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LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4-RELOADED




Games PC






2010-06-23 (by AiTB )


more info, crack... LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (c) Warner Bros Interactive 06/2010 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom 1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Arcade Üßß ÜßßÜ ÜßÜßÜ Üßß ß ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ Üß ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Û ß² Ûßß² Û ² ²ß Ü Û Û ² ²ß Û ² ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ßß ß ß ß ßßßß ß ß ß ßß ßß LEGO Harry Potter will allow gamers to play as LEGO versions of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and other characters from the books during their first four years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.Players will be able to attend lessons, cast spells, mix potions, fly on broomsticks, and complete tasks to earn house points in Hogwarts Castle, and visit familiar settings like Diagon Alley, the Forbidden Forest, and the village of Hogsmeade. ß ÜßßÜ Üß ²ÜÜ ÜßßÜ ² ² ÜßßÜ ÜßßÜ ²ÜÜ Üßß Üß ßßßßßßßßßß Û Û ² ßßßÛ Û Ü Ûßß² Û Û Û ² Û ² Û Ü ²ß Ü ßßßÛ ßßßßßßßßßß ß ß ßß ßßß ß ßßß ßßß ß ßß ßßß ßßßß ßß 1. Unrar. 2. Burn or mount the image. 3. Install the game. 4. Copy over the cracked content. 5. Play the game.

Files count:



6004.98 Mb




fakk22008 (2010-06-23)

both versions crash to desktop
Win7 64bit ATI 5870 cat 10.6
clone avenged and reloaded

jonima2 (2010-06-23)

is this the full game AiTB????? or its like the anonymous's one ...the demo???

fakk22009 (2010-06-23)

yes full game

jonima2 (2010-06-23) problem: SEED...........

semirep44 (2010-06-23)

this does not work properly. keeps crashing to the desktop
anyone have a fix??

makesadus (2010-06-23)

FAKE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

markoose (2010-06-23)

AiTB doesn't upload fake shit just look at how much stuff he's uploaded and the green skull. It's probably the crack and considering 5 of you say it won't work you'd think one of you fuckers would be seeding

markoose (2010-06-23)

If the iso is corrupted this is why it's better to upload in rar's of smaller size so we don't have to download an entire iso again.

Bjornokiller (2010-06-23)

does this work.. and is this with a crack?

KillTheNoob (2010-06-24)

So, Has anyone been able to get this to work yet? Markoose is probably right and hopefully it is the crack, not something within the iso. I have 1 hour to go so I'll post back if I can get this one to work.

KillTheNoob (2010-06-24)

Ok, Well, I installed and it works for me. It's legit. Thanks AiTB!

wiltorn56 (2010-06-24)

Lucky you. I have to redownload the entire 6gbs because it corrupted somehow. Damn it I hate these large files, especially if it doesn' twork!!!

nikoaliti (2010-06-24)

dont't know what to say about you AiTB,are a crazy son a bitch,abd that's why we love you.great work man!!!!!

Bjornokiller (2010-06-24)

can somebody help me with the crack thing pllss

g0dsize (2010-06-24)

Works perfectly for me. Downloaded, mounted with Daemon Tools, installed, copied the crack over the original, and fired it right up. Played through two levels without a hitch.
I read on another forum that you need to set your soundcard quality to 24KHz, and that fixed crashing for some people. No idea if that really works, as I didn't need to do that.
Great upload, great game. Thanks AiTB for another excellent torrent!

g0dsize (2010-06-24)

@ Bjornokiller: Depending on how you're installing the game, you'll either need to extract the iso to a folder using winrar [or something similar], install, then copy the LEGOHarryPotter.exe of the "Crack" folder over to your install directory for the game.
If you're mounting the image to install, browse to the "Crack" folder in your virtual disk drive to find the crack file & copy it over the installed one.

Bjornokiller (2010-06-24)

i have the game on a dubble layer but this is very new to me i don't know how to copy the crack ..

g0dsize (2010-06-24)

With the DVD in the drive, browse to the DVD and you'll find a folder called Crack. Inside that folder, you'll find a file called LEGOHarryPotter.exe. Right click that, select "copy", and browse to your install directory [default is C:\Program Files\WB Games\LEGO® Harry Potter?] Paste the file into that folder, overwriting the file already in there when it asks. Then fire the game up & play.

Bjornokiller (2010-06-24)

okej i am installing it now i will let you know if it works and really thank you for helping me :)

Bjornokiller (2010-06-24)

thanks it works ooh i am so happy right now :D

Deathkk (2010-06-24)

The problem of crash seems to happen ton windows 7 64bit?

RedSoundman (2010-06-24)

Works perfectly in Windows7 64bit for me. Played through the Forbidden Forest so far! Haven't had any problems at all.
([email protected], 8600GTS, 4GB, 720p)
Looks great, and is alot better than Indiana Jones 2!

dsanderson36 (2010-06-26)

WTH. Just got picked up during my last scan after this download.
Virus removal sucks. Any suggestions on how to remove? I am pretty sure I got it after this download. Scanner picks it up but after I clean it and restarts, its still there.

SkulblakaSama (2010-06-26)

Is the game good? The movie is, but I cannot be sure about the game.

greene75l (2010-06-26)

Mine's been 21% for about three hours now... did anybody else get that? I'm knida new to this....How long does it usually take?

PleaseDontBanMe (2010-06-26)

Working perfect here with Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Installation instructions:
1.Download torrent
2.Mount image from download folder using Daemon Tool Lite.
4.After install is complete, right click the mounted device and click file explore. Open up the crack folder and copy the crack file.
5. On your C drive open up Lego Harry Potter 4 game folder should be in WBgames folder by default and right click+paste to paste then it will ask to copy and replace, click yes.
6. Enjoy :P

PleaseDontBanMe (2010-06-26)

My keybinds:
Move Up , down, left, right changed to arrow keys instead of w, s, a, and d.

This made the game much better and easier for me to play. You can change all of these to your personal settings by pressing escape--->options--->controller options and make sure you hit accept after your done. Have fun :)

luisik (2010-06-26)

When the game has been corrrectly installed, but it crashes at the beginning, in the desktop, It is only a Sound Card problem, so the only thing you need to do is to set your sound card driver to less quality than 24 bit, 44100 Hz at it will work like a charm.
A beautiful game, by the way.
Me and my 7 y.o. daughter can't thank enough for the joy we have.

ZeMovinPixxle (2010-06-27)

I am stuck on the second level cause the game always crashes after loading the second level...

BloodyAce (2010-06-27)

its giving me a fatal error the d3d device one. i have W7 64bit Intel Core Duo 2.4 ghz
Nvdidia Geforce 9600GTS

jonima2 (2010-06-28)

i have a crash but not at the start....i am at year 3, THE DARK TOWER level, and there is a gargoyle where you have to hit it, and when i do, the game stucks there.....only music is heared....and thats it...then i gotta restart my does that all the time.........

thedumps (2010-06-28)

please crack only!

TeskoVirgo (2010-06-29)

I'm having the crash to desktop problem as well with Windows 7 32 bit, and I've tried changing the sound quality, but that doesn't fix it. 48000 Hz is the lowest it will go for me (both 15 and 24 bit). Any suggestions?

alcapwn44 (2010-06-29)

Every 30 seconds to 2 minutes, my controls stop working. I have to alt tab and then come back in and they work again...sometimes. Help please?

billybob007 (2010-06-29)

Game is full and installs and runs perfectly(very easy even for me) But In year 3 crashes left right and centre.. Loads up fine, game save loads up fine and if you leave the controls the game is stable. As I start moving and casting ect, crashes..Played perfect until now...Any smarties got an idea... Thans for the upload, near perfect but i suspect a bad file or something

billybob007 (2010-06-29)

Quick update(year 3 crash) kept crashing while freeing the gryffin, while using buttons... played the whole level very slowly,took a few atempts to get right, but now were onto year 4

Captain_Planet (2010-06-30)

Thanks AiTB. Haven't finished Dling yet, but I trust the uploader and RELOADED to do an awesome job. I just hope it finishes DLing by the end of the day so me and my super bored gf can play :(

gcampbell1 (2010-06-30)

crashes on last level of azkaban shame its a good game tryed everthink and no luck [harry potter lego exe] has stoped working

domantaz (2010-07-01)

in first years after christmas video game stuck pls help-soliutions tips fixes pls thans

mrk252 (2010-07-01)

The game freezing on the last level of year 3 is about the crack being bad. I've experienced the same thing with other Lego games and using another crack usually helps. This time it's bad though, because there is only one crack made.

Pr0No0B (2010-07-02)

guys i have a problem, when i try to start the game i get this error message "you do not have sufficient permissions to play this game" im on Win7 32bit, tried to run as admin and everything but it doesnt work?? help pls

delboy1972 (2010-07-02)

Brilliant game, but i am fed up with the bloody green cauldron loading graphic, i want to smash it up. Very long loading between levels.
Long Live Harry

Supra69 (2010-07-02)

this just sucks.. i´ve downloaded 20% and seeded triple as much.. how about u fucking leechers open up some bandwidth to me so i dont have to download in 50-100 kb/s all the time.

enkhuizenddg (2010-07-03)

at the installation it gives this error:
Error reading from file:

Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
i can only cancel the installation.
please help me.

Lordthom (2010-07-03)

You need to mount/burn the rld-lehp file and dont use winzip/ winrar things. Than it wont work and you get the error. Just burn it with deamontools.

mrk252 (2010-07-03)

Could someone make a new crack for this as this one keeps freezing at the last level of Year 3. Thank you!

Pr0No0B (2010-07-03)

guys i've found a solution for my problem (insufficient permissions) so i'll share it with those who might face this problem. alll u have to do is go to the game folder LEGO(R)harry potter(tm) and delect the (R) and the (TM) enjoy

Etienne0123 (2010-07-03)

Please make a crack want to continue the game so bad ;(. Hope some smart guy make a new crack :)

elbriso (2010-07-04)

I removed the R and TM from the folder name and can run it now. But the game won't let me save. Anyone got a solution? thanks.

Harun_Gamer (2010-07-04)

Can somebody put original legoharrypotter.exe because I downloaded reloaded crack and it crashes when wb logo is showing.I have clonedvd-avenged version,and I found mini image and I will try it with mini image so please can you upload original legoharrypotter.exe in Winrar format ?

real4xor (2010-07-05)

LOL, LEGO makes anything enjoyable, even Harry Potter stories. xD

unknown_factor (2010-07-05)

For those of you having problems with the last level of year 3, here's a simple fix for you. The problem isn't with the fire blowing statues, it's with the ice door animations that the statues are supposed to melt for you when you shoot them.
Start the level and play through as you normally would. When you're ready to progress just follow these steps:
(Applies to both single and multiplayer)
1. Drop-in a player 2 character if one isn't already playing.
2. Position the player 2 character somewhere well off-screen of the ledge with the ice door (just standing in front of the fountain down below is sufficient enough)
3. Take player 1 up to the first statue. Press fire.
5. After the sound effects finish, drop player 1 back in and head to the second statue. Press fire.
7. Drop player 1 back in. Drop player 2 out. And viola! Continue on as normal!
The premise behind this being, if the animation for the door melting is never on screen your graphics cards has no need to process it, thereby skipping the animation.
NOTE: You will have to do this every time you play this level.
Hope that helps!

real4xor (2010-07-05)

LEGO harry potter is bugged by EA.
It would seem for yet unknown reasons LEGO Harry Potter crashes if your (system) sound quality settings are higher than 48kHz.
So if your game crashes on startup, with or without crack, try lowering sound quality in control panel.

elmoandzoey (2010-07-07)

@unknown_factor thanks for that trick! It's annoying you have to do that but it works like a charm.
I have retail copy of the game btw, no crack, and it still freezes there as well.

 cad40 (2010-07-07)

hi when installation is nearly finished i get message saying the software u r installing has not passed windows logo testing to verify its compatibility with windows xp this software will not be installed any help cheers

modyyaser (2010-07-07)

Great upload, great game. Thanks AiTB for another excellent torrent!

anil53 (2010-07-08)


greenelf123 (2010-07-09)

I downloaded this game and cracked it, everyface in this game is a blank block and there is no colour in the environments. Someone help?

anil53 (2010-07-09)


Mtnbike (2010-07-10)

it worked fine for me

meteoorkip (2010-07-12)

It worked after I put my soundcard quality to 24KHz.

Nappis22 (2010-07-12)

Worked fine 4 me without the soundcard thingy-nBut i cant play 2 players though, it just pauses when i click f2, mayby its my keyboard whatever.nnNEW GUIDE FOR YEAR 3 LAST LEVEL BUG:nIf u cant do the multiplayer trick u can easily do the map with just one playern1- trick is to get hermione(since she is gay and useless) down at the flowers and harry on top shooting.nn2. so stand at the bottom of the flowers (both activated) and jump up fast as fuck, hermione will struggle to get upn3. fire at flameguy n4. Change char by using the charchangekey whichever u may have bound, and run to the leftn5. if hermionie didnt make it up the ledge ur screen will be of from the melting thing as soon as it starts melting since the statue is a bit retardednnTried it once, without freeze and made it through, naow on 4th year.

whoismgmt (2010-07-12)

honi\'ve got still the problem with crashing after chrismas cut and i dont know where i should change the soundcard to lower quality, i cant find it anywhere in control panelnplease someone help me ;)

sh3bang (2010-07-14)


MrTTAO (2010-07-15)

if you think it is corrupt don\'t be a dumbass and redownload the whole thing...n1. STOP the torrent (don\'t delete it, stop it)n2. Right click the torrent and select \"Force Re-Check\"nThis will automatically rerun the hash calculations and verify every single segment of every file, any corrupt or missing parts will be re-downloaded (And ONLY those parts)nnThat being said, a corrupt download on a torrent where the original file was NOT corrupt is practically unheard of unless you have some serious problems with your hardware...

NLxStorm (2010-07-16)

Downloading with 200kb/sec :)

Xirapte (2010-07-20)

Works perfectly for me up until the Christmas part in Year one. If the game crashes at that part, change pcconfig.txt located in appdata in roaming for windows 7 to this...
FileVersion 3
ScreenWidth 1024
ScreenHeight 768
WindowWidth 1016
WindowHeight 697
WindowLeft 0
WindowTop 0
ScreenRefreshRate 60
VerticalSync 0
AspectRatio 0
TextureQuality 0
SoftParticles 0
ForceMultithreadedD3D 0
IgnoreVendorPresets 0
Brightness 10.000000
SFXVolume 10
MusicVolume 10
MasterVolume 4
MusicEnabled 1
MouseSensitivity 10
InvertY 0
Vibration 0
BloomEnabled 0
ExposureControlEnabled 0
DoFEnabled 0
DesiredShadowMethod 0
ShadowsEnabled 0
DesiredDynamicLightQuality 0
SpeedBlurEnabled 0
MotionBlurEnabled 0
ProcessColourEnabled 0
WaterDistortionEnabled 0
EdgeAAEnabled 0
SSAOEnabled 0
RingEffectEnabled 0
LensFilterEnabled 0
AllowVendorExtensions 1
TTAnimationMode 0
UseHires 0
UseHiresPending 0
ForceShaderModel 0

mkv69 (2010-07-22)

guys allll i ask is seeed plzzzzzzzz

dee77uk (2010-07-22)

ok people here the answer to your probs....
1. download
2. mount on virtual drive and install
3. copy crack file into install directry
4. (this is the important bit) b4 running lower you sound bit rate to 24bit 48000 Hz.
5. play
if you dont know how to lower your sound bit rate... go into control panal then sound, find your audio device and goto it properties
hope this helped

RedDevl2k10 (2010-07-26)

finished installing the game and when i start it up the characters do not show up in the scenes. Anyone know how to sort this?

slayersexo (2010-07-27)

OMFG SEED PLEASE this is the only one with seeds
done 15.5% at 15 kbps :(

evildrugmonkey (2010-08-05)

This is the good shit man . works no problems thanks.

redbeans1013 (2010-08-06)

i get a failed to load d3d device error could someone please help?

dawntodusk (2010-08-17)

Great torrent, works like a beaut. Thanks for the upload!!
Also thanks to Nappis22 for the awesome tip, got me out of the freeze as well!! Wouldn't have been able to go on to Year 4 otherwise.. :) And you were not kidding about having to run fast as fuck up the flowers.. haha! Had to try it a few times to get it right.

dawntodusk (2010-08-17)

Great torrent, works like a beaut. Thanks for the upload!!
Also thanks to Nappis22 for the awesome tip, got me out of the freeze as well!! Wouldn't have been able to go on to Year 4 otherwise.. :) And you were not kidding about having to run fast as fuck up the flowers.. haha! Had to try it a few times to get it right.

Herkistelija (2010-08-17)

I have problem to. Game crash always when that chrismas video come. I have windows xp. How I got work this game?

Herkistelija (2010-08-17)

My game crash too in chrismas part. I have win xp and i don't know where that config file is(pcconfig.txt) can somebody help me ?

domantaz (2010-08-26)

seeeeeeeeeeeeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls

The_Dark (2010-10-05)

this is my first time trying to mount something? what do i do? no idea how to do this.

AznAssassin (2010-10-14)

plz seed more seeeeeeeeed thnx:)

AznAssassin (2010-10-14)

oh for fck's sakes just seed more wats the problem. So many seeders yet such a crappy dl rate! I usually get 1MB/sec for a torrent with a s-l ratio like this but no...i am stuck at 10kb~150kb/sec

adam1904 (2010-10-15)

works great and fast download!Thx!

NTWraith (2010-10-28)

The game played great for me, no problems until yr 4 going to Dumbledore's office. As soon as I walk up the spiral staircase it crashes, so hard half the time it takes my whole machine down. I've tried all the tips here, and looked all over the 'net for an answer. Anyone have advice?

palfskaya (2010-11-07)

thank you very much for this wonderful upload.
it works very well.
we got stuck with crashes in the third level aswell, but if you follow the instructions (you can find them furtherdown here) you can get past the ice sculptures.
it's all a matter of skill and practicing the tricks to do magic.

Night_Fury (2010-11-12)

seed plz!!!!!!!!
dling at 1kbs-100kbs!!!!!!!!!!!!

midg2k (2010-11-12)

Hi, Can someone please help.
I managed to install with no errors or anything but when trying to run the game I get an error saying that the file is not compatible with windows.
Here's the screen cap:

I'm running Win7 64bit
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've not seen anyone else with this issue here

Night_Fury (2010-11-13)

change ur sound quality to 24bt

Night_Fury (2010-11-13)

does someone know why it cant be played by 2players????????

midg2k (2010-11-13)

Thanks, but sound quality is set to 24bit:

The file still won't execute though, just gives me the same error.
Did you get it downloaded yet? if not send me an email to: midg2k at disposeamail dot com

Night_Fury (2010-11-21)

try renaming lego(dont know how to make the rated sign) harry potter™: remove the "R" or rated sign and remove the ™ sign

C3poig88 (2010-11-22)

:D Great torrent! Worked GREAT! It's NOT a DEMO! The ISO is NOT corrupted! If you're having trouble starting it, you probably didn't use the crack he put in the ISO. Nice torrent!

klabit87 (2010-12-13)

Night_Fury ®

prom_king (2010-12-21)

I can't install this. I mount it with Daemon Tools and installation comes almost to an end and then I get the message: "there is a problem with this windows installer package. a program run as part of setup did not finish as expected. contact your support personnel or package vendor"
Then installation stops and erases itself. I'm on Windows XP. What should I do?

xK-la (2010-12-21)

I can only play this with another person? :S I don't want to play it with someone else... I want to play it on my own >.

prom_king (2010-12-21)

O I got it. I first need to unpack it from iso.

cscd (2010-12-23)

Could anyone seed please?
I would be eternally grateful :)

Cryo101 (2010-12-24)

If I CraCk this,...Wil my son b able to use a usb joypad,...or will it F%k the usb like when i cacked Lego Starz?????USB SuPPort:::::Plz answer

Cryo101 (2010-12-24)

Re: Previous,...My 4yr old only knows joypad atm,....BIG soz....K.

Cryo101 (2010-12-24)

will seed 5/1 ratio...

cscd (2010-12-27)

35MB left.
It would be very generous if anybody was able to seed rest.
Thank you in advance.

cscd (2011-01-15)

Has anyone fixed the first year Christmas bug? I haven't found any solution yet. Game freezes when the first christmas cinematic appears. XP sp3
is there any solution?

Mysti3 (2011-02-03)

Followed the instructions through, more than once; the game sees to work fine, but no matter how many times I've reinstalled it, it refuses to create a saved game file. Does anyone know how to fix the "failed to save" issue? I would really appreciate any help I could get!

raziell17 (2011-02-07)

hello everyone. I have a problem with this game. in the game there are missing character models. all of them and I don't know what to do. anyone had this kind of problem?

grenada404 (2011-09-16)

Regarding the last level in the third year, I followed unfollowed_factors directions, but, for me, it only worked if I hit the second statue first (the disassembled one in the treasure chest) and then dropped. Running Win7 64 bit

ccaaatttt (2012-01-16)

@ grenada404 -- I had the same issue at the end of Year 3, but even with hitting the second statue first the game froze up on me. Running on Win7 64-bit as well

youanoob (2012-08-17)

i installed and mounted the image, but when i try to open the game it says please insert disk someone help!


1. LEGO.Harry.Potter.Years.1-4-RELOADED/rld-lehp.iso 6004.98 Mb
2. LEGO.Harry.Potter.Years.1-4-RELOADED/reloaded.nfo 3.75 Kb