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Convert your Car to Run on Water
Convert your Car to Run on Water
2007-08-29 (by freedompirate)
Came across this file on another tracker. (respect! to the orig. uploader)
It, supposedly, shows how you can convert your car engine to run on water instead of gasoline.
This document claims that:
- Run your car entirely on normal water
- Drive up to 100km on one litre of water
- More horse powers from your engine on water than from conventional gasoline
- Exhausts only water vapour and oxygen
I have no mechanical skills whatsoever to attempt this myself. But someone else might have. Would sure like to know if anyone succeeds in this.
The reason why I think this document could be credible is because they are not trying to sell you anything. They are even putting out the tech anonymously.
I can't see what they would have to gain from this, other than their grandchildren being able to breathe the air in Earth's atmosphere when they grow up...
Files count:
507.28 Kb
rootlsuer (2007-08-29)
wouldn't work - takes energy to convert the water to hydrogen - not much left to power an engine after that. this is why California is building hydrogen-producing stations for fueling real, practical hydrogen-powered cars.titus123 (2007-08-29)
Hehe, this is a funny jokeHosser (2007-08-29)
Yeah this won't work, unfortunately.freedompirate (2007-08-29)
@ rootlsuerIf you read the document, you will learn that that is not what it is supposed to do anyway.
@ the rest of you
read the document, before you dismiss it (even though it sounds too good to be true)
That goes for anything, really.
Bamimi (2007-08-30)
not that this will work, the idea is feasible. yes it takes energy to intially convert water to hydrogen, but if a method is found to do so, that takes less energy then is gaven by use of the hydrogene and yxtgen liberated, it can sustain the reaction itself on that energy and use the excess for running the vehicle. your alternator returns some energy back from spent fuel. you could also run other alternators on turbines from your exhaust, and from your wheels spinning once potential energy has been accumulated via momentum. your breaks absorb a lot of energy just stopping your vehicle at every light. if all the energy that is just released and wasted on a vehicle is instead used, and returned, cars wouldnt require hardly any actual gas at all. anyways the point is there is actually a LOT of energy in merely one drop of water. the trick would be to learn how to use it efficiently.Bamimi (2007-08-30)
ps, there are water torches currently used. although of course they take electricity to run. you have the hydrogen and the oxygen right there waiting.Bamimi (2007-08-30)
zaohl (2007-08-31)
he..he..he..he..i hope it even runs with out some one driving it.Eric090585 (2008-02-11)
This ebook is for sale for $50.00 (as of right now anyways) at:
and it says that everything you need to do it costs about $60.00. If anyone is successful/unsuccessful with this please post and let us know! Thanks! I'll let you know if I ever get around to trying it out :)
Eric090585 (2008-02-11)
Well, I just read the PDF and you have to have SOME mechanical/electrical abilities, which I have none! So I guess I won't be the one to try it out after all :-( Put please post any success stories!Caffeinationz (2008-03-14)
Hey sweatyfish, have you tried it yet? Keep us updated! Thanksformula44 (2008-03-18)
I dont think this is the same document you would get from the site listed above.. This looks pretty technical and the book you get from them says there's high quality pix etc etc...re0n (2008-04-29)
ya its not the same one thats being sold on the site, the real ones supposed to have lots of pics with 80+ pages of info, REAL instructions, AND a list of popular local vendors who sell the parts you need. the one here has no real instructions. how the fuck can i make it if theres no step 1, the only hint to a step one is "install CHT first"? and were can i buy this shit? i went to home depot and ace hw and most of the stuff on this list wasnt there unless its called something different in-store. there shud be easy step by step instructions. and the pics are all grainy and poorly scanned. im not doubting this stuff because it seems legit, but im not a mechanic and even after showing this to a few mechanics they didnt really understand it but they didnt speak english too well either...might order it off the site since theres a 56 day money back guarantee, not to mentions its like 50 bux, i mean even if it dosnt work in the end, it will still be a fun project me and my buddy's could work on.
cokecankicker (2008-06-11)
will it rain more if we run of hydrogen powered cars?beansss (2008-08-10)
Im running a hydrogen cell in my car, it works.yes its still running on gas too but I get better gas milage. I get about 42% more MPG
p5yk0tik (2011-06-09)
@beansss: yay, someone who has actually done it. Congratulations on your setup. I'm sure the savings will become worthwhile after some time.Im accumulating parts to do something similar, except replacing the spark plugs with a hybrid set to feed the hydrogen in.