please help if you can. So basically I dont know how to install it onto the Deamon drive. Im supposing this is the next step. I f I need to install it somehow then put to deamon drive then I dont know how to run the install from its current status.Mcdrew223 (2009-04-09)
Ok I uninstalled Deamon lite tools and installed alcohol 120 and I it actually did something I see the mount options and such so Im guessing my deamon tools lite wasnt working right, so it went bye bye! I'll see if now I can figure out the rest from your past instructions ty for all your help and this game!khaosindu (2009-04-09)
@ Spazzu -- Just go to google, and look for Alcohol 120% and download the trial and then install. Everything will be much easier with this programs. Drag all of your files over into Alcohol 120% and then just mount, install, and follow the rest of the instructions.@ Mcdrew223 - Glad its working for you. I prefer alcohol 120% over any other imaging app. It really does make life alot easier. Easier to operate!
geoshippo (2009-04-10)
some one please seed!carmelz101 (2009-04-11)
i downloaded this and all of them work except apartment life and mansion and garden keeps saying i need a cd for the both of them...helpkhaosindu (2009-04-11)
@ carmelz101 -- Then you possibly have done something wrong. You didn't install them correctly, you didn't patch them correctly, or just didn't follow the instructions. Everything work man, you don't run any of them till all are installed and another thing, once you install apartment life and mansion and garden stuff, it should ask for apartment life cd. and make you that you have copied the crack over correctly.carmelz101 (2009-04-11)
well i followed all the instructions and it still say's that....I had bought sims double delux before and have some of the sim games already installed will that affect itkhaosindu (2009-04-12)
Yes, you have to install in the order that is in the readme file. If not it wont work. Same thing happened to me after I got all of them. I had them all in disarray when I installed. So I had to uninstall all of them, then I reinstalled all of them again, and worked like a charm!geoshippo (2009-04-12)
please please please seed!carmelz101 (2009-04-12)
but im missing folder 0.1khaosindu (2009-04-13)
are you talking about 1.0 & 3.0? if you don't have it, redownload itcarmelz101 (2009-04-13)
okay...should i uninstall my sims 2 double deluxe?bishop412 (2009-04-13)
how do I get this game i am super new to this? what program do i need to open up the files? can you please explain to me how to go about this?bishop412 (2009-04-13)
I have alcohol 120% and i have no clue how to use it!khaosindu (2009-04-13)
@ carmelz101 - Yes, uninstall everything and install everything you downloaded. The entire download, just install! Then should work!mrsthursday (2009-04-13)
Hi allthis is the 1st time for me.
I've downloaded and am still seeding, put in keys etc.
Now it says
'Now put the crack in the last installed game folder (Mansion And Garden Stuff) and execute it.
sorry guys, but can you give me a step by step, on this last part?
snn1626 (2009-04-13)
Ok so I've been downloading this torrent for the past 2 days, and it was around 63% complete, and my bitcomet would always give me a pop up window saying something stupid about the program and says it would close but when I clicked ok, nothing happened. This happened about 10 times, and this morning I clicked ok again like normal, and the download disappeared. I still have the files that I already downloaded, but I really don't want to have to start again. I went back to this site to try the same torrent again, and I put the download spot as the same as before and I got a window saying that I already had some of the same files in the torrent I wanted to download and that they were probably uncompleted files and I should click yes to 'hash and check and continue to download' and no 'to change my download spot' or something similiar to that. If I click yes, will it erase all of the files that I spent the last 2 days downloading? or will it pick up from where it left off? plz plz plz help, I don't want to spend another 4 days getting this done...Thanks :)snn1626 (2009-04-13)
nvm, I figured it out :) thanks anyways, hopefully it works when it finialy downloads :Pcarmelz101 (2009-04-13)
how do I unrar it?carmelz101 (2009-04-13)
Well I deleted everything completely and i am redownloading this so it's gonna take a day...but I have 4 questions....1. In the direction it say's unrar....What does that mean? I use Daemen Tools lite because I have no clue how to use alcohol 120 and I just mount the sim game's onto there. So how do you unrar?
2. Can someone not "seeding" this effect the download?
3. In the direction with that whole crack thing...what are you suppose to do?
4. Maybe my daeman tools lite is making say use the cd....How do you use alcohol 120?
carmelz101 (2009-04-13)
[Sorry to bother you again man am I annoying] haha...But when you say copy the crack to the mansion and garden you take the crack folder and drag it to the mansion and garden folder...cause that's what Ive been doing and I don't see how that's gonna do anything :/khaosindu (2009-04-13)
@ carmelz101 - Go to google and look for WinRar, search it, download it, install it! Yes to answer question 2. I have no idea about the daemon tools about saying it needs the cd etc.Now as far as the crack goes, here is what you need to do.
1. Go to the crack folder in what you downloaded so.. get to this location The.Sims.2 + All.Expansions [WORKING] - Rebuild - Khaos Industries\Crack\TSBin\ and the crack with be in that folder.
2. Now open my computer and get to this location.. C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSBin
3. You will see the game file called Sim2EP9.exe just from the crack folder, right click on it, then go to the game directory and right click and hit paste. Then a box will ask if you want to replace this file, just press yes and there ya go. That should do it for ya!
carmelz101 (2009-04-13)
okay I'll do that...and for the patches...when I try to use it for the freetime my window's say that it wasnt installed correctly and if i should install t using the recommended setting or no it was installed correctly..which one should I click?...and then when I try to use the freetime patch it say that there was an error and that i have to uninstall and reinstall freetime again...carmelz101 (2009-04-13)
*install itkhaosindu (2009-04-13)
@ carmelz101 -- Once everything is uninstalled follow the readme that comes with the download. Install in that order and when it comes to the patch then install the patch. Just follow the installed order and everything will be fine and it will install correctly.um2012 (2009-04-14)
I'm trying to play but it keeps asking me for the "code on the manual or back of the CD/DVD case"What do I do?
um2012 (2009-04-14)
Disregard my questionum2012 (2009-04-14)
Okay. I'm lost.I downloaded the The Sims 2: Deluxe v1.2.0.375 +4 TRAINER
The Sims 2: Deluxe v1.2.0.375 [MULTI2] No-DVD/Fixed EXE
now what? It still won't work alcohol won't execute the file.
Help! what am i doing wrong?
um2012 (2009-04-14)
Ok Why don't you tell us step by step thoroughly what we need to do.I'm still having trouble.
snn1626 (2009-04-14)
i'm pretty sure u have to dl the whole torrent, not just the parts u want um2012... and i dont think the guy's on atm :Pcarmelz101 (2009-04-14)
gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it still wont work :/..what am I doing wrongum2012 (2009-04-14)
I've downloaded EVERYTHING!!! :)It still wont work.
When he said
"Now put the crack in the last installed game folder (Mansion And Garden Stuff) and execute it"
I wish he would've gave a clearer explanation.
carmelz101 (2009-04-14)
hahahaha ohh i forgot to put the crack in the folder haha it works...thanx so much i love yu hahahhaah thanx and um 2012 what he mean isstep 1. go to my computer >> your c drive >> program files >> ea games >> and in the ea games you will see mansion and garden >> now go to the mansion and garden tsbin folder
step 2. Now open up your documents folder and where you have all the games listed how yu mounted everything and you will see a folder that says crack go to it and yu will see a thing saying sims e9 something like that now copy that and put it in the mansion and garden tsbin folder and it will work
yay thanx again khaos :D
um2012 (2009-04-14)
It's been in the folderIt still won't let me open the file.
um2012 (2009-04-14)
Thanks, carmelz101It works!
I love you!
um2012 (2009-04-14)
Why does it keep getting stuck at the Sims Mansion & Garden stuff screen?um2012 (2009-04-14)
Nevermind. Everything works!!!snn1626 (2009-04-14)
now i'm jealous... mine's taking FOREVER to download... this is the 4th day so far, and its only 86.1% done... and i let it dl for over 18 hours everyday lol... any way to make it go faster?carmelz101 (2009-04-14)
No problem um20212 :Dand snn1626 I don't think there is a faster way for it to download..what I did was just leave my computer on for the whole day never turning it off haha
Bibbygail (2009-04-14)
Ok, so this is the first time I've ever tried to download a "torrent", I think it's called. I dowloaded it and now I have no idea what to do with it. I've been reading all the comments and I downloaded alcohol 120 and rarzilla, but I have no idea what to do with them now that I have them. I don't know what a rar is or how to undo it, I don't know how to mount, or seed, or crack. These words aren't computer terms in my head. Could someone please post like a pirating for dummies or someting. I realize that this must be super annoying to all you people who are clued in, but I REALLY want to understand this and your help would be, well, helpful...Bibbygail (2009-04-15) i figured out the mounting thing and i've installed sims 2 deluxe, but when i go to install the university part, there are 2 parts and when i finish the first part, it says insert disc 2. obviously, i don't have a disk, so what do i do?khaosindu (2009-04-15)
for the second disk, all you have to do is just unmount the first one then mount the 2nd disk. Easy as pie!snn1626 (2009-04-15)
ok so i spent 4 days downloading this, and it doesn't want to install. i mount the image and blah blah on daemon tools, and it asks for english or spanish, and after that it tells me that sims 2 is already installed and i need to uninstall it to install sims 2 deluxe.but ive already uninstalled and deleted verything to do with my old sims 2. ive gone thru every file on my computer, and i cant find anything to do with the old sims 2, but it still wont let me install the deluxe version. any suggestions??snn1626 (2009-04-15)
hooray! i got past that stupid problem... and it didnt work for the dumbest reason ever. but glad its finially installing... hopefully no more problems...*fingers crossed*khaosindu (2009-04-15)
Congrats sn1626!snn1626 (2009-04-15)
do i have to install it on my c drive? not really any room... can i install it on my d drive and have it work still?khaosindu (2009-04-15)
You can install it on your d drive if you want. Thats fine. You can install it anywhere for it to work!!snn1626 (2009-04-15)
wow i suck with computers... ok so i tried to make everything install in my d:drive, but when i tried to install the add ons without ken codes, it tells me i dont have enough hard drive space open and i need 200 mb, but i have at least 26 GB open in my d drive and 6 GB in the c drive... so i skipped that one and i got to celebration stuff and it tells me that sims 2 and sims pets is installed wrong and i need to reinstall them both... what now? sorry...khaosindu (2009-04-15)
Ok, uninstall all the sims2 stuff on your computer. Reinstall from the beginning on your d drive. Follow the install order and do everything the readme says. It should install correctly.snn1626 (2009-04-15)
i uninstalled all of it and made an EA games folder on my d drive, and i installed the deluxe without a problem, but now its saying that the university installs wrong and it terminates... what am i dont wrong now?? sorry for the trouble...khaosindu (2009-04-15)
I dont know whats going on with that. It installs just fine for me. Hmmm, Ill look into it for you. Check the The Sims 2 Website for troubleshooting.geoshippo (2009-04-16)
can some one please seed? ive been downloading for ttwo day and its barely at 10%geoshippo (2009-04-16)
me again! the download is going slower its barely at 15% please please seed!!Smudgeys (2009-04-16)
Sorry to sound dumb.. but I downloaded "Seasons" only, and the files are .mdf and .mdsi thought they were iso files? do i still download alcohol 120% and mount? sorry, the nfo file thing that came with it doesnt say :)
Smudgeys (2009-04-16)
i figured out the mdf is like an image type file and i need to burn that image onto a disk, but what do i do with mds file? does anyone know?Smudgeys (2009-04-16)
got it all sorted!! Had fun playing :)Thanks for the upload!
Rajaton (2009-04-16)
Are these multi language cds or just English?khaosindu (2009-04-16)
@ rajaton - Most of them are multi language. I wanna say there are a few that are english and Spanish. But I do know most of them are multi.khaosindu (2009-04-18)
We do need some more seeders. Somebody please seed some more! For the seeders that are seeding, thanks! Doing awesome!hitsticklol (2009-04-18)
OK. Sorry to bug you but I have a quick question. I have followed your instructions to the letter, successfully installing all the expansion packs in the proper order and copying the crack into the mansion and gardens stuff expansion tsbin folder. However for some unknown reason the screen freezes at the mansion and garden stuff screen. It plays the intro video to the sims 2 and everything but then freezes and stops responding. I noticed um2012 had a similar problem but then somehow resolved it?!?! Please help me.khaosindu (2009-04-18)
I personally wouldn't know. What type of system do you have and whats your os?hitsticklol (2009-04-19)
i have a lenovo ideapad y530 laptop with windows vista home premium 32 bit. i dont know maybe i should just try to torrent a different crack or something or maybe reinstall the whole thing?khaosindu (2009-04-19)
Ok when you copy the crack over, make a desktop shortcut. Then go to your desk top and right click and then look for something to the effect of run under window xp 32bit or something to that. Tell me how it goes there for you. Because it sounds like your having the same problem from when I tried to install on my sisters laptop. She has a hp 4gb ram with decent ati video card etc with vista 64x. Because of her 64x it wont run the game. Even tried the way im recommending to you now, but try that and let me know how that turns out for you.Luke182 (2009-04-19)
Can more people seed please =/ at 77% but now its going really slow. ill seed all the time after. ThanksLuke182 (2009-04-19)
Seriously we need more seeders this is going really slow....hitsticklol (2009-04-19)
wow. i feel kinda stupid. i left the Sims 2 on for 2 hours and turns out the problem was just it takes a while to load because my graphics aren't that good. so i had to change them in the options later and now it works fine. thanks for the help anyway. By the way the CD key for kitchen and bath stuff didn't work for me, but here's one that did: H8JA-8LRD-7THY-5YCO-HFLT. Thanks again and great torrent.Dudeix (2009-04-19)
Great torrent, installs and works correctly. I too thought i had the issue of it freezing at the mansion&garden stuff screen, but like others, turns out it's just a really long load wait (at least 10 minutes). That said i have a question that doesn't pretain to the torrent itself.Where do you stick custom content downloads? Normally its in C:Program Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/Downloads, but theres a folder for every installed expansion, and no downloads folder in any of them, and creating one in mansion & garden stuff doesn't seem to work. Anybody care to help me out with that?
khaosindu (2009-04-19)
C:\Documents and Settings\*Your Username Here*\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloadsif the download folder doesn't exist, go ahead and just right click and make one called downloads. Then just copy all your addons over to that!
Luke182 (2009-04-20)
whys my down rate crap now? it was like 400 yesterday now that ive nearly downloaded it its going at 1kb.....Smudgeys (2009-04-20)
I'm having trouble again.. I decided to download the holiday pack and stuff as well as the teen style stuff, I installed teen style last and put a crack in that folder, when I go to play it, it says "Not a valid win32 application" - any tips?Luke182 (2009-04-20)
hey im up to University and i cant open the file with daemon tools it says error in command line what do i do :S thanksLuke182 (2009-04-20)
Okay installed everything but now when i do the crack from mansion it comes up with the error."Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system!
Please make sure you have a DirextX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest manufacturer provided driver.
The application will now terminate..."
There updated and still doesnt work any ideas? thanks
khaosindu (2009-04-20)
What type of graphics card do you have?Luke182 (2009-04-20)
Mobile Intel r 4 series Express chipset family... not good but ive played this before and worked fun. is it because of all the patches that i cant handle it? ThanksLuke182 (2009-04-21)
dont worry got it working now :) thanks for the uploadmilkyman989 (2009-04-21)
i can get it to work i downloaded everthing and the updated directx a i keep get failed to enumerate and directx 9 what do i domilkyman989 (2009-04-21)
i have HP Pavilion dv7 x64 AMD Turion? X2 RM-72 Dual-Core Mobile Processor 4gb memory ATI RADEON HD 3200khaosindu (2009-04-21)
Whats your operating system?milkyman989 (2009-04-21)
window vista x64 ok i got the crack to work when it loads it feezes do i wait or what do i do ?milkyman989 (2009-04-21)
do i have to burn it to a diskwbrewer51 (2009-04-22)
how can i make it get go fastermilkyman989 (2009-04-22)
When in game, press the pause butten, then push ctrl+left shift+c then type in "motherlode" without the quotes.milkyman989 (2009-04-22)
im pressing that it not working i think it the shift/ i think it reassign to do something else anyway i can switch backBrittnaaay (2009-04-22)
I'm having te DirectX problem with the patch, and I'm updated to the latest version.Acer Extensa 5420
AMD Turion 64 x2
(1.9 GHz, 2 x 512 KB L2 cache)
up to 896 MB ATI Radion Xpress 1250 HyperMemory
I don't know which version of Vista I'm running... It says Home Premium but there's no number. Is it the x64?
I followed all the directions, mounted and installed each pack in order.
Also, the patch folders were empty, but I just downloaded them from the Sims 2 site.
I can't run anything until I finish everything, I think you said. It's still saying I need to run from an original disk and not a backup, but I figured that was because I hadn't run the crack or finished anything yet.
Brittnaaay (2009-04-22)
Okay, I figured out that I have Vista 32-bit.I'm gonna see if there's any updates for my driver, or something.
I'm basically googling everything I can think of.
Brittnaaay (2009-04-22)
I downloaded and ran the Uniblue DriverScanner, but it says "0 out of date drivers found."Brittnaaay (2009-04-22)
Never mind that last comment, I'm updating 3 drivers now. Hopefully this works.Luke182 (2009-04-22)
Thats what your supposed to do with the crack, is put it in the TSBin folder anyways. lol. You dont run it from the download folder, it needs to be in the directory folder.Luke182 (2009-04-23)
Oh right well at first i put it in the mansion folder then tried it in bin and worked :P anyway nice upload thanksjrpthepixie (2009-04-23)
K sorry if this has been asked before but im to lazy to read all messages :/I downloaded that went fine -scanned found no virus's thanks Khanos. I have Daemon tools (which does work wonders) which i mounted it with, i think i might of screwed up because your install mentions to unrar which i have i just didnt do, but when i go to play its asking for Mansion CD then i read you instructions and it mentions to mount crack in same folder as mansion where can i find this?khaosindu (2009-04-23)
"step 1. go to my computer >> your c drive >> program files >> ea games >> and in the ea games you will see mansion and garden >> now go to the mansion and garden tsbin folderstep 2. Now open up your documents folder and where you have all the games listed how yu mounted everything and you will see a folder that says crack go to it and yu will see a thing saying sims e9 something like that now copy that and put it in the mansion and garden tsbin folder and it will work"
Thank you carmelz for the comment you left. Just quoting it.
That is what you do in order for you to get it to work. The crack has to be in the TSBin folder for the Mansion and Garden Stuff. The crack folder can be found in the download folder where you got all the .iso's from. Any other questions, please ask!
milkyman989 (2009-04-25)
my shift key dont work. i cant pull up the cheat command need help please. i reinstall and didnt workkhaosindu (2009-04-26)
Sounds like a prob with your keyboard.killbrother1 (2009-04-26)
This does work with XP 64 bit!khaosindu (2009-04-26)
It might be compatible with your system. Wasn't with the laptop. =Dqueenofblades (2009-05-03)
It's not going to work for a Intel 82810 graphics card is it?>.
jahonlyprincess (2009-05-07)
i'm kind of new to this but i was wondering if once the free trial is up for daemon tools will i still be able to access the game? Will it still mount it? Because for a previous download once it expired it wouldn't mount the game anymore. Oh yeah and thanks for taking the time to do thiskhaosindu (2009-05-08)
Sims2: Free Timere-read the list, its in there. Right under Teen Style Stuff. Peers is the downloaders and uploaders.
magos12345 (2009-05-19)
i installed the game but when i try to play it says confict with emukation software detectedwhat is going on?
ASSASSIN82 (2009-05-20)
Hi everyone! Ok I know there have been a million questions but maybe my question can help clear up everyone's questions as well.I've downloaded the torrent (thanks to everyone that seeded!) and now I need help getting this file to work. I'll write what I've done so far, so please help me when you see I have done something wrong.
1. I have Alcohol 120%, I went to My Documents, opened 'The.Sims.2 + All.Expansion..." file with Alcohol 120%, opened [01.0 & 03.0 folder] and mounted 'Sims2Deluxe1.mdf' - was I supposed to mount the other file in that folder as well? (Sims2Deluxe1.mds)
2. After everything finished installing, I tried to open the game, but I got a "Emulation software detected" message. I didn't know what was wrong, so I continued mounting the next files.
3. I opened the 2.0 folder up with Alcohol (this is what I don't know what to do)-there are 5 files in this folder, a CCD, IMG, BIN, CUE, and SUB file-- do I mount ALL files, or which one do I mount?
I think for all the newbies here, there are multiple files within each folder, so its difficult to know if all files are supposed to be mounted or one specific file, and in which order. I'm not messing with this this anymore until I can get some concrete answers. Once I can figure it out, I will be happy to help anyone else download and execute their game!
Sorry so long, I just wanted to make my question(s) as clear as possible.
xClaireBearx (2009-05-27)
Hey. Im currently still downloading sloooowly but i have never used this to download games before. Ive read through all the comments and am more confused than ever. I downloaded Alcohol 120% and also Daemon lite just in case but have no idea what to do with them. Could someone possibly send me an itiots step by step guide so i can work this out! =)Squuz (2009-05-29)
could you do me favor? where can I download tis fileSquuz (2009-05-29)
hay ppl!! tell me how to download plz!!!gr8limacon (2009-05-29)
You download by clicking on "Download this torrent". If you mean how do you download it, then I would recommend "Vuze" which is a program that downloads torrents. Just google it. Im sure other people would recommend other torrent downloaders, but for me Vuze works just fine.weebl93 (2009-06-01)
I have installed all the Sim games. However when I go to play the game i get the error message of:"Wrong disc inserted.
Please insert the original "The Sims? 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff" CD/DVD."
Also when I copy the TSBin crack to the programe folder do i overwrite the orginal 'Sims2EP9' file.
Help please =]
bloodybee (2009-06-05)
If you experience red flashing walls like I used to, follow these instructions -
And to make the game go faster, go to Start> Run > System config and disable all. (Internet goes off)
khaosindu (2009-06-06)
@weebl93Yes, over right the copy. Just click yes! Then it will play!
OGTyree (2009-06-13)
more seeding would be helpfulOGTyree (2009-06-13)
3 kb/s =/fft30u (2009-06-14)
yo can someone tell me how to seed i am new..yo thanks for the nice upload..i am downloading it like 3 days its still at 11% can someone seed please if u guys and girls are understandful and nice..thank u for the good upload..
fft30u (2009-06-14)
i am very new here please can some help me get this download fast i am waiting like 3 and its 4 its still at 11% please help..if u people are niceplease i really need your help people thank u..
fft30u (2009-06-14)
i have all cracks if some need one just email at [email protected] only crack i dont have issims 2 university rest i all have..please note one thing that i did not tested this cracks but there are no virus its total clean virus free the sims 2 deluxe crack i have tested it worked so rest i will try if i get this download fast please seed if u want cracks please seed thank you.
fft30u (2009-06-14)
i have all cracks if someone need just email menote that i dont have the sims 2 university crack
rest all i have
dntndastn (2009-06-14)
HeyI just downloaded everything. Step 2 says I should Mount it. I tried Alcohol 120%, Daemon Tools Pro and Daemon Tools Lite. Nothing worked.
I opened the first file, and I went to Mount in Daemon tools, but it was light greyish colored, which means I couldn't click it.
I googled what was wrong and to me it seems the program doesn't makes a virtual drive... How can I solve this?
Or did I do something wrong? Thanks for making this file available for us!
dntndastn (2009-06-14)
Oh and if someone knows how to solve the problem (making a virtual drive) please email me at:crashed dot desire at gmail dot com.
Mmjaa (2009-06-16)
Where has all seeders and leechers disappeared? :(brandon902 (2009-06-19)
So, I downloaded the torrent and everything worked fine, except for Celebrations Stuff. Every time I try to mount the image file, it tells me to insert the disk. I don't understand what to do. This file is mounted, so why Is it telling me to do this?sophishe1 (2009-06-20)
Can we get more seeds? Its gone really slow :/sophishe1 (2009-06-21)
Seed please guys :SIt has slowed down to 2.5 kbps :(
alfredoizpimp (2009-06-21)
you should make a video on how to install cunfused LOl .
wel lmines still downloading .
jagodzianka (2009-06-22)
please seed that.... it's already taking forever to download :(. Thanks in advance :)jagodzianka (2009-06-22)
please seed that.... it's already taking forever to download... :(. Thanks in advance :)sophishe1 (2009-06-22)
Can anyone help me with the next bit?I've downloaded Alcohol 120% (btw its only the trial version, is that okay?)
Now i think i have to do the mounting thing, so i open the first one, the sims delux, but when i open it up it says : "unrecognised file format for recording! Please insert a recognised image file for recording!"
What do I do?
sophishe1 (2009-06-22)
Ah iv noticed that file didn't download properly, or at least is faulty, so im going to use my disks for the sims,i have instead (i had some trouble with them before but tnow they are fine)sophishe1 (2009-06-23)
sophishe1 (2009-06-23)
Scrap the last comment :)But I got ANOTHER problem :S
I dont have a tsbin folder to put the crack into, i really dont understand what to do now, can anyone help?
pzychobitch (2009-06-25)
Will I be able add downloadable stuff for this one ?xangieex (2009-06-25)
hey ok, so im downloading this at 71% it tells me theres a virus, what do i do, do i still continue, and how do i seed? =] cool thanks xtdouble (2009-06-26)
ok i am lost i have installed everything mounted each iso and everytime i try to play it ask for a cd i thought that was the point of mounting them so i did not need the cd. i am i right or wrong? someone please help !!ohfoohy (2009-07-18)
Seed please! And you people saying that they get a virus detection, don't sweat it, most detect one on keygens. But norton sucks, use what I use Kasperskey (BUY it though)ohfoohy (2009-07-18)
@tdoubleThat's what the crack is for. I don't use the cracks though. I use the Sims 2 Store Edition. You don't need the discs, just google it and install it. It's made by EA. Hopefully they didn't patch it.
Ivy_k (2009-08-13)
Seed please!!neoshain (2009-08-14)
Seed please! It's sooo slow. I promise I'll seed 24/7/365 when I'm done.kowadda (2009-11-01)
Hey, i installed university and it worked fine, had mounted the image n everything, but now it says "Please insert disk 2" .I tryed to click ok but the message kept popping up. Then i cancelled it but that just stopped the installation. Please, please help! It took me a whole day to download this and i really wana play it!
kowadda (2009-11-02)
Yay don't worry i was a dumhed i figerd it out. :)guideo (2009-11-25)
Please guys, my net is a little slow but i already downloaded 9GB.There is 4 left...
And the seeders are running away =(
I will take a while to finish but i WILL!!!
michellea98 (2009-11-26)
it don´t come up on the utorrent its just come up a document file :(Help me!!
Emilpes (2009-12-06)
This torrent is really good thx it works fine for me..Only problem is that i dont got crack to "Sims 2 deluxe and nightlife" -_-.that's so stupid to have them in once.
Aleja122 (2009-12-07)
Hi, this have the Sims 2 GAME? I mean not the expansions, the game WITH the Expansions?Laurin91 (2009-12-18)
Seeeed please :(just 10kb/s. ;(
IVeNoMI (2009-12-18)
I've installed everything and when i go to run the sims 2 I get a message saying:Wrong disc inserted.
Please insert the original "The Sims? 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff" CD/DVD.
ukguy1971 (2009-12-28)
well we have downloaded this torrent and followed the instrutions,and added the crack into the tsbin in mansion and garden in c drive program files and over ride the other crack,
but the sims will start but will freeze then crash when it gets to the sims logo,
and the only way to solve that problem is to hold down ctrl + alt then press delete to start the task manager but a error message comes up saying that there is a problem with the crack.
ramulan45 (2010-01-02)
ok so i downloaded and began installing and deluxe went fine but when i went to open university its not coming up as MDF files. there IMG, BUN and SUB files. please helpcaptain-james (2010-01-08)
can people seed pleasethanks
captain-james (2010-01-08)
can people seed pleaseTrackLantz (2010-01-22)
Alright this question has probably been answered 10 times but as i scanned all the comments i couldn't find anything. I previously had Sims 2 Deluxe, so when i downloaded this torrent i didn't download deluxe bcz all i wanted were the expansions, yet i can't get the first expansion (university) to download. Do i need to uninstall and reinstall the full torrent including Deluxe?Juggalo_Wolf (2010-01-28)
i am wondering the same thing i already have a bought version of deluxe how will i know if these work ? n' how do i install or use the add ons ? n' what if the keys don't work ?yochilt (2010-01-29)
PLEASE SEED!!!GUPPY4evr (2010-02-08)
ive tried to run this crap on a widows xp computer and it dosnt work at all. when I try to start the game it says Im supposed to insert cd 2. (??????!!!!)it doesnt come with a cd 2! If someone out there has the same problems as i do, download the games separately, im sure it works a lot better.
KayaSims (2010-02-10)
I finally finished downloading this torrent. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Everything is working okay up until the installation of The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff - when it gets near 98% completion, I get this error:"A problem occurred when trying to transfer the
file 'E:\Support\European HelpFiles\Sv\whxdata\whtoc.xml' from the media.
Do you want to retry to copy the file, or cancel the installation?"
I've tried going into the disc and went to the address directed in the error to copy the whtoc.xml file and pasting it into the installation directory manually. When I try, Windows gives me an error saying "Invalid MS-DOS Function".
Can I just skip installing Glamour Life Stuff (as well as a couple of others with the same error) or am I going to have to move onto another torrent? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.
Sophyla (2010-02-14)
this is ridiculously slow, left it on all night and its done two and a half percent!SEED PEOPLE!
KyleHardstyle (2010-02-17)
il seed when ive downloaded it, seems like there are no problems with the game itself, keep it up :)KyleHardstyle (2010-02-18)
Do you have to download them all? because im only downloading a select few :(Ulyssej (2010-02-20)
Lol I'm currently at 500kb/s (+) and it's still downloading slow for me xD...I know this won't last for long..soon it'll be down to like...5kb/s or less ;n; *shot* FMLUlyssej (2010-02-21) kb/s only lowered to a minimum of 500-490kb/s!Ulyssej (2010-02-21)
I was cut off =.=. Anyway I'll def. seed after this is done! But I'll be back if I have any problems with the installation.. and considering that this is well..ME. I will lol.Ulyssej (2010-02-21)
Wow! For once I had absolutely NO trouble what so ever~ For once.. hahaI managed to install the program without any problems. It was a smooth process. Thank you very much and keep up the good work! I'll keep seeding.
P.s. For those who are wondering whether or not they have to download ALL the expansion packs, you don't. Well, just as long as when you skip, you still download them in order. Know what I mean? Anyways, once again, thank you!
KyleHardstyle (2010-02-21)
failed to enumerate any directX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system!Please make sure you have a directX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the latest manufacturer provided driver.
~The FUCK! my pc is up-to-date ect... it runs everything and anything modern with no problems! wth
KyleHardstyle (2010-02-21)
i have windows vista 32-bit and it says its compatible with it so i dont get what the problem is :(KyleHardstyle (2010-02-21)
scrap that,@Luke182 thanks a bunch mannn got it to work
if anyone gets the directx problem go to page 6 and its Luke182's comment fixes it.
rgfonseca (2010-02-26)
Hey. I need a serial number! I tried that ones, but none have worked! Please!my e-mail is [email protected]
thank you !
infamousdrums (2010-02-27)
please seed guys its going to take me a year to download this. I always seed my games I download so please return the favor :)criminalzerg (2010-02-28)
By far the best sims 2 torrent on this siteDocProphecy (2010-03-01)
Works great,Downloaded this for my girlfriend since she has been wanting all the expansion packs for ages, was glad to see a torrent that finally worked. Just follow the instructions and everything should go fine.
Thanks for the upload Khaosindu
AnnaNeedsHelp (2010-03-05)
Awesome! I finally have ALL expansions! I've never been so happy! Definitely seeding. :)chibibel (2010-03-13)
when i go to install family fun stuff it says "please insert disk 1"how can i get it to work?
ajasenka (2010-03-14)
SEED PEOPLE SEED! =(DeityTacos (2010-03-21)
This is my first torrent I've done so far. I have a question though. When I look into my crack folder, then into the TS bin I don't see any files inside. Anybody know what might of caused this?how2b (2010-03-22)
Um... did someone get the game to work?how2b (2010-03-22)
How do I get "The Sims 2 Bon Voyage" to work!? It says that the computer needs the CD?jullkull (2010-03-29)
please seed, downloading it for my little sister.yoLILYY (2010-03-29)
pleeeasee seed! downloading at 4kbps :(luck702 (2010-04-16)
I installed all of the files and it freezes up on the menu loading screen. help?a.hablas (2010-04-22)
luck702 its not really freezing up it just takes forever the first start up leave it for 5 minutes or so. or your computer is crapFrancis35 (2010-04-25)
I know there are already comments about this but I am also having the "failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adpaters in this system!"The thing is I have DirectX 9 and just upgraded my graphics card drivers. My graphics card drive is a Nvidia GeForce 7300LE. Someone help please.
juanmastgm (2010-04-28)
Fast download, succesfully installed sims 2 deluxe but when installing university it says: The game Will now ensure that your existing instalation is up to date. ANd I click OK. Then It says: The Update process did not complete successfully, installantion will now terminate.WTF do i do?
canababe23 (2010-05-02)
hey there thanks a lot for the upload i had it within a my quiestion is i put deamon tools on it i instaled the game but now it says put real disk in instead of backup so can you help me what the problem is, i am pretty smart with computers but maybe i am soo stupid with this cant get it working pleasssseeee help!thanks!!!
canababe23 (2010-05-02)
maybe thats because i didnt instal them all will do it right now maybe it works then if not i will be back here i will keep reading the comments hopefully you can help would be great i had the game befor in dutch but i want it in english but great upload thanks khaosinducanababe23 (2010-05-02)
it keeps saying to mePlease insert the original disc instead of a backup
how can i fix this please help
Liiy (2010-05-03)
Guys, my scanner says it has a trojan.Mugy7 (2010-05-05)
how do i install?ive tried mounting it, even burning it on a real dvd, the main sims install doesn't have a setup, just the unistallation files on the cd?can someone help me? [email protected]
freakjen21 (2010-05-11)
Please seed, it'd be greatly appreciated!!Mansikkamehu (2010-05-12)
So... I have the original The Sims 2 already, but if this torrent contains Sims 2 Deluxe, it means that I really don't need the original The Sims 2, right?Also, I know The Sims 2 can be played in Finnish, but can I play these The Sims 2 games in Finnish, or are these in English only?
(I'm sorry for being a n00b like this, but I just am curious.)
DocProphecy (2010-05-16)
For those of you wondering, this does work on windows 7 64 bit. It's also 100 percent safe and is really the only torrent on pb that you should bother downloading when it comes to sims 2.For all of you who are having problems, follow the directions step by step. You also have to download the whole file(all 13.85gb). I also had the Sims 2 double deluxe, and I tried just downloading all the expansion packs from here but the installation got messed up in the end because I used the actual disk for the deluxe portion instead of the .exe found in this torrent. After I downloaded the whole thing and followed the instructions, it worked fine and still works to this day.
Note that after you successfully get the installation done and you start up the game, the loading screens will take 5-20 minutes to load (depending on your computer) because of all the information from the expansions it has to process.
samyullhorton (2010-05-20)
I keep getting this error message:A problem occurred when trying to transfer the 'E:\Support\EA
When trying to install Deluxe. What can I do ?
WolverineX23 (2010-05-26)
well i can't even make it show the goes dark for a second a nice sound is heard then comes back to desktop..i get no error messages...same problem with Sims 3 btwshadyslady224 (2010-06-03)
ok, i have had nothing but problems attempting to install this. i had to download a totally different torrent for deluxe, now im attempting university, and its tellling me to insert disc 1. help. nothing i have tried has worked.awza (2010-06-05)
This torrent was pretty slow around the first 5 minutes, but the it speed up to around 2,1MB/s [Woah!]so what im trying to say is, dont just wait 1 minute and then delete and go comment here saying SEED!
be patient, wait 5 mins.
raiwits (2010-06-10)
My torrent don't even get more than 100 kb/s.. Idk what is the problem =(fu45 (2010-06-11)
i got it all finished and done. i've downloaded and updated the directx and it still tells me the "enumerate" message..AND asks me to put the original mansion and garden disc in..what do i do? does this work on windows 7?fu45 (2010-06-11)
ive downloaded everything..did the crack..and it still has the "enumerate" message and i'm not sure if this works for windows 7? if so..what do i do? i've spent a ton of time trying to get this to work. help please.raiwits (2010-06-11)
22 out of 120 Come on people!! I don't want to have 45/kbs all time this is 3rd day i download this!!fu45 (2010-06-15)
i mounted the last disc..mansions and garden stuff..but i keep getting an error message that says "wrong disc inserted. please insert the original the sims 2 mansion and garden stuff cd/dvd" ...what do i need to do now?supanut (2010-06-25)
Nearly 6 days now but just 92 percent?Seed the fuck up! Let me achieve 100 kb/s.
From my current speed I expect it to finish by Sunday night or by Monday morning, but who knows, maybe it will finish tonight; lol!
supanut (2010-06-26)
Bullshit, just finish download.Maybe I will not download something this big again because it is a waste of time.
lilmattere (2010-06-26)
this is good but it takes a hell of a lot of timesupanut (2010-06-27)
I agree.Also, it installs fine in Windows 7 in VMware Workstation 7.1!
But I have one problem, the walls are red, how can I fix it? Maybe I should install directx 9 in Windows 7?
Engi183 (2010-07-12)
I seeded 15 GB becouse I downloaded it in 1 dayGwalchgwyn (2010-07-13)
Freaking brilliant torrent.nnEverything worked perfectly for me too. nnDownload time was ok too considering the size of the file.nnClear instructions also given on serial numbers, and install order.nnThe only thing that could make this torrent better is if each expansion had its own keygen.nnBrilliant download :)Oakland95 (2010-07-13)
Hey, I got a problem.. The installation of the Sims 2 (the first, normal) was OK, but when I clicked on the game, the logo came up, and then a little box who said I had to put in the CD, and reload the game. What should I do? Please help me!madx1 (2010-07-18)
having trouble installing deluxe. I am getting \"A problem occurred when trying to transfer the \'E:\\Support\\EAHelp\\WebHelp_Skin_Files\\XP_Silver\\XP_Silver.skn\"
error. Not everything has downloaded so I shall wait until all is downloaded before I try again...dangerdanny (2010-07-24)
installed everything perfectly but everytime i try to start the game i get a command box flash up quickly saying "program is too big for memory"anyone got any ideas?
Kyaira (2010-07-26)
@dangerdanny Is your computer slow? I think its telling you that you need more RAM.Damien_74 (2010-07-31)
Could a few more seed for a while? I'll seed when done.Damien_74 (2010-07-31)
This is a great release, thanks. Makes things so much easier.Update. You will not be able to install updates, Free Time patch and Apartment Life patch. And its not needed cause it will be installed with latest expansion automatically. For one of the expansions the release groups own little app will autostart, use the key generator in that app. For Bon Voyage the key is wrong use this 4n88-r284-4ghm-xe9d-5kw3 instead.
Fazef (2010-08-01)
Ehm, In Delux there is a MDF file you use to start the install..and that worked, but when i open the next, University (and some other 2 ) There are just 1-2 VLC files !!! wft? The download says it 100% downloaded but do i miss some file? or am i supposed to use the video files in som how ??? plz help !!interest9 (2010-08-03)
Noob questions:It said unrar, but I see no rars?
I'm not really familiar with mounting, what does he mean by putting it in the 1.0 folder etc.?
Morpheus009 (2010-08-04)
when i start up mansion and garden stuff it gets to the loading screen but it doesn't load, and it isn't responding.drakfooldj (2010-08-08)
to madx1 and everyone getting the"A problem occurred when trying to transfer the \\\'E:\\\\Support\\\\EA
error."Was having the same problem. I was using magic ISO to mount the image. Downloaded latest update of Daemon Tools and it worked fine.
IvaT (2010-08-14)
Hi.I have installed first 10.0 with no problem but at the end of installing Celebration stuff I have encountered this:"Electronic Arts AutoRun has encountered problem and needs to close...etc" i have tryed to skip it and pass on H&M Fashion but the problem remains just the same and again I have faced the same text.
Darktangent10 (2010-08-15)
I'm connected to 30+ seeds, yet my download speed often slows to 5 kb/s. Anyone know how to fix this?bryheg (2010-08-20)
do you install in the order that you put? and does it include any update patches?gerardonavarrete (2010-08-20)
I need to know if this pack is multilanguage? Plz Tellme!!! :(Chromata (2010-08-22)
@gerardonavarrete: Yes, it is multilanguage.I keep stumbling across the same problem several other people have been having and I couldn't find how to fix it. I've done everything necessary and yet it won't start. I go to the crack and, when I click the icon that should start the game it gives me a message telling me that the game couldn't "enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters" in my computer . Now this is just plain ridiculous; I have DirectX 9 on my computer already and as far as I know I have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter. Can anyone help me?
dfb2010 (2010-08-22)
Can we get some seeders on this? or maybe up your rates on it please? I'm needing this for my laptop before I go on a trip with my family so I have something to do D:.TDIPowered (2010-08-23)
i downloaded the game installed it craked it the game starts and takes for ever to load. but it does. during game play when you try to get the sim to do somthing the options only pop up for a second not long enough to click on anything. can any body helpVexxorb (2010-08-23)
Thank you so much for this download! It took about five days, but it was worth the wait, as it installed perfectly.And to answer a question I saw, in case nobody has answered it, yes, patches are included.
A few of the stuff packs required me to go to the folder where the images were mounted (which is the I drive for me, I think) and manually autorun them, but they worked fine, despite popping up a few messages saying they hadn't installed properly.
Also, if anyone is having problems, I highly suggest mounting images with Daemon Tools Lite. You can find it here:
I am using Windows Vista, by the way.
Thanks again for the upload!
Chromata (2010-08-23)
*update* I updated DirectX because, as it turns out, DirectX wasn't up to date after all. However, this isn't working even after that, even though I'm clicking what I should click to start the game.dfb2010 (2010-08-23)
Problem D: I have directX 9 and I know my computer supports it and the sims2 plus several expansions but i get the error message saying its not up to date or its not supported. help?Chromata (2010-08-25)
Okay, redid the download. However, I'm at the download for University and none of the files are compatible with Daemon Tools Lite. What's up with that?bigbenwallace90 (2010-08-26)
@chromatayea i had the same problem last time you have to use a different program i forgot what i used last time i installed this one of these should work magiciso, alcohol 120 or gburner im not sure sense im just starting to download this again
Elianan (2010-08-27)
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.u/ling at 850kbps dl/ing at 15kbps
Share thanks >:
Truecarpet (2010-08-29)
Umm yeah i have a problem... i downloaded everything and installed and cracked. the only problem is that when i start the game im just stuck at the start screen that says the sims 2. it doesnt say " press any button to play" or "press enter" if u kno what im trying to say its just that screen and i cant play itYosuplol (2010-09-02)
I might just not be thinking straight because it's really late, but I've downloaded the 13gigs and when I install it it's adding 13g again, is it not? If so, can I delete the torrent after downloading or do I have to have 26g of Sims or am I just being ignorant and missing something?Straxton (2010-09-13)
Downloaded in under a day, and they're all installing perfectly. You are a god among men, Khaos. :Djenn19 (2010-09-17)
Alright so. Question, does this actually have the sims 2 original game. or is it just the expansions? I go into the crack, into the TSbin file, and click on the icon in that folder( which i assume i have to do to install the sims right? ) and I try to install it but I get a small box with an X in it.Can somebody help me plzzzzzzz!
billydimak (2010-09-17)
I can't get it to work on windows 7. I cracked and installed, worked fine. So when I skip the video on the beginning - or wait for it to end - the game goes not responding.Help ?
jessicahaligh (2010-09-21)
@Yosuplol once you install each expansion you should only need to keep Mansions & Garden's .iso. Just as it'd be if you bought the games: you only need the most recent expansion pack's cd to play.lisa81uk (2010-09-21)
Works perfectly for me on windows 7 using daemon tools lite. Just had to remember to change the compatability of all the expansions to 'run in sp3 for xp' and 'run as admin'Amazing upload, thanks very much :)
lisa81uk (2010-09-21)
@billydimakit takes a while to load up the first time, just let it run past the whole intro and wait, dont forget to change the compatability too.
billydimak (2010-09-22)
Yeah, thanks, I changed the compatibilities. The loading times are.. huge. (and not because of my PC :p )But it plays, so I can't complain.
runienude (2010-09-27)
"Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the lastest manufacturer provided driver. The application will now terminate..."I have Windows 7 32bits and DirectX 11. Just updated the drivers too. Can I get some help please?
Dareomius (2010-09-29)
Hey, i have a problem with instalation:Everything instal perfect, but after Pets, i get error with every "Stuff" pack. After installing any stuff pack, it goes to version verification, then to update and at the update, it says, that i have to uninstall and install Pets again. I did it and the error was the same, so i installed other expansions pack after Pets (Bon voyage, Free time, Apartment life), tryied stuff packs and again it says the same, but about the last expansion pack. Can any1 help me with this please?
SweetGeek (2010-10-04)
I've installed the Sims deluxe and have tried to install the university pack, and in just freezes. Then I've tried the Open for business pack and it begins installing fine until it gets the loading screen then it just sits there at 0%, if I at all just try to play Sims deluxe it gives me an error saying to insert the disk not the backup. I'm installing it by mounting it with daemon tools and I'm not very good at these sort of things, and ideas to what I'm doing wrong?lisa81uk (2010-10-04)
I got this to work using daemon tools lite, no problem at all, just make sure that you change the compatability to run in xp sp3 and run as admin for ALL expansionsziggo101 (2010-10-06)
Once the title screen pops up, there is no play button or anything. will downloading a different Mansions and Gardens crack fix this?dioscuri (2010-10-07)
My computer detected 11 different forms of malware from this torrent! Most of them were trojans. I saw a few pages back people said it was nothing but this looks serious. Is this torrent no longer safe?eojamybahb (2010-10-07)
Mine works fine. i just follow the past comment that is posted. i download and installed Daemon Tool Pro and used it for installing all the expansion pack. after installing all the last expansion pack (garden & mansion) i put the crack (Sims2EP9) in Garden & Mansion TsBin Folder... make sure that it will overwrite the file that is in the TsBin Folder.I did this in my desktop window7 and laptop windowXP and it works great!
clairabeth1414 (2010-10-07)
Please seed . im only at 7.0 .
clairabeth1414 (2010-10-07)
Please seed im only at 7.0.goldfishyyy (2010-10-08)
@lisaluk18Uhm, okay, so I got it up and running and I also have to wait long time for it to start up, but what do you mean with change the compatibilities? Could you please exactly tell me how to do that because I'm a real rookie when it comes to doing anything with computers.
goldfishyyy (2010-10-08)
Lisa81uk, sorrylavidachill (2010-10-09)
sorry this might have been answered before, but i couldnt find it. =/how do i use the patches where do i place them and how? do i just mount them like i hav everything else?
uberwiess (2010-10-12)
Seed, please? :)StaciCarol (2010-10-16)
Err, I am new at this. xD I have Alcohol 120%. Someone e-mail me directions? [email protected]CoolColombo (2010-10-22)
Yeah I have the same problem as Runienude"Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the lastest manufacturer provided driver. The application will now terminate..."Can someoen please help me I have DirectX9 send me a email [email protected] or reply here someoen please help lol.
kimahri (2010-10-25)
I had that message as well, "Failed to enumerate any DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system! Please make sure you have a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter and have installed the lastest manufacturer provided driver. The application will now terminate..."It turns out I copied the crack over to the wrong folder. When I placed it into the correct folder, the Tsbin folder the torrent worked perfectly on my computer. Running windows vista 32bit
bamjuice (2010-10-25)
@KhaosinduI'm not sure if your aware or not, But i don't think this torrent is safe actually i'm 100% Positive.
I don't wish to go blaming you as you may not know this but it has 11 - 12 Viruses including some extremely dangerous trojans and malware such as.
*Trojan Downloader (Downloads Worms and Malware to your harddrive without any notice)
*Malware Hijacker (People can at any time whoever controls this virus can access your computer from there own computer)
Before you ask "What did you scan it with"
Remove the "What" and replace it with a "Which"....
I Scanned with the following:
Avast Pro Antivirus
Microsoft Security Essentials
Nortans 360 4.0 Premium
All Showing these viruses
I had to actually go into safe mode as my computer was seriously infected and try my best on removing them before it got worse i was lucky to get rid of them all within 2 hours.
Then to find out the trojan downloader got 5 more viruses so i got rid of them and was safe
But not everyone is lucky.....
So i highly Suggest taking a good thought of maybe removing the torrent....?
CoolColombo (2010-10-25)
@bamjuice No Its fine. I have had on my computer for days and I scanned it its virus free stop trying to put people off and.I got an error I open the game watch the intro then game lodes when it finshes loading before it goes to the choose a town page it just errors and say this application will now terminate.
Any ideas of how to fix this?
bamjuice (2010-10-26)
@CoolColomboWhy would i lie, Honestly why?
Not all Virus Scanners pick up viruses.
But i made sure i used 3 Different ones,
Nortans 360 picked up 7
McAfee found 10
And avast found 8.
I had to go into safe mode as my computer was constantly rebooting the windows due to the viruses....
Once again i get absolutly nothing from lieing.... but Torrents are getting more dangerous to download every day
bamjuice (2010-10-26)
@CoolColomboWhat would i get from lieing, iv'e downloaded from Khaos numerous times.
And this is first iv'e scanned to find it having dangerous viruses...
i had to go into safe mode as my Windows Was constantly rebooting from not responding...
I made sure that it wasn't a false find so i sued 3 different scanners
Nortans 360 4.0 found 7
McAfee found 9
Avast found 7
bamjuice (2010-10-26)
@CoolColomboWhat would i get from lieing, iv'e downloaded from Khaos numerous times.
And this is first iv'e scanned to find it having dangerous viruses...
i had to go into safe mode as my Windows Was constantly rebooting from not responding...
I made sure that it wasn't a false find so i sued 3 different scanners
Nortans 360 4.0 found 7
McAfee found 9
Avast found 7
Microsoft security essentials found 8
bamjuice (2010-10-26)
sorry for spam lagged for some reasoncaliforniagirls (2010-10-26)
@BamjuiceI've downloaded the whole torrent from Khaos and it works fine.
Nobody believes you. Deal with it.
Would appreciate more seeders please :)
sammiejzwolle (2010-10-28)
you said you put the crack in the wrong folder i geus i have the same problem,but i tried all folder and i got directX 10 so can you pleas tell me in what folder i have to put the folder
thanxx a lot
CoolColombo (2010-10-28)
I got an error I open the game watch the intro then game lodes when it finshes loading before it goes to the choose a town page it just errors and say this application will now terminate.Any ideas of how to fix this?
CoolColombo (2010-10-28)
email me at [email protected]californiagirls (2010-10-30)
@CoolColomboI had the same problem, and I increased my virtual memory, and then the game worked fine. Maybe try that?
Do this:
1. Rightclick My Computer (XP) and press Properties.
2. Goto Advanced tab and goto Performance and click the Settings button.
3. Goto Advanced tab in the new window and press Change...
4. You should be able to work it out urself.
I've also sent this in an email :)
miguelsz3 (2010-10-31)
Some of these arent compatible with deamon tool thats ok You've just got to manually mount those files instead of the automountjuanrogu (2010-11-04)
Thanks a lot for the game! every expansion worked if you follow the order. The only problem is when i get into the game i try to type CTRL+SHIFT+C and the console does not appear!!!! somebody knows why??????phenixfly (2010-11-04)
Eithier im just bein thick or im doing something wrong ive downloaded and cracked it but i think i might be trying to play it wrong i mounted it with magicISO and tried to play it like i normally would and it keeps saying Conflict with Emulation Software detected. maybe im mounting the wrong one i dont know i was doing it on the deluxe one ( i downloaded them all) im new to this so please help :) or email [email protected]Thanks :)
Yardieboytellem (2010-11-08)
Seed please!WhiteMaverick (2010-11-20)
I get this message halfway into installation of Deluxe."A problem occurred when trying to transfer the file 'H:\Support\EA Help\WebHelp_Skin_Files\XP_Silver.skn' from the media.
Do you want to retry to copy the file, or cancel the installation?"
obviously I've retried and nothing happens.
I'm using Vista 32x any help or reference to help would be greatly appreciated.
btw I scanned with the newest Norton 360 and AVG and it didn't pick anything up.
PureAwesomexD (2010-11-29)
Hey :)I have completed every installation step needed and have finally finished everything after 2 days, but there is still one little problem, when i start up Sims 2 Mansion and garden stuff, it works perfectly fine, but as soon as it hits the menu, there is no start button or anything to press, so it just keeps getting stuck on menu :( Please Help me, been really dying to play this game :)
jenbeau (2010-12-02)
I'm not sure why, but I keep having a problem with mounting. I mount the CD image, the game starts up, then it tells me to "ensure that the CD is in the drive," and restart the application. I'm using the latest Daemon tools on Windows XP.greensea (2010-12-05)
khaos send me an email I have some questions regarding the crack and proper game playgreensea (2010-12-05)
[email protected]HitomiSaki (2010-12-17)
Okay I downloaded the game. Everything is working fine.However. When I download hair from websites I have no clue where to put it. Normally you put it in
C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads. But with this download The Sims 2 Folder is gone. I tried putting the downloads folder in the last one I downloaded and in the first one I downloaded. I have no clue where to put the downloads! D:
HitomiSaki (2010-12-17)
Oh I forgot to add I even tried making a new The Sims 2 folder, didn't work. T^T I tried everything i could think of, so does anyone know where to put the Downloads!?aapjoe (2010-12-18)
I hate to bring bad news you guys...But bamjuice is right!
As soon as i mounted one of the expansions my virusscan started tripping with virusses....
This download was good though cuz i downloaded the same torrent from khaos last year and it workd great!
Maybe one of the seeders accidently infected it ?
xRi73 (2010-12-30)
Works fine, no viruses. Just follow the instructions included in the download, and you'll be set. I recommend using Alcohol 120% (just google up the trial version). Have fun!940817 (2011-01-02)
Thank you for a great torrent! :DAnd for the people wondering which folder you're supposed to put the crack in, it's the TSbin of the last expansion you've installed. So if you install them all in order, you're supposed to put the crack in the TSbin folder of Mansion & Gardens. Hope it helped!
TrueBristolianPirate (2011-01-18)
Good download and no viruses.Nice one Khaos.
You thinking of putting anymore games on in the near future?
lanadavila (2011-01-19)
i still dont understand this crack-the-game thing. i downloaded the program (daemon tools) and i stil have no idea how to use it or what i should do hahaha. and after i crack it, i have to put what in the folder TSbin?sakokukk (2011-01-20)
I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. When I mount the Deluxe CD, I can't enter the code, because the minute I type in ANYTHING or copy/paste, I get this:The Sims 2 Deluxe: The Sims 2 Deluxe_Code.exe - Application Error
"The instruction at 0x77b045a6 referenced memory 0x00000000. The memory could not be written.
Click on OK to terminate the program."
Also, I have to either A. Run it in administrator mode, or B. Run AutoRun.exe in compatibility mode (for XP SP3) for it to run at all after the language screen.
Any suggestions?
Alex619 (2011-01-26)
Yeaah!!I finally finish download and i just want to say:
Thank U So Much Khaosindu!!!! Your torrent is great.
I Don't have any problem to install whatsoever, and is what Totally Virus Free
Thanks Again Man & thanks to all seeders to!!
jarabarab (2011-02-12)
Hey great set-up with the torrent and keys, however, I seem to always get an error when I load the game. It says "Please insert the original disc instead of a backup (1000)." I have daemon tools and I mounted it there I also have tried it on Alcohol 120, still has the same problem. I know my computer is capable of running the sims 2 because I had a different torrent of just the sims 2. Please help me!TahliaJay (2011-02-18)
I downloaded this and when i try to install it, it comes up with select language then after i click english it comes up with a black box then everything dissapears, some one help me please -> [email protected]Indie8 (2011-02-18)
i got a problem after deluxe,when i tried to burn university cd it didnt work. and other files in that map ,well i dont know how to open them. :(Indie8 (2011-02-18)
my email is [email protected] please help :(1less1 (2011-02-19)
I can not get anything past University to completly finish installing, I get to 100% says it needs to check that its up to date, then it says the check failed and the installation in terminated, uninstalling everything that just got installed, happens with University, and everything past the Seasons expac.reereem (2011-03-11)
I have a slight problem, i downloaded it successfully, and i mounted and installed the first one (Sims 2 Deluxe) as you said, but it wont let me install the second one (The Sims 2 University) it says 100% done but then it says it has to see if its up to date and then it just uninstalls itself because it is not up to date and when i try to uninstall the first one, it tells me "You currently have one or more expansions packs installed. You must uninstall all expansions packs before uninstalling The Sims 2 Deluxe" But there is nothing else i found that i can uninstall. Thanks.MenmaKanashimi (2011-03-16)
Hello, I'm having a few problems installing the game. It asks me to put in the right cd (after installing an expansion) and the following expansions don't install properly because of this. And when I launch the crack it sais alot of stuff about different drivers.. Can someone HELP me please? I really want to fire up this gameI tried to install it a couple of times again allready
[email protected]
Chrisredfild306 (2011-03-20)
@HitomiSaki I Made A Folder Called Install And Inside That I Made The Sims 2 And Extracted The Files Into That.selfless (2011-03-21)
It works just fine. I tried to scan with Microsoft Security Essentials and it didn't detect viruses.Here's some tips from me for everyone (I'm not THAT expert in these things, but I hope this can help):
@lanadavila: mount those files you've downloaded with Daemon. After you mount and install all the files, put the crack in the Mansion and Garden Stuff's (or the latest installed expansion) TSBin, then enjoy the game.
@jarabarab: have you copied the crack to the latest installed expansion's TSBin?
@reereem: Did you install them in appropriate order? Read them in 'ReadMe & Serials & Install Order' note.
reereem (2011-03-22)
Yes i did it in order, i actually tried downloading another torrent, same problem, could there be something wrong with my computer?tatooooo (2011-03-27)
So, I just started downloading this torrent today, and everything is fine and dandy, I don't need help, but I did want to post and inform peeps who are concerned, my AVG antivirus stopped the download and popped up saying that the Free Time Expansion IS in fact, infected with a virus. Just warning those who are wondering. I think the rest of it is fine, I just set it to skip the FT expansion.SparkitupSloane (2011-03-28)
i need help installing the first one, delux. when i go into the file, the only things it it are the sims 2 delux part 1 and 2. 1 is an mdf file and 2 is an mds. i have poweriso and winrar and i know how to download and install and work torrents and all that. i just don[t know what to do with this filetype. help please, i am seeding too ):[email protected]
malex48 (2011-03-30)
i started with installing the first four(which didnt worked) and skip to the 5th and it worked, but in the end pop out window showed which says that i have to put the disc in the drive and restart the application! and now im stuck. help![email protected]
teeReeLOve (2011-04-01)
Pleasee Seed.. Tymlee89 (2011-04-03)
this might be a stupid question, but I've mounted and installed all the expansion packs, and put the crack into the latest installed, but first of all what do I click on to start the game? Is it the crack .exe file? Whatever exe I click it says I need to insert a CD which I then mount, and it still doesn't work, it just says I need to insert a CD still! Help!alwayzrick (2011-04-10)
@mlee89not sure if youve got it working yet or not, but all you have to do it put the crack into the "TSbin" folder of the sims 2 mansion expansion, then just create a desktop shortcut of the crack and double click that whenver you want to play, should work fine if you installed everything right.
cocanaut (2011-04-10)
Ok, so I uninstalled the sims 2 and now I'm trying to reinstall it because I did it incorrectly the first time. I manually uninstalled it in windows 7, but it says that I still have it installed.... I don't know how to get rid of it. Can anyone help?cocanaut (2011-04-10)
Oh nevermind I am stupid. I uninstalled it manually but for some reason some of the files were still left behind. Thanks. This SHOULD work this time. Hopefully.cocanaut (2011-04-10)
How do I play multiple expansions at once? is it even possible?RipJaw99 (2011-04-11)
haha u click on the installer.exe if not good luck ;Ddiyosh (2011-04-12)
anyone know if this works on MAC?missgothy (2011-04-13)
I have a question, can i just skip the deluxe installment and proceed with the other ones? I already have the original Sims 2 deluxe (not a torrent) and will it play it all together?missgothy (2011-04-13)
I was wondering can I skip the deluxe part because I have the original game already installed in my laptop and proceed with the rest?klaudija11 (2011-04-19)
Hello,I have question. This works if it is cursed by uTorrent?solargroove (2011-04-21)
I NEED HELP!!!the autorun doesn't work
it says the operating system denied access to the file
solargroove (2011-04-21)
I can't install it says "conflict with emulation software"any help?
H4wk4n (2011-04-25)
I'm getting an error message when doing the Free Time patch.. everything previous has been successfully installed and I've gotten the game to work at another computer (windows xp) so I know I'm installing it right, but it still says that an error occured and that I have to reinstall the Free Time expansion.Could the patch be old/bad or is it because this computer uses Windows 7 64bit that I have to use the patch differently? Do I just click on it or do I have to move it somewhere else and then click on it? It's the fourth time I get stuck there and I've made sure that everything before it has gone flawlessly. Please help or I might just have to use a few grand from my savings and buy the freaking game :(
Extrordinare (2011-04-26)
Ive installed the game fine but when i load the game to play it its stuck on the loading screen and the loading bar refuses to move but i know its still working because i hear the music playingnickst315 (2011-05-07)
hey ya khaosindu i am new to this whole torrents thing i have downloaded the sims 2 n i hve installed it but i didnt install ikea home stuff pack it says its gt a virus but after wen i have dne everything n i have to put the crack in tsbin folder of masion & garden after i done tht i click on the crack 1 and it i press the play button it loads up bt it gt stuck on th loading screen page of masion & garden n also their is no loadin bar either so can u help me plz cuz after i want 2 put thm on a disk if it works thanxs Xmi55y (2011-05-08)
hi can anyone help me i just downloaded the games but i had the original and the mansion and garden expansion pack soo i downloaded the nightlife separately and i skipped the mansions and garden download and now when i try to play the game it doesnt work at the load screen the game freezes and doesnt load up what should i do???stiflex (2011-05-08)
hey i got it, and it works. but only one expansion at a time. What to do soo i would have all the expansions at once, and play them at once. like im planting seeds (seasons) and my dog is taking a shit on the carpet (pets) while the child is at the stores (open for buisness) ?nickst315 (2011-05-08)
the game is working fine now its takes about 5minz 2 load up, oh n in the buy section wen i click on some of the buttons like beds, sofa, dec n others some of the pic dont show up n wen i click on it n put it dnw its invisable cn sum1 help wiv this plz thanxsGirlycard (2011-05-17)
I used this one to get all of the expansions/stuff packs, and it worked out great.(Just posting the below in case someone else experiences the same problem at first. You can easily get around it.)
The only problem I had - which is not the fault of the poster, or anyone else for that matter - is that the base game and Nightlife parts wouldn't install correctly. Even in compatibility mode, the game refused to run because my laptop is x86. All I had to do was search for a different torrent for the base game and Nightlife. After that, I came back to this one and had no problems whatsoever using the rest. All of the serials worked fine. The no-disk crack also worked without issue.
ledgesbaby420 (2011-05-27)
is it ok that i did not istall all of the patches? teen style and kitchen and bath.. ect...? i just gotta check n make sure it actually worksKristynLeigh (2011-06-06)
I'm so confused as how to do everything.I've never downloaded a torrent, mounted, or unzipped a thing in my life! I'm used to the "Install" button & whabam! So I need help!
I think I got everything done, but when I go to play it says "Conflict with Emulation Software detected"
Singota (2011-06-12)
It works 100% for me, thank you for this upload. The only remark I have is that when I tried to install the IKEA expansion, I got a virus alert so I didn't install that one but the rest of the expansion packs are working fine.If anyone should get stuck at the loading screen (so you installed everything correctly, put the crack in the correct file and it plays the intro and you hear the music but you don't see a loading bar or anything) you should wait a little while. It took about five minutes for me before the game really started and once I was playing I changed the settings of the graphics to "low" and it's loading a lot faster now
555spyder (2011-06-20)
@melee89 you have to place the cracked file into the bon voyage tsbin folder. and if it doesnt ask you to replace a file that is already there delete the other exe and copy the name to the cracked exe. i used to be about as incompetent with torrenting as you my friend. it takes some getting used to trust meLisanne---0 (2011-06-20)
Hi,I downloaded it, but whats the best program to unzip it? I tried winrar but it doesnt unzip all of the files. thanks
xmrtigerx (2011-06-25)
Help please! I cant work out how to properly crack it so it works. Can someone tell me in simple terms how to do it please. I'm running windows 2007 :)Thankyou :)
persephone325 (2011-07-04)
I can't even install the base game. It stops at 1% and my computer freezes. What should I do?persephone325 (2011-07-05)
Never mind. But how do you work the cracks?MorganStrobel (2011-07-11)
How do you 'terminate' the crack, just delete it or..aobo11 (2011-07-24)
Whoever is getting the error message on glamour life about whtoc.xml not being copyable or something, i found that mounting the .cue file instead of the .bin file fixes that.TargetTango (2011-08-03)
I've installed everything and extracted the crack, but when I run the Mansion and Garden stuff the game freezes at the main screen, there's no loading bar or anything.TargetTango (2011-08-03)
Well my freezing problem was because the game takes 5 minutes to load. But after playing for about 2 hours the game suddenly crashed with the message... Error: "The application has crashed. The application will now terminate."... Then when I tried to load the game back up again it crashes with the same message during the neighborhood loading screen.xXj0h4nXx (2011-08-05)
you need 'utorrent' + 'deamon tools lite'download these programs
download this torrent with utorrent
start deamon tools
(left)click add image
choose the map where you just downloaded the torrent
you will see the disk1,disk2 ....
choose disk 1 do the same with disk 2
select disk1 from the list in deamon tools
click mount image
the setup will appear
complete the setup
when it asks disk2
mount disk2 ...
and ur done
it just dont work for the expansions
i dunno why XD
xXj0h4nXx (2011-08-05)
you need 'utorrent' + 'deamon tools lite'download these programs
download this torrent with utorrent
start deamon tools
(left)click add image
choose the map where you just downloaded the torrent
you will see the disk1,disk2 ....
choose disk 1 do the same with disk 2
select disk1 from the list in deamon tools
click mount image
the setup will appear
complete the setup
when it asks disk2
mount disk2 ...
and ur done
lanimarie10 (2011-08-10)
i'm unable to get the file to delete from my computer. every time i try to delete it, it says that it's being used in another part of my compter.. the only way i can somewhat delete it is by deleting files inside. all of them i could delete except for the last one..misskelseyjane (2011-08-11)
so... mine locks up on the loading screen....monicas33024 (2011-08-19)
I download this and it works great...but i cant figure out where to put the package files that i downloaded for custom content(hair,houses, clothes etc...)i read that you put it in the download file..but there isnt one. In which file do i place the Downloads file? any idea?sefercili (2011-08-28)
i have the same problem as other people here. it freezes at right after the intro vid after the logo pops up n the vid plays. i tried copying the crack to mansion file and replaced it, but it freezes. any advice?blossemtree (2011-08-30)
i have a problem. when i install sims 2 deluxe everything is ok, but when i instal university i don't know wich file i need so i clicked on 2 and then it says it needs to update * click ok* than it says update fail!!! then i uninstall deluxe and it says 'you have installed an expansion, uninstall before removing sims 2 deluxe of that sort, can someone help please. i really don't know how.thnx
karriban (2011-09-09)
@misskelseyjane & sefercili: Most likely, it's not freezing. You may not be giving it enough time to load. The sims 2 has had a reputation for hanging on the load screens. Just give it a minute, if it still doesn't load after a bit of waiting, then you may actually have a problem.@lanimarie10: Did you un-mount the disc image? If not, then that's the reason you're unable to delete the file.
karriban (2011-09-09)
@ Lisanne---0: You don't unzip anything, these are .iso files. Get a program that can recognize the .iso file extension, like PowerISO or Daemon tools. Personally i prefer PowerISO as it has proven to be more reliable. You can get a free trial of both, or you can pirate the full version of both, your choice really.Cantona118 (2011-10-03)
Works a treat thanks!! :Dus01 (2011-10-22)
yo yo yo how fuckj i expand comments without writtting comments!!@121!!1us01 (2011-10-22)
Dont! Give! Up! It takes 30 min for my idle Sims 2 screen to start loading content. OMG!@1!1!111!!1!!!!!!1 But dont give up. It just takes forever for it to even began working at all. Fuck!markoulia (2011-11-09)
hi!i can not play the game...i have complete the instal but when i try to play , it messages me to put the original cd not the cory one....what can i do?please help.......does the elevtronic registation has something to do with this cause i didnt find a working key to do itpuppyloverxo (2011-11-22)
Could you help me please.. How do i properly crack it so it works? Am i suppose to download all the expansions aswell?Ruiz13M (2011-12-01)
Thank You! Works Like a Charm!! Just follow the directions closesly. These comments especially helped me when I was confused:1. Download Daemon Tools Lite, just google that, install.
2. When you "Mount" a .iso you open it with Daemon tool and install, just like you would any other normal CD.
3. Follow the install instructions and put the cd keys provided in where they belong, and follow the step by step instructions on the readme that came with it.
4. Copy the crack over from the Mansion & Garden Stuff folder to the directory where it needs to go.
5. Play and Enjoy!
@ limejelloisyummy -- The problem you could be having is with your video card. and not having the updated directx that you need. What are the specs of your computer. And as for mounting the cd, you need to do the crack, unless your going to burn the cd for Mansion and Garden Stuff.
@ lovelyhappyness -- There is some files that will probably need to be unrared. .rar files are like .zip files. So just google, winrar, download and install. Then follow the instructions from above in this comment that I wrote to another user. Hopefully everything will work just fine!
@ ukprncs -- Copying the crack means you go to your harddrive/program files->ea games->garden and mansion stuff->tsbin. Once you get to that directory then copy the crack from the crack folder over to the Mansion and garden stuff and it should work.
Ruiz13M (2011-12-01)
Thank You! Works Like a Charm!!Interactiveheart (2011-12-30)
Heey, i got trouble with installing the sims 2 university, It goes all good till the "we will now check if your sims is up to date" and then it says "the sims 2 is not up to date. we will remove university" and then university get uninstalled O.osnakeFisher (2012-01-16)
Works perfectly!Installed them all in order (skipping Open For Business, Seasons and Bon Voyage because they look shit) applied the crack (copy and paste the TSBin folder from the Crack folder into your Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff folder which is the one that you should be running to play The Sims 2 being the last Expansion/Stuff Pack you installed) and I'm playing now :)
MihaMirt (2012-02-06)
in Folder 01.0 is not one ISO only MDFFluffy283 (2012-02-26)
Hey, things seem to be installing fine, had no trouble downloading. But, I have installed the first part [01.0] or what have you, and I can't play at all. If I try without the image mounted, it says please insert the correct disc. If I mount the image, it gives an error about not being able to authenticate the CD in time. My shortcut points to "[drive]\Sims 2\EP2\TSBin\Sims2EP2.exe" so why isn't it working? I tried running as an administrator but still nothing.Fluffy283 (2012-02-26)
Please e-mail me if you know how to fix this, I had this same problem with my last Sims 2 download. My e-mail is [email protected]chiisusu (2012-03-09)
Thank you so much for this. It's really an amazing torrent and easy to use. Everything works fantastically and I have installed this on all my computers with no problem. =]Fluffy283 (2012-03-09)
So I thought I was only supposed to use the crack for the one expansion [Mansion and Garden], my apologies. Thank you for the torrent!simoneanna (2012-03-10)
Hey,your torrent doesn't work on windows 7 64bit. Please help. Thanks.
simoneanna (2012-03-10)
Hi,Please tell me the installation procedure. I try to mount the file with Daemon Tools, but then it doesn't show any setup file or dialog box. Please help.
zanrivers (2012-03-24)
MihaMirt:you have to mount the iso n the crack is mdf file, so you need to set up the iso software so that applications can read and process the mdf file.zanrivers (2012-03-24)
just download it..i will seeds for everytimes i connect to the internet...Soil8607 (2012-04-08)
AVG found a virus in apartment life. More specifically the Sims2EP8.exe, the original one and not the crack, so I can't progress past that one. downloading an alternative version of it, hope it works...-yo-yo- (2012-06-21)
Heyhey,I have downloaded all the things but when I start opening the games the following text appears: For example:
Wrong disc inserted.
Please insert the original "The Sims™ 2 H&M® Fashion Stuff" CD/DVD. or
Wrong disc inserted.
Please insert the original "The Sims™ 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff" CD/DVD. and so on and on.. Please help. Thank you so much :)
pedropski (2012-07-04)
Hello guys, do all the packs run off Mansion And Garden Stuff with Sims2Launcher or do i have put crack in all the other packs aswell, i placed the crack in Mansion And Garden Stuff main and in its tsbin n its works but just the Mansion And Garden Stuff game not the others....? SOSGeorgis13 (2012-07-06)
Hi.I have Installed Properly The Games But when i open it takes just before i see the neighbourhood then it crashes every time plz helpsanaty (2012-07-10)
Fluffy283 às 2012-02-26 04:49 CET:Hey, things seem to be installing fine, had no trouble downloading. But, I have installed the first part [01.0] or what have you, and I can't play at all. If I try without the image mounted, it says please insert the correct disc. If I mount the image, it gives an error about not being able to authenticate the CD in time. My shortcut points to "[drive]Sims 2EP2TSBinSims2EP2.exe" so why isn't it working? I tried running as an administrator but still nothing.
I have the same problem, can you help me please?
[email protected]
dalekai (2012-07-13)
Just want to thank the uploader for making the files individually downloadable so I don't have to download what I don't need. I wish more people would do that.citizn (2012-07-16)
problem with The Sims 2 Glamour Life stuff. I mounted the img and A problem occured when trying to transfer G/Support?european help files/Sv/whxdata etc. do you want to retry or copy file or cancel. help pleasecitizn (2012-07-16)
Do not download this junk i repeat the imgs are corrupted and your installation will f upJMDOV27 (2012-07-17)
Thanks for this!It worked perfectly for me on Windows 7 64 bit.
People, make sure you are reading the whole read-me file! If its asking you for the Mansion and Garden disc you did NOT finish the installation process. After its installed you must copy the crack from the crack folder into the Mansion and Garden folder in your program files!
LaGolfa (2012-07-19)
Such an annoyance with so many write-protected files in the European Help folder inside the Img's. You have to use UltraIso to move all the files from the Img into a folder on your own computer and then run the autorun from there to be able to install.LaGolfa (2012-07-19)
My bad, just make sure that you got an Image mounter that can handle write-protected files like UltraISO etc (though it requires that you have it registered to be able to mount with it) and you'll be all good.jobrai (2012-07-24)
in some expansions the file is in "VLC" and I can't open it. can you help me?jobrai (2012-07-24)
can you please help me? i would like to play tonight :)Zer0MARU (2012-08-02)
I followed all the instructions on the readme file but every time i try to install the patches for free time and apartment life i get an eror message telling me i shoud reinstal said expansion, doing so does not fix the error message and going on with the installation makes the game freeze every time i try to play it, what do i do?sunshineexo (2012-08-17)
thanks khaosindu!! this torrent is amamzinggg!! id just like to know how i can install the inteenimator &why the bodyshop doesnt automatically transfer my custom sims??? pleaseeguguy00 (2012-09-11)
Thanks it works but takes a bloody long time to load...guguy00 (2012-09-12)
Thx again 4 the torrent, but question. my sims are jet black! Is this a glitch?Fluffy283 (2012-09-13)
Thank you, seeders! I'll seed as well when I'm finished downloading.VioletYuki (2012-09-18)
Just wondering, if it's possible to just install half of the game, like select some, and then start playing ?E-Mail: [email protected]
VioletYuki (2012-09-18)
okay. i couldn't get pass University. it says "Please insert Disk number 2 " . but .. in [2.0] there's only 1 file that is open-able using daemon tools. so .. where is this CD2 ?!VioletYuki (2012-09-18)
UHhh *guilts* okay. sorry for the rant. after updating my daemon. i can finally mount the "cue" file. initially my daemoon tool could only mount "iso" file.VioletYuki (2012-09-18)
YAY. okay i completed download and installation and is currently playing.*note to others who are installing*
When Copying the file "Sims2EP9" application which is located in "Crack",
Paste it IN " EA GAMES -> The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff -> TSBin "
And start playing the game by clicking "Sims2Launcher".
SFF11111 (2012-09-27)
Hey guys,Downloaded okay, installed okay, put crack in and ran. It got through the cinematic and the froze up. CTRL+Alt+Del'ed out of it, ran it again, click through the cinematic... froze up again! What am I doing wrong? Please help!
peevedoff (2012-10-13)
keygen contain hacking tools.peevedoff (2012-10-13)
Keygen contains hacking tool Microsoft Security Essentials picked up on it.ancibgd (2012-10-21)
ok, I need help.I installed game, copy crack and i'm getting information about directx 9. I update directx 9, but I still have a same problem.
windows xp, sp 3
radeon 9200 pro agp, 128MB
Dac type:internal 500MHz
1024 ram, and now Directx 9.0c.
please, help :)
email: [email protected]
Danetria (2012-10-27)
come onnnnnnn people SEEEED!Danetria (2012-10-30)
why does it say an error when trying to update freetime and apartmentmaddo_1214 (2012-11-15)
I am trying to install the first folder (Deluxe) but the installer keeps getting stuck at 99%! Then I need to remove it through the control panel, do the whole registry clean and everything just to try again. Why does it keep doing this?! :(rainn (2012-11-26)
Great Torrent, serials work with no problem, nice clean install and instructions. Thank you Khaos Industries!!jon49ers (2012-12-16)
Does it work on windows 7 64 bits? I read back there it wouldnt run on vista 64 bits, but i saw nothing about windows 7.. I think the game was released before W7 but idk if it changes something..russianhornybear (2012-12-17)
@ peevedoffyes ,hacking tool its hacking tool ......what you don't understand??go to shop for legit stuff! for some users torrents not recommended..
TheMcartz33 (2012-12-20)
people need to use Daemon toolsothello8 (2012-12-27)
this is excellent, mad props!G4brielC (2012-12-31)
Great torrent! It was worth waiting :D Going to seed for a while :)For those who did like me and installed the 1st file 1st to check if it's working and stuff (cuz I use to do this, I don't really trust Win7), you need to install all the expansions following the exact instructions on the description (including that double mounting). It's working perfect on my Win7 64 bits :D
plotkara7 (2013-01-13)
I've the installed game, copied crack and i'm getting information about directx 9. I updated directx 9, but I still have the same problem. Anyone know what to do?dreams122 (2013-01-15)
does this work on windows 7 64- bit? i'm not exactly sure what to do can u help me, the readme is a bit confusingand what program do you use to mount the image, and which one?!
my email is [email protected]
hiszizzy88 (2013-02-10)
Having the same issue as SFF11111.Could use some help. Email is [email protected]
moshlord (2013-02-17)
I messed up and had to do it all over. Can someone give me the dumbed down version of what to do. Lt me explain my problem.The first step is to unrar. I have the application WinRAR. Am i only unrar-ing the the crack. If so what am I pressing. Am I adding it to archive or what am I supposed to do with it? That's the only problem I'm having. Someone help me quick. Sorry if I cam off to needy!
Nolita02 (2013-03-06)
hey! thanks!! it works fine!! except for one that I had to download in other place, but it works fine!DoloressD (2013-03-14)
Heyyyyy. I'm wondering if I should install the expansions in the same folder as the base [email protected]
Gabija1 (2013-03-21)
Everything goes great until like Bon Voyage then it says Seasons aren't installed or installed incorrectly (I tried re - installing everything like 5 time's still the same) any sugestions on how to fix this?Solun (2013-03-25)
This work great for me, thank you. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. I skipped the first step (unrar) because I don´t see any .rar files. I used Alcohol 120 trial version because Daemon Tools Lite said that I need CD 2. Installed everything in the order in the read me file including patches and crack and everything works perfectly. I cannot seed (sorry about that) because I have extremely full HDD (older computer). Thanks to everyone who is seeding.Courtastrophe (2013-05-03)
Having issues. Downloaded and installed successfully, went to crack m&g:do9 and the launcher shows several stuff and EPS missing notably pets and seasons.Any ideas why this could be?
Courtastrophe (2013-05-03)
Trief re-downloading, having the same issue as 1less1 and iva, I get an error when I get to the celebration ep that says, "Electronic arts auto run encountered a problem and will now close" which cancels my download but leaves corrupted data files in C I cannot uninstall.Halp plz! Do I really need to dig through my registry
? :(
tyb33rk (2013-06-24)
good work to the uploader and Chaos Industries!TheCommissioner (2013-07-02)
How does this work for Windows 7? Tried to download just Deluxe and play, said emulation software was jank, will it work better if i install everything and THEN try?marija02 (2013-12-08)
seed please :)Lezze92 (2014-01-08)
Not recomend this, because there is only one of the games you can install, all the other get some errorDavidy2011 (2014-01-19)
There's a weird flickering whenever I move the camera or rotate it, I have Windows 8.1 maybe that's the problem?Dulce1706 (2014-02-10)
Hi, I downloaded this full set from Khaos, it worked very good, but I lost the Crack file (SIMPE!!??) by mistake. I don't want to download the whole set over again, so could you please e-mail me the link to download only the crack file??? I would be grateful for that. My email is: [email protected]kristian122 (2014-03-14)
seed pleaseMinthen (2014-03-24)
Great download! Thanks a lot!Minthen (2014-03-24)
It works in w8! great dowloadClementDK (2014-09-08)
Seed please DD:ClementDK (2014-09-08)
Can u guys do me a favor?seeds please? :DNonPirate (2014-09-30)
The Sims 2: NightTime is missing.@TheCommissioner Its works in my Windows 8.1, but I also get this information, but i launched The Sims 2: Mansion and Garden Stuff and speedly clicked in Play (in Polish) and works.
NonPirate (2014-10-01)
@NonPirate Oops, The Sims 2 Nightlife is included with The Sims 2 Deluxe.hunter20198 (2015-07-05)
I placed the crack file in the Mansion and garden folder, then when i go to click on the crack to run the game it comes up with "Failed to enumerate an DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapters in this system!"Anyone know how to help ?