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2009-02-13 (by FlyingNaked )


ܲ ²Ü ÜÜÜÛßß ²Ü ܲ ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛ²ßß ²Û ²ßßÜÜÜÜÜ °° ÜÜÜÜÜßß² Û² ßß²ÛÜ Þ²Ý ² °°±²Û²²Û Û±²±Û Û²²Û²±° ² Þ²Ý ßÜ °° ² °°°²²°°°° Û Û °°°²²°°°°² °° Üß Û °° ÜÜÜÜÜ ßß²ßß ² °² °° ²Û Û ° ܲÛÛÛ±°Þ²° °²ßÛ²°° ß °°°°° Üܲ °° Û Û° Û²ÛÛÛ±±°°° °°Þ ° °²² ² ²þܲ²Ü°° °Û Û° ²²ÛÛ²±°° °²° ° ÜÜÜÜ ² ² ° ² ² °ÛÛßßßÛÛÜ ° Û Û° ²ÛÛÛ²±°° ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ Ãœ °² ²ÛÛ °±²ÛÛÜ° Û ²°ÞÛÛÛ²±°° Þ± ÛÛ²±° ßÛ°²²ÞÛ °±²ÛÛÜÜ þ²ÛÜ ² Û° ÛÛ²±Ü Üܲ± ²±°ßÛÛÛÜÜ ÛÞ²ÝÛ °°±²Û²²ÛÛÜÜÜÛÛ² Û Û ÜÛÛ° ßÛÛÛÛÛß² ±° ßßÛÛÜÛÝÛß ÝÛß °²²ÛÛß ±²²Û Û Û° ÞÛÛ²±° °±Û Ãœ ²ÛÛÛÛÛÞÞÝÞ Ãœ Þ°ÛÛ °±²ÛÛ Û Û °ßßÛÛÜ ±²ÛÛ ² ÞÜÜ° ÛÛÝßÛÛßÛ°ÛÝ °°ÛÜ ÜÛ² Û Û °° ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ßÛÛÜÛÛÜ °²ÛÛܲ²ß² ° Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²° Û Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜ ° ° ° ² Û²Ûß ÛÛß ² ² ²ßß ÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û ÜÛß ß²Ü ²²²ß ß ²²²²° ܲß ßßÛÜ ß ܲßßßßßßß²Ü  ܲßßßßßßß²Ü ß ޲ݲ²ÜÛß²Ü Û²²±° °±²²Û ܲßÛܲ²Þ²Ý Û°²Þ Þ²ÞÝ ° ° ÞݲÝ Þݲ°Û ß²ÜÛß ܲÜß ° ° ² ² ° ° °ßܲÜ ßÛÜÜß ÜÛÛßß° ° ° ² Û ² ° ° ° ßßÛÛÜ ÞÛÛÝ ° ° ° ° ² ² ° ° ° ° °Þ²ÛÝ ²ÛÛÜ ² ° ÜÜÜþ²þÜÜÜÜ ²°Ü²ÛÛ ßßÛÛÛÜÛß  ßÛÜÛÛÛßß ÃœÜÜÜÜÜÜܲ ²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÃœ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ² GAMMA RAY BURST ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß  ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S ß   REVISIONFX.TWIXTOR.v4.5.10.FOR.AE-GRB _ __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ ____________________________ DATE.......: 11/02/2009 SUPPLIER...: GRB CRACKER....: GRB PACKER.....: GRB TYPE.......: Crack PROTECTION.: Serial SIZE.......: 02x.5.00MB URL........: ÜÜ ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ²  RELEASE NOTES  ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß ß   Twixtor 4.5 raises the bar in motion estimation. Twixtor 4.5 introduces a complete rewrite of its tracking. Twixtor is much more accurate, tracks objects farther, and exhibits fewer artifacts when there are objects crossing in the scene. This means less tearing and stretching of objects as they cross or go out of the frame. Twixtor enables you to speed up, slow down or frame rate convert1 your image sequences with visually stunning results. In order to achieve its unparalleled image quality, Twixtor synthesizes unique new frames by warping and interpolating frames of the original sequence... employing RE:Vision's proprietary tracking technology that calculates motion for each individual pixel. Nick Brooks, Academy Award and Emmy Award winner for visual effects says, " Twixtor 4.5 represents a new touchstone in retiming. The difference in accuracy means that retiming artifacts are either drastically reduced or disappear on the hardest to retime footage. " DV Magazine calls Twixtor "amazing" and "a must-have for any toolkit." Chris Meyer, co-founder of CyberMotion, teacher of regular seminars on After Effects, columnist for DV Magazine and co-author of Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects and other books, says "I've tried other solutions - including Pixel Motion and Timewarp in After Effects 7 - and I have to say that Twixtor still consistently gives me the smoothest speed-shifted footage with the least amount of sweat, hands-down." Creative Cow review by Marco Solorio: "I highly recommend this plugin to those seeking absolute superiority in time frame manipulation." read the review » Video Systems Magazine says "it's the best plug-in method for creating speed changes, slow-motion effects, and frame-rate conversions." read the review » DIGIT magazine says "If you regularly find yourself stretching or shrinking footage to fit a target duration, or creating extreme speed control special effects, this is a plugin that you'll find invaluable." 1Frame rate conversion fully supported with After Effects and combustion only. Frame rate conversions can often be accomplished in other applications by writing out image sequences and reading them back in with a different frame rate setting. ÜÜ ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ²  RELEASE INFOS  ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß ß   1. extract 2. install 3. use included serial 4. Gamma Ray Burst is Shining. ÜÜ ÜÜ ßßÜ Üßß °Þ²  GROUP INFO  ²Ý° ÜÛß ßÛÜ ÜÜÜÛßß ßßÛÜÜÜ ÜÛÛßß ßßÛÛÜ Þ²Ýß ßÞ²Ý ß ß   Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most luminous electromagnetic events occurring in the universe since the Big Bang. Since GRBs in metal-rich galaxies like the Milky Way are rare, mass extinctions due to GRBs may only happen once per billion years. GRB is Dedicated To Bring You The Quality And Not The Quantity.  G R E E T I N G S  NONE  J O I N - W A N T E D  We Are Looking for:  Suppliers for iso or unreleased 0day softs  Testers  Experienced keygenners  Experienced unpackers  Experienced crackers and AFFIL SITES NOT RENTED - NO US NO DE  C O N T A C T  Take a look at the Milky Way email: [email protected] /* */ www : Sure irc : Sure  We Do NOT eMail Our Releases, Or Parts Of Them.   BUY The Softs After TESTING Them  __________________ _________________ _________________ __________________  ascii !DZr   01.01.2K9! 

Files count:



5.77 Mb




19pirata66 (2009-03-10)

forgive my ignorance but how you apply the patch?
4. Gamma Ray Burst is Shining.
I still get that red X on the videos,,Thanks

Ranak (2009-09-11)

I have the same problem in versions 4.5.9 - 4.5.11. When pluging runs in demo version, U'll see "X" all the time, when registered - only once a second. No solutions(

alistahr (2009-10-06)

hey, i did everything on the installation but i still get that X, even with the registration code, a little help here

Dilettante (2010-01-05)

That's because this torrent is bogus. Same problem as everyone.

Dilettante (2010-01-07)

GRB is an absolute joke. I'm staying far away from all their stuff. They absolutely don't even test their stuff. None of their stuff works. FAKE bogus scene group.

Lefto (2010-03-24)

use this one guys
Name: TEAM PARADOX 2006S/N: 1DahziIh6Fp0PEw

mejubebe (2010-06-02)

can anybody please seed??

ivaniilla (2010-07-03)

''You need to have the following volume to continue extraction... Please insert disc'' What does this mean :O?

Malwaran (2010-12-20)'s fucking empty. no software; just a jpeg + serial # document. and now i no longer have admin rights to delete it? bullshit torrent. system restore

gp4f2008 (2011-01-13)

Guys!!! This one works for me!!! Type this one:
User name: TEAM PARADOX 2006
Registration Code: 1DahziIh6Fp0PEw
Just make sure you don't copy these by right click and then copy. Just type them, don't copy them, they will not be valid. THIS WORKS!!! :D

jojjebros (2011-03-05)

when i put these in my plugin folder nothing happens... does these work with cs5?

Chronnick (2011-03-20)

Tried "TEAM PARADOX 2006"
and 1DahziIh6Fp0PEw..
The "Install Registered Version" button is STILL disabled/ greyed out
AND I TYPED them in!

p1201p (2011-03-24)

You forgot the x in the beginning of the password you morons. I just spent half an hour looking for this only to realize that 2 guys were too fucking dumb to do a simple task such as copying and pasting.
also, you dont need to fucking type this manually into the box. How the fuck did you manage to even think of such a retarded thing?

Barroquecore (2011-04-19)

Yea, totally works with that password with the x at the beginning. Thanks.

ImprovisedArgument (2011-04-28)

chill the fuck out. or Get the fuck out troll

radneo (2011-05-13)

@alexfr yea I have the same thing happening..must be something with the install directory folder.

sbright33 (2011-05-23)

The Team Paradox username works for registration. Not sure why the serial included in the Torrent does NOT.

oneNine (2011-05-31)

@alexf I have the same issue, can't figgure it out and I would appreciate some help!

joeldamole (2011-07-31)

does this come with a setup file? how do i get 4.5.10 or one that works with this? the only one on the RE:VisionFX website is the 5.0.4 one. thanks.

Urei1601s (2011-08-30)

This appears to be old. I do not think it works with CS5 because it is not 64 bit.