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Games Playstation
2011-05-18 (by .BONE. )
Title..........: L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY
Publisher......: Rockstar Games
Game Type......: Adventure
Release Date...: 05/18/2011
Store Date.....: 05/17/2011
Origin.........: USA
Platform.......: PS3
Regions........: USA [X] PAL [ ] RF [X]
Source.........: DVD25
Files..........: 98x250mb
Files count:
23188.72 Mb
Rapier_Wit (2011-05-18)
This needs fw 3.60. It will not play with cfw 3.55 on JB PS3..BONE. (2011-05-18)
yes fw 3.60Marques777 (2011-05-18)
so how do i make it work with 3.55kmeaw?dnite74 (2011-05-19)
Please upload Prince of Persia: The Forgotten SandsRapier_Wit (2011-05-19)
@Marques777. You can't. This game only works on legit PS3s with OFW 3.60 and up. Maybe someone will manage to patch it, who knows.Darkvelvet (2011-05-19)
Please someone make this work for Kmeaw Firmware 3.55. Thanks!AlwaysWasted (2011-05-19)
First the ppl who clicked - quality on this should go fuck themselves second this game and 3.60+ have been causing some ps3s to overheat so there is a chance that when they patch that it will work like with brinkpratik23 (2011-05-19)
thanx....working on my ps3....just open multiman new version and click on this game and it wil say to ptach the on yes.ur dne....thanxgpstorrentz (2011-05-19)
@pratik23Is this for real :D would be great man, i will try this...
pratik23 (2011-05-19)
yes this shit works manRapier_Wit (2011-05-19)
Just tried it. You get Error 80010017 'An error occurred during the start operation'. As all the forums will tell you, this does not work yet on cfw3.55. Patching the param.sfo in Multiman DOES NOT WORK.@pratik23, fuck off and troll somewhere else asshole.
black_shadow_1981 (2011-05-20)
im playing this on my flashed 360, haveing 3 discs is gay tho, i miss my ps2 but it got the yellow light of death i had it fixed (not by sony) then in 4 weeks it died again :(anyways the game is good, i was thinking about getting a ps3 with jail brake but dont know alot about it can someone fill me in?
black_shadow_1981 (2011-05-20)
i typed ps2 but i ment ps3!BrikHaus (2011-05-20)
@Rapier_WitPatching the param.sfo is only half of what you need to do. You also need to build or download an EBOOT.bin. Then Patch the game.
Don't be such a fucking douche bag because you have no idea what you are doing.
GTOnizuka (2011-05-20)
So this works on CFW 3.55 with EBOOT.bin fix????Rapier_Wit (2011-05-20)
@BrikHaus.My comment was aimed at pratik23 and his just fix the param.sfo file bullshit. I know you need an EBOOT.bin fix. I've got a PS3 full of games and have a clue. And 'douche bag'? My wife insults me better than that.
Rapier_Wit (2011-05-20)
EBOOT & param.sfo cfw3.55 fix is now out. Search the forums for details. I would put a link but got banned before for doing this so it's up to you to search it.Mbb15 (2011-05-20)
Here's the 3.55 fix:
Mbb15 (2011-05-20)
Here is the patch:
gpstorrentz (2011-05-20)
3.55 kmeaw and multiman working 100%-first use ps3 splitter to split the files on your pc
-after splitting copy to external hd
-copy with multiman to internal hd on ps3
-run the pkg file patch from the links provided above
- run the game in multiman with select + X
enjoy ;)
josevaldo (2011-05-21)
I am certain that this game has a fix and it can work on kmeaw 3.55, i just dont know if this torrent has the actual game working, can someone that downloaded it confirm if it works using the fixes?mordeth86 (2011-05-21)
where is the europe version? not out yet?jitsuin (2011-05-21)
why is this shit downloading so slow, hey fuckers set your shit to unlimitedResistance2010 (2011-05-21)
hello everyone!i have heard that all ps3 games are region free like i can play US versions on PAL ps3 please someone confirms if it is true.
Can i Play this game on my PAL ps3
AlwaysWasted (2011-05-21)
@josevaldo europe version just came out todaydarkalex1 (2011-05-21)
Common people seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10hrs of download and only 15% d/u ratio is 1.562
GTOnizuka (2011-05-21)
Works great with the fix!! follow the link above!Those of you who are still not sure of how...
If your copy is Europe version then just copy it to the internal hdd then load it up with Multiman using select + X then it will ask you about param.sfo changing to 3.55. Click 'ok'.
once you are back on ps3 XMB, install the package then select + X the LA noire straight from the PS3 XMB screen and you are on the way!
darkalex1 (2011-05-21)
@GTOnizukaAre you facing any overheat issue? Since you said its working then could you explain how?
Do I just let multiman to change the PARAM.sfo? I cant really understand how to change PARAM.sfo to Bles? do I just rename it?
Thanks mate
AlwaysWasted (2011-05-21)
@Resistance2010 yesAlwaysWasted (2011-05-21)
@darkalex1 google PS3SFOEdit use it and edit the PARAM.sfo its easygeuheo28 (2011-05-21)
this is not the game -> fake torrent! (don't download it)GTOnizuka (2011-05-22)
@darkalex1 - I haven't noticed any overheating issue as some people were complaining in forums..this overheating problem only occurs when you have OFW 3.60 or over and playing LA Noire on it.As to param.sfo....if your copy is a europe version, the game will already start with bles so when you load it with Multiman, just push select + X buttons at the same time then it will pop up with a message saying someting like ' param.sfo needs to be 3.55...' just push 'ok' then this will have changed the param.sfo automatically. You can do this manually by grabbing a copy of sfo editor and doing so on pc. Whichever you do it, they all work fine. Once you have that changed, on PS3 xmb, install the fix package - you can find this by searching on google or the piratebay. Then you are on your way to play LA Noire on CFW 3.55!
StaylinShite (2011-05-22)
Thanks, works perfect with 3.55 Kmeaw and MM 2.00 after patch and PARAM.sfo edit. Sweet.Silvada (2011-05-22)
is it multi-language ?darkalex1 (2011-05-22)
@GTOnizukaThanks for your detailed explanation..I appreciate it man...still waiting for the download to finish..
thanks mate!
lakers808 (2011-05-23)
guys plz plz plz help me. I'm a complete new-comer. and i don't really know what to do. I have created a backup of la noire using gaia manager and i dont really know what to do after that. please help me, i'll be really glad....lakers808 (2011-05-23)
plus i don't really know if my games is european or what!AlwaysWasted (2011-05-23)
@laker808 google PS3SFOEdit download it go to your ps3 start your ftp i use openps3ftp then go to your PC and start your ftp client i have filezilla where it says host at the top type in the IP of your ps3 it will show on your TV screen if you dont know it username will be root and any password should work with newer versions of openps3ftp click quickconnect now find your GAMES/GAMEZ folder it will be in something like USB_000 or Hdd_000 open it and find LA Noire BLUS30554 if its US BLES00933 if its EUR open it go to PS3_GAME drag the param.sfo to your desktop open it with PS3SFOEdit make sure title ID is BLES00933 click advanced edit change PS3_SYSTEM_VER from 03.6000 to 03.5500 click ok save changes then save the param and put it back on the ps3 with filezilla install the patch from the link on first page of comments and play it like any other backuplakers808 (2011-05-23)
@ always wasted... dude you're my hero thx very much. Just one thing. i gotta install openps3 ftp in my ps3??????AlwaysWasted (2011-05-23)
yes install it like anyother pkg it will be located at the bottom of the network section of the XMB on your ps3 i think all the backup managers come with FTP now but i havent taken the time to try them out i just stick with openps3ftp cause its what i know and it workslakers808 (2011-05-23)
thx man, very much.......can u gimme your FB id or some other contact thang???Lalin1974 (2011-05-24)
Please help anyone....My PS3 has updated to v3.60 and neither multiman or gaia manager is working meaning I cannot access my backups. Is there any way to solve this? Would PS3SFOEdit make it possible to revert it to 3.55.
I have CMEAW 3.55 installed
FISTfullaHATE (2011-05-24)
Lalin1974 haha fail. you're shit outta luck. for a while at least.Lalin1974 (2011-05-24)
@FISTfullaHATE.Will the next firmware solve this problem then? Whenever that will be?
Good thing I bought the game (at least I can still play originals)
FISTfullaHATE (2011-05-24)
as of right now I haven't heard of any ETA for jb of the newest fw.So I got this game finally onto my external and it starts and installs and goes through the title screens but then hangs at the loading screen and the arrows just spin and spin. I know this says internal only and a lot of other games that i currently run off my external also said that. maybe i met my match.
FISTfullaHATE (2011-05-25)
just kidding. running perfect on 3.55wt cfw with multiman 2.00 and hermes bdemu off of externalpicketf (2011-05-25)
Wanna increase the speed of this torrent? Ban all brazilian IPs. They have deadslow cable and nearly all providers limit bandwith there, so these fucks limit their upload to 1 kb/s and leech off the net. I say ban their asses until they fight back their ISPspicketf (2011-05-25)
Wanna increase the speed of this torrent? Ban all brazilian IPs. They have deadslow cable and nearly all providers limit bandwith there, so these fcks limit their upload to 1 kb/s and leech off the net. I say ban their a$$es until they fight back their ISPsShauncold (2011-05-25)
this doesn't seem to fucking work on wutangrza jailbreak. I split the game with PS3 splitter and moved it over to my external hard drive. I then copied the game to my internal hard drive and clicked on the game(let multiman change the param) and went to the xmb screen to run the patch. This is exactly how everybody says to do it and I keep getting an error occurred 80010017. Getting kinda pissed here.Shauncold (2011-05-25)
MY BAD, MUST APOLOGIZE for previous comment. I was running patch for wrong version of game. SORRY. N E body else with this problem make sure you check the number and run the right patch(if your stupid like me)LOL.heroes96 (2011-05-26)
Fuck you you fucking fucks that limit your speed so much that waiting for this fucking game isn't worth it at all.......prolly all of u fucking motherfuckers are Jews.GTOnizuka (2011-05-26)
heroes96 - woah.....calm down buddy...fishy1274 (2011-05-28)
visit and click the saww banner they give this all out freehairyshit (2011-06-01)
Got this running in multiman 2.00.03 externally after letting multiman patch it, but theres no ingame voice.Hanks552 (2011-06-01)
hi picketf, and fck u!im from brazil and is not everybody who have lamme internet!
i got 1,5mb/s download and 3mb/s upload!
vgvgvg7412 (2011-06-04)
would this work on 3.41 JBGTOnizuka (2011-06-04)
@vgvgvg7412 You can surely try it out but may not work on CFW lower than 3.55 unless there is a fix for 3.41??saequa253 (2011-06-07)
fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Syheff (2011-06-11)
picketfWhy are you so fuc*ing ignorant ? i'm brazilian user with 60MB fiber optic, so stfu
speed_downloader (2011-06-12)
@Rapier_WitHow do i get this to work OFW 3.61?? if its possible
GTOnizuka (2011-06-12)
@Rapier_Wit You can't play it on CFW 3.60 or higher at the momentDarkvelvet (2011-06-12)
I have a problem copying it to my FAT32 USB External Hard Drive. An error show up a file was too big to be copy 14GB something, what am I doing wrong?Darkvelvet (2011-06-12)
I can't copy the Case_1_1.big to my FAT32 USB External Hard Drive because the file is over 10GB. Please someone help me, I spend one week downloading this just to find out it cannot be copy.paul36 (2011-06-14)
Darkvelvet: You'll have to Convert your FAT Disks to NTFS. This would mean formatting your disk. If don't want to format your whole disk because of files you don't want to lose, you can make a partition and only format that.The how and what can easily be found with Google:
How to format my...?
How to make a partition on my...?
Good luck
artemka07 (2011-06-14)
Works great on external HDD with kmeaw cfw 3.55 and multiMan 2.00.04. Thanksarsehel (2011-06-15)
HOw the fuck can you ban brasilian ips ?? LMFAO!!!!Darkvelvet (2011-06-18)
paul36: The problem is that PS3 doesn't recognized NTSF Hard Drive, this is why I have to format my USB External Hard to FAT32 in the first place.Beowulf1211 (2011-06-20)
Thanks a lot! This is working perfectly with the 3.55 patch. Great torrent!2HeadViper (2011-06-27)
thx man work finekimhan6 (2011-06-28)
Hi, Can anyone please teach me how to convert my ps3 to a ps3 that can play "downloaded games" ? please contact me, on hansen_90@hotmail.comThanx!
tajni (2011-06-29)
i got a problem when im trying to unpack this game on my macbook pro.can anyone tell me a good program to use or do i need to unpack the game to another hard drive or what can be the problem.
im also looking for a splitting program for the big games.
my ps3 is on 3.55 kmeaw and im using multiman to run my games.
19nick80webb (2011-06-30)
blast updated to version 2.0 and it broke the hack ;-(jitsuin (2011-07-06)
all u fucking leeches!!!blizuntochronic (2011-07-07)
wish they'd made gta 5 insteadtheomas21 (2011-07-10)
is this playable on EU pal ps3 system?thx
FatFreddy879 (2011-07-14)
use easeus partition manager to format in less than 2 seconds. use open split to split files than are larger than 4 gb. then it wil allow you to copy on your fat32 formatted external.bozakungen (2011-07-31)
It says i need update to 3.60 to play the game... I have CFW 3.55 anyone know whats wrong?rocksman (2011-08-14)
hey i download this game i get a black screen i have patched the game and replaced the param.sfoplzz can u tell me how to work this game??!!!! :(
TheBees (2011-09-08)
Howzit guysok first time I'm doing this for the PS3
Can someone please explain how to do this?
Not just for this torrent but for all PSX torrents please?
jahmiel (2011-09-16)
84% done, i got cyclic redundancy check error in utorrent. can it still be fixed? or i have to start all over again?jahmiel (2011-10-02)
re-downloaded this one, working.RatManiax (2011-10-06)
Working on 3.55 PS3ITA / Rogero Manager / internal after intalling package (just google:UP1004-BLUS30554_00-PATCHLANOIRE0001-A0101-V0100-PE.pkg).
Thanx a lot!Kismeth (2011-10-15)
Hey, can some of you good ol' pirates post a torrent only with param.sfo file - the original one (or already properly edited). I initially edited the file with my notepad and already deleted rar archive with game, so i'm stuck, because my ps3 sees broken game files only and param.sfo cannot be edited properly anymore. Please, it's only about 1mb...xaleeeeeel (2011-10-22)
can someone please explain step by step how to make this workSRTechs (2011-11-12)
How do you load these unto the PS3? I have 3.55 Kmeaw and cannot find a way to load these games unto the PS3 itself. Thanx in advance.djtje123 (2012-02-16)
how to get this game on your ps3?THX
ni20134 (2013-08-10)
This fix maybe will help you
1. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r49 238.42 Mb
2. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r00 238.42 Mb
3. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r01 238.42 Mb
4. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r02 238.42 Mb
5. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r03 238.42 Mb
6. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r04 238.42 Mb
7. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r05 238.42 Mb
8. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r06 238.42 Mb
9. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r07 238.42 Mb
10. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r08 238.42 Mb
11. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r09 238.42 Mb
12. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r10 238.42 Mb
13. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r11 238.42 Mb
14. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r12 238.42 Mb
15. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r13 238.42 Mb
16. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r14 238.42 Mb
17. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r15 238.42 Mb
18. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r16 238.42 Mb
19. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r17 238.42 Mb
20. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r18 238.42 Mb
21. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r19 238.42 Mb
22. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r20 238.42 Mb
23. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r21 238.42 Mb
24. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r22 238.42 Mb
25. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r23 238.42 Mb
26. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r24 238.42 Mb
27. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r25 238.42 Mb
28. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r26 238.42 Mb
29. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r27 238.42 Mb
30. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r28 238.42 Mb
31. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r29 238.42 Mb
32. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r30 238.42 Mb
33. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r31 238.42 Mb
34. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r32 238.42 Mb
35. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r33 238.42 Mb
36. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r34 238.42 Mb
37. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r35 238.42 Mb
38. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r36 238.42 Mb
39. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r37 238.42 Mb
40. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r38 238.42 Mb
41. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r39 238.42 Mb
42. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r40 238.42 Mb
43. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r41 238.42 Mb
44. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r42 238.42 Mb
45. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r43 238.42 Mb
46. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r44 238.42 Mb
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48. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r46 238.42 Mb
49. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r47 238.42 Mb
50. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r48 238.42 Mb
51. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r74 238.42 Mb
52. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r50 238.42 Mb
53. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r51 238.42 Mb
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68. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r66 238.42 Mb
69. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r67 238.42 Mb
70. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r68 238.42 Mb
71. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r69 238.42 Mb
72. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r70 238.42 Mb
73. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r71 238.42 Mb
74. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r72 238.42 Mb
75. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r73 238.42 Mb
76. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r87 238.42 Mb
77. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r75 238.42 Mb
78. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r76 238.42 Mb
79. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r77 238.42 Mb
80. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r78 238.42 Mb
81. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r79 238.42 Mb
82. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r80 238.42 Mb
83. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r81 238.42 Mb
84. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r82 238.42 Mb
85. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r83 238.42 Mb
86. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r84 238.42 Mb
87. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r85 238.42 Mb
88. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r86 238.42 Mb
89. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r93 238.42 Mb
90. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r88 238.42 Mb
91. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r89 238.42 Mb
92. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r90 238.42 Mb
93. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r91 238.42 Mb
94. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r92 238.42 Mb
95. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r94 238.42 Mb
96. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r95 238.42 Mb
97. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.rar 238.42 Mb
98. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.r96 62.10 Mb
99. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.nfo 6.33 Kb
100. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/apathy-lanoire.sfv 2.78 Kb
101. L.A.Noire.USA.JB.PS3-APATHY/Torrent downloaded from 46 bytes