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Quake 4 iso






quake 4




2008-01-03 (by alle_csandra)


Quake 4 is the fourth title in the series of Quake FPS computer games. It was developed by Raven Software and distributed by Activision. Raven Software has collaborated with id Software, the creators and usual developers of Quake games in the past. In this case, id Software supervised the development of the game as well as providing the Doom 3 engine, now referred to as 'id Tech 4', upon which it was built. Quake 4 went gold in early October 2005 and was released on October 18, 2005 for the PC, and later for the Xbox 360 and the Apple Macintosh. A special DVD Collectors Edition also exists, including promotional material and the game Quake II with its expansions. The Xbox 360 version of Quake 4 is based on the Special Collectors Edition, and therefore also includes Quake II. Plotwise, the game is a sequel to Quake II and takes place during the same war as Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. However, Quake II, Quake 4, and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars do not share story lines with Quake or Quake III Arena; their only relation is their names and logos. Story The Quake 4 single player mode continues the story of Quake II by pitting the player against a cyborg alien race known as the Strogg. The game follows the story of a marine named Matthew Kane who is a member of the fabled Rhino Squad. Following the success of the protagonist of Quake II in destroying the Strogg's leader, the Makron, the Rhinos are tasked with spearheading the mission to finally secure the alien's home planet Stroggos. In the course of the invasion, the squad ship is shot down and crashes in the middle of a battle zone, separating Kane from his companions.[2] Kane eventually rejoins his scattered team members and partakes in the assault against the Strogg. After performing a number of tasks, such as destroying and capturing Strogg aircraft hangars and defense systems,[3][4] Kane and his remaining squad members make it to the USS Hannibal. There they are given their next mission: infiltrating one of the Strogg's central communication hubs, the Tetranode, with an electromagnetic pulse bomb in the hope that it will put the main Strogg Nexus in disarray. Kane is tasked with defending the mission convoy,[5] which takes heavy casualties. After many setbacks, including the destruction of the EMP device by a Strogg ambush, Kane is left to complete the mission, assisted only by Private Johann Strauss and Lance Corporal Nikolai "Sledge" Slidjonovitch. Strauss figures out a way to destroy the core by shutting down its coolant systems. As Kane reaches the entrance to the Tetranode, however, he is greeted by two rocket-equipped network guardians - as well as the newly constructed Makron. The Makron easily defeats Kane and knocks him unconscious.[6] When Kane finally awakens, he finds himself strapped to a conveyor belt in the Strogg "Medical Facilities", a structure used for turning those captured and killed by the aliens either into protein food or additional Strogg units. In a long and gruesome first-person cutscene, Kane is taken through this stroggification process which violently replaces much of his anatomy with bio-mechanical parts. Before the final controlling neurochip implanted in his brain can be activated, though, Rhino Squad bursts into the facility and rescues Kane.[7] After escaping through the Strogg medical facility and Waste Disposal plant, fighting off zombie-like half-stroggified humans along the way, Kane is forced to combat his former commander, Lieutenant Scott Voss, who has been fully stroggified into a powerful mechanized monster. (Voss nevertheless retains his own consciousness long enough to warn Kane.)[8] After defeating this threat, Kane and the remaining marines finally make it back to the Hannibal. The commanders realize that Kane's Strogg physiology has opened up new possibilities for defeating the Strogg, as he can be used to infiltrate locations previously impenetrable to human forces. The new plan is to directly target the Strogg Core, a huge centralized brain-like structure which controls the alien forces. Rhino and Raven Squads are tasked with infiltrating the three data processing towers adjacent to the Nexus, a huge data storage and processing tower. There, they will power up the teleporter used to access the Nexus and send Kane in. Once inside, Kane will travel to the center of the Nexus to destroy the Core and its guardian. After infiltrating the facility and realigning the data nodes powering the teleporter, and destroying its fearsome "Guardian" creature,[9] Kane finally reaches the Nexus core. There he meets the Makron in a final showdown and kills it. This done, he destroys the Core and returns to the Hannibal. Celebrating with Rhino Squad afterward, Kane receives word that he has new orders . Multiplayer Multiplayer modes are Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Tourney, Capture the Flag, Arena CTF and DeadZone. Players at Quakecon reported the multiplayer gameplay to include elements similar to those in previous Quake games such as Strafe-jumping or Rocket jumping. Notable new additions to play are the ability to send shots through the teleporters and the advancement of the game physics provided by the new technology including the ability to bounce grenades off the jump-pads. Like the previous Quake games the multiplayer has a client-server architecture. The network code has been altered from Doom 3, allowing for larger numbers of players on each server (Doom 3 has a four player restriction, whereas Quake 4 has a standard 16 player limit). One of the changes to the network code is a move from the per-polygon hit detection system used in Doom 3 back to using hit-box system like most other online first-person shooters such as other Quake games and Half-Life. Five of the more popular mods for Quake 4 are Q4MAX, XBM, DeltaCTF, GTR and Q4SupremacyMod.[citation needed] Q4MAX is the most developed of these, offering many HUD, frame-rate, and gameplay tweaks and fixes.[citation needed] Q4MAX is used for the majority of tournaments, and used by the Cyberathlete Professional League.[citation needed] Nicknames can be colorized with most keyboards by typing the ^ character, followed by 0 through 9 to specify the color. Using idm0 or iw00 through iw09 will display images varying from a skull, to various weapon symbols. Most often used for nicknames under multiplayer, these character sequences can be typed into config files, the console, and chat text. [edit] Bots Quake 4 came without any bots for multiplayer play. User-made bots for practicing offline for users with only a dial-up connection or filling LAN servers are being developed by many dedicated fans of the game. Two prominent bots are Jarad "TinMan" Hansen's SABot (a.k.a Stupid Angry Bot) and Alpha Omni-bot, which perform very well on the retail multiplayer map packs as well as user-created custom maps. There is also the Oak Bot which is still in development. Bots are also in development as part of Q4MAX.

Files count:



2769.22 Mb




jusbar (2008-01-10)

where is the keycode???

carlosrajas (2008-01-12)

sounds nice and clear....let us seed folks !

pstterminator4 (2008-01-27)


KayeBeast (2008-02-04)

brilliant. thanks :)

laudonslund (2008-02-08)

my quake ask for cd when i im starting the game but where do i find it???

laudonslund (2008-02-08)

okay i found the crack but now its telling me my cd key is invalid...why

telanisblackwood (2008-02-16)

id does that to ya. you think you found a keygen and, nope, no game for you
keep trying serials from anywhere you can find. it might take a while, but you should be able to find one that'll work. also, save often. my doom 3 lost the key about a quarter of the way through the game, made me restart.

TraceBusta (2008-02-25)

Where r the crack in this game

Fredster123 (2008-02-27)

whenever i start it up i always get a message that says "ERROR: Couldn't load default.cfg - Check your working folder"
What do i do now?

MagickNinja (2008-03-06)

Load the .ISO with Daemon Tools or any other image drive. Go into Windows Explorer, choose your virtual drive and look at the folders. First one is DEVIANCE. Inside is the cracks you need. Jeez guys, c'mon.

MagickNinja (2008-03-06)

Also, the easiest way to get around the second cd key check once you load the game is to disable your internet, re-type the key you used when you installed the game, it'll attempt to connect to the authorization server, fail, and tell you the key is valid. Enjoy!

Spyke88 (2008-03-27)

To MagickNinja:
Thank you, that did the trick! ;)

mig94 (2008-03-31)

hi how do you disable internet i have mozilla firefox so i dont know how to disable plz asnwer

iamnotsunshine (2008-04-01)

OMG, go to your "Network Connections" on the control panel and disable it. then when done, reenable it or you can't surf.. or.. for the really blond. Just unplug your internet connection.

steveo3242391 (2008-04-07)

When I start a new game, it is alittle more than half way done loading, then I get an error report and the game needs to close, anyone else having this problem? I'll try a different crack but I don't think that will work.

xtream_2oo2 (2008-04-13)

I install the torrent with no problem and i try using the DEViANCE crack and when it tries to open, i get this error "Couldn't load default.cfg - Check your working folder." What do i do now? plz help.

caesmicky (2008-04-17)

my quake ask for cd when i im starting the game what can i do?
*Cuando inicio el quake me pide que introduzca el cd que hago?

caesmicky (2008-04-17)

i try using the DEViANCE crack and when it tries to open, i get this error "Couldn't load default.cfg - Check your working folder." What do i do now?

caesmicky (2008-04-25)

Thank you my friend i will tray this

eddebud (2008-04-29)

this is a snitch an email about DL this one

matt198992 (2008-05-04)

it is a pain to have to disable internet, type in cd key again, and enable internet everytime i start the game. anyone got fresh keys?

wildecoops (2008-05-12)

so this devo works cuz im downloading it now put im not sure i i gopt the lamb and sumit esle i got the space tho put i hope i do have a graphic card :) put could some1 tell me the cd code and how much lamb u need for this game

wildecoops (2008-05-12)

and i would like to quote is thre muitplayer on this:)

flooding (2008-05-21)

ok, before i download this one question, i already had the game, but i lost it and i am too lazy to search it =\. And i had problems playing it on VISTA. the first levels worked, but the level after the Makron knocks you out (the next level should be the one where you get stroggificated), starts to load, but then quake 4 returns to main menu. Any suggetsions how i clear the compatibility problem with vista?

davy73davy73 (2008-05-27)

Disable keycheck:
download key check fix from gameburnworld:

unrar q4nodvd.rar into gamedir.
start the game and type this serial:
Thats it! You never see the key check again!!
Enjoy :)!

bittordownload (2008-06-03)

my download speed is 7.0 kbs. . . SEED PLEASE!!!

genghis_khan_92 (2008-06-06)

I'm having problems with this program.
I 1.downladed the program 2. mounted the iso and installed the program using a valid cd-key 3. copied and pasted the 3 files from the deviance folder to the quake folder, overwriting the original quake 4.exe file
Whenever i run the program, i get the quake 4 splash screen, then a grey screen with an hour glass, and then the program closes.
anyone know how to solve this problem?

Mariodon (2008-06-22)

Thnx guys...this works very good!! follow the instructions and play
Great Up!!

hasanshafiq89 (2008-06-29)

i got the same prob as genghiz

Dononino (2008-07-04)

I know why the game shuts down. When your computer doesn´t have the system requirements for the game, it will shut down. That happens with every game your computer can´t handle. It happened to me a lot of times. But now I have a new computer :)
PS: If you want to know what games you can play on your computer, go to this website:

lolcat1 (2008-07-06)

I installed it and it worked but i have no sound, anyone knows how to fix it?, really need help.

talasgergobicske (2008-07-12)

Shit. I download an iso Quake 4 file and I

talasgergobicske (2008-07-12)

Shit I downloaded an iso Quake file and I installed it and cracked it. But when I run Quake4.exe I've got a message. I have to write the cd-key. I write it and it says: Cd-key is invalid. Or when i click to cancel it exit. Pls heelp!!

talasgergobicske (2008-07-12)

Its this torrent

decebal01us (2008-08-02)

you can play this great game in multiplayer to, its awesome, but you need 2 things to play online:
1. after download patch the game to 1.4.2 from here:;80153
2. after you succesfully patched the game to 1.4.2 go and download the online multyplayer crack from here:
(scroll down, its the last link 1.4.2)

nuclearbunny808 (2008-08-04)

For all who have crappy computers and want to run this game:
I figured out a way how to run it! I have a 863 MHZ processor and a GeForce 2 card and I could still run it! Try to lower the screen resolution - for me it was 640 X 400. If your computer is better than mine use a slightly better resolution. If you have a high-res monitor, try lowering the resolution a bit. Also, run it in 256 colors. To do this, just go to the exe file and right click, go to properties, compatibility tab, and check run in 256 colors. If you haven't already, also check the 640 X 400 thing. However, I don't recommend doing it this way 'cause it kinda screwed up my computer when I was trying to do it for RE4. Anyways, it should change the settings automatically to the correct resolution and color when you start the game. Since it closes, I dunno. If you can post your computer specs, maybe I can help you.

keyboard_cowboy (2008-08-05)

i seeded already 30GB with my 100mbit full duplex :D
works perfectly, THX

loggs (2008-08-07)

Could not play this game before.
Now i have a decent pc to play this game.
Works Brilliant.
Thank again

TheSweeperx (2008-08-08)

The shit doesnt working, what the hell is the CD key?

loggs (2008-08-08)

Read the comments TheSweeperx

TheSweeperx (2008-08-10)

I read, none of them are working. And davy73davy73 is talking bullshit.

weedy80 (2008-08-12)

works fine jus been online with it (got fucked up!) when downloaded, mount with daemon tools, then install, THE KEY IN THE NFO DIDNT WORK SO For Serials go to,
I GOT A KEYGEN virus free!!!
then follow "davy73davy73" link to the safe disc,u get a crack with that aswell (also virus free!!),
when u put them in DONT COPY OVER TOP OF CRACK,U NEED NO-CD.EXE AND SAFEDISC IN THE GAME DIR. the second 1 will try to overwrite the 1st cos they r both EXE's. gonna try the update now, will post if there r any hitches.

weedy80 (2008-08-13)

okay if ur gonna update, dont worry bout sorting the keychecker, use "decebal01us " link to gameburnworld and the for 1.4.2 is already keycheck fixed.
i'd still recommend the keygen i got as i havent tried the game with the already mentioned keys since i put the fixed crack in (may or may not work).
If u have problems running in vista, try right clicking shortcut and run as admin, it couldnt makes its own files when patching or going online so i did that n it worked.
to people like "genghis_khan_92 " u do know u only need the Q4.exe, not the deviance.exe, or the nfo inside the game dir.the NFO is instructions (open with notepad) the deviance.exe is jus sum fancy splash screen of D's own making.FRAG U LATER!!

dcpc10 (2008-08-16)

i'm going @ 3.0 KB/s now....plz damn seed

madtv2008 (2008-08-17)

ok so i mounted the image to a virtual drive via alcohol 120%, installed quake but now i go to play and it pops up with please insert the disk. can someone help me im pretty new to this.

Kiranio (2008-08-22)

I'm getting ridiculously low speeds on this

roughandready (2008-08-28)

where is the crack?

roughandready (2008-08-29)

i have found the crack how do i use it

ajb1978 (2008-09-04)

This ISO works great! Installs like a breeze, and Deviant's included no-cd crack performs beautifully. The only hang-up is when Activision checks the CD key, but an easy way around that is to rig your firewall to block Quake4.exe from accessing the Internet. Then, when Quake4.exe attempts to contact the authorization server to validate your CD key, it fails to connect, and assumes the key is valid by default. :) Obviously this makes multiplayer impossible, but enh...Quake 4 wasn't exactly known for its multiplayer anyhow.
Check previous comments for tons of working CD keys.

spartanclone (2008-09-30)

I just downloaded this game, and I mounted it With Dameon tools. The game ask's me for a CD, what am I doing wrong? I am new to this.

mptx (2008-10-08)

I can't play. Dll error on run the game.
Can somebody help me?

nosiphoratu (2008-10-10)

You need to apply the newest patch first

luke516 (2008-10-17)

quake 2

punkstereo (2008-10-24)

wooh thanks for the seed

bluechimera (2008-11-01)

Why the hell do I see the same questions OVER AND OVER... read the previoes posts you morons!

unseelie (2008-11-28)

good clean torrent. thanks very much

bubalanimi (2008-12-02)

for the downloaders........
i havent downloaded it yet but
heres some advices for you
first unrar it if its a rar
or zip if its a iso image, i think you know what to do
and if you need daemon tools mount it.
after installing (if its needed to install it)
put crack in to the folder where the exe is
and it should work if you need some advices for
installing games leave a message by messenger for me messenger adress:[email protected]
yes,i know it might sound a stupid name if your not finnish but its quite normal name in finland
you know......that small country wheres those big hairy men
well........ leave me a message
say hello for your friends from bubalanimi

Dexcimus (2008-12-28)

I'm a noob...this is only my 2nd downloaded game. I read the comments. I followed directions. I am now able to play quake 4.
Moral of this story? Don't be a noobtard! :D

Dexcimus (2008-12-28)

Also thank you very much for this fine torrent.

Dinosaurus2142 (2009-01-04)

Please Seed I Love This Game!

MorpheusOmikron (2009-01-11)

This is gonna sound really stupid lol. I can't actually -find- the ISO to load into my daemon tools...there is no iso that I can see :( I mean, I see Folders Deviance, DirectX, Docs, and Setup, no ISOs, and no ISOs in the main folder. what the hell?

MorpheusOmikron (2009-01-11)

Ok, through sheer act of idiocy I manually opened the ISO and looked for the ISO inside of it. Nevermind me x_x

MorpheusOmikron (2009-01-12)

Ok, got another prob. Mounted the image and installed quake, but it's telling me to insert the dvd, even though the ISO is

calgary_92 (2009-02-08)

thanks dude for this game

calgary_92 (2009-02-08)

thanks dude for this

MrInferno (2009-02-10)

Seed im getting like 5kb per second

draco889 (2009-03-01)

works perfect thanks

pppl (2009-03-13)


traisdown (2009-03-17)

did as instructed from sadok (page.1) and get "coulden't load default.cfg - check your working folder" if its something thats unusuall from the guide its when i move the 3 files (crack) from DEVIANCE to DIRECTX it doesent have anything to owerwrite.... maybe i mounted wrong somehow but the game isntalled smootly.. inactivated the net when i wrote the CD-key even thought it stod invalid cd-key it continnued fine.....any ideas ? would really preciate it :)

traisdown (2009-03-17)

New way of doing!? i copied the crack to Setup->Data and started from there.... it worked...the cd key following was easy just deactivate the net.. maybe this was the way from beginning ?? did i do wrong first :P

xaleel (2009-04-15)

seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xaleel (2009-04-24)


xaleel (2009-04-29)

thanx for the game guys, its one of my best games on 360. Can someone plz tell me if i can use 360 controller with this game?????

killereddy (2009-05-08)

When I try to copy the crack and overwrite the existing .exe I get an error meassage, that I need more space to transfer the files. WTF?

killereddy (2009-05-09)

well I solved my problem, I extracted the iso image using winrar, moved the files and then made the files back to an iso image using cdburnerxp, now the game wants me to insert the disk. how do you fix this?

guillito (2009-06-10)

i mount the iso with magic iso or daemon and mounts doble click the mounted iso and i got ''no valid win32 aplication''..HELP THIS MAC USER IN A PC WORLD!

flowersyay (2009-06-13)

yo does any one happen 2 have a strogg alphabet converter?
send response [email protected]

michael46118 (2009-07-10)

When i run the game it says "please insert the Quake 4 dvd, select ok and restart application". i have the iso on a disc and installed quake 4 but it doesnt work. what do i do?

fermat. (2009-08-09)

i managed to install, i can join the game and watch activision trailer but then iam confronted with an invalid key inputbox,
Anyone got a valid key!?

fermat. (2009-08-09)

what does one need to become a software cracker!?Do i only need programming skills in C++/C, how to learn the basics about cracking!?
Are the guys who crack and provide all the software fromer emplyees of Software/GameIndustrie etc. Is it possible to learn it by yourself!?
thx in advance

Osteoporozis (2009-11-06)

Very good, I found no virus and everything went smoothely. Simple as install, replace the .exe with the crack, and play.
Although you did have to enter a key when you first start it. I guess that's what the multiple comments are about that. Idunno if the one given works, I used the key on my game manual (the cd was corrupted) which I'll provide. D7FNCWPG99TTGRKC9WHP.
Maybe the one in the DEViANCE folder works too.
Big thanks to the uploader.

aTOMBBOMb (2009-11-23)

hey, I own a copy of quake 4 (CD), but my disk 2 is broken. Is this a DVD or CD version? And if it's DVD version, will I be able to use my CD Key for it so I can play online?

ermac25 (2009-12-03)

CD-key works FINE and so does the crack !!!
Thank you !!! :) :) :)

Marko2010 (2010-01-01)

Everytime I start the game, it asks me for the CD Key again, and when I type in the one you provided for the install, it says "CD Key is in use".
What should I do?

mptx1 (2010-01-01)

Marko2010: saduk on page 1 wrote the correct instructions. I did it and I can play without problems (internet too)
1º- Install with the serial provided by DEVIANCE (DEVIANCE folder, read the nfo)
2º - Copy ALL files of the folder and replace them in directory
3º - Disconnect from internet
4º - Start the game. Will ask you for cd key, insert the same serial of installation.
5º - The game will try to connect to server, then will appear a message: "the product key is valid...." (or something like that, I don't remember)
6º - That's All. Play the game.

mptx1 (2010-01-01)

The name of comment on page 1 is sadok, sorry :)
good luck.

tunaonrye (2010-03-13)

I swear to fucking christ i wish i had the know how to make a bot that would auto trash anyones comment who asks about what to do when it asks for a disc?damn man,it never fails on every fucking torrent

m0vie__dr (2010-04-08)

HOW EASY WAS THIS GAME TO INSTALL LOL THANKYOU VERY MUCH :) INSTRUCTIONS >> when you have downloaded this file open an just install the setup.exe it will ask for a key > nesj-48xz-l8s2-a3f4-1911 an continue to install even the direct x9 when you have installed it PLZ dont try an load the game it will not work an mess up!!! next go to were you downloaded the game start/my computer/programs/id-softwear an open you will see a list of files , you should see quake4.exe an quake4ded.exe now these are going to be paisted over so leave this open, now go back to your torrent download an open your quake4 file an you will see a devance file open than an there will be 3 files you only need the same 2 as you saw in the programs file you opened earlyer, now go to quake4.exe in the torrent copy an paist over the one you loaded then do the same with the other file now close out got to your desktop BEFORE YOU LOAD THE GAME TURN OFF THE NET!!! then load your game it will ask for the code again saying its now invaled dont worrie its not just add the same key code as you did before an wait for it to load up now plug back into the net an away you go with multi player or single an i have tryed this the save works an so dose multi enjoy .... for all who have struggled

pwnerofall100 (2010-05-15)

Thanks, it works. i have a MAJOR PROBLEM with lag though, i turned everything down to minimum and it still lags like hell. Thats it, new computer time. xD

Eeye323 (2010-10-03)

Thanks for thre upload :)

cobearth (2011-03-23)

does anybody have cd 1 of quake 4 i am looking for this disc i have 2 3 and 4 on cd and i am looking for disc 1 only. i dont know if the dvd version allows CD keys.

Puma__84 (2012-05-03)

1. Start quake 4.
2. If it want you the CD key turn off the internet!
3.Enter the code I entered (or any other that is real but in use!
4. Play!

Puma__84 (2012-05-03)

That work for me =)

carapa (2012-05-07)


carapa (2012-05-07)


carapa (2012-05-07)

setup exe rsrc problem it is fake game dont download

[PoD] (2012-08-13)

No carapa it's not fake you're just a noob.

ravisethi (2012-08-23)

please tell me correct instructions to install this game,please anyone i m waiting........

maisoumenos (2012-10-12)

preciso de mais sementes

blackestsheep (2013-02-01)

thanks its 2013 and ive never played this..looks like alotta downloaders gettin this so i aint alone..thanks for puttin in work on this

Magestrix (2013-02-02)

Quake 1 was good, Quake 2 was good, Quake 3 was not good, and then they released this..
..And it was good!
Miss the rock music from Q2, and the NiN tracks from Q1.
@dertrak: Tribes suck, most teambased FPS games are copied from either Quake genre or UT.
Believe me - I have played all the games (Old School CTF / Air / RA / OSP player)
--Impulse 9--

prognation (2014-03-03)

She works good, but after I installed, my screen contrast shot up, not sure what's up with that
1. Install with Key 9TFP-TXCG-XFMM-XXR9-9DGT
2. Copy the quake4 application file over to the installation directory.
3. Set outbound rule in firewall to disconnect quake4.exe.
4. Start game and re-enter the key.
5. Play
The crack folder is DEViANCE in the unzipped or mounted ISO...the syseminfo file is where the instructions are located. Right click and open with notepad if it directs you to your systeminfo page instead

Xandror (2014-04-20)

You have to disconnect from the internet and enter a CD key every time you play the game, might not be worth the trouble.


1. Quake 4.iso 2769.22 Mb