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2008-08-29 (by gcompspec)




  1. 911
  2. NWO
  3. Truthrising

Files count:



700.52 Mb




Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-08-30)

I hereby CURSE ANYONE that is STUPID enough to believe this BULLshit.
Whine whine whine now the "believers" will. Whine will not change the fact you are INfuckingSANE,warped,twisted,and STUPID.
Why don't all of you warped minded assholes go out and get a Darwin Award ..why don't you..because really...someone so ignorant, uninformed, blind, and pathetic does NOT deserve to breath the same air I and others with COMMON SENSE and FACTUAL CONTENT do.
Pathetic assmouth, mouth breather, warped bastards.
Have a nice day.

 Knaster (2008-08-30)

Crawling_Chaos007 you should be branded with an I on the I for ignorant.

fr380 (2008-08-30)

Crawling Chaos007 - There's a name to conjure with. Are you a 9-year-old, by any chance?
It's interesting to see such passion in someone taking a sceptical point of view on this issue. I can only assume you either haven't looked at the overwhelming evidence or are simply too dumb to engage on any meaningful level with those who feel it their responsibility to see where things are going today, largely because of switched off, uninformed morons like you.
You're part of the problem, pal. Either look into it with a healthy scepticism or step aside.

robsnobb (2008-08-31)

There is a big resistance among people today. Those who fight the changes that are about to come will perish. We others just let these things happen, just let go and accept that "911was an inside job" one thing among 100others. Peace.

Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-09-02)

Ahh the pathetic insults without basis in any sort of fact or coherant thought begin as predicted. You three ....ASSHOLES.. need to take an IQ test because no way you could score over 50. I suggest YOU three are the "kids" here the "9 year olds". College punk liberal nutfucks most likely. When was the last time you got any you pathetic conspiracy nutters? Last night with your man the hand right? LMFAO.
You people are SO God DAMNED pathetic and brainwashed with your hatred and foolish blind ignorance.
There is no way you can PROVE your bullshit to anyone. NO WAY. Therefor you just spout mindlessly to anyone that challenges your MIND NUMBLINGLY LOW IQ MINDS...mind fuckers must be injecting lydocaine into your pimpled forheads to think so foggy. You will and shall ever be WRONG. You will never and shall never PROVE anything, because the REAL FACTUAL evidence does not support your fairyland concepts.
To the last guy..change..change what? Obongo is not changing a god damn thing except socialist policies if he gets elected. He's a God damned socialist..the thing we faught for decades. He will tell you what is best for you..and you will do it whether you like it or not. Sorry I don't like to take it in the ass from some inexperienced negro. I don't like people TELLING me what to do with new laws and new depression enducing socialist programs. The liberals now in this country are no more than socialists in disguise. The disguise of the democratic party.
When in the last 20-30 years have you NOT heard a fucking liberal democrat running for president promising "CHANGE"...want some some change....blah fucking BLAH. Change is not always good. In fact many times it is detrimental. That black bastard's evil policies would doom this country.
The sad thing GOD DAMN STUPID LIBERALS(ESPECIALLY THE NUTFUCK TYPES LIKE YOU) will love him right along as he is fucking this country up. I hate liberals. Strong word "hate". It's just I cannot FATHOM how you liberals are so....sheep minded and BLIND as a fucking tapworm up a cow's ass. You lack any sort of logic..perhaps some of you have FALSE logic. None of you have any common sense whatsoever.
This is wasted on you three fools isn't just "don't get it" and I doubt people like you three ever will unless something just SLAPS THE FUCK OUT OF YOU IN YOUR FACE UNDENIABLE NO MATTER HOW YOUR WARPED MINDS TRY TO TWIST IT...providing you are above voting age. I doubt 1/3 of you are.
One asshole asked my age? Older than you by 3 decades most likely.
That's all for now you low IQ mindless conspiracy sheep. Try and get a life...any type of life.

Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-09-02)

"looked at the overwhelming evidence"
One more thing. You sir are a damnable fucking fool. YOU look into the OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT YOU ARE DEAD ASS WRONG. Stupid bastard.....

Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-09-02)

I used the word them call racist now to try to lower me. Might not happen now that I mention it, but it would have. I have played with the likes of you stupid bastards for a long while online for fun. It's just so unimaginable ANYONE could be so stupid.

fr380 (2008-09-02)

Let's hope 'Obongo' puts some money into adult literacy in America.
Maybe then Captain Chaos'll finally get off that trailer park and make his mother and his sister (if that isn't one and the same woman) proud.

Crawling_Chaos007 (2008-09-03)

Just as I said.. NOTHING of import from you mindless shits. Just insults...which I am supremely superior at giving out, you miserable child that still lives with your parents.
Literacy....that is the MOST common STUPID FUCK flamer insult. I have never used it..unless it's BLATANTLY obvious.
Yes let's hope McCAIN improves the education system, because all I see here is 4 fools without a clue in the fucking universe. LOL Pathetic fools.
The best part of you dried up on the sheets, fr380. FUCK yourself. :D

berklas1 (2008-09-16)

Dear Crawling_Chaos007,
all I can see is that you insulting everyone that has different opinion about 9/11 than you. I am not from USA Iam from Europe /thank god/ ... but isnt USA and all democracy there based on freedom of speech and freedom of thinking. IF You are so proud american so why are you tryin to put away others people thoughts.
And btw if you are odler /probably over 30/ doesnt mean you are smart and you know the truth. I am over twenty and atm on law faculty at Unviersity and for me facts are very important. And about 9/11? Well official story has facts that really gives lots of questions, and thats why people keep asking..."why" and "how". This movies just trying answer this question, but its on everyone to agree or disagree with the answers. But you put all people /different from you/ into one bag...thats sad. And I really hope, that not all americans are like you...
best whishes *****

 chakra71 (2008-09-18)

Thanks for the up. Can get the ISO here: