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Toyota Lexus Navigation DVD Gen 2-3 v7.1 86271-33036 464210-0930
Toyota Lexus Navigation DVD Gen 2-3 v7.1 86271-33036 464210-0930
Applications/Other OS
2008-04-16 (by Jester1868)
Here it is...the title says it all!
I installed this same one in my 2003 SC 430 and works admirably.
Override still works!!!
Burn onto a Verbatim DVD+R DL in DVD-ROM mode or will NOT work!
Enjoy! :o)
Files count:
2698.25 Mb
kry01 (2008-04-18)
Is it only for SC 430's? or would it work on GX 470's too?touchmenot (2008-04-21)
Can anyone confirm if this works well on 2004 RX330?touchmenot (2008-04-24)
3 coasters so far. Using Toast and Verbatim (also tried DYNEX) to burn. Burning OK though. Getting an error "Unable to read data" on the nav. Anyone succeeded yet?andrew6001 (2008-04-24)
I burned it onto a Memorex DVD+R DL using Nero 8. Tried it in my 2006 Lexus RX400h. No joy. Tried it several times; most times it said "Unable to read data." One time it said "Verifying DVD", but stayed like that for 1.5 hours before I gave up and tried again (and got "Unable to read" again.)Does the Verbatim media really matter? Is there some special magic to perform when you put the DVD into the car?
stevenws413 (2008-04-25)
touchmenot. Can you help me find the disc player on my 2004 RX 330? I downloaded and burned this disc and will try it out.touchmenot (2008-04-25)
stevenws413,Its in the trunk. Turn the ignition to On or ACC. Open the rear hatch and then the deck board sub assembly (this is where all ur tools are located). The DVD drive is located at the right lower corner. It has a plastic cover with 2 claws. Remove it and u will c the drive. I have the instructions in a PDF if u need one.
stevenws413 (2008-04-25)
Touchmenot,That would be great if you could forward the pdf to [email protected]. I have found links to it on, but that site is no longer working. Go figure!
stevenws413 (2008-04-25)
SUCCESS! It booted up great, no errors!The bad news is, it still doesnt list the streets in my neighborhood which were laid in 2004, bummer! I guess I'll have to check again when this years update comes out in the fall.
I downloaded this torrent using Azureus
I decompressed the .rar file using 7-zip to expose the iso file
I burned the iso file to a DVD using ImgBurn set at default settings.
stevenws413 (2008-04-25)
More details for anyone who could benifit;Vehicle - 2004 Lexus RX330
Media - Verbatim DVD+R DL
Hardware - NEC DVD +-RW ND-6650A in a Dell XPS M1210 notebook
Software - ImgBurn - There are too may settings that mean nothing to me to list here but I did not change any settings from the default install on Windows XP SP2.
touchmenot (2008-04-26)
Finally I got it to work after 4 coasters.Hardware: Matshita DVD-R UJ-857D on a macbook, Dynex DVD DL media (Bestbuy brand).
Software: Parallels running XP pro and ImgBurn.
As stevenws413 mentioned, I just kept all defaults on the ImgBurn and it worked. Thanx Steve.
For all Mac folks: Toast "DVD-ROM (UDF)" did not work even though the burn was successful. Kept saying "unable to read data" on the nav.
andrew6001 (2008-04-27)
Oh well. 4 Coasters and I'm done. Tried to burn it with Nero 8 & with ImgBurn, on 2 different Sony DVD burners, all with Memorex DVD+R DL media.I suspect that this disk is for a prior version of the Lexus Nav system. My vehicle is 2006 (which I believe is V4 of the Lexus Nav.) The disk came from a 2003 vehicle, which could easily be an earlier Nav rev.
andrew6001 (2008-04-27)
Oh DUH. My bad. It even says "Gen 2-3" right in the title of this torrent. My system is Gen 4, so, of course it wont work.noleecher (2008-04-29)
been to hell and back on 8 coasters so far. First 3 were memorex. next 5 were verbatum dvd+r dl and a few I even selected 2x burning thinking that might help.First I tried toast9 then a few other burnign apps on the mac then noticed a post here about a person using parallels. Had to modify that to a much larger drive for this project (not easy) then made 2 more coasters using the torrent I downloaded on the mac side using transmission. ran 7zip to get to the.iso then ran imgburn.
question??? in imageburn do you use the default image to dvd mode or the default files to dvd after copying them in to a folder?
I'm thinking that maybe the mac can affect the original downloaded .rar file in some way so I'm downloading it on utorrent and will try the 7zip the imgburn again keeping totally in windows.
question??? is it possible that this gen 2-3 just doesn't work on my 07 sienna?...isn't my nav a gen 4 or 5???
also...I did notice that this 7.1 does seem to have less files than my factory 6.1.
Any other torrents for 7.1 anywhere???...I think I coud just replace the "loading.kwi" with the 5.1 and get the override?
I will try one more burn with the all windows approach and if it still does not work, then I will try what I should of tried first...just to copy my 6.1 disk to prove that my burner and media are up to the task.
Any suggestions appreciated.
andrew6001 (2008-05-01)
NoLeecher, I think you ran into the same problem I did. An '07 car will be either Gen 4 or Gen 5. This is a DVD for a Gen 2 or Gen 3 system.masboy (2008-05-02)
thanks for everyone's suggestion and all. I tried once unzip it with WinRar and burn it using ImgBurn also work. I'm using Verbatim DVD+R DL as well, got it from for $9.99 (5 disc).Just leave the ImgBurn settings alone, don't change anything and it should be fine :) thanks people, you guys saved me $$$ :)
Mr.Bicycle (2008-05-25)
I have read all the comments above, but still has some major hiccups in the NAV's ability to read the DVD-DL for the 2004 Lexus RX330.In particular, the NAV display will generally say that it is "unable to read DVD" when I press the "Address" button on the touchscreen and to check if I have a dirty or damaged DVD. It is notable, however, that I was able to get the "Address" touch screen button to work on two occasions (so the burnt DVD appears to have address info that can be used, when and if the NAV system is able to read it). However, I am able to consistently get POI data. I wonder if it is possible that one of the files within the .iso file was extracted with errors, and as such would not show the error when the imgburn verifies that it burned correctly. Let me know if anyone has experienced this problem accessing the "Address" feature.
Here's what I had loaded originally:
ver. 3.1
1) I extracted .iso file using winrar to my external hard drive
2) I moved the extracted .iso file to my tower which has the Lite-On DL DVD burner
3) I wrote the image to Verbatim DVD+R DL using ImgBurn (ensuring that the settings were in DVD-ROM mode)
Another possible reason for the error is that I am jumping from v. 3.1 to 7.1. Would I need to install the intermediate map updates?
touchmenot (2008-06-02)
Mr. Bicycle, try burning the iso using ImgBurn. Keep all defaults and it should work. Check previous comments.batignani (2008-06-12)
My 2003 RX300 system would not read the burned disk. I am a newbie and not sure if I did something wrong.I downloaded the torrent and received a .rar file.
I used 7zip to uncompress .rar to .iso
I used ImgBurn to burn to a Memorex DVD+R DL
I compared the OEM disk files to the new disk and found there are extra files on the new disk.
They are 5 "BIN" files:
and 1 "VNS" file:
Could this be the problem?
w1ckedness (2008-06-19)
For all those having problems burning this DVD1st install a virtual drive to mount the iso image
(alcholer or daemon tools)
2nd mount the image in the virtua drive( i used
3rd i used nero and did a disc copy let nero create its own img to burn the iso(not on the fly copy disc will error and you will create coaster after coaster)
4th using nero create a nrg iso img file and force write the image
5th finally burn the new img in nero be patient dont do anything while burning and wait for it to complete
finally after making 6 coasters i decide to try it this way as described and voila it worked.
i got ver 7.1 working in my 02 is300 went straight from ver 1 to ver 7 took about 1 min to udpate once disc was installed in the right rear side of the trunk in the nav dvd changer
hopes this helps i spent a few hours with many errors and failed writes did 3 writes in a row for a few buddies and it worked for them also
What Generation Navigation is in my Lexus?
Shown below is a list of Lexus models shown with the generation of navigation technology equipped in each.
Generation 1
1998-2000 GS300
1998-2000 GS400
1998-2000 LS400
1999-2000 LX470
Generation 2/3
2001-2005 GS300
2001-2005 GS400
2001-2003 LS430
2002-2003 ES300/330
2001-2004 RX300/330
2001-2003 LX470
2002-2005 IS300
2002-2004 SC430
2003-2004 GX470
Generation 4
2006 GS300
2006 GS430
2004-2006 LS430
2004-2006 ES300/330
2005-2006 RX330
2006 RX400h
2004-2007 LX470
2005-2006 SC430
2005-2006 GX470
Generation 5 Navigation
2007 GS350
2007 GS430
2007 GS450h
2007 ES350
2007 RX350
2007 RX400h
2007 GX470
2006-2007 IS250
2006-2007 IS350
***The next tenatively scheduled Navigation Update Version 08.1 is to be released 4th quarter of 2008. Check back!***
babydoc1971 (2008-06-23)
Mac OSX users:I extracted the file with UnRarX, then burned the ISO file to a Memorex DVD+R DL disk using Disk Utility.
It works perfectly in my 2004 RX330...
GunnyPhillips (2008-06-25)
I hope this thread is still active. I've been through the ringer with this and have 10 coasters to show for it. Any help is appreciated. Here's what Ive done already.I started with Memorex DVD +R DL media because that seems to be what most stores carry.
stevenws413 - I tried your method first. I ended up with nothing but coasters and eventually began to suspect the media might be the culprit, so I went to Best Buy where I was finally able to find Verbatim media.
With this media, I was able to produce several discs which initially appeared to work. The first couple of disks would say "Program Disk Has Been Inserted," but would stay on that screen indefinitely. I mowed the lawn waiting for it to change and it never did. Finally I produced a disc that successfully loaded, but it would not draw the maps and basically displayed a blank screen. I've tried every viable option in Imgburn. I know you said to use the default settings, but that did not work for me, so I experimented.
w1ckedness - After experimenting with Nero for awhile, I was able to follow your instructions. I was NOT able to complete the function you referred to as a "force write." I have Nero Express and saw no such option. I did, however, mount a virtual drive, create a Nero nrg file from the original ISO, and burn it to disc using Nero in DVD-ROM mode. Was that basically correct? Your method produced a disc that appeared to function fine. The disc I created using Imgburn failed immediately once I performed simple functions like "Zoom In." The disc created with your method handled all of this fine and even successfully calculated a route, but as soon as I hit the POI button, everything went blank. I removed and re-inserted the disc and it now said "disk read error," a common error with the Verbatim discs. The Memorex discs always said "No Disc Detected."
I've also noticed a couple of things.
1) When I inserted the aforementioned Verbatim disc [that worked fine for awhile] it would say "Disc Read Error," but if I inserted it immediately after successfully loading my original ver 5.1 disc, it would always load, even though it usually displayed a blank screen with just the vehicle indicator triangle visible. No map whatsoever.
2) The Memorex media has a very dark surface and was never even recognized by the system. The Verbatim media has a lighter surface [but not as light as the original ver 5.1 DVD] and it appears to be intermittently readable by the system. I know this is a stretch, but might this mean something? Is there a lighter surface media I can buy. I really think this might be the problem. Perhaps Lexus used different spec DVD readers across their product line. Completely possible given the number of cars they sell, and it might explain why different approaches seem to work for different people.
Any elaboration on either of your approaches would be appreciated. I also have a proposal. If either of you is willing to send me a disc, I'll pay shipping. If it actually works, I'll send you $20.00 for your trouble. Fair?
Thanks for reading.
w1ckedness (2008-06-28)
too add to my post earliar
in nero burning rom not nero express
goto the tool bar and select recorder
next goto burn image
select image and burn
I used Verbatim DVD+R DL
GunnyPhillips (2008-06-28)
I'll try this if I have to, but, frankly, I would be more than happy at this point to just purchase a disc from you if you're interested. I already have over 20 coasters! Name your price. If it's reasonable, we'll have a deal.w1ckedness (2008-06-28)
when you first put teh disk in it should pop up with some japanese writing and a funky colored screen saying updating sytem please wait if this is what happens your disk is correct if not the img is corrupt and trya few different things till ya get the message from teh navi screen?hope this helps
system update takes abit
hopes this helps
GunnyPhillips (2008-06-29)
w1ckednessThe update process is indeed what I'm missing, but I don't know if that happens in all cases. My 05.1 DVD says that the upgrade process will only happen if the previous version [before 05.1] is 2.1 or earlier. I did see that screen you describe when I upgraded to 05.1.
In any case, I purchased 2.4X Verbatim media and I now have a working disc, except it will not display POI information.
I may never get perfect results, but the process has been edifying.
GunnyPhillips (2008-06-29)
Funny. Right after I posted my last comment,I disconnected the car battery and tried again. This time I got the update screen, but the discs still do not behave correctly. I think I'm done After all, even a working disc is woefully obsolete. No Internet connection. No real-time traffic. I'll probably be looking at a standalone system for my next car.urxwriter (2008-07-04)
So I've never changed out the navigation disc before. Can anyone provide a link to a step by step guide? Or is it as easy as pop out the old disc and put in a new disc? any special keys to press on the nav system? Is there always the option to go back to the original disc (ie, can switching this out in any way fry your nav system?)i downloaded the file, will get a verbatim disc and will wait for some responses before i proceed!
also, how do you override the nav while driving issue? sorry for being a noob....thanks in advance!
w1ckedness (2008-07-04)
on my car it was right side of the trunk 2 screws remove metal protection plate turnt he key on the car to give the changer power press eject swap disc put it back togetherits a dvd it cant fry it ya can swap back but once you get it working why would you?
Ypsilon6 (2008-07-16)
Does this include streets for Europe or only US/Cananda?Esch (2008-07-19)
News flash. I have only tried this using Verbatim DVDs per the recommendations on most sites. Made many coasters, made a few that would load and work sometimes and give a "disk error" other times. As a last resort I decided to change brands and try an HP DVD+R DL DVD. Loaded first time, every time with NO ERRORS. Works EVERYTIME. Maybe this will help others.DVD: HP DVD +R DL
Drive: LG Super-Multi
Software: IMGBURN 2.3.2
Write Type: Incremental
Book Type: DVD-ROM
ISO9660 +UDF
Esch (2008-08-11)
Switch to HP DVD's. I made many many coasters using verbatim DVDs. I switched to HP double layer and I'm 2 for 2 on DVDs that load and work everytime. Try this if if you are having trouble.Esch (2008-08-13)
Switch from Verbatim to HP Media!!!I burned many coasters using verbatim media with Imgburn 2.4. A few of them would boot up and work intermittantly but would quickly end up with a disk error. As a last resort I switched to HP media. Burned 2 DVDs so far and both work 100% every time!!! Have been using for several weeks now with no hiccups. Made the second DVD to prove it wasn't a fluke. I'm now convinced it's the media. BTW...I have a 2002 Land Cruiser.
GunnyPhillips (2008-08-15)
HP Media seems to have done the trick for me too. I still get disk read errors etc every once in awhile, but basically, the disc works. I did have to turn on "optical power calibration" under the "write" settings tab. Without this enabled, I got much moer frequent read errors.Thanks for the tipEsch!!!
RelaxedBrax (2008-08-16)
THANKS LODER! WORKS PERFECT!Just upgraded my 04 (gen3) GX470 SUVs Nav system to this latest 7.1v
Used a MEMOREX DL and ImgBurn 2.3, not a single problem, just popped out the old one and in with the new. POIs are all updated, more streets are labeled, and new highways are there. Thanks for saving me $300.
Esch (2008-08-17)
Try HP DVDs!!!!Made many coasters using verbatims. Some would work but would ultimately give a disk read error. Switched to HP media as a last resort. Worked first time every time for a month now. Made a second HP with the same results to prove it wasn't a fluke.
Nat.Turner (2008-09-05)
I'm using this in my 03 GX 470 (Gen 2 Nav) and it works like a charm. POIs are updated, more streets are displayed and re-routing works fine.Nat.Turner (2008-09-05)
Forgot to mention, the DVD I used is Sony DVD+R DL. The burning software I used was Alcohol 120%.JRC123 (2008-09-20)
How do I download the file?marmajini (2008-09-24)
Hello,Anybody know if it works in a Toyota Avensis 2004?
MladOgi (2008-10-01)
Hi, thanks for perfect torr. Works in 2007 Avensis, but its only US / Canada.Btw, DVD -R DL does not work but if you burn it on DVD +R DL works perfect.
Has anybody 2008 Europe map?
rb0412 (2008-10-08)
Does anyone have a working copy that they are interested in selling? I have a 02 LS430 with the orginal disk, ver 1 from 2001, I bought the car this weekend.LOOMDOG2 (2008-10-10)
Has this quit working I can find no one seeding have been trying for a weekdhawkmoon (2008-10-15)
This definitely works, but I'm struggling with intermittently working discs. I used a Memorex +R DL and it completed and verified fine. When I first popped it in, it worked great. The next day my car tells me it cannot read the DVD. Hmmmm. I have an '02 GS430 and it has the original DVD. This would be nice upgrade if I can get it working. I used the ImgBurn program like others mentioned having good success with too. Ah, what's a few more coasters if I end up saving $300 minus a few discs?!teejayskilachi (2008-10-17)
Does anyone know if this works for EUROPE (UK to be precise) as well.I ejected my DVD sat nav Disc then tried to play a video DVD but cudnt read it so removed it and inserted the DVD sat nav disc back but instead of loading the DVD map, keeps sayin cant load the map or cannot read the DVD and i'm thinking maybe the system thinks its still got the video DVD in the player. I have restarted the car and tried loading it again and still nothing happens so now i havent got a sat nav map to use while driving and forced to look at the info trip and see how my petrol is being used up while driving.
Or does anyone have a copy of the sat nav disc. Lexus 2004 (04 UK Reg)? The version says 2003-2004 Ver. 1 and the serial no. on the disc is 86271 241122 or know where I can get the up to date Disc for this car?
kefe79 (2008-10-23)
hi all, i have eu maps, but I don!t need to backup copy, the car Lexus 2007 is write map data incorrect, but the original disk is fine. What is the problem?I write the imgburn
to the kodak dvd+r dl disk
if the copy is work than seed the image
hackaddict (2008-11-11)
hello....i have a Image ISO containg Toyota and Lexus navigation maps for generation 5 including east europe (russia bulgaria grecce finland romania hungary etc) and i would like to upload it here...but first i want to help me somebody because mine copies doesen`t work.anyboody knows wich program i have to use or wich speed or wich type of Dvd? because i don`t want to upload something wrong,cheers.golfman8 (2008-11-22)
Well, guess I have enough coaster for my Super Bowl Party. Started off with Memorx, then Nexxtech, finally bought Verbatim DVD+R DL and still no luck. 2001 RX300 screen either reads "No disk detected" or "Disk read error-check disk". Down load checks ok and am using Imgburn to burn with. Is there anybody that can walk me through this? At this rate, dealership might be the cheap way out.Thanks in advance for you help.
golfman8 (2008-12-06)
Well, I have guess I need to spend my money at the dealer for the real thing. I have tried this one and three other's from other sites and have had no luck. I have tried Verbatim, Maxell, HP & Memorix disk and to no avail. Keep getting the same message on my screen in the car. No disk inserted or something like that. I have tried using Imgburn, AnyDVD & Roxio still same thing. Anybody have any constructive critisism or help will be appreciated. Oh, car is a 2001 RX300 Gen 2-3 and am trying to go from the original 2001 disk.ram32110 (2008-12-14)
This torrent works perfectly. After 1 coaster, I got it to work far a month with no problems on 2003 lexus Gx 470. Burned it with IMGBURN using Verbatim DVD+R. used LG Super-Multi Drive to burn..Egyptian30 (2009-01-06)
Does this have the Middle East Maps?? I live in Dubai and I have a 2006 GS430, but haven't updated my dvd yet so i thought i'd give this a try..please confirm if this has Middle East and Arabian Gulf Maps.Thank you.
screwRU (2009-01-18)
no this is only US Canadagolfman8 (2009-01-26)
Well finally got it to work sometimes. About 95% of the time but only have the map function. Cannot enter destination or get POI's. Finally got it to work using MajicISO and Verbatim disk. Any one have any suggestions or anyone having the same problems?golfman8 (2009-02-12)
Using IMGBurn or a couple of others I get the same results. Map works great but cannot get POI's or enter Destination addresses. Does anyone know which files contain these? Maybe I can import from another download.Thanks,
sickbeatz (2009-03-31)
can someone tell me which generation is a 2007 Toyota Sequoia?? and what is the most updated version for it?Jester1868 (2009-04-17)
Sorry laptop's RAM burned itself out and I haven't been on for a long time. I had burned a few copies using Verbatim DVD+R DL in DVD-DOM mode using Nero. Apparently HP works as well according to some posters but I'm going with what I've learned in the past by doing research. I have full functionality with POIs, saved locations and everything. No need to mount the .ISO to burn it.PS the override still works on my SC 430. Has anyone else tried overriding the safety feature?
kenshi4lyfe (2009-04-26)
Hi everyone,I just got this and burned it. Worked fine, but yeah, you can't input a destination. Has anyone found a way to do this? Thanks~
Henryg35 (2009-05-30)
the program i use is DVDclone it burnt the verbatim perfectly but when i put it in, with the car on, it works perfectly but when i turn off the car and back on again i get the "disk error". maybe cause the disk is to dark the laser can't see it. other people have used HP and they got it working good and everytime. i can't find HP disk here so has anybody tried using some other kind of brand?crab1981 (2009-06-01)
I've burned the DVD. Can someone tell me where my DVD player is in my 2004 Sienna?hauserns at gmail dot com
JimmyRotten2 (2009-07-06)
This rar does not work. I get CRC errors when decompressing with 7Zip. I would recomend the 6.1 version for now.agustinemi (2010-03-12)
I installed the program in my 2001 lexus LS 430 it ran great but doesnt give me the option for destination addresses, does anybody know how to fix this problem or What do I have to do please.??? THANKStoxigyn (2010-04-11)
golfman8 please contact me, I have the same year/model car and have followed all your posts but still get the same error you for
a t
gm a i
gilbypoleadamson (2010-06-29)
I burned this onto an HP disk at the recommended setting with the ImgBurn and it gave me an error when i put it in. At first it said updating then it said insert correct program disk, now even the old one wont work...Azndude263 (2010-10-21)
It's working perfectly fine for me. I burnt it to HP DVD+R Dual Layer and it works the first time I put it in. My car is 2004 RX330mbari (2010-11-14)
Will it work on 2001 GS 430I have tried 3 Verbatim and 3 HP DVD with all the settings mentioned, but it always says "No Disc Detected"
raskol666 (2012-02-10)
USE PIONEER BURNERLG and NEC burners did not work for me.
Pioneer + Verbatim = working disc in 2001 Lexus GS430
raskol666 (2012-02-10)
Imgburn + Pioneer 111(?) + VerbatimShawnOkla (2013-05-02)
Hi,I was wondering if someone could supply me with step-by-step direction on how to accomplish making thie DVD NAV disk for my 2002 Lexus SC430. I have tried twice using my DL Toshiba CD/DVD write using Memorex DVD+R DL discs. I wanted to try HP but have yet to find any in my area. But since I'm a noob, I want to make sure I am doing the process correctly. I downloaded the torrent. Unzipped it to the .iso file. Then used IMGBurn set for 2.4x speed- no luck. Then tried Alcohol 120% v2.0.2. to make a virtual drive and then burn to DVD- no luck. I'm really new with this tech and would appreciate any help and step-by-step guidance. My email is Shawndave1"at"gmail. Thanks in advance.
ShawnOkla (2013-05-02)
***UPDATE***I was actually able to get my disc working, and subsequently upgraded to v. 10.1 from another torrent. I continued to use the Memorex DVD+R DL's, but rather than use my PC I burned them using an Apple (sigh). Using a MacBook Pro non retinal, 13.3 inch laptop I was able to burn the v. 7.1 in the proper format using Toast Titanium (using the COPY function). The .iso file was instantly recognized by the MAC OS and didn't need a virtual drive. Unfortunately the MAC OS didn't recognize the v. 10.1 .mdf/.mds file. Therefore, I had to use a PC and Alcohol 120 virtual drive to change the .mds/mdf file to an .iso, and then burn using the MacBook Pro and Toast Titanium. Both are working at the moment (knock on wood), and with full functionality. Hope this helps others.
quobed (2015-06-17)
thanks for your helpany chance for Middle east updated map
1. Toyota Lexus Navigation DVD Gen 2-3 v7.1 86271-33036 464210-0930.rar 2698.25 Mb