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Garotinho - FS 2004 Lesson Instrument Rating Checkride
Garotinho - FS 2004 Lesson Instrument Rating Checkride
2007-05-30 (by lgarotinhol)
Garotinho - FS 2004 Lesson Instrument Rating Checkride
Dicas para completar a lição IFR do FS 2004. Esta lição é um desafio para os pilotos do simulador FS 2004 em todo o mundo. É raro encontrarmos em fóruns os que conseguiram completar esta lição. Isto em parte é em função das tolerâncias que o examinador impõe durante o vôo, algumas praticamente impossíveis de serem cumpridas, e tendo como consequência a reprovação no teste pela observadora.
Relaxamos um pouco algumas destas tolerâncias, principalmente as que se referem ao tempo para ajustes de rádios, com isto, a certificação ficou um pouco mais ao nosso alcance, mas ainda é um bom desafio.
Anexo o vídeo onde pode-se observar na simulação as principais alterações que fiz e as dicas que vou passando durante o vôo.
Se você gostar e quiser instalar os arquivos modificados, me solicite pelo email:
[email protected]
/* */
Um abraço à todos, espero que gostem...
Tips to complete lesson IFR of FS 2004. This lesson is a challenge for the pilots of simulator FS 2004 in the whole world. It is rare to find in forum the ones that had obtained to complete this lesson. This in part is in function of the tolerances that the examiner imposes during the flight, some practically impossible to be fulfilled, and having as not aproved in the test for the observing. We relax a little some of these tolerances, mainly the ones that if they relate to the time for adjustments of radios, with this, the certification was a little more to our reach, but still is a good challenge. Annex the video where it can be observed in the simulation the main alterations that I made and the tips that I go passing during the flight. If you to like and to want to install the modified files, requests me for the email: [email protected]
/* */ One I hug to the all, I wait that they like...
Sorry the Translate...
Files count:
26.45 Mb
lgarotinhol (2007-05-31)
Tips to complete IFR lesson of FS 2004. This lesson is a challenge for the pilots of simulator FS 2004 in the whole world. It is rare to find in forums persons that had completed this lesson. In part, it is because of the tolerances that the examiner imposes during the flight, which some are practically impossible to be fulfilled and consequentially you fail in the test. We relaxed a little some of these tolerances, mainly the ones that are related to the time for radios´ adjustments. With this changes, getting the certificate became a bit easier, but it is still a good challenge. In the annexed video you can observe in a simulation, the main changes we made and the tips that we are giving during the flight. If you would like to install the modified files, request it to us in the e-mail: garotinho.jfa@gmail.comI hope you all like it...