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Microsoft Windows 7 ULTIMATE x86 OEM DVD-BIE
Software PC
Microsoft.Windows.7.ULTIMATE.x86.OEM.DVD-BIE - by Mick
2009-10-20 (by Mbb15 )
this is the same thing as if you went out to a store and bought Windows 7 Ultimate October 22.
Files count:
2286.89 Mb
epidemicia (2009-10-20)
does this work?ScreamingDeath (2009-10-21)
Is this 64-bit version?BlackMoth (2009-10-21)
NEED x64 pleaseMbb15 (2009-10-21)
this is real the torrent was here before on TPB but deleted because there was an database errorJazzy79 (2009-10-21)
thanks! will try!wazz62 (2009-10-21)
Is this a final copy and does this need a key, or do you use a activation loader?wazz62 (2009-10-21)
Can we have some feedback please!DayDreamz (2009-10-22)
I really dont understand why people keep using 32 bit software when 64 bit is out there. Looks to me like people are trying to fit a Fiat 127 engine into a Ferrari. 32 bit is so yesterday.Jazzy79 (2009-10-22)
people use 32bit becuase alot of people cant afford a system that will run 64bit thats why. why buy something you really dont need when you have something that works great you alreadyJazzy79 (2009-10-22)
have*LeonceN (2009-10-22)
What the fuck do you mean people can't afford a 64-bit system? All modern processors are x86-64 compatible. Unless you're on a Pentium 3 or something.breakdown24 (2009-10-22)
Thanks. Everything works. go to[by_Sk]
to get it activated.anon6655 (2009-10-22)
Some people don't have the RAM 64-bit want's to use either. Come on, don't say something or bash somebody Else's 2 cents when you can't back up your 2 cents.loadmaster1991 (2009-10-23)
Both of the x64 and x86 Windows 7 versions work. I've tested out both of them. Although, it doesn't come preactivated. so, follow this link. It's an activation crack that i found on here, that will activate it for you.
it works great, also, a really fast download.
loadmaster1991 (2009-10-23)
and also, Windows 7 doesn't ask for as much RAM as Vista did. Only 1 gig for Windows 7. That's awesome.lucas_kelly (2009-10-23)
Are there any noticeable differences from the Windows 7 release candidate?phigam25 (2009-10-23)
Legit?JoeyNL (2009-10-23)
Thanks, work nice and Activated!!! =DFollow me @ Twitter: twitter[dot].com/JoeyNL
superstarboss (2009-10-23)
Jó féle ez??? XDhikki_man (2009-10-23)
@DayDreamz: fiat and farrari? People are not converting for good reasons. There is driver and application compatibility issues (if only I had a dollar each time I read someone on a 64-bit system complaining about drivers or applications not working for him). There is also performance, where in a lot of cases or even most cases 32-bit is faster compared to 64. The only real benefit of 64 bit is the ability to have more RAM, and you only ever need more than 4GB if you play four huge games at the same time somehow. So just because that computer salesman fooled you into buying that bigger better more modern 64 bit system and convinced you that 32-bit is so yesterday, doesn't mean other people should be as stupid. You sound a lot like mac users.drgold2000 (2009-10-23)
I have both a 32 bit and a 64 bit computer and have a heck of a time finding drivers for the 64 bit new laptop ... maybe Windows 7 will go out and find them automatically! Hope so!I can not tell any huge difference using 32 bit vs 64 bit on regular programs that most people would run and my desktop and laptop are very similar computers. Yes, the 64 bit let me use up to 8gb of memory which is nice but finding the drivers is hell!
tuxfx (2009-10-23)
this is not retail!Xris22 (2009-10-23)
So why are the Ferrari drivers asking us Mini-Cooper drivers why we don't wanna drive a glorified steering-kart.... after all, all versions of Windows are just Ferrari's with square wheels anyway ^^But yeah... I run 32-bit coz I got tired of pandering to Window's 64-bit issues while 32 seems (almost) pretty stable now...
32-bit, 64-bit arguments... meh
Xris22 (2009-10-23)
@ hkki_man:So totally agree. One of my biggest bug-bears with 64 was that I couldn't find full drivers for my (NOT cheap) sound card... Then when I finally downloaded some shitty chewing-gum-and-string (a.k.a minimal-function) drivers from OEM source, I had similar probs with my (again, NOT cheap) video card... Even my DVD writer was asking me "what IS this shit?"
Anyway.... why DO I bother buying mainboards that can take 8Gb when this 32/64-bit idiot child can't even find it all? Maybe coz hopefully the idiot children working at MS might actually get it right one day....
Meanwhile my 32-bit system runs ~35% faster than the same (high-end) hardware on a 64-bit system.
Yup... gotta be Mac users ^^
spynee (2009-10-23)
ive been using W7 x64 RC for a fair few months (only build 7100 so not even the final RC or RTM version) and have only discovered one app that isnt going to work and that wont work on x86 OR x64 platforms of vista or W 7 cos of a lazy company (Fanatec) who lie on their website falsely claiming said support - everything else i have had working perfectly - i think creative are still useless in general but again that is x86 or x64, no bass issue is still present for many people but thats not a platform issue (well kinda, its ok if you wanna live in the past and continue using xp ;) its creative being shite... games such as FO3 etc are noticably better - have a Dell 3008 rev A02 monitor and run everything at ultra, 2560x1600 with any hi res mod packs i can find - 60+ fps... I didnt get that on vista x86 OR looks freakin awesome in fact, so from my experience w 7 ult x64 is pretty damn sweet so i'll wait for that, i guess its your prefs in the end init - thanks for the up tho.spynee (2009-10-23)
googlelotek ctrl alt delete
for an amusing tune a m8 of mine did
....for all those mac users in the place ;)
takeasied (2009-10-23)
if you dont know that dont download hahahahahaMetroidn1f (2009-10-23)
What the up loader should post is if this is the same thing as the October 22 released, in other words, this is the same thing as if you went out to a store and bought Windows 7 Ultimate October 22.Xris22 (2009-10-23)
@spyneeYeah... Creative are pretty shitty too with regards to totally crap support for their over-priced hardware, but they're just playing the game with Microsoft that all the other primary OEMs are doing...
Microsoft creates OS that don't even attempt back-compatibility any more, while the hardware OEMs reap the benefits of everyone rushing out to buy replacement hardware for their new OS (gotta... coz it's reaaaal funky and there's even pirated BLACK versions of it out already... oops, wet meself ^^).
Yup, I know a guy that binned a 7-week old £700 Sony media system to buy the silver version for £200 more.... true.... And yes, I was into the guy's bin like a ferret up a drain-pipe.
So the IT life-cycle continues.... MS are shagging the hardware industries, the hardware industries are shagging MS and they're both fucking the consumer... a corporate dick in each ear.
Doesn't that make you feel all sorta warm?
... 'n sticky.
Mbb15 (2009-10-23)
@Metroidn1five done it
Metroidn1f (2009-10-23)
Thank you Mbb15, really appreciate it.Metroidn1f (2009-10-23)
Is this Activated already? If not, can you list ways to activate please?IWalkAlone247 (2009-10-24)
Okay....yes or no....Is this the 64-bit version or not?
That's like the one question that STILL remains unanswered...
superxyz (2009-10-24)
@ IWalkAlone247Yes, this is the 64 bit version. x86 always means 64bit, because of the 22 sectors of address space in the processor that are always ignored by the operating system, leaving 64 sectors of "usable" bits. Hope this clarifies any confusion.
PS if you want 32 bit Windows 7, you want the x10 version.
hikki_man (2009-10-24)
@Wonga46: he was being sarcastic, dude. And rightfully so, since the answer has already been answered for the noobs in previous comments, but IWalkAlone247 is too busy and important to read comments. But you ruined it, and now IWalkAlone247 got away with it.chakri04006 (2009-10-24)
what is meant by x86superxyz (2009-10-24)
x86, as already stated, means 64 bit due to the 22 unallocated sectors (or "goblin" sectors, as those who are familiar with computer processors refer to them). This is the sort of processor that all the big movie stars like John Travolta are using nowadays.However, those of us with smaller bank balances are still using the older x10 or 32 bit architecture (which I'm using right now to type this).
If you want to verify this, I found a great new site called "wikipedia" where you can just type "x86" into the search bar and find out all about it. Though you will probably be more confused after reading it than before.
superxyz (2009-10-24)
See, look at the top right where it says "bits". It says "64-bit", doesn't it?!:-)
superxyz (2009-10-24)
And for the non-believers, here are the specifications of the X10 architecture...
chakri04006 (2009-10-24)
can any one tell me what are the minimum requirements of the system to run this W 7please..........................
thanks to """"""""xioniet""""""""""
chakri04006 (2009-10-24)
thank u hentoothglasswings21 (2009-10-24)
is this thing working fine even with the automatic updates on? please tellXris22 (2009-10-24)
@hentooththe 'talky', 'geek/nerd's you're talking about bring this software to your table...
There ARE people that understand and want to know technical details... so don't just slap em away coz you're impatient to find out if it works or not....
If you really wanna know that badly, put your foot in the water and INSTALL it, instead of badmouthing in a friendly chat lane...
Sheeeeesh.... save us.
glasswings21 (2009-10-24)
Wheres the key to use during the installation or there is no need for the key during the install please help as i am about to boot this thing on my P.C thanks.blablayadayada (2009-10-24)
Wonga46, I don't know what kind of crappy program you used to burn this image, but I used Nero and burned with 8x speed and it worked FINE. Writing from inside Windows 7 as I'm typing this, downloading some updates right now :)Screenshot:
Metroidn1f (2009-10-24)
Any Keys or Specific loaders to use? Please list how to activate if needed. I know there is a lot of loaders out there already, and if you can use them on this, please list the best one.glasswings21 (2009-10-24)
Yeah even i would like help with some loaders info on the activation and how to process for the activation of this as i early mentioned i am about to switch to WINDOWS 7 from my current VISTA 64 so please let know what to and how to use the loaders or any keys to run through the process of this bootable disc.Metroidn1f (2009-10-24)
I found these keys in the bitcomet comments for this torrent, don't know if they work, but you never know they might. I also don't know if it matters what your Computer manufacturer is in order to use a product key, they don't sell specific Windows 7 Software for certain Brands of computers, I 7 ultimate - samsung - 49PB6-6BJ6Y-KHGCQ-7DDY6-TF7CD
windows 7 ultimate - lenovo - 22TKD-F8XX6-YG69F-9M66D-PMJBM
windows 7 ultimate - dell - 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
windows 7 ultimate - acer - FJGCP-4DFJD-GJY49-VJBQ7-HYRR2
IWalkAlone247 (2009-10-24)
@hikki_man....You know, if you weren't such a dick, you might actually be worth something...
I went through ALL of the comments before I made mine, and NOBODY has really established whether or not this is 64 or 32. Had they done that i would never have commented asking for genuine help....
Every comment you see saying yes it IS 64 see about 3 more saying it's 32 bit....
The one person i'm looking for an answer from has yet to answer....
So just because YOU know something about computers doesn't make the rest of us loser ass virgins who do nothing more than sit in front of a computer all day and night...
IWalkAlone247 (2009-10-24)
@ Everybody who is wondering...Listen, I'm new just like the rest of you who are confused....I JUST NOW looked it up...
x86 actually means 32 bit.....
I'm not about to get into all that technical crap that i just went over on another web site, but that's the information in a nutshell that i just found...
I hope this helps anybody who needs help on it....I just googled "what does x86 mean" and all that stuff came up....
But just for future reference, x86 means 32bit....
Hope this helps newbies like myself...
pr1nny112 (2009-10-24)
seed please!kcak47mopr (2009-10-24)
hay IWalkAlone247 x86 is for 32bit processors like intell pentuim 4 porcessers ok and by the way mbb15 you have way more leechers thin you do seeders right now useing bittorrent i am only getting 18 seeders out of (2534) dat ant to good i have no complants about your upload just the ammount of leechers hay you leechers if this is a good torrent thin dont fucking leech it seed it so the rest of us who want this dont have to fucking wait 3 weeks to fucking download itMolsieuk (2009-10-24)
O(k for all of you who are wondering what version of Windows 7 will work on your system, download and run this FREEE yes FREEEE program from Microsoft, thats right a FREEEE program from MICROSOFT, it will tell you what you need and how to install. I used it then got my Windows & off TPB and its great, here is the link
msobecki (2009-10-24)
Downloaded and installed on a Virtual machine. Installs and works OK and shows Activated. Also burned onto DVD with PowerISO and again, installs and works OK. SHows as genuine and can use Windows Update.This is 7600.16385 which is the RTM version, the version that MS signed off on to Manufacture. This is the version that the OEMs are using and what you are buying in the shops.
Check out this site for everything on getting a decent Windows7 image and activator. I downlaoded the image from here, which has the same MD4 and MD5 as the RTM image that was leaked from Microsoft (i.e.) it's a legit non virus image, and also has links to virus free activators. Plus has all the info on burnig to DVD
Hope this helps
Metroidn1f (2009-10-24)
Product Keys: Don't know if they are need though.
Metroidn1f (2009-10-24)
@msobeckiSo you are saying that there is no need for product keys nor a loader?
silver071 (2009-10-25)
why would it be the same thing as the 22october? this release was out for quite a while now.msobecki (2009-10-25)
When I installed this and did a Properties on My Computer, it showed as Activated. I didn't apply any keys or activator. But, I have used the image from the link I posted as this one is legit. Check out the link I posted.no_rookies (2009-10-25)
For those of you that have never used a BIE release before- When your done installing and you get to your desktop for the first time, IMMEDIATLY RESTART your pc. You'll be good activation wise after that, and you can begin installing driversIWalkAlone247 (2009-10-25)
@ kcak47moprThanx for clearing some of that up for me....I'm SO not good with all this technical stuff...
mozartxp (2009-10-25)
Comeon! seed:)ill seed for 7 full days at maximum speed (4,000KB/s)
nycka (2009-10-25)
mhh can anyone tell me if i need to make a partition first?And how i install this on to it then?
dazzlestar94 (2009-10-25)
I have never used a BIE release before, after you have rebooted as explained by 'no_rookies', do you need to activate? Or is it already activated? Thanks for any help.Metroidn1f (2009-10-25)
@nyckaYou don't have to make another partition if you don't want to, if you do that then you can dual your current OS and Windows 7, when you turn your computer on you will be asked what one you want to load up. If you don't make another partition you wont be able to keep your files if you don't do an upgrade, which is the top choice when it asks you how you want to install Windows 7, but if you choose the upgrade option you will keep your files, but you might be faced with driver problems meaning some drivers might now work, that is what happened to me when I first installed windows 7, I could not get my network adapter to work, but when I did a clean install everything worked fine, but I did not get to keep my documents and stuff like that, the only thing you will keep is your old windows files, which will be called Windows old in the C:\ directory. I recommend doing a clean install, (The bottom option) but you can try to do an upgrade (Top option) , and if you get problems, you can always go back to do the clean install.
Metroidn1f (2009-10-25)
@dazzlestar94In the nfo, it says it is already activated, and not serials needed, I have not tested it even thought I have already downloaded it, but I have posted some keys and link to some keys on the first page of the comments I think it is, it is somewhere before this, there is not that many pages so you can go look it out.
glasswings21 (2009-10-25)
Ok heres the deal i don't know what anybody says but this has been the perfect download for me as even now i am writing this comment from this very downloaded windows 7 and yes it works fine even booted perfectly without any problems so yeah i would suggest go for it its clean and amazing download ,,,great upload!visit_sanky (2009-10-25)
great job man....writing this from win 7...clean upgrade...when it asks for CD key, just press next..thats itmonty_m94 (2009-10-26) great...its activated alright...right now downloading updates ...Xris22 (2009-10-26)
@hentoothI'll apologise now, if anyone has taken exception that i'm just pointing out that some some folks ARE interested in specs 'n 'nerdy' stuff....
And yes... I have installed Windows 1.0 many, many times... which was in fact not an operating system then; it was a nice clean DOS GUI shell that knew it was only a program and not a monster that wanted to control your hardware system too.
I've worked in comps since the outset too. My first look at 'RAM' was 2000+ valves in the back of a truck that needed to be refridgerated to be kept cool.
Then again of course network managing and teaching it to school children, business ppl and teachers does give me a lil elbow room to talk about it some....
Again apologies if anyone is offeneded... (though I'm STILL not sure what I've done?)
Mok3l (2009-10-26)
This is RTM versionReal_Youcandownloadthis (2009-10-26)
All working full version installed this on my normal laptop... Didn't even need to restart my laptop start away at all like the other guy said. But just do it just incase. All programs installed good. Downloading BIEs 64bit later on for my desktop. Here is my Desktop SpecsCPU: Intel i7 920 (OC @ 4.0ghz stable)
GPU: GTX 275s in SLI
MB: EVGA x58 Classified (Limited Edition)
RAM: Corsair Dominator GT (16gbs)
Case: Antec 1200
Cooling: All items Watercooled (Ram has fan)
PSU: Corsair 1000watt
Do you think my computer is good enough for Windows 7 64bit? LOL!!!!!
haggisman (2009-10-26)
This does not seem to be a problem with the download but when it checks compatibilty it says uninstall Macafee which i have done using add remove programs and the Macafee MCPR removal tool. then when i run windows 7 setup again i get the same message that Macafee is stopping the installation, also it tells me to de-authorise itunes {de-authorise wtf is that}, so i uninstalled all apple software. it also does not like my logitech setpoint keyboard +mouse software although for that i updated the driver to windows 7. I really dont want to do a clean install and i'm going round in circles any help would be much appreciated...I'm already running Vista Ultimatemakav3ll1 (2009-10-26)
Attached the iso to daemon tools, now computer wont even start. HUHpr1nny112 (2009-10-26)
I cant Believe I got this To Work.You Are The Fcking Man!!!!!!!!!!!
NSX01 (2009-10-26)
Excellent release. Even dared to make it an USB flash drive install, worked great, I had a working desktop within 20 minutes!!Btw, why do you absolutly have to restart when it boots up to desktop the first time? What would happen if you won't?? I did because you guys said so.
mrunmaya47 (2009-10-27)
sorry ,is it for 32bit ???NSX01 (2009-10-27)
Yes it is for 32 bit.x86 = 32 bit
x64 = 64 bit
ganiu17 (2009-10-27)
pls seeeeeeeeeeeeeedKodiakJack (2009-10-27)
Downloaded fine, i'm just wondering can i mount the image straight to daemon tools and install that, or do i HAVE to burn it to a disk?ganiu17 (2009-10-27)
@ KodiakJack simple burn to diskKodiakJack (2009-10-27)
oK cheersKodiakJack (2009-10-27)
One last question, should I allow the update process to connect online and download updates during the installation?NSX01 (2009-10-27)
Kodiak,Not really sure on that one, I allowed it and did not encounter any problems. I am a happy 7 user now.
You could also try installing it from an USB stick if you don't want to burn a disk. I did that also and it is really fast.
foca (2009-10-27)
The DVD worked in my Dell Inspiron (but I didn't start the install) but it did not work in the PC where it was burned, that is much better (vista ultimate, 64 bits, quad, 4gb ram)... go figure.glasswings21 (2009-10-27)
Kodiak...and...NXS01, the updates have not been an issue so far been using this windows since 4 days now with no issues with all latest windows update so don't know what will happen in the future but for now its pretty safe with the latest windows 7 updates even with the auto update feature on.ganiu17 (2009-10-28)
@NSX01 pls, teach me how to install from a USB. i think is better than burning onto a CDRamenn (2009-10-28)
I turned off my internet (well, I pressed the switch that controls my wireless on my laptop) and installed it into my computer. When It asks you for the key just press next and everything should be fine. You can turn on updates and everything.mclovin9091 (2009-10-28)
Thanks for the download, 1st and foremost. However when using nero 9 to burn it stops halfway through and gives me an error, telling me to rename a couple of files.My problems are:
can't find the files in question and
if i did, would changing the names affect the install process?
Thansk for help guys
majkl (2009-10-28)
works fine on my computerKodiakJack (2009-10-28)
can't seem to get the iso file to burn to a CD, it says it has done, but whenever i load the disk, it says it's blank. this is starting to piss me offElectr0 (2009-10-28)
Downloaded, Installed, Activated (Automatically). Everything worked perfectly. Kudos to Mbb15 :)oifdg (2009-10-28)
where do i get the key at?cj737271 (2009-10-28)
UPDATE: for everyone asking if anything happens using window of 10/28, if you install all available updates after installing this, it switches your "windows is activated" to a countdown of 30 days. If you attempt to activate over the internet it then tells you that your product key is invalid.During my install I didn't enter any product key, I just clicked next. I also rebooted immediately after getting to the desktop.
There is no warning or message informing you that it has changed from activated to a countdown, you just have to check.
owenh (2009-10-28)
i need to know will it delet anything on my pc? plze respon quicklypr1nny112 (2009-10-29)
No it won't delete, anything but i suggest you back up your hard drive firstNaughtyPluto374 (2009-10-29)
Will I lose any of my programs or files if I'm switching from XP to 7?NaughtyPluto374 (2009-10-29)
Nevermind.haggisman (2009-10-29)
Done a clean install and it works, although i have to make sure that i log off before shut down or come the next boot it wont load desktop icons and task bar just a pretty picture and gadgets. If anyone finds it hungs at 65% its a bug with Win 7 and not this particular download.Here is the fix
I think the prob is only with Vista upgrades and does not affect XP or clean installs, but do it anyway before you start and save some aggro.
Thanks Mbb15
Kev0069 (2009-10-29)
Booting a Windows 7 Installation from a USB Drive (Tutorial)
hikki_man (2009-10-29)
@Ahoy_Metis: You installed this alongside another OS and now you're dual booting? Awesomeness. What's the other OS and how did you do that using this torrent?Rockaholic94 (2009-10-29)
Ok so after downloading this and loading it to my flash drive I'm going to get the same installation as if I were to buy it from the store right? And if I do a clean installation and not an uprgade every on my computer will be deleted but will I still have core windows utilities? And will I have to do anything to cover up the face that I torrented this?glasswings21 (2009-10-30)
Can anybody confirm any future harmful updates not to install? i mean so far its so good with the updates but anything in future not to install is there something specific to avoid?Arsonxx77 (2009-11-01)
Hmmm so I burn the iso to a disk, but it's not letting me boot up with it. I'm using "Free Easy Burner".Should I use something else like Daemon?KidA91827 (2009-11-01)
Just letting you guys know that this is perfect along with the operating system. +1 to you.NSX01 (2009-11-01)
Does BIE have some sort of site or forum?haggisman (2009-11-01)
Ok My last comment on this.After installing this a few days ago it has been up and running well, and nae probs.
Any problems i had installing it were of my own making caused through tech ignorance and just being a numpty[definition of numpty RE-Scots Dictionary}.
After shelling out money for Vista ultimate only 2 years ago i felt that M/soft had conned me, so now i have redressed this and just for good measure also downloaded from Mbb15 Office 2010 to fuck them twice over.
Just to repeat my earlier tip>> If anyone finds it hangs at 65% during intall its a bug with Win 7 and not this particular download.
Here is the fix
To sum up i recommend this upload and have put Mbb15 of my Xmas list of uploaders Thanx M8, and thanks to all the wonderful Buccaneers at The Pirate Bay....SEED THE WORLD
Cabin Boy haggis
NSX01 (2009-11-01)
@haggisman:I could not have put it better myself. They screwed me with their Vista POS. I paid my license for an OS to them already. Now they come up with something good and I have to pay them again, I don't think so. They should be giving this out for free to all of us who suffered from Vista.
orchan0660 (2009-11-01)
Hey, I have a problem with the installation, everything goes fine until it restarts and does not go he is stuck on black screen. I have the same problem with windows vista as he starts again and there is a black screen with the text: WINDOWS VISTA LOADER 2.1.2 ACPIWait 15 minutes then comes black screen, I do not know what to do. I think I have problems with hardware because there is no longer light flashes when a black screen, who can help me?
wazz62 (2009-11-02)
Installed onto my Compaq Evo N610c with no problems. I read the comments clicked on next when asked for the key and restarted immediately when it reached the desktop. In the control panel - system it says 30 days for activation, is their any solutions please.tonyk123 (2009-11-03)
used kill disk & a clean install, works great....Thank youwazz62 (2009-11-03)
I used timernuke to disable the 30 day countdown which mean your system details will show activation and product ID not available. It should now carry on without ever being activated, i am just testing it at the moment and i will give any feeback. It is running fine and seems to be taking updates.illiteratematt (2009-11-03)
just wondering if anyone else has their torrent hanging at 99.8% and if there is anything i can do to resolve this problem. It keeps reaching 0s left then jumps back to 4min59sec remaining. this hasnt happened to me before any suggestions?funkycold (2009-11-04)
So I just got done installing this on my Dell Inspiron 8500 with NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER! I was even able to install a couple of XP drivers (network, modem) and they worked! So far this is the sweetest download ever!Nish_88 (2009-11-05)
Can you guy's tell me how much time it will take approximatly 2 download this thing? How much time did you guy's take 2 download dis application??directorX (2009-11-05)
I have a problem when instaling on my acer laptop with Vista Ultimate, when I have finished the instalation and the computer restarts for the last time before I am suppose go to the desktop for the first time the screen turns black. I tried two different downloads and the same ting happend with bouth versions. Before I instaled it i made a primary partition, 20gig and formated it with NTFS and booted from dvd. I am running dual boot.To go back to Vista again I need to start the windows 7 instalation to get to the boot menu, and I now have many windows 7`s in the boot menu, how can I remove them?
Can anyone help me instal win7 and remove all the win7 on the boot menu.
tarx1000 (2009-11-05)
@directorXTo edit the boot menu google Vlite
directorX (2009-11-05)
I found out how to remove the all the boot options: Type msconfig in the search field in Vista choose the boot tab and delete the once you dont need.About the problems with instalin win7 I think it might have to do with the hidden partition called PQSERVICES on acer computers. But I am not sure if its safe to delete it. Will I then be able to boot from DVD?
disturbance1201 (2009-11-06)
Works perfect, at the point of installation. It came with 'Please insert you serial code' at this point, i kinda thought damn.. Isnt going to work but then i clicked next and Wooo!Its all working perfectly thanks to Mbb15.
Thanks soo much...
gemmo44 (2009-11-06)
What can i say thx million buddy after i struggle 2 days on utube bloddy download parts and have problem to extract them keep getting errors after burn 3 dvd finally got the succes with your torrent^-^ keep up the good work brovardman (2009-11-07)
Can you do an upgrade with this version?I have vista ultimate 64.
wazz62 (2009-11-08)
Thankyou very much Mbb15 working as smooth as silk and now activated.super_js (2009-11-08)
Can anyone tell me how to cancel the automatic activation as I have a key and this download.Thanks
NekoMaster (2009-11-08)
Could someone please help me.I'm pretty good with computers (I built all our computers) but recently a boot manger I installed screwed up so I lost windows. so i installed Linux Ubuntu (9.04) and downloaded this (Windows 7)
I burned it to a DVD on the slowest setting I could and then tried booting from it, it didn't work, the computer completely ignores it, even when just the DVD Drive is the only boot device in BIOS
I also tried opening the iso with winrar and it said that the archive was a unknowen format or damaged, what do I do!? O-O
EvilEmpireII (2009-11-08)
NekoMasterDid you burn the app as an iso. Big difference if you just plain burned it
jomsjoms (2009-11-09)
Can i install this pirated Windows 7 on a new Macbook Pro OSX using VMWARE? Has anyone tried it?loader82 (2009-11-09)
Just to make sure guys, x86 means 32-bit right? And can i upgrade it from vista home premium?cmdrhlm (2009-11-09)
It works. I've never had so few problems installing a Microsoft OS before. No need for serial (when a cmd windows appears during installation, just press enter), no activation (just check the "activate when online" during installation).Beautiful.
Noir2009 (2009-11-10)
Hi All,Would greatly appreciate some direction. Have download unrar'd fine. Burnt using DiscJuggler (that reported invalid long file names) and then Nero twice (seemingly fine, as burn successful).
However coming to boot, the DVD does not at all. Please could someone advise how and what they used to burn?
I've read a number of comments re activation, and then what appear to be problems following updates, is this so?
Many thanks!
haguey2009 (2009-11-10)
Hi, I used roxio image burner, it worked straight away for meShodan561 (2009-11-11)
Hello, im a noob but just to be certain. is it possible to install this to a bare hard drive and if so could someone tell me how? thanks alotdrsmitty1 (2009-11-12)
Fantastic download!! Works like a charm!! Thanks for the upload Mbb15!!princess.nikki (2009-11-13)
haven't tesed it yet, but i'll leave it on max seed for a few days for ya'llprincess.nikki (2009-11-13)
*typing fail= tested
torrentbandit2 (2009-11-13)
How come Microsoft haven?t blocked this serial number/key yet?Seems very strange
raynanj (2009-11-13)
Thanx 4 the download, works fine.free2bt4uok (2009-11-13)
this torrent is the beta in march of 2010 it will stop working it will shut down your pc every 2 hours untill the beta trial has ended so if you have this on your pc your screwed and if you think its legit call microsoft for support and they will tell you you have a pirated osE-uphoriaaa (2009-11-14)
how do you know that?safayth1993 (2009-11-14)
yow man thanks 4 this torrent it worked gr8 and that (E-uphoriaaa) is talkin bull shit so ppl carry on dwnldin this torrent.SAFE MAN
danieladam (2009-11-14)
This is a piece of shit download.i downloaded it burnt it that part was ok .went to install it it crashed my pc twice.I have never got this bad of a download here .thank you to the uploaderwazz62 (2009-11-14)
Just confirm this is a OEM final version and not a beta edition as commented! If this was a beta it would show a expiry date in the about Windows information dialog box.psychoplast (2009-11-15)
Hey guys, this install definitely worked great on my SONY VAIO laptop. However, I tried installing on my ACER and after the product key was installed and my laptop restarted, I get a black screen right before boot screen is supposed to appear. Any suggestions?D:cyberdudeX (2009-11-15)
@psychoplast: re-install, maybe?hope this final version works fine in my Compaq.
thanks Mbb15!
psychoplast (2009-11-15)
None of my boot CDs are working, it seemslike there is nothing i can do except go into my BIOScyberdudeX (2009-11-16)
awesome 7! no viruses detected by kaspersky av 7 updated 11/16/2009 1:36:53 PM.;))
torrentbandit2 (2009-11-16)
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of WINDOWS 7 HOME PREMIUM ?OEM? ?I?ve got a key for it but I need a OEM copy and all the torrents I?ve found so far have had RTM in the title :-(
sleepy_bone (2009-11-17)
I have tested this and it works good but Windows 7 SUCKS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Thx Anywayorjamies (2009-11-17)
Hey this works a treat! Only prob is when I start-up no desktop icons appear... At all... Only the recycle bin. Will try a re-install to see if it fixes the problem, otherwise will try wiping the o'l disk and starting fresh as a spring wind in Northern Uppsala!Thanks Mick for the upload
Takk så mychet fär det!
Kiitos Herra Micksta!
bu11shi7 (2009-11-18)
does this work with boot camp, and can sumoone give me step by step iinstructions. I tried burning it to a dvd+r disk,but my computer just ejects it even when i try to use boot campTechnoDude94 (2009-11-18)
Thanks man.I installed this on 4 PCs (1 Mac through BootCamp) and they're all working flawlessly! I even downloaded the Home Premium version of Windows 7 but since I had Ultimate (it was the way to go). It was a very fast download.
kumbo (2009-11-20)
What the fuck is this? .8 kbps? What bullshit speed is this?TechnoDude94 (2009-11-21)
May I know what "Build" is this?Thanks in advance, your reply is greatly appreciated.
cyberdudeX (2009-11-21)
installed in my Compaq! works fine today!thanks Mbb15!
serbgang (2009-11-22)
do i need to activate this windows 7 with 7loader or some other program ???racvin (2009-11-23)
downloaded it and had installed for quite a couple of days,but now detected it is not genuine...>.Kasirockz (2009-11-25)
Can't wait to try Windows 7ikasana (2009-11-25)
hi,im using this os right now w/ updates turned off.. just wanna know if this one will allow me to download updates w/out being detected as 'not genuine'
chippy52 (2009-11-27)
orjamiesTo enable desktop icons go to
> control panel
> Appearance & Personalisation
> Personalisation
In the left hand sidebar you will see a heading change desktop icons. Enjoy
Darkwolf_1982 (2009-11-27)
Sorry but this torrent is hit and miss.I read here that people got it working yet I get a serious error right at the beginning that some file seems to be missing.
This happens both in the current OS where I run it from or when I boot from the DVD and try the installation that way.
So there goes a long time of waiting, a burned DVD and the hopes of a ladyfriend, who was really looking forward to Windows 7 this weekend.
Thanks a lot...
winobie (2009-11-27)
Got it working on Macbook with parallels 5. First time it failed and wouldn't boot but reinstalled and it works well so far, nice OS.CaliGamer (2009-11-28)
just to make sure this is 32bit right?cyberdudeX (2009-11-28)
CaliGamer: it isKILBYDETH (2009-11-30)
psychoplastsame thing on my acer!no good on acer i guess
hirash007143 (2009-12-01)
I have been using it for 2 months now it says it is not genuine activate windowswazz62 (2009-12-01)
If you download the Microsoft Genuine Advantage Software programme or if you download it accidenally then it will detect Windows 7 is not genuine. This is genuine copy in a sence it is that the key isn't.Jackson.Pa (2009-12-02)
@EVERYONE!!!for anyone who wants to download this, and doesnt have any disks to put it on ?_? lol like i didnt, all you have to do is download winrar, then download your windows 7 .iso file, then right click the file and open with winrar, this shows you the contents of the .iso, now copy then contents into a folder on its own, now all you have to do is run the setup in the folder, and VOILA you can begin the setup as if you burnt it to a disc, i done this on my computer and laptop, works perfectly :D
vin9990 (2009-12-02)
This is counting days like 31-20-29-8 days left for activation.what will happen after that anyone knows.
Jackson.Pa (2009-12-02)
@ vin9990use this
it will remove the activation, and the timer
vin9990 (2009-12-02)
^^ thank you!koontz1 (2009-12-03)
Works perfectly on my Dell laptop which previously had XP Home SP2 on it.Used ImgBurn on 1x speed to put the ISO onto disc, booted fine, no need to put in a product key just press next, no messages about activation or 30 days left etc
Jackson.Pa (2009-12-03)
THIS IS FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT THIS DOWNLOAD BUT DONT HAVE ANY DISCS, ITS A REALLY EASY METHOD, AND WORKS PERFECTLY.- Download the file (make sure you have winrar, if not download it from*)
- Right click the windows 7 .iso file and then open with WinRAR, this shows the contents of the disc.
- You can just run the setup.exe file from winrar but if you want it in a file then just create a folder and extract it all into that folder
- There will be a bunch of files and at the very bottom there should be a setup.exe
- Click on the setup.exe this should begin your windows 7 Ultimate setup.
- Go through all of the setup, and when you get to the Activation part and it asks you for a serial key, just leave it blank and click next.
- After it has finished downloading windows 7 will be up and running, however not activated.
- Download this file
^^ that is the latest
Jackson.Pa (2009-12-03)
That will activate your windows 7 and make it genuine, removing the 30 day trial crap, i prefer to run this whilst disconnected to the internet.and there you have it, a genuine, activated windows 7 without burning it to a disc, i hope this helped.
smegel1985 (2009-12-03)
I'm using it now and its fine and very good .kpr94 (2009-12-05)
hey what are you guys using for anti virus? jw cuz this doesn't come with any so ya... good torrent btwMacEnstein (2009-12-06)
MacEnstein (2009-12-06)
Nice Up Thanks.To Burn on Mac w/ toast
right click on .iso file (open with toaast)
click disk copy (do not mount)
insert DVD+r-r
click burn (use slow speed) Verify after
Boom Veal Parm ! Win 7.
Use slow X2 or X4 because it's a windows iso.
Baz2017 (2009-12-08)
I am tempted to update from Vista to Win7, but afraid if once I've installed it Microsoft will be able to detect and deactivate it?Wanting to do this on my laptop; I've backed up my files on a USB memory stick though.
Please guide me..
hirash007143 (2009-12-08)
Baz2017Go ahead and upgrade ur OS and dont forget to restart ur pc after installation on the first sight of desktop. I had some problems on detection of pirated software but it fixed automatically
Jackson.Pa (2009-12-08)
also baz, if you choose a certain option it will keep your files the way they were :) cant remember what option thoughBaz2017 (2009-12-08)
I installed it and it's working totally fine! :) Although I was bit afraid to go ahead, but then I opted for windows updates and had no problems with that. No issues from Microsoft, thankfully.Thanks Hirash & Jackson for your suggestion, but I'm seening them just now. And big thanks to Mbb15 for sharing this wonderful torrent with us.
One more thing: does anyone know where can I find a compatiable to Win7 driver, for Huawei smartAx X MT882 modem?
HHBuster (2009-12-09)
IS THIS UPGRADE???????????????HHBuster (2009-12-09)
OR VAN U UPGRADE WITH NORMAL ONE???zudeus (2009-12-11)
can someone guid me on how to install this coz im a bit stuckHHBuster (2009-12-11)
Hi, its HHB umm...I need help on this... when I get to the end it says that the upgrade was unsecssesful and it is resoring files... Any help?
bicbic999 (2009-12-12)
if your computer can take it, dont get this, get the x64 edition instead, its way faster. and yes this stuff works, just install it then after everything, install the crack before you connect to the net and your good to goVol4 (2009-12-14)
Nice Work Mbb15 it's working perfect and registration works 2 TY SO MUCHestell (2009-12-14)
Thanks!And yes I'll seed
ad35226 (2009-12-14)
Im downloading right now, but I'm wondering what the "BIE" Means.scr13 (2009-12-15)
AGGGGGGGGGGH im so pisssssedThe downloads fine it works goes in no problem used a key found in the comments thanks for the upload Mbb15
My problem is with my pc (Nothing to do with this torrent as its happened with vista also)
after installing I cannot restart my computer or it goes into an endless boot cycle
starts up, makes the stupid beep sound then comes up the usual screen verrifying pool data .... successful then the screen goes black and it does it all over to the point that beep noise is driving me crazy just wondered if anyone else has had a similar situation and can help me: email [email protected] thanks
ad35226 (2009-12-15)
@scr13When you start your computer, repeatedly press F8 Until you see a screen that says, "repair your computer, safe mode, etc." Select Repair my Computer and hit enter. Wait for it to load and Then Select Look/Search for startup problems. It should get fixed.
AnonymouseK (2009-12-17)
Please seed!kabilan (2009-12-20)
very very good work ya it work nicelybut i want key
please anyone give product key
Immorta (2009-12-20)
QUESTION:I dual booted this on my mac pro, with boot camp,
when i got to the instal to partiton, i clicked the one that said (bootcamp) and it i recieved an error telling me it was the wrong FATS type. once i formattedthe partition it became fine.
now my question is, does any one else with similar setup have problems hearing sounds with windows 7? i cant hear anthing...
kalabandor (2009-12-21)
Hi ppl. Is it possible to install windows updates ?turismo444 (2009-12-22)
my pc is german but when i start the setup menueverything in the setup is english!
will this be anytime german? cause i read that ultimate have all languages!
KeygenDJF (2009-12-23)
DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS TORRENT.No there's no virus but after two or three months or so windows found out that it isn't genuine. I can't get any updates or anything!!!!!
DarkDevil82 (2009-12-24)
Ive got this running on 2 pc's (1 desktop and 1 Acer laptop) without any problems whatsoever.Works perfect can do windows updates etc! However Ive got another laptop wich fails to have this activated. Installed it several times, but it still says it should be activated in 30 days.
Its a Compaq nx5000 and I have no clue what the problem could be. Somehow this is the only pc wich keeps refusing the activation :( (formatted everything, deleted partitions and made new ones again and formatted afterwords.)
I have no clue where the problem lies...
Anyone know why this happens to particular pc's?
thx in advance.
p.s. I tried using the activator posted earlier in the comments, unfortunately it didnt work either :(
skinneyb (2009-12-27)
hi all have dell Dell Dimension E520 and are having problems activating windows 7 any idears would be great thanksklpps (2009-12-31)
i've tried imgburn, active burn, and some other programs. when burning complete, no data shows up as being on the dvd... any suggestions?klpps (2009-12-31)
@klppsi'm stupid. nm.
GTAmodfan (2009-12-31)
qwer787 (2010-01-03)
I tried to make a BOOtable USB by ( Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool ) and it didn't work :( :(it says ( the selected file is not a valid ISO ) i dont know wht to do cuz i have no dvd :((((
plz someone helppppp !!!!!!!!!!
Omagshi (2010-01-04)
ty for the ul. will be upgrading when this is done.glenn2203 (2010-01-04)
Thanks mate worked great..just burned iso to disc.
Launched it.
Followed setup and thats it.
No problems..
glenn2203 (2010-01-04)
message to qwer787.all you have to do is buy a
DVD you cheap cunt
qwer787 (2010-01-05)
To glenn2203really i dont kno without ur great intelligent wht i would have to do ??!!!
go fcuk ur self motherfcuker
counterstrike869 (2010-01-09)
how u boot this up from? do u boot this from my computer with on home screen or shutting off having dvd in booting from romargo142 (2010-01-09)
thx worked fine for mebut can i update to with this1?
uberbiker (2010-01-09)
Does anyone know why this and nearly every copy of Win7 that is hacktivated works great on Mac in Parallels but won't start up in Boot Camp? They all hang at start up with a blinking cursor or can't find the bootmgr if you use a loader... Again they work great and are activated in VMware. Games just play better in boot camp. Anyone?Mik3CT (2010-01-11)
Wouldn't Microsoft be able to detect us all using the same software and deactivate it for us?Not implying that they WILL, but I've never pirated a OS before and a little skeptic. But can they?
kabilan (2010-01-13)
how to activate this please tell any oneBaz2017 (2010-01-20)
Please seeddd it! SEED!Thanks :)
Wayne94 (2010-01-21)
downloading this now, i can burn it on DVD on any speed right?Wayne94 (2010-01-21)
gonna install this on a DELL E520 desktop with 2.66Ghz Pentium D. with 8600GT, i wonder if it'll be okay? plz reply ^^ thanks,Baz2017 (2010-01-21)
I just installed it without any problems. Big thanks to Mbb!I'll just write few notes which may help others' Qs.
Yes, you can Update your machine like you normally would. No updating issues. During installation it asked if it could find/activate or something similar the key itself, and I opt for Yes, and I didn't have to Activate the Windows at all! (Cool, eh?!)
- I downloaded the ISO file like we normally do.
- I tried to burn it to a DVD using PowerISO but it said it wasn't the right type of ISO. (It was little worrying at that stage.)
- Then it just sprang to my mind why not use WinRAR.
- Then, I used Open With option and explored the ISO file.
- Doubled clicked on the Setup (.exe) file, it took about 7,9 mins to extract the files.
- That window came up asking if I wanted to Install Windows..
THANK YOU Mbb15! (Y)
And yes I am Seeding. Everyone, please do seed at least 1:1. Thanks.
- - - - -
- - - - -
I would like to hear how someone successfully burned this downloaded file to make a bootable DVD. Please share with us if you do know.
Wayne94 (2010-01-21)
To Baz2017, I would love to chat with you, add me in msn/live messenger if you have one, or leave a message here... [email protected]remember, it's a co and not com :) I'm gonna burn it on a DVD soon. 2 more hours b4 finishing but I have to go and sleep now, school's tomorrow and I'll be able to install about 12:30 hours after the time this message is posted :D
marioplayer (2010-01-21)
To Baz2017how did you get it to install like that wouldnt it delete it when you go to install win7?
Baz2017 (2010-01-22)
@ Wayne94: Good luck. You might be luckier than me and get that one working, so let us know how you burnt it on DVD. Okay!? :)@ marioplayer: You can Copy the downloaded file to a drive other than C, e.g. partition D if you have more than one partitions, or simply copy the ISO file to your USB stick and use WinRAR to Open it. Let's know if you have any problems.
marioplayer (2010-01-22)
well i have only one partition on my HD and the only flash driver i yhave is my 4gig mp3 any help would be nice.and no i cant get my hands on a dvd till feb wich sux.
Wayne94 (2010-01-22)
Ok baz, installing it now. I mean, burning it now. I guess i'll have to burn it at 4x or 2x huh? I wonder if Nero has the option for burn speed..Wayne94 (2010-01-25)
Dell E520
1.5GB DDR2 533mhz RAM
Pentium D 805 2.66ghz
Geforce 8600GT 256mb
works like a CHARM. Been using it for a few days without any problems, can download updates too.
Wayne94 (2010-01-28)
Hey guys i'm back, sorry for not posting this earlier but I wanted to test it out first to see if it's harmless or not, I don't wanna screw other people's pc. Anyway, to everyone who's having problem activating, use this loader, don't use others, I tried 2 loaders before I found this one, my PC couldn't load even after system restore, seems like my Local Disk C drive got compressed instead, had to use win7 disc to fix that, luckily I found a working activator. Use this link, been using it for 3 days, no problem, just click install, basically..
Wayne Cheah.
Leonard82 (2010-01-29)
i get error"windows\system32\winload.exe"
anyone know how to fix the problem ?
ppers (2010-01-31)
hibadasfck (2010-02-01)
Here is a free windows 7 ultimate retail license key.Windows 7 ultimate license key:
If you want another you can email me at [email protected] and i may be nice enough to give you one.
VsEarth (2010-02-08)
Wayne94 do you have to burn the loader onto the dvd with win7? Otherwise how can you access it after you wiped your old OS? thanks sir.hannibal0 (2010-02-09)
OEM is the manufactures OS Disc so you cant buy this in a shop, so which is it OEM or Retail???????VsEarth (2010-02-09)
How do make this a boot cd with NERO or POWERISO, when i try it says application not found, i already went through all 11 pages of comments a few times.VsEarth (2010-02-09)
OK got it to works as boot burn as boot disk:
right click original bie786 iso
pick open with nero burning rom
should open burn DVD image
pick 4x speed and burn.
to run from iso file:
right click open with winrar,
double-click setup.exe
extraction takes place,
then the win 7 install now
should appear.
VsEarth (2010-02-09)
for some reason you couldn't mount the iso (probably cause its compressed) After extracting the whole iso onto hard drive the setup wouldnt work. The only way i got it to work is from the post I made above, I've been doing this crap for over a decade and this one was a subtly annoying, but I'm glad there's people out there like Mbb15.chuckmamuck (2010-02-12) can buy OEM versions, look at any online IT retailers website, they sell OEM and reatail. OEM versions are always quite alot cheaper.
theres no real difference in the OS, you just get an OEM key instead of a retail and the OS might be branded with the OEM's logo and have their promo programs installed like you get on any pre manufactured pc. the OEM os is just the same as that installed on an Acer, Compaq or HP computer.
hannibal0 (2010-02-13)
CHUCKMAMUCKOk agreed :-) so lets say i have a Acer branded pc with an OA key- could i install a OEM dvd that is not branded, what mean by that by using a retail disc an edit the c.cfg file-channel-retail- and change this to OEM. and my OA key will work???
ph0n1ca (2010-02-14)
HEY SOMEONE PLEASEE HELP!!!I tried to install this about 5 times..
1) I burnt the image onto a dvd.. began installation.. evertyhing goes great.. enter new usenrame password.. all that.. key screen comes in .. i click next.. it says it accepts the key..
it restarts.. and goes to SYSTEM RECOVERY OPTIONS (i have an emachines) and i tried and tried and theres noooo way i can get access to vista.. so from there i have to do a complete restore process which brings my computer back to WINDOWS VISTA
2) same thing as 1
3) ran from mounted image...
and the same thing happened as 1
4) burned a NEW dvd of this iso
same thing happend as 1
I have no idea what to do! I have no idea why it works for u guys and not for me? Is it cuz i have an effin EMACHINES! i fucking hate emachines!! this happened when i tried to install a certain version of vista b4 too.. i have an xp disk, and a vista lite disc.. those work.. but windows 7.. and windows home premium.. oh no it does the "system recovery options" CRAP!
someone please help me im so frustrated and have not slept in 24 hours lol please help me pleaseeeeeeeeee thanks love ya
ph0n1ca (2010-02-14)
SORRYwhen i said "THENN
it restarts.. and goes to SYSTEM RECOVERY OPTIONS (i have an emachines) and i tried and tried and theres noooo way i can get access to vista.."
I MEANT: theres no way i can get access to windows 7.. please help u guys
AA82890 (2010-02-24)
hey, so i installed successfully from my USB hard drive.what i'm wondering now is whether this copy of windows is going to pass or fail the new Windows Update KB971033? can anybody help me out with this question before i decide whether or not to install the update? thanks so much guys.
mustbeaj (2010-02-26)
Hi I was wondering that as well. Did you find out? I have the original one that came out, and I want to be able to update. Please let me knowThanks
mustbeaj (2010-02-26)
Oh and by the way. all of you having that problem about bootin up into recovery. the recovery partition in vista doesnt know what windows 7 is since it was made before it. so i thinks something is wrong with the boot. you either need to boot up with gparted or delete the partition.Stormfish (2010-02-26)
Don't worry about Windows (KB71033) update its not required.Just don't download it and you will be fine.mustbeaj (2010-02-26)
yes but i would like to download it. has anyone tested this out??lauoga (2010-02-27)
hello guys am still downloading but in a low internet zone that sacks, plizseed.seed.......................................seed
lauoga (2010-02-27)
Have you guys all tested this software against the March 2010 dateline which Microsoft says all windows 7 ultimate versions will start to reboot every after 2hours. since am seeing in the old version that i have 2days left yet i had activated it.lauoga (2010-03-01)
i have been seeding for the last 96hrs guys ....good to go for me....AA82890 (2010-03-03)
ok so i downloaded/installed the KB971033. it will definitely call you out for having a copy of Windows that isn't genuine. it'll turn your desktop black and will pop up messages bitching about how your copy isn't genuine was a pain in the ass until i downloaded the fix from here:
it kicked the stupid update's ass, i got my desktop back, and it completely stfu about my windows not being genuine.
so either refrain from downloading that update, or if you do, then download that fix.
VsEarth (2010-04-06)
I used hazar 2.1 and it worked for like 2 months now i get the genuine copy nag when i open like notepad and stuff so i tried hazar 2.2 and it did nothing any suggestions?Warlock_Anubis (2010-05-07)
Just finished downloading, awesome speed 500kbps+ thanks all, will try now and commentfreeluvin (2010-06-27)
Works a treat ...... Many Thanks Mbb15redguitar (2010-06-28)
Can anyone tell me how to use this on a Mac? I tried Parallels but it tells me can't boot from Main Drive IDE or something like that. Please help?Toastedmick (2010-07-05)
Hey guys.I downloaded this torrent and it installs fine. The only problem is that I can't get updates. When it searches for updates I get "Windows update encountered an unknown error. Code 80072EE2"
I've googled and tried the suggested fixes, but still not working. Two different computers, same problem. Any ideas?
Raytowner (2010-10-04)
can i upgrade from vista with this?Fujirich (2010-10-11)
PLEASE READ THIS!!!Update KB971033 is a Microsoft tool to try and weed out non-genuine copies of Windows, DO NOT INSTALL THIS UPDATE!
If you right-click on the update and select the "Hide update" option then all should be good and you can go ahead an install the other updates.
I-RaZorWre-I (2010-10-26)
Carefull guys, Try not to install Windows Live essential 2011 or Windows will become not genuine! I had to learn this the hard way.NexisX (2010-12-10)
@AA82890 You mean that one update that is not selected by default? I don't remember its name. But if that's what your referring to then no this will not pass it. It will pass everything else except that.NexisX (2010-12-10)
Otherwise folks this torrent is good.
Dazor2515New (2011-02-17)
Can I Patch This Myself 1st With Either Of These Torrents: Windows 7 Loader v1.7.9 Or RemoveWAT v2.2.5.2 By Hazar Which Are Both Found On Here (TPB) Before Burning Or Mounting The Bie786.Iso Thanks Ps. If Not Clear Enough I Mean Can I Download This Torrent Then Extract Out All Of The Files From The Bie786.Iso With Power Iso + Then Add The Patch (BTW Which Is Best V1.79 Or + Then Repack The Bie786.Iso Ready To Burn Or Will I Have To Install Win 7 To HD Then Patch It ? Anyway Thanks In Advance DazPolaris310 (2011-03-19)
I'm new to all this but I do have a program the DISABLES the new Windows Update KB971033 and activates Windows 7 and Vista. I'll try to post itsjono10 (2011-04-02)
Is this the rc version or full version? Coz I dont want to download it only to find it restarts every 2 hours. Also, if i want the Windows 7 ActivatorRemoveWAT v2.1 by Hazar how do i include this in the disc without mucking up the installation?