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Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Pa






Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Multi map




2009-03-29 (by Askeen )


Install Instructions: 1. Install full game ([Disk1] Warcraft III -Reign Of Chaos.iso + [Disk2] Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.iso). 2. Update, drag War3TFT_121b_English.exe from the included Patch directory to the warcraft install directory then click on it and it should update by itsefef. 3. Unpack download in patch folder to you install folder C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIMaps, if you installed in that direction 4. Play and Enjoy it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And if you want to play with friends over inernet -> use hamachi <- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. once you have download it and install it 3. In one step on the install you can choose license press "Use Hamachi with non-ommercial license" then press next. 4. Run Hamachi and follow the instruction on the window that pop up when you have start the program. 5. Make a new network by pressing the triangle down in the right conrner and pres make a new network set an good name for you network and a password to make sure that not invited person can go in to it. 6. For them who want to go into an exist network pres the triangle and pres join an existing network and type in the name on that network you want to join and passowrd if that network is password protected. Guide was made by me....Hope that guide helped :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARCRAFT III: THE FROZEN THRONE VERSION HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch 1.21b -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES - The game no longer requires the CD to play. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch 1.21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES - The game now runs natively on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs. - Player can now view frames per second using the "/fps" chat command. FIXES - Fixed a timing problem with the game on PCs with dual-core CPUs. - Fixed a crash that could occur with the Frost Breath ability. - Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games. - Fixed an exploit that could happen in multiplayer games. Important Note on Patching for Mac Players: The file layout inside the game folder is changed significantly by Patch 1.21. As a result, in order to be able to install the Frozen Throne expansion from CD, you must install Reign of Chaos first, then install Frozen Throne from CD, and then patch to version 1.21, in that order. If you patch to v1.21 and then attempt to install Frozen Throne after that, it will not install correctly. Map Pack: Over 300 maps incl DoTa, hero line etc

Files count:



1349.37 Mb




vlad_ivx (2009-04-01)

NICE job. Works 100%. Thanks!

Growlz (2009-04-10)

I got the War3TFT_121b_English.exe file, but i can't find the Warcraft Install directory. Please make a description where to find it.

 Askeen (2009-04-10)

Growlz -
you instal dir is C:Program Files/Warcraft III/ if you dont change it.

Growlz (2009-04-13)

Ok, now i used the patch, but i can't join I am using Hamachi but still don't work?

woetie (2009-04-14)

working and no virusses

anirtak (2009-04-15)

can't log on.. says unable to connect... any suggestions Askeen? Thank you!

julesssXxxx (2009-04-17)

I rly need help. It says that i need a CD-Rom in my drive. And i have it! i keep retrying and retrying but it always say no CD.

o0THEJMAN0o (2009-04-17)

hey. i need help, when i double click on the disk 1&2, some software called Record Now! pops up and wants me to Burn the game to a empty disk, why does this happen?

 Askeen (2009-04-18)

anirtak -
try to download the torrent again
julesssXxxx -
did you run the patch to the installfolder?
Do you have some mount program? like DAEMON Tools, if you have that you should have an red icon with a lightning beside the clock, left klick on that icon and go to Virutal~ then go over device 0: and mount image then you browse to the image file.
hope it helped you :)

KillFreak (2009-04-18)

Perfect Works Great

julesssXxxx (2009-04-18)

Problem is that i cant find the patch

julesssXxxx (2009-04-18)

nvm about that, found it. But gow u drag it?my CD is not rewriteable

julesssXxxx (2009-04-18)

nvm all of that above, i cant use Battle.Net

 Askeen (2009-04-20)

julesssXxxx -
it is in the patch folder?
with hamachi can you use to play online with friends or xlink kai

julesssXxxx (2009-04-20)

well, true but none of my friends plays WC3, so i need to play online

ELPPUS (2009-04-22)

I need A little help downloading this when i open it it all opens w/ WinAce and i cannot go any further i don't know how to download this torrent can someone help me please?

upploader (2009-04-27)

Hey man, looks like a great torrent. The problem is that when I press "Play Warcraft III" it says: Please verify that your Warcraft III disc is in your CD-Rom drive, then click on "Retry". Got any ideas? I run it in Daemon tool by the way.

upploader (2009-04-27)

1) Download Vuze, uTorrent or something like that
2) Download/Open the torrent in one of them
3) Download deamon tools
4) Run "Disc 1" (Reign of chaos) or "Disc 2" (Frozen throne) in Daemon tools
5) Now you got the "install window"
6) Enjoy :) .... and give some credz to Askeen for torrent ;)

jeansForever (2009-04-29)

This torrent works perfectly:) thanks:P

 Askeen (2009-05-04)

upploader -
go to the patch folder and run the patch.

ddrmaster134 (2009-05-20)

Are there any seeders out, cuz mines been seeding for a while. If anyone is able to help me, i would greatly appreciate it.

yjtrac (2009-05-20)

hey so I've tried many times to do this but it still says i need a cd...
i've installed both disks, and then ran the patch,,, everything seems fine.. but then it still says i need a cd.. when i try to run the patch again it says that my current version is newer than the patch and no need to upgrade..
what do u mean by
"3. Unpack download in patch folder to you install folder C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIMaps, if you installed in that direction"??
unpack what download??
thanks a lot

yjtrac (2009-05-20)

oh and i'm using WinRar to open these files?
is it because i need daemon tools??.. i've tried uninstalling and reinstalling all 3 files but still the same..

yjtrac (2009-05-20)

sorry to post again,,, but I've got it to open. by dragging the two exe files from the Crack folder into the install folder..
am i supposed to do this? am i still missing something from not dragging anything into the Maps folder?
and can I just upgrade the patch from the blizzard site???

ddrmaster134 (2009-05-21)

so how do you connect to again?

alexnerd (2009-05-27)

When i try open the warcraft with daemon i get the error "error in comand line" what i do?

alexnerd (2009-05-27)

and when i open it with poweriso what i do? i extract all? when i extract i cant install because the file "warcraft installer" is not .exe

Ilibaal (2009-05-29)

is it abble to update this to v 1.22 with an pach from here? --->

Craig5050 (2009-06-01)

Askeen is there anyway of playing this on

Razorgurkha (2009-06-02)

downloading n going at 230 kb/s.....

Razorgurkha (2009-06-02)

Do we burn this in the cd or what?....when i click the disk1 with picture ...The Creator DE program comes up starts to burn into the that right?

Razorgurkha (2009-06-02)

btw does this work in vista?

Razorgurkha (2009-06-02)

forget about the comments above ...i got it ...m stupid

Razorgurkha (2009-06-02)

works damn perfectly!!!!thnx a lot.........

paintballr2108 (2009-06-04)

i got a worked for most of the online play but as soon as i went to play DoTA it loads and gets 3/4 of the way and it comes up with error:
Program: c:\program files\warcraft iii\war3.exe
File: war3.mpq any way to fix this problem???? plz answer soon...i would really appreciate it

sputnic1214 (2009-06-04)

i have the same problem. any1 knws how to solve it...? tnx

steelphoenix (2009-06-05)

the same thing happen to me. Does anyone know what to do.

steelphoenix (2009-06-05)

Why does it do this.
This application has encountered a critical error:
Program: C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\War3.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:0306A6A8
The instruction at '0x0306A6A8' referenced memory at '0x0306A6A8'.
The memory could not be 'read'.

owns_1 (2009-06-05)

dude, stop complaining and saying stupid stuff. 1. Don't use power iso, use daemon tools. You don't have to buy, just use the trial. 2. The purpose of an iso is not to extract it, it's to mount as a virtual drive that your pc uses as if it's a physical disk in a drive, allowing you to install from it. 3. once mounted run the install just like if you had put a disk in your cd drive. I uninstall daemon tools after because i think it's an unnecessary drag on system resources. That's for you to decide.

Spidey2283 (2009-06-12)

I burned the iso files using Power ISO and when I go to install it tosses up this error:
Error:0x00000017: Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
Any suggestions?

SoKiLd (2009-06-12)

thx a lot

Muttley-man (2009-06-13)

I'm having a problem. I installed Warcraft III and then dropped the patch into the install folder, but when I try to run the patch it comes up with "The Program was unable to find a file required for patching."

Lukelo (2009-06-27)

AngryToad... you most likely have a memory problem. Most likely your RAM or RAM slots (on your motherboard) are faulty or not perfectly compatible.
I'm not sure what the exact code means, due to the fact that I'm not experienced enough to interpret it, but if you go on a computer forum and post the code, you should get some definite answers.

Mirzou (2009-08-17)

Ive this game ... but the cd is fucked up... so i wonder if it would work to write the cd key from my game and then play on without using Hamachi...

eugen7000 (2009-08-26)

Is that correct that the vista cant read ISO files?
I mean, i mount that iso file but nothing happens.
Please help me!

karlost1234567890 (2009-10-19)

Why I cant even download torrent?It say "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"...

FiN_Dogii (2009-11-01)

If it cannot read the memory... It can be problem with DDR version. Or other RAM problems.. No idea about that error code.
Vista is able to read ISOs.
And if your browser is not able to display the page.. try again later..

pinoycdn (2010-01-09)

does it work on win7?

skye1482 (2010-01-23)

yo finally had to play DotA without renting PC on cafe's.. been searching for like 6 months , it works 100% , u just need to follow instructions and surely you will have fun :D

pirateman101 (2010-01-29)

When I try to install the patch i get
"An error has occured preparing the patch. This problem can commonly be corrected by reinstalling the game and trying the update again. If this error repeats then contact Blizzard Technical Support."
Anyone got a solution?

Khono (2010-02-01)

@pirateman101: Try reinstalling the game and try the update again.

Khono (2010-02-01)

Works perfectly.

fleetkid (2010-02-03)

Works fine. Thanks Askeen :)

BROTHYAM (2010-02-12)

is it korking with battlenet?

homeslice17 (2010-02-22)

do we need the CD? :( it keeps opening up in NTI CD&DVD Maker. is it supposed to open up there? it keeps asking me to insert a blank CD into the target drive. PLZ HELP :(

RookieGamerz (2010-03-11)

For you guys who want to play Online for FREE.
Join our forum community and read there how to play online. We support many games like:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Counter Strike
Joint Operations
.... and a lot more....

RookieGamerz (2010-03-11)

For you guys who want to play Online for FREE.
Join our forum community and read there how to play online. We support many games like:
Heroes of Might and Magic
Counter Strike
Joint Operations
.... and a lot more....

tweakAUDIO (2010-05-06)

Im running windows 7 64 bit and everything installs and updates perfectly but when i go to start playing the launch splash comes up and thats it, after about 3 mins or so i went to task manager and it said it was not responding. any help?

extremeuser3 (2010-05-07)

Uuuuuuuuuu, Thanks !

Lunar52 (2010-05-10)

Installs easy, fast dl, thanks a bunch askeen!

rokkyo (2010-05-20)

thx for upload. it's a great game.

razzie_3 (2010-06-26)

"Please verify that your Frozen Throne disc is in your CD-ROM drive, then clik on 'Retry'."
PLzzzzzzzz help ME>>>>>>>>>>

GreatD (2010-07-01)

hey guys! i have question: does it happen to you guys as well that in-gameplay there's no description for items nor recipe given and nor description to hero's nature and skill? i followed exactly what the installation guide said there in the statement. it was in fact easy. any idea? please help! thanks in advance

razzie_3 (2010-07-01)

does it work on windows 7?

hiroicman27 (2010-08-19)

do i need iso tool

hiroicman27 (2010-08-20)

thx askeen
it works in vista

blech (2010-09-11)


cast26 (2010-09-21)

when i get to step to i get:
"An error has occurred preparing the patch. This problem can commonly be corrected by reinstalling the game and trying the update again. If this error repeats then contact Blizzard Technical Support."
i already tried to re- install but i get the same problem. i even downloaded the patch file from a mirror site and it still wont work ( im running windows 7)??

gurupitka (2010-10-04)

Thank you, works great!!

xilong_3 (2010-10-08)

works and runs well!!! but i dun use hamachi to play online, i use smth else.

termite43 (2010-10-11)

Windows 7 x64 - works good. Thank you.

IOU_Death (2010-10-12)

This is an excellent torrent, thank you very much. It seeded incredibly fast, all gameplay and video material was in superb quality, thanks for the upload once again.

246815243 (2010-10-17)

It's telling me that the temporary key has expired and that I need to "Enter the registration name and key below, exactly as it was given to [me]". I can't find the name anywhere, though the key in the CDKey folder looks like it should be it.

246815243 (2010-10-17)

It happens when I double-click either of the .iso files to install the game.

bobo_king (2010-11-09)

Come on seed people. I've been download loading this for an hour and have only 30%. 6 seeders....really come on

bobo_king (2010-11-09)

any hamachi games up?

Osorcon (2010-12-25)

thx a lot m8

genfrix33 (2011-01-02)

Dear askeen,
plz help I've encountered like this "Warcratf III was unable to detect a disc in your CD-ROM. pls mke sure your Warcraft disc is in your CD-ROM.
What i gonna do then?

genfrix33 (2011-01-02)

see this also!!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:38 am on 01/02/2011
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
Access is denied.
RESULT: Prepatch failed

zw254 (2011-01-04)

downloads real fast got it up to 1Mbps with 46 seeders i will check it out once its done downloading. ill try to come back and comment if i remember

RETXEDTAGNOB (2011-01-05)

Thank you so much! Its working perfectly!

genfrix33 (2011-01-28)

working well but i can not play online.
pls help.

mr_bandi (2011-01-28)

Works perfectly!...thx

mech33 (2011-03-05)

What if i just want TFT? Cause i already have Reign of Chaos

Satvik22 (2011-04-01)

This torrent is wrking!!!!!!

Satvik22 (2011-04-01)

This torrent is working properly but it doesn't full maps i had to install the maps

thelovepirate69 (2011-04-05)

i keep getting a message that says please make sure the reign of chaos cd is in your cd drive even after i mount it and try to run it i put the patch in the maps folder but when i try to run it it says 'this program is used upgrade programs through and does not need to be run help plz!

frawst (2011-04-12)

AMAZING SEEDS > Thanks for the fast download @ seeders. Works like a charm.

vishal_b95 (2011-04-23)

hy guyz ma net speed iz i get downloading speed of nly 10 kbps............need help !!!!!

Spiderbite70 (2011-07-26)

SEED M0AR!! :D :D :D :D

T3ZTAM3NT (2011-08-01)

Working 100% Thank you!

lordabd (2011-08-29)

hey awnser plz fast i want to play the game i dident understand what did u said (Update, drag War3TFT_121b_English.exe from the included Patch directory to the warcraft install directory then click on it and it should update by itsefef.) plz make a shot vidoe and give me the link :)

lordabd (2011-08-29)

i install it in disk (D) cause disk (c) is full does it chaged?

briggs88 (2011-09-07)

Works Great Thanks!Just Finished Downloading And Patching Runs Great And So Do The Moivies!No Problems!!!!

eagle4 (2011-09-22)

thanks :)

SteveMarmot (2012-03-26)

people, SEED

SteveMarmot (2012-03-26)

people, SEED
one hour and under 1% wtf

ash5875 (2012-04-07)

Every time i put the CD-Key in it says it is invalid???

shakyabishwo (2012-04-12)

i cannot get the magnetic link what should i do

kenshin028 (2012-04-17)


poiqwe06 (2012-04-20)

good man

tyilon171 (2012-08-03)

Nice !!!, Woks FINE!

casanares (2012-08-27)

do you have to register or somthing??? pls reply ASAP

KroMoAssassin (2012-12-24)

Thank you, this works great!!! One thing though, randomly while I'm playing (has happened each mission) the screen will get all dark. It's like the brightness setting gets turned all the way down. It goes away after between 10-30 seconds, but is there any way to fix that?

TruSinner (2013-01-04)

THE PATCH WILL NOT START ITSELF HERES THE WAY T RUN IT! **if the PATCH doesnt got thru... After you drag War3TFT_121b_English.exe from the included Patch directory to the warcraft install directory before you click on it u need to RIGHT click on it then Properties/Compability then check mark Run as an Administrator then Apply then click on the update and WALLAHH! =)

rommel010 (2013-02-09)

Dear mr. askeen and every one, i got a problem when im opening Frozen throne it says. *Frozen Throne was unable to detect a disc in you CD-ROM drive. Please make sure your Frozen Throne disc is in you DC-ROM drive, Then click on retry*
WTF im gonna do please help me

BachaItIs (2013-02-26)

Dear rommel010, google is your friend. Sincerely, a TPB fanatic.

eronixs96 (2013-03-06)

seed please!!

eronixs96 (2013-03-06)

seed please

ShrewedFoobar (2013-08-07)

hey guys im kinda new to this but can anybody help me out with the cd key?????

SeeMoney8144 (2014-01-11)

Works great man!! thanks a lot!!

mleo1 (2014-02-08)

For lazy

FREGIRA (2014-02-09)

Great Torrent...fore anyone having this issue
""Frozen Throne was unable to detect a disc in you CD-ROM drive. Please make sure your Frozen Throne disc is in you DC-ROM drive, Then click on retry""
1. Go to the patch folder ( it comes with the download )
2. Copy the patch file and paste it in the directory where Warcraft III is installed.
3. Once pasted, double click to update.
4. Game will run after that.

Derpbutts (2014-02-11)

Installed perfectly according to directions.
Able to play everything but campaigns.
I assumed this download included campaigns but it appears it does not, unless I am mistaken.

Derpbutts (2014-02-11)

Okay, I achieved a solution to my problem.
My version of divX (or at least warcraft's native divX module) was causing an error playing the movie files correctly.
I went into WarcraftIII/Movies folder and renamed file extension of all movie files from .mpq to .avi and now I am able to play.
I hope this helps you :]

mythstera (2014-08-21)

Tested and it works perfectly. You should apply patch 1.12b before anyhting else otherwise the game will require a CD to work.
If you want to play on, you can get both legit RoC and TFT cd-keys for about 5$ each on


1. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/CDKey/Warcraft III - Reign Of Chaos - serial.txt 48 bytes
2. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/CDKey/Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne - serial.txt 51 bytes
3. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/Patch/Download.rar 187.41 Mb
4. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/Patch/War3TFT_121b_English.exe 49.59 Mb
5. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/[Disk1] Warcraft III -Reign Of Chaos.iso 631.68 Mb
6. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/[Disk2] Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne.iso 480.69 Mb
7. Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, The Frozen Throne, DoTa + Update Patch War3TFT_121b_English and map pack + CD Key/ReadMe.nfo 2.43 Kb