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Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition ENG Battleaxe330 RLD EA










2008-09-30 (by battleaxe330)


________________________________________________________ Wake up to the smell of burnt asphalt as the thrill of illicit street racing permeates the air. Need for Speed Most Wanted challenges players to become the most notorious and elusive street racer. ____________________________________________________________________________________ NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED : BLACK EDITION ( DIRECT PLAY ) ( NO INSTALL REQUIRED ) ____________________________________________________________________________________ PATCHED TO NFS BE V1.3 ( Avaible to the Mega Trainer ) ____________________________________________________________________________________ MAY HAVE SOME EXISTED PROFILES ( Delete them or use them ) ___________________________________________________________________________________ ONLINE OPTION IS NOT AVAIBLE CAUSE ITS NOT LEGAL ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.00 GB in .rar File ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Extract the rar file to somewhere you want it ! 2. Click speed.exe 3. Have fun playing ____________________________________________________________________________________ MegaTrainer BE Patch 1.3 : ____________________________________________________________________________________ NEW IMAGES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COPY URL IN YOUR BROWSER TO SEE ! _____________________________________________________________________________________ MISSING DLL ( D3DX9.DLL ) : ( maybe necessary ) ___________________________________________________________________________________ Battleaxe330 & RELOADED


  1. Need for Speed Most Wanted

Files count:



2039.03 Mb




wesbeerspeed (2008-09-30)

hii is it virus free:o

battleaxe330 (2008-09-30)

yeah :D

wesbeerspeed (2008-09-30)

oke i believe you i must have black only for that mega trainer :P so plees seed XD

battleaxe330 (2008-09-30)

i am seeding al i can dont worry :D

battleaxe330 (2008-09-30)

otherwise other people will help me with seeding i hope :D

sandberg1337 (2008-10-01)

plz seed=)

Brian89 (2008-10-01)

Plz seed, i'm stuck @ 20.3%

Brian89 (2008-10-02)

Keep seeding dude :P Now I'm stuck @ 37.5 %
But thanks mate

battleaxe330 (2008-10-02)

im doing my best :D

Brian89 (2008-10-03)

Hey dude, i'm stuck @ 42,9 all day? 'why don't you seed all day? It would be very helpfull..
But thanks anyway

JttS (2008-10-04)

Ty :D

JttS (2008-10-04)

Seed please ...
Want this file xD !

battleaxe330 (2008-10-05)

i am seeding so hard as i can , be patient ( its an large game )

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-05)

now 1.99 GiB its not big :o
normaly is it 4gb orso en indeet its take time pff but im at 80.5% i hope i have it 2morow i want this game so bad and i hope it is BLACK not MW so als other torrents ther says its black and this MW and thats fuckt

JttS (2008-10-05)

wesberspeed, know what you mean! i downloaded a file thats said it was black edition, but it wasn't -.-'

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-05)

yes that was a wast of time :o

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-05)

i whil donwload now Need for Speed Most Wanted v1.3 Black Edition Mega Trainer :P i hope that i have the game in 4houre

battleaxe330 (2008-10-05)

but you dont see it !
But it is Black Edition

battleaxe330 (2008-10-05)

i seeded it over the 100 % guys !
please help me to seed more and put your upload speed to the max to never let this torrent die !

pinoyz (2008-10-05)

Nice Download
use peerguard to dload this fast guys!!!!!

JttS (2008-10-05)

Ehm, i have just downloaded it, but i dont see a the new car, there should be ...
Am i doing something wrong?

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-05)

i have it and it working and it is black :P
and the mega trainer works to

JttS (2008-10-05)

God damit xD !
Ehm wesberspeed when you go in to make a new car ( not in career ) are the new car there?

JttS (2008-10-05)

And do you need the normal most wanted to have black edition?

battleaxe330 (2008-10-05)

no you can download be and play

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-05)

@ JttS
i wil take a look 4 you

JttS (2008-10-05)


wesbeerspeed (2008-10-06)

i have take a look at it and i have found out that ther are extra cars like a BMW not that 1 you know but a other BMW go to QUICK RACE than CUSTOM RACE than BONUS CARS than from nmr 19 to 28 thes are extra cars i think

battleaxe330 (2008-10-06)

thanks for all positive comments , it taked long to upload this :D
so stay at the seeding position :D

JttS (2008-10-06)

I think it's strange that mine doesnt work )':

wesbeerspeed (2008-10-07)

whats te problem than ??? for me was just unpack and play

MetallicChick.2010 (2008-10-07)

It doesn't work for me either =(
I've extracted the file but when I wanna play it it says that the "d3dx9_26.dll" file is missing...
What am I doing wrong?

rossj81 (2008-10-11)

You can download d3dx9_26.dll from
Place it in the root NFSMW folder. Worked for me.

rossj81 (2008-10-11)

Thanks for the cool torrent. Plays great!!

mcnoob623 (2008-10-14)

seed please
stuck at 20% :(

mcnoob623 (2008-10-17)

Awesome torrent, game works great. Seeding situation could be better, but that's no fault of yours.

battleaxe330 (2008-10-17)

thanks mcnoob

battleaxe330 (2008-10-19)


gaisare93 (2008-10-25)

Thanks for the torrent worked perfectly but i needed to download the dll file first before NFS could start.

battleaxe330 (2008-10-25)

You can download d3dx9_26.dll from
Place it in the root NFSMW folder. Worked for me.

JttS (2008-10-26)

It don't understand it. when i install it it's not black edition. just the normal most wanted ..
do anybody know whats wrong????

battleaxe330 (2008-10-26)

its looks like Most Wanted but it is the black edition

mac_012 (2008-10-29)

nagana b tlga 2ng game n 2?

bally09 (2008-10-30)

battleaxe330, my NFs crashed, what should i do to prevent this?
here, watch it:

bally09 (2008-10-30)

y cant i post the url?

battleaxe330 (2008-11-06)


revinauld (2008-11-07)

hi i can't download the game.can't find any sources.tnx

Nistr (2008-11-08)

I've downloaded the game and it works, for anyone who had a doubt... But I have a small problem, after the first race when you buy your first car my game keeps crashing, Its not because of the game its my computer because its not the first game where it does it... What can the error be ??? Can it be a driver that needs to be updated or ??? Please help me guys...

Nistr (2008-11-08)

There most be someone who can help me... I've just updated graphic, sound and directX and it still does it... I can play a few of the races in challenges, but the rest of them just crashes the game... I've got a FS notebook - Lifebook E8110, so its an old comp but according to the sys req it should be more than strong enough...

battleaxe330 (2008-11-08)

what driver do you have (name) maybe i know it .

krones (2008-11-14)

Kérhetnék egy kis SEED-et?

pinoyz (2008-11-16)

great game dude 900 kbps dl speed!! THX SEEDERZ

joasmijo (2008-11-22)

thanx man
i'll keep seeding!

kefbert (2008-11-27)

plzz people when u are done with download plz seed :O

bech1200 (2008-11-28)

sure u downloaded with 900 kb/s it takes me 2-4 YEARS to download please seed. ty

mega284 (2008-11-30)

whats the CD key

sirekul (2008-12-05)

i'm currently downloading this game, i have a question, why is it only 1.99GB? i searched this game in this site and all the sizes of this game range from 3 GB to 4 GB, can someone answer me please, thanks!

iijuggalokingii (2008-12-08)

seed people, please seed... utorrent takes forever

iijuggalokingii (2008-12-08)

i d/l'd pg2 for vista and for some reason it wont open, is it just me or is the prog a pos?

iijuggalokingii (2008-12-08)

gay ass leechers... you all suck my nads... quit seeding for 5 seconds and closing your seeds.... i got raped for another half hour when i got to 99.6% because nobody would seed but everyone sucked the life out of me... ill quit seeding if you douches keep this shit up

CyberGRIM (2009-01-03)

Thanks, battleaxe330!
This game/torrent works Perfectly under WinXP SP2/utorrent. Check out

battleaxe330 (2009-01-13)

well why does the BLack Edition Trainer works then ?

bigfish123456 (2009-04-14)

seeed poooot pooooooot seeeeeed

mark015 (2009-04-18)

works great good torrent...

grpirate (2009-04-23)

Very nice torrent... seeding ^^

asdfghjklyxcvbnm (2009-07-22)

krones itt hiába bezsélsz magyarul,nem értik!csak én xD

RasburryLove (2010-01-03)

Hello there [; My Names Jocselyn,
And SO, i Tried to download this, And yet? It Stays at "Starting Up" for like< 3 Hours. O_o What can i do to resolve this issue.. Thank you, And i promise to seed when finished Downloading. Hehe So yeah, Please help = J O S C E L Y N < 3

MasterNate365 (2010-08-07)

Please seed people!!! It's hard enough to get a good quality copy of this without people failing to seed!!! If it works for me i'll seed for 6 months!!!

Gamerzx (2010-12-07)

someone seeeeeeeedddddddd!!!!!

PirateSimy (2011-04-25)

not "BLACK EDITION"...............great NFSmost wanted ............but it is not B L A C K E D I T I O