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Dr Kent Hovind - 100 Reasons Evolution Is So Stupid






Dr Kent Hovind - 100 Reasons Evolution Is So Stupid




2010-06-19 (by Porkster)


In this fast-paced documentary, Dr. Hovind gives many reasons why the evolution theory is ridiculous. Christians can use this video to reach those that believe in this absurd idea of evolution-faith and to show them that Satan really had blinded them in the past. A good study Site for School Projects and Such. ____ _ _ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ (_)_ __ __ _ ___ _ _| | | |_ _| |__ | | / _ \| '_ \/ __| '_ \| | '__/ _` |/ __| | | | |_| | | | | '_ \ | |__| (_) | | | \__ \ |_) | | | | (_| | (__| |_| | _ | |_| | |_) | \____\___/|_| |_|___/ .__/|_|_| \__,_|\___|\__, |_| |_|\__,_|_.__/ |_| |___/ ____ / ___|___ _ __ ___ | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | |__| (_) | | | | | | (_)____\___/|_| |_| |_| PLEASE KEEP SEEDED TO PASS ON THE MESSAGE. PLEASE VISIT OUR SITE AND SHARE THE WORD! * Don't Be Fooled Any Longer on Darwinism, Evolution, Global Warming Lies, Internationalism, etc. * Get The Message Out, Openly! * Copy Our Torrents To All Open Trackers!!!


  1. god
  2. religion
  3. creation
  4. evolution-faith
  5. theory
  6. torrent-content-type=video-doc

Files count:



274.01 Mb




Bombardem (2010-06-19)

rofl, creationists evolved with their heads up their asses

Tamarind777 (2010-06-19)

Here we go again with brainless banter from a person who believes his brain is not finished evolving yet. How can anyone argue with such a buffoon? You believe that life came from rocks? You believe that man and dinosaurs never co-existed, yet fresh dinosaur blood and soft tissue have been found! So, your type of science says blood and soft tissue can last for 65,000,000 years??? That is science? Even if I were not a Creationist I'd still not believe in your brainless, illogical idiocy of a religion posing as science. At best it's science fiction, or voodoo science, but certainly NOT science. Do you guys still believe in a flying spaghetti monster? Did one evolve yet? I am still waiting. Maybe you should check with your high priest, Mr. Duh-kins. I wish his brain would evolve a bit more too, becasue he is just too dense. I know folks with just a grade school education who are smarter, wiser, and more logical than he. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." (Rom. 1:22).

Porkster (2010-06-19)

Intelligent people know Bombardem that evolution-faith is another religion of the New World Order. There is no real science involved other than technocrats choosing a position that sounds like science for political and human control. Take you eugenics lead science to the drain where it belongs.

jiveclive (2010-06-19)

Whenever I don't understand something, because my wee brain has maxed out trying to get itself around said thing, what I always do is decide that that 'something' is stooooopid. It's never ever me that's stoooopid. How do I know that? Because my mom said I was smart. And we believe in the book called "The Wholey Babble".

sistromo (2010-06-19)

Most fitting that the creationist nitwits would see themselves represented by an ignorant individual, without any credentials whatsoever in any scientific discipline, most notably biology, and a con-man and a scammer who is deservedly spending a decade in jail

It could hardly be otherwise, for the creationist crowd has already been proven, in a court of law, to be a mendacious collective, who will think nothing of twisting the facts to fit their particular brand of superstition

Maybe you guys should open a channel to Bin Laden and his ilk, with whom you have so much in common.
As for the documentary, it's nothing but the worthless crap that the creationist ignoramuses usually ooze. Good for laughs though, albeit it is difficult to believe that anyone could be that stupid.

Porkster (2010-06-19)

Yeah and we really are going to take Wikipedia as a source of truth and fairness.

Porkster (2010-06-24)

Dr Kent Hovind is a political prisoner. Plain and simple.

Animal1000000 (2010-08-30)

I am tempted to make a movie titled:
'100 Reasons Dr Kent Hovind Is So Stupid'

KomoInja (2012-06-12)

They man has 5 post-graduate degrees, and is working on another -- I wouldn't exactly call that ignorant.
Having knowledge about things is much more important than having a degree declaring you have knowledge about things, anyway.
The problem with evolutionists being so critical about creationists having presuppositions that influence their interpretations of what they observe, is that they have their own presuppositions through which they interpret their observations.
(FYI, I have not watched this video, though I plan to.)