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FSX Aerosoft PBY Catalina X Revolutionary
FSX Aerosoft PBY Catalina X Revolutionary
2010-05-23 (by Muckypup9)
Well, it is a very rare bird guys , and seems pretty good share on my mind :) This bird is not too easy handling but one of the most detailed flying boat what I have ever seen. So, to nose snivelins and to drop your's teeth, let's try it, fly it and enjoy it. :)
The PBY Catalina is without a doubt one of the most famous flying boats ever build. After its first flight in 1935 it quickly transformed into the PBY-5A amphibian model that is best known. Despite its strange shape that is rather organic it became a true work horse of many air forces and navies and kept patrolling the oceans for decades.
It had many roles, search and rescue, any shipping or anti submarine patrols or long range reconnaissance. To this day the Catalina is well known to millions and a guest of honor at many air shows.
Models, sound and flight behavior
* 11 different models based on the PBY-5, PBY 5A and PBY-6A
* Different flight behavior for all different models that are checked with all available data and by current Catalina pilots. Now this is said a lot for FS add-on aircraft, but one Catalina operator is actually using this product for simple training in the winter when most Catalina's are hangar queens.
* Impressive and powerful sound set, you actually will be able to tune the engines using your ears.
* Aerosoft Sound Module that adds sound to switches, controls and events. From hydraulic pumps to the sound of the engines problems, this creates a far more immersive environment.
* Two different cockpits, one typical for the 1940s and 1950s and one as many Catalina's are flown today (with modern radio and GPS equipment).
* Cowl flaps, floats and landing gear has better simulation of influence on drag by use of additional coding
* More realistic water operation by use of additional coding.
* Manual (400+ pages) in two parts, includes full actual operational manual of one of the few PBY-5A's flying at this moment.
Gauges and instruments
* All instruments done in full 3d.
* Highly realistic Bendix King radio stack (feel free to download the real manuals and use those!)
* Highly realistic and complex Bendix King KLN-90B GPS receiver
* Realistic simulation of the Sperry A-3A (Jack & Heinz) Autopilot for the vintage model.
* The newly developed Interactive Checklist helps you to prevent problems by showing the correct settings with red or green checkmarks. It even includes sound effects and allows you to configure the aircraft for take-off or for a complete dead and cold setup.
Added realism (non standard FSX simulations)
* Non standard and far more realistic calculations of engine temperatures, taking cowflap position, ambient air temperature, fuel/air mixtures setting, airspeed and engine heat generation into account.
* Accurate electrical load and hydraulic pressures calculations.
* Realistic cold engine startup, requiring use of engine primers and fuel boosters.
* Realistic auto mixture that controls auto rich and auto lean.
* Realistic carburettor icing that takes moisture and carburettor air temperature into account.
* Structural icing that will accumulate ice on the structure, adding weight until the aircraft becomes unflyable.
* Non standard engine failure module that includes sparkplug fouling, damage caused by excessive cylinder head or oil temperature, shock cooling and more.
* Power reduction due to excessive carburettor air temperature.
This bird is the Version.100, complete with the update pack to V.110
For those, whom never seen before Aerosoft crack. :)
If you have trouble about install:
1. go to C:Documents and SettingsUsernameLocal SettingsTemp
2. start the installer
3. select a language
4. go back to the 'Temp' folder. two new directories will have been created.
5. look for the the ascrypt.dll in one of them.
6. copy the 'ascrypt.dll' from the torrent's folder to that folder you just opened, overwriting the original file.
7. now proceed with the installer and leave all the registration fields open.
8. You needed to do this procedure again when you install the update file.
Files count:
479.85 Mb
Muckypup9 (2010-05-24)
I have seen this plane on wickedfriends now.. How interest, it have beeen uploaded there at yesterday. I hate all sites, where need to pay for WAREZ! They're so shitfaces as wos.. Members of this communities are shit eaters. Suck me off wos & wf. I hope you die soon.xXx-_-xXx (2010-05-24)
Muckypup9_hey, your not the only one ho has thoes desires.
dessoy (2010-05-24)
no serial ? no crack ?Muckypup9 (2010-05-24)
dessoy, have you found not the ascrypt.dll? That't s the crack dude.. :)Jimstalk (2010-05-24)
LOOK AT THAT!!!!!!THE FIRST CS 707 pics have been released:
DCrack nice payware to crack huh????.....prepare yourself :)
Jimstalk (2010-05-24)
The cockpit wont be like that.This is just a preview so imagine the how will the cockpit be.................A W E S O M E !!!! ! !! !!
Muckypup9 (2010-05-25)
Jimstalk, Wow, it seems pretty nice..Johnny525 (2010-05-25)
Great upload!! What's the Serial Number??Muckypup9 (2010-05-25)
Johnny525, don't need serial, there's the ascrypt.dll, apply it!dessoy (2010-05-26)
Muckypup9you must e-mail adn serial to install
which e-mail and serial use?
dessoy (2010-05-26)
Muckypup9has three files in the package:
no readme.txt file
Muckypup9 (2010-05-26)
Yes, it's my fault, I have thought everybody know this.. But here:If you have trouble about install:
1. go to C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp
2. start the installer
3. select a language
4. go back to the 'Temp' folder. two new directories will have been created.
5. look for the the ascrypt.dll in one of them.
6. copy the 'ascrypt.dll' from the torrent's folder to that folder you just opened, overwriting the original file.
7. now proceed with the installer and leave all the registration fields open.
8. You needed to do this procedure again when you install the update file.
dessoy (2010-05-26)
Now yes! Muckypup9 you are the man!Thank you very much
RedliTe (2010-05-27)
Hi do you install aerosoft ascrypt.dll file for windows 7 ? the is no username/appdata/temp folder (as in xp) to apply the patch..if someone can help i have all my aerosoft files to install heheMuckypup9 (2010-05-27)
Redlite, the installations method on Windows7: You must to set visible the hidden files and folders first at control panel, then the path: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp :)Johnny525 (2010-05-27)
Got it to work!! Thanks!!RedliTe (2010-05-27)
Ok thanks ! it works :)jet8o (2010-05-30)
does anybody wanna update the superbug VRS FA-18mst63 (2010-05-31)
i'm looking for the Cessna O-1/L-19 Bird Dog by Sibwingsallfuqedup (2010-06-09)
I searched and searched...this installer did NOT create two folders with the "ascript.dll" file for me to replace..I am running XP and even used the search bot to try and find it.allfuqedup (2010-06-09)
NVR mnd..I had a dumbass moment..spelt it wrong..all set now, found a concept..spell it right..FIND it...Jose561 (2010-06-10)
Sorry if im a dumbass but thoose folders were not created :S help? thanks btw nice uploadUncle_Fuzzy (2010-06-26)
Thank you, Muckypup9. I LOVE this bird! It's about the only thing I fly now that I d/led it. I like the Calypso version; the cockpit is as real as it gets. You are aces, my friend.runningdeer (2010-06-28)
Hi, ty for this aircraft, it's pretty neat.Recently I've dl'd and installed a few aerosoft products from torrents. My "Temp" folder is getting cluttered with files that are beginning to confuse me, since they are named with numbers instead of a better description.
After installing an aerosoft product...can I delete these temporary folders?
Thank you for your time and terrific uploads.
Uncle_Fuzzy (2010-06-29)
runningdeer:You can delete them - they are just empty folders after the install finishes. A way to make the new files easier to find when installing is to arrange the files in the TEMP folder in order of update. That way, the 2 new folders will appear at the bottom (or the top - depending on which order you specify) of the list. Another thing I have done to rid the clutter in the TEMP folder is to create another folder inside it which I named HIDE. Then, I put all the existing folders into that new folder before starting the Aerosoft install. This also worked nicely & caused no problems.
FRANKFKA (2010-07-03)
does any windows 7 users need a Rip file for this aircraft? i have XP and windows seven so what i do is install on XP and move it to my 7Ethran (2010-07-19)
i need help i can?t found the dll on the temp folder :( anyone can help mezzzxxz (2010-10-30)
wat is the registration for this plez some one tal me ??!!!zzzxxz (2010-10-30)
wat is the registration for this plez some one tal mezzzxxz (2010-10-30)
wat is the registration for this plez some one tal meheli3 (2011-03-14)
works perfectly!TheRavenWings (2011-03-23)
Hi guys Just thought Id give you a heads up on where to Places the ascrypt.dll file when useing Windows 7.1. go to my computer
2. go to C:\
3. in there you should see a folder called "Users"
4. Go to the "home" floder
5. Go to "Appdata" if you cant see it you need to unhide you folders
6. Go to your "Local" folder
7. Go to your "temp" folder
8. Open your installer for any of the Aerosoft stull and you should get to new folders open up in your temp "Dir" if you cant see them Delete all the folders in temp and open the installer again
One you found the last folder when the installer is open, Copy the ascrypt.dll into the folder that already has the file and there you have it.. continue the istallation
Dont worry about putting in any rego inforemation, it will install as nomal
And Enjoy
heli3 (2011-04-24)
Request: the new Katana 4X from Aerosoft!legalthreat999 (2011-07-19)
precciate the efoort dude, but i cant this this to fire up, any chance of a serial ? cheersjjjacko (2012-06-17)
I followed TheRavenWings instructions for Win7 and it registered successfully - Thanks for the up!Lucasees (2013-02-23)
This Catalina dl . Isn't working -.-Dont waste your time .