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300 + Adobe extensions for DreamWeaver, Flash, and Fireworks +mo






300 + Adobe extensions for DreamWeaver, Flash, and Fireworks +mo




2011-04-25 (by caaachme)


I think this totals about 344 but it is over 300 anyway. All of these extensions were gotten off the exchange. Some of them you can't get for free anymore. The big one would be the 3D wall Pro for flash and the poseable figure for Fireworks. These extensions are mostly for Dreamweaver, fireworks, and flash, although there are some for photoshop and others of the master suite collection. Most are for CS3 or higher but they have been known to work with DW8 and flash 5. Well here is the list of what is included. I just zipped up the whole directory so their may be some dups. Should be clean and virus free. I scan everything with NOD32. Just another "CAAACH of the day"!! Enjoy. 3DFlyoutLite.mxp 3DWALL 3d_rotate_fw_cs3 ActiveContentDropDownWide.js Additional_Presets aspnetdevsuite300.mxp AutomaticJumpMenu3.mxp Book_Flip4.mxp brick_textures.mxp Calmaker.mxp CampusTools.mxp Center_on_Canvas.mxp ColorPalette5.mxp Copy_Paste_Guides.mxp Delete_Empty_Layers.mxp DiceComp4.mxp dmedw-demo.exe dmxSpryActions100.mxp dynamicImages.mxp EN-US_snapfish-agent.exe ExtensionLocator.mxp FillAndStroke-100.mxp FlashBanner.mxp FlashSlideShowL3.mxp Flash_Image_Pre.mxp Flash_Image_Pre2.mxp flevSlideDiv.mxp flevToggleLayers104.mxp Float_Layer.mxp floor_textures.mxp fm2.5.31.mxp fontList_for_FW.mxp Frame3.mxp Frame_Description.mxp FW_Album_Creator1.mxp FX_DWLCounter110.mxp FX_PassGen.mxp FX_SBR_v101.mxp GeniusToolKit.mxp GoogleGadgets-1.0.0.mxp gradienttransform.mxp Grid_Settings.mxp HeirarchicalLayerCopy.mxp HideEmail.mxp IMAccordion.mxp Import_multiple_files.mxp Inherit_Guides.mxp IntoFlashComponents1.mxp jkDrawingTools.mxp jQuery_UI_Calendar.mxp jQuery_UI_Dialog.mxp KW_PaypalButtons.mxp leaves_textures.mxp lightbox_gallery.mxp LiknoAllWebMenus.mxp LiveMenuFree.mxp MakeButton.mxp Maze.mxp menu004try.mxp menu007try.mxp menu018try.mxp menu118try.mxp metal_textures.mxp mmStyleMenuFree.mxp MX142100_mmFlaButtonStyles.mxp MX148632_URLayerIframe.mxp MX15069_PageTransitions.mxp MX15708_stateCodes.mxp MX16440_Marquee.mxp MX16682_Layerfx.mxp MX179510_flashbuttons.mxp MX18674_Sound.mxp MX192862_flashphotoEn.mxp MX222895_LayerAnimagic.mxp MX230309_My_Planets.mxp MX262891_FavIcons.mxp MX266750_vmkp_fl_btns.mxp MX324883_Scrolling_Title.mxp MX35773_BannerImageBuilder.mxp MX40483_addToFavoritesBH_v10.mxp MX40724_ThumbTack.mxp MX451852_LayoutDesigner24.mxp MX486426_Twister.mxp MX513959_SoftGlamour.mxp MX51774_MFXlogin.mxp MX545151_Commands-1.2.1.mxp MX558983_AnimationText.mxp MX567697_Favorite_Colors101.mxp MX618327_Kaleidoscope.mxp MX619334_3D_Objects_v2.mxp MX624321_Numeric_Zoom_Ver1.mxp MX626784_ColorGlow.mxp MX633720_PDG-1.2.22.mxp MX644883_AtomzSearch.mxp MX661794_PuzzleFactory.mxp MX713422_MB-Texture_Pack_1.mxp NavGuide.mxp PatternFrenzy11.mxp pave_textures.mxp phatfusion_imageMenu.mxp phatfusion_roundedCorners.mxp phatfusion_slideShow.mxp phatfusion_sortableTable.mxp PHPCode5.mxp PL_VMenu_v4110.mxp popup.mxp Prefix_page_numbers.mxp Queasy_Tools_v_1_5_0.mxp quickmenu.mxp Readme.txt RichUpload.msi roof_textures.mxp rss4dw.mxp rssdb.mxp SavePassLoginForm.mxp sc_web_forms.mxp SDE.mxp SelectManager.mxp ShapeShifterSet1.mxp ShoppingCartEditor15183.exe simple_quizzer_v2.mxp SitepalWizard.mxp smartcss.mxp softery_ie_fps.mxp softery_menus_ui.mxp SparkEventsCalendar.mxp Super_Nudge2.mxp TE_Coolbar.mxp Thinking.mxp thumbScrub.mxp TNT_sounds_v_1_3.mxp TraceConsoleInsert.mxp transformer_by_pi.mxp water_textures.mxp wavingtext.mxp YUI_Calendar.mxp YUI_TabView.mxp YUI_Tooltip.mxp


  1. adobe
  2. dreamweaver
  3. fireworks
  4. flash
  5. cs3
  6. cs4
  7. cs5
  8. extemsions
  9. photoshop
  10. master suite
  11. creative suite

Files count:



242.01 Mb




caaachme (2011-04-29)

sorry must have missed a couple when scanning. could you list the files effected, that way they can be avoided.
again sorry bout that was not intentional

fayimora (2011-05-02)

PLease can i use them on a mac???? also how do i install them?

caaachme (2011-05-03)

i am not sure if they are interchacgeable. The exchange does not seperate the two so i would think they would, but i don't know. Guess it depends on if the Adobe suites are interchangeable between mac and windows,because they sure dont care what version windows is running.
you install them with the extension manager. should be able to just double click and it will open the extension manager and install itself. In win 7 open the manager as administrator first then install from it, will save you a bunch of aggravation.

Protheus7 (2011-08-04)

really good upload - tnx
But I would have atleast sorted the extensions a bit :-) - now I just need to install them and see for whch app it is - shame - but still good upload

jpsaini (2012-01-03)

Why is the seeders bar is 15.
I am downloading at rate of 0 Kbps!!!
Seed please.

ainpain (2012-03-16)

this is full version or trial???

rawazwest (2012-09-18)

full of viruses

jsisthe1 (2014-09-19)

Almost every file extracted was identified as the I-Worm/Brontok.A virus by AVG. Nice attempt guys, but you won't have my computer. Why not try something a little more useful with your time, like getting a job and buying your own shit instead of stealing peoples info? kthnx