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Stefan Zechowski,Demon Tempter,102 Drawings (pictures art scans)










2006-09-23 (by malkut)


These scans come from the polish book by Ryszard Wojcik: "Kusiciel Demonow, opowiesc o Stefanie Zechowskim" ("Temptor of Demons, a story about Stefan Zechowski") edited by "Towarzystwo Reklamowe Tilosz i Ska" ISBN 83-916510-0-2 It is a very interesting book, containing more than these illustrations, and a lot of text along with drawings and stories behind them. Stefan Zechowski was born in 1912 nearby Kielce, in Poland, and died in 1984. He lived of illustration, but was not too lucky with his own art, so he didn't reach much acclaim. There is not much on the web about him, but on I managed to find a short bio: " Stefan Zechowski (19th July, 1912 - 28th October, 1984) Draftsman, book illustrator, painter (pastellist). Born in Ksi¿¿ Wielki in Kielce region. In 1932 he graduated from the Ornamental Arts and Crafts School in Cracow. In 1912-1936 he was a member of the Polish, very traditional, artistic group "Tribe of Die-Hard Heart" and he was fascinated by its leader, "Master" Stanis¿aw Szukalski. In 1937 he executed a cycle of 37 illustrations to the novel "Motors" by Polish author E. Zegad¿owicz, the former was confiscated in 1938 and ¿echowski was accused of "anti-government rebelliousness and immorality" of the illustrations. In the 1930s he executed several drawing cycles: "Childhood Memories", "Dreams of Power", "War", "Summits", "Hymns to Nature", "Ill Earth". In 1946 he joined the Polish Workman's Party (PPR) - in the 1940s and 1950s he took up the socialist realism style of artistic expression, he executed portraits of famous leaders of the world and Polish workman's movement (Marx, Lenin, Stalin, L. Wary¿ski etc.). In the 1950s he illustrated a few novels by Polish novelists and writers (J. ¿u¿awski, E. Zegad¿owicz), he designed the post stamp series dedicated to the Polish history and culture. Thanks to the personal interests of Polish art scholar Andrzej Banach his drawings were exhibited in Brussels in 1965 and in 1966 their reproductions appeared in some anthologies of erotic art ("Les chefs-d'¿uvre de l'amour sensuel", "Les enfers" by A. Banach). In 1973/1974 he got a scholarship stay in New York from the Ko¿ciuszko Foundation. In 1981 he published his memories under the title "Daydream". After hid death his works (mostly drawings) were displayed in several art galleries and museums (Bytom, Kielce, Cracow, Miechów, Warsaw, Wroc¿aw, S¿upsk, Zabrze). All through his life ¿echowski was unknown and underestimated, mostly on account of his introverted nature non-bothering on purpose with the modern world's affairs. He was full of hatred for the contemporary art. He mastered to perfection a draftsman's métier (charcoal, pencil, crayon), but in the 1960s and 1970s he focused on pastel representations of erotica, and his very original, rather archaic and old-fashioned style excluded him from the avant-garde orientated Polish artistic circles. He admired the symbolic art of the great European 19th century artists - like them he considered the woman as the evil Eve tempting the man to low-moral and amoral, earthly deeds having little in common with the heavenly creation of the art. On the other hand the ¿echowki's woman, so colourful, pulchritudinous, plump and seductive is the man's indispensable better half, the beautiful burden to carry. As a draftsman ¿echowski was always studious and exact, as a pastellist superficial, sketchy, monotonous, sometimes kitschy. A few museums, art galleries and private collections in Poland possess his works. Summary Iwona Rajkowska, National Museum in Kielce" archive Stefan.Zechowski,Demon.Tempter,102.Drawings.rar released 27 November 2005 contents (use file Stefan.Zechowski,Demon.Tempter,102.Drawings.md5 to control file integrity): AnhelliOplakujacySmiercEllenai_(AnhelliCryingEllenai'sDeath)_19xx.jpg ArtystaIMuza_(ArtistAndTheMuse)_1938.jpg ArtystaIWojna_(TheArtistAndWar)_1933.jpg AutoPortret_(SelfPortrait)_1930.jpg Autoportret_(SelfPortrait)_1935.jpg Bez-Tytulu11_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu10_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu12_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu13_(NoTitle)_1946.jpg BezTytulu14_(NoTitle)_1934.jpg BezTytulu15_(NoTitle)_1935.jpg BezTytulu16_(NoTitle)_1943.jpg BezTytulu17_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu18_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu19_(NoTitle)_1938.jpg BezTytulu20_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu21_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu2_(NoTitle)_193x.jpg BezTytulu3_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu4_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu5_(NoTitle)_1939.jpg BezTytulu6_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu7_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu8_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu9_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg BezTytulu_(NoTitle)_1931.jpg BezTytulu_(NoTitle)_19xx.jpg CiezarZycia_(LifeWeight)_1934.jpg ClopskaDola_(Farmer'sBurden)1935.jpg Demiurg_(Demiurg)_1933.jpg Dialog[zCykluDwaSwiaty]_(Dialog)_1944.jpg Dola_(...)1942.jpg Dostojewski_(Dostojewski)_1935.jpg DuchAnhellego_(Anhelli'sSoul)_1928.jpg EllaBanachowa_(EllaBanachowa)_1964.jpg Final_(TheEnd)_1937.jpg HetmanTarnowski_(HetmanTarnowski)_1939.jpg IlustracjaDlaZmory_(IllustrationFor...)_1953.jpg IlustracjaDoNaSrebrnymGlobie1_(IllustrationForOnASilverGrave)_1956.jpg IlustracjaDoNaSrebrnymGlobie2_(IllustrationForOnASilverGrave)_1956.jpg IlustracjaDoTeczyWandyWasilewskiej_(IllustrationForRainbowByWW)_1946.jpg Kruki_(Ravens)_1937.jpg KsiadzStanislawSapinski_(PreacherStanislawSapinski)_1930.jpg KuCzemuWolnym_(TowardsWhatTheFree)_1932.jpg MlodyGeniusz_(YoungGenius)_1949.jpg ModlitwaOjca_(Father'sPrayer)_1938.jpg Motory1_(Motors)_1936.jpg Motory2_(Motors)_1937.jpg Motory3_(Motors)_1937.jpg NaAniolPanski_(ForTheFather'sAngel)_1928.jpg NaJawieTitleOriginal_(TitleImageNaJawie)_xxxx.jpg NaPastwisku_(OnThePasture)_1952.jpg Niepojete_(Unconceivable)_xxxx.jpg NoName_(NoName)_193x.jpg NoweZwycieza1-AdoracjaTraktorzysty_(TheNewWins)_1952.jpg NoweZwycieza2_(TheNewWins)_1952.jpg NoweZwycieza3_(TheNewWins)_1952.jpg NoweZwycieza4_(NewWins)_1946.jpg OdwiecznyMotyw_(EternalMotif)_1939.jpg OgolnyWidokKsiazaWielkiego_(GeneralKsiazeMaleView)_1928.jpg Olsnienie_(...)_1943.jpg Oracz_(...)_1936.jpg ParadaUpiorow_(FearsParade)_1936.jpg Pastuszek_(ShepherdBoy)_1938.jpg Pierwotni_(PrimitiveOnes)_1940.jpg Pocalunek_(TheKiss)_1930.jpg PogrzebChrystusa_(ChristFuneral)_1950.jpg PortretIrenyS_(IrenaS'sPortrait)_1934.jpg PortretWPrzyslosci_(PortraitInTheFuture)_193x.jpg PowrotZPola_(ReturnFromTheField)_1942.jpg PrawoZycia_(LifeRight)_1933.jpg PrzedDalekaDroga_(BeforeALongWay)_1930.jpg PrzedTlumem_(InFrontOfTheCrowd)_1957.jpg PrzedZmierzchem_(BeforeSunset)_1980.jpg PrzewodnicyDucha_(SoulLeaders)_1929.jpg PrzewodnikDuszy_(Psychopomp)_1974.jpg Rolnik_(Farmer)_1946-49.jpg RyszardWojcik_(RychardWojcik)_197x.jpg Rzeznia_(Slaughter)1938.jpg Samotnosc_(Loneliness)_1932.jpg Samotnosc_(Loneliness)_1938.jpg SenMili_(Mila'sDream)_1936.jpg SenOKsiegach1_(DreamAboutThe(Holy)Books)_1943.jpg SenOKsiegach_(DreamAboutThe(Holy)Books)_1943.jpg Sen_(Dream)_1934.jpg Sen_(Dream)_1944.jpg Slowacki_(Slowacki)_1930.jpg SmiercNadSwiatem_(DeathUponTheWorld)_1939.jpg Tesknota_(Swoon(Sehnsucht))_1930.jpg UczmySiePisac_(Let'sLearnToWrite)_1952.jpg UkrzyzowanaPlaneta_(PlanetOnACross)_1939.jpg UmierajacyGrottger_(DyingGrottger)_1941.jpg WariantMotorowOkladka_(VariantCoverOfMotors)_1937.jpg WidzenieNaPobojowisku_(SeeingOverTheBattleField)_1946.jpg Widziadlo_(Vision)_1952.jpg WolanieNadTrumna_(CallingUponTheCoffin)_1937.jpg ZPawichPior_(MadeOfPeacock'sFeathers)_1947.jpg ZapomnianemuArtyscie_(ToTheForgottenArtist)_1930.jpg Zasluchanie_(Audition)_1957.jpg Zjawa_(Vision)_1942.jpg ZlySen_(Nightmare)_193x.jpg ZmarleSlonce_(DeadSun)_1930.jpg

Files count:



29.79 Mb




Beksinski (2006-10-03)

Did I ever tell you big, huge thanx for this? THANK YOU! If you have more collections by Polish masters please share them!

malkut (2006-10-05)

For Beksinski : i love these pictures, and it is a pleasure to share/spread them!
I would be too willing to download some collections of other masters, as Beksinski, for example :).
This torrent (zechowski), actually, was seeded by me some months ago, but somehow ThePirateBay lost it :/

shareeno (2013-05-06)

brcztwja trjkosjy kjr wrczka trjkwacsztjkowja!!! Thankx!!