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Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@




Games PC


Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@




2010-06-15 (by globeplus)


* Hello Wii and PC great games fans ... * Play the first Super Mario Galaxy game ... * FILE INFO : COMPLETE GAME and more than 2 gb less for this game in a perfect emulator iso occupying only the space of the game in the hard drive , the final size was obtained with nice work and everything is really perfect !!! * GAMEPLAY : [text extracted from wikipedia] * * Shortly after Mario is invited to the centennial Star Festival by Princess Peach to celebrate the comet that passes overhead, Bowser invades the Mushroom Kingdom with a surprise attack in a fleet of airships. Summoning a giant flying saucer, he rips Peach's entire castle from its foundations and lifts it into outer space. After an unsuccessful rescue attempt, Mario is catapulted across the cosmos and awakens on a small planet. On the planet he meets a mysterious woman called Rosalina (called Rosetta in the Japanese version) and her companion stars, the Lumas (Chiko in the Japanese version). Rosalina is a watcher of the stars, who uses the Comet Observatory to travel across the universe. However, the Power Stars that act as the Observatory's power source have all been stolen by Bowser, rendering it immobile. Bestowed with the power to travel through space, Mario sets off on an intergalactic adventure across the universe to reclaim the Power Stars and restore power to Rosalina's observatory. Along the way, Mario rescues his brother Luigi and the Toad Brigade, a small group of Toads (led by Toad) that escaped from Bowser when he stole Peach's Castle, all of whom help him find Power Stars after their rescues. Upon collecting enough Power Stars, Rosalina's Observatory has enough power to transform into a comet and fly to the center of the universe, where Peach is held captive. Confronting Bowser, Mario learns that Bowser's plan is to rule the entire universe with Peach at his side, using a newly constructed sun of his own via the power of the Grand Stars. Mario manages to defeat Bowser and free Peach; however, in doing so, Bowser's sun collapses into itself, becoming a supermassive black hole that begins consuming the nearby galaxies, the Observatory, Peach's Castle, and Bowser's airships. All of Rosalina's Lumas jump into the black hole to destroy it, but sacrifice themselves in the process. The galaxies sucked into the black hole collapse into a singularity and explode in a supernova. Rosalina appears to Mario as a giantess, stating that stars never die and are later reborn as new stars. Mario awakens in the restored Mushroom Kingdom alongside Peach and Bowser, celebrating the new galaxy that has emerged in the skies. ***** enjoy ... *****

Files count:



1466.16 Mb




marcjuuhh (2010-06-15)

Will try if it works. Would be VERY cool if it did.

 globeplus (2010-06-15)


anand86 (2010-06-15)

Thanks for uploading.... Appreciate your emulator works...

 globeplus (2010-06-15)

One thing is for shore : 700 mb less in 1 game , more 600 mb less in another game , in this one more than 2gb less and making the counts after 5 or 10 games that you probably don´t mind to them look nice at the emulator you probably saved a few giga at the minimum in hard disk space and they are complete anyway with a really nice work and looking wonderful inside the emulator , can be better for wii/gamecube isos ? Probably not .
Happy gaming !!!

veronika109 (2010-06-15)

Oh my god ive been waiting for this for soo long thank you so much globe you are THE BEST

 globeplus (2010-06-16)

To veronika109 : happy gaming to you and what a work i have in this game , is more than 2 giga taked off in a clean keeping 100% the full game , you can believe me .
To hootieman : little circunstancial errors sometimes csn happen inside the torrents but no big deal , i am shore you can get your torrent file if you insist .
Happy gaming everyone !!!

meaturama (2010-06-16)

Not to sound like a complete noob but its been years since I used an emulator. I opened the game using the dolphin emulator but it asks me to connect a nunchuk to player 1s wiimote. How do I overcome this and do I actually need a wii controller to play this or can I use my logitech pc gamepad or a keyboard and mouse?

veronika109 (2010-06-17)

Well i tested this and it works perfectly another great rip from globe
I will seed until i reach 2.0 ratio
to meaturama
Go to wiimote settings and under emulated extention select nunchuk and it should work nice

veronika109 (2010-06-17)

LoL i am a bit lost here i am like at world 3 in Super mario galaxy 2 and dont know if i should continue and finish the second one first or to stop and start with the first one

 globeplus (2010-06-17)

To meaturama : start choosing in the emulated extension the nunchunk option then you can selkect the keys more appropriated to the game you want to play , little things that the users of the emulator must have in mind when using this emulator : THE CONFIGURATION OF THE KEYS MUST BE DONE BEFORE PLAYING EACH GAME , THE USERS REALLY NEED TO HAVE IN MIND THAT NEED TO LOOSE 5 OR 10 MINUTES IF IT THECASE TO THE BEST KEYS IN THE KEYBORD OR IN THE GAMEPAD TO HAVE A NICE GAMEPLAY , and this make sense why ? when you get a new pc game it is very coincidence with the all the normal keys that you need to play that you get the same keys to play the games , special the keys that change functions and some funcions can be more used than others , so the emulator is ok but a normal nice preparation is advisable to be done before playing a game , to use the gamepad , click on the button mapping and select analog1 in the nunchunk options , of course the nunchunk must configurated with the pad keys , the wiimote must be pad keys too then you make the analysis of the actions of the buttons and select the best pad keys in your opinion to the current game that you want to play , i know that people in emulators like to have everything more easy but this keyset preparation it is just a little habit that you have to do to play the games in the emulator , i understand that the first 2 or 3 games you are getting the practice on the keys configurations for keybord or gamepad but when you get tke touch is more easy and the next game maybe a few keys changes but not too much .
Happy gaming !!!

dannbeau (2010-06-17)

never had luck with wii games, will give this a shot

 globeplus (2010-06-17)

To Marky2033 : if you want my real opinion both are capable to run the games nice , for direct3d9 i suggest just have the directx9.0c well installed , to the normal directx and the other functions have correct work in the emulator , the openGL for shader 2.0 users and even for users with others shaders is stable and the suplementary functions work fine , now analisinf the frame rate , they are close , maybe in some games can be different in some moments of the gameplay but generally speaking they are very close or maybe the same frame rate most of the time , now singular issues , the direct3d9 have a correct flux between the change from the fullscreen to the window mode in the news svn emulator versions with alt+enter keys , the openGL have a little issue in this change with the change from the fulscreen to the window mode problematic , only esc key after a game save can be safe . but in the older versions this little issue don´t happen in the openGL , everybody knows that the new emulators versions are useful to correct little issues like this one , in the essencial the emulator user can play nice the perfect emulated games with both .
Now , just to finish a little comment about the directx , of course the xp and more recent operative systems run ok the directx and the wii games don´t have a tendence to exagerate in that aspect but can be in the future a version for directx10 , of course excusing me the xp users in this observation because the directx10 don´t run ok in the xp but the emulator will have akways the directx9 so no big deal even for xp users if a plugin to directx10 comes up to the emulator .
Happy gaming !!!

norberg18 (2010-06-18)

Hi globeplus! Can you upload Super Smash Bros Brawl, please?

dannbeau (2010-06-18)

thanks for the upload!
Had given up on getting wii games to work on my pc, but this is one that I can actually play. Sometimes my fp drops to about 15, but still playable. On average i'm at 30 fps, and sometimes 60. Already got 12 stars and not one bug/crash so far.
Once i'm done with this one, going to play Galaxy 2.

 globeplus (2010-06-18)

To norberg18 : that one i can´t i am shore you can finf the game in a nice torrent or in a file sharing service , i am with lot of work in other things now and i have other games in mind when i get time to make new files . Thank you for understanding , i still don´t understand why a game with more than 2 giga less in a wii isi (not gamecube) don´t is really well seeded , it looks like files for this game with 3.5 or 4.37 gb are well seeded and it is a mystery to me to understand if the ussers really appreciate files 100% complete with everything ok for less size , i think theusers can´t find appropriated isos to the emulator with really nice sizes everyday and if get in other files the latest 4 or 5 games with wii isos that i make the users will probably get 4 or 5 gb giga more for the same games and we are talking about just few games that are working 100% and looking worderful in the emulator . Mystery ...

veronika109 (2010-06-19)

Is there a way to burn this rip for real wii use?
Cuz i think ppl rather get the whole 4.37gb torrent so they can use it in real wii too

 globeplus (2010-06-19)

To veronika109 : yes , you can decompress the perfect emulator iso to a perfect wii iso with 4.37 gb very fast , open the emulator with the game inside a folder that you can browse then the game will be showed nicely inside the emulator , right click mouse in the game and in the options select decompress , now a little attention is required , you don´t the the new decompressed file in the normal wii/gcm because after the decompression you will only get the a normal file without the iso extension and probably problem,atic to be ok to run the game , so what we do , we choose all files then at the name of the game we include a .iso in front , after doing this the user get a perfect wii iso with 4.37 gb nice to be burned after the decompression work .

 globeplus (2010-06-19)

This comment is to organise in steps the before comment , i made it a little mistakes on the typing :
step 1 : put the game inside a folder
step 2 : browse the folder with the game inside the emulator
step 3 : right click mouse on the game inside the emulator then choose decompress
step 4 : to save the new game iso , choose the location then select all files and at the name of the game write .iso in front and finally click ok
step 5 : after the decompression a 4.37 gb perfect wii iso to be burned will be available at the choosed location
Happy gaming !!!

fadi299 (2010-06-20)

is it just me or the first super mario galaxy is better than the second??
i have both and i just enjoy playing the first one a bit more!, i find the level design to be tad more creative in the first. in the second game they just recycled most of the stuff from the first game and made it slightly better...

madmanl1p (2010-08-12)

will it work with usb loader gx?

cstkyd (2010-08-19)

what program should i use to make this iso into a WII iso file. thanks in advance!!!!!

cstkyd (2010-08-21)

please really really need your reply globe really want to play this game on WII.....

cstkyd (2010-08-21)

thanks globe for the step by step solution for the wii ISO thank you thank you thank you, hope this works after i burn it:-)

arnav15magic (2010-09-17)

didn't work on USB loader gx or wiiflow. :(
Tried sooo hard. Did all the steps:
1) extracted rar after downloading
2) dragged iso into emulator
3) decompressed
4) transfer with wii backup manager to wbfs
5) black screen on attempting to run in wii!!
It even showed a proper id and everything in the manager... are u sure u kept everything important for running on the wii?

arnav15magic (2010-09-18)

ok i got the problem...
the decompression with dolphin emulator is giving a non-working 386 MB file as the output! what do I do? has anyone here tried decompressing a compressed iso through the emulator?

arnav15magic (2010-09-19)

OK i resolved the problem as well. :)
The problem was in the emulator I had. Dolphin sometimes has the most strange problems!
Conclusion: Use only globeplus's "perfect" emulator!!

arnav15magic (2010-09-20)

Oh, and i forgot to say:
great game, great size! runs brilliantly on usbloadergx / wiiflow!

hunterdc (2010-09-27)

when I open the iso up on dolphin, i click on the new save file I made, the screen fades to black and stays that way, how do i get past this?

accesnacce (2010-11-02)

Really hope this works.....

murrambingi (2010-11-05)

Umm you confused me when you said that the emulator is a part of the iso, i could not get it to work, so i searched your torrents and found your dolphin emulator here:

now all i have to do is see if it works.

murrambingi (2010-11-06)

Thx for the upload globe,
Works well, and burning to disk turned out to be a perfect 4.38GB which is the exact size of my disks :) also one little problem, it seems to run really slow, is this game meant to do this?
I have directx11 3D plugin, with a pretty good gaming card, and i use my computer keyboard to play games until i get a gamepad, which will be an Xbox360 controller, I dont use consoles to play games I use my computer, could it be that this is originally for Wii, or could there be something i am missing?

Mdahaka (2010-11-12)

I've got a little problem. Mario Galaxy 2 runs fine, but when i start this and get to the opening level, the screen goes black, but the sound continues. I can see my HUD too, and the pointer.

Mdahaka (2010-11-17)

ignore my last comment. It seems i had to enable something in the options to make it work. And now, it runs flawlessly. I am truly amazed by this upload! the game is fully playable (even with this laptop) and has no graphical glitches of any kind. Very good upload indeed.

tony419 (2011-04-17)

whenever i try 2 play the game,it just shows black then says "failed to create vertex shader", help.

tony419 (2011-04-17)

also, im usin win7, 4gig ram, 64bit

skoryd (2011-05-08)

how can i save data on this emulator?

hayrae (2011-10-16)

Globe, if I get Dolphin for mac, Is it possible to open this that way & play? I know macs arent the best for this sort of thing but hey, it was free..not my choice.

 crwildman (2012-12-24)

I got a problem too.. my only problem is with people who upload files and don't reply or answer other peoples questions.

Vitero (2013-01-14)

rar didn't decompress. That's why you don't rar files that don't need to be in a rar.

denipch (2013-05-03)

Thanks for the sharing! :) I really wanted this! :D

Dragonbird21 (2015-02-27)

lol what's with the cutscenes added in? They're bad quality video rips played at the wrong speed.


1. Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@/Super Mario Galaxy 1.rar 1466.10 Mb
2. Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@/SuperMarioGalaxy1.gif 41.95 Kb
3. Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@/globe@.ico 7.19 Kb
4. Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@/$cfi-2498448484.ico 7.19 Kb
5. Wii 4 PC » SUPER MARIO GALAXY 1 perfect emulator iso by globe@/INSTRUCTIONS.txt 677 bytes