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Wanted Weapons of Fate [RIP] [EN/RU] by Synergy






Wanted Weapons of Fate [RIP] [EN/RU] by Synergy




2009-03-28 (by Shroo)


For centuries, a secret fraternity of assassins has brutally executed kill orders dictated by the Loom of Fate. Your destiny is to become their ultimate weapon. Kicking into action where the hit film, WANTED, left off, you are Wesley Gibson — an uber assassin and heir to a legacy of power, hunted by a renegade faction of The Fraternity. Master an arsenal of deadly skills to protect the secrets of your killer coalition ... or blow them all away! RiPPeD: Nothin RiPPeR: Synergy Supplier: AVENGED Mini Image: POSEDEN/NETSHOW Installation: 1. Unrar with 7z or Winrar 2. Run setup.bat 3. Wait 4. Download 5. Download dte tool 6. Install dt pro with trial license 7. Open dt pro and add an virtual drive IDE 8. Copy dte tool in the installation folder of dt pro 9. Mount the image of wanted in drive ide (Located in Soft Folder) 10. Open dte tool , select the drive where the image is mounted -> right click - clock this for securom 11. Play NOTE: The game still requires crack, as soon as it will be available i will post the link to in the game description To change English to Russian language go to Soft/EN to RU folder, copy .xml file to game root folder and replace. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Operating System: Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® Processor: Dual-core processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo E6540/AMD® equivalent or higher) Memory: 1 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 5 GB Available HDD Space Video Card: DX9.0c Compatible graphics card with Shader Model 3.0 support(NVIDIA® GeForce® 8 series/AMD® equivalent or higher)


  1. Wanted Weapons of Fate
  2. RIP
  3. Synergy
  4. Skullptura

Files count:



1453.44 Mb




DevaXXL (2009-03-28)

Finally arrived! I hope it will be a good game! Thanks!!! :)

 seao111 (2009-03-28)

Hey shroo... we should be allies or something.

 Shroo (2009-03-28)

@seao111 come to forum.mininova(.)org and pm me. i need to talk with you.

 Shroo (2009-03-28)

@power_marks workin on Wheelman atm, darksector goes after.. Stay put.

Drazhar_Blade (2009-03-29)

Awsome! you're the total master of the rips! ;) been waiting for this one! ^^ but yeah, you should totally rip Dark Sector! Preferably before 1:st April! xD Thanks!

PcConquerer1399 (2009-03-29)

do you know what that means???
GAMES are gonna run like crap on it right now causes its only GOOD at basic apps right now
give them a chance ggod
thanks matey^.^
truelly appreciate it :)

rowyncole (2009-03-29)

Thanks Shroo :D

Oinky-Oynk (2009-03-29)

Hey THX for the game how can it be that piratebay is on?
The owner is in prison no ?
Im sure the police collects the ip's from all the people who dowloads stuff at piratebay!
But i dont give a damn im 12 :D

Robhood (2009-03-29)

I'm running one of the final beta builds of Windows 7 and it runs all my games great (pirated or not).
The only thing it doesn't run is D-tools.
So yeah, that guy might be a douche for not taking notice that D-tools clearly doesn't work under windows 7 yet, but you are an even bigger one for talking about an OS you clearly have no idea about.

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-29)

Thanks mate.

 Shroo (2009-03-29)

cheers mate :]
Why dont you go for a walk? Mr I know everything!

inv1234 (2009-03-29)

No1 can kill the swat leader at the first mission -.- very fucking bored game

Caroline.87 (2009-03-29)

how bout a dark sector RIP ?

DevaXXL (2009-03-29)

Something is definitely not right with the setup or data.arc
I have started it installing 12 hours ago and its still at the first arc with 97.2 %. None of your rips required this much time for rebuilding...
It should taken 1-2 hours but 12 hours and still going???!!
What could be the problem?

 Shroo (2009-03-29)

well this is really wierd, it shouldnt do that. And i dont really know whats the cauze...

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-29)

@millz87 have you ever considered the fact that it may be you who is the problem and not windows 7? I've been running it as my only os for 3 months now and do not have the issue you have. Considering it is still in the beta phase of its life it goes far beyond expectation.

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-29)

@millz87, sorry I must be a dumb ass because i thought you were on about this game would not run. Ok I'm a dumb ass. Sorry

NeverWest (2009-03-29)

When i open that DTE thing it totally crashed my computer. Probally virus. You suck shroo!

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-03-29)

So why would he put a virus in this one but not the other 38? Yeah, doesn't make sense does it. I can guarantee it did not contain a virus of any description. A coloured skull & cross next to his name means he is a trusted up loader. But I already knew that having experienced many many of those 38.
Shroo ignore that crank mate. I am sure you will. That skull an cross should be green. Mods if you are looking here is my official skull recognition vote for the shrooster. +1

 Shroo (2009-03-29)

probably ur computer is one big virus :]

Rick78 (2009-03-30)

I agree CaptainJacSparrow..shroo should deffo have a green by now :)
..keep up the great work..

Rick78 (2009-03-30)

i forgot the skull...ooops...

 Shroo (2009-03-30)

Here is the temporary crack can mount on any emulation!

easy peasy!
I have not tested my self but users reported that it works, and i trust gamesfromtorrensru guy! so no probs

Basetrooper (2009-03-30)

1. Unrar with 7z or Winrar
2. Run setup.bat
3. Wait
4. copy "all" contents of Wanted_No-DVD folder to the Wanted folder
4 1/2. here is the link for the Wanted_No-DVD

5. install power iso (use keygen and register product)
6. mount file "Wanted.mdf" from the Wanted directory
7. double click Wanted.exe
8. PLAY!!

DevaXXL (2009-03-30)

I gave up the previous setup. It frozen at 97.2% I ran the setup again but it froze the same time again. I tried to manually unarc with cmd - it stuck at 99.4%
I'm really mad now.
I will try to manually unarc the other arcs , see what happens with those. I Really want ot play this game. Hope it worth the time.

DevaXXL (2009-03-30)

Okay I managed to unpack data.arc :D
3rd try worked but only manually. I will rewrite little the setup.bat and manually do the rest.

xassassinx (2009-03-30)

can some1 seed plz download speed gone too slow

DevaXXL (2009-03-30)

I finally managed to install the game! Phew! Runs flawlessly. I used the cracked miniimage with DT lite.

sidane (2009-03-30)

yeah installed yo file... voicez r not audible in sum VDO'z... not big prob! But naaw game haz stop'd workin' in da last level! it closes down whenevah meh try ta resume!

 Shroo (2009-03-30)

i dont know whats the problem ;D i think it has something to do with the arc having over 20k files. does ur com slowed down when it was extracting? if yes then means that ur hdd is too cluttered. do the defrag, make some space

sidane (2009-03-30)

n' yeah... theaz a question fo ya... if meh wanna kopy any .dll file in system32 folder then haaw meh suppoze ta do that? whenevah meh do it.. it kumz with an error tat meh ain't no hav da permission ta do tat! pwiz any advice? n' do lukh fo my 1st prob... =)

kaine806 (2009-03-31)

ok the crack listed above does work..
there are a few part's that don't have sound but the subtitle's are on so you can just read it...
nice rip man.... keep up the great work..

DevaXXL (2009-03-31)

Okay I done the defragmenting but i managed to get the game running eventually. Thanks anyway. :D

sidane (2009-03-31)

diz error iz kumin' when meh tryin' ta resume fom da last level of da game! did everythin'! yo crackz, miniimagez.... error iz.....
The application has terminated unexpectedly! We apologize for the inconvenience! Application has crashed: access violation
Wanted (???) ???
Current thread: LoadingEnvironment
Script stack:




Basetrooper (2009-04-01)

how do i modify my controls and graphics settings?

sidane (2009-04-01)

okhhhezzz... noh solution meh guezz? =)

dirtydog9 (2009-04-01)

can anyone helpme i am getting this error "the application has terminated unexpectedly, we apologiza for the inconvenience!"

CaptainJacSparrow (2009-04-02)

@sidane there is probably no solution because no-one can understand what your tryin to say my friend with all that meh dwa twa cwa on all that caper. Speak english and you never know you might even get a response;) Have a nice day!

nokss (2009-04-02)

hey shroo im getting the bloody the application has terminated unexpectedly, we apologiza for the inconvenience! error plz fix it i cant download the full ver of the game plz any body ..!!

 FatFreddy224 (2009-04-02)

does reloaded's crack work on this version

DevaXXL (2009-04-02)

The game crashes to desktop at the "bell tower" level. I was approaching to the top when crashed with no error.
When I hit the continue game, it crashes to desktop with no error AGAIN. I cant finish the game...
Any solution???

 Shroo (2009-04-02)

turn off anti aliasing

 Shroo (2009-04-02)

I cant help with an ingame bugs and crashes, dont know a solution to it...

Caner66 (2009-04-03)

Good rip works fine for me...thanks

bblu (2009-04-04)

A crack for this game has been released. DL here:


bikerpravin (2009-04-05)

heyyy,,shroo....i cant complete the game...and the game crashes at the final act when i reach the top of the bell tower...and when i hit crashes again...plz help me with it...i wanna finish the game

onikool (2009-04-05)

2 DevaXXL:
rename file cs09D.bik to cs09D1.bik in \data\movies\cutscenes

onikool (2009-04-05)

2 bikerpravin:
rename file cs09D.bik to cs09D1.bik in \data\movies\cutscenes

danny_christ (2009-04-06)

THANKS ONIKOOL, works perfect, thanks shroo again

bikerpravin (2009-04-09)

...thanx perfect...

Turtleboy117 (2009-04-13)

How can I uninstall the program? I think that the uninstall /com line is nonexistant, so it can't be removed in the traditional method. I tried browsing my registry for the places likely for this game to be installed, but I'm not even sure that entries for Wanted, Grin, or Warner Brothers even exist?! Any ideas on how to get this thing totally off of your pc after you are done with it?

Caner66 (2009-04-16)

just go to c:/program files or wherever its installed and shift-delete the wanted folder...thats it

Hunny_87 (2009-04-28)

ive uploaded the cracked exe here

kalev7 (2009-04-30)

The only sucky thing in this rip is that most of the time some shit that Wes speaks, cant be heard... . Tell me of u have same probs ... Hopefully this thang can be fixed or I need to find some original files for the voice... "Can someone upload? "

 FatFreddy224 (2009-04-30)

@ power_marks
thanks man it worked for me

4rv1n (2009-05-01)

Running great on Windows Vista,
thanks for sharing with us!

pelovski (2009-05-10)

hey, I have already used up my DTPro trial licence so I have been using DT Lite V4.30.4. Do I need to crack DTPro to play or I can mount with DTE and DT Lite? Or will YASU work? Cheers -Pelovski

lucky922 (2009-07-16)

but where to find crack. plz help.

lucky922 (2009-12-14)

plz can some one tell me where i can find crack for this game plz help :(((((((((((((((

xprince32 (2010-03-03)

the crack is here

xprince32 (2010-03-03)

and SEED ppl :S

faceless_999 (2010-03-17)

sidane i have the same problem like yours have you solve the problem please i really want to play this game i havent even start the game please help mine is error in application
Application has crashed: access violation
Wanted (???) ???
??? (???) ???
Current thread: Main
System information:
Application version :
CPU : AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 240 Processor (2 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3
OS : 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3) 0x100-0x1 (32 bits)
Physics : threaded
Renderer : DX9 threaded
and if someone know what to do please share

xaleeel (2011-01-25)

why cant i download this game, i have utorrent and dsl modem what else do i need?

xaleeel (2011-02-01)

awesome game guys!!!!!!!!

ma64 (2011-03-06)

shroo how to turn of anti aliasing i cant find anywhere in game pls help

leethetree (2011-03-12)

I keep getting a black screen, I can hear all the audio but can't see anything. Anyone else had this or got a solution?

nicafonso (2011-05-02)

I have this error before the game even starts
Application has crashed: C++ exception
Failure opening entry db/sound_config/sound_config.xml for reading node
Wanted (???) ???
Wanted (???) ???
Wanted (???) ???
Wanted (???) ???
SETUPAPI (???) SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList
Current thread: Main
System information:
Application version :
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores); SSE; SSE2; SSE3; SSSE3; SSE4.1; SSE4.2
DirectX : 9.0c
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 / nvd3dum.dll[]
Memory : 3572 MB
OS : 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3) 0x100-0x1 (32 bits)
Physics : threaded
Renderer : DX9 threaded
Sound : Microsoft (Speakers (2- High Definition Audio Device))
Please help me out here!!!

dartoxic (2011-09-23)

Seed please!! 62.1% Completed

dartoxic (2011-09-23)

C'mon guys please seed! I only need it for like 12 more hours :/ Well that's with 1 seeder, I just really, really want this game :(

sriji (2012-06-29)

thanks man,you let me clear the final stage of the game............

llawliet7 (2012-07-03)

Dammit, I have one seed, i'm at 99.7% and it still says infinity