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Logic Pro 7
Logic Pro 7
2005-11-17 (by ivantheterrible)
Logic Pro 7
Files count:
225.15 Mb
OverDriv3 (2006-01-04)
No XS emulator or crack whatsoever? I don't wanna use $999 on software i have not tried..!a-unit21 (2006-01-09)
Theres no crack because this software requires a hardware feature.[SS]OSZ (2006-02-07)
I have seen this software before and ther was a link to a crack(hack) to get it to worksuburban hero (2006-03-16)
anyone got that link with the xskey?i really need it!
djcubensis (2006-03-24)
If you need the dongle still, message me as i have no place to post, but i can email it.SwaN3082 (2006-03-26)
so is this a trial? link?? very vauge description. but thanx!!!raintheory (2006-03-28)
Needs CRaCK or Emu for dongle,,,eocen (2006-04-04)
What is XSKey ? Damned !Anyone ?
jmdrums (2006-04-05)
yes...xskey or dongle. anyone?
Gerandro (2006-04-12)
xskey or dongle?Hdez (2006-04-16)
Ok. the thing works, not as a real Logic Pro 7, but as a Logic Express. It meas, there's no sampler function and no audio instruments, and there's no way to load samples. Please tell me if I'm wrong.nniieellss (2006-04-23)
Then download Express instead... The basic diffrence between Express and Pro, is that u can have more layers in Pro (much more), but as a amateur music-maker Express is more than enough... thrust meCan anyone get Logic Express 7.2 (Universal Binary) ????? I really need that version for my iMac core duo...
Hdez (2006-04-23)
Sorry, I was terribly wrong. This torrent brings to you the real Logic Pro 7, with its great audio recording and sampling skills. I didn´t realise because of a wrong configuration. Now I can load all my sample sounds library.I saw a Logic Pro Universal Binary version, at ebay, a lot cheaper than usual. Just a comment.
mistajo (2006-04-26)
Just downloaded this as well as the dongle crack on my pc for my mac. It will not unpack on winrar! Please help in installing this! Thank youGerandro (2006-05-11)
mistajoto unpack the crack use your mac, the crack isn't a .rar its a .dmg and should be opened in a mac, then just follow the instructions inside.
crocketkiller (2006-05-19)
dont you have to have an USB-key to use it?Kayelel (2006-05-20)
Can you use an old XS-key from logic 6?deKameleon (2006-05-22)
Installs fine, but does not work without a dongle. Gerandro that link does not work. Someone put a crack up for it please.Gerandro (2006-05-27)
you can find (Logic Pro 7) in limeware as well, it is the same file, and mabe a litle faster dan the torrent, the crack file, is there too. But im tired of crack limitations, so i decide to download logic express and it works better i think...iunspoken (2006-10-05)
firstly, the USB Dongle is as a key... similar to a car.. no key, no start...anyway.. there are cracks for the USB dongle... try demonoid...
beyondish (2006-10-12)
Hey this really works! You just have to make sure the app is IN the applications folder!!!icequake (2006-10-20)
"try demonoid..."what is this ??? i have logic pro 7 installed on my intel imac...but it works fine except for the 4 instead of 15 inserts per track. it has another great problem : bounce not working !! i think it's a crack must be a logic express working. i need this usb dongle needed !!!
mixuone (2006-10-24)
"bounce not working !! i think it's a crack must be a logic express working. i need this usb dongle needed !!!"Same problem here! Im totally happy with verything else but bounsing, it doesn't work. Allso the export button seems to be missing. Wrong crack or what?
dirtynappie (2006-10-27)
Hi GuysCrack available at BITENOVA
Logic Pro 7 Crack Only
Read Instuctions:
Replace file within MAC OS folder with CRACK file.
close and open APP.
mixuone (2006-11-02)
Yes, I think that was the one I used earlier.Ewerything else is just fine (some texts are missing)
But the Bouncing would be nice to have. At the moment it doesn't work.
HonkeyWissleToof (2006-12-08)
I think I love you Ivan.drylbc (2006-12-28)
can someone please explain to me how i can install this app on my mac after i download the torrent.i am downloading using a pc at the moment. can i download using my mac? if someone one could explain to me the steps to install on my mac it would be greatly appreciated.thanks
malm88 (2007-01-23)
is ultrabeat including in this file?beyondish (2007-01-29)
you guys must have installed it in a fucked up way; this REALLY works and REALLY is pro. Works without dongle with all pro plugs and features.guitarist1 (2007-02-16)
Well I installed this on mac osx 10.46 and there was no custom install option. It requires of me the xlock? so she woudn't run. So I had to install Logic Express instead which will take a while to learn anyways. Are we missing something? Install with Pacifist?techno1 (2007-02-27)
hi, i just installed logic and i'm having several problems. one, when i play the song, no sound comes out of the speakers! two, i can't find ultrabeat nor any of the other synths that come with logic. can anyone help?niclashbg (2007-03-22)
"Could not extract the file "Logic Pro.pkg/.DS_Store": Opening file failed " WHY WHY and WHY? Can anybody explane for me?:Pnovamoon (2007-03-23)
Someone that have the "real" Logic Pro 7?The image (ISO or DMG) file should be 2.80GB
lkbigmac (2007-03-24)
xlock? I dont..... there some kind of crack for this?mac_davis (2007-03-28)
We're all confused, there's cracks and dongles and packages flying all over the place.mac_davis (2007-03-28)
By the way, just to clear some things up:1. A dongle is a piece of hardware you plug into your USB port that works as an activation key.
2. We need a crack to emulate the hardware dongle, as a piece of software. One has been provided, and may work. Information leads me to believe mixuone used the crack, and it works but not in its entirety. The "bounce" feature doesn't work, which would be the same as an "export" feature.
3. This installs perfectly without a hitch, save for a missing dongle.
malm88 (2007-03-28)
DOES ULTRA BEAT COME WITH THIS FILE?!?!?1mac_davis (2007-03-28)
I hope you don't mind a long message, I hope it helps some of you guys.The crack that was supplied pretty much sucks. It only makes it run, you can't bounce, you can't record, you can't open any logic files, and it's all around crappy.
1. The XSKey is a dongle, the hardware smartcard with updatable firmware. Each dongle is tailored to the specific copy of logic you bought which makes things harder, and yes you can read the data from a dongle - the hard part is replicating it due to the algorithms and serials. I'm not sure if it's true, but I heard that parts of the Logic Pro Code, and the pro plugins, will be processed by the dongle, too. It is very difficult to find information about the layout, what chip it's using and so on, on the net. If anybody has informations about the XSKey, please post it.
2. The Authorization going by the normal route:
I. Logic Pro will ask for your XSKey (where we are all stuck), then you get an activation number.
II. You then visit: where you can get your authorization code when inserting the number of your XSKey and the activation code of logic.
So, the "working serial numbers" that come with the torrent, may be authorization codes, or are they activation numbers?
One route for a cracker to make his own dongle would be to get a blank steinberg or pace dongle and try to ghost a real logic dongle image onto the blank one. I don't believe anybody has tried this, since the dongle is worth about $1000, and opening it up seems risky, and if the risks go out of your favor you need to spend another thousand to get logic working again.
Do crack it, I would suspect the following:
"Logic Pro", right click "Show Package Contents" and navigate to the Contents>MacOS folder. Take the crack, which should be 3.5-3.8 Mb, and replace it. Just in case the crack is a fake or doesn't work so well, make sure you backup the original.
What I suspect this crack will do is that it will run Pro 7.2, but only the shell; the core is express. This means that the user can use all the Pro features, but because it is running from Express (sort of as a skin), the way to get to them is not there so you have to figure out how to work around it. A lot of the cracks to download make the program crash if you try to bounce with a crash report like this:
Logic Pro[1142] Could not connect the action change_pcmSurroundBounce: to target of class BounceViewController
2006-05-27 04:23:57.049 Logic Pro[1142] *** Illegal NSTableView data source (). Must implement numberOfRowsInTableView: and
2006-05-27 04:23:57.121 Logic Pro[1142] *** -[NSProTableView selectCellWithTag:]: selector not recognized
2006-05-27 04:23:57.122 Logic Pro[1142] An uncaught exception was raised
2006-05-27 04:23:57.122 Logic Pro[1142] *** -[NSProTableView selectCellWithTag:]: selector not recognized
2006-05-27 04:23:57.122 Logic Pro[1142] *** Uncaught exception: *** -[NSProTableView selectCellWithTag:]: selector not recognized
However, there are two easy ways to circumvent this.
1: Make a new bus, Send all tracks to bus, When you want to bounce simply record onto the bus.
:::This means you will have to bounce in realtime
2: Save logic file, open in Logic Express and bounce from there.
:::Untested, I think the files are compatible.
3: Install Audio Hijack Pro from Rogue Amoeba Software or Wiretap Pro from AmbrosiaSW, and bounce it externally like that.
:::Works fine! Just make sure you know where you're saving it, and in AIFF. This is how I bounce from Sibelius (if anybody has information on downloading that, I will pray to you for a good year.)
4: Show Package Contents>Contents>Resources. Delete the language project files you don't use and replace each .lproj's BounceView.nib folder by the corresponding BounceView.nib in Logic Express's package.
:::Not sure if the versions have to correspond or not, i.e. Express 7.2.1 and Pro 7.2.1
Also, since this torrent is only 225.14 Mb, it's probably missing a ton of the loops, instruments, and synthesizers?the reason I wanted to upg
mac_davis (2007-03-28)
Excuse my confusing logic in the last message, a lot of it didn't make since ("there are two ways to circumvent this", "I suspect"). I hope any of it was still helpful to somebody!ponks (2007-03-30)
It is so frustrating when you can´t bounce!How on earth do you create a new bus and "record from the bus." I don´t get it.
Sorry for being stupid.
beyondish (2007-04-02)
mac_davis: you are REALLY stupid.buffoon points to you my friend.
666Tjernell666 (2007-05-27)
Does it work on microsoft computers?OverDriv3 (2007-06-18)
Microsolft computers lalIshootU (2007-07-09)
Will this work on a MAC OS 10.3.9??? The only Logic Pro tor r e n t I can find is this one and it seems shady...neversaynikon (2011-11-17)
This doesn't work on any computer.Files:
1. Logic Pro 225.15 Mb